MRS. ROOSEVELT DECLINES BID CLERGY BACKING CIVIL RIGHTS DRIVE ASSAIL CHARGES OF RACE APATHY IN RIGHTS FIGHT Select ins its secretary, the Rev. L. B. Russell, as its spokesman, the Ministerial Alliance of Vance and adjacent, .counties this week delivered a stinging rebuke to civil rights opponents who had been attempting to make political capital out of the relative silen e of the state’s Negro citizens and clergy on the subject. Sharply denying the implied "lack of interest" The Alliance issued a three-page statement in which it deplored the "unnatural and altogether unwholesome dis unity'' which has afflicted the South since the first Negroes were brought to its shores. Describing civil rights as "those essential rights of citizen ship . . . which must belong in equal measure to all citizens", the group went emphatically or. record as supporting Federal anti lynch laws, and enactment of fan employment legislation and op posing compulsory or statutory segregation. The text of-the statement ap peals on page —of the second section Fellow Citizens of America and of the Southland: I have been chosen by the Min ■ rsterial Alliance of Vance and Adjacent Counties to make thfe public statement of the attstudt ( i Negro citizens toward a legis lative program which has been <Continued on pace 8. 2nd Section' Randolph Ready To Call Protest Strike on Draft NEW YORK l AN P i At a pres- conference held .xre Satur day hi- <i'• 'ii hcaduyartf rs A. Philip Randolph, p v.rjuit of ;he Brotherhood of Sloe -r.:- Car pc.-i - ter.-. AFL. and chairman of tho newly organized League for Non- Violcm Civil Disobedience Against Military segregation said his gi,..u,> is planning a nation-wide camps;„n for "ion-compile i:v with the draft law. unless President Truman is- N.Y, FAIS SCHC9L LAW IN EFFECT, CHANGE SHOWN New Voi'k {ANP) The new state law. outlawing disci ■inunc tion in education in New Yu, i . went into effect last Thursday. It will not be enforceable until Sept. 15 but many schools are al ready voluntarily cooperating to stay within this law. Negroes and Jew s will probab ly benefit immediately, according to studies to be published by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey’s state university commission. A special interdenomination al regents committee will admin ister this law. It will choose an anti bias administrator and is sue regulations. They will hoc. charges against schools and mak rulings. Their actions will be en forceable in the courts. The three regents are William J. Wallin, chancelor, of Yonke-y and Dr. Stanley W Brady and Roger W Straus of New York. Forms Changed Several colleges have already changed their registration forms. Dr. Algo D. Henderson, associate commissioner in charge of high-- (Continued on pngo- f( Ist Sectioni NA AC P Asks Roya.ll Ouster Kansas City. Mo. (ANP) The NAAOP passed a resolution call ing for the resignation of Secy, of the Army Kenneth C. Roy ail for his anti-Negro policies and sentiments, last, week at its an nual meeting here. In asking for Royall’s resigns lion the association also attacked the other branches of tho armed services for their policies toward Negroes. Royall was criticized for vari ous statement accredited to him declaring that he did not plan an integrated army. Policies of seg regation in the armed forces were condemned. A resolution culling foi lh e support of other colored nations of the world in the solving of ■ The Carolinian Sy - i-*.' V . : ' v . p. ... • V. . V k*t.> 16 Pages VOL! MK XXVIII OR GANIZE NEW RIGHTS BOD Y\ + ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★ ★*★★★★★★★; Heart Attack Fatal To Pastor; STUDENTS FREED IN SIGN POSTING FOR THIRD PART! RALEIGH .Edward Benner, Ji.. and Charles S. Logan, stu dents at St. Augustine’s college, were fret d Tuesday by Judge Paul F. Smith who dismissed (Continued on page 8. Ist Section? an executive order banning segregation in the a: my’ setup. I--, disclosing nis campaign. R.m --; dolph said thrd the mru.l step whfch bee':m r, t'o-in ■ e. Io soi-i field representatives ihroughuut the countrv to establish contract- with b"th Negro and white y -uths in the i draft ago. urging them to join t.u ! civil disobedience moveo'ent. ■’’t may cost me my hooriy bu. ■fed that eveiy march fm-ward by mankind has been achieved at v -e I cost of soiti.