WTCEK ENDING, SATURDAY, MAY 22. 1918 BITES TO EE HEM U * S * Array Commissions fpp s i|!|H T FP Are Offered Lawyers i KALEIGH 'pun-a-i Regular Ato)x commissions smd h > ;■.! dii' Vi. •■■•■!■■■■■ in tin Judge Advocate Gen roul AME Church I'm th . • ••! • Depart mei-sif arc being of i'{ Hunter, who died Monday at m - ct i * 0 physically QU'trfiftfcU n?e or 77 at h . homo at 2.0 lMWyerR b ,■V.vccn the ages of 21 V/C-l Cabarrus Street. , . , and 32, the Dowai'tmom of. the ‘lii deew. td, who- hay been a Arrrsv announced ' • long-time resident ol Raleigh. has 1.,., >, ~ member of Si. Paul to: the WiK >v 11s a .-i.uigbic-r, \i,f p-t (».; >*sr- Sl'< wa.- nl.-u .< mun- Pent I Ru.-dimerc* of VA-tover, i. i.. ber of the Order o. the Ea ‘c -n |v. V raiiddaugnKv Rosa • Star. more, and a . rariusoi: W>le> Rum -i vivorr include her husband. more e • ~ * See ,,, and Hear.,, This New |||„*•«/*' * yteggn*? * * . * * Radio Phonograph * * BETTER... MORE BEAUTIFUL*,.AND %■ * WITH ZENITH’S NEW WAY TO PLAY RECORDS * * _ .. * Model 9HOBS, S $32950 * 3f XZenithV new Cobra Tone Arm ami Silent-Speed* Changer bring now Iona! beauty. <mv convenience, new pleasure to record playing Here. Mo, is Armstrong F-M on both bands with built-in i -M antenna— plus luxurious standard radio. Radiorgan lone Control Ample Record Storage Concert * Grand Speaker - many more features. It s the musical instrument you want. *s£** ' 'S. ~‘-Jgkjpffjr ■’is in the eating thereof It is an old and well-known saying ... a true one. And the proof oi the value of ade - quate wiring in your home is m the benefits you get out of it. Here is what it does for you First of all it assures you that your electrical appli ances will operate at iheir peak efficiency because they get enough electricity And, it assures, you that as you add new appliances in the years to come that they too will op erate well when connected in your home. In short, adequate wiring assure you of the en joyment of full use oi your electric service for modern electrical living. It is a good idea to be SURE about that wiring of yours. Have an electrician in spect it and if necessary install additional circuits and outlets. Do it soon, AC\. fWfWWHMHWB IMt * EY ™ m company} L___ ___ Direct, commissions from dvr: lite as first lieutenants or cap- j tains will be tender--d to > who qualify and who have served \ with creditable records as com-i missioned officers on u< uve Fed-- | tei-al service in any of the Aimed I Forces for at least one year and I to ROTC honor graduates. Applicants with no prior corn- | missioned service or outstanding! ROTC records will be given an opportunity to compete in the Judge Advocate General’s De partment qualification tour. This embraces a one-year per iod of closely observed active du ty as a Reserve Officer. During ' this time, candidates will have an opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications foi appoint ment in the Regular Army, Part of the tour will consist of a short course in basic military training. Applicant:- will bo considered from