PAGE TWO \ EGAI NOTICE nv.ix\> i katrix ice ' yLTH CAROLINA ■\ coun 1 tv H-iYing .. Adiuiukti .- 't the Em. i- !le. Jarr.v- I rd !<• ! . >..<• c] lie of Wad- County, N.iiUi (..lulu-a. ini. ■M'.ty all pcrs .ns n< .'ins t ltti:• '..’list the Eshr-.o aid i exhibit them lo tin undersign.. u I iOO Sast Hargc-.t .i i .i. Rale.; r.■ i tli Carolina, on rr ue-turi • ••• it Wnj of April, 1942 nr this mi • i will be pleaded ia bar of lutii’ i cqv.-iy. All pci on indebted \j he ’ll: I .lie w ill pi -U -a - aka imni' • .Me! |iii,vni:nl. M7!h day of A),';!. t!*.ii». ’i.iRS, W ARY BELLAI l HOI A'. • Administratrix ■V ,l CAR.NAGF, AMonu.y ’•ay :. H 22. .’ii ane .7. ’iO|UMSTKATI\'E NOTH E Heaving qualified r.s admini. !r:.- •er jnf ihe Estate of .I me. Ed war < i it.hali. late of Wake Count.- . ho . . In notify all pen ns nav ■■ it, • •!: ifns against 1 1 1 <•.state of >al. 22. 23. xoticf or s \; < | - al.i m: t Milder and hy \ trim of a judg r.R'rtt si.i~.ied by it:-, clerk of Anp|riot- Court of VVCount.- , ’he At -»t« rof Paul C ’,'.’•st vs. it-, >•- ih-i iCoiiir-.s. ihe undr: i'int.-d com missioner will offer !• r yak- at pub lic faction. ! o the Iwhesi Aide f<-r thi.'l). at he coustla-use ci ■ <.■• ■ A aV County. Nor.l; C. . h; a. r - !'! o'cl'-Ca. :v n on Ah d r, 24t*i day . f A- .;. ;u-1g (h. . ... :-mviw drseftbi-d e-o.erty; That certaitKtract oi be.:;r»- ; in:. i:. \Va-. As i-. , ph- u,. •; cycotfs northwest d-. ;• or, run it,: ■ hence ia: foi. h< ,1 via , ••• iM-ten lines of 1• ■ st.ven •v. ith Phyllis 1 i . eutl’s vyfcS* cm line 420 feet to a point; }*'••. Ivmr.yfuU’s -s'Hilhw. . r-rn <- i : rar.ntng thence ,in r:Urn diivc 104 feet to comer of Stamen «.ney\- Ja'd Nr. nine; ntrn.ii. thr nee .: northern direc'iun 420 -ct wit : i ■ hoc Let ween Lots Nos eight h u.. nine. ’be southern i - r- VA.tts Avenue in an ea.Mmn »iir~eti-.m till '(■ft to ihe point oi mu hi m: the T,e! r-.'.(>;• 5..•, .> . no. properly a- sh-.'.vn hv u ;n the R gr- er of Do-. •' o Are. h Book , atr m . R ; ... . tr/ of Wake Couiry. For further inform,.;-on apply i . Dih ••mders-gned conr 0.-doner This Tiu.-ichiy. A : .:- I 20. ;34g. o'ILL IF C 1:!,7,GS C> r.'.mi.-Kioiicr THU st'PERIOK ttiVßi NORTH CAP.OI.TTsA COUI4TY NOTH L YI -'s Y.ME L. YOt- ; v.'IDo .i T- 1 C ji i OUNG AND \YT , ' D'.iRC- riJV 13 YOc \'G MAD If. : F YOUNG: : >11!A YOUXv JOAJBS AND HLSA-WD T "'- M.M--Y v; "NO W Ji -N AND HNSEAN’O. Ft-' -IV ■V.ARRYN AARON .OV'NG AM. ■V-t:. uAISY VO' NO; FT.OK - RNC YOl’i'h .1) - \\ r. v A.- D Yvl ■ AY jiV.i ; \ Oi. XG. t ' . a FDG-M1 Y(,c.y; .v, l.\ Ju/i f .1 !