WJSEK ENDING £>ATUJLvI>AV, JULY 21, I'JJ , PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS TAN TOPICS ®nST<™«ifs AltIN ai»M»«wnw«t.iW'Ma- i imm i»r— ■"* ■—— - nrn~-~n»n hum munuri I—T1 —T— *"“ *** 1 "*- 11 rr >»'-. HO/WERBROWM J§|,- CPHTiMC' '-\c yrA'P-'R-t* < i i 'I ■ i iw "When We Got Married, Gertrude, Dear, You Promised We’d Have A Maid!” FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE CALI HILLSBORO TAXI DIAL 2488 OLEN GERALD, SR., Manager V-POINT SNACK SHOP ~ “ V Point At Murchison Road GAS OIL Cold Drinks - Ice Cream - Sandwiches - Cigars Cigarettes BUTTERED HAMBURGERS * „ « ,mmmm «. FLEISHMAN’S BIG STORE 108 HAY ST. "One Os F ayetteviile’s Finest Stores’” ''- BENNETT and GAHR INC. CLOTHING AND HABERDASHERY 120 HAY ST. DEPENDABLE SERVICE D. K. TAYLOR WHOLESALE TT* DEALER XL/J O (y PRODUCTS ■ DUAL 6109 Cape Fear Cleaners And Dyers Located On Dunn Highway Just Across Caps Fear River ALTERATIONS SPECIAL ONE DAY SERVICE DIAL 4883 DUGAN’S RADIO SUPPLY i 130 FRANKLIN ST. LATEST RECORD HITS POPULAR CLASSICS HILL BILLY Parker Radiator Repair Shop j GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AT FAYETTEVILLE CITY LIMITS ON MURCHISON ROAD < CAROLINA RESTAURANT - ! CHOICE FOODS 123 PERSON ST. \ | STEAKS. FRIED CHICKEN AND BAR B-QUE FRED HARRINGTON, Prop. —1 SAMPSON’S MASTER SHO£ REBUILDERS OPPOSITE RAILWAY EXPRESS OFFICE 207 HILLSBORO ST. CATHERINE S BEAUTY SHOP ‘Come Sit With Us Awhile And Keep Ytlur Hair In Style” MISS CATHERINE MeALISTER. Mgr. 504 HILLSBORO ST. DIAL 8050 ED. FLEISHMAN and BROTHERS FAYETTEVILLE'S LEADING MEN’S STORE HJ? HAY STREET ! PHONE 9343 J. Hollimswarth, Prop. HILLSBORO NEWS STAND Magwjtine® Os All Types All Weeptc Publications CIGARS—CIGARETTES CANDIES—SUNDRIES ICE COLD FOUNTAIN DRINKS 125 HILLSBORO ST. BEGUN D SECTION PH VFTTFVTT T P A jTTL A jlj As si fjw&i w A AmJ A»j AmJ ; Vesper Services Are Lomlucletf Here At | V WCA Service Center Chaplain (Cupt.i Mitchell C. ; Atedsi will appear dS guest .speaker fat the YWCA St i vice ('enter. 307 I Ramsey Street. Sunday evening, I July 25th. at wen o’eiock. Chap i lain Aleca is a graduate el More- . 1 house C liege and has done uddi j tional study at Howard and Har j vard Universities. He has been a 1 | member of the military personnel I for a.-vt n years having served in j the Pacific Theatie t.i Operation I for two years. He is now on extend- i led active duty at .For! Brupg, N. C. The YWCA Service Center {.or - ! dially invites the public to came out j and hear Chaplain A tec a. PERSONALS Sunday afternoon ML- Bel lie Mr- Phei'ston became th» bride of S. s.d. Edward C. Walker of Medical De tachment section No. 2, Ft. Bragg. ! Miss McPherson is the daughter of! j Mr. and Mrs. John Albert McPho Iron of Bonnie Donne. After the i wedding dinner was served to quit* I a few friends of Bonnie Doone, J Manchester, Beaver (. i. el: Fort ; Bragg and Fayetteville, j Mr and Mrs. Jefferson Parker of j Manchester attended the wedding : i | -if S Sgt. F.award O Walker and j I Miss Bettie McPherson of Bourne ; I Doone T. 5 James Byers of Med. Dot No. 2, is recuperating after undergoing an operation ai Fort Bragg recently Mrs. Mary Williams continues ( improve slowly after a fall at her , home some time ago. Mrs. Daisy Gerald Washington ( has return*d to New York after ‘pending a three-week vacation with relatives and trends in the city. Mrs. Washington is the sister of Olin Gerald. Sr and holds the posi tion ot casliier of dje Myles Shoo Store in New York City. < Pfc. George Phillips of Co. I, -Gird Battalion, 505th Paiat: .ope ! : Airborne Regiment, is reported ' j doing nicely following injuries • sustained on July 1 in an un.