v. \m iv Lvisii>ii\f5An rimy, ma \ .:... ni j Southern Alphas Okay * Rights Program, Assail Regional School Plan • Montgomery, Ala. (ANP) Members of Alpha Pin Alpha ini tei-nity, Inc., Hunting in their sou tin in regional conference here last month, adopted a series of resolutions hacking the “right tu equality of opportunity as sot forth by President Truman's Committee on Civil right.-..'' and t-pposing the regional plan of ed ucation in the south. Pointing out that. Uie position of the U. S. as a major power of tile world and chief proponent of democratic ideals “makes it man datory that this country immedi ately legislate and execute codes giving each citizen the right to citizenship and its privileges, the rigid to freedom of conscience safety and security, the right to and expression and the right Is. t quality of opportunity,” the fra ternity’s resolution declared: SCREEN DOORS, Windows & Wire I ICE CREAM FREEZERS GARDEN HOSE j 25*f>0 l engths Garden Tools & Seed S. M. YOUNG 130 E. MARTIN ST. DIAL 7121 p— —— ——— I oday’s Best Food Buy! CREAMY RICH. SMITH-MELVILLE SUPERIOR. MILK At \ our Grocers - vr ( all 2-0351 for Home Delivery SMITH-MELVILLE DAIRIES ! POOr.F. ROAD Raleigh, N. t, | \ ;; National COTTON WEEK Special j 300 I COTTON PRINT ! DRESSES /ffe < < 4M W/ \ % • FOR JUNIORS \\ . \\'VU#C/ * / • FOR MISSES \ \ • FOR WOMEN /../ Beautifully styled, con! cott on i\ as It frocks that Will ciei ijyht you .. . and they’re truly ■ 11-liwa Ull outs.tandiiuy values. / j r ii] J. ! 1M Sizes 9to 15-12 t 0.20 -98 to 12 /M|fS jK| j VALUES to 3,50 /l||j 11 j *l-98 [|| tj .M | SPECIAL FOfT BABY j’| J| I . j 27x27 inch BIRDSEYE DIAPERS I ;;j ; | (Irregulars) j j- ; j' j $2-39 doz. ' | ( | 'ij BASEMENT STORE ‘ nJL .p |j ■aWfr. - ,«,;/■ '< ' .fynf? \ '& ! fflee&m-cßdSi &\\ ’ j * * Ul-HSir *• Mj M ij j ~,..F ll>rr|flß .rrwiwviwrrwffiwiifcwigroTi-iMiww-iiiiiiH; mn muirnnw a ■■irmmuiiwi in (J i j “Since eternal vigilance is the Resolution 1 price of liberty and the freedom jof no man i.; .safe so long as the freedom of other men is definite ;ly curtailed, we hereby declicatt : in.'l consecrate our time, energy i and resources to securing these j rights—now.” On the regional school plan for ! : the sjiit'h, a.• i'solution held that | “we recognize it is impossible for : citizens of a democracy to func- 1 j tio.n adequately unless they arc j ; i .moated in ; system which is; ; democratic in nututc. Therefore, j r.t oppose any abridgement ol the j i democratic principles ol educa | tiun. “VV'e hall dmote air energies 1 to securing equality of opportun ity in education and tu an extern 1 aon of these opportunities to all i citizc ns.’’ % Annua! Dross Revue Is lit 1 !?! I» 1 umhorfant! i ,«*, Women's and 4-1! Groups F.-vYi TTEVli.i.i Tiic am. . i,hc‘ s revue of w, men’s- Irorrie ;.i ; ons.tr..lion an I 4-H < ;vs ■: of Cara-i oei land C-aunty was sulci : •. , mi in ir.e dining rooms of the Fix t: Baptis! Church. 