*s j ' J 1 >'-i K.'v 1 )ArSY, J\:h , R , - :C i : h i ■ i.'.ici ;-s sPici truer, .'i J , ri <:(\uiU:hly di\ideri •. f s\'rr-d 2av* and tbr ti .. ;; uv ,. C\#n r.i-r;o .* •; v . cbi nc r of O. (.. . . 1 . theiiCC Fast .-;»?* 1 . •m. ; t . .. South f i• . iwo 1 •/. fc" v ' * • i>,• •... y ■ - ~ 'i ; • Kdv ftrds Jot ;!;■ '• !( ; a ; l!; kv»"th Wtlningio,: S. . . f A" * ’•• Ih. !i- :: ■ : i AND said deferv. a p will m,; 110 lice thol s’ v , (•> , ;,t the office of ihe dm: < i Supenor Court of v:.,k. Cmmly North Carolina. t!.c Coi.ri.bon ir- Kalrigh on -.110 I.Y . .* .y .1: Jun 12m. or -ivitl-M- twerm days th alter answer or o r i;mr I<. th r-omplaliß fiK-d m said m-iion <.-. .he plaintiff will appe .0 the Jou< 1 for the relief in .-.aui romplaitit This 12th fl iv of- , t 94« SARA ALLEN. '.Arsi-cant Clerk of S-up: : Court F J. CARNAC .-' A’.t -. :-. y Way 15, 22. 29-Jun. 5 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED as ndihin istratro. of the E.stan- of Lyuim.;. Wall. Sr., cb r.r-a a d. kite of Wai.. County. North Cuolina. this is ' notify all .person? Icving eiaui-- sgain.'t the Estate of vn-.i dev a.« •: 1 1 exhibit them to th.- und:.ais'ign 1108 South- Person Street. R>■ 3eigh. North Caroliiu. mi or b#fpre the 11th day of Ms. . 1949. or ' i - police will be plead*;i ir Jjar of t heir reer v-.-ty. A) 1 pet ‘■■ms itv-L--. - xxi to the Estate will pk-a.s-i nvt’- immediate payment.. TIA: s.lth day of M:,y. UM|>. HF.TTIE h. V. ALL • Admin, istrati :x - Jvlay 15, 22, 29-June o- a2. !St. 'YWCA NOTES Tite Bair- C mt- 1 ~nIO.OO. was won by 1 Baby Due.-.ton. who reported S4O 1 Second p- izc pba.OO wi nt t<. baby Upehuryli, who reported ~ db.Od. Thiril prize ol S.lddo went to baby Edwards who reported 525.25. Ail other babies lakirf j part in the conti st will receiv tokens from the Pul lie Alfa it ; CHAVIS HEWS Miss Bsrlara Little 1 I 2 Chavis Wav has returned horn • after vis dint; Mr. and Mr, - Phii ips oi 907 Obei ! ill. Mi.-. ]'lira o’ 900 Mae a St. das ti-turnvd tr->;n New Ymk . C.i’ v where she spoilt tor • -. .a Yvisiting relative - and 1 i rionds. Jain; - Bi ur.S J: . o' nt-w TetTHOO. PERSO \ A L S Eddie' Chavis, sen of Mr. and Las. Addaa (. navis oi h C nu-■/i- VDi- ;-.a - arrise-d at. tin d ' : iWtrv Division at Ft. Dix. N. J.. who a he will begin basic tram ing. He ;s a forme;’ student <>f • Waxhington nigh school. Mrs. Victoria Gaines has r fat : to i I it!.:.nd F;. is. X. Y riu-; vi’-iting Ivc: parent:-:, Mr. a'.. I Mrs. Willie Delano of of 31b •' E. Cabarrus Sto-r.-t. Mr. and M: Lee McCulions 1 1 H >urwa 11, V;i . wen in the cn;. : week end vi.