physically qualified citizens ol the United States from 21 to 32 years of age who "have gradu aiead from an approved law school with a professional de gree anti who have been admitted m y v,. l| ii ij < ter, -c . - i "X , X| ; ' <«• .V, ' ~ t,~~— —— d£' j / ‘ ‘ N / V , / 1 | m . «iif ;ra ( r ■ l- 1 : 1 ! : i . iJilj. Vm, J WEEKLY SERMONETTF V; . | &■'=3' te p / I'., tin- K<" . > s liillim i. jf yd’ S . n.a*’-3 -rigj:- 1 | .x JT /•'.ib-V- I rm -• 1 j KIGHTS Ol vM : V '• •1 1 • ■ >'• -■■■'“ " h ' ' l!l ‘ y ‘- " I 1 : 1 ■W. -:.f ,%H (Li . ib Ab ' 1 i .■ / § ill I . I ! .me ..rid i’vibit ,•. » nnd* 1 . i - •> :: i> • '-t •>. ti'- > • : c 1 ' ', v •;. -. ■<": fstefL r ' •. ij .HI; 9vvt| •,i -v J ■ • l - - ; ■- !Un,i ill ' • •• ■ -a- * ■ 1 " jL, m\ : m Js%S I ■ Vibl : ,in - ' ••• v "Do:- r ' ' '' l! ''' .‘ ; •' ' J." H»! ’-r V ’ : ‘ri- A W «.'l|i-.' £ : | B r,g wh:, re a■' ■ • -■ A '- c .<■ 1 a : f ‘ fir ( I - vi ' ' ' ’ "Do Whnr I^'-- biigMfjr F V.|j <■ l ‘.r- , • idi • . nil cm idler ■ '->■ • • ■ ■ s-.V <' '- Al tiNMj''’ my ' V.lp ,;•! W , proc t - IV. ■. u v ... ■•!; VV• „D j i !,K /7.W ¥ . c>: i ■:. r ‘y-g«r.,, mu c merm il i. G- d *' i ... ~dr..^ X' (. Ai. Most of f*rn iho , " - um v., cm n -•- , ,-V- W | p, ~jj : 01. c., •R’ r c A' . o; men. r,!im -.1 c~■ ■ V. !-.. -£ pu. .. j '*^,.2^ —-TV-i j -y I pc.\ mont (;! .. (ts : 01 "•r-'icc h “ * ! '' ■' ’ ;i '■ 1 1!C ... ■■ eb i- ~-c ,v | ■ ! - v • x ! "" m' i • rcic; G • Ur ucd • ' • ' • ( ' " ''' r : - ■i'' ■ .' ■ ':ih .. d i ” '<■'■•<- y , i ... s ; |U f c-ic m <>: -n: <•• -j- :-i ' •• < Ci.*..!,ii< ifhv. Where Gt. »•:: ■ ... J'-. - v '• s • j i i._ , i L.„" A- .. ■ Dm:;.: oc, , , tec , :. ...v Ac j j X / ' r .' ygy' * s e. 1 ,;>»pv’■ : .'■ •' "hi jOc b( . JO. c tilt*’ - i,c |).,i c, . ; Whc.-i •' e first ni >.- j j . jy //' S' H:c : iftt’-' Ua:-K. dlj oppo e<l r,l; r it,‘.-on Be rgon <1 n-r,: iir nt- < ’ eclagou'’ i V/ V \\ ' \ , /P/ /y' j true eoncejit oligior. ;>n< m ■ m !. i;c: u .c. c ignore.-: if-., lari rev n con:- ] I ..mi X • ~ \v. /p ////' /s ' | io o r j.*.'i ill' . i.o: Ameritan *• n h- nm i, if .. Ai! i hi.:...- c Midrre iis i .ii in:, a *1 i X' '\\ \\\ /// •' //' •; q, iiimseif I ;U :o . .T :■ V. rue revel c sh-»v ! . h e sceial .iu.- . - scrapped f. j ; \ V /Y / /// J .-.lion I-; divi.K II- Is in lh< PCI h.ii l>; r ■ J: i- the ~ .. • , ,1 act s ; sj- pi.-., jj| " \ \\N // / // / / ‘roe of lac c< mm. : d- •> n c: ,a a : m all •' ' e !• .- re i U ;■! m ,n ran e- . /f // //' ' n ‘or Gc. m .e-ip.- th '--u Hi c h< o.u. c dh-armc c -c ; | \ \ A // / // //' | jo-m p. the rever-nce md n, - .» :ooiv- i ■ ", social wo- mcki-md. om.-ciy . m:/ ( u N \ . \ A i /• /fj/ /' ! > ■’ dm U; He: Hi.- Nan;- is <-c-n K. Hope Givih/nliori ■ct it. c o' ~, \ i \\\ i!! [f ' j : iic S.:h;, . T1 , r ' ciciiv, Oco ne t-n n, i ,;■ ; V. Ii . l_ii Jj_,! l ! j ; ’ e\,-ti c min.-ndnicol- re eour.rn. c ' Livn,. r<. c ~c ■■. • u-,.: God'- - i : - p \ CL. — r > i | Vcl \v 11:. iniiviat: i ig. But Cue \ c.nd -.n ai! ~. '. n G-. is , naens ana Ihi e* 1 * Tl ' ' ! j T" \ ' "5/ 7- tF ’Vi j : ‘Rlli: earn- dm in n :l 4 t oiiie." •iv !