NEGROES RALLY TO TRUMAN ******* ************** **************** JURIST BANS S. C. OATH JUDGE PROMISES IMPRISONMENT FOR VIOLATORS CHARLESTON, S. C. - The fight for the right of franchise , unrestricted by the considerations of race moved a step nearer real • nation last week as Federal Court Judge J. Waites Waring ordered the South Carolina Dvrnuciatic party to admit Negroes The South Carolina Jurist, who had previously issued a restrain • mg order halting the purging: from the books of Negro voters j who had not taken oaths to up hold racial segregation and up- ; hold lacial segregation and op T pose FF.PO, is used his final oi der ; on Friday. The action was taken as a re suit of court action instituted by NAACP attorneys utter the South Carolina Democratic party sough s to declar itself a a social club an 1 . separate itself from federal, state and county election nr a j c binary In his latest order Judge War- ' ing ordered not only the enroll ing of Negroes in the party, hut the granting to them of full rights hr party affairs. Declaring that the party had made no effort to comply vvii 1 . a year old decision ordering that the right to participation in party affairs be granted to a similar petitioner in Richland Comity, jurist warned that persons respon sible for violations of the new :>rder would be punished by im - prisonrnent. iContmueti eo page S. Ist Section 1 NEGRO PASSES POLICE EXAMS WILMINGTON Edward L Havnes was among the eight ivu- \ have been certified for appoint nient to the Wilmington police force, i! was announced by the Rev W. J. .Stephenson, secretai y of the Wilmington civil serve - commission. Havnos, together with two oth er Wilmington Negroes, sftecesv fully passed a similar test somt months ago. All three candidates were next in line for appointment to the department, when the commission invalidated their and several while candidates, pass tions, by calling for another test Haynes is the only Negro ct the original three who took the examination. Since the exams, two white men have been appointed to va cancies which were announced following the last tests. Ex-Stale SeeV Byrnes font Defend S. C. Parly i r COLUMBIA, S- C. tANJPI The State Democratic party will have to do withomi the ser vices at former Secs', of Sta.e Issues F. Byrjses, lit the suit seeking to open party member ship to Negroes, W as learned here last week, Byrnes, a na tive South Carolinian, had been asked .« defend the party by J. K. Mayfield, state executive COttumiteeum* from E'amberg County. In a tolegraphte reply to the nNjoe-.t. Byrnes said •'business ejsg»Keo.i€!( s made weeks ago require iny presence in Wash ington and make it for me to represent you in Charleston." hearing was set by Fed eral District Judge J. W a ties Waring on a spit by a Rrautor. f'owisty Negro protesting state party rules which limit en.-ctS niert. and meaebersibip to white Dumo rats. One Caught, 2 Hunted As Miss. Whites Are Shot CARTHAGE, Miss, (ANP) Martin Flowers, 40, warned to ieave town by a group of white vigilantes, surrendered himself to the sheriff last week in connect ion with shooting into the whit group' by unidentified Negroes when the whites were about to leave his home. Two whites were shot when what some termed a “peaceful mission” told Flowers to move because he was “having trouble with the white people.” The trouble waS* an alleged affair ru mored between Flowers wad j ‘white woman. Flowers agreed to he gone by daylight the next morning, bu’ r ’ . 16 Page* \ 1 )L1 ME XXVIII NEGRO, PARTY KEYNOTER *★★★★★★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Polio Forces Playground Closing COUNG’I ORDERS CLOSING AFTER 6TH CASE IN WEEK i i Raleigh -■- Tin- Gity Council or ' deifil Hu c ■. 11 si all rit.v |cd .swimming ij■ ••■ 1 • and >Uior ' ivutiuii lacil !ii i lit -da', in In. j wake i'>l' the • tpn'i u'k of the . . last- oi infantile paralysis l* i strike Raleigh within a week. The :• lx cases ivp.irted in R:. ! Jt-iph within *be past seven day : {boosted the Wake County u-- : for tiie y. ar to eli'Vt n and the fei ike aumtacr to mptiU Av j The C-utrirVl-order «*• i tf;a city’.'