I SECOND ! SECTION VET COURSES MEET NEED AT MARY POTTER : M" set- -A V %; ‘ ’’■ ',"' - f! " ■ " '. -:l*'s: I*'s 1 *' 5 *> A'" • ’*.•’" '■•/ mSBBB^m^^S&S^¥ x * m » w&r fv 35 a^MwUmi VARIED ACTIVITIES MARK PROGRAM— Here are shewn different aspects of activities which are a part of end which surround the veterans training program at the Mary Potter Memorial Academy at Oxford, N. C. Although the regular high school program has been cur tailed tot the summer vacation, as can be seen { VC m the pictures above, there has been no slump in the veterans' activities,, At the upper left, Dr, H. S, Davis, principal of the school, (scaled center) is shown discussing plans for the program with members of the faculty. Included in She group are G. H King, A. J, W. Saunders. Miss Esther Jordan, Dr. Davis. J, Eisbey, Mrs W, Anderson and Mrs. M. W. Ghant. Upper Right—Students in the industrial arts and building maintenance shop arc shown discuss ing a detail of skylight construction with J. W. Saunders instructor R.r the course. Typical of the veterans who are enrolled in the course are the three shown, who are James Robinson, a veteran of the' U. S, Army Air Force. Joseph Herders who saw duty with a Coast Artillery outfit, and Wil lis m Hall, a veteran of the U. S. Navy Air C Tps. Center G. R. King, biology instructor, is shewn lecturing to a class of former G. 1.8 who *re studying under the accelerated high school training phase of the program to Mr. King's right is shown a visagraph, one of the modern educational devices used to speed up the training ci the students through the use of visual < dues- Hon. This technique, whose soundness w& proved during the training of G I.s during the war, substitutes b projected image and a scr. n ILT the conventional blackboard and chalk. The instructor's entire lecture, oomph e with drawings, may be inscribed upon a roll of plio film or other similar transparent material and then projected, a section at a time upon the screen. The seme notes vr drawings may be used repea Idly for class after class. Lower I.eft Delegates tc the Cape Fear Presbyterial Conference ot Sunday School and VETERAN TRAINEES This group shows a rdrtion of the ISO veterans who are currently enrolled in veteran training courses at the Mary Potter Memorial School under the G, I. Bill of Rights Classes are conducted fpr tHe veterans from 4:30 in the afternoon until 8:30 at night. The pro gram is divided into three phases which embrace "On the Farm" training for vocational agricul ture students: 'an accelerated high school program for those who plan to continue with their formal academic training upon obtaining of their high school diplomas. ft' J ! ■'■•■ ■■ '-■•■ '- - --' ' - - Church Workers which was held at Mary Potter School from July bin to 9th. During the three day conference the young pc..pie attended seminars, Bible study classes, vesper and regular de votional periods. As shown above, there were also periods during which they relaxed at tennis, softball, valley ball and -other sports, Lower right Aubrey Jones, a veteran instructor ter the vocational agriculture phase of the program is shown as he discussed a pasture demonstration with Roosevelt Walker, an em ployee on the farm of Charles Roys lon. one of Mary Potter's veteran trainees who , completed his on the farm training course last year. iriSi. liil To gain an impression of the tre . mendotls effect upon the economic j and educational life of the nation j which the various veterans training ; programs are having, one ho.- but | ;i:> visit one.- of the thousands . schools throughout the nation where j such courses are in progress. • The scope and character of the ■ programs vary great! > accord,mg o I the needs of the veterans, the needs j and educational potee ns of the lo calc and the educational facility ■ . available i All of the programs, however, j have one thing in common. They j have been created and are operated j with the specific purpose of pro | viding the veteran with a better chance tor earning a better living in ! a civilian world. MARY ROTTER TYFK. AE j Typical of the programs in cpe.u --; lion at the secondary school level : is that conducted at the Mary Pot l ter Memorial School at Oxford, N Mary Potter, one of the bides; ; privately established high schools m the country, was founded by the late Dr, George Clayton Shaw, a i Negro P> esbyterum minister and >‘- : owned and operated by the Boara i of National 'Mission-, of the Prrsby ; terittn ' Chim-h of A m erica, i Originally opt-rated prUbarity a c - a I school for religious education, in a | corn 1 ination church and school i building, the institution has since ! developed into one of the i urine * parochial academics m the Soul!;. 150 VETERANS > Its present student body constats lof 760 students of whom 150 are veterans who arc studying under ; oi'.e or the other of the three-phased training program offwed by • i»t’ in | slitution. Each branch of i nei program ha ! been sc; up to meet the education.:! , and training need* of a particular I segment of the country's Negro | veteran population Foi the vatran who plans to enter '■ pontinued on page 8, 2nd flection MASONRY CLASS—Above are shown members of course in brick masonry offered ■under the Vetera*®' Training program at the Mary Potter Memorial School a! Oxford, N. C. The course in brick masonry is pari of the industrial arts and building maintenance phase cf the training pr,?ram and rs aimed at the preparation of the men lor employment in this held or to enable them to keep their own or .their employers' property in repair as is so often the necessity m the rural and semi-rural areas where the majority >.f the men live, and work, Those shown in the group include Marshal! Ellis, John Dun son, instructor; Ered Day and, Woodley Demic,, ! Three Schools Get ROTC Units ! WASHINGTON (ANP) Three 1 colte&c pi*esid6'»;)% roce-ped autbori - • j ztitions M >nday front lire secVuir jof ariAy to establish re.