WEEK ENDING. SAT PEP AY. MAY 22, 1918 HOWARD WINS Cl A A TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP T% « • dT** Beating ihe Oun | BI ALVIN MOSES —»«-™«„ M . _„™— i Bv ALVIN MOSES NEW V)RK - -. .\N'P •- 3Jan l-'i.ikr; iv.m ••• tl • quo 'ti. u two weeks ago in his Daily Mia. r column: "Wonder -ahat Jackie Rob inspn s people (mv’nbc: u! his racial group) will think of \vh,.‘ h( >i:i< t.: :.; ; about Negro ba--. ball . , «}.;* ,-.;■ :M .'-■ y. -iv. M:r *tzinc l 1 h'V e.ic n> ing ciuite a bit, Mr. Parker, and ruo.st of it is good, it this doesn’t disappoint vou too much. For example, we doe. these It tuns out of our week v map • ! guess Ebony magazine knew darn well th v'd a-11 ihou s.;a..i <;t e>. . rr. edit: ms carry mjs- th.' Robins mi arc on the coxa ■ i-.riri the point ■• i title herd a...out. AVoat Wrong W.tl. Nritvo base oall. l-'-.r my port, what Robins.m i. talking' ah ait is old stuff . rh «\ •"•' tolls toe truf )- ;•, ut u nuldiv. Os. . toliw 1 zltii! pie*. 5 ors h<t\‘c spukcM out before hut ni.*vt’r with niucli elaborate setting and pictures as the Eh n\ job. Ro roe Coleman. Baltimore. lb.-. I,,<n I’ai s, r expe-'t R -birs nto pub r>uneh< sin his article . ; f ■ •'•, lie hi ill- knew : tie" El : Alvil inf:-. •-. , ,' 1 While ! L\‘. ' ! ;” 1 .'" :: ! - i' ' I'-IX I h : !• - tn:l to w ‘ m ‘ '•> biUn '. -.-!:■ XVbn e.ee-. ••■ the dv ;r. .i’e-s-1 hop.‘te,-s Lishii.n to millions of xvnne men like nimseif ;ip ’ - Rranrh Ho.kevb ael I e- ;,- -x*- ' h ■ .:■-... ... niv M. ■rum. Wobsl.-v .J< n. j,n-, “MELTING-POT DRIPPINGS” I;./**?ARD C HARLhS, 'in- man Ou.s Lc.-nevieh mmglx ) wards 1 ‘“ poeK Vito maid** the r io-: J-j!x a,i. has borne out my er-ntinueci i'VVls-u af 1 eis r* cer.t knockout of rough, -f ntender spoiled tViol* an HAY. lm- man J i.o.m • mi- turned out as a -.’.ui: on id' "A.'ubuit.'n tour alt. r the champi-on I'-tw out of toe army, c Maries kay - i Ray in the ninth no of :: scheduled SlriiUm ' Th ” Rav 195 1 Know n tfi-xv p en including T. -ncx ich. Wale >tt and Joe Louis Who .dt- W.up Rax n, decisively as did iftL Cincinnati \ n 1 * J . v\ .io ’'tit ..j Cwvs ago was n princina] th ri unf-vrluiVdii* ring-ova Ute! Ihulem-L.x site Sum Hamuli. It, vYs A..;,:., .mm. riav w!;. spotk-.i Charles’ Now Y- rk debut bv takin« a f"ac'V. n:nS BUiy C ' :>nn u,rt ir ' untettabk- sh-M V-,t!i Lt nevich makiiiu 525.000 in 2ft L-ouf-- up to of tuts coiuinn relcsso. ; .nd with pablte-bkats b'em ■ I'.s ermp aiu- übopt vv.uuing « : . ;W i .. ;h :;u xytar.- . .. W. Icv-t’t • 4 - 11 »• *•■'■■ '- - i Aland's pe, Cl-M ii- ". • -■'■'■ <v-y P ;(, y ) 5 -F'/cu'd Chaslea.--FIGHT THIS LOGICAL \li ji-un.threst. Ups and stop tv wagging PtristK-j who sav vdu n a ve no confidence :n v.vjrseM ;d;,-.e .. e, r .*• Y.N t -' ■oautx' fr-s-n Ob J ’’ ‘ r! n - t,e ' tm «* WILLIE PEP. om of toe ,-,'w lera iNmher.m-tgivs ; :i u ':vs !-. !smrs m tic- -1. ; .c Chytkx Wnthti and Hank Arm -Ih< Y? ! -V 126l 26 - *'"*:*. ' ivin tan th-uume: “ u, b '' *■ ■>' limit I::-: we-k ip ]y t. ~ . , . i ’... n r tla i‘ YY A' drinx! that brought bens "and ratcriils “'iron” tb - fM h ping for ao alca ;>ri i: . K7 <nJ J( , l; iO . U; ;»t mao PM. ii s.' San f S-s ■ C ’ ' ’ tvl St *• p- ,1,!> !niki '. v,,:1 Cl{ t’b' J inter.- ,-aleri' tV. eutlV idw, tatm- f bi r- m v *r a! ’’. D ' th "' -}■ ■■ gave ready assent. ' R:JO,nJ?Jn 1 *««*> - ? . Yw-".k: .: - LARRY Dw:;Y t , ~ , 15C .;// sh -e, m . - ! ajfvoy \*'c avt ir t in (vtachuvn V s -- w .