PAGE TWO PATRONIZE 1 THESE | ADVERTISERS fY^JV£i!S?.Su^S2SES2S2reS3^^ 'll ® | CAT FISH ROW 1 EAST NASH H '*3 By'JOHN BAKER £ i ii |^^SablLY?iiZ^?s£S' E !SlßT.reira?jrcS?„TilS?J 3 7s?J l Ts?sE!Fds?AllTiT£s'L £ r I | Things wore much quieter this past weekend than usual down Cat Fir!* Row. with D:. Barnes back in the office much more; ,-pvo than before after a much um-ded rest and vacation, although ! the rumoi got, out that he met with an accident but nothing ot j tin- sort happened and he had ; '.my successful and pleasant va i cation. William Henry Ba=ncs of 511 E. Walnut, an employee of the ! Atlantic Coast 1 m Rail road s'ation for the past 5 or 8 years i >.t on a vacation far nine days which started Wednesday, Ju)> : 7th. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Barnes motored over to italcigh i v .siting friends. They also stepped over at McCauley's Hospital for j , checkup which revealed that Mrs. Barnes will have to return on the 7th of September for a minor operation. Mr. Barnes said i he would just lie around and fish and rest on his vacation tin.; ; 1 me. If anyone asks and you don't know. Ms and Mrs. Janu.-> j Arthur Dew arc doing fine. They were married June sth about 5:50 j :>s the a tie n.,*nr. ;n South Caro;:: . So : • .. told straight fr« m uv. light sources. y.,u can fake it d ie me. E Locus •■.; doing a fine business i ■ at bis gasage cm Nash Si. Ye.-., In- i-; fuliy equipped like seme of J the best, and since )u- came back from the e.rmv garage, working! ; «,n Unde Sam's truck.- end rrs, he is rated mighty highly. 1 hear j Quite a few auto owners say he is mighty good and is price is nt t : bvd, In addition Mrs. Locus’ store sdia the -.oldest drinks in town.; '11... they free/e after the., come out th-. box; srrms imp. ...-,ble" j 'Wt 11. u g-> Ly and sec her ,f r -un.-'r unbelk-rabte. A fine public project is very much talked about and it's in the air. J ■ but I'm not allowed to write about it. If we get it, it w i l : b- • the thing. Over on Stronice Ave w . i .-■ ■ f. h.-nd. Mrs. Sai;:« Lut-a- ; ' Jh-cj—Yes. she n-.ty be taken lor •« sweet d:c-am x -n. No, this i> ■ gi-.qrj nov.s, i don't write g -rsip. ! promised to .xp-A the Shade - .-. : this, week well here got-. 1 : the Shadow b. nyone As wc S it. triers land it from the telegram. Fee Shad -w's paper itself, an- on. j that wants to be low enough to want to try to attend to you I business may be the Shad so h pin: and yc-ur enemy who j )S c'o.-e to you Next we« k an ii tide- about the Rev. Mr. Woods! it, h;< new home. He is 99 and will live to be a bundled? ’■-n prer-c';., mid-■- h Support \our Paper! i nsocctioii for The . ek ciuied June * * THE CAROLINIAN TAKE YOUR VACATION AT EDGEWATER HOTEL Modern Bar - Private And 2 Room Suites WRITE OR PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS Telephone 5421 Morehead Oily. N. C, H. A. Wooten. Prop, j HASKINS AND SONS' GROCERY STORE COR, NASH AND VICK ST. VEGETABLES—MEATS—FAUITS—ICE CREAM CIGARS AND CIGARETTS B u'dTO ' 524 E. NASH ST. CALL us for estimates on banquets, weddings parties OF