■ suffering ” Ran 1"b : “I believe that the peacetime i draft law the enactment of ;s : peacetime draft law ». nh no pro - visions against the dim,nation of jim crowism in n. will set back fee : cause of civil rights lOu yards he COMMITTEE ; The executive cornmiltec of the new group is composed of 13 nfem jhris and .. coordinating committee ! of 43 I Pamphlets containing the i-:vj j disobedience" pledge will be cu *t tributed for signatures, as well as i lapel buttons saying "Don’t J an A Continued on page 8, Ist Section> Girl Scouts Officials Defy Dixie Hate Mobs NEW YORK Despite the in vasion of a Girl Scouts training camp near Bessemer. Ala., on June ill ty a band of masked and robed i men, officials of the organization refused to be intimidated, it was learned this week, when they an - ; nounced that they would! continue ■to conduct training centers the ■kind throughout the country The camp was ordered broker, up . 'by the men after two white women instructors had been searched and ' their problems was also passed by the group. Other discussions of the meet ing included one on the arivance ! ment of Negroes in various south ern communities. In Chattanooga. | Tenn., much progress has been made since groups of whites and i Negroes have mot and discussed I various problems. In Corpus (Chrisi, Tex., because ol' NAACP j work and efforts, the town had | its first colored mail carrier in 30 years. I Labor advisor Clarence Mit chell discussed educational pro ! grams for workers of the CIO | and AFL. He added that the 3a ' bor outlook was improved, and jno postwar attack on Nog roe. i had come yet. . • NOR TH CAROLINA’S LEA DING WEEKL Y ‘ RAl.hilGII, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 10, 19-18 "* WR " ; "‘XM'titf*** ' # % fi m M A* HEART ATTACK FATAL-- The Rev. M. W. Williams, out standing Raleigh clergyman and civic leader who died early Tuesday morning from a heart attack. He was £4 years old at the time of his death.. Story on this page. VA PUTS CLAMPS ON VET COURSES WASHINGTON - The Vet eran Administration la- 1 week eietninaU'd (faiunij;, photogra phy. bartending and mixoiogx idrinh mixing i as t.l training course !"i which i will foot the bill. The agency al«o lamped the ltd on free cmr-cx in person ality development. entertain ment. instrumental and voca! music, public speaking, sports and athlt ies. . VA nil! continue paying the ru-iemary subsistence allow ance o \ ■ terans already enroll ed until Ih<- \ complete their courses but will authorize no new allotments tinder the G1 < Continued on pag< 8. Ist Section) . told that the re Meets of the areal ; "don't ‘like Negroes and whites liv ing* together.' Unpleasant rumors 1 were later circulated about the ! camp end it-' occupants, all of whom wi-:f ex, *pi the two in structors. The stand of thf national office was •• \j ..■ :i ,n a resolution adopted by the officer.-- and urn'.- j hors of the natfonai exocu ive com mittee on June 24 The resolution I follows: IO SERVE AM. "It will continue 1,.- be the policy o; tl.i,.■ r;)Scout: . . ic serve all J their members regard loss- of ran: ■,■ creed, and to oxk-nd -nen.bvr ! ship as rapidly a- possible to ad | those wno wish to join. Wo shall ■ continue m-i country-wide program J of training adults foi leadership and (shall provide for this purpose the (best available in vt motors drawn I from local groups and the national | staff." | Shortly after the incident in Ala ! bama. the national director called ion A: lortvt y General Torn Clark j lo investigate the affair, but no rc j ply has been received from the* i Justice Department ;>p to this time. ! The camp site near Bessemer i was rented for the occasion b.v the Girl Scouts a-iri it not a Girl Scout. ■ camp as such. Its invasion by the j hooded mob was “completely tm | warranted." officials of the organ | ization said this week, and subse | quenlly rumors .-pread about the ■occupants "have been carefully 1 checked ,>m, found to be totally i false.' HENDERSON WILL HEAD NEW NEGRO INTEREST LOBBY The- appointment, affective firs;, of Eimu \V. Henderson. as D: i io! of tin.' newiy-fornied \ ierm Council oti Human Right- was :!ni!o'.!iH'vd today by Mrs. Edt'.a Ova r Gt.i>. President of the 8.-.-rd ’the Council is a cooperative ven ture of six national Greek letter eoi legieto fraternities and sovoutt.'