**★★*■★★ * * * if * *■* + ★★★*★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ W '* S»r . W -W W . *?* * -“—• '* "?SW* fpSg v A ELECTIC!'' “ S ram*? t. KALEIGH North Om.sm, reputation as "i*ic- tv. at liberal •/ • (!..- Stmt horn Stan-. was t wc- k «»: : .. c. a*.s mom oi Coloiv ri rvupl ivogiicc! t tonal A- .-ocialion foi .he Advanct refusal !.bo. is a tii;;'. it race. While listing troupe spa ~ Robeson, iV -i.. Bums.' 'ck Wmi - Transylvania ami Ha " •rsrtn C w la .-. Tins! y L. S; as . < ... a;.;;, <»( the Ley ;. <*i \ : (. . •TiUve »-•! in'. North Carolina Conn :-. ■ oi i!iv NA A CP. declare.: ih. . i. ... ‘•unquestionably o'-ht areas who; similar incidents ht.ci ' akoa .;.•* but wore not rep; rut; At Fan mo!!! ia R. ' Count.', wr.ore oboji 1 (i(i Nft*'; t juii'Dip -jv To resist: .r on tu p » w ons **vrc u* •«*"' I* '■ wvf n * m. and 5:40 p ro TWO HOI K I \ \M Mrs Rosa tiu.»r. t»i me I* if"* Precinct applied for ie° strain'p at it! m. Sh< u?ha fav., an t'vajrii/; at ion w idi lo Ped u‘?Tij 12 noun oursfn. vvliii ii h«o.* win • • nchi to '. ' amt oxjdai ! S i"o. • i 7.-. on PU ■ < Continued on ' ac» page) v. i. 4PPeovfes \\ Duh UOOltf/S KkMWIMIiON Si THOMAS. Viavin l-!:md> iANPi ! *,• roc, :,i i wnino .• ■ '•> President Truman ot Judge Hei - man t. Ad a- sc i ■■ ■■ " s. ill as U S. district jut- es the V.- gin Islands wt»s un .moivdy ap proved here last we- k by !Jk> li.t;.- 1 i 1 1:vt■ assan;; a in . . -i.it ,!. -. assembly ac’optet-. Jad .e Moo- ' was p. ni.-eb for the -.nd*. rstaiidire-’ and dignified way m which ha wus adinirb.-uc: ad justice • the island.; over ti v past nin-. yr<>: . and a.-jo the judiciary commi.'* to report fa\..-. bt-. - n ,-,aUon. A lormer Chieap 't-m, Jti ig .floore is respected every .ii • room m the i - immunity, and i,a r > long be. ii looked ■apf.-o as u Viniin island: r by reason of hi- intHnutc connection wiih • U mcTt c? rs fev tb•* ini pro Vi' mmi of Wallace Demand For Protection Sent To Truman NEW YORK—-(AMP) Presi dent Truman and Gov. James Polsoni of Alabama this week had on then- desk • a demand from Henry Wallace's campaign man ager that they us-- their full au thority to permit Negro and white* citizens to hear Wallace and h»s running mate Sen Glen H. ' Taylor, “under conditions which insure the protection of their constitutional rights by the federal and state governments." C. B. Baldwin, Wallace earn paign manager, issued the State ment as Taylor stood trial for refusing to obey segregation law in Birmingham. Taylm-’s arrest, coming a few days after he successfully cracked IN APPEAL FOR HELP—A greup of boys who were formt iGiidents in the boys' dormi fery of ihe C*-.'!ored Orphanage of Oxford are shown making a sileni plea to ihe public for aid in their fund-raising campaign for the purpose of building a new dormitory to replace the cne whose ruins ore shown above which was destroyed several weeks ago. While response to date has been gr?: Hying, considerably more help is needed. Contiibu tions m* y be sent to T. A. Ha me, superintendent of the Colored Orphanage, Oxford N, C. Senator’s Jim Crow Case May Reach High Court i(OLi) ALA. '*!*•'! ! • i\ ASM; I.T (.ASK WETUMPKA. Ala. (ANP) - - Two while men, charged with jape of two colored women, '.vaiv fc , c\ oreiiminiu v nearing List week J idge W. K. Strickland. They are now being held without bond in the Elmore County jail. The accused are John O. How ard, Jr.. 30. and Jack Oliver. 30. : They are being held on two counts, armed robbery and rape. On !ht night of April 23. ac cording to police, they stopped an automobile in which Sam Gray son Jr., 25, and his .vise. Anna.-. 