PORTRAITS. WE GO ANYWHERE PHONE 4725 JOHN BAKER, Prop. "~cTe7 artisT^ 571 E. MASH ST, AMBULANCE SERVICE Office Phone 2390 Rea. Phone 2279 YOUR NEW MEEKS GRILL 119 PETEGREE ST. GOOD FOOD—COLD BEER—SOFT DRINKS VETERAN CAB CO, Phwie 4739 > , 7 -™ 11 11,1 # J*WKao» » - *““' 530 EAST NASH ST. WE SERVE TO PLEASE—LET US SERVE YOU i DAY AND NIGHT MILTON FITCH, Mgr. I ROBERT LOCUS GARAGE 1251 E. NASH ST. ''lnspection Correction Station" If It's A Motor And Burns Gas Ws Fix It. Full Live Os Modern Equipment. ROAD SERVICE FLAT TOWING SLOW' And FAST BATTERY CHARGING W ASHING—G REAS! NG SIMON I ZINC —GENF.RAL REPAIRS— WILSON SEWINcTcENTiR HEW LOCATION 624 E. GREEN ST, WE REGOWN YOU AS WELL AS REDECORATE YOUR HOME. SLIPCOVERS. DRAPERIES. CURTAINS BEDSPREADS. UPHOLSTERY **%'»*fc - WF. SPECIALIZE k LADIES* Ami CHILDREN'S GARMENTS WILSON SECOND SECTION URBAN LEAGUE TECHNICAL JOB DEPT. PLACES 1? I NEW YORK Since the begin : liny of the Piofesxional and teenni- i ■ ! job rf.pliKv-m m! Project .Jn 4; ; iai.v iif this year twenty skilien | Xc.-ro workers have -been employ i by seventeen top American in- . I Just vial and comni.'rical entcrpri-i-s I • c riling in the National U■,n , ■ Lc;. . in's l.)epar. muiit of Indus!: ial , ■le-lations. j ' Eleven of the (bins were, for .he' ! u-i lime, -.'-iing N'. glues in while i nil., positi--nr:, i-of C-v J*. . i Assts-art lndu.-ti :a) Reiii'inra ' "Wcctor. in charge -u the Project. , The new job placement-! iepro.enf ’. ' wire range of skiil-- .is wc-U as an 1 impre-we array of snb&tautiai ~i ; iiis’.i it--. With only * par*! a I re p- ‘rt fio.-.i |>6 Uihou League branches-. the ! ce.-iteM number of petitions were : -ccuied ii. th-:- Greater Ni-v-’ Y<-ri; ! ut., vviu-i i- placements were made ' With the America!', T> h.-c.o Cum-: ;..:ny; Amu, Rosenberg, public rel;- • ! ; ions coanselo; ; Franklin Shr-wu'*: ( ! it. H. Mary and Company: Savarm ' i Coffee Company; Saks i;s4th Si./. • : 5< haeter’s Beer Company: Unicorn j • 1 ’res-. Godfrey Black Textile Brok- j ; -• : Salewa., Si so :.u Mishkin i j )i■'.’ •(rnp;m;.\ Li Deb ok. through she Urban ! j .eaiue. placements were made with'! ■ no Hour T< ievision lYicorpv-; * i a.i Ghe 1..* C Mil -!!.’!! 1’ , : ! inn The Uilx-.n League of Easter.) V.' v ■ EL....belli, New j .y * placed Iwo '-kilted worker.-. j j :v e :<-h -,yith :hc National M-Maite ! J.-ii ;,.,ny and the A,nr: iin 1 » :-i. : i minders: The Brewster Finis:- ing i j Co; poru’.ion ot Taler on Ncv Jvr-; • ; >:?, (mployed ■ cbernirt througn , i .- if-..its of the Em'a wood tlvt-.m i j League. The new j .hs oov*. rs’ field>• . s 1 ~ ailing '.iudi-.iu'- and cotrptc j ,-Rit.i' s.upoiv!: iogi. .-ales iinclud-1 .u iocs supervision •. prhanrsacy.; [ .i-i'ss.nnfl c-otmsclling. public iei«- • j .on-, fk-piirtment store excutivc : j iir.ino. chemistry, and vci ciariai ! . ork. j In continuing work on the Pilot | CL'u.'i'rncm Project which hv. hie! j • rioritv on the Urban Leaym' pro- • !f jrain tor ;348 tt.c Nat j.mat urban i ..