-erve offic-j I tv's training corps in then iustitu- j | tons Tney were Oi. W. 11. Gray,' j president of Florida A. and ivl. l.'oi-; tege at rail hassce: Dr Mari n ; Kins newly elected president of > Sot-gun College, Baltimore and Dr. j ! Set sen G Clark, president of Soutn j err. University at Serttlondvllle. La,; | This brings the oval up to 12i Negro coTlegt-s; winch now’ nirve; ROTC trair.ipp. The other nine are • Howard Tufgekre. South Carolina A. -rod M. Prairie View. A. and T. |at North Carolina, Wilberforce, : Hampton. Virginia State and West | Virginia State. Taking an active pari it) lho mtih- I orizalion ceremony was Lieutenant, I Col. .fames H. Robinson, professor ’of military science and tactics iSouth Carolina A and Wi. College, who Jr now serving on temporary l duty ir. the office of the civilian !sidle It! the secretary of army. 'Continued on page 8, 2nd Section S THE tale of SIX CITIES PERRY J. THOMPSON |jj j “J started out with the desire and ambition to bn a uewspa j pmnan and here I am, a radio anottncer, thanks to Mr James j Campbell of station WK.NS," related Norman Stateman of Kinston ' in an interview with the CAROLINIAN last week. Mr Stateman. a native of Metuchen, N. J., attended the public I schools tnere atu i which he enrolled in a business school. His first employment was as a clerk Soon after he was called to the ' colors. Here he also sened in the capacity of clerk with the 3193 1 Quartermaster Corp. After spending nearly three years in the service, seeing action !in the European theater World War 11, State-man found his wav ; to Kinston whore he found his wife, the former Miss E. J. Page of : Cliai• 1 eston. Wso the Record Show which is now known as the | Sepia Variety Hour, which was introduced on a trial basis. In .! the first weeks of my new venture, I used to sit by the controls i end read m.v ads. The show went along nicely. We had gotten over ! our first hurdle. Advertisers supported our venture,” "The members of the studio staff were very kind to me, ftt i structing me in the art of handling the controls. I am especially • grateful to Mr. Campbell for his contributions and for giving mo, i this opportunity to make the Sepia Variety Hour a popular program | he re." Mr. Stateman, who is reputed to be the only colored announcer in this area who carries a full hour, is a disc jockey, announcer j and news comment aor and is heard in over 200 cities and towns !in eastern North Carolina. He does his own scriptwriting, presents his own programs and ! has a great volume of small and large accounts from merchants ! all over the city. His schedule includes a 35-minute news cast each Saturday, a Sunday morning religion.-, program in music, together with r.useeilancov.s with colored interest programs during the week. So. fee good music of to cry kind spun by Kinston’s first col ored disc jockey, turn your dial to 100 and listen to Norman A. .Stateman a pioneer in the field whose ambition it is to pave the i way for others who may wish to join ranks with one of America's most fascinating businesses, the radio. Although a *adio announcer. Stateman hasn't forgotten his first ambits; n. to be a newspaperman, he writes a column for the CAROLINIAN called "I'd rather be heard.” Incidentally, he doesn’t mind being “read” either. Lynch Bill Action May Lead GOP Rights Drive Washington (ANP) Re publicans plan to introduce the toned down federal anii iynch bill as their first step in acting on their civil rights platform, it was revealed here last week. Assuming that Gov. Dewey will be elected President, congressional leaders plan to reintroduce the Ferguson an ti-lynch bill that died in the senate just before adjourn ment of the 80th congress, This bill, introduced by | Sen. Homer Ferguson of Michigan, is -a compromise bill that will probably be ac ceptable to the South. It calls for penalties of 20 years in prison and fines up to $10,030 I for persons involved when a conspiracy between law offi- j owls and lynchers can be j I shown. Penalties up to five years and SIO,OOO would be imp Used on officers who j "willfully failed or refused" j to try to avert a lynching. ; Hooey From Hoey | Senator Tells Churchmen j I Rights Laws are Wrong COLUMBIA, S. C. (ANP) Before a group of church load ers, Sen. Clyde ft. Hoey of North CasfeWna lashed amt a hitler attack against civil rights legislation of any kind last week. He advised voluntary cooperation fc improve race relation* and asked tor no boost from the federal government. He said that "education, understanding and cultivation of good will is the only rt,ud to better race relations.. "You cannot enforce them by law," he said "If is better j io foster cooperative good will than is develop compulsory ill will. The passage of a civil rights program, he said, "wc-uld jeo pardise every guarantee of the constitution and every provision ! of the bill of rights." The senator also attacked the proposed FEPC legislation h saying that it would deny an employer the freedUm of choosing i his employes. He said that because of an FEPC "the individual j | citizen would be denied the right to either select his employee, j promote him or discharge him." | Urge Day Os Prayer For | Protest Draft Strike i New York (ANP > Negro and | whie clergymen thruout the na | !ior> were urged lasv week by |the League for Non-Violent Civil S Disobedience Against Military j segregation to set aside Sunday, I J uly 2S, as a “day of prayer" HELP BETTER R ACE RELATIONS • MAKE DEMOCRACY WORK This would go for federal of ficials, too. As a compromise it drop ed sections of, the original bills which included making lynching a federal offense and making a C-mrrtuniiy or county in which a lynching occu red subject to tines. These points were considered objectionable by the south. The original anti-lynch bill was held in the senate judi ciary committee mom than three months last year before the committee found it ac ceptable. By the time it was able to reach the senate floor, the threat of a filibus ter from southern senators was enough to kill it. A fine! feature -at the Tar j guson bill it that members of the family of victims w victims, themselves, will bo able to sue the participants ■ in a lynching for damages, j The suit could be filed in a federal court. 'in behalf of ail young men who ;’plan to violate the selective ser jviei- law because of racial set*- : negation. A. Philip Randolph, chairmen ! of the league, in issuing the call I fC-ntmnetl on page 8. 2nd Sectuws!