23; Willie L. Jackson and his wife, Maiinda. and Charlie McCloud of Wetumpka were riding by fj ing ' into one of the tiros, j FORCED FROM CAR Then the men arc- said to have forced the women from the ear at gun point and to have* taken them to the woods and raped and : robbed them. A whife* woman living on the 1 highway near the scene, heard ! the shot and called the highway patrol. The three colored men walked to Wetumpkn and re*p**rt l od the incident to Sheriff Lesie-r 'L. Holley. The sheriff caught the white men and the women and j emoted them. Solicitor ’!- G. Jo-nos;, the pms. Routing altomcv. and Sheriff Hol ley both say t.hev will prosecute this case in open and -oppose all ♦delays. the pi act ice of segregation in .-peaking' at. a broadcast Town Hall of the Air meeting in Char lotte, N. C., was • branded by : Baldwin os an example of “the ' arrogance of the white suprema cists. in its rawest form.” "OUTRAGEOUS" ' The outrageous arrest of Sen. Taylor and others." Baldwin said, shows that the white suprerna -cisrts ere determined at all costs to fight the efforts of the net party to make racial and politi cal democracy in the United I States a reality ” Baldwin pointed out that in timid ai.tem of Negro voters sup i porting Wallace had occurred in > i (Con litiu-ed on back page) ?CA!f TOD n ‘J!L nn. ! i- i\ it U \jt L : j if cyp f V- -n r*B4' if i»vK u'4 iiv L !«;,-. f; * ip jj.6* r * *\i a ? i:l\ L I W A S H INGTON > •uihorn sponMwcd lesfislution for the joint Lancing' of regional universities by 15 sou thorn stylos which bris bt-en almost uni vet snllv opposed by Negro educators and organ!- >:a t] oris, was ; era it a blow in the Senate, Tiwrclay. bv Senator Woyne Moire. R., Oregon. The measure, propo-s'd by 'COMiini! 1 r fir* hsoS i ! NEW YORK. A li^ht which may for the first time ‘•ting to tin U. S. Supreme Court ... .a ?onvf «i• t» t -.iv bi'vs re t>uiring ••••parut t»*n Negro and white citizens in public meeting • place* was under wav in is week ; jas Senator Glen H. Taylor prt „ p<; red ti * appoai :';.*■ ‘ is. unt con- viction in Birmingham, Alabama, • for tu enter a church ; ;oarKi-<; !■••; N- s ..n-v ; f the S 'Ulhc-n Negro Youth Cor, ‘ Possibility tb.ut Taylors con .) viction might reach the U S. Su • promo Court and be reversed trio re —in invalidating seg i legation laws tJiroughout t!to • Sou tii •.'.;,s seen by Swn'ur.tr , l.intielri, ottnimo’v and veterans' direot.e: d the National tV.dSac;- f id, €■ or. ■’’u wno at- S tended Taylor's Uia'. Altorncvß at t;'io New York of lice of the NAACP said no such , ... ~ . .1 , 1 . ■ S' . - L. .'.tw t v* . :«• 1.., k^U T; £ C'in(■ Court. a The ia.-- - will first be appealed 1 to "o- Alabama circuit court and ied if nec< sary to the Ala ban - .a Stiprctnc Court, where a i c\ 'rsid would invalidate the •' Birmingham rugregatiiun laws r and in effect all segregation Jaws in tho state Limif'lri said. Senator Taylor, Henry Wal • e.oi's vice pivsident’.a! running i mate: a:.-' fiiu-d S' SO and eiver ‘Cooluiued on l>.a ■ p^gei 1 ayclttn life t pholcis Justice -Ija>A Fayerit-viiiU Judge Lu ther Hamiii: . n of the Cum berland C-t untv Superior Couri clearly indicated his intention to administer jus tice to all people here recent ly when he sentenced Robert L. Thames and Clarence Junes, white youlhs ot near Rockford, to serve six months each on the county roads for assaulting two girls. In passing the sentence, he said he wou ! d have been dis appointed had the jury not returned a vc-roict of guilty and added: "If these were Negro boys, they would certainly go to Iho raod-s ana so must these white boys. It must net be said that in this state