WEEK ISMDINt! SA'll KDA\', M A'i a, t;»i s Two Women Locked Up For Jest if > ins* in Com i FayvUtn ilie M ;ss MaigL- Cart' 1 ! and Miss Esther Mae Ku: •.in, who had dint ge>i Robert I. Copland, vsfhite Idier. with as sault, wen: locked up in the Com be riant 1 County jail by ot jer of. Judge Luther Hamilton hero re icntlv after '. a", bad repeats d from the vvitne stand u-d.-vt.' words which 'be soldier addresr t d to them. They were w.dking along Per • son Street neat the ‘'half wav bridge, according to ;istimon> when. they wan stopped by a white soldier who made an e decent propn. il to thum. When !lies’ n pouted the in. moral words !,. soldier address id to them td the ns'iucst o) tie solicitor. Jud i > Hamilton calk'd Sheriff N H. MeUoaehy and or dered him to lock tin iit up in jail where they remained until cou-1 adjourned. Copeland w’n i chafed the wom en when thev refused to subnet to hit advance was found guilt;. and fined S3O and costs of court at 40,50,60?” Man, You’re Crazy Forget your age! Tlioimmia arc jteppv at 70. i ry peppiug up” with OHtre.v t ’ouuium t-Hii,- r.,r k ruDiJowu JSgwliUK clue solely to t-wAv'o lack •>: iron wblots many men ::t,«'j woiiun call 4, «,J0." Try Ostrex Touio TnhJetv for jtc;>. younger fueling, this WV U&\ New "get acquaint* d'' sim <*rw'v sctc At all drug stores #:ver>where in Uateigli, at Waigrten's and Eckt rd s. ** 86 Proof THE SIBAMJHT WHISKEYS IN THIS PRODUCT AKI 4 YEARS OR MORF OKI is ■; STRAIC,H! WHISKEY, M% NEUTRAL SPIRITS, DISfiUED , FROM GRAIN. l US3HKM t WOftTS IHtllO. KMlft. IUWBIS | | I ' THURS., FRf., SAT. * 1 MAY 6,7, 8 I I "<u ik - Uv/ m * Wei J § km %u >nl 1 A. vL.a- .&■ >»»- -—s *«±- ~C-fc* —' j sKkv_/li&is> . | VI; IT THE G.&S. DEPT. STORE I FOR 5 HONEST VALUES I • Bargain h'Mv LADIES DEPf. S|AA • hats vD lif If • RAYON SUPS 1 1 m SKIRTS I # BLOUSES Choice Si # BAGS ■ l.atlies’Suits & Toppro I The Hits art* Gabardine in Paste! 9 > \V/ Vr I shad..'., the toppers are all wool % |r I coverts and suede.’. ft * Giioitr. m\jF I _ VALUES TO $35.00 | Bargain Table pt a BOYS’ POLO SHIRTS ' - f 11 ROYS’ SPORT SHIRTS || 1 CHILDREN’S SANDALS LOTS’ SAN DAIS Size 4 Only ___ ijaiSies* Sii >es it# & /\ £\ DISPLAYED IN RACKS Jf) | | I f | I BROKEN LOTS—A U C iOr* f DRESS AND SPORT STALES 1 PA IR A WONDERFUL VALUE _ MAKE NO MISTAKE SHOP AT THE. | G.&S. Dept. Store 1 g Wilmingtcn and Hargett Sts. Raleigh, N. C. 1 GATE CITY NEWS I. ; the Voinyi Aduli Club of St ■ J uuc- J'rc.-.byterian Church ini bes Madmru's Club nut ;;■ in,j .>* : Ttturs-riuy night with Mrs Louec til .us. 'Hie tw : ur ft uniziti!?ns >' '• Ito conijilce. ib,.! - b.i i Mm . > D;;\ --ir . scrv:■.•«' This \ r wbl 'H' Sunday, May H. u- SI Tninrs Church at 7.0:) p m. .-'.SI i • ivcm ; r,.'rn •.•iLizons arc invutd o attend. Ti-u Woman's Society of Cim-> Gi-it Ccr.icc comiuelcci Oh ’ : Hi-.' woosh ip service at Browns n ; ; Chapel (thurck .Snnd y. May 2 MsO. AT. Laugh;:,i pi c..:dt;m, . was rni.