(■ague has made contact with om-j Sanding daily newspapers to seem •: j .upieymrnt so: reporters, venter:-.! ;id other workers. I: oiso working with a large j i.imbcr oi industrial and bu-incssj urns, Ballantlie's Be.; , | 10-npany: P l.orillard and ("am-; I Col nial Syrup Company,! : K*dd'.- Cons:rue'ior Cum-1 i ’ey Gcrier:-!* Foods Corporatjoti. J i .ei-erai Fleetric Compi-.r . DuPont j | Chemical Corpora, wri. unci Cnaso s | National Bunk. Financed by,a grant from lhe , : ■ •scnv.-.i! ■: Fund the Pilot Plnce j tet : Projee: r- rii iynod U> mate, i lhe skills of qualified Negroes a ji„ ' I vs liable posit inm in American bus- ! | and firms. T?ie pJa.i j j !.-\ nclud> ; s: analyzing, document- j ; . a..-a I'ejioi tinthe cxpi-'M-nc*. I d f-TTiployci-.s and employee. j; i? v/ell as 00-workers, as a , ‘ or fuiui, f;rn League- program-; i; tin - in ir tr.stry, | 1 **i: is ni v.v.d importance.'’ M ! :of fries fieri ared "th:;* Negro wori. • [i •!•■•; L.iu employnn. ni ia ivattf j I: business commenruto'c with lh«*ir J i SWINDELL’S BEAUTY SHOP i A PIONEER IN THE 5 HU) OF REALTY SERVICE 514 E.. NASH STREET J-dbr* H. Mincey’s TRANSFER SERVICE J* far Prompt Service Give Vs A !, Cal! —We appreciate Your Patrons re Telephone SM9 ‘"MS 1.595 Carolina St. i I" j Shade’s Drug Store ! | PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIAL 1Y ; KEG. NO. 885 I 527 EAST SAMI STREET EXPERT ATTENTION ' 1 EXF ZX lEXCEH OPERATORS ■ __ Wardrobe Cleaners j j Cleaning. Pressing. Alterations ! CLOTHES MADE TO MEASCKK • 551/ F„ Nash St. Phone 2-W5 Mr-'. N, B. Barites, Prop. ! i ‘ | QUICK SERVICE GLEANERS j 50JI E. Nash St. Dial 4533 ! , ■j We SpwWfef In Blocking Hai>. I i I Cleaning; Clothes. Pressing AUd j | Alteration R. B. Barnes, Prop, j Wheeler’s Cleaners ! 512. E NASH ST. ! Hals Blocked. Clothes Cleaned, j j Pressed & Altered Service t Wiiile-r-WftU Try IB ! Phone 4817 R. V. Wheeler, Trop. { WILSON HATCHERY j U, S. N. C, PoUarnm. Pawed j BABY CHICKS kasgo feed ; ( T«L 2«55 Wilson. ». C, ] . ! t , 'iw —iwiOmnwojSmuwnranMiwioW'i'io^iWi-'eyi'WWJiWAOoieay: v Ky e Tries Again j To Evade Court School Ruling FRANKFORT. Ky. <ANP) -- Kentucky educator- came up v.iih a now schemo last week designed io get n:nd the U. S. Supmr.v Com t decisions that states must piuv, i,: equal i iuiaii aina! !.i--il u-- : a ah fheir cit irons. Under tiK Kentucky plnu segn-- v. ill he mtiintinn.. a. pro <j."s at me Univ'cv-itv o! Kett lucky Will a, i ..s “in ocs :o No&m ;,!Udci-.ts who desire ;.-rsf)-„.fo ,-mii-'.-.--' ■ - cubjects r-of t.-.ijgiu ,r. the jiht crow Kentucky stair lege. C-.ih.rei r‘i:d(-i;1; will n.c. Uniycr • t.' of Kentucky iu: orruorie... ..: -•pceial times of the d;.y so tnp.t thev will net come in cord act with ? '-vitii.* s'udents. Students {jraduati.rg under ibis .-ystem will feceivt! .• join) U. K.-K. S. C. degree signed by hiv h colli re presidents. N; s'Ltdr-r-t.s will rernasn Ke i ,-iucky St.; to wiuic • niversm instructcts will travel to the i.dol ed campus to teach then:. RFN BV BOARD The i 1...S ii as announce;! by tin -’ate board oi . ducvilon and the University 0 f Kcnfm-ky board of u. tees The state board ins. Kc v -- tucky State. At:.