• e• U < .r. 'cn ' | i i' . XV ! | X J" ’ i !: X-y# j IfT'iVvi . - M ::U I M; ! I '/ r ; i ; : 1 /■ j !j! • ; :j| , " -r r i —i— ]! ’ ' | |L | : f 1 1 , j | xxx—- —~VsJfci||:| : || I l|l| ■ I|lm j ill |!i ; i | .X‘SC:;.- .C:c ,C J? . I! 1 | j j !| | j’ 'P' id c.. Kj-. to be 0 m >.n-;ii : ; •'* !! ‘* 1 * -* -1 |j I i 1 ' p'-ii.m of hb year’s pavdi :e. ‘ » s/ffim ' oirijiu e-au cai ji, !j' | j j H r.i u the D*.«n,.iu’rii llmi • o % c. on ■rn ~ .<e <., .Vga : jj : j jji jjl pen. fiiiec yOo-'-. i nihe study of j nhiioi.op y. upolegetie and ehir.” 1 i: iac Hr. ' <>l .... m y Froni here hi proceeded u 'X' ; -hieh har consi-aein!:. . •-•duccrcl ..*:•• |j! ■ j W..shijfr,tr,n. t) ttok- c tour y • f : h v -' ho ■' ||| i j in he hUirf. of :hx a o.• s zy ‘ ,; - v •* i*Gt. !..] .m; r< •• ?>»•-• •• v • [ I j j ... ‘liivir:. the r m • y ?[ |il | j I .■ v.ll of eccJpßiost.k-a ."'die. he ~ i|;| j ! | i 7 !' ii; j II THi: RF\ . .5. S. • j j j! 1 i : THIS FI VFi in K SWNSOREB Rf R!E FO WWI.(- CtF hl'M-MIVWEI) MERCHANTS AMfI.MMVIiH MS jJ ! i j|| I - -■ X . | j j Hamlin Drag Store E-fayes-Jackson Electric Co. College Inn j j , i '. i i < fij r vj , * c* s v)itrn €?& £. i oiiri 1 »* t o. !.hi j Arcade Budding . 103 t. Hargett St. . U ! jj i i i!j . _ Third Ward Service Station Harris barber College Community Drug Store Shell Petroleum Products ® O3 s - Blount St. I‘ 1 !;| il J Thoiras Hamlin, Prop. Arnold’s Grocery [I . j i i . „ Central Drue Store u w ~ p ,.._ I i ij M I Acme AutO Service R. E. Wimberly Pharmacist H ' ‘ Am °' d ' P, ° P I ji ! j Standard Oil Products /-,« . o'l jl it/i l «. -- Dr* J. B. D&vis ••! | 1 : Mi’ . , . , ... c - Chavis Heights Market President Rakish Branch NAACP L i ! j| j. - Sefan Jubilee Singers - l. w. Pi op. ' j:[ ! ij M? Thurman Ruth, Mgr. r, v jo *ii Lightnei s Funeral Home ji i M _ Paradise Grill c„.*ev«;.w di 1 i i i North Carolina Mutual Life Ins, Co, Kenney Massenburg, Prop. ‘' ' ' ' j|ji j i ill j If C. C. Spaulding, President A. E. Brown, r % TO 1 * n College Groce I Y ji | j| District Mgr., 120 E Hargett Si. Dr. Nelson L. Perry Cecil Coble, Prop. ill j |t | | |M|| r ]r nr .. nr ! HI., i l¥r~ I—fill,,1 —fill,, ,! Tl 1 T ..... ■ —1 .U ~uw, to pra Vice before the highest , court of a state, territory or the ! District of Columbia. i j j Detail -d information and ap ! plication forms may he obtained i by writing The Adjutant General, 1 Washington 25, D. C. Application ; j forms may a/so be secured at. lo cal A:m.y posts and recruiting ! offices. ICOMMFN^MEHT m. **mm ARf ANNOUNCES RALF.IGH the annual com mencement of s:. Aur.ustine’s Col • *• o mil) bo old V. - 22-20. when . will be -US f'cii iblates ford( giees The comment-', nont addrts will be delivered Wednesday at 10:30 l a. m. in t'aylor Halj , Di C'i., !o A. Edwin. North C-.n.lina S, ..■ Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse College, Atlanta, la., will climax the 71st - nnual n*o :i fc oi ’ < Faye 1 o."ilk* Stale* Touchers College whk began May 7 He will deliver t<»c- gradual.ot: THE CA.ttOLVNTAN May ;.