-lof (. renv r ; y, i’l,. f,, \ O C. CrutdifiGd ga\’e i very ..i --cisUrm .vennon. ir church ciiu iurnii-ia'd imi.-ic For i >•• i vice I'lc Pi’tigrcssivc Pi ioc hll ■ i Social i tub lii.. WW uxl,--. m a, ■i llv. lu.n. of Dr. and IVL .1 H. AMl.au ahi in with r, i-. Loui.sc i Mops. as hoslHos. A d'. l i : 1 1fill evening of pinuc.i.c ' and '"'•ialubnt: was enjoyed 'member, and theii yat--. }; c-!. < .■ - i incut., wev served ir. .1 very die.) Utiv. buffet style. U inning, guest 1 11 ».»•;. scorer we.- He ' e'avi Km.ay. S. c<,iul j,l i • I wu>. v. on i.y Mis M.,i . Stic I. , Msr. N.n-cy UeckM s*n won n. .- j ;*c -11 for elul! m» :nb iy miti i-s Armr-i.tlia J.nii!: ,p. rur-ier uj.-. Lb < - nu. t- )., ! M \V(.-: . M dome--' Jos. phinc Emwn, lb>. c a I a Mi! JI i/. r i Wll I h-1" a ltd fi. a l. ■ i Tliomp. oil. Mi ihlk'is pi. .ni vr. >e kb 0.. i ■ i Cailn i i;tv Tr.vior. \i Molha J.c ~,. : on. .»••> on Mitch di. Nancy it cl: ; Wills Sadie p.;cl U and i.oui : Ml HI C M Fays Its AcKprlisc! ; ta DRESSES At.i. 1--.JK 3 BLOUSfTffiO gq 2 SKIRTS I 'ViJ. ( lea is: ti ,v Stc.'uiic-i Seiutional hj' aiti in m-« as ts lend etc .lung for tiw rntire family MMs FOR I HKI . \TALOfi Money bark gua: anti-e. Sen. M .1:0 deposit v. :ta oi« ~ b.d.ira •» O. I>. pise. . IbMOM M.-Ms, uKT't:K (.’<• i':i ti ••>'•l Cbt iry : Nc-.v ' oi !■: .’ N V SfIKVSU-ta. ' ~*"-|-tl1*T1 t»-T>iTT~.Tr HIIWHIIITMIIBw rWh ~B.nn riMru Spring Fever,? If you're no:. tcHlng Just right, can't t-itjut tht outdoor-., unc ton hum-, over o: winter :,iu!.'i;!.-ihne.v,. chu« aiehvliat ymi ueeii je: fev.xi oki Calomel. (?aioUibs. tht improved Ottiomel Com pound TableLt, arc especially designed to xoaKc eaiouiel-taSUag pleasant, in.it- and sure No li'-c-u to foilow Calotab« v. iUi Saltfl they do t,iie complete Job. IT v <7aiotabs, whenever you need a laxative as Jit spring fever, colds, biliousnecs due to constipation. You will like iin-m, Lui- Aow iai>ei dir fiction*. : i ;: ' ’> WL SR?* A-js- 4 s cG:'d i; "iS inljSjltfi _ 1 .\orlh Stale Get Lou Down Oil Summer Work and Vacations K.ds-igh - World War 11 veter an :> a! u-nding schools, coiL-gc unfl tmiveriiitu s in North Cai. ima undr.-:- th* .■.> c. l l!f d G. ! it !; of Right, will n.’ctive auli-nial\ . ally .subsirts-ni- • paynu nis IVr 1 days afl'-i the sos ing .si-sunir end. but will lint : eligible i‘-> .-cl \ -Ci men’s read ju ,tm< nt aliov. arsofs under tr-» 11. !. Bill while I receiving tin.- gub-arli-uce all<;v< k nccs. Tiiis anrtotin emenl is made by Hi my E. Ki-cdall, chaini'iun • f tin Lcijlstoy ruent Si'cinity ; mission of North Carolina, which ailiriinirlers t-d. provision co the Seticemen'.i Readju: mien! Ail :of J;iii unde clirecti >n of il: - V :terans Adrnm; teat ■m» Student: unde; this program should make rme their G. I. ih ni: tencp pay mi sits have -‘.pp- 1 before they f:i claim tor unce. !plnv,iii'i;l a!' .vancf-.,, :imcc, car.c-s of ill lii it.iu. at temp! : i) : de-fraud, there may be a one m ! jail penalty for drawing "c i t cum-ist pavmc nls ” as well a.