WEEK END INC, S A Tl'li DAY, MAY 15, ITIB 100 High School Students Attend Trade Contest Greensboro, A ('. - Approxi mutely 100 students from i ll North Carolina high schools to A an active part in tin.; Third An nual Mate l'radi• Coni:.-! spun soied by A. amt T College h'-re last week. S C. Smith. assistant state su pervisor of tit trio odueation wit i headquarters at the A and T. College, served as. coordinator of the meet. Contestants fiv.m the following participating vlv ■■■!■• were on hand to vie for over SSOO in <•: h, scholarships and other awards: Willis ton Hiyi' Sew d, Wibnino ton; Washington t Ugh. Raleigh: Dillard High, C!a! isboro, DudS' - High. Greensboro; Hillside High. Durham. Darden High. Wilson: Adkins High, Kinston; Capitol Highway High. H.unlei: C. -V Eppes High, Gncnvile. Lain ire burg Institute. Laurinbuig. Lincoln Academy, Ki n g Mountain; Logan High, Concord Momingside High, Statesville: Rock in,£ Jam t !'■ T S; G- 1 Rockingham; Second Ward Charlotte: William Hern. Ilkm " NEED GLASSES? ’ MrJSfc* ' VttßgPi . N - C Get more of the best for raumrmm «*»»■*«■ your money! Get RC Onh RC ■" =gives you a s f BEST-BY -11 fjF f TASTE-TEST FLAVOR -a • , V/> « f /ty> • v/- «. •: V J -yew.;.. .. A y. ' tI ~ *“| j j'- T pc' ("cola" Cals f , ! Jik Jj h'sts from const to co<»u ; I { ■■ „ j ♦-Now get extra pleasure at no extra cost! ✓* strr s» 5s * r N. * Buy the best cola in quantity and quality! * RC grew 60 tines in 6 years! <* Stock up! Get six bottles or a case today! • It’s a delicious, thirst-quenching pick-up! iV RC tastes best to me!" if:. dWmrn**. 1111 j' -’■. . Oron “Hot tips,” Page, famoa*-- hand lander. trod the loading colas in paper caps—picked RC host-tasting! "R€ won in a breeze,* 5 nays "Hot Lips,” agreeing with the many stars of the stage and music world who have picked RC best in flavor. Try this delicious quick-up yourself! Only RC is best by */ «/ taste-test/ p.oint; Drive High o! Salisbury Dunbar High of Lexington; a-: •' VVest . Lithv-in pine;-- High School of Seutiici n Pines. First pri/.e winner., included : v-v •:;(uc J .outs tram Dudley High j School, who were Edna Whilsett, • practical nursing: Delon Clvck, ' sewing- William Spencer, electn ! cal waring;- Leo Jain? s, shoo re • • pairing: .and Hnrehl Arlrday . Bil ; lie Crump, ari Mason Whittaker j who won the team pri?e for tie ! ca).nd yerti* auto niTA'.vunicM. | Othor first pviz' 1 winnors \vcr n i Walt . Dial Ch u 1 >lte, first year j hri.ik!aving; Janie.. Simms. W.! j run, si cuntl year bricklaying; I James Harris' Hamlet, aid j Wavne Talbert, Lexington, for I til';t (UK! .a vand yen: cabinet:no‘v j ing, rcsix-ciivt l.v; Leo Barnes. ; Goldsboro, carpentry: Edna Ed j words. Concert!, photography: | Auric Mi Clary. Durham, draft- I mg: J. f). Williams, Goldsboro, ! odtorning; Harvey Garre!fc, j Durham 1 » >: Hu lis Via. Wii -d: ; in, first V; :<r aid > ! rnechonica; ami Cooi.idgo McCov, i ier cli'.’, r- a! led occupations. Fallowing the award of r>t;- iin the D Try I.f’gh Audito: uiiM, | stv'cial receynif'en was given to ; Hillside Hi.