-, .Gciicri-.l A. F Funk made he announcement after j confer ence with Dr. H. 1. Doiiavan. • •dent of the iin'iv<-’ - '-'i!y; Gordie Young, assistant st.-to supm-iritchd ut of public instruction, and \i. R Iblfield. a ai. Discussing the plan. Funk sai.-:. “Wc're trying to keep our Day i law and still offer eq;. -! edin.-avion iol opportunities and facilitirr. Yve want to get this set no before w-. tave to answer that .-n't.” be -.:i>t ', rc-ferinec to a K- n:ur' ■ toneh ' r's suit against the - f.-.- ,n - into :hc univeisiiy Th- an '.w.s filed by Lynr.r, T. Jo-'riscn • Louisville . “V. hut wc \-e o ;: f - continue i. I “is to work out a plan whe cbv ivr ■:sn Live all the courses of : rning a4 Ken -ucky Slate whi-a i rr offered at D K. Ts the facility jor K m:: 1 ,” S> ,t< : .- : cuff>-ien* jU. K --v! 11 !>rovid; hr i : ;/ ; : He .-aid ' Dr. DoniHur.. D: i, |R A: < iwoMdem of Kcn.'u,- ! State, end G--v. Er. : e rt-rv ■, i knew about the ph:m. It will prb ; Elks Temple DoIT | lrntallalitm ILio • The Ark of Coven m Tc-:n,.-k: M ■ ! ?14 Danghiers- of Elks had the.; c , '• ■ ",rr: 27th f: ; I:.i.talla;in, : ■ ice.> W : .: •: .: .li>: it 1 r! > • ! tv. D.. MLn-iie dc Daniel. ...dr,. The foliowinr officers in- Do,keeper. Dm;;,, Kla.-ne Barne-, «aiek?vper, Di. :Uadi*> s; , ■' Mock: Escort D . Mary S Wtih.-mr-: ; .Secret-,ry, fioannal. Df Viola FLis; ; •ccrttriry. r-cording. Dh Anni, ’'•bey- Iron. urcr. Dt Rachel Bi-r. -. : ; ,-hapiai :. Df. Addie Mac Mi'.van: j issi.-.tunt Daughter Rule. Dt. Msrh ' Davi-: Daughter Ruler. O' Gur -,. IV. Hopkins.- mis'n ?s oi sociai - -ons, Dt. Kvr, Lloyd. kills and training Ir'i.; v-> i y makers aim n ab<re that the na .ion will rise or fail on she quail \ | f opportunity -he offers all in r .-egardlcs of race. * creed or "OlOi* :■ TAN TOPICS By CHAP’teS A£i£N ! fr, - I t i s- 2- As I /,> \Af) Jj=r\ -:, '<isM « lw I i^r! 1 f S.** f Fwnre, j -i’ni Sorry im Three Hours Late For Dinner Dear, But 1 Stopped ; STo Oct You Some Flowers:” THE CAROLINIAN ably co:-f about $25,000 the Lrs,: year h. said, and will be paid I") - from the governor s e.m r.*eii--y fluid. . has r.'kcd the stjtc iioard of <a!ion •'»> work out cctn:..-.-t -.villi tlif- white school so that the plan can nu into elect. It i.--: ski'd iu :’.v et Ills we, k Tii t.i-xinctiir. Dr. Donovan of (~ K. said. 'This is not a subtlytuge. It is di-igned to p;‘•vide equal . ;l - ,-t.iir.i:; I opje-rtinv;!ics.' - \rgro Farmers Prove r Be! ter larminp Pays A ri<-nr.ti. i> :!ion f bow bettor j f.;lining pay- through hard w rk < end plannir:’ been dim- > or.s‘rated by two Negro farmer- in Alamance and Rockingham Coun ties- according to Moyle S. Wil li. ms. farm management, specialist ! ■ th- State College Extension . Service. i Hey BeR of R.-U'.-r dip Route !. ' nc of the Negro demonstration i !V,liners, has sought to show the ad- ■ --milage ti- ing phosphate o : h,s ! -• h':i! crop He f.poiicd phosphutc - in,lf ot hid crop, and the rem on- .