PAGE TWO PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS { "?J^'JSaji£S?SHffcS£S2SS£fiSHidISHSi2SBSaiicS2SHSaSESaS2SaS2SaSESE. l SB‘)*’j o " fO l CAT FISH ROW f EAST NASH fn By JOHN BAKER {g § fSsasEszsESHSH^-WKnsESEsasa!^ Ted Hooker, Radio Station WOV representative, salesman and tf'ont rnan, is back on the Row after suffering a wrenched font, air. Hooker is doing a great job for Station WOV. They really ; ‘puked then man that time, if they don't know it. ! d >n't know mwiiu'i»'i' Farmers and Hbniemak ' ji's Conference J -•, Uinton Han Completes MX) Louise At I t. Dix i FORT DIX. N J. Pfc Clarence ,I, Simmons, son of Mr. and Mis. j William Mai nor. Clinton. N. C., h. ■ i .•omplet; d Lead: i ■ Cruise Iramii j with th*. 9th Infantry Division I T ailin',a Cemer. Fort Dix. N. J. i Private Simmons was chosen to! i ini? six-week- course ici j lulu re i ion-commissioned officer p i son the bias? of mutllisuicc. perscr- ] | verance .ua leadership potential- j i itios shown throughout his bade j training. Ht ,s now qu bibed to | | eac h Arms methods and procedure j i o new mductecs. i I I DA MEL ~ KOOIING MfTlllv !Ni 121 S. DOUGLAS sT. All Kinds Kr.oiing A Supp Sic; Paints a' Ml Kinds m.At. 2^46 i._ .. j I Rohbinti Jewelry G>. •Jrwctry. ftatiaes, i>inmon;is Musical Instrument RECORDS 112 S. GOLDSBORO ST SWINDELL’S BEAUTY SHOP A PIONEER IN TUI FIFI.n o BEAUTY SERVICE 5)4 E NASH STREET ! —~————- John H. Mincey’s TRANSFER SERVICE lor Prompt Seriicc (five IS \ ( alt . We appreciate Your Patronage Teiephom , — 3248 J 385 Carolina Si i Shade’s Drug Store PRITSC RIPTIONS A SPEC lAt 11 REG. NO. 88.- 527 EAST NASH STREET EXPERT ATTENTION i .Xi E7iif V(TD OPERATORS - - -- | ,|| Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning. Pressing, Alterations (I.OTHEs MADE TO ME AS I KR j 559 E. Nash St- Phone 2.05 Mrs. V JS. Barnes, Prop. QUICK SERVICE 4 t RANERS 509 r. Nash st. Dial 4523 We Speeialitf In Block in;: Hals Cleaning Clothes, Pressing And ; Alteration lt R. R»rn.»s, rrop. i i Wheeler’s Cleaners 512 E NASH ST, Hats Blocked. Clothes Cleaned, \ Pressed & Altered ■ Service While E-Wait Try I s | Phone LSI7 R. V. Wheeler, Prop. j, „ ’ I WILSON HATCHERY U. S. N, C, Polionuu Passed j BABY CHICKS KASCO FEED 1 Tel. 2655 Wilson, N. C. I WILSON ItOUI EESS Tim Rev? Mr. Woods, to -year old tumi'.ter, viiui i' s.'iil n> he the olds-1 in Wii-ou and whj rteenth I'ouml hißise/i' without i home is temporarily living >.ilh Herbert Woodard on the I ? end of Nash Street Tin Rev Mr. Woods, an intense believer in the power til praye . tells hi friends that lie was once !< -im; in- -irlit and that he pray ed in God for it. restoration so that he could continue to p each the Gospel un >! lie was a hundred I ye-u-s old. He v- that his sight lias been rt gained, and that Ire i* only a . lew months from rein fling the cne-himdrctj. year mark. C. E. Darden, a Wilson undertaker, has pronJse.l to take steps to aid the aged minister. WILSONIAN WINS RADIO CONTEST Mi Pauline D Harris of Wii on N , w? • the winner of -ho > t'?.