-.;: Dudley High. Dim j bar and M >:•«!• igsicie high set) > >l.s j for the exhibits which were die j played. I • \YII cr,. app imted a i t.iry of ••igr’cultu; i>. T.U7 by Prod . ■ . ; rd < abinet until 1913. sc ving ui i r IINCF PICKS TOP mm stsoe^ts | KW YORK CIIV An inter h '-ting .uiere.-aiii-ge coiaipefitiri i |la select the most on ..!:iri'uua ■ ,a jdc a h orn J 2 cottier aa ; N. r." > ■ o ‘a .els w '■ Cvmphaih, re la.a I’lii)r>day, with five judffes agr e img that Reiiert B. .Ja.m;; , senior a. [ Morehouse College, :a.ld be dv ‘ n fir-! honors: Daisy Whiimcyia i junior at Texas Colli & -, was run ; rif r-up. Tiie coni ’.a-t \va-. spoww.-. dby the :Ua stir.ahoiisc Oi!'i>..iviNi,., for u-- , IJnncd Meg ■> College Fund, and an. competition vv.-- ! cltvecn sit :lcnt;. ’ l tee 31 acri edj.;ed Ni .. - .-cl'uots which an aimed by hie I'end. iJ;i l :■ for the .iud;; ug was aaa i inters su bin it Lid by th> eemp •: aa . iud. ors, bulivarked by rep-.r'.-; I'rorn i v schorJ-, Uicn.iKi'iv'fis. Hon : .iredie mrntiari went filao to I-ievv ail Uiiive: .sily, t.’olk'ig an.: LeMciyne Ce'.i , Tn • outcom- of lb. eeriest wiil i aired M.,.y 20 on die West)- g a*a..” i" j regram, feal'i any Ted At, lone. “Your Radio Sferv Telle The M -.v 20 broadcast will be tie. ; by the three million listeners of me ABC network from H :4C A. iVI. io 12 noon. j Fits! prire to James’ vvas a ;>: ».*• ; vvn:' bond, and a riiaii m which iv.; • : ivrrt i\v the Fund; J .meg rri.o.J, I • Morehouse, received the ial. st modi ! cansol.r radio-p ainegraph . > • Westinghousc. Miss Whilmeycr re- . ■ vr-ived a $25 xvar bond. Jud.uvs were Tho-in A Morgan j ■ f Gyrosrope ( a. ; t!i ,<. , ■ . ’ ive ( i ’ . e.og 'i. Tobins. diteeaor Pheioy-Stok:.;; t’ V” biaanaa DY\. ■ Jd’ophy. j,.- c ident, Kenyon r.ivl '’."i.ardt Ir.v.. vrh.o is viminean of tue Fund's .- ;- • niivc 1 ’ • i.i vtlec; Leo’! Goldsi u:. , ii" preside!-.’, radio d ition VS’MCA. j ":'-,d Mal-im’.'. radio en.oe. \\ illiam G. A. nr a. rm Da,; 1 , Ii cnguici r inveult \ t'r:< hyd no be crane and Uycir. ru.’ ir. a . aiu ui title. Tin knit Km: machine was ia •.si by WKhana j.• • of Kii.giaia.i , , i asp 1 ~ r r . '■ T .{ - . -pm ' ./-m* :b;rf ; liu »j-. >M :i: ■■A'id, l 'y'rii i?’>Sr'' : ’TV'S, skj sR- ij? * The Armed Forces turned out thousands of specialists during »# the w; .’ M.uiv of t’a- skil'-. and four wartime tn,. . ■?cm : ,v. used by the pcaccume Army and Air Forte. experience T - v.iw b.m> £ -:m m- the * Service are ottering noa-odaf nusr.ioned yradi s to men -vlu sf It « ex;• n<. rid aa tayap can unrig y©y then, for responsible jobs Th.-m arc hundreds of opportunities * open for enlistments in grades CSOef4? mmu appropriate to your training » “ F and experience. Ask today for full details at your nearest TJ. S. ■ Ai’inj and U. S. Air Fore Kc- OKMI m entiling Stidi- ;i RECRUITING STATION POST OFFICE BUILDING RALEIGH, N. C TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR IfISiiES WOUTHp CALI. r>UCT !