-iting Mr. M - Culler;:’ ww.:. Mrs. Panic Bry ant. i- ill at her home at 535 . E. Dawk- Street. Mrs. Rosa (Yvinc-s has just re . : turned fa-rs Greensboro where ■he attended the funeral of her . liri'thcr. Lu- her Dirk, ’.who died in New Yi.rk Car-. Mis. Mabh. Davis of 35 Brag;.* ■ Street has r.atui nod hoafc for a n vt visit with her family aft r j :>i ndinv hr-v winter vo'-atioc in i iarniiti.r;. Caiititl.-i. H rciaw t.-r, Y Y. Ft. Lauderdale. Fig. i!AE!UAGES 1-icn 5* e 1 o m :-i :• \\ • i:• sued ; ' ie couple, duvruu, ihv v-' ck, according rc-coccß ■>. ! -v«r- f. ion V r ; Kv (~\ju*i 4 *;. : ■ tfti-v i f dn d: • 'Ci IVB.-jS H iris, Clay*"'.-. A- an-: Will a. on. ■ and ML- - - r-.ii- . be h of R- i. Zeeu i in. g, ’ j Yr ;.;-;i Cu; is. 20t) .’'o’l’ish ShVOi. : o: si. • decula. i ,-r. ‘.:>iß K... i j - Lit-.-c; boiii <-■ Bali-igh, .Mu. 11 ;} Eli.i : C. -nc r. H 1 • Sprma.-. i c-ute i i.ri-i .Mi-. A.rotn Kpsurei-. ■ ran 1, il.dly Si- - May ;A ’ly)<••.’ Wi 1 . .on . 12 1 S; nr Ti.iy s'"oo Strew, an . Ml. H-.-lei: riant ■ . SO 1 iN/r’!) 1 lay v. - Sirt.-ca 51..,. : 14 . -IDii V > oil; \TR Iv Y DTIC K .'At. :1! CAROLINA >’ A Ks. IYOV-NTY H.dViN'fl Qid Aid Ft id) a« : of the F-me- of . Ldwr-ids. : I .- st th-- a- .-.f .id sieve : . ■ . -exhibit .ia cl ' !-■ i; . a it.i"ii: .• . ■ t KilO Oill-:woo-t Avcnoi'. R:;it ei ! I- r’li ’./--i-li. -. wi or before 1 in, ih e'.j-■ a- X, thtit. o -: •-i j - -i (tented to in , : .-Ma-.c w’ll pica-c n iinnsSO;- ’■ I ’-y mcii ; T*. r 7ill a-, oi A!, a 1948. MU!.!A SAtn il, , v t Jill: 15!;..,!. ( ; J. CARNAtiF,. Allortwy r •:>, dyu.-c .> vi. a ft. ’"■H'-Olv BibliN ol |jR j ■ THSSISHffi 24-HOUR SERVICE - j .532 EAST ('ABAKRLS S'l3 0. A. tlATlVO&O, Owner t Committee. Htgn lw.ii' -of the talent At; • ■ - re instrumcfttai selet-1 ion ■ m. - ami rccit .tions. Mrs. Oti Strickland ptesided. Mtut.bci’s sponsoring tin- conic. 1 1 mri - now ■•. • -e; Mrs Oik.-sw; SL icluan.l. Mis.-. Vivian L. Bor! Mrs Odeti Woods, Mrs A1 .n a West, .M's Mahalie All.-ca, M:.-. Dartha Ti-nv and Mi's. Svlvw Hat wood. Mt- J B- Hick-: !-- ctiiurman of the conmiitti a. Mon i, y .raised '-'.'ill go t . pay lor re cent improvements it 1 the Snack Ear. Ihe Junior Girls League, of i Washington High School spon , - red a nartv at the V' Wed ties- : m mitU’e and dub advi-v-.-s A "/ft . ai'prt-t ration we i- cscut-.-.l I> ; Miss Lola Maie J.vhnson in rp prcciatii. n Jot iter servic: ;■ and valuable work. Reit(-shmei;!s . we e serve !by the coimrutt-.-o. j !RT H S Pittb cw’Uieu:-. for I'sl.vs born ■-. «h (oilewing I’.iiipK- were . eg ■ r-.-.-cci in tl.c c-juccs 1 ihe W..k.