! recreatncial facihti-- I rt suited in the closing of the , city’s two swimming pools and its );> community playground--. Tile closing, described as f.n •‘an indefinite period", will rcsuP. in unemployment oi *t 1 white and | Negroes work, rs wh <• are err,- ; ployed on th>- facilities. The City Council voted for the i move upon the iveornniend.iUun of City Manager Roy Braden who said that attendance at the swim ming' pools, playgrounds and ether concessions had dropped to the point where the city was 1. -s rag money light and left. : City Recreation Department Di rector Ralph Andrew; said tb „t I the move was dictated partial y by financial considerations and , partially by a desire to do any ; thing possible to halt the ipread , i f the disease. Nine of the eleven Wake Conn - ; ly cases have come from Raleigh health officials stated. Four def inite cases of polio arc now un der treatment at St. Agnes Hos- ; |‘.Continued ofi page ts, Ist Section) j Jewish Congress Hails Supreme Court Rulings Involving Race Issues j The relations decisions of the, I (Tinted States Supreme Court at its -i j lasi term were the most iibeial of jdny term in recent .Supreme Couit j hi-: ay, Shad Pohe<, vice pve-id*.-nt , lof the American Jewish Congress, ; ! announced todgy in making puniic a :• j detailed analysis of such decisions] j prepared by ihe Comrni:a,ion on j Law and Social Action oi the Aniei-i ican Jewish Conpre:, Os the nine cases before Use j Court involving group i«. i;.t ion -. • j tight resulted in ruling:- extending j i constitutional guarantees, Mr. polier i {explained. Only in ihe second Ok-1 j lahoma Law School cast-, vs. I ;Eiurs‘, in which the Court declined ■to rule that as a matter of law seg j rogation was tantamount to discrim- j - Ins he entered the house, rifle and u pistol shots rang out from th< a | house and 'blastea the group. One i o j was seriously wounded and the j - | other, slightly. ■ ; Stiil being sought are two cou- i •s j sins and Flowers' uncle. Deputy o Guy McGivney took Flowers to j the Hinds county jail at Jackson, n 160 miles away, for safekeeping, il IHe said, “1 didn’t want, to take e | a chance on any violence, though el we don’t .believe Flowers did th<- ej actual shooting.” i Sheriff F. F. Monday and three | a {other deputies are still searching for the three fugitives, y ; The trouble began last Wednes (t,! (Continued on page 8, lst> Section] I NORTH CAROLINA 7 S /.RAPING WEEKL Y RALE I (111, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1948 ft I i . , ’' '' . ’ I LEADERS IN' VMC.A DRIVE— Above arc shown members of the campaign sl l ft of the current YM< V financial and member ship or ive wiuct bee ait ia»t w eek with an announced goal of 1,000 new members Shown in is roup are: First row. bi t to right: S. \\. Sledge, s IS Robots, ,1 Mann It C. Ferrin I . .1 Carnage, I I Stredwiek IV. H Quarles W R. i i dmondson, \, t Brown, I i , j Raiford Second tew: Bradley Phillips, W. X. Ilvan* \| B, 1 trdvill ken, i tump, J. WiUiam-. ,1. ( . Alwate., Fine ! Jackson. R. 1. Barnes, V,. i.iamh, Haloid Simp- im, John Dawson, V. People, James Mils, j Will Drake, the Rev J. A. l.e - ler, l.awrence I indsey, David Winters, Jaaie- Hu:h, J. ( . Ms Queen, Moshs l ord, James Mm ley and H. C. High. •nation, did he protection of ei 11! riehts foi minorities receive a sei-' back, lie added. The Amer.can Jewish Congre report also analyzed the individual: voting recorl; of the nine in tin . classifying ifr*m on a basis of a f;u - ‘Continued at pay 8. irt Section) WEEK'S SERVICES MARK lETH YEAR FOR REV, J. JOKES RALEIGI Six pastors if' churches in Raleigh and near-by eomniunitk*, joined with their congrogalitflis last week in pay ing tribute to th ■ Rev. Johnnie W Jones, faster of the Fayette ville St. liptist Church The occation for the six days of special services marked the observance'of the sixteenth an- , niversa; v d the Rev. Mr. Jones* ; pastorate a the Fayetteville Si j Church. Among tie pastors who parti -. i eipated in the services which were competed from July 12th through Jtly 18 were the Rev. : James Avelv. pastor of the Wake j Chi-pel Church; the Rev. T. P. Dehart pftor of th- St. Paul' AMP Chuic-h: the Rev. A. R. | Smith of Smithfield' the Rev. ] Isaac Lee. pastor of Watts Cha i I oel. the R-v C. R. Trotter of j Method art! Dr, John Plummer, j whose sertson on Sunday night marked th- end of the obser -1 (Coe tinned bn page a, Ist Section) ‘ Special Sessicfti Gall Places Both Parties ©a Spot Philadelphia (ANP) - When Pr, sident Harry S, Truman a»- ' unced in he. acceptance speech at the Demon a tic part - conven tion ho:e last week that he was ;-ying to call a special session ■ i [; ■! , , July il O. 1: ■ ii. "UiOSV-'Ci a bomb lull that will put but it parties on the yat ,y -’ be!ere the November election;, i 'I he ci.ngiv-:s is not the only | body put on the spot by this : nvention, however. The nomin- , j ation of Sen, At ben Bmkley as] ! vice president and its effect or. ! ! the