- !,■?• ti c radio program "Sepia ; Scrvuado" ov: i radio station WVOT. ’Wil'-er. on which she was special uicu on ,'ulv 16, with Ted 1 .toper jc.-jiductmg the program. Mis; Hsri is vva- chosen the spec ial! most for the program after the judge ; .m.! cho < n her entry from the 111..HV received from the lister.- : ? ot th< p>ipular prorram. The ,pi or ram eon.-is'.ed of sens s< lectod ; i by her and she announced the son., s ~ as wesi as made dedications; 1o hvi !fi iOJids. Mis- Harri v, m given a ;-hor-t interview bv Mr. laeper and' j was awarded two prizes given by : two of t'-e firms who made too iiograiTi possible. i*vl Lor Dvr c 'ei Me", N' !h*. 'r.utcher b> long distance from J,os, ' Angelos C .ililornia I liud re interview with lie;, a: which how j Mix.- H-u ris had n sh irt .vtinver.-'a - liioii with ha Miss Han is extended I « very cordial invito.ion to Kr: ' l.u’fhcr lo visit Wilson as soon , . possible tlrt \Vilxonians arc \.. r> | anxious to mr et her. Miss Harris is '.he d aught Cl of I Mr., and Mrs. Her. Harris of 312 i Finch S;l'Cit. Wilson, and is a siu ! Smi st Barber Scotia College, Con leofd. TOBACCO UNION MEMBERS MEET ] All of the locals of the Wilson i Bmieii of the TW.‘l : met Sunday, j July It. ;.1 l iic Fi? Baptist Cnuuli ; fiu r. 'etinn was t-'ilicd in aniei b.v ; Chairman Janie- Bake. The prm 'ipjl peakcf w.s vie? piv.-ident lie. i re Beajamxn o! Richmond. Yu. i Sptru and enthusiasm ran very ugh during the meeting as Mr spoke on the importance ‘of being u member <>J «lie uni',u ; |r.od me good wliiou th. union has j ire.idy uccompTished. Roy C. T. ir. , Sr., of Duiham ;.ud | R'-ber! Harkiu- Wilson repre-en ! tslivt xpiike and v .ermienU'd brief* ay on :\ir l;..n;;uTi.u. ? uddres j ini-; ting toilowcd the lnier | nation i Council nmetmg In-id u i Durham on July !7 A capacity i audience wa: present J«r the meet i;r,s - PERSONALS I | Miss Minnu- B. Ounhy has ro ll urned horn; al rr spcn'iing a month dome in Miami Beach Fla She j that s c hart a luie time O', hr ‘ way buck ■). • topped in Sumpter J viDe. S C Visiting Mr - .frunes . Thomas, a li umi SI" also vi-i'.eil the "Fountain m Youth in St Aug- . ! u .tine, Fla. Aide Pni'die and Miss Gladys i Mosley of Richmond. Va.. were mar ried 'd iFie home of his cousin MUn . Acic f'urdic of 4tiJ F '?t h Viola Si :an Sundav, July 4th ai very quiet i cere-monv Hartford Bess of render Street., ! took a ride over to Hrmp'oh. Va. visiting hb aunt. Mrs. Clara Lock j heart, Sunday. July 11 accompany j ine- Mr. Bess on Ins trip were Mis? | Marjorie Robinson. Mis? Emily Lucus, Mis? Minnie Doris Ellis. Mis* i Vireina Ward, Miss Inez Dickci on I and Miss Levoiyre Farmer. After viewing the campus of Hampton Institute. Ihry motored over 1o Old i Point fog a view of the Soldier? ; Homo, from there lo Buck me Bench where they cn.ioyrcl vide- and a ! • mack. They a bio noticed and com- • | plimentod those wd) dressed color-! jod police, THE CAROLINIAN COLORED WOMEN! DELEGATES TO I PARTY MEETING WILSON Five colored women Sunday were clius.rn to represent Luc. I )0 of the Food, Tobacco, Ag.