->t - .. . . . .. ; J ‘ "■''■■■' :il?> i:i •■f.'-bum. htstfre D.-b- « h--hlv intclheem nty pleasure to writ /■ „,Y j 5 : t .and hwrseh . : ; ••'•-• .-A P -''“. ru 'to k t'F T>or;-:nn* v . , “ • kw-.'i iuck is j , r „ ;. X( :... :v ‘ v'V i;V aEGRO NATIONAI I ; -\<j\ r A b-sem. ‘ c-eiaer <--. • curtis leak .p-w-.y,: ~ ;; h ~j ;V -, ;)i , r , ar . .-iv.'c.h os x-,-0 -vt re about t.. av-- <n.. P[,j 0 £ - a. , • ;jwi' n N a i- ;H; h! : :U " T- dt-Y;' V- -4rChan*: -Stars. Whili t; . NY, . W. V ::v. '- ;d r big league Vail was e- V h.YV ' spkn '^ u affair- We e-d nr.' -eV-m "•'■/ f . r - .'V ,e N.” |i ?) ' ( Y - inn!! ''-"' from ' t u;; , CHARLEY FOXY ILL F YR . 4 P . . , ~' . ' -'-t une el suv « •’ ■ six t-put- Sh< * P t*,. r ... (i ~ - * r i.jodte,-1 -Vi hsOhfu i m-.'i--- ' j-u. hu:' Ui ■' LU IVA :s->. ;::: n-s In-. r .a. e- U , r>at xr RnP T H\i'iV '’r " • °." J.J-. Bronku Ivo-igirTfU. etc. v; n c n JI ' ;,;g 1 'iutTUX'.;] « fee, -1 : v/h to surp.ws NY -0 Corrclt-rrnu-ct m ms: k of xr-ars Us/s,, -, P y av . ... I - i m«*etcn, \ J •-? •j. ■ »•,p - r \ .... i,• * * J • oufst/ioding schools.'" CK i‘ rieer rsiwecn these twu 12 Strike-Outs Mark 7-0 Lion Win Over Eagles LiNC OLN. Pa. Starting in he ■srh inn;;-,'; with .. c.rcni; clout b, >iK Joe Walker with one „s>< ,v ! ' c i-'-.-n Urivcruty hf.se hi.;,' ! iauk. d ,>: , v y _ PCs} S Oti i FIELD PU $ ypr ft Mr Tft oi n T|mc«H} rm I litlDi C j *5 B> Samuel p t my, .Jr. BOSTON (ANTPi Acc'.i’di;'. Roger Birth well, S porT* writer with 1 ! ";£* p.Avrtrtr- T .. ■’**' Cleveland Indians pia...;. yv :• tw <,•, months ago was vver enns he-.v ( soon he d be farmed out to i ,c bushes, has become overnight p. siugj2''.-r * a oi: - uii-i leading bigyleHgiie ouifmia Bin well’s story n d Oc o, I hud. «.*> of last week, I- Batted in mofi :• m.i ;,h.;n Ihfe other member.* ol the Civs! lf-nd out field put 10.-otl.er. mclud- ! mg substitutes and j-e;ieh-hi*ini -, »2. Cleared two oj ny.-l di:>42ii: ! tWn-ier.-; in the major* the center; Held i cnees at Griffith tedium and i Fenway Park, with home . n:. t. i; consecutive da vs. His WL-.-dn o.- : homei was the loot, -at cei : tai'-i j Cfive that has bee, !..• there ■ ' o j t;ft 26 years ago by Bab; Ho : i Veteran catcher w. a the N-. nrfc Eagles, Bias Ivlack- .y. is cm-h- I ed with advising the Indians ;• switch Deny from an infieider ■/>’ an outfielder. Mackey is suppos, u to have said. ••Dob\'2s I;nip; ur. in- • fielder so iar but in in big ;< wtuL I think the outfield is ins best ! Stance.'’ * %&•**»'* «*s*y -MC'.VVVSWr-AVH -9ft* *W* f. ri v. Carolina Slate College 7-0' here Friday, 'ine Lion power at -bo plate . . I-h.in.dei' Walt'.;- tl orks cj.il , often rave assistance he rifvdcu. j .rrde ihe -.mouth wearing hu.-icr| : ;ried u coatr-d the ~ -sense ; ; oil vvdn a total of strike outs. | ■ Taking i«. the- moi no with tee in 4 : j dunking the Eagles handed him ia.»i| ; :i 1 ‘h on ‘;i« milt I the speed i i iwll see from Wss.’ti • vton, D C, i ; vo up only Iwo hits, on*’- -a douoio ! i y Phi%s. thv v-'thtr asi agio V' ■ ; iV , r: '- " i I V , was the rna.iii ;■ ii 11 e?vv U; : • s’ ,e Pl«t*‘ far Lincoln with Jr. • ! | ce-'tves ui four trt y>i-., one a tong hi- ' . ball into, deep centt-i * iiirh wne/i ; ■ ior two bases. Fuller socked atia- j I ule in Uio s<w,-euth. a. .. Walker t, ! ] tower his fourth innirr homer wuhl | stven-jj ir,ning „ »ngle 1.;.,,,! ; ,I'ought Fulk't across. I , LINE urs Lincoln All S H HO A E i ialiai rro. 2b 4 •! i i o O' i Fuller, ss .if 2 2 0 2 i * I Wbiker. If ......... 