south and on the Negro, thf ; future attitude of the nth to ! ward the party ana the future ; -■ l the Democrats are also quea tioru, brought to the front by the : j convention i Because the Pr merit has call ] t-d congress to meet, voters will {have a first hand chance- to hve; | ■at the record just b'-lure an e’cc 1 ion, Negroes will be watching e.s ' pecially the action on civil right;-. The R. publicans will b- watch ] i-ci because they art;- the major.iy , group in congress. The Democrats: '""’SIXTEENTH "ANN 1V itRSARY—- Tin* Rfr, J. W. .lonon, pastor of the Fayetteville Street, Baptist ] t’hurcli was honored recently ] vitfc a oflrtirstion which marked ‘.he sixteenth anniversary of hi» j pastorale at the church. The ceremonies, which were conducted from tidy 12, through the VA, were marked by the at ’ tendanec of pastors, choirs and I rongregatitms os many of the j city's leading churches, • inti- 1 bo careful, too, twteau.-;- of what southerner? rusv tio An appeal for unity came alter an open split 0:1 cG'if rights. Mi.-- n.s.sippi’s 22 delegates and H of Alibiima’; delegate.', walked out oi the convention be fort? the Piideitt was nominated. An mu. long debuic r »' civil right*; held on the floor with the ;-•. itilh sticking to s; it* . right - and . liberal group led jay Mayor • Continued on page 8. Ist Section 1 Demos Adopt Five-Boil'll Campaign Bights Plonk PHILADELPHIA (ANP) Text of the revised plank cm civil rights as amended on the floor of She convention reads: "The Democratic party commits itself to continuing its efforts rights gains made in recent years in eliminating unfair and illegal discrimination based on race, creed or color, "The Demi-irate party commits itself to tfUinuing its efforts hj eradicate all racial, erligious and economic discrimination, "We again slate our belief that racial and religious minori ties imrst have the right to live, the right to work the rigid to vote, the full and equal protection of the laws, or. a basis of equality with all citizens as guaranteed by the constitution. "We highly commend President Harry Truman for his cour ageous stand cfi the issue of civil. "We call upon the congress to support our President in guar anteemg these basic and fundamental rights: 1. The right of full end equal jLlifical participation, 2. the right to equal op poriumiy of employment, 3. the right of security of person, 4. and the right of equal treatment in the service and defense of our nation,' In place of the last two paragraphs which were voted solo the platform by the convention, itself, -was the following vagus statement: "We again call upon the congress to exert its full authority to she limit of its constitutional powers to assure and protect these r»ghts." The substitution of she last two paragraphs *e> replace this statement led to the bolting of the convention by 13 Alabama delegates and 22 Mississippi delegates. School Equality Asked | By Teacher Group Head Glornvood Springs, Col (ANP) !■— American schools should offer j equal educational opportunity to all children. John M. Eklund. I new sly elected president of the i American Federation of Teachers, j said at the annual conference ‘of this group last week. • SINGLE * COPY IOC NUMBER Ii DES MOINES PUBLISHER IS 3RD jPARTY KEYNOTER Philadelphia (ANP) T h o | third round of the political pa ! rude in Philadelphia will be ] completed when the third party j holds its convention, Julv 23-25 j A Negro. Charles P. Howard, at j t.erney and newspaper p'u-blisher jof Des Moines, will df?liv‘C-r the | keynote address. | The, convention will mark to ; official founding and naming of j tne. ir-Hjori s newest puiiti«»i. t>av i ty: Herify A. Wallace, formffr vice j president of the- United "States, ■ will he nominated for President j and Sen. 11. Taylor of Idaho w.H I tx nominated for vice president. 1 (Coiutnupri on oage 8, Ist Section' I 1\ phold Vaccina lions (n\en Daily At Old Hex Typhoid vaccinations for ! -protection against typhoid fever -are given daily Horn | 3:00 to 400 p ro. and from fi;00 o.m. io 1:00 p,m, on Sa turday at the Wake County Health Department, in the Old Bex Hospital build ng on West L-.uth Street, health of iiciels announced this week. Perse ns with previously established immunity or per sens who were i. 