BLOC VOTE CAST IN PRIMARY ROBESG ICL ASK AT SENATE HEARING T’TTF' WFWii- n/M TXT T A XT I I—l -|/i If I /\/ I A /\j i riM ■ \v/iiiftl/JL/ii\ i/ii VOU ML XXVII. NO IS SENATOR RAPS DRAFT BIAS ic A -k ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ *★★★★★★ ’★ '* ★ * Commencement Week Exercises SOLON Pi im FIGHT AOA'NST ORJIFT JlfilSßO'/l WASHINGTON >A\P) - -Am. William Loncor <!■!.. I). D. nouneed Wednesday 'hat he introduce an amendment to b.u "•-> So in- of racial Mgiv.nion a.'-.i- . any draft and that ivmild i vigo roust 3y fords acLpfion. He said that hit amt ..Sac-,: WOUiQ bo iiMUoiOfi in ' Mgli,' ; ■ cannot bo ciicu.ViVOiK.v. .... wo- ,S week anti-discrimi tail r; -c.-r: i• f the i 9-1-0 s- ietiUve s.: , ad i slruc-J by »hv army in.? to n c 1 • segregation. Tile North DiSa' S: .'/‘note,. v! : the press that he 'voik i .; - j in!; ~ once amendmevi! i to me diaf; s.ii (Continued on back page) *■ • .«■• - • - ittvr ' rat >«»»«rsr-»*sr-iaafcaa • •*•• • -wt t AS RALEIGH WENT TO POLLS At the top. Judge C. D. Helii,burton hands a bnlku to Mrs. Odessa Strick land as she prepares to vote at the Tenth Precinct. Also shown #xe Judge F. 3. Carnage and KA! .It! I (Til NORTH UAROLINA WEEK KXIM \(i SATURDAY, -JUNK 5, 1‘) 18 156 Candidates Receive 1. degrees At Sha w-St. Aug., 3 Honorary Degrees Climax Shaw Finals at 83rd Commencement Exercises held Monday afternoon in Moni i orial Auditorium. The class rep resented candidates hi both the College of Arts and Science ami . in the School of Religion. : In addition, to these degrees j . iContinued on page four) Mrs. Roberta Mitchell, regis trar. In the lewer picture Mrs, Sa die Giles cast her ballot at the 18th Precinct. Also shown from left 5.3 right are: Mrs. Louise j J McKtendca, regisisai;; David 1 St, Augustine Grads Hear Erwin Speak Forty.six candidate:,, repre- j ~ 4 . ... a < u i: , ; v v-' - nd ibni.jn'as at the 81st Cr'rnmeneennmt at St. Augus tine’s (Jr liege, M,n 26. Kiev, n o: tii*; 17 men in the -graduating chess were World II veterans. Or. Clyde A. Erwin, N. C. su : e .-intendent of public vnstruc »Continued ~r. page four) A. Harris, precinct chairman; Mrs. Gertrude Harris, judge. Thomas Wade, and W. H. Ful ler. I —CAROLINIAN photos i By Shephard, - ! \vo Negroes On Jury r 1 Hold Takes luree I lours To Serve Meal Oklahoma City (ANP) —ls Judge Baker Meione of the district court here wondered what happened Jo his jury and balift one evening last week when they went out tor supper, he should have stepped by the Biltmcre ho tel. For three hours hotel workers from a lowly wait ress to the manager tried to figure out a "suitable" seat ing scheme before they final ly decided lo feed the haras sed and hungry jury and bailiff. The reason for the delay was the fact that two members of the jury were colored. * First, the woman coffee shop manager pointed tow ard the kitchen to jurors J. S. Little-page and Earnest Ferguson as the place for (Continued on t»ac« page) Dixie Educators Oppose Regional College Plan, School Head Poll Shows RALEIGH - A lnr.jonty of ed ueators in southern Noyro col: ?„us look with disfavor oti the scgrey at d regional college pi: n. it was dis posed in a poll taken ; ,v William N' Smith of Sh;.v. Un:v .1: ity in La 'oigh. The survey whit!. constituted' HOUSING RACKEI REARS NAGBED Chicago (ANP) Police here captured throe membt rs of a group of tight accused of operat ing a SIOO,OOO swindle racket in housing, last week. W. 11. Gar rotte. 30,. said to 'be the leader of the group, and four others are still at large. Those captured were Miss Dorothy Doyle. 