‘i STOMACH u*‘ 5 £R ) ./colon r>- I'^Ttlinx'E ASCF.NP»*£'; Jl^r3^o” * COLON j’'mai.L IX / INTEJTINt u Study the above drawinE 'or a tew mln j utes. Notice particularly how the bile flows from the aver into and out of thi gal I-bladder and thf-r.ee i«io the small intestine where it mixes with the partly dUres'-wS food Just bedew the stomach j Bile is a necessary adjunct to proper tl:- Kesuon. Its absence from the intestine* inevitably causes putrefaction and fer ■ mentation. NATURE’S DANGER SIGNALS When your stomach, liver, and gall bladder have been upset by impropr r eating or drinking, or when they are not working well because retained and putrefying food matter in your intes tines is poisoning you- entire body, you, sooner or later, begin to feel some of the following symptoms: Your breath may become unpleas ant (.halitosis.*, your tongue coated, a bey... ' PINE ST ATE \ |fil< #*®E A «•« 1 i%sE CkcmM f ! 1 Wi A> i | body-b»ildli„ 9 \/vy | OOCI I For Home Delivery Did? 2-3911 j FIRM ATTAINS $1,000,000 ASSETS V-Sll- .V .... ... . .. IV.. .. V ■ V, >A A. „y, S * onn. Man Mend Sludcnl Body I'or io-4') DURHAM in !Hi animal stu dent election at North Carolina (Jol v hetc lasi Wedn-. -day. Jama Hiand Jam a. ,ji . ui GrcciiwTcw ! ’ ■ am., beeni!aa mv ;ii ui of U..v Student t'mineil !.-r i-MB-U), •a: 11 ■ - Mary lb a McLi .an of South iTii rim was clean: i vice :;it- - dent. | m : succeeds Jadin V Turtlei i-'f Ran. i.;!:. who will ya’acuatc late; ! this month. «nd t , .a) i; ing vie |l ■’ i-aldeu,, )<-• M-a All yne Tiiruv of IXirh-un also a prospective graii- D e nav' pi-esidem secured 24a : votes and Ins nearest rival u j Ui-.' Cf-n Crnom of Durham with HI. j .Limes Ard-ma■-H of Atlanta, Ga., truth J with 113. Miss McLean -.vi. [ dll ia.' '■ Ole: Wltii Eiiilll :V|- or el li:ckoi>. pualtiny will- !tIG. Hi : - ; m i.v Hollow ay, ar.oth Dm iiamiu , Rolorl - ;m Kr.glir! n;. i. i i-tnr allv credited with bav ing 1 i rail,: i til S’iii-uty School, ii. • -i - bad taste in your mouth, your coffee (and tobacco> love their natural flavor, your food does not agree with you; you may have heartburn, gas and dizzy spelts, you may be troubled with belching; at night the gas in your bowels may press upon your bladder making yon got up frequent ly, thus breaking into your sleep. In the morning you are tired in stead of refreshed. Gradually your health Is impaired. Your complexion may become sal low or bilious; dark rings may appear under youi eyes, you may feel lazy, dull and irritable or blue and melan cholic. You may have frequent colds (catarrh) or dull head-ache; your bowels stop their free, full and nat ural action; you have constipation, gas, putrefaction and self-poisoning ("intestinal toxaemia” or "acute gas | intis ' as many doctors call it), HOW TO GET RELIEF You can relieve this condition, usually overnight, by