there is one kind of justice for one color and another kind for another color". The gitiS, Mis* Mary Me Donald and Miss Ernestine McDonald, tvtified that the two nven made an indecent prorkHsal to them and that when the/ refused to accede .to their advances became . ■■ \ .u; Ciui Ki'd by hirst s. b-os ;.nd the shouting ■town of speakers h it flic aged i and vvearv proiales of the di'uren : limp with fatigue <,n the second : day of tlu* coiifcrcTicv. The pit- conference prchelvn-s ■ of heated sessions were sent on tiH-ir ,•. a - -, to fulfillment on Tin; m ivning as the Rev. S. H. Gurn’-S of ;-V-e:-V!.': N. \.. lemyrd the holding of positions : r*n |>y(> cr-urch S FjPlSi’•'p*'l v..0T»1 mlt*r-c by TclciVi (*.s us tee bixhop' Passes on Qualifications Tbo ('ivmmit'tofi onv of trie most ; powerful in thr church, is respom | for conskie?*atu'>n of tnc cha r a etc r r» u3lifica ti o n an d Cop Brutality Rapped In Priest’s Speech 1 o Louisiana Police Officials NEW ORLEANS - - So- ci ■i 1— - Scoring brutality by law enforce - ' ' nioni officials and coiling lor fuT * ! recognition of civil rights by ;.U ; 1 i.uliircirvn. Th, Re- Vrcrcr:! J - O'ConndL S M wanted offitvt,-. . -if their areat rcsfkms-.&tlities in to - Jay's troubled world Fr. O'Conn- II spoke at the final 'Messier; of the Louisiana Peace Os : ice-rs Association co- v ention. lie general chairman ox the Ca’lso ’ i c Cor,-mi*!or of Smith, an itt ; t j ; :r;.;: 1 organiza tiers >. clergy and I i'-.vrnen. j' ‘The attitude of em. reemni of . fiver.-, toward No-.', rocs and their . ,-ighi: must be a ;,i»t attitude if ,-a v arc- to have justice picvailii'.-t 5 : anywhere in the world.” he -• ■>i:- -■ T'.iv demand for dvi! rights must jtteve. be identified w-h Commas: . I ssm." tv %RNING VOICE : i Warning against dec-Mts of Com | munisi.i. the CCS ieacer said; • Wi h i it: spacious urgune,. i- that Com munism was a mere political party j liks any otlu r political party, the \C -miViuniAs were able to deceive j fair minded people, folks wh • j vrere willing to gra-.t any .ran | n rdoin in his poUiiiuT beliefs. “But Communism not a p<-i.- t Continued on page four) - - - - --- Watch Congress Pearson Warns ! D. C Press Club WASHINGTON, D. C ~ Dr -w . j Pt;u*.-oii, columnist and radio Com-, ; ii'iiid'O!', a-.-cried ts-at : h< • -Ice- -.- jo;' iib-ral congrcsstn-'n Is of tre-l • mendt-us importance to tnirmritsc*;.. jin an add toss betor. a c.if-aeiiy audieniv at the fifth annual baa ! nut i of the Capital Pm-*- Club holt. I i-<«t night at Hnv»>rd University I Declaring that close attention ■ should Lu paid to choosing the men ; who [»ss on legislation-and app- - ;<* ! Ij .ialions in Congress ‘.'.'id to .he; i executive appolntm -its of the! i President, Mr. pears- -r* warned thel RALE IC! 1!. NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING, SAT CRD AY, MAY 15, 1948 Iff v - J *k 'T vfe ft- ... ; diG, , %:■ ■■ i t ■ > W'” %■ ty ' i ~.y-.. OUTSTANDING STUDENT —Thomas K. Bvers, who was elected as Johnson C. Smith's Outstanding student for 1547-48 in co-operaiioti with the inter collegiate competition program of the United Negro College Fund which is being sponsored by the Wesiinghouse Corpora tion. He will compete with 31 representatives of other College Fund member institutions. SEEK U, $. MMY SESTISS FOR TO? ROTS STKFXTS WASHINGTON lll Truman las! \ve<. < to\ ">va- c eci !o the senate lor corn'llmat ion the names of 253 du-imga. -hod null a;/ ■tiidui s. reserve officers' framing corps, for commission m the rc.go far air forts.- as srcnr.i lieutenants. Nine fit this number ->vi-i<- Neg. jc.