-' Alpha K:.ppa Alpha. Alpha Pin Al pha. Delta Sigma i. Phi Beta Sigma, Sierra Gamma Rho and Z< :a Phi Beta It was founded primarily to seek Ur- extension of civil rights to «K Amenc ns without regard to raw, Col-'-r or religion. The Council :>)■■■• is ate ji- : -spoilbbilitc• g ive.ii'd 1 • international problems. I' wiU n.ajdat:; an office ill Wr a inst'.r Jo aid the passage of legisla , , in vnnnort • r-f* thn 1 Council and io oppose legislation considered detrimental to minori ties It vein dissommate information arid organize no action program. OFFICERS Offecr-' of the Board of Direc orx Gray the president, arc: Mrs. Mae Wi i-ht Downs, former national pi t siden Delta Sigma Theta, vice p‘t-idem. Dr. R O. Johnson, nation i! presiden*. Phi Beta Sigma. re cording secretary; Miss Emma V. •Continued on page 8. Ist See?ion? Baptist Groups Support Civil Rights Program Cleveland (ANP; - - Support of civil rights legislation at federal as well as local levels was re solved last week at the Nation al Baptist Sunday School and Baptist Training Union congress here. The congress also resolved to raise membership fees for each Sunday School and BTU from $o to SB), io send representatives to the World Youth council 1949 meeting in Stockholm, Sweden; to select a permanent meeting city for the congress, and to take ether actions. In implementing its civil rights policy the conference- voted to give active support to the pro posal for an FEPC law in Clove - 1| Objects to ‘Boy’ Tag I Storekeeper Slays j Deputy and is Shot HELENA, Ark. (ANP) Beau so a white planter insisted : j on calling' grown colored men "boys." one white deputy sherifs and one Negro storekeeper were killed here last week. The storekeeper. Herman 'Dolphin. 22, while handcuffed, j shot and killed. Deputy Sheriff L. D. Weaver, and then, war, > killed by Deputy Sheriff Clay Oliver. According to Sheriff Ed Hickey the trouble began when a white planter, Milton Stewart, called some Negro men boys when he asked them to help him repair a trailer. The store- j "j keeper fold the planter there were no boys there and entered his store. Th« white man said he came out and threatened him, and he reported him to the sheriff. The sheriff sent the two deputies lo see the storekeeper, j They then arrested Dolphin, whom they handcuffed. He re entered his store after asking them to let him go in to cut oil I his refrigerator, , When ho came back out he started blasting. One of b’.s j bullets caught Weaver in. the chest and killed him. Oliver then riddled him with a rifle and a shotgun. r "zwAßpßf FIRST NEGRO ’’RES^OFN’ 1 ; —Dr. P.cbesrt P. Daniel, above. 1 President ot Shaw University, was elected president of the Association of Northern Baptist Educational Institut ens at its annual meeting Jure 24-20 at Greer. Lake, Wisconsin. The association is composed of 63 institutions, of which 8 are Ne gro schools. Dr. Daniel, who succeeds Dr. George H. Arms cost. President of the Univer sity of Redlands, California, is the first Negro to be elected to the office. He auiomafically becomes a member of the Na tional Protestant Council ort Higher Education. land promoted by Councilman Harry Jaffe and to ask all three parlies to pledge and act to such legislation. Delegates aim voted to send Idlers of condem nation tr President Truman for his civil rights stand and to tho U. S. Supreme court for its re strictive covenant decision. The group proposed that the re presentation fee for member Sun day schools and BTU's be nosed by constitutional amendment 1; ,m S 6 to Id because of the in crease in expenses, Tlu* Fraternal Council of Ne gro Churches of Amo; io;. the Youth Council of the World Bao list alliance and the World Yor,;.i (Continued on page 8, Ist Section * SINGLE 1 COPY 1 | NO. 1 ! REV. M. WILLIAMS FALLS VICTIM TO SUDDEN SEIZURE RALEIGH - The- Rev. M. W. Williams, well - known Raleigh j j civic loader and pastor of the! Springfield Baptist Church of l Wake County and the First Bap - : list Church of Franklinton, died : early Tuesday morning of a heart attack at his home at 73? • Fayettev ;!k- St, The <54 year-old minister, who i had been active in the civic and . religious life of the community i ftw many years, was editor of the j weekly Sundav School lesson fo ■■ i the CAROLINIAN lor the pa-.i ::ix vears. As i ha:> :t >: i:..- Raieigit X'e , fe-v, f t'"itirm:lee he h'. i . /avtn e iin effe *.: . feuyard :>i;tt»'rment "f race rcltt dens and eommunitv condition.