24; Miss Eliza beth Cotton, 34, and Aubrie Woodall, 35, ail licensed real es tate agents. Police are still seeking Gar rette. Theodore Baxter, 32: R. H. Jenkins, 3ft: Walter Brewere, 24, end Jayw< 10 d McClann. According to Asst. State's At torney Thomas Kilroy. more than 100 victims have accused this group of taking over SIOO,OOO in real estate deals. Three firms, the W. H. Garrett! and Co., the Wentworth Realty Co., and the Drexel Realty Co., were impli cated in those deals, Kilroy said.. Garrotte’:: group, he explained, Continued on page eight Social Security Asked For Farm And Domestic j Workers By President Washington (AMP) Expan sion of the present social scour- 1 ity laws to cover 20 million ad ditional workers, including farm laborers and domestic employes, was requested Monday by Prosi-1 dent Truman in a special mes- 1 sage to congress. Irt addition to asking for an 1 xpansion of coverage and an in l crease of 50 percet in the amount being paid retired workers, Tru-! [ man made several other sweep-1 iag recommendations, among -Vshe\ilio Refuses (lily Auditorium tse For Raul Robeson Speech ASHEVILLE Paul Robe son, singer and co-chairman of the \\ allace Third Parly move ment, has been denied the us ■ of the \shevitle < ity Auditot ium for an unseen-gated mas > met ing slated to be held in the interests of Ihe ►North C’arolm - Progressive Party, it was an nounced this week. The announcement was made by Asheville ( tty Manager i , >l. Burdette who declared that the "usual polity' -s to lease the auditorium to eilhc-i white or Negro groups who may des ignate where members of the other racial group may sit. * Mr. Burdette .said that he saw | no reason to change that polit y for Mr, Robeson, who with other members of the Progres sive Party, h3s announced that he will not appear before seg regated audiences. an effort to obtain fa;al inforrna* i on oil nine que.-oi.-.-m y I'toming: a. iv.-,inal colleges for I.’egroes, was made in preparation r-r a contei t nee ot the Atlanta r.ll C 111z-'ns Committee on the Southern Region al Education Plan. (Continued on back page) BOYS' STATE TO CONVENE AT W£ A program is being arvnngea to feature outstanding .speakers at the Second Session of Ta r i Heels Boys’ State which will open at North Carolina College at Durham on June 13th. .1948. and last through June 20th, Boys’ State is one of the most important efforts of the Ante: i can Legion toward developing the leaders of tomorrow. Th e j program is designed to study the Institutions of government, and to hear lectures and discussions by public officials, faculty mem- j bers, and leading Legionnaires. The hoys will spend the entire week on the campus at North Carolina College. A recreational : program is being arranged, also. ! Boys attending Boys’ State are outstanding high school seniors, ( Selected from all over North Car- , olina. They arc sponsored by in- 1 dividual* as well as organiza-j tions, American Legion Posts. Auxiliary Units, Parent-Teachers; (Continued on *-ao<-- page) them, the adjustment of benefits i I to keep pace with the rising cosi of living, and that women become j eligible for old-age benefits a* . 