taking CaJotabs at bedtime and drinking water freely next day. The beneficial effects cf Calotabs lie m the fact, that they arc 1 1) laxa tive, (2) antiseptic to the intestines, <3'< diuretic to the kidneys, ■ 4 > eifec tivn in relieving symptoms of bilious ness and acute gastritis due to consti pation or faulty digestion. Calotabs are pleasant to# take (sugar coated:, prompt and effective. Try them and see Follow label di rections. At your druggists’. THE CAROLINIAN KKACH MAE ID SISFAS HIGH . Lina, way : < lira! t-lavings and t.o.iii Assi.-cii’.lton «• Los .VugeL’-.i I ri’lebrateti with a dinner recently i !y its attabim tu oi 51,000,000 in j ism , ,n <5 rncnlhs it operations, j l"e A.- udation was the .cronil *cch Negro own’d and operated 1 m tduihm rbarlrrc.'l !>:, the. led , era l liotur Loan 1 >nk Lnar.i, t-iaiwn are (J. to H) Michael tfuiulan, e\rctilive vi.r president, \iu! (i(Hiinumly Leaders Visit I’arms Mt.re than 200 Negro farmers . 'lit luitnemakt r:s guihered at t!io K i I'iJi l':t> Auditorium rment ly to take part in a farm and l ine ton; in ino Ji .'dries an i Fletchers Grove Communities of Wak: County. Toe lour with a motorcade of, )non- than a mile long war. ar- Giogi I ai, i led by W. C Davcn i”'rt, Countv Agy nt, and Mi-.’.i Nu- Ik ■kb A.-sistant Home Ager.t. id ti.i.’ .Stall 1 Coli ;c Ex tfii.- •<ni Service. The purpose of the * >ur was ; • acquaint other i.mnerx with the | ■ a;’.: : : that farmers in thc:w i roniiiiufiiia to having in ini | \> ; 'vv i ii l l)‘ ■i r .•;n• ral iarm an >l j r * : .ur,a practices and raising tlv : vimrird of living lb cough Ex xxx.n ; ovoni’iK rxiatiori-. beginning on the iann of Mi nnd .Mr:-.. W:3ijo Chavis in t::-- . ...lit.- u.-s Grove Cuinmunity. the i-i'tUgj making t;u. tour heard this txxipic tell iiuiv, through hard xixxljxo-, tiu-y had made thou* 38 aero iarm ■provide them with a -u) , rumd iiffiftmt, in a rxUii'ti tu tne home farm, -Mr ae-.i Mrs. : ’hm a, own axxtr. or Hum, 5? or; ex, in the same •irurumity. Cn- ot the must interesting ob- j r- : -g. ~ii the (arm ai Mi. and .Yi:x. li-iekerv Lx, bles, ai.x; of the Joitcnes Grow- Cxmmuniiy. was ihe tobacco i am stoker which is rani in -curing their tobacco crop. Mr. Peebles told the group that he eouid cure one bam of iobaccr ter approx; tv.att• 5y $7 with isi.s , ■ toker Toe gxo-.jp also took great in - , b 0... i in observing a tool shel ter. ’awn. shrubbery, washing machine r'.'gngt rator, telephone a now cinder block house .for his .t !'j<'\nl and suiTouridiiigs, uoniinu ;*:.rg into t Fietcher : C.ri ‘ , o ( on-muity, i.cc first stop ■; was made on Mv. arid Mrs. i nie Kokien' : farm. It was brought out. iha- :!;e ii c bee: on their farm only nine wars. T- o Holdens, aim pointed to 1 tiieiv law':, sh rubber v, walk ways, hr .mor h-:. clothes lino. , K-xiotieled hou x- washing me ch;n<-. x .; xiKdtcx and es'n-n. | sunv.ur.-dir.g-. The iaxt .hop on the tour was at Vic. and Tvl:Jv.try I xoct-icrs UoTii Mr. a:' 1 Mrs I.