*5. I!:3c um. in 'he ! ,Ul.y Gymnasium. -pi i i.i.'H:csilau>'c‘iiU’ sermon o' g-' Voorhees School and Juniuf Cot - > logo. Denmark, S C., will tr> heldj ,n the st. Philip’s Chapel. i'J.iy ; 3 : m.. ojth Dr Toil!- tau ion :i>i Department of Domestii: Vi is -, fuons?. National Cour*'. n ? ’h' 1 : ■onal Chmvh speal i Wednesday will me.!; th la w.:-: ii t.-i candii 1 <•- ■II : . IiVO-m 1 O' tI:C ft. V -f i! • ai- Wesi. re at "I *•. S> i’au: 1 Chin ch ii. lh<- LaiviTute- Me no. *.ij , i’oniuri. 10:50 a. ru. M. Fisk Univoi Miy. Dr. Fu:• ~ j Gustavsi'ii eiiarico-Ucr. !,«•: .• , • ..;;y of Ne u-risk.', vviii speir ! r. 1 Fisk’s ’ill: commencement e:ve; I ,st", May 31st and Di. Mown ri E ; T: uin n. will deliver the I 1 • ;,ii: oate s- rn,on :V1 iy .b He-. arr, Hniv r! lI.V Wa - in- - • ; ) (’ . wiil he; ; Di V, .nn n \ i,i KEPC. in a -pin', vi ado • ;• ill" Univeisitv Ai 'oriun :n --■ tin,is Ec■ n niic «’ 'll " c F.urop: md the fornii r Min.-' :‘ll rev of .Swe.tcn. June tv May 2310. Texas S a .-r iif s | will heai Bolford V iaw-oi ncy i i \V islur.g ~n i) r.u xei-cis*.*' will ire Kelt. - , :■ ' in ho U:ii\cr«i‘.> Ai: . rii ■ day. Di Maty McCi d ’> du'iv . . ’(d inuo! and P i-T oi ; tr.une-Cookman Col leg •* add reuse 1 ■ho ! ii.lcnty. Health "s Course To Be Offeree* At NC.C Dt.’hHAlVi A prog rath in p-.:.U --mlsb mi: ii.,- been eshio a‘ 'nn ba; ih C, ri.jina Cia tc -,d . iu,un: • will be <1 begiimin: ivuh the f.,1» ')■ ai s.-pu-mber. an-ording !u a nni-cmciit iy .vli- E the- P. G o v. dirr-i-ior ul tlu- dep;u rn. :1s- litnry said Hnt this or -1 program, in thi major con i au' public heal'h ..arsing, is .le iic.i to prepare students to , ai: y ■a I l '.* fniu-ii .n•; of ibis field, ami ua-d 'ii; !h> :-!UiSf..Cto:y compic o of an ajjpi lived • .’ ■ iculuiu in ■i'l.iitn; at least three months of ' v. •■.' I ijr-'d prai. tice. 'iho said tha‘ although a cm i e ‘ ulum ol sfudv h s i'oen outlirui.t ■ possihlc to arrar,, •. a progiam !• an iedividul i/'-vds wdli <.>>...icl• ■i anii for tin* stiidoi.; - education .-.peiamctdal background. 1 1 ; oi d: r ’ o lie C gible foi \ a at tic d* pai-tnx nt of p; idle :e 1 1 • n il,;: G Os. licailt lie -I 1 1 i..'!psie: cd nurse , j’ali : n a ii high • ohoui. and a I graduate of a school of hui siiir ap-| New and wider markets for cot* ••n.d ! y the cown..f,vo on ad mis j (<<n.M*ed and its by-products ire i sjons. Ibeint .ought by tb< U. S. DepatL nil <;t Av;l. . If lire. Miss Henry is a gr&Minte of Mot • ley Hospital, Philadeip a u■. . , Annual j>;o nii-iion ix.r layer j earned her S. and iv«. A. ~«*< • ■ in the Umteo Stm r- b,e •• a -<;d .'.on. at. Columbia U'nivoi:i, ; . ]\p w Vm ... ■ :<■. ( i d s; laid ! Save Money! S »uv WAR SURPLUS 'l CLOTHES GALOSHES SHOES .* BLANKETS '% UNDERWEAR SHIRTS GLOVES j 5; AND NUMEROUS OTHER BARGAINS h go§ K. Martin Sire:.*- ; | _ NEAR CITY MARKET _ 1 ■ in ii ii iiwiiMi hr i i iirmr~"rmr~TffiTriHirrirniii mi in—wiißißiiHWii m—n PAGE FIVE

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