-.uc 1 ct 'Sful jump. j | Taylor Delivers Speech *seiore Livir Club 11 I Mayor Charles G. Rose, Jr., v....- , | the gue-f speaker last week of the, , | College Heights Civic Club of which Mark J. Bullock is president. The meeting in the form of a round table discus ion. was held in i 1 the Teacher’s Assembly room of ' Fayetteville State Teachers College. 1 j After some di: e • lon several thing? 1 -i importance were arrived at. ; j Among them recommendation | that the Mavo: appoint an inter | racial advisory board to thrash on any grievance on the part of Ne- r j gro*»s concei sing police brulubu ! | The advisibilry of more police pro- 1 j feet ion in N<■ ro areas, establish iug jof speed laws through zones that 1 | nave no side calks, : Better race relation.- and the an-': j pomfment of Negro police sn the c | ?Uy Boy Admits Slaying , 1 | CHARLESTON, S C iANP'i I A 17 year old toy admitted to y - ~ j lice last wefl that he axed hi- 70 u | year old grandfather to death at- j ! ter a "tooling around cra j. game ~ | with no money involved. A eroding t. police, Robert N * j bit', hit hit ■ randlalner. New < a - tie, twici w tti ar. ax after ilfby it j had qum telle’ over a pom! he w..x >, supposed to r. ak<‘ in the dice g.une. C [The- grandfatier was killled in his V (own case a? he box sneaked upon <> | him with lie axf according to v. i police n THE POCKETBOOk Os KNOWLEDGE By PILGRIM I |h » ; _ \ j'>t \ p T: J ■■ ' ' •'/ / WmaiEs" CO NOT/QCTUffUV / *rr— -SPOUT WATER; ITS fc..Z/Z';'J / * t V MOIST AIR BLCWM ( *^ FRaM * rHE - *"' jg*&^<n3£ggW U. s. AX> CAM API An) FAMILIES / SWSMT 4<f?D3, 59 3,000 . ! M IASS* CS / ■j TO REAP Ptflty AnP SUWCWy'JV»PFR< 1 . .■ --.- ' n/pMunc *twe “wm pc* au. pppbr% ' \ . •p*PxefSUffßTO \ INCOME TAX’ CPUCOTIOWS IK* i = i -«r-¥. > CRfKK BIGC# \ »9**S SCT A NEffcU Ht£H 01 s I k Wimns »t \ 3-4,357.0/0,087. 73 TTJMg --. v ' • * l '*" . a m '''^l ♦ SGHOOLHOUSE ON WHEELS—This specially equipped railway car, operating in Japan, brings members of U. S. Occupation fin ,>es the latest information concerning correspondence and 8o:f-;:lud,v courses through which many of them are continuing their education? while in the service. A WAG officer of the Tokyo branch of f;.e U. S. Armed Forces Institute looks over some of the cur’s educational aids with one of her assistants. NESSO OWNERS' FARM A,NO NOW SAINS LISTED Negro farmer.' in John.-;!on Conn- ! ily are making outstanding pi ogn.rs i i m Iheir rftor!-; toward improved ; ! farming and better homes, accord- j j im v to I, 1; Johnston, Negro County •o.< m for the- State College Exten-j mn Service. In 1940, there were only 150 Ne- I ; gro farmers in the county who own-; ed their farms By 19-UJ this number i | hud more than doubled and re v, ; practices were brim u*rd on earn; oi these farms. A home improvement program! started in I9G by Johnston ami Mt I Lucky O. T ole. hnirn- agent, grev i to - lie rxu-nt tiiat la-1 year 35 new . homes weip built and 333 othoiG added roonix or made repair.-- A | good example of the h.-mo improve- j merit program, according to t.h- Ex tension agent --, is the work which: the IF v. J T. Hocutt of the Whoe . Oak Community did. Realiring Uiat hi 3-room home 1 was inadequate lor has fainilv of Hocutt planned a new g-roum h-ui After procuring, th.- piunr for m ■ house from State c'ni:.he b gar, t I : cut Joe; from hi- farm fore.,; tor | 1 1 i' himbw supply. Will; tho ; i i y«t giu Oati and Dviftily Lol■ ilocutt son!! had hi- nt’W 1100-e j built and wired f i eli-etricit.y. Run ning w.'-ei will be inrtaikd in the: near luturx> Many other improy a ,-u i..