*-cithers itavi recently •.•ornpleted a new fi-rcon: i .home which they built thern ! ~t Ives. Mr. la it hers said foal, ire- I new house- was built at co.-f :of apprev .m-i-r-lv ?200. boxais.v. :he and his fan.i 1 y did the vvo }, k. Only $230 was spent for hir- a labor. Ai.-o seen cn the tour wore If R. Collins. Hoad Agronomy D iU'rto.ent: C. I' TxLxJ in. Editor ini Staff, ! eih of State College. K. 11 Jam ... Slate Agent: J. A Snaiilding'. District Agent: and, Mis- W. R. Laws. District Hitm foje.at. : i A. arid T Co: v. . t!v Rev:;. T. C. Hanmns. J. W Wat kins, mid William A. Penv, ail of Raleigh, the IP pcirv -pa tor of Cue Baptist Grov- Church ;n I edeher:: (J rave C-.mmun 'il v: E. L. Halford., Executive See re!ary -,f tin Blood worth Street V.MC.’A: Mr-:, p p Haywood. Secretary of Wok-- County Farm end Horne Agents; £ /•: Evans, Ax:.Giant County Agent. J ea.sk: fir . Federal savings and Loan i ' s i'n of lx. .t I.os Angefe.s: Kol. i ci i mo -r.u, prisifiim of Gibson j i rrinUng Co.; I)r. ii Claude Hud- 1 ‘ii’. vice ciiairmiri cl .lie Board j | ci Broadway Federal; Frank j 1 Noon, manager San Francisco : branch of tin- Federal Home 1 outi : | Bank; i;«l H A iI«.-,vaH, presi- j ; dent anil general manager of Rrwutivay « i-va!. Photo by If awl. y\h;\ .notes Ihy Public Affaiis Committee v ii it's i a Talent Show and Ba- j ! \ ('euti : in the Axx. inbly K roir • of the VWt'A Sunday at 5:00 p i m. Tir- names of the baby cor, j t.'Hants -liv fix foliowr: Murchia ; ?• -i-i■ is. Durum; Antinnette ! rrti W: n Bernard Upehurch. Jr., j Norfleet PeieeUis Hand, Joyce j Klai'n:; Dwnston, and Horace i Oates. All membtrx and friends i ar. urged't ■ come. Mi - J. E. j Hicks ;; chairman. ** * j T a y Teens and Y-Teen Com - | imttco will entertain the faculty | at a r-a, ty at the Y Man i do\ . Mty 17 , ’ 8:00 p. m Miss ; 1 M. E. i.agon is eii.rrman. A!i e.n.-miK'rs - f the B. & 1. ■ Chiu an urg«.d to be present. a< \ :iaui: guia: nu.- tmg Tuesday ; on,at. May 18th. Business of im , :.! ■■ -rtanc. will be discussed. Miss ! i.aura J. Brown is cnairntan. - Tile Rvliaxuix Emphasis Conx 1 iv.sP.i-e ur;a s ail meirtbers to be prt sent a I Lie Me-, race! mg Tues- i day. May 18. at • p m. All in ; lerested 'Y‘ mt-inbeu and friends •' ; ar.- inter.•:*■;: I ;n tins group , : are espCfiadN' urged x-. be pres- { cnt. Mrs. Harriot Sniil-h, ebair- -; The Daughters of the Parent Education Cr mm it tec sponsored Mot hi x Dav program in appreciation of their Mothers, Axe- of t'.m p . xrarn participants " sxng’.xi fr<>m two through U 5. Out s!an hng feat a as on f iio program (-re instruniimtal numbxxs, so li.-. ann r>. citat ns. A xn.i , ■;; :•' !oj : : ■■ pr ■ am. A]: 3d : M Jx, xignn i- chairman and ■ Mrs. Bei tha Biriicr is program chairman. T' x Yv.:,same Hr, High Y-Teens sp-xiisf red a M.it.'u-r’s Day Pro- ; c j] Suxsiny x * X -i0 p. :x wif b ' Miv-. Gw "dxvn Haywood pre siding The guests were- sorv*-d he cream and < . after the ’ nr.