-, . . ,:r Hc- d’di d • partmcnl riurir... -ho ! as: week: She- m.anion. .) a. u.. - Mi.-. D..; 1 - w . L.s we J,en ■' • i \Vos', f,i ' :.e,r street, fi i-'U. Jim ny. April ; ■ Si A w. , He- |.jh C J- -i.n Chick -1 -’a', i ■ :nd M. • I'digalx S':•< .VlcMUlioi. I>• vis 20-5 Hr: - AjrYi J 2 r.t St. Arm’? Despite.!. .’e.i Col uni- us Led and .Vi;.- j; ! . L-«: 4 B. 11. 2915 ■ ' die. -J Ay.:.- 1 ,i,e. a son. Xi-.H t (,'umout- Jr,; i Yprii -3 at Sc Agne& Hospital. i iien I a-’l .up at.d Mrs. Jo -.- , hw Wilde r Ci'udup. Route 2. B: a. Ffar.kliritet!. a so;, Laee Amok i .ir.’.i 1; A At. Ague*, Hospital. ~ i Simviu ii■- a.:.i Mrs. Oct - - :. ,-f Sutton Siinmons. rtoute 2. l>ux La Giang -a ciaugihe'.’, Brenda • 1 an:, April 17. i.i Sr Agnes Uoa- 1 ! 'viT'S^y ]-c ll«.He > ;-nt A: a- ; Hospil;.! Ron.-: v1: Miikw a w Mi. 1 -. Lena , Di.-iice Isti;! r. \Y«ke i orert. n - ,-2. L u fke.iw :<:•!. Ro -a I -a ,ij>. d 24 -i 1 ! .-st Agues Hwpiuil. I Alermuza Young Mrs. .Mr.-i-t .W r.-t p‘ i : Yoimg. I .>’o Road, a bac;-’ boy. Janie, i . eii.wt. April : •) Sc Ague- Hot.- - kwh. White and Mi-'. Mary J -.. tv - ’■A . New llii!. e I Pea. line . - A'lHi 2y. w SC .Arii.- Hospital. ■ii.-nv.ii; Tinuks ao-i Mrs. S.-PaY anmmnimtmtrnim Death Anil Funerals i Final rites i’w Mi Maggie I’m 14 ' -• ho (iiad at St. Agne • Hi-sphal Sr i | ui'riey. May 8- wore -weeaetoil iv; u: i.b;.' F:..yeHi'villr Siicet B:ipd.-‘j Cluuch Tuesday w.Pi the Rev. | iJ.hnruc J'-ne-c pe.-■ ifu.-ialci:;, ! -me) fu!lowed by inieimenl in hV. Hup- Cemetery. I tiuc-.'.’.i :-.’i -riec fut James Crcwd who • iit■ 1 Smu’ia.V n i ■ I yveek , 'i';’ '-..'a • e-ld VVcur.<..;day of - at Jupiter I.cvt. ; nd folio,, id! • - ..iv in'eimont ;i. the ci’ureh cemc-! Final rite- lor M-s. Atlt-y H: .. h ) died Haitii. A,• • . v.v. ■; . Y'oiu’ucud Ftitc.y of i i wt- k a- : i:\lalaby'.. Crossroads nd folio-- ,-i i ’ ->y interment hi ‘.he riureh eemt-! ! ICS*V . Finai rile.- IHi Ern-.-.-i Vic I) ,v.s ~’ho . i ’d May >: .-: \ ; Hin;;loi.. ; wit- (-'.n-ducted tlu K.i-w icirh Fnnerai Home Chapel F; - | day of last week and foilowe. e.v -ntfc-rmei.t in the Wake Chap.:! . - ine'e i I lino;.d .-vrvice to: John 7-, in ; vi ho died at Y- iic.r, i-..- .i .VJO N\.-i;h West S!; si '! ,ic> -' \ vi - - was he id :1 1 !h Paul Ml.. Chua.i; Sunday v.YI- the Rev ; ; T-‘. Dull, 1-1. pastot. ot'u-iating. teilcwod by T.lomu-iv- In tlie ltd Hope Cl met iy. Final J?i till- Cs : • \Y. |.-a, i inas •H J Ct’.v a -d :I • s ill ill AH! Fas; Lane sits;;- wee tv ft- : Incted from Hi.: R-. luoin-.i laL iA ME ZION Chore.; Thursday ot , last t, cud foliov-( d by :fj: ' me-, it ;-. the Hiilewvt Cento ter;. Fin:-.! n’e for :VL., K;;f;e Hr. . : .v• rod of tiOl South bandeia Sin - i l ,*.