5 2 2 i 0 0 : Limns, cl .4 ‘ 10 » i; l&cCray. c 4 0 it 11 o o| A ess, j! i 4 ' 3 11 '2 i j tvio.g, 4 i i (i 0 f, Let.,.. 3b 4 0 0 0 1 : Lrouks. e 4 C 0 1 4 f | N C State At, U II PO A V. t.blcrnun. If i 0 0 1 0 o! Fladio. lb 2 i, 013 0 ; Terry. 2b 1 U I 0 l 0 i Edmunds. 3b . ! u i) (1 4 l| Parks, rs 4 u 11 0 (i| L’ftsctemfc. rs 2 0 0 2 0 e j Springfield, ss 3 0 0 0 2 * • Simms, c T. TOGO a 1 Leach, p 2 u 0 0 0 t); BOX SCO.bE N. C. Stale 000 000 000: Lincoln ...., 000 202 JO-L TOTALS: R H .: N. C State 0 2 :,\ L.u.tyoin ... f lit . A I bisoss ewm 1 TITLE FOR Tlf'RD STIMISHT TEtR MAM I’d q a \. Va. - Twining i. <■ . stUlc- -xc iVlOi'.u;:,! SluU- s ! laam. it tor sh • second cutisoeu- ! idve year. Hcuvard Linivirsity’? tltin-1 j'• ‘ ■ " o their third sf.ai.. h: Ci .A j I ’’.si's ,:r: iiij) m-r-'-t. Ani-i \: I - • 1 ‘ k.tiiiitoi; i: i it'.He S’aiU" env. ..ii d ..... ;H't year. At -». ■: > i *: \v-.,m j im CI A A Open Me: { city to I i, ■ Find ii:.’ reiemif.e Bison' , ;l -' U>.- ed x amp: tniou. ’• 1 " -Iro' r.i :•.J i onus to AC 1 , to.- si si ~;s: Li..-coin /fi \,,i !< i.t S' e . 22 a-i.i D.ls : y.i 1-2 tuptiuced .[ ot three-v; s -Pic so. third. R:x.in-i ineo ii in. : -Jl ssv.'ii I:->:•• d cm A. or. i . - ;mid Wed ViisiuM S;.de'- live j jio. iis. Shaix r. ci txv.s point:-. Vi.-- su.iti s.iiic ii.'i done, r.u-j me i:\-t e-.h.ci eoinpetiny Ci.c-. ;ch©Ola were , . -iUi! Dill. Tiy acromo-m , a,... invitational xh. I..SUC nacet xxAis o runsxva" -'...• •’ieniimtiOii HU;in Vi./-,. A;,.. : taci t News, who janiud 57 points I ; • We unn: p Druiau n.y - ; ! «.f Baltimore. .W e- of i ,r;;. ' Pho. ~v of line,,. ! is fur ir,;sd. vs 'h 1., cornu io i n ! icVx ip r‘*t i; \ '? ' >' si Arji'.sporis- iA. sc inn... ~ ' 'd 7." Adi, and Peabody of l’dirs- i : u;re,, 5 1-2. TAt MI'H SI trs Do:aw;,rc ot./.'s e.arrive ().;:•■ ’ ' rim i ’A'its -die star ~,f the dax it.- ) best »ho Cl A A i hoi nm record, set! ot Morgan ck-ven >. U ',. i.-y mc-re dial, f .-i,.- f c ... v ■ ; -it.--fiii.it tCi'-ijiy.) h:ave. ‘y-i tint >:i-<'Uc ee ; in j/e esc , inch-. . aho node ..: 1937 b -■-inch effort. “ ' : H; v.-rirdY Jim Ruc uni M .- -/■-'• Is-;,' Tyler si/sexo.; , xci::.- ( -ell, v, ith Er» ee tu.'i-..r,g ». a : - -IS a.tie. )2 sec -n;. belt- ;• ; , i- s’. ' r-ck Open Mi 01 time Os ’.an: jo • ••. s ■ v;t •si . v i:s ,-. :?ic. :r ih. niodiey sis I One tnilc relax and to* tailing of | ; lorce of Bio four place in the j;:,.. ) yard run SUMMARIES MK.OLLY RELAY Find. lie,, . ; e.-ti i'nivt-ri-.ity iCoi.,n... Hutni.b-y/ , Ansi IX- r. r>: ee-. , ~ s -id . se-ssc i u if;:- ee.-.. Write.' 1 -ci'k-: . footer 1; ifcirtj. namuto*: P.-i 'A' I Ri ■ • -.-. P.. , e rar Ca-evi- fourth, . ."e, St*ie! j ißrown, Vse iu.-. r.yl s. Dixon*.l »iw. • d:3,0. '••'ULE HI a ■ Bi ucc Hov> si'd f. ' -'-vie. ,\'|, are •: M< rnr, : ■ A-- . J SI :, ':.. i, ; - ,> 1 ~];j 440-YARD DASH <UG •„ : ; ' -f'- '.l'V .Vo.'t.l Ui-iUIS . C» the)';*, ivi: : - :e. - R, - ell Howard ' : HOI PUT Paiaur, fnlswaiei S'eil* ; }j* iO Y \V • • | \ ;Ijij- j•; Sl■ ‘ \ Lincoln. Dislmw-; 4H r ; r : i- n ■ . UI A A . lend, Stfi- V AFD DASH - - Tx-.-sr, .'vie, U ;Find. Nnrti, Cuipkna A. a-s' 1 : Murri.i, .Morgan: s’ss'cw:. Do.a --; 'Veil c. Tinie, S.9*. 1- JUMP Ixla/.- i b’uwara. Parker, N, c. Colk-e; I ;V < ufitvc.'s, Morttan, -1 'liion-as -s ii,,an. Dn nance. ii. . \.e r , ■ 1 RUN .. : e, How se<.. Martin Lincom; Bright. 11., - d' Carm.