- ricnlttiral and Allied Workers Ur- : ■ ion iCIOi at Al"' HcVry A. Wallace Third Burly * < cveutimi in Phi!?- ■ rtelphi;, nexl Friday. Th delegate? were elocti ci by 'lie executive board of the local which piTstmts 10.000 leaf hn'ise vvorkei s •' ui f!astern Carolina and SctUlicru Virginia. ! K' l! KortJnd, regional director of the union, said the executive board also passed reso.lution? calling for : Couvrr-s- to ruis; the Minimum ware r; 'o from the piesent 40 rents ] on hour to SI.OO, and asking for; Heiniu "'iii of an overtime exemp tion which show - ilv leaf house in-' , uusti'j to work i': omplo.vvos 58 j hours a week during the 14 wad .- . .••I lin yi'.u without i-vertimc ;m.c. ' Thoowing oi the •'Common Glory’ bad been pos poiten mr that cay because i ! lain. The group \-i ,u.d the oldest Cath ■iic t * ' in Ami ; ic.i. I _»* old Governor’s Mansion and • iormc; Virginia (pitol as well r.r a number of other place? including : rooms where arc displayed old pot - trait? nf King William and Queen Mary aid other historical charac- I tU> . \ ru.siee Loujuil Sends V.ission l o L. \friea Lake Suc< ess. N. ' . (ANP) — A mission left here last week ironi t;e Uniß'd Nations Ira Ruanda Urundi and Tanganyik Men'be: ? enosen by the tyustue council were Ilenri Laurent.*, French colonial expert, as rha; nw'i: Fi W. f'hinnery, Australian government anthropologist l w .»r'.v Guinea, and Lin Housheng. -’3l< male Ciitnest.' .'ti'ie.g.iti tii In*’ i-ouneil. All are individual ev pt rLs The meeting of the group v,a.. held in secret and additional in formation os to the purpose of the delegation had not been di-? i i .sed. H.v.vevc i. the Soviet rr: iiei;.m oi Tankanvika sdministr.i- * tion in the Trusteeship coiui. h Ihe Gold Coast riots and recent petitions of nat've chieis arc said to be contributing factors which require urgent attention. BIRTHS M; and Mr* Waller P;.,iu. ■ iarc the happy grand pa"' ids of a ?? bi bov, born i." Mr and Mrs. Juliu-s C. B.Mlcrron. Monday, July U: Moihci and b.iby are doing fine \ ’ 'fktitijk?- }'■ "to SWtT #I«CAK ” * \ /' * aFARF!FIP,OWH.*OTOisT 601 H)isee -_ g|sj&f| i /' ♦•• NO WCWOt-K — TSf; UOOP j 1 *ppf ’ • ; HE FOUNpfl orr^-Turw^! i lb • jjj||j| jj^.. ! ! £7c.. ay a xusmrff 1 y-y 'm ml' ; •* »■ MfiWFMCWQeR vis;>rs tS , ! I %%&«?* \ rrr?%L ; WiWMawl / , lsss^ss^ys©^"’ B, i * UU'lL^'w*....