*. Fovl> -lorn oilier y-'ingui;. n-e military students, six of whom at* Negro students who art under ;h statutory regular estaclishmeiu of fleet age of 21, will b l ' offered re serve commissions in the organized i(-serve corps until they attain ine legal age. With theii consent ;,nc-/ will be called la active duty in ine meantime. Os iht- eligible to accept comru. sions at this time-. 172 will join iiv it-gular army ,md 81 regular a - Tie. Negro student.;: who tv-M join the regular anny arc E.,i w -1 Greer of Welch, vV. V. . and Ai. B. ''Continued on back page* N’ugio i\ wspapt-rmcn and tVit-l ! , cues's that n-ac*)..inary comm l tec j chapmen in Congress ' can tin mote j • damiu-i to the caus’i of p oyrcs.y if, ,n ’ "'.coty Souths u Congress men.'' rxorioiorn While statin?', that he had not j ! made up his mind about whom he; will siiupon tor the Presidency in j ; the ftti-thctitning cleclions, be con- j ! jidertjd the election ill CongresGnn-1 |ai district*- us important if not -iVbrc {• ! Important, than the election *'l; e i (Continued on back pag?) t of Ki? pr.v TM 5 £,» Lit lj‘ \;i L. I I fc*> G S \*« 1K I r t|Ho A TI^M. •» vi¥ iJ L. LI W U i -u . '• PFCORM f i Winston Salem Harold F.. ! St,.-.■•..0n, hopeful for the Hcpubli- L. n Presidential nomination told ! newsmen at a p; iss confrwnco j held Tuesday that he would sup j porx anti_poil tax and anti-lynch legislation i ! nc .'J elect: ci to 11 1 • .* ; Presidency. Although the former Minnesota Gove; t;-r faded to commit on ies opinions concerning Pres; - herd Truman’s civil rights pro ! gram during two formal speeches which he delivered his stay in Wjnst; >n-Sn’em, h« gave reporters o c!ear-cul yes ox; the matter ;• f supporting its two most contro_ ve-siai phases. In hi? main address delivered in the stw. which was broadcast |on Tuesday night, he declared: -I am fully rwaro that there are situations in t’.-e South th: t i are vet - , difficult for anyone who j has not lived he; years \ I nHfD C * 14 >t r] Educational Need i ••] recoenizc the imrsortanre of ' the principle of state’s right? I also believe vciy fundamentally in the concept of human rights .. }.»'•.. 4-’ ,• .• Amor.. . S til 11 Vt.U V OrUMZ i.' > > dU; ica. •‘I believe that It would be pos sible to work out a iu?t and j sound balance between human i ighis and state's rights m i« pro iContinued on four) »OMA> LAWVr.R TO ATTEND lOKi!) MFET x'l CFNKV A NEW YORK ' ANP > - F.uni- cYI Carter ol this city, lawyer ami woman leader, sailed early Sum - . ; .iy moriiiug aboard b. S S Queer. Mary to attend two world confer . r;(i.•:. in Geneva S\s ••yr-rlaiul , She returns in June. She is ivp -1 resenting tlx In;crn.b.oTißi Cou.ic,. .f women at the Uni'cd Nations 1 Conference for Non-Governmental i ormtinZM* )oi;s. and vv i.j be a spoke.,- I man ff.;• the Notional Peace c..n --[(•! •. nee at the Countu of the Worl .l Cnion of Peace org?i ttr.af ion., . is trcasDier of this laser group, Mr?. C'a ter is cha; •nan of uv ■ }){>;,;■ •« it the home «f Mrs. tree if i t'sucr wife of Fred Carter, it lids been reported here.. Mrs, Hudson died a few mift uU“s af.er she was shot through the ne, k with a |nsi-:l allegedly fired Ivy Mrs. Carter. Mrs. Hudson had just arrived from I hihwlelphia. ,'a.. accord ing to reports, and hired Fred Campbell final tax. driver, to take her to the ( arter home, liut w hen she arrived she was refused admittance and asked to leave -V. she was about t« enter the taxicab she was shot. Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Carte r had worked tngi-tbci in Phila delphia until two months ago when Mr. and Mrs. i rtrr cm roe home because Jack Carter, lath er of Fred Carter, needed Fred to help on the farm S eed Carter is now in a Vet eran’s Hospital and Mrs. ('al ter is in the t Timtheri.ar.il - Cnuvdy jail in default of S2,tlob he ml on it charge of manslaugh ter. _ _ _ Ala . Cops Kill By EMORY O. JACKSON Birmingham !ANP} Po lice bullets snuffed out the life ot 19 year old Marion Franklin Noble last week io bring the number of police homicides to A'u t vn the past 30 days. All the victims were Negroes. Police claim that all four were "resisting arrest." Local cop violence has be come so severe and frequent that ihe Birmingham NAACP has called a conference of city leaders to plan ihe curb LOCAL CDlttSiE HJNO DRIVE TO END SATURDAY 11V .1 AA WAU.ACF RALEIGH A campaign In Ra !igh and Wake County in interest ~f th» Uniutd Negro ('allege Ftirici will clt'.-t Sar.urdaj May. la. wbaii i Lnai imports will be taken. Toe drive, which began May !, is pr.rt of u nationwide effort to raise $1,400,000 to at cl 33 member col leges,. in this fifth ycai of ! aniit!” on il'n part • 1 the I'tu. ■ W. <.'. Davenport. V - >ke Co. F.utu Demonstration A gem has beer named chairman ot the Fund Rais• 1 ing Commit:cc A goal of SI,OOO has hem set by the local group •.Continued on pag< fouri OHIO ITKrISLAiI RE lamhdates I.OM-: TOLEDO O. >ANP> James Da>. Republican and Reuben ! Ha-per. Democrat, ttrdidates for ■ .ooiTiinalion f.i 19. and Noble. J j* BISHOP \SsiS SLI MS. i?\CF BIAS CHI - .’AGO • AND Cohdemrta , lion of v:■ tii ; nr.'.inetion fuid i dunjs w a.- i->h*isfuliy delsvei »;-d in? i.J !;-si •'•cel- S s y the Tit ev. Wallace ; K C :-i •. -f ■ *v* * ..-re -'em 9CO j cleric and i..y. from 12) | parishes attending ihc lllth annual I convention of the Episcopal diocese j m St. James church. : ('omr/i: Cn;; rt cent advances I made by Necrr parishes nod mis i sior;,' of the diocese, the bifelioj. j .it';, d churchmen to enlist. ,n a | fight e.airsst the city slums, espee ; icily i: those areas where puohc i schools and public accommodations | were inferioi and the streets inciv ! senhablv filthy. j S.;c< :al mention was made by tb“ i bishop of S'. Edmund’s parish, ; widen will hold ns first scrvic? ! June 6 in a building recently pur ‘■..ease;: fxon'i the Hid’ : c Orthodox ; dlurch of .S : . Const;;ntiae 1 ur | chase price of the building war | .>17.0,000. Became Mother Twice While in Law School, Passes 111. Bar Txani OIK AGO (ANT) Mrs, Wesley Johnson who as a stu dent in John Marshall Law school, gave birth to two chil dren. was notified that she ban passed the state bar examin ation here last week. A student at the ‘aw school since 1945, Mrs Johnson took a two-week vacation from stud ies in the first year to give birth to Marie C hristine In 1946, she repeated i>y giving birth to Viola t'ecile. Her husband, a painter, sat with the children on class nights. They also have a son, Harold, 15. She will receive her license to practice Monday. May 17, at Springfield, and then will ert gage in practice in her com munity. I breakdown in the stater reported m ' the lowest one-third, it is to be | noted that the Negro population oi j the United States is grates! in some jof the states in the lisi. This leads jto the conclusion thru large num bars of Negro children are among the; total "drop-outs’ per year. MILLIONS QVCI Figures noted in the beginning mean that 12.000,000 to 15.0090.00'* c.hildrer. discontinue their formed i training some time- bet ore the flttul ,j year of -high school. About 547 out iof every 1.000, ho re fort reveals, !thus leaving school prematurely failmj to acquire the secondary i school training, winch should be ; considered a minimum essential. i ConUrased ou back, page) PRICE 7c