-rc-i, Hsur.i. The,... ..i„U. 220-YAPs) DASH - Tyler , sde. 1.i0in,.-:, wiixcuci, .1 caws L.nU U-V/i'ito, N. C *Uallege Th's i ■ ), ■; "’j 2- - proven. Ro.-i- ; N (P UoMiyc Ml . V. c 1 ■... I : x iiimcn. Ids-ss,, Tinre. 1/ -.A i 220-YARD HUKbJ. ids Moni.-d Aloigan; VVi.tSu.ri, Dc laws re; He j .i.-'-cis IV. ’> ule, ~•. N -! i oJieeg. 'l'isse. s-f. 4. iJI-Sl Ids Palnits DseJawarc; I liie. i./ticoln; 1 isvjc. Shaw. Kw ■ s ■■■ iai. St ~ Distance," 143 i 1!;. I Qc O CIA A. 1 !?('•.' t MILS RELAY ... FUd’ Hoxv.nd ! ’Ex' 11 Hc'C-'ll Is xl. Collins>: - ; Get) uiruxvii. Tyler:; third. .1.:. i-rihs e ( x;,u>. ■ '-ei'rm. Thonue-, Ivk.*iin, Jones:,! ' r,;i! ' ui , N- t. Crdltye (Thomp.enJ Dis-cn, Hs. risen;, WL: field). Tim -3:22.1. JAVELIN - Robins.'.n, Ho.,- .0. i-alteiNon. Lioeoin: aurtiis, HtUllj: lore Morton. Howard Disrartcc-. u-i : 1f... t in. HIGH JUMP I-.-n. j ... ■ "'■:i: fay'or and Dsuh. boii-. . ; t.isJ noconc uric; Goia-Lum-. D<-laxv<»'.-.-. .-nd Vs.t-.h '•--Vs. TV! i)C-d for *, % Height. Oi'i., j in. POLE X .'vl'4'l Pyv.,r:i Massingclv. \. C. CMk Le y son. Hampton: Alosj/du. : ii-c-ii- Hcdcm, 11 n.. j! - riS , IdO-V.ARij KUR DLL :• vVii-,-.n, 1 Dehiware; And: rs-on, North Oar, - A and T . Mile wil. Liuc 0,11; 1 j.i.siie, A. c College. Time, px., j NEGRO AMKi, ,-CAN ASSOCIATION STANDING 1 r a Jus Won Lost Asheville ... 14 > Richmond 9 Ra}cigh x 2 d BsiUrnm-e 4 Jricksonvilie 5 :-,j Norfolk ' 3 .1 Durhffin .x Greensboro 3 u ! Winston-Salem 3 '! Danville 1 jj Standing includes games of May M , Prices oi iecd grains in April' averatted about 0 thud above the!' same mouth 01 u? 47, i ! • 1 'ur *i'l. - .... ... ] u-: ...- ecdu up ‘'Dumb Dan ’Says Walcott Will ' Decision Louis The winmth and new heavy • weight 1 hamoir.n :.i the world — Jci vv Joe Walcott! Tda'd the 01 ■ ti■:.. of D yi.il F. (Dmno Li; r.' Morgan wh > rrives you ni:> exclusive forecast •,a the t niinu Louie Walcott : whi in th- .Pee • Sr-ctfc! ■ ■" Dumb Dun should kiv’.v. Four nicnths Lcforo the first Louis• W ile .It fight lasi Dvocmbi"', Morgar :. *-cli- • 1 “Louis won't make Wdo -tt look like a suck •ci-.” Then Dan. wm has been ibs-ix'inc the > York boxin., :-vn, for more 'han *0 vo.-os, • urnrisinc she ving ov. n befor .' lho tick:'!' were urinted. FISTIC PROPHET That was the dip's! in a Ion: series of roTurate Ivixins predie Old Belasco Theater To Open In Capital For Patrons Os Both Races Yv KSHIN’GTI >N iCNS - To.- old Betaseo Theatre, rich i • American hei'itr.ge as the site '•'hero \\ ilii,.rn !h .’ip Seward. L-ncoln's Seer- :o x of Slate, had h.s iicmc and was staLoed on the - iyht of Lincoln s assy? - imj . will now Ik- the scene of mere American hi.sto: y. Fm the Tieosury Department, which owns the building /.as ne cided to move its files from the ; i \• ro Y - i ft lease it t-a ;U• pui'-lir as a icuiitimati tlxi'c.t.e where all races can sec plays , : distinct; .-n. This action on the part of ‘die Treasury D*. par mu n> comes at a time when the administration is about to wage n bitter battm gainst Souilurn robe's on the Civil If L:his IssiH'. \*xnotht less. !’• .'lepartp'.'. nt :• needles< to the outcries of Southern Dcniucra .- anci by lin.iirig oihe; storage f, Ne:xf Door’ » \ j * ~—^ “T” j |\*iaaV / u* CcatTAya-bt! T*_*atnTO«_ j "\ ‘U little squirt . . . Why d• -1 l va come out here an’ Sax that!!’' tan topics 3y CHAXIiS ALL BN i '■ ' V . I|§ )('\\s |)t>: ' W' C. (f _✓ .' b | v mm T - i i J L_ „ _ rrNJiiMFMkTKL rc/t"WW?C i didn’t bit him first ... .1 jusi dftf'ondotl myself before he j«tt^ckg44” ■. ■wy i * V)Siivn‘ ' '.F'-' 1 ' -‘i'itV - y ,v ''” ’"le '■ f fe r l ' ", . ' *' ' THE r A ROT, INT AN liens made bv the 75-year old ex - and manac'//:' w lx > has won .'