- wh-iiij can- b' found on Negro farm ■ throughout the county can iio cred- ; I' d to the more than 800 f it (Tub l '■■' ■■' -'i Win ~. ■ \ < ... i ;cd I 47k 1 club projects. The growth -.f t,.i- : rreanization of yeiing irovs and i girls ha . more than tiebled m if,, past five years. There are now I .'..i1l farm farafli'.-. . iti the i nuiii and I tto-m .>j at-ii s v. ho are cooperating with th. ii Exitosion ageni- nno contmu- ■ ouriy striving for a bolter way of ! I.h fir. the iarir, and in the farm b- mt- P; ■ diction Mary Burke, rhatm uig and talent.-J daugtbe: of die Spurgeom Burkes : Wiishinglou D. C i an i bi tUiajit current grad of Wisconsin “U," will hecome one of loti- flips!;.nctmg career v. omen. See v.owT 'em at !he great Lnivers.iy ; in her undergraduate days. THE CAIIULINJA & T, Si ii<ienis Sfate West imii(\s Jiinkel Student - .archer- at A. and ■ T. Colli i are pi niiiiog an August ■ xpedition to tin West Indies '■■> : study socio-i conoaiic relaw ins j betwf-i n the i;lurid repu'dic.-. and the United States. ; Led by Dr. Akiki K N.vabongc, ■ Fruit • .mi Ml Social Seien. e at tlte j College, the group plan.; to ern bark in early Am;iist and vetv.;u.i ■ ,i month in the Indies. Approxi •■lately (121 twelve : octal sciette- ■ Yu'lenii will make the trip. j The purpose of the survey is ■to probe economic and .-.vie!; ■ .ii'oblems o! the island: and cn ! courage better international un- i jder-tan.iing. Students will record : first hand account of West Indies , ; culture, folk ways, and mores. ; President Bit! ford indicates that, j this will be the first such stir : vey undertaken l.y a Negro col ; It go m the United States. To promote Hie oru.ieet, A. and ( F. student:: have* b'-eun a $3,0u0 | -noney tai.-inc campaign through idie st iliiig of s-r»fi drink -, sand - ; v'irhes. giving of nrograms and j volunteer rontrilfutions. Dr. NL.ibon.M ask..! that dona ; tit',n cheek, be- ma.de parable t. ; file Socio-Eeonornic Group Study CHAPLAIN’S BEDSIDE VISIT-The soldier who Is ill or Is suffer ing from wounds is solaced by the visit from the chaplain who goes wherever the men in the ranks may need his ministrations and counsel. OPEN FOR BUSINESS SUNRISE GRILL I Sandwiches - Drinks - Ice Cream - Magazines ALL COLORED PAPERS GIVE US A TRIAL Sis MURCHISON ROAD I Marking Space Hours 7-11 Curb Service I i—— —— —~ V POINT GROCERY 500 MURCHISON ROAD GRADE A MARKET 5 Frozen Foods Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 1 j DIAL 2036 z^rrrrrrr-". — : —1 CAPITAL DEPARTMENT STORE | 126 HAY STREET “The Home CMP Exclusive Fashions” HURRY BACK j j ARTHUR'S SEAFOOD GRILL _ | SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOODS. BAR B-Q. STEAKS We Serve Regular Mesak FAYETTEVILLE'S ONLY GRADE A COLORED CAFE 637 PERSON STREET Phone 4G»« | FAYETTEVILLE TAXI ; DIAL 2312 I PROMPT COUR TEOUS SERVICE $ !US HILLSBORO STREET PHONE 4690 § I HH YOUR SCRIBE 'V • I W ' s£spK « iWf lb By FREDRICK L. BURNS J" ’' -XS m m ... _____ _ ! ' hif- 1,1 “ **'•“' 1 nil M'jiuiiivt? meetings that I have had the pic a .'-if lending •; i x-c.-nt year.-: was the round table forum oi !1, * College lb :;;h’Civic League, held at the Fa.vetleville State Teachers' CoHeeo. , '■l here was .1: .cu:;si*d the political, economical, and education ■ Hl*' oi the ~)' The meeting was attended by grim, determined on.-:- and hu-n from every walk ol life, trying to reach join • urvement ■' v wmch w< will share in the city government, and hi plan the future vvelfaiv of all the people. r •"do.-: ;n the ln.-:tory -A our city have wv had a mayo. ha.; aslce•! t;u Noero population to meet with him and put )h ,! grn vancc:; ot .car people on the table, so that they may take ;n airing befpre tin- general public The committee did just that and ti))-:. young, Cod fearing Mayor responded in the same mannet in which it wan pi jented. At last, Demociacy has begun to work in the city of Fayette .a-. J.owlv ini! Mir.