-, the . ■ ■’•--.nio of aii lights under tic i (.-.id net'Here : 'low me ■ pr.igram V*. terans in iemii:d‘'d ai.-. - that the\ are sequin- i lo app'y foe i.i'.c available (a: woi i rile ta Wo, k a.i v. ! tak 1 : ; u dah le iohs Vie lore liicv ... iv el-. ! ruble to unemployment allowane • during Uc ir vueation period . Ton, they ~’V IV.HSil'cd to sh: that tin -.'v. a inaby r.ouciit wur'; on tlu-jr own iniliative d in ( urnois. :i >;’••. N..i| 1> rarulii'a ; State Employ mt-nt Sri vice I *iv- - .-ion i.. not als!.. fu locate jobs ir. i hern Mmi o-.-c Clsairioan Ki-nda i i 'in!- out \ r'l-i.rii- are not c\ pi c'.ed to i’* l ‘to “cheissy in ti> - types of jo!> ; they vvill aeec-pi. . since at best i:s< ir work will i - teniporm-y, if i'.c\ plan to n o ; ter : ."ir.sol in ihe fall. Nonnab such alb.- as th. se found in fans, i itip.. tuucl pj\fC' • v.iCulr* SO-!.-., lumbering an 1 other i salsa! work . u! be (vn-'i.i-.-i'c! soitun: -for {•-•mpos-ary job:; far ; m- 1 -t student \ -ii ars.s Oui/ Si\ \ v 2 rop-s sis ShoolilU; Ol IttMiilltM' l DPTROIT -AM’’ • With :is • -Ui : ion-air; of Kr asK Vun i b i iaM svtel twain . br< -.sytu the ust . . -aimi .:r of j \ \'i ; who ha.', ii..- .jinc/.ej in errl-o r.-r with I, | i efeni shoid i -i- of W : 1 1'a a p. Re., tie r. rrcridiiu of M o Unliv’d As:to |: IVo', k- Is iC'TO i unioe P'l!lei- r- 1 111 lo hav ; -mpi■ raJi !i o: got on ,d.a.id Hi. s-vport by wit- I j ‘dial Ibrea v.asa-- mi'll I'll - ui i *.a e. 1 av ,sv ;. -n the s< ;■-• j -i the sheuiiog on the fatal nigr: \a • i luaii I. . ;ni/‘ d il II .or',- --no tr-e polio ■ .-..'i- t the T- - -oi',,) i e i.-mcr Tlus -.--form r, lb.- | soiiec . :old ! em it:-, rsv.si ; i:e i den idled c i fvid a .88 cab ore airtol ni, Vowed !■• rent UeUin j -o sigh!. Van Hook's hom; bar Ixh o ' «*■ !■!i■»%» *'y«n * —'ln'■ \trn» lawiwtMiMatolWv.■»»»»wwmi-«>M«»aiiMi»i»Mi.i. .«»/» ,wiii»»,«iiih<»i«m>K j MORE FvM AFTER SCHOOL ! WBTINGHOUSE ' | | LITTLE JEWEL f /. ■ 7__ ; IfmßM: Jh f*. • 4fi M m£PIV Beauty, -,i , « |; 'y, anJ powerhouse performance packed into a9* x6"x6" jewel case. You'll have to hear it ’*»“ to bthev.' it! # Its styled on all sides -a beauty from every angle! Ivory and gold, or green and gold case with ■% rettactabic, disappearing handle for carry ing from room to room. ■ ' ■ • :r ' V V v * LISTEN..*. AN & YOU'LL BUY Resting! ion. sc • Stevick Electric Co. 108 W. MARTIN STRELT : The above piclure wasa made during concluding sessions cu xhc- annual church workers in ctiiute which was c .’