-caßii!! tip a it.. 111/ No 1 fistic prophet. Said M u'gan, ‘TI xvill be a 'decision, but Jcrs(-> Joe will have .1 ti-.Ljl:it- wha.ts;»e\'er. Louis ; no lbntp r the fighting tiger lie used 1-> lie and lie'll neve: gc>. /■ > gen. 1 -.’.'nape to beat the su perbix .*onditkned Walcott. Tl; ’ i'/;adlunger has proved he can put Louis <•: tile canvas without much trouble. This time Wal-r-nt •viil have ex- n more coniiik'nce. He'll ruff Louis iu o. as freely as he d’d Inst December. He'll itt&k" th.- He-nl -•-. miss just as badly • ‘"it h.n e him iu/t as confused. " here'll be no V >rncr-made enu t:on '■'• do'-' Waioott uo in <!v' final r.ntnda " /pace for the files the Bela sc 0 v.aide to be turned .-ver as a iw/.t ■.le 'louse, s s as to assure Washington of at ea.-t one. The National Tin. arc. '-x dm iws ho.«■ tdo re Ih on the oniy i'Gii.i showing stage plays, has refuse.; yet to comply with Equi . v‘s f.a! t!ia the theatre be op • tiled t - av races alike \>r tno stro-s would -'fuse to act on the ti. s'.;-;;*' of I.IU Ngtt 11,11. Tile ban becomes ctiective .\ugust 1. Loading applicants for lessee tiv, Ih ;.p, Joseph H. Cur tis. :ho son of John Cohn. Pres ident cf C/iun-ina Pietun ;. Cur ■tis has ple/geu no discrimination m the liudK-n; • More iver d* - spile an . xpeiidi'u; ■ of betxvecr. Slab.OOG and S20(t.000 to give the L-C: i jl.' I'i/'W X Ultl.S'haS jirotni-.-.H'; to haw the Theatre ready by Fall for the publsc. By TED SHEARER LINCOLN \l mm U |i ( I km FESTIVAL LINCOLN. ”a.— The Lincoln University Glee Club was in rare form on Friday night as it gave a sterling performance to cele brate the twenty-second annual music festival in the school cha 1 pel. Under the onion ot H<u-' Booker, d; ceter, the Glee Club .....; Ba.-h and Rachmaninoff with verve. Christianson’s "Beau ■ i.fill Saviour” with hecoinin/ : ', ndcrni .'.s afiri Vulpies s “Fast. r Faid jinuh with aut'.iuit','. In -. varie i pi /gram which in | eluded fix'-' traditinnal spirituals the Glee Club sang with a sun: i ness and expressive ness that brought out pure musicianship in highly c' editable performance. The Glee Club had as guest ar :: ts Natalie Hinderas. a young juiueist es great promise from : Coertin. Ohio. and Theresa Green, soprano, of Baltimore Maryland. Mi.-s Hinderas plav-. I J Hi ohms’ ‘'Rhapsody in B Mmj,” 1 »nd txvo Chopin numbers, i Miss Green s: ug the solo pa:t ixx ith the (Ho Club, in Gounod's ; '(> Du./ne Redeemer'’ and, at tie ] sfener- or the audience for an i ynrore. “My M.ri 1? 1 1 xne Y ;n j Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess.” : r 1"-"i ’ Glee Club soloist.-: weir: •' Dcsane. baritone: F- !der 1, -' e - ten,ir. Eug-c-no Toilivi r. 'ni •: ind Wdiiam A H„ ! rnond. bass. At the conclusion of the pro am in the Chapel the student? “• b 'bcir lovely ladx guests i n' vari /is cities on the sea ; : Rui'd adioumed t 0 the G ; Sl -, trx n.nasium ti dance to th-> i Groins nt the- music by Sy Olive and h:s barH. , SUHOUEFfS ID \l %jo t s :. '■ !; ' v YORK : A >i Bi, yy i r-C kSTINE, who ma .- f )i)3ny , {‘ ! -’ ! *' i't’arl lake .* . '.sf'divf ru * his. Apolio th< a;re .annearauk /•-a-. ”'-as lap a: ,u \V..-' melon -an,. d-puhinty .... „ h;; , 1 Hines' hand v-.*s "\-lia /xT.-ice has l": / ac.-rkiimed :i,. ! He reroi.:.