1 li. prugi aii i .<n, u in. .miidetu. V!i- Wdla Piy.-nu 'i ii■ adult ds-■ w .-.. a. -.el i eel I p}'. MSI ..1 ,1 1 ni ‘ up' el . t,: - ■' ~1 fieri Ot i V 11, I. lit ell i , 1w ; if I vvi is? displayed, Tim participants a m yu. j ■.•.'inner,;: Ilou :•• dresses, Wu. C diyanl. of t.i:•.•> i.'iei .; cup.. in | ; iaOr . Tor.s WPiiuie, , f lie. ■u. :,hud. Club, r.i conri p: :ix i.i lie j hall Mcl,aiirin ot ,Steelman Cue, | third piace. Other participants ia. laying !i«)u . * dresses v. sri? ItetPc Auoais; at: | Arinc ii ay wood of !!;ckor\ usuil. | Club and Flora Gdiis. us F.'asibiis. ■ i Cm!.. [ Church die .• r ;, e! Mail,a t * Sicdmun Club. fit -. pf.-e. V: :n- I cis Ciahn y o! 'yiUivm.- i Road t ie j iceiHi place an i Bt-u:: e fa• r 1 an | Willie A! h. Knit tt’ . .■•!!ma 11 t an j bed in third plai-i u rs di s.pi.is ” j n.g church 1 1x e5..,. s we, e .Nuunii i j .Smith of Autryville < sub, I•• | King of Hickory Sr.adi and lie i Mol. od of Linden I am ■i ll Cl 1 its .Tin' Judge:, found in lil p . -Sj u;c |ir .gram siasdei' a " Ibe auui; ! Lee,use of the grc..u r ntunb: ; : entrants. hut ‘,h -y la I•iimbe j ut-cc-inn on ihr.. lit.-I ; la. ~ wl.it An id to Knotßi.b>n.-i>. .a Sale - j sue. 1 H till i j j s ■.■ K|,-et ol Ui | .'-if County C’els'K'll , I and Bfcf'i Raciald o1 e - >’i j wh.iOh is 11.e young;’.: club oi v elec. Winniic.; smud ebu win id. j i art r and Jt>. ci.itStir " ' K, ei. :•< -I I Magnolia and i.n ICyaet <u i Gray s Creek. Wintlng: 11 1 ir. i ! 1 , : el Blanche Kirk and i, i , CiFe eu G ray : Ci •. i and V hi ‘ \n Maeneba. Other pan ic,u..tnt .. re K'. Alt.it'd and Ms■ ■ To. i:< . ' ; Ku,lover. Kit.-ai . i.h r.lcAi: i L it!sd f’lUnt'Al - i a I«ii- I-crjlu vichob.oii >ii \tyv It.> !!.!!, I * e;ts, y.aes tile liistliirtiOii «.i a. tin* iitst i sjjsi • nia s ( .i!«h>'- lad in tin l mt.i il St.it. a. ='« el hits, In in n.hijtc Iroill I .* Cf.t'. VS. Xiihtu-os. nn civil) a itaCacP r -cicnct .liyrc. from iO' i in' llf.it. .e, lie ki-gce, At s..:iiu, s.i i ;t|ona.;-e, Mji 10. ti.e oiu'taii-.ni,: : tu.lriit ha. teen , t; letin... Tn Pegec on a tmn . i .u coMcs'C •. ImPisniji which -he raoivcij from Site F. tis.i-i , l.i Scholarship Board In '• A. visit n..do d-d lii>m ‘ \v f’otoi'c i High Selin it. • I tii.ii iitae, 'be uu' chosen from • a, .... , oi .:si- South’s most ahlr " sic. stßilenis p> u . till -die i >e e*:» > .ib lor fiur yea tvs P ie : tuSi tuition, ail inculcn L . ana a y -month ai- L* '.tin • —a tot.*? of S|,SI;VJO. '■l. i i.i.i • s’; ecu an. i loi'i.e.h • k'l'y. ui amt Frauen .!. •n. nfths., C’si k; lr. lie 1.,a. « ,Na bbmr. an; Spine, iiava y Shade, a,;,, William: I Mr. ; . lie: .Auiii-e ! . Kelly un, , . iiiie J. e : i■; V,',, * 1 * ■ t ■ \■ l ’ v-. i i v,; nwr3 •> L L-Ufaid as. :i : J. i:,- . ainl I;«Jillt * :; i {>[ CuTUbvi - 'iTu-- dudiv;; were .U; ■; La,, ru.. Li-li' :• ■j, i’.ui' ‘ui ? feinty It oi Vi ' 2.. i ichiulii.t' Gr« ty, a.. 11 * sl 1 r •• ! ; Mi... .aiicc .1 <>n t*s, a nc ir T i"'•fllf t* ill sr9 as e • va..by 14? L 0 Up issfi? ii pirn HLvit-lli nj MrL! cfE t.r? or Tfe , V , * r , v.. 