'inoculated m 1947 take only crie dose of the vaccine, while alt others must take three doses or one each week ior a parked of three weeks to establish im munity. The Denver teacher at Oppor tunity school said there should > | be no double or triple standard , : for schooling. He also felt that | the GI bill of rights benefits should be given to youths drafted : ■ in the current army. 1 (Continued on page 8, Ist Section) r CONTEST WINNERS -- Above are shewn ihe first and ::e* • I* coad prix* winners and three of .ths, t>wß«!j-ap selected from ; i a ni.zng the scores of persons who itu&giuttdd letters in the recent ’ j ' Why I Read the CAROLINIAN” contest which was concluded on July 1 0 The winning letters were elected by a endup of judder, con sisting of Mrs, Mol tie Huston Lee, librarian at the Richard B. Hetttson Public Library; Dr, Harold L. Tiiqg, president ci f»t. Augustine's College, and Dean C, D, Halliburton of Li, Augus tine's Coliupe. The first prise of £SO was wen by the Rev. C A, Atkins of • 523 Hilisbotk St.. Oxford. N. C. The second, prize cf $25 was won by Miss Lemira B, Williams of Areola, N. C. Runners up who won prizes of $5.00 each Included: Mrs, I ucy Lawson, Goldsboro: Ernest M, Hunter, .Rocky Mount, and | Mrs. Bertha A. Butler, Raleigh, who are shown abtVe and not •shown. Miss Mable L. Bowden, Raleigh, and Miss Paiiic L. Laws, : Rocky Mount. i Mace Democrats ! Rail y To T ruman BY MARK HYMAN | PHILADELPHIA (ANP) Over' ; two thirds of the Negro delegates I and alternates to the Democratic ■ j National Convention were present | it Philadelphia’s fashionable Pyra * | mid Club Monday night and had an i old time party rally, going down | the line for Harry S. Truman for j | the Next. President of tne United | States. I There were "Shay" Taylor, affec ! iionalely called by Congressman: ! William Daw son, “the mayor of Busiom" old tune Democrat Wi 1- ‘ hum I, Hucaton from Wasnington, ind with him ’-va: young Edward -Williams who was: attending Ids i second convention Joseph Brown.! ■stale .som-lor fimn Michigan, and : deleg jic t„ the convention, toicl . Chairm n lKiwson and the other : delegates that Michigan \va going alt out for Truman. With him from Michigan wore % iDiam Booker, delegate, and alternates Harbin Bledsoe. Charles W Jones, and Mrs. Geneva Cot-say. Tt-omas Con in. : president elci-tor from the Wolvc :ri ne state nd tiasistanl sergeant-at X£y„ Ok’s New Graduate School, Calls It “Equal'' * FRANKFORT, Ky. (ANP) ~- | The Kentucky State Hoard of j Education last week approved ; what it believes to be a foolproof. I segregated system of providing i "equal educational facilities” to | white and Negro students, j This program, adopted despite I: the protests of the Negro member |of the board, calls for the ev.- ! pansion of Kentucky State col- I lege to give every course offered ' j at the University of Kentucky. i : Under this system, professors i j will travel from the university to t j ‘he colored school to give stu s i dents courses not already taught 1 | there. Kentucky State students i will travel from their school tc 11 the white university for use of arms i the convention, was wru. * the delegation. Also at the old time Democrat ppp meeting were the Rev. Russell Clay ton. pastor of a non -denominational i church in Los Armeies and delq . gate. Mrs. Miidr.-d Casey, delegate from Chicago, the only Negro wom an in the history of Jllinol-; to at : lend a Democratic conyentiori as a delegate; Sen, C. C. W imbsli, from the first congressional district of i Illinois, ahrnate. Maj Janies Mc ! Clendon, second district, alternate, ' and WiilUrd Townsend, labor lead er, and delegate at large from ! fllinois, alternate; l.t Col, Kenneth i Campbell, alternate. Chicago was further represented Oy Charles Shyly.-, representative I from the fifth ■■■onalorial district; .!:,!v,C, Martin din net leader from Chicago’s 28ih ward, and Ro bert H. Miller, elector from the , first congressional district. He is also public relations man for the j district. • Front Mary land came William JE>. i Dixon, president ot the famous (Continued ou page 8, Ist Section) : laboratory and library facilities not available at their own school. Graduates from Kentucky State . under this system would receive a kind of joint degree from both schools. The transportation he tween the two schools would be |provided free to the students. The administrations would bo careful to see that the colored students would not use the white school at the same time they arc ! using it. No one wants to break I the state’s Daw laws which pre vent the twmyraees from going to school together in the daylight. ! At tv. Gen. A. E. Funk said | that the plan was devised in an i swer to a suit by Lyman T. Jotui- I (Continued on pAge t, Ist Section.)

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