- unde,- D.. i pU.xc and othtr i"/-.ra.. -•uUKi/R Vt\ M : . GODFREY . ;a *adio lav. fitvi of .-Ary- I' : ;; U h ' ; ' a!iiJ t- if ia ■ Miss . IYi < k Ui hank for expert screen: • j ” W.o 30 Oi 40 hopemis” who di i -1 (V : nn] V fri Km , ■ ' 1 f ■' • • t 4.L-* Cl MJOx OE iitt* ' ; '• ' i;s p. ‘-’i A.tOR B<o»V> :-j 1. ji ■ : -r/ t of the hvin;-. : •-l-vakuig us Mujci Howe.', jj, , v j->p ; ck xx e learned, xx.... :*•.,• , • .., 1 -’it most reiiabl. aide , , I eitn-.il lift,l ; ..-jnoisn,.., |-.:„, • hvu.x tiiiceton with r.i- Pap. •.i 1 o. mi-. N. y tl . j i .. t,u ' Eiuniit at the Godfrey mwi:- li.-inne tlnrlio JOSEPHINL i Hr,MKT hke • - logc-nu Pi Oil Pi - ! i 11... : IS tl!! a. . ~. aML-u,' .lance, find on authority Laribee-.n F-.ik !:,e f- ,- t1 .. ij ~; mtcip:ciatixe iii.nee . fminer; n • : ’ bi.aviii? in... i-n--iihj. . i models hats, -hop;, 10,. IJiViV. i» . ip.,. ~ , “ '• ‘ ,r 'S am, uffii-l.s aa-d cloihii'p. 1 ’ '••••• UI'MI “f • • a X "V I oat: - and sm-ru. h. Uelnmijia Lu-xai y\ . u,, ... ivja . v i 1 on xbc iblk « .ht °J Vif{ i*V‘sJ; v,.u of { Rk/.,i)G ( , l(i ■fa Siiv^ix. (< iff'.nxi'oi « ; sk!J‘n».’ muxir," Tu •- ~.. OC/iC &S ll'.limp* I j ••<»,»» f* uiia Wa.s Vt'C-U rrc<;n c a He i, * "bywore” m Negro joi.r na/n'tn: hi'- ns rn, a'i- j ' * ' ' ! : .*• jAi • - Q\if. ■ W 1 1 . 0. 1/. J n niMi’i d jru N’t - trough 1 fj ?» , .V serxvd tame the naeon over. ! is o’k ui Pi', luild oi , ‘uc- Ti.usi .as •Y 1 ■’ on >fr. oiitiio . j.ic-e 1935. • i elolci ,>P.i! j. i-ie it, s .pr(in;in x‘ hoir Mi If" 'tmiuai *.:>nccrt IVANTA. (in. Ac. cpp. -. . .. I lid: nt-:- filled iers Ciiep:! i a e.<paeuy ~:i Frici. ? .-venui.;; i. II : ii:e Spi inn,., College .;,... i- <'••'■: ' one of their cone: aa. : in rtPHiii y*,ar< Doccior Willis L.u..enco .1 ;ur,e --x-' -a inusit ai prog,cm.s ha ve or a/i traditional to th. ir hig '/t of pcrformaniv was :... n;.- c. ■ aciinv ua- y,; i.- icc ensani- 1 i i • tlu-oiigh ihc tonal rffret? -if m x an- d r, let tiinis. Tin -uidirncc tv.--» 1 ii,:.i .i-.-ni for encores tr* /ughout ih 1 exa uir,:>. ' Scotl Associates Book in o- Four Artists Nei) Scott AssoeiaL's l'hie mw ..•tiiounecd the presentation in c-.m --crn'i np.-rt season in aria.tion to Miss i ■An'd Brice of Charles Holland. : tenor. Jump, Hull, g basso disco*' cry of Mr. Scott’s: and Miss Gracita i'culkncr, a lyric sapi.inc who made ■ her debut this past reason. Air. Holland ’.vail ij.- roirmmb: red far his sensation,*! ; erfonnantvs m “Huiliiljiiloo'' and ‘ Accnii Op Voutll ” MOM iiictur. • of >-.< ves n year/ ago. and at«o in- his perior nr-inc. r veilh t’pc Nuc S.i n.p-ia?;., Grcbestr ~ These" in - tr will be j available lor schools, colleges, and i Pennant Race Underway For American Association RALEIGH - A ven hot race is (Miaping up ui the: Negro Ameri can Association <s ihx. currcn* li'iidcrs - the As'iCv/Yn Blue.--. Tti Richmond Gian's, iht Raleigh T)... i.r.' and iht- Jacksouvillc Eagles ' 'open a series ot conic.- • this xvc--. **. Richmond, fre? h fr> --n a doubi-’ i-iumph ovu: the Du- K.u.l - ,ito 4 ami 10 to lat*. SSunrtaj", v. ! to Asheville for a fix > -gauu. serie : j beginning Monday ni/ht, The Jacksonville Ragles \vli 1 knocked the Blues l <m top rany .xx ith a - r > to 3 xx in , ; Jack oiivil!-.' ia.-t Friday take i>ri •to HaL i._ . 1e: r. h i three nig m nc. m ... M- ini.i.' night at Ri.'ii* Hill. .S. t rim Tiger.-. 'Uirvntlx .a a u-nui , -•weak, have won la.-u seven tames played, inch; a g a til, ee !