.ufluded re cently ct the Friendship Bap tist Church of Charlotte. The minister!; and laymen who attended the sessions stud ied courses dealing with the handling of 'hiych problems, cbsirch administration a n <> Christian living in n modern world, TRAINMAN fm mm Mm ,\ C h:tl'li • int : :S, t: : 111 S pC! !i I ul; tlir Mms o’ War of tie Ceritr;,.i ol <;•■•-. R.olwaj', I'. : iYlt iV' lJ tls;- In: t uelroad Empi-yve' ("'oui ts \ Aw.od niesonted by th- Fed: it ion to'. Rail'-v.,.. Prog - • a v.a armouncc-.l touny i;-\ W.l iimn C Mac Mill-.-n. J l '.. pivirk-ni of the Ftdei at on. The ;i - .A-.!, i .V-25 U A. Saving:.-; Bond, js presented each momti t.) a : ailmaci employee re p.-sn•• bit so: ms oiii ti-.nding < i.enpl ■ s good parse'irer : latsons. and - : designed to- « ..courage - urt* ar.d thnugli'.-luii: -ss on the par! of ..!! rail road e-irployvwho const* m c.'•>ifact with the publh . The - a:i ol t :,<■ a ward tin I-n -t r •• ; \ n’t'.u is i i-.vr. -.it by tin Federal on Pa.,:-.-myei Hi--lasion., liepastmeiit, estabtisti id t-frh last sumviser, ha-, im. dial tune pro. e-seci more tlia-i j3OO ionsm* n'.s i-nm Assiesieat i!avi R-r- who ni" offered i- m phrnent.', cini-' iim . and .-.ugge i-ioji;-. abo 1 1 ib.- sail: arid gt-rv t:-t tin y reci-iva*. I sften pi-e i> I !!,’.■•! S ha-. - citicaU? v.Tilt'-e in to Ci'nipltiriont tin.: Woi k .-‘ "1. lim he " or d'. 1 ml lii Linton. 1 wi• is siivh remark- a the following-. "He r*-a!l\ keeps a ch ilis 1 1 aii, Courtfaiis. -ilii-ic-nt and .:i te. p: ising.” "Aiiow fopmacli.' "Y;>u .have a very ne-e parie- iiaineti Chari a . t thmk he at sc-rvis somethiag- Th.c {.’eisti al of Georgi t ha.-: al--a rc-ct-ivon nimi'-rous coi'iipiimiait.'' drot-fly on his walk. Ai! of Chur lie I.isston's working b;«* h , hfi lie veil;. U.i C n - 1.0-A b i tie- tocsk !us first job with tic roilswi-i its I9'-s as i firt-man. ;m«u Was Lit, : a !;. i! : man all the Co l.m-bii- artii- Macon Divtsiens V ey- a a,;,! iso hi fame a traio porter on Use Columbus l)i .-ion. and has been assigned to the Man o' War art that train's ! .i;ir rut: siti'V its inaugunttio:'. . Hi lives with hi.; wife and son ■ tn Columbus. Ii is employe. , have this to Soy about hirri: 'Me wears In- years l.'ei: (I A: be- PAM . ■ Atlas dir 1 ity last a-ar tie s' -t i.i p. Me al I. m-.asia- • , S,r C... - ■ f < -tensive ■ tsT. o-y of Ihe Pro if. a'.v party of \v.i> -n* Catio t ti; Y I- led !o ta -a CaiSi to Lead ■|i;a t .vo- lit shewing him a .-1 : nt ami a Let lor whet lit i tie »v: a i’oti-.munisi THE CAk! >UNIA> Hampton Announces Ari\ Summer Program itun;plot), \ A : rn, . in i. i feature:'. and addition.