{](» d iiKriCmiy of ij-j vA't-.oli \von . -<; oi cd fiom the Flipper M-r --j m ■ ! :;,pt;-' ('in.; - :.So.nd;r Final hk for Olio AiU'it 201 Iv iwc Street who eked Ma !t connue-il iruin the leg. 1 "wi.d H- < e ('hap.. I Sunday •• ,ii; : -o Rev. Alt yanbey TrvreH ofiii - Hating, and lollovveti by interm :,m u i.h Mt. Hope C. i.-.'C ry. dakk.v Banks Routo 2. Box 2tk', o'.ii-. ig;c .. girl. ElllCo, i-i M;y i ;; - Agrees He.-pimi Hiutf- ,-t! vV J,.. aa i V’, : Yrilo Powell Wat.- . 208 1-2 . Smithfield Stree*. a sot:. Rob’c i , h ii. May 4. V mmi i i ikiN xik wr-r i*. n ,m ai> iksmmm. —w»iv«- t «p»v«wgfc^*-a«»iT > !iai»iiDin l i.-nmnnw*' - -—•■ ■ — l linH iletgh s Newest aivi Most Modern Cleaners Mac’s Master Cleaners BEN F. McCLAMROCH, Jr. Mgr. I 122 South Blount Si. Phone 3-5492 S We Pick Up and Deliver [ f . - f -n.—unvurrnu-iTi—ri> tth-|— i m »n »i ipiiwimuiiO w.«i | j f inance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3 3231 *“■■ ll imi>»ii’iiuin«ni —«tTK.-»iuu»i»«— —... i r _ n , ... . | |1 MrW ii „|, . L | ... radios Appliances j Household oi RANGES Hot Water Heaters I expert Repair Work On All Radios And Household Appliances HAVES-JSCKSOH AY22Y MS E. HARGETT STREET TEL. 3-5031 I - l jj _ ul| , Jr?:'- ' A ' .■. w f .. \ 1 AMERICAN JK' EXPRESS \ \ j CHEQUES "%r ' We * Jffeaf risk to carry cash on a trip. An unnecessary risk* »o, here us* we cats turst ycur travel funds into Ameticma [ Express Travelers Cheques— spendable anywhere, safe every -1 where. It these cheques arc lost or stolen, you receive a prompt j refus'd. j They’re more convenient than personal checks, because • K »» identi.fication is required except your signature, Deaomi- I eustions of $lO, S2O, SSO and $lO0 — for only 75# per SIOO 1 imioimuaa daarg#, on naif. «u this bank. v_ . y ■. i i Mechanics & Farmers Bank ; DURHAM-RALEIGH : Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. HIE OAROLINIANT [Mrs. Ilaywoml /Earned To; lieail ulssb Oi ;Shaw Nursery School ; ’ . A- n in. i .iv ‘X t;t j urunm Lduo jof FJ.ti.w Li'niv. r-ity Ifni .‘-•oi-y Lcd.'iui. .vlr.--. J.ilH.'ll) !'w.wcucl w;:.- elcci .Ci 1 ;i .• i.. t. : th.- coniu j.! yv.'.iv ..l.s ' i i.wui\Y:)ll.< pi'i MUCiI ax :he' i clectioii was hskt. Ot her officevu i iii. use it uu-huieCi, >r. -. Peat l W.! iPe.-uv. vie:- president, Mrs. E. lji..».w !Cofittld, scerclflty: tar' Mi.- Viv.vr.j Smith, treasure.'. ! Following ill: mcviuii; a g.ini-l ! 1 1:...>; 1 part;. was tiiv!