— ; J j SECOND SECTION | hip ranis' Sentences I i * ; Upheld In State Gourl ATI AM V A\P, Life | sentences of Mrs. Rosa Lee In B‘'am her two hen a,pi- sens f«r the niurdc. of a white farm fr were upheld | iy tlio Georgia Supreme com la-t W r ek. Vii s. Ins l ain anil two sons, U.ilacc, 16, and Samrnie I,re, i !. were nriglnuUy convicted of first degree murdt ;■ January for the killing oi white John K. Strafford, 66. a tenant former. November i 1047. iiley were originally sentenc ed to die in the elec tie chair February 27, In;, the trial judge, VV M. Harper, si I aside the death pen: liy alter protests iroin ad over the country. He ruted that they had been con v>n Pd on circumstantial evi dence. Tin- case wa- (lint appealed tc, the state supreme court, Another son Jackson Ingram, Jr , was sentenced to u year, "'hen he pleaded guilty to a charge ot taking money from he dead man's tody A fourth 'son, Charlie Ingram, 17, was acquitted. The Ingram , Fumed that iluy killed, tile fsuiei in self j ddense with bis own rifle, a j hoe and a claw hummer. They say Meat lord attacked the j mother after an argument ovei a mule going into his grounds. S. C,DELEGATES LOSE SEAT FICHT PHILADELPHIA l ANL.i ■■ The! Pro.uiiessive Democrat ic party ot : South CtiroinKi, ct;. i 0.-cd of 15 Ne il o H.’UCI, a- ;,i . I hat .-,a’e, |w.-t lbs era malic f|. id : ire U e cre dentials commit!ih roc clay when j t."«- eiunmiti.-c. Lca.ioci by Congress- i woman Mary None- of New Jersey, j voted 23 1- 3 in or of .v sting, iho regular deles,!..,.a from South! t areluiu. he,,tied by Sen. ohn John- i -n, ,imi Gov. .1 S ron, Thurmond. ' "I won't an.-Avci you nothing," jThurmond 'dimtied ;.t George L. j \ iunthts. a • .die nsfiViOer of the ! yiaiiui ~-c i rum h;.. • 1 j, and i. - si'uus restrictive c vcnfliii; aiiorney o the member sought to interrogate •he >rr:. exi cuiivc as he it:eatenvu i '<) boti ihc Cimvo; Mon ;f the Pro-j iress'ivc pi.viy wore st-.d- H instead I of his regulars' v. he violated a fed- j " .:: court cKu.Mort by coiv.mumg : io rxcluce Negroes from party par- ; tieipatk ; The Chtuens;. c.viv,posed of 15. I whiles ana three Nor roes from the. ; state, under '.he hast:; hip of Da'. 1 -*-: ; Baker, of Columbia fought Odin | ■'• . oi: hand uu j the* Pro- | eressivcM, unde; the direction ot;, J;;!;/: H. .Met ray, hasted them on : j • the otlh, ! The mixed group uld the com-; J mittce that they were denied the i I • right to regi-ter in South Carolina j j because they refused to tukc the I | prescrj b*;d on lh .saying ih€v were !•• yt.iim.t FKPC. civil right.-, for the na t to*! a I repeal • i p ,11 tax and against! • n anti-lynch law. Tire -Progressives aHooked the ; "private clue' e' up bv the staler | | parly which denir-d Negroes mem-i nci.-hip which ihu-iiiy , -u u them ; . from be; rig cm silled as registered) voters. , dii y iso fought on the basis of. 1 S f vacua] court delusion by j Judge ,). Waites Waring in the Ne- I grre - favor, and pointed to r fed- ; eid! Co UI". .■:. j. , 'in,'. \ . ,i!ied hi‘6 regular delegation home Men j day for a hear ins on July it; to ; j answer charges of -ioiaiing the! !court’s orde; to!] ihe colored : 'ihtZtli.' a- V(d'.'rS. Her i a pi! a food cor -nmpi h, u uiLveaseo uuung the Let I w years, j averaging hi oui 18 ipir '■-«! . , .v. : i.. ore-Wav level in 1&47. A JFW— ■\CEFK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 24, 19 48 North C.uoHna's per capita ca.