- half was no: fertilized with , Tire results of the application, * Williams said me already appar- • 1 ■nt The area where the phosphate : ; was applied has a better si.mid of i v heat w.ri 'he meat licud- are r henvtcr and fuller. indicating a i larger yield. Ovc-r in Alamance County Ci .ir-", 'iv w.v-1, the other Negro demon- • strut ; un farmer, i illustrating lhe.; -•••dv&ntagcs m seedin.-' hi-: pastu; es ; .vi h ? idino clover and orchard ; Trass. His work is also paying dipt- - herds, William- stated. He .fvdei shi p. 1 c lands ■ ’ with the two crops and lefi the r-- ru-iiriing portion; of his pasfu.e , ’ with-'.-ut additional seeding. , Ti,,-- difference tic-tvoe-n the oid pas'u:-’ a.-.d that si cried - hi 1,-id ino ami orchard Wris. rt-rliy show • , i;< : i_-.ii. : .-e don---. Wvii m., du hr • • t?Q„. ■* : ! PERSONALS| ".!; ; n:l Mi Vlilium Henri J - ban, >t , i r.Ust Wain:! St re h J . d a;. ih-,.r week oi.d :worts. Mi , .:d ! . F.-rnriuel Walker oi Hack- • V. J.. and Mr. and Mr:- J.! F. - : West Mrs. Y-. ik, N". J. iVf-r. •• t. 1 Mrs. William Pippins j down from Upper Marburo ‘ .'.ld. visiting her moth-rr. Mrs. Weht • hehiisv rush they left Tuesday jvf' R*,s:’ ho Ropers was d(,we from New Yot k City vbiti-tg h<:> ; (unei 3,mi tlia: shs had a c v'/cil ; ' i- Sis Fit eit 're ta’e Ir; m Sai - j, siny. n.n,o' J uly 10th. Mi.-.. Ophelia VVooicu is spending: Pc- • vae« f k»r; vKitng her . Mis-" Wooten is r rv. living ir. New York City Sh. will be here unit! ,Jr4v t<t : Mrs Faulint: flings W.lih-rn .. ;; i . for.-Vi s W : l;onian. ,ow living ir- B.dtrmirc. Mel. is now .-pending . tv.-eck's vacation v. ,;h Met par- ■ cuts Mr. and M - Louise Hnies- o- : . Wiism. The former Miss Thelma McNeil \ j- dav.t from, PhiiadolphiH visiting i ho Hunt on Carroll S'.-eet, Mi-s ' McNeil :> a former Wilson:;,n SECOND SECTION OR, CARR ASKS US TO ACTON RIGHTS Nashville (ANP) --Speak ing before the fifth annual institute of race relations at Fisk university here last week, Dr. Robert K. Can urged that civil rights legis lation be enacted at once by Ihe federal government in or der to stem the tide of civil rights violations. Dr. Carr of Dartmouth college was exe cutive secretary of the Presi dent's Committee on Civil rights. Rapping adv.cafes of steles rights and regional education, he said the impor tant treason for immediate federal action lay in the fact that meet and local of ficials, rather than the feder al officers, are responsible for civil rights violations VHCP BAFFLED BY YIAKEFP OF Hit M \N FOE BLOC NEW YORK In h telegram rent to five leadin'.' northern Democrats recently. N'AACP secretary Walter Whitt expreseed coneeii: the recent edition of men with ••nch bitter opponents of civil ri*ths legislator. as Senator faster Hill -D. Ala.) and die governors of South Carolina. Arkatu-as and Vir ginia. The telegram, which was sent to James Roosevelt, chairman of the Democratic Committee of Cai for nia. Jocof, M Avery. cl>airman of the Cook County Democratic Coin - mittce in Ch!c;v.,->. May -r Wiliium O"Dwyer of Ne'v York Cty Mayor Kurort Humph;ej of Minneapo'i-y ‘am! Cheste A. Brev!