-gram. It was largely attend-: V bv Dai'mtx ax- i friends Miss- ; S- i- x- Sul: YAVCA evoi-ltivc-: dirr-ct--..' and 1. !a Mate Johnson. . y Teen pr- xcxx: director won' ; r.i’c-xxt. M • Mao K. Ligon, it : advisor for the club. The U. dcpvHtnicr f of agnej«• •, ; 1-iiro ■ ;-.ra*r) a t-urca*; ia ji (V- tiepar oi im IritfLior -n |i ■ t ■ > ii.-tto - w,:jK"r » ■ n weed V»v i ] .ho > S v/raHci U\' »au wp .3.1 irirwrees In Death V .'ley. Cob Ac | nia, in 1913. : Oi, kcr: ',)) and Charles Watt, i Veteran Te.-x-hers. Method. E. C. i C imam F. 1. Roberts and Rich ord Barfi* Id, Ye eran Tosc.hers, i Sh< phxi d Hig.i School. Zcnuix.n. For Graduation OR PERSONAL USE! THE NEW | Remington Rand. Portable Typewriter HAS ALL THE LATEST FEATURES Black or New Two-Tone Gray ; SAME GUARANTEE, | SAME PRICES AS OTHERS, BUY FROM US | Cash— Or Terms If You Wish I aiACKJNFs NOW ON HAND I Capital Typewriter Company (Rev. S. F. Daly, 3-2660) 1010 E. Hargett SI Rnlolorh | Burley In Festival TXm Burley, An. i nixm i'tc.is j -xiiiumnist lin’d avid swing fun, will !be featured along wifb other stars i x ihe Fourth Annual Festival of [ ! Contemporary music at Columbia i | University at McMillan theatre on i he i ampus on the ballads, hoc ! 'downs, spirituals and Hues phase-, |if the wfek in music events I I Nearly five million children m ; ihe U. S. ride school buses daily Spring. Fever.? Xjf you're not feeling just right., can't enjoy the outdoors, due to a hang-over of winter sluggishness, chances are what you need i 6 good old Calomel, I Calotahs, the Improved Calomel Oom j pound Tablets, arc especially designed to i mnlce calomel-taking pleasant, safe ami sore No need to follow Cato tabs with j Salts they do the complete Job. Try ! Calotahs whenever you need a laxative, as In spring fever, colds, blllotisneM clue to constipation. You will Hite them. Fol low Label directions. Announcing .. . THE OPENING OF Saunders Barber Shop 1108 5. Blciunt Street Co a rteou s Se rvice MRS. ISABEL! E SAUNDERS, Proprietress PHONE 3 2224 t -» 1 ii—PMiMMiiiaimi —wm >m ***" « i*.'.*•* V-sanay: • ••-•••.-• -.v--• •• • '• ' T’;' - ;'' ’ X- - - LEAVING DAILY AT - 6:30 AM, IE:3Q PM, 5:00 PM, 11:00 PM No Changes Ns Local Stops For Lira Exnress to New Yoru; Leave at 6:30 AM and 11:00 PM t . ..e 4 t-i'-jn-nmw ijinpinn iiTTii-n- irtnir Lovely Cotton «/ SI.OO % i 4 f ..> | \l * ' *' ' \n Similar to Illustration cV VC I . Cod and Neat For Summer They’re perfect with your summer skirts. They’re fresh as new with each washing. Yotrll love the way they make you look cool and noised, on hot days. You'll want several at this low low nrice White with embroidery in colors. Sizes 32-38 BASEMENT STORE - wwm mmhwp* *• s ... rT PAGE THREE First woman eleelfcd to the U. b Semite was Mrs. Ha .ie W. Ci.ru way of Arkansas. **rrifUiL 315 FAYETTEVILLE St. .unit-—.j i iu.ij. 111 > l l»ihwiiiiw lum iim ih nmn iiniMinmimnimvim —

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