-.h j tarm income increased from 5!B1 in ! 1941 to $550 in 1948 but com pared poorly with $51,005 fm the! United States n- u whole. 'miooks : j! SB.A FOOD M ARK I T OPEN 7:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. 51. j WE DRESS AND DEIfVI.R j! AT NO EXTRA COST W 6 FAST NASH STREET j i | .. - j LIBBY’S CAFE FOR HOME COOKED FOOD j BAR-TUQUE PHONE 418(1 539 E. NASH STREET lI)EAL(Iii:\NERS j < ASH AND CARRY liOo. Promp Pickup and Delivery ■Service Dial 2-!V> Corner Pender ,v Academy Sts. ; 0. R. COCKRKLI/S i EROCKRA j Where Y <*ur Dollar I-Vuy s Mure 513 STANI ONSHI'KG ST. Mrs. Eula Locus SERVICE STATION AND GROCERY STORE 1205 EAST NASH STKFJ T BEER • SOFT DRINKS ICE * REAM ROSA’S PLACE ! HOME t OQKED ME AES 505 E NASH SE. MOSS And Company Inc. WILSON, N. C. | “TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT” 134 S« Tarboro Si. DIAL 2771 [RICE’S MEN’S SHOP")| j LEI HAY’S CURTIS SHOES ! THE FINEST IN TAIEORINO ! 118 S. GOLDSBORO ST. 'FOR REASONABI.E PRICES i SHOP AT RUE'S" REFRIGERATION AND APPPLIANCE INC. 113 S. DOUGLAS STREET H. J. DAUGH "FRIDGE MGR. "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" PHONE 2293 WILSON CAFE AND HARLEM POOL ROOM BEER LUNCHES SANDWICHES 423 E, NASH ST. PHONE 4041 GEORGE LAMPROS, Prop. ★ STAR CAFE ★ 122 E. BARNES ST. GRADE A— EXCLUSIVE COLORED CAFE "The Best In The Stale" Gus Glen-mis, Mgt, —™ ■ ” ' j Barker’s Department Store 201 - 203 S. GOLDSBORO ST. “Outfitter* For The Entire Family” | ““ Bt-AIR’3 fHOE STORE * | “THE MEN'S SHOP” | HOWARD ADKINS Inc. QUALITY MEN’S STORE THE EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME FOR COMPLETE AMBULANCE SERVICE - PHONE 5116 * 80S E. NASH ST. - - DAY OR NIGHT Wilson's Newest Establishment Wilson - To keep This Page, Patronize Those Who Make Is Possible llsw >rd University's acquisition •if S ivrc- and C.V'wr in la, met with . > idc approval. It will be well tor ' the school'.- adminisratiVO taff to nJI sot get, hov. -vet', that a lot of • people's loyal efforts mot Howard | alumni, either), hvuie this possible. '! CwkrrU ? s( ,?nH‘crv j j Meats, Emit:, and Vegetabl-s : i(H lh Green S. Phone 2970 FREE DELIVERY' |! __ j | Louise’s Beaut) Shop BEAUTY TRFVrMFNT THAT KEEPS YOU LOVELY ; ; Trained Personnel to Serve You j j 1865 WOODARD AVENUE : rj ' L "'^TT" — PENDER STREET GROCERY •404 PENDER STREET UR! ITS • •• VEGETABLES I RI SH AND COUNTRY ME A TS PiIO!NE 3225 FRI 1 DELIVERY MEET FRIENDS AT WOODARD’S INN FAST NASH STREET HOT BAR l -QUI- DAILY •,, ,y— --1 j 5- T ■ Wilson Dodgers BASEBALI run DU K SOIMS. Mgr, Dick’s Blue Room 'I CLUB 301 i i WHERE FRIENDS MEET A EAT : | REOPENED UNDER NEW M ANAGIiMiiNT 817 '<7 AY' STREET Harvey D. Williams, Prop. I u —— SAVE YOUR MONEY WILSON Industrial Bank 118 E. NASH ST. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cor, MASTER SHOE SHINE PARLOR 522 E. NASH St Phone SIS* \!i Ladies ,v Gcntlf men’s life And siune Work t . Bynum, Prop., P, Bynum. .Mgr