■ s expressed 'he i.ppivet-inr. oi Negro Americans for the continued support yiven by those five leaders- to civil rights .criSiii'ion. ]r view of i ■:.- suport ho NAACP .-ccreiayy declared biffi ; self ;. ! t a loss to understand the planned coalitiot:. recently ar. - • pounced in the nation's press, bc rwet n • woe met; and w-.uthc rn Dem ocrats, in an cUemyi to prevent he :• nomhiation of President Har . ■. Truman the Democratic: Na ; icmai Convent ir.n. imu iv-uc-r. ;»«• the ! Dixie leaders had openly based i •'■’ ;! rights. "Expertncc lias taupht us,” ws - ed Mr While, "that coalition with cue it element:- means compli-te sac iif ice oi -> * i civil right- measure's j How do you propose to press for j nell!? ion -f c evil rights plank tii ; ihe Democratic party platform j while working hand in hand with -‘hew- south! rn polit scans who have i rpefgv df'c!:;i’c-d they would rr.;rag wee the party defeated than pennii ! mciusiun i k plonk upholding : -Qua illy of cu:zt nship for all Arner ■hus. how can o:: a i.ot rat coi- Rfood l\ping I nil \tm \rtive in Wilson Fount\ ; WILSON The WiLon CoimU /lood-typliig unit last week had itr : uggt-st day when »i opened nead liiarters in the basement of the : L 'ic-i Baptist CTiii'ch with Charles ; iernty chairman of the program. J aim tv said that -lie r exp- >n tc | he appeal from the Red Cs r.s.s h t - ; oven • overwhelming - and that it - hoped that more than 500 colored iiTizen.-. of Wilson County will havf •heir blood lypoci by the unit, ; The lives saved by such a blood i program hits made i: one of in< i r.oijt. papular ae'iviUe,- throughout j 'ln nation. Particip; ting irs the Wilson pro | ? ram are Mrs Ruth Reed Yimev ! Drug Store employee: C. 1,. Darden i mortician: Miss M. Floyd, librarian, j .vii'-g. Ernest in Floyd and Miss Mat | tie Bynum. ftth Army Man doming Home For Discharge WITH THE EIGHTH ARMY IN : OSAKA. Japan T. Sgt Royal : Swann son of John Swann of ! Jon 'abor-;: has recently left Sv. ! Co.. 24th Infantry, now stationed ,ii . amp tfif.i. Japan ft>r return to the I t’jiiit’d States for discharge from | flu Army. The 84th Infantry is r, nnrf oi j die 25th fnfaniry iTropic Ligi.t --i nitiff) Division, commanded b; • Brkiadier Genera] Everett £,. 3vown. T Sgt. Svvante entered the Army in March 11)43. and received li.s basic training fit Camp Ellis, 111 H. departed for overseas duty on May !<»6. Before entering the service. T Sjjt. Sv/stthi attended pine view High School. if white shoes are g Miss-stained, first b.'-u-h or sponge off the oid polish, then brush with a solution of sodium perborate taolu at artis stores fur rlrfining teeth) or per. oxide. Then rinse and polish, work ing’ rapidly in order net to wet the shoe any more than necessary- WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, Jt T LY 17 1918 Ingram Defense Fumi Continues To .Mount NFW YORK - S3OD 1 s was added to the Ingram Defense 1 end li - • itubnr.gir.g the ' amou.-'-i >4 noney contributed to the National .v-M-vimi-m fur the Adv.-neeme-d of (olcied People f , ii- c'-.t.'s ,f Ml-- Rose Lee legnm ;nd h 1 'two coni to 5t:t3,362.(iH. Os this to-.-:! 442 94 : a..