'I .A i illh ll l M; ;V ’ >- a , been “ as die fiat, ~i he an. ua. a,: : ... St AtlgU,- ■ 1 ’ ’ a C .. ■’. I ‘ A lUiif 1! I A, ■ ■ i<aa{is.). Almira d. K:sa, uv. ox ■ '■ <• v .it; tu : Aseot jafb.i!, F -a a .i .'e;s. i d 01 a ' as; t u.e■ e- . a • e .|ie, i more .SOS.. : ip di; . an,. . :i.oi? vpiSai, ‘.'as,, ! , u ei, :i e. mil! .La.- 1 veaC;: fmarci.il iTit-nibcs i.ij: l ull re-ap. i. ad ~’y goo, but - S 'tese .■ ils will be made ts.K 1 •; put at !e.is, or, the fi Jbivi ie. o! :h :• u.:y include the ;>e •f. c liimluce mccfhig Fdl i. ! I .It ... i :, 2-00 p. 11l , ’ a C 'em a ... : Si ai 7.00 p. ’ : ' ■ hir.ii'i asng dunce * Tcrs lo he i a,tolled o; e. ' ■ ' L'cs’i: p;-i i.!«:>■,!_ jvp, A. ! > sV. I ui v ue ie I T, se-ar.!, .“s a and 1 . ' ’.L'S'S ah | ... . !• Bi.yei. ■■s■' aa i : CCse!..i;y; Miss Kln.-i Me ■ ■ lie!.. is , l;n';> ; ..iid (‘ecii t ’.iiiie. gi jj $3.40 || Issie s!ra!j)tit WMitnyj in thlj product »r* V f *f raw* *M, tM jsS! C imr. 'firth. Bi, 8 yrtrtf. | j AustliWiichols I 8 StoSSi Irc. u (BOOKIWMIIW "04IK * j| ww ttWH nm >J» s*». WOT* «065 »$ J * • 1 IIIE ( AivO I..J3SJJA.N V’’ * 0 i‘i i» i •' fOk’ii \ JR At. BIG J 4 - A U)!ri oj s7l. r. ■ !’ • : been rais'd i.;caj' ,n ii,;. . . ; '■ l the United Negro C • IJ. >.• I''u,ic( j i - ' disci; sqd following ~t me, t l 11 o! the fund i ;i.■ • : commit (.te ' j rid, amount, according to VV i' 5 vuiport Wake «. r.-in!.v Ibni. ! j;'ChiPMs'raUyn A'vui w] j eoinnuMet, Is S2SU,.;'iO rhbr* (. ■' !toal of y.|.uuo.Oim so! i;,il ! and U';,iu> t 'uuntv i Though the drive >• gmally ii,,u ii ' ''ln I. uif'ci to ill V M;i ■. Jj; ; iOmifei:: announc’d i. :*! Hie c: ; oil! t! WoSUI I- .Olio |. to <•). ouoi. i!'.ut.io»>; ;i ■■ ,• ; (i|) Juiii I i- taken to-dah i; sJidsioo on 'lihuhd by ikitoifli . y jo,. '* i S: -'iv, fJmvo: lily Khidel.b: $•„’„>« I ‘•'•aw Un,versify i. lo'iy ,«•,ivy,.< vthei report--. $82.90. t.l, iSSIHKI) j ... j It AN I Ell - l.j( isii.’iptl byiinr !*' j rut hair (n approved !,.;A L)!‘r j i'le&tr -M'« ite or wire •%. 'Ji ~ | .Gates, x. t’. i •• j ~ ~ : ' " f " . & f// 'ir **■ " m- i&s.'iu,. .s .. S K,\ j if \ \ \ # Breeze Into Summer * \ | y l * i n Cloud Wh ire Cas ua 1 s by... J | ,-C 5 . -dimmer l ight V\ hito \\ edgies, so wonderful and wearable j 1 i-onydawn-t&HO through date-lime. Made of fine flexible leather bv a foremost Southern manufacturer, who understands jtftgHl&klfok, ‘- u ' t:t - I,n n*'ratui‘es and tastes of our sunny states who knows that keepine- a clear, cool head i- ;U 'd a l ’hic, composed appearance depends primarily As 'oik upon keeping a cool, caret’re* foot. 4 Kaeh of the four styles illustrated was fa Shotted with a J ** i!.».ii to pa;, ufl with Carolina cottons, v w.'