- .lines sira" with i:,e Gie. i:.xb,>. - : !ii j Wink::. The WiosU'i'-Sairn: fond : broken into ti c .. ir.-'in:, co, (jrays Lead hi National Negro League Uter \$ m Over Neu ork ( uhans . NEW YORK Al vr iare. c kyU ; ! ' - xxc.’ks us piny : H-in ■.i-:« Gray.; nnve sun: : i : h-ju'-J ?<•» c i ,<iaco the eh; mpi'in N<.« Vovk Cm ns from the Lai ~t the National I t agu?. They won lour <-ut -f fix ' i i-.me;' ini mg ,ne week and showed a*v 1 : cvii' of being p.. minj'ui-4 :c ex’ that one - m./ti' them the j -nr/ no mi' Irani »f tii Ivagm. TV c Pliiia Slurs a t.ae.iUiinp no, • !> on the peeks of u. h.-.ders a,;, 'indicate that a lot . reekiiiibxi, j must b done vvilh tnem They nun! • ini' iriumpii;; xvihi u : defeat t,/ :: xx eel; and ro-e 1. ,-m tiL’n u-; ii'ird m tile etui- sKy.dir.g, xvin :i t'.xiee tr. i.i oi th. :iic New*,. . m i Baltimore Clubs. As -non ns h.n xx e sher come :!• league race wilt di'-vclop nit; >ne of the- most fteicv fcattLs U, • ■rive bee n-iuged. KhSl’l.'l Oi il't Wl.i.k nv.y 3ft. 1 I ,:i.i Sts - ... r i Cun ie 1 i May ;! Hcrc-estead Grays thuti ! r.u N. Y C. t 12. N. Y ’ Black Yank: Slavs 4. Newark 1 Max L 1 - Mciv. slc-ycl Cu ,v , 3. Nk Y Black Yanks 0 M. Hell l-.'sU- < , :• 3 4 a.. Y Black Yanks tl May i,. Baltimore :!. N. Y Luoasu . Phi!.. Stars Lt Newark 2 /!.:'■ r- N Y Black \ - a : rit.':' Gray 4 < )>t ~•, t:. ! ; He.,.:*.-' si ,-ad G ix s N x Black \ an.'. :t .?nd i'»r. Pi, .a Blurs 6. Ha;- x;*iii*vt" <■; A-. ’. ii ii ,1. N. V. Cub ans 3 .Vj.’) ' Uv All (sin’.)'. ' i J ' •• ? J’*o‘ Ru,ili | (J I siAV'lM.si k\ c>n I.oM I'ft i Gi'lf.' 1.1 .J' A. ' i 'uba't-is 2 . 7 ; ’ > •'/->, j , . .. s r v C 5.Jl in) i*■ . £ *>•>.>! N. iii.ii k \' iink. i 7 .Ik-5; M ill 11? iS. fi! XVI 1 K M. X r. Ncwaik „. Baltimor- j .1 x ip. Hour stead Grays at B>L . 1’:1 ■, 11 ■. N ‘j X.. tl i; u1; :> a l ,:: Stars -.Yoiki M: X li> N v C'.ll';..' '•: at i ! >!Ue j :• so ( way . 11Ht. r-b'.-rai 20 \ ’! Ue-i.a • .' Homo-: stc.id G: -x - i xV,ishi!'?f-:n > .lax 2J. N.” Y Black Y .nkecs NcVrti k tU.uiue ty>; t-, Y ! I'apa'.- .t Ba!' in.or- I’h-’iv Slurs , Hum --'. lid x,r;n.- M.i? 22 Slavs .a Homosi Gi. \ • ''Pittsburgh'. Newark • N. Y. Viia. k ’YanU, * Thany. N.Y.. May 23 Pi.lia S ary lix-v-ic.sLav; Gt.i.vs (Washl; B'li.inU're at N . Y. Cubans lYanko. Stadium- Dean Bixon Sti-eeixes ••ji 1.000 !h i son \oani NEW Y'-RK lAJxl'i D- .n i D::: --. xx :.o urifluea 1 Ii . iMS .-.* tixpileiiy S-.- .i ay. • ‘ ei\ -.' i d-i :ftl ft Alice ’.VI I : rv.a. >I.OOO from Dr. Fnuut Dicht !•. ci.- | r hi.l acting is'e.a ix"of Coi*:i’- j bin University, ilurii.;' the broad-: *.-•: iiiUrmission iCi-S 3:(ui t- ! i.? KLST' The eil-il ion at-mr.: ai'vav' /In'i ave-ird to tin' .33r-u id ?*• -.r eor'i: net or read: . Botri as art Ist u;.a c Pike it, he ha.-. broc.pLt di.-t ii.-el mix ! :o the Anirriean •Ci'i'ii-. He ,s luc] -. i;aoi;'.er and x t-iu.i"’i:or ol ..c| Anierickti Youth iM Ciic.-.'ni whten,! under hi? iin:u.;i."iitive leader..-ini . ; devoted io the d. ceiopniL'm t.f j ~yrnphony mu.'.ic as t social tin . educutional f-.irce :i he coirur.u-.-; i PA - j The latest is an, '.\ Quick-cook- j mg packaged rice. It cook-; in oniy , 'll) minutes boilinff. compar* d j I ivnh 23 to :io minutes r>. JitL for ; ! ordinary rice. The piotfuct is pro cessed under a unique treat me. >; | ! which ine-ci'v: the vitamins anal |to wet Ihe star' h content. The Clara. 