- been • received from NAACP brat -he -. : ?t..-ilB ha;- been donr.l- d by inuivid-! ; lulls: $!,5a>.75 It,l- c'-me fre-i-i j churches: ami organizations h;:v --e-omributed 39.007.51. Among the : ranirations sending in eontn bnti-ais •itiring the p.-.s', week were in • We,-.,- • t'r i ■; • - f A mcr-ea • Sort Francisco, Cal,f t, ’ Lc ;Ft mrncs" J aiuuri. N. Y.» Univrr .By Chapter • Au-tin Tex.t ip id Elmaiiii.-: Lodge No. 333 i Charhv n n. -S. C ’ Dehorning cattle is a send give tier because thi-s will prevent Ihem ; from injuring one another. LIBBY’S CAFE FOR HOMi: COOKED FOOD HAM R-Qt F, RHONE 4ICO 53 Ik NASH STREET i ¥Eu7(lE\NElis~ CASH VXD CAREY «0c Tromp. , Pickup and Delivery > ; Service Dial 3t3e | Corner Pender & Academy Sis. 0. R. COCKREIJfS I (TOCiftY ; Whwrr Your I>ollar Mere 53a “TAMONSBI RL ST. Mrs. Eula L-ocus SEKVICr STATION AND GROCERY STORE 1.-05 E IST N ASH STEM i BEE.R sOl-T DRINKS CCF CREAM ROSA’S PLACE | HOMI COOKED MEALS 505 E. NASH St. MOSS And Company Inc. WILSON, N. c. “TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT” 134 S. Tarboro St. ' DIAL 2771 ! _ . WILSON CAFE AND HARLEM POOL ROOM BEER LUNCHES SANDWICHES 423 E. NASH ST. i PHONE 4C4! GEORGE LAMPROS, Prop :!! -~-^== ★ STAR CAFE ★ ! 322 E. BARNES ST.' GRADE A— EXCLUSIVE COLORED CAFE M i The Best In The Stale" Gus Gleirans, Mgr. Barker’s Department Store j 201 - 203 S, GOLDSBORO ST. I “Outfitters For The Entire Family” | , ’ ■ ’ | blufFslhoFstore Cities tor Men and Boys rfruwßM »rwi'inrun wn«»*~r»iT~rr' ■ tWJMWMWwnriiruntumW' “THE MEN’S SHOP” : | HOWARD ADKINS Inc. QUALITY MEN’S STORE I THE EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME FOR COMPLETE AMBULANCE SERVICE ! , - PHONE 5116- {*os E. NASH ST. - - DAY OR NIGHT I Wilson's Newest Est&felishsneßt Wilson * To keep This Page, Patronize Those Who Make 11 Possible : Fertilization is the key to stic eestfu) illfa 11-; production. The le ; i"i file the soil the r.commerci >1 : lertilb-,. r: must be applied to g. < a ;;oo;i yield. brooks' s: v POOD .market OPEN 7:00 A. 51 TO 8:00 P. ,M. WE DRESS AND DELIVER AT VO EXTRA ( OS'S fi'ifi i: \sT NASH STREET FockrelTs Grocery .Meats, Fruits and Vegetables !0t 1 . Green S . l'bone 21170 FREE DELIVERY I Louise's Beauty Sho|» 50 VITV TREATMENT THAT Kf.l-.PS VOL LOVELY trained Personnel to Serve You 100.7 WOODARD AVENGE I t PENDER .STREET GROCERY 404 PENDER STREET FRITTS VEGETABLES 1 RESH AND COUNTRY MEATS PHONE 3225 FREE DELIVERY MEET FRIENDS AT I ! WOODARD’S INN 5 EASI NASH STREET HOT DAR-r-QI'E DAILY jm, •*“ • , ;■%***■ 'S'--' -'yiv# i ; ; ; "j Wile on Dodgers BASE ISAM. CT.rn DJf K. SIMMS, Mst. Dick's Blue Room ! ■ ! i j CLUB 301 | j WHERE FRIENDS MEET & EAT ! REOPENED I XDER NEW 4t ANAOEMENT Si 17 GAY STREET Ilarv. y D. Williams. Prop SAVE Ynuß MONEY WILSON Industrial Bank 118 E. NASH ST. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cor. ~~ MASTER SHOE SHINI PARLOR 522 E. NASH Si. Phone 513* ! \3> izidie 1 - & Gentlemen's Dye :Vn,i Shine Work | ('. Bcra-Bi. Prop- P. Bjuutn. ;M*r.

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