-< 1 Each season-first mode! is marked at one surpt ;>in,gl> sensible price that v>>u and vour budget ,a / i*/f*f ! 11 Ji \ ' iiia.N tiree-zc into hutnmei ' ijj, ,9> J, jjC ‘ \ )| ' leather. ~,, , , I leather. Also in Black Red. Green. r‘ \ jt (ST Also multi colored White jrrnnoth leattier. trim with white. Also Wfute with Tan, lied, Green, Black. 1 (2d&iX BUDGET DEPT . . . Lower Floor BhHfef'C,"-'. - - - ‘ v '""'-w, ; Ttfip rriMiHWIIIB "Tilt miiMMiiimni.r.i.l.l r—, - - . Woman Unilrr Uoncl , jin Scissors Slaving FAYETI'EViLLE .Mrs. Ale.u,:| i Ford Wholes. Zi. ol 324 Normi Coop-pi iny was placed Illicit; SSdO»! bond I hi: week foliowing her ur- | if ‘ lor statibin;., her husband to j .• h obi ,i nil!!' ot : e;irly i ".« ii- i- mornir:.'; :\b Wheeler pt' 1 b >i",c. declaring- that !a-r husband I . •'tax, li.nl knocked her to die 'lyoi j in I Hi, t'ulerii.d lij kill lor during] ■an aryiMcc-iit t.hr ‘.it i.iek at , iu: \ | ith I;. • :'.eis or: i n ii iV'rtse o( her] ] own life, ‘he said >'• -'be; i Wh-, in :i mother u.r the I '■leera.M u told polii i- that he had I • into the ro -m •<• -ee his brol.i-1 | dll to the tlooi aft; r bav'in;'! if :i -i i.i argil!at nt o,rd seen .VI, ■ ! Wht; ler mu. from Hit house. Oe Wheel .i w.i bound ovei for ! ] lb" ivi.iv : term' .it ;., erior Goiii c | '•! !.■'* c latliangery, with a special i ! ‘ brriot: featiu-f, so thev can be! ' iri...:-- i«. nt a large i’ixe coal, and! j bi.'ide rn’.ciiiei for .'mailer ji/e cloth- i I ini are the latest. Tue weight of 1 till coat automatical I v keejis [he huiijvr Ui, cl« sin d ;-ize. The kniitiie: rnachiec was ir.- 1 ; v *'ht<-!l b,>. Wilhaiii i ,ee ~1 England in Ib'il). ; FayetJjeyilJe Persona!.;*: • Mrs. J, M. Ferguai n and Mrs. ! Janie Kogcr.4 attended the Uur.'i I Annual Convention of the Ui bto j War Mothers Ciiaplp* -i Nwtli Cos : ivlina hr Id ai tin- Urn. Memov ~ I'nbliitib- CME Cliurch. Uighlatul | Avenuv. Winsdon-S&lein. May 7-P. Mi.,s Vera Lee- Jo'yei T 1 ergu'-i'ji, j teacher ni the High o( huoi ;n dm-Ti : t.'it? wns home for he week end. ] Ivlrs. Robbie Arm Wright, ii;:.' ! VVilmiu.poii Jioad, stuved ui, ih. 1 Airy last week in Superior Comb. ■Mrs Wright is the fart roce tva j..ii to sotve in the city, -r count j ! Mrs Mary Eliza McCoy J linues ill. Mrs Meta Evans i home iwiu ; the hospital inuch uhpruviKi. Mrs. Hattie Wooh.-r, and fvl ... ■ : Saf-ah Dev an* are much bette. ~ KEE3 SffISSES^ PAGE THREE Mrs. Hattie Dixon is indisposed. | Mrs. Annie Ruth Taylor MeNeiil I n@s returned from tie hospital. The Floral Club of Ryans Met i i opolitinM Church, h.ii a wchi'ir i roaat .at ih* reside net; of Mr. and i Mr* Taft William* last Frida v | , liv-bT j The I'J'A us E. K. .Smith IJI 1;i Setjoul is sponsoring ft Fund Driy fur in:;1 1 urni ms tor the ichool baud vii■ Katie (..'ristfietj conitnues Jack •'!■ her home on »t ore Straei. | ~ liiar- <."HLUV'W,t-,-TT - ; . 315 FAYETTEVILLE S’t

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