1 rnilr u.ds of the j GJniled States use 3,31 d 000 miles :* 'ephone and taler*i j>h wires its! iheir operations. Tins would be ' . iiffieicni to rer,fh fn.x-four tiina ; : round the gFo'hc at no equator.! l sp.-nt.nmi cisaceri ' x«.r org-mlzn- J : '.ions, * PAGE SEVEN i i.'tnii tor the first time, having won a uoubL-heacet at Danville Sun ■ ty. C to 4 and s to J, pushing the Danville All Stars into the cellar. The Durham Eagle :• sustained a ; double i"'.. on .Sundry to the Rich •nond (Jinnli. 7 to 4 a.-d 10 to 2. Norfolk and Baltimore had thou: ■ lithe i.ities i aineu or . R.-.loifjli Tty:.Nee,io Atncncsft : Association Schedule t r wcck of | May 17. 1 May id, Jacks, nville at Raleigh . May HI Jacksonvtile . Raleigh May 20, Rahigh at (iriensboto .May 21. Raleigh at Greensboro "May 22 Richmond at Raleigh j May 23. Raleiah at Danville ii;L iotiuOHe TIAN to v»7.j rn T T AND LOUIS FIOHT CAMDEN'. N J • AST* Wr.,. j promises to be the 1..-. nest group : t people to eve* attend a wo;.M ! civ. Pci;: cn lTUose i;; : as siv. fair, t . :l< n. homo o'. ;<>:• Walcott. \ sp' vial 100 has I .i :• ■.! .in : ,<n the people oi 1 o,f : en and the. \ su: rcuiuhn... cities. : a wii! in' I iitcl.! li i.n o pore ton by special enact. nsri to, ~o t: e Yankc . .■ ia,»- j tun! from Camden or •• return <{»- iy afor ■■ ace do lour wilt j .Iso include adumstou ticket to t.u : j light in a p rial MOiioii set a. .«* i N- c Vo;. v.a . tie - Tours, j. y | d JNcw Y rk City f..r iftjj group. Hear, r ;7 i C ' ’on. !;) t! diet bits of ue cava tea: . wiH be o onto E Bn cure u vaj- u.l C:ai.- : An. A tfKcial police t ..oort will cic orppcuiy the bore., u. and'from t..c ; }..)•> < 110 r tm\r si? 7 /! NLu <lif*L lit . m OVER AOSIES DURHAM Moue sficrnocr. ;at 2)i.ir : :■ r a c ca'ii c improved North College term gavi ■A. and r Ceil ye v 7-4 sotoe-d; ! .ccii big:.;; witi; 4 n. at die ism limit‘ file E« As j» Me : .sen ,ss .»• ! .) her to the see trJ ir. re raid add | d 2 co, Are for good ivu.avuro in Bee | *n the mound for Hu 'vinners. Pitche r Earnest C annaciy of 1 aid 1 \\?r.lked 1.. i y Coleman and \r.dr,_\v ddcii.-. v-■ f ..i two critic: advanced tie sc mei.. vs m;or ,-t t. i b.,-,. vCm. .H o v lei mauds bsHinv ailouvi Onicnuui ;o p-ang hern;. part- s v- ... h. next bad ;r, and ms’triple, 'ha inly i r. nl die :r.• 11 ;i•-. sc .red \V;i S( OR* S ON S.ACRU it ! ■ >rou .. n t P:? rks h(• rn '■. In tne second ( '■ cutt .i from : ■oc'.e.d ij, <.r.i i\r i.v j ingle. Thy Aggies got int,, the gam* in he third, sending Walt Kov. iev home i n a hcnutii'ul squeeze >J ~y •Oil : bo! , i. r , . )■ . -ii' no i.v;s< OH ifcl i .E Ayrir il.lt f ;}u> oav In the fotuth Itu-mas Alston vac d homo fc'i the Ay,oro, .il’.t a u, u; i■ y i I ! - ■ WNti. IJi* USO. rs > '• V i;)!.•.'s C- \ - cutbCi an-'-th. ;■ ’well urtiod p«sy iii ho -ixhi to hco'A -' Go»: -go Knox oi. > ,*;aorif-vC by Jo' \1 ht. ku I.l*c Gist hail of \l ■ sa:nc un.G i olca .a •:.(mi VV ») : innu f ivnu:, h t v ic?ory jiit-.- ciOKer v;ow hy F.orjio-na > * Knox coded the dry scor-ng. for .ho U>.a.‘i'. r the carut'h '.V hf’Vi n:: ■a,. :.to a j;r i*,.tc a *>.e 1 Kovr Ic . i > x Score: R K s: \ AIV 1 r tifil l-jl OH)—1 i- * 3 fv ( t’ 4.1 J 002 00n -7 17: t RrAcuic; ("rnurdy. Simmons .ind ;• 1 r.s.'lc:: Shic-i v.'.n v.d Sims i f.-turics: Hcmlcrsoh rnd Hire. * &t> Proof WE STRAIGHT VWSKtVS IN THIS PRODUCT AS*: 4 VMS) Ctf MORE©I,O. M& STRAIGHT akisksy, s*£*|si>TtiAi spirits, Oif.mieo FROM OR AIN, 6MKWW* * tor: tanrra, ram, sihrbs W'aMKMMiiiwiinaiMnwffi^

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