- to tne curriculum designed to aid and In interest the lai.ge enroll .non expected this vem ha.c been included .n Hampton inst, lute’s 1918 Summer Session pro ai.vordin.a to Wiliiait) M. ' Cooper, Direr us if the Division f Adult I- duration and Suinrm ; Sli.u Rcgi. drat ion (or the Suiviniei . '■-h :r.ion will or,-‘.in on Frida/, June 18. and clari-s fen both the ; is .util nine-week terms on Toe . dav, June Tie annua! IVlirnrlei \. Conti- • oitt:!t Id each sumntei at Han 11 : i.i Irn.titub . this Veal' is -a-in- - .iidruJo! hue ?ddta and the ;-■■■ nut, I An: e.i 1 1 e- Theatre Festival . ;s set i.i! July 26-41. Oldest Ifesideoi Hies In I'aveHesiile Hos pit ai Fayetteville William Mille -, < n. of the oldest residents of the . ii., i ird S-. j.rdi. ilight in a . i-'s ••i-riiie Hospital where he had been taken as a result of in ni ir: lie . n-.i. oi. d on Blount Si wh.-n a bievele on which he was i Kim's was struck by .an ice triicK .im ■ 1 Vr, i. 1 *-1 "i n !a v lor Ts vb >r w.e . o tne office r.f 11 i- - Htp bland Lumber Company a lb time at tii. accident and had left Fl ank Sim-nuns in the truck it was reported and "somehow • the l uck - tasted up and < ante O'- to contact with the man on the ■ bicycle. ' lightly, is fn Hill pnyaieal vigor and t n joys ins work. Ho is alien live to tiu- e'lU'ifiirt and conveni ence of he, passengers, particn iari\ ihosi who may need help with bagga.e ■- i!h small children, si in account otillness oi intirm -1 ItV . L rjt.-:****** jmmm&Mmmmmmwmmmmmmmimum. I'' —I Bargains From Hudson Belk I I <V .. g/« //> For many months oui buyers have boon looking forward t<» this event. M M»u> special purchases have I •con made— many items h;< u; been taken v f THURS, FRI., sat. from regular stocks and marked at prices that, will make your trip worth s, mai 6,7,8 while, lit re iii the air-conditioned comfort of RaleighT one-stop shopping % ; center you'll tind all your needs at riving; to yolt Hundreds ot unadver —•■■«•■■» tised specials throughout the store. =| i : “ • ’ ***"' Special Sale of BRASSIERES 1 MANUFACTURER’S CI.OSE OUT AIL FIRST QUALITY r Regularly Sold ft.. r SI.OO -md $1.28 MutvnrJs include nylon net, woven nylon, cot ton lace Pimined, cotton mesh end rayon satin, Whilcy Pink, Black. Sizes 37-SS. 2nd Floor 59c ; CHAMKRAY WORK SHIRTS - - $1.44 SANFORIZED OVERALLS - - - $2.79 Bays’ Copper Rivited Dungarees - $1.49 Father George .Sheeting 27c yd- PFIZER SHEETS - - $1 98 CHILDREN’S Polo Shirts ... 98r SILK SCARFS - - * 52..39 BOYS KHAKI SHORTS • • SLOI> TRIM7. DRAPERIES - • - SL9B I Children’s Dresses Fine quality fast color sanforized cotton prints made into charming little dresses. Titov ’re trimmed in lovely v ays. These dresses are regularly sold foi $1,98. n Sizes 3-6 x, 7-11 : Basement $1 .48 I I - *m&im cutouNAt •- ® School Os Interracial Living To Open Again MARATHON Wis. - ITko School of Interracial Living, rponsored bv j Fiiendship Hon-a at Chicago, Hi., | svbl L.c conducted again this sum- i mtr at St Just pi i Fain, one huh milt t'rcm here .it has been r--purl ed. The' school which i conducted by trie Catholic into; anal organ Ration brings Negro, and whße tog. • her for one week dining die summer hi an attempt to show them how to live togetln-i harinom''u.; !y through Die year. Lectures and .