-i -villi tlu - j :.;i mbi-ir joining ;n . ...enn, check - | in:-, and Mu.:-: '.viotlw:-;; j - ( a w Mrs V. | ji: Coi-i-td, M. . Yiiw-uki Lc-vid”. ! ' Vlr:. Pal lie T. .Mr.- Vivia. C. ; jAm ith. Mrs Pearl W . Pear.-;. M ... ' | ..ilXlim Hoywoot!. Air:. .Viiiuue ••.! ;dl - Loui v Walker Mrs Aria !. j ! Fmi-m. Mr.-. Mildred" S. Collinm. j ; Whib., sirs Joel '.V allace. Mi, i jt' -iu I-lorndcu. and '• a ehuvs, Mt.-.. j 1 1. e.i. C -ScaLr. Mi s de.-sio The. p. j 1 .nd Mis A. .'S. Trolt. I '. il stesses on the . (.sas-ran v. w ;Mi .. li. Vaiu.-o.v Jut-v, n?rccsi.-r.| .-.nd .Vlis.-,;-s lhcli’u j an ILtn.sonl ■ li'-ir .Silver, S..vC.- li.'jue cco-; ! .semies r-iucLuits. Yiaplr I i hun h Sunday Sciioui was \v;■ 11 At - '..ended last Sunday by both :..iui!.-; and y.-nitu. Air.-,. Lig’oii, teachc. the Dibit- i s, . t-'i'i-jveci spec i ! cc-ngratubitions for the progre-a . inn Gas:; making. Music tor th.. morning -;i vices' was provuk'c! i.n tin: choir and; the sc; man was delivered by the Ht-\ . 11. .!. t übb • 1 Sl;aw tin;-- si tv. W> vavf happv to have : hc H- v. and Mrs. William.- of Phila delphia. forme>. deacon of Int.s ; '. church, v isit us At 7:30 Sand; \ evening, a pray • or arid testnnonial -wrvict \\c-; held. This service was foiJowv.'l :by th;- regulai evening service | with the ,-enior choir rendering ' the music, and the Rev. Cobb again delivering tlv sermon \V> were 'nappy to have the- follow ing ministers present: the t-J r ! Edgerston. Riddick. Worlev, anil Heron, who accompanied the Rev. Mr. Cobb. The Woman's Ciuh met at the ; '.Announce (ftrl Scout Summer Cansp Oates Camp Whisper, a.; Pines, th-j • ostablUchd camp fa Nogi-ti (.ini! j Stmt's, located in C' •cc Creei. ‘ ' Slate Park. announ«.->. it,-, summ ! I -chocinie .1:, tnlli Wi Ft >4 j»« rio 1 j :uric I*l to Jim. :■'(), r_. eva.i peHob j .km-. to to Jure. :>ij, I Both periods, v.-itl be or- a to , j ige yir-s. Patents are tir'et! 1 i i ! make application f< ■ prospectivej e.-mp'rs at the *: vc. i possible! j isle. After iVlay i:i i\-;,.is'.ra tiba v. Hi! i- open hi girls -,;u -id, 1 Yv.tki j .'or nr-. , i ivti*. Lydia Gad>:;:ii, who j i-. i hi; . iet ini.; Vi aid it.rector of t;r-. j:u , Cot Girl Si. -h } wOi.ncsi since »)•;»■» .. .• t. will }.x. | | (iircc**.>»* at Whispujj{-’tnes iinsj i ca * • | Her -taff will include a mi:.--. i I .mi u doctor wiii be mi call. Hrajwt i with Mr.;. KISa Hays pro- i j siding. Tlm- »• x? ineeling will be i I.eM at tiie church, following i i which we vs.