60 instead of 65. Also, he urged that pensioners; he permitted to earn up to $4Ol per month in part-time employ-: j mefct, instead of sls at present, j j without losing their social sc- ; I curity, benefits. Other Truman recommends | tions included; unemployment ] (Continued on back page) ' y\ , '■ 1115: if? v p- ** ws wwmmbhi W • : <• .m **^§bP- ; >. f&i • jffk * I :4P&afc t ' AG \ , : jj. '•> ■bßßC , W'PfiSt!u J ; '. ' SR, ’ PRICE 7c FIGURE IN SHAW FINALS —Principals in the Shaw Uni versity Commencement finals which were held Monday at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium are shown in an. informal dis cussion shortly before the start of the commencement proces sion. Those shewn from left to right are: Dr. Frank M. Swaf » - » ...... *»#*&&&>. ■ ■ - ..s-./y— aids ■ -s-*- - -*■*- AT ST. AUGUSTINE’S COM MENCEMENT •■■■ Above are shown seme of the principal participants in the St. Augus tine's Commencement exercises which were held on the college Overwhelming Vote Cast For Broughton In Negro Precincts WHS FINALS SO FOR SATURDAY AT AUUTIM RALEIGH - Commc .cm it Ac ! dvitirr for tOS Washington *« • > .Jk-fcool seniors Will com;- ♦... an ! Saturday evening in th>• Halgigu Memorial Auditcnium when Mayor |P, D. Snipes hands them i.r-etr si ; pJomas to mark the rvcerssfui c-.-r ■ j plot,ion of their high school career-;, i The commcncemcm address wii. Ibe delivered by Dr Alphonse Eld..r. | president of North Carolina Collegia lat Durham. The Rr v. C. A Kearny. | pastor of the Davit- Si. Picabyt- r ian Church will give the invocaUv.a | while the benediction will be ue i livered by the Rev. M. W. WilHara», i .(Continued on back page) field, pas’, r of the Calvary Baptist Church c.f New Haven, Conn,, who delivered the com mencement address; Dr. C. C. Spaulding, chairman of the. board of trustees. Mrs. How ard Shirley Palmer, recipient of the honorary degree cl Doc tor cf Humane Letter*.; Dr. R. P. Daniel, Shaw president; tho Rev. E. M. Moore, passer cf the campus last week. From left to right are: Dr. Harold L. Trigg, president of St, Augustine’s: Bish-'p Edwin A. Pt-nlck, president of the board of trustees; Dr. Clyde A, In the wake of a campaign snv | marked by racially slanted poli.v.t' • oratory, discussion or mass mr-et-i j jogs, residents of Raleigh’s three i preu.imini'eiy Negro precincts von: , to the polls Saturday to show a j !. urpriEmg unanimity in their choice j !of state Democratic party can.-an . dates. Despite a complete absence of high - pressure campaigning. the; eitv s Negro voterr turned out' without incident, and ir, numj; .> which registrars described > i ' "ulichili heavier' than in P : -- ; 1 elections. More surprising, perhaps, (Ivan 1 j the number of voters who turned j lout was the uniformity displayedj jin their balloting. This uniform:' . j was particularly noticeable in th*' i j battle for U. S. Senate nomlnalior I hew ecu ex-Governor J. Mcvi’V 1 | Broughton and incumbent Wdli.UTt j 1 8. Umstcad. (Continued on back page). Canaan Baptist Church of New Yc-At, and the Rev. Thomas Carr Graham, pastor of the West Durham Baptist Church, who received the degree of Doctor ct Divinity, and Dr. Wilbur A. Page, who delivered Hie baccalaureate sermon Sun day. --CAROLINIAN photo By Shephard. Erwin. N. C, superintendent of public instruction, commence ment speaker, and Dr. Edser, E. Blackman of Charlotte, retiring president of the General Alum ni AsjJcialio-n. LUMPS COMMIES, REFUSES SENf.TE ANSWER IS m WASHINGTON Voicing a be lief that Communists have done *.. >„mifKYmt job" in Arrv-ricp. Sing . cr-Ac'O! Paul Robeson (his week .relived to tell a Senate ' whether or not he is s member 'A the Communist Party. The statement of the Phi Rota i Kappa Rutgers graduate and for nr >r all-American football play yr i who has achieved international fame as an actor, lecturer and ton ' cor: artist came during a specie.* 'Memorial Day bearing of the Stf-n --j alt Judiciary Committee on tha i Miuidt-Nixon Communist coulral, (CouUftue-d on oack page)

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