-.eimners on inter • racial technics, Cot.iuln worship ana tlu doctrine -si tin- Mystical Body are offered by religious lead ers and swimming . -Ik duneii-..- ■ nil all religions exei-- id ore par : ticipated in by evti,vo»-e attend -ii; tne school which / open to ~,’i races. I'h! four term- ufU-.ed this year ■i- from July t to July it); July l,: :,i .July 22; July fin t. July 111 am, , .mm August f! to Angus;. H. For ’ !or*h;e information a.tdii-;-: .Mi ~ j Bt-ii.v Schneidt i Dean, Ft ienarhip ’ House. 12113 South, lmhana Amir. . 1.i.-,, o ia. 11l Dean J.!-, BarluT INatned f o (»pnn*al AsspiubK Dr. ,h ■B, Barber, dean of bv- Lincoln University The .logical Scminarv, was elected by i it' Presuyte) \ es Chester as Com mi.-sinner to lit General As-.vie bly oi the Pr.-stn t.-nan Church in the If. S. A rim General /Assembly 11 u llii yisti in Seattle, Wa .hinyt at Dr Barber is going as. one of tit*• two mmole) vt! delegatus from, the > h . ter Pi • -bytei y Th* tt i]'. lii Sr attic will be m the nature J . homecoming L. Dr. Barber, because it war in this ■ .tv that he held his first past, r at;- after grad; ding from Lin coin. In addition to Ins commission ,_a It’S a fae! .., (fnS, PINE STATE MILK ££ health I /'a&mks IP* / & For Home Delivery---Dial 2 3911 I ership. Dr. Berber goes to the j General Assembly as a membe r | j of the Appraisal Committee pf Dm j ; Council on T’beoiogteai Education , and jus Co-PL a.-tor of the Irisli-i tute of Raeiii. and Cultural Re 2 Express Buses Daily aA'W fi\ W/ JA (h.lv 7 3-1 Hours WASHIN<iTON MMf -nf Only I6 1 * 1 Hours to : WKnFfWJ* NEW YORK „A \ EXPRESS IvUSES FOR W ASH INC TON I.EAV ING sP\i ‘JidC / V, ::;■ IA. M. 12:30.1*.M \ / ‘ ln rAI i i :oo'P. M. Imn \ 1 ft/ union bus station im \ l ffl 21? W, Morgan St. PHONE 553fi Pacific Truth Sheets I hose Uno het ts are 1 :?.$ eomlntotion, made by* oiio ot tin- foremost mamnaeinrc rs in America. |? Thcv'i-- full double hod i-.iie, 'slx'Jtt Usually |j 3rd Floor $2 19 | I Stedm«n L” SHIRTS - - 3 for $2.00 | l suit of -he Loews Short* - 3 for $1.79 f;j Bwthimr Dunks $2.44' *» Venetiar Blinds (up to 36” wide) $3.99 S BRASS LAMPS - - - $5.93 | Ice Bucket with Tongs 59c $ Pressure Cciokers .... - $4.88 Bath Met Sets .... $1.39 | STEP ON CANS - - - 9T 1 ' Archdale Shirts Thc s. are regular $4.00 shirts with all ten of the famous Archdale features including full drapery cut, permanent finish collars • and securely revved buttons. Real bargains at Ibis low price. 3 For $$ 00 PAGE THREE | lations. In the latter, project, the I Dean is associated with Rev. : William H. MtConaghy, who u ! the director, ; Ii Pavs To Advertise ....

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