-. hi t.ita State ’s Capita! ar. d in : W- ke County A graduate ;:-r Nig:'. Carolina A trieultura! and Technical Co’-! k'ge. he did graduate work at 1 Ihe University of Chicago and -k-rvvd for a number of vgars aa '.Continued on page 8 Ist Section* i S.C, VOTE BATTLE HEABSTGUOOUBT IN BEAUFORT CO, Columbia. S. C. (ANPi Beau- | fort Countv Democratic party of - fscials face court action if the ’ names of Negroes are struck from party enrollment books fee imp <y oecause they ar- Negroes, ;,<■ : .•erdmg to State Chairman Job t H. McCrti,. of the Progressive IX mocratic patty here last week. This :-:f.•dement was made after :! ! was reported that 250 Negri- os. enrolled in Beaufort county, had Ivon told pc:: to county; ■Continued on page 8. Ist Section, l $250,000 Suit Charges Store Owner With Rape Chicago (ANP) - A fantastic >tory of rape and sexual ho or was told by a white divorcee t-> Chicago police last week as she • filed suit foi $250,000 damages , against a wealthy Negro fu.nt- ‘ ! lure store operator in superir. ; j court. Miss Helen Tii pac, 23, in this • ; suit, accused Maurice- Scott, 43., j owner of the Maurice L A. S Scot ; furniture warehouse on the neat j south side, of beating, attacking i .old torturing her for three da;--' I in his apartment, j He: suit, filed by Ally. J. W. i!lorwitz. claims thru Scott forced : , iit-r to go naked before his em J | ployes. i j Scott and the two employes. : 1 Albert J, Brown 2,4, and Frank ' j Martin, 34, have already been in ! dieted by a grand jury, and are ' j scheduled to appear before Chi, ! j Criminal Judge Cornelius J. Har ' ringlon this week. Came To Store Furniture i According to the woman';, story ' ; she first came up to Scott’s firm ’ to store her furniture after ob~ j taming her divorce. She had I i broken up her apartment and ! gone to live with her parents. When she dropped by the ware• the furniture. Scott told her he ! bouse May 1!) to pick up some of | wanted to show her something ; i on Ihc second floor which turned out to be his apartment. There she saw a red haired | woman who told her to submit |to Scott in order “to be treated . i well.'’ After the other girl ’eft, j Miss Trepac said. Scott beat he:* i ■ when she tried to leave, too. i Mrs. FDR Will Not ! Run For V.-Pres. Or Other Office I WASHINGTON <ANP -- Mrs,; (Eler-nor Ttoor.ev. It guv: n positiv.' |no to the possibility of her run i nie.g fo* vice- president of ihe Unit ed States in the 1948 election. I Ht'r answer came last week fol j lowing a suggestion by -Mrs. Clnt«t .- j Booth Luce that a Truman Mrs I FDR ticket would be the Oernocra ! tic Party’s only hope for victory,! Pri siderit Ti tmtan had later stn'et! that lte would not mind having lur as a tunning mate j The -jiicsUon of Mr--. Roosevelt s i k'r' .didacy came up after Mrs. Luce, „ 1 former congresswoman and ardent | Republic an. wrote in a newspaper jaWiele ti ml the President could ; capture the Negro vote from the i ! Wallace Third Parly only if Mrs ! Roosevelt ran for vice pre d:h a;. | Mrs Luce :• iid: ••She 'Mis Rooscvrit» is the only I person in th- p.arty wiio could take i i; from the Nr■_-)'> vote : the labor vote, the underd - r ; minor j ity vote. ! "That is because she is the only ! person in the parly qualified to tear Ihe Rooseve't mantle off Wallace and by sharing i! with Truman. : p irtiaily restore ii lo him. S c : would keep a ‘iron?* lien on the ■-.a-: pi o-Boos-, v.-li vote !ha< still Dewey Promises Fight For Rights Lgw If Elected MV MARK HVMAN PHILADELPHIA (AN* When •Gov Thomas K. Dswey of New ' York leit Philadelphia Saturday a ! ;,he Republicati canaidafi. for the i presidency oi the United States, he : left behind linn an open statement j that, if elected, hi will use all of the ! powers of his office to enforce i ,vi n 1 civil 1 1gilts owasiue. A few before hi- depar ; lore Dewey mot with a mixed committee- which put the civil rights ; resolutions: to him bluntly. Amo ia 'he member- of this committee were Edgar Brown president of the Na > inn •! Negro Council. Perry How-j National Ropnoho..: ffniimr t«u M's-isisipp:: George W. ; Lea. delegate from renne.-se'.' C B. ■ IV,ulei io' Mississippi, ana secretary lof the executive committee; Ti C. Giant delegate from Nashville; Mai . 