-ly it can and will woik, a has -dad the k.ichiet t’uai. ha. kept it Minded so many wars, amt a few years :i; nce all persons wilt enjoy life without fear of reprisals. F (1 H'tK'li praise cannot be given to the civic club's young, presi iViark J Rullock, and his efficient staff in the work thev are doing toward the improvement of conditions in all areas of our city. liv i’c r, room and need for other organizations with similar i piograms to join whir progressive organizations to help them put ores their program. It will do al] of us good to remember the ;; i .adage In unity there is .strength”. Then, too, there is need inoTT ‘ meeting: ot tins nature, where w<* can plae our cards o.j *■ l -' labii. 'a-ioro union,, who it: m position to aid our cause. Rut I'iv t we must get a program, know what we want and work toward that end. When determined men and women band - themselves together t . thrash out the mi .understanding m our city and lay the g round w "r!; for a more united city where all races must live together m h e n every effort of encouragement should be given, even at Hu- sacrifice of a little time and money. Will see you next week. •Ini% and August sre tlie critical, month; for -erious iweet damage to cotton. Grower; should be piv pared to ti*. inta-ctk i ics promptly | v. h- n seriou: utitl-real-: of the boll, il ' apj ear f .thi- West Indies, A. and T. Col- j c,-go, Greensboro, N. C. If Pass l<> Advertise! ! , SIt3CO.NI) SECTION Nomination for a fighter without ft :n : Rill Jason, welfare director of ' the National Alliance of Postal em ! oloyr-- i NAPEi And he knows how |to tight successfully, too if you jcatch on. SA\ VOl SAW IT IN THE CAROLINIAN MYRICKS GROCERIES KO-> CUMBERLAND .ST. AT VO! R SERVICE PHONE 6387 SILVER GRILL THE PEACE COR HOME COOKED FOOD” ltr. GILLESPIE STREET MOSES MELVIN, Prop J. A. MAY JEWELER HATCH & ( LOCK REPAIRER | 111 BLOUNT STREET THE HUB MEN AND BOYS OUTFITTERS 104 PERSON ST. RESTFUL INN TO CRIST HOME 45k GILLESPIE ST. phone 3498 MRS. LIZZIE MrNEIL, Prop . ARTHUR'S SEAFOOD GRILL 637 PERSON ST. FRESH SEAFOODS OF ALL KIND DIAL 4«90 “The House Os Courtesy And Service” RODGERS FUNERAL HOME . RUSSELL and WINSLOW STS. - DIAL 3596 G 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE © 0 o THE HOME OF DIGNIFIED SERVICE IN YOUR HOUR OF BEREAVEMENT PAGE THREE Fayetteville Your business Men Brought You This Page. Patronize Them The 411 *Ptg Club program (i making rapid progress in the west ern counties of the State FAYETTEVILLE MUSIC COMPANY vv UKLI r/.h.K PUONOOUAPits WE KNOW OUR RECORDS’ ■5213 DIAL 4lOO Anders Studio EREI) ANDERS, Prop. 215 HILLSBORO STREET DIAL 4896 <S 5042 FOR QUALITY CLEANING FOR SERVICE DIXIE CLEANERS :? 14 PERSON STREET ROSE’S CHICKEN SHACK CORN'ER ( I tlßl lii AND ANSI MURCHISON ROAD HOME. COOKED FOODS WILLI A AES Service Station GAS OIL 613 RAMSEY STREET PHONE 5451 WILLIAM’S LUNCHEONETTE 506 HILLSBORO ST. SOFT DRINKS SANDWICHES MACK’S BARBER‘HOP 117 GILLESPIE SI WHERE THE PROMISE IS PERFORMED' NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Baltimore Lunch 5! ! WINSLOW ST. Open From j; A. M to 12 P M. Breakfast Lunch Dinner JOHN KOUTSOS, Prop, WiNSLOW BARBER SHOP 110 WINSLOW ST. We Appreciate Your Patronage Bozo Pierce For Shoe Shine C. Hodges. C Stewart, L. Ewing SEE H. L. DAWSON AND SON FOR— BUILDING CEMENT WORK Dial 8477 PHOTO CENTER 481 Hay St. PHONE 3777 j 48 HOUR SERVICE ON PHOTO FINISHING COMPLI TF LINE OF Cameras AND Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur OR THE Professional i

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