-1i 1 visit Mrs. Amanda : Inez, one of r-ur sic k nvmbrns I We are happy to iVarn that 1 ! Mrr. Dunst'.n and Mrs. L. Hav:.: j j are improving. The annua* sermon of tin | Household of Hath will be dr . !;vc-red at the- church -a Sunday, • Juno-Id. Every cute ; -■ welcome. ; | i&'i'n - smokes - snacks LAM i; "'T SHOP s-Vi f:et 710 E. Davie Street J ill'-: KVA MS Prop. - , P m- , .wiuHurn imLi nniT.iniiiu- I •'OK “ASiil.d. - tIEFIMSHING i ' AND POt.Ir.IHNG I LOOKS hEE HAUJIi CHAVIS j "The Floonrmn " I j 30:t S. East st. ntat 3-2410 I J Raleigh, X. C. Hunter’s Wood Yard | WUOLI.S.U.K - RETAIL Jesse Hunter WHY WORRY , ■ 1 I hero : z o’ 1 -, ivn things to ‘ PM ! '.■!. .- ■ 'ire welt. J >r vos are s:c-k. 1; you are well ( then there is no.hiug to worry |i iboul. But if you . u sick, there f oe two thins’- to worry about { Either you will get well, or you j - will die If you yet well there is j nothing to worrv about. If y-- j -v., 1 ore ..<■ r-r: 1- two tilings to r-n ry abijiit i kin r you will g, j to heaven or rn 11 If you mi ir HYav-.-n. there i-- r< thing to wor ry about, nut if you no to hell, you will be so busy shaking | tiaii'i.-i wit!- f-ic-nds, you won't | nave time to wony 708 F. MARTIN ST. TEL. S2M2 l, '--■MeomiMm*..-, *■»***•.«»« tv »m**m . ■*«?»-*, AKCUtK ARCADE BLDG. JAMES ‘’Flip’' MASSEY I Prop. : _ i I ' CAPITAL GAB CO. j £4 wmm ESBYTf I : WAKE j: | SALVAGE CO. jj We Buy tii!d Sail Evtiylbiits of Vfilu* ! i FUBNITORE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS 337 S. Wilmington SL Phone 2-2327 —1 j Complete f77\~) ] Home | Furnishers ! We can furnish any room in j your homy from the living IJ room to the kih-hen. See us j j first. I i W. E. COOPER . i 1 FURNITURE CO. J 12). E. Martin St | 1 * V- FTK F-NDINC:. SATURDAY, 'MAY 22, 191,S Local Ministers Host To Durham Ministers j The.- Raieigh Ministerial AUi- I a not- was host to the Durham A l i iianci at a joint fellowship iru-ut line at the Bloodworth Street iYAL A, Monday at. 12:00 noun. | The; Rev. E. T Rrowr,,-. ivr'vr j... f the Mount Vvi nori Baptist !Chu-rch, ‘Durham, was the speak , I or for the occasion. ! T:u- committee sponsoring the I event • eomposc-rl of the Rr-v. | -V- - jc-.-a.mmaii ns will L- r-rjuirod V .lii . 11 ;ij c l and stall a■. -ivK.a-r . ;y. ]A. (.'. L.ili: will he v ■M- •■:-Ai> liiold so! to give i.eo cxaimna i ta'ii;;- 01 May 17 from 2:30 to i |a 'mi. Thu- will be the only i:mr Hr. 1 Trar,-poiration v, ill Ih- provided u> ; ini hi m eamp from bnaw Omvv. • Paulcc Radio Service S "tor Lasting Repairs” f 102 GLEN WOOD AVE. | Dial 3-3123 i j Wt- Pick up and Dc-Jiyer | '-wwto.twstw .j. <■ Mreximwat-u' I iRIif.ORI) SHOP ] Obit MMEJ.V Fls UU-. S'If.VLD it n rrii ( auiri-; aru'onm> it tt.i. inil.:- ■ if; 19c ■ I " & W. & E. Sales Agency m tv. MAiriiX ST. .; / Jff ! It r /J^S;! \ HOME-COOKED FOODS i J And whet e. meal it will be— } ‘ seasoned exactly tiyhf. and f \ every dish beat-ting a real ' honie-coeked flavor. B & 11 CAFE 411 S. BI.OHNT ST. I i : Y f' I A, Lifetime in Fiames Why take chances on burning j up a lifetime's effort In e single terrifyincj hour whe a it'* so simple and inexpensive to pto . Sect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your heme an-.i ! family can be absolutely pro ‘ji iecied from ANY disasUr s.t , ; | but a few pennies a day. We ll j i show you Low, I SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. nUkHAM B, C. (Taxi Cab | FOR PROMPTNESS 1 AND COURTESY CALL 1 IEAST END 1 1 CAS COMPANY I Dial 2-20861 | 24-HOUR SERVICE | I J 517:25 Electric Heater &. Fan Combination SPECIAL $12.95 TRADE-IN —SALE ON ELECTRIC IRONS Receive from SI.OO up on your old irons NOW IN STOCK —Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-to-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE 224 E. Martin St Claud Taylor, Mgr. Phene 2-3950 .in... LIGHT HAULING HEAVY | ! LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL l| UMSTEAD Transfer Co. S. Dawson St. 1 Dial 9478 - 9212 Ed. Umstead, Mgr. j f SA\ YOU SAW IT l\ Tills GAH(H.IMA\ TIMM Y 01! wi,h I: ;r ; cent ■ ■ the world's kind «ni-;i n-.l Lrs li’u:- ■ix pc-; eon' o! the rid’.- t>< 1 nl.: : 1 .nil, the United S' . nboi: i2O 1 "r cei:t til the u j us r:ulw«.« jn.ileng: V S. Bvmvn tiu: Rev, C A. !" Iy, E. I. K.eife.'d, YMCA -M-lar.v an-! tl-e Rev. I*. 1.1. Johnson President of the Aili ' on.-.-, Approximately 50 mini.iters : attended.' j | Mlihiims Fleetrical I Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS j C.-al - M7Bi or Rpsitlcnre 3-35 W) .] FLECI’KICAi. COM RACTOK 1202 IL. Martin Sf. R. E. WILLIAMS, Prop. - Si JP* w iMsfi «*»»»-»*«• *. WLiJ v .sfil'.M, COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. M 5 VV. »:?•.,r&irn St. A j Dial 55£7 for; j j -COAL I j FUELOIL j KEROSENE CORRELL j COAL & O'! CO. ! JOE S, CORRELL, Owner V DIAL 5557 307 North West «r « nywmmmsaam i’gmmfasmr:: 1 DOVE 1 VIFSIC (X>YIP\MY 1 ARTHUR I'.OVK, Prop. | I Automatit is ! v ?ionouraphs | S n- -. For Spec-. ii Occasions |j j 8 : -nd ir ,1 ice on Commission m SKIFCT RECORDS | OUR SITt SALTY ? Dial 3-2744 | I2*» E. C-\BARHUS ST. FOR Split Pine & Oak SEE cr CALL Leach’s Woodyard IDEAL 4535 706 E. Jones St. Dallas; Leach, Prop. Groceries Notions Lillies Grocerteria 840 S. Boundary St. Mi .:. J. O. Kearney, 1-Top, Telephone 2-1433