800/e. of Mound Bayou. Miss , : • • • • Negro com mi U et‘worn a n , iif ; !jC National Republican com mittee. and Ccrella Warfield of i Bi-ei-ixiinon. W. V.c. a member of ■ th, committee on arrangements. Thus ended one of the most dra m;;iic Republican conventions of ad ti.. a: d. indeed one of the mos 1 hopeful t- r Negroes. There seemed She did not get out of his apartment for three days she said, until he went away to New York on business. She went straight to ’Lh police then. During those three days he is' supposed to have beaten her, rip ped off her clothes and raped he; ; n front of employes, bathed her ancl taken her to his bed, accord ing to her story. Draft To Drop [ Quota System _ —— - Washington (ANP.) —The quota i system of admitting men into ihc army will probably be dropped i under the administration of the ; new draft law. Socv. of the Army | Kenneth C. Royal! revealed last., i week in a press conference. | Tloyail said that although no j : definite decision had been made i on the quota system, he knew ; that there would be no reference made to race in selecting men; for the peace time conscription j rimy. j This action would be a reversal of the policy followed during World War li which limited the \ nunibe; of Negroes in the army j to 10 percent to correspond with i ■ the percentage of Negroes in the j j total population. i i Recommendations of' the Qil« i ■ I'enu h : *in ciailOli where it b’ ; - camo an article of faith that FDR, ;with all his faults, was for the poor man. ' When a.s'.tcd about the article and its suggestion of Mrs Roosevelt as his running mate. President Truman 1 told reporters it would be nil right. ; tie said that he had not seen the ; story, however Miss MaK inn Thompson Mrs. Rqok' v. it’s secrctaw. speaking tor ' the former tirsi lady said that .site had “no intention of running for public office at any time whaiso cver." RUMOR REYNOLDS FOR TOP GOP POST PHILADELPHIA <ANP> •- Be fore the Negro Republican leade's • left this convention ctiy. they n*ld u meeting among themselves to de cline ;■ program for the coming cam paign. They were in agreement that one Negro should have a top post : in the Dew -y-Warren combo, with other Negroes scattered throng. t • the. division,c! headquarters. Hobs m Reynolds of Philadelphia •.vaa ; Continued ojj page 8. Ist Section> to Cave been an -air of confidence :and h-pc emoftg many Negro dele gates after Dewey's win, oven though some of then were staunch Taft supporters. Admittedly they liked DeweyV record as Governor of New York and expressed pro found hope that be would dupli cate his record on a national scale ; when in the White House. FIRK WORKS Saturday and Sunday, prior to the official opening of toe convert : iContinued <m page 8, Ist Section) OVER VOTE ISSUE GREENVILLE, S. C • ANP'i White people in the state of South Carolina a) split into two camps on the question of whether Negroes ■I should be allowed to vote. The break in the Democratic par ity is between the Tidewater aristo jorats r i the upland farmers. The upland' - mo detenu/g the right 'of she Nerro to vote but the low danders are opposing it. Liberalism however, is not the reason for the support T the Nc . oc-. vi h ran observe.":- -av. Tradi tional individualism of the upland u-s and differences between the two , groups dating back to the days of Andrew Jackson are the roots of This division. The open brittle carn< to the front after May ID when the Stale Demo cratic party convention decided to set up two primary laws, one for . Neemes and one for whites. Whites could then vote merely after regis • tering in the party enrollment •bool:.-, but Negroes could vote only if they present registration certi i ficates showing they arc “qualified ! voters." •' (Continued on page 8 Ist Section) Rondolph and Grant Reynolds, ! co-chairman at the Committee j Against Jimcrow in Miltary Ser ; vice and training, went on with | their plans for either an integrat ed armed forces or civil dis- I obedience. The’, have requested an early j conference with President Tru ; man to discuss with him the pos sibility of his issuing an execu tive order calling for integration iof the troops. ff such an order is not issued, 1 they plan to institute their pro . posed civil disobedience program. |ln this actvity ail men of draft age would refuse to register and ■ go into a segregated army. I Willard S Townsend, labor ! leader, and the Congress of Ra | (Continued on page ft. Ist Section)

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