PAGE FOUR PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS »it-.r.. m .-.>^-- J^^.<J . rTf^..n .^- Tl .| r , WT . fTfc>ffr , l . |MMWMn , frn|fft(lin|)Hl[|[:l|tll)>)t)|)<:wii| _ ||| „ imrM|>|| . i|Tf¥rftTßt|w|| iiiiiiirii wnir.nnf m—i iiihiiiiimih i mm <i r Vsr. ■'■ yrr ■ 'f% MUSIC IN THE CHURCH 1 2* qj 1 vM t V3P]| WILLIAM T, GRIMES MW A ? IJU RCfT"M USI c”I EAD ER SHIP ° ™ “™ The term ‘•minister of mu -kj” i- wok df-:.c‘ ipf.v. of tin- per ?•••', r.nd vv.i:k of vho ui giving of their time .i.i.l (Merit • • t)v w..'!k of the Lord in the inte.r.u o! sacred nm-ie. The fk hi i.r.> be singing, playing, teaching ana directing or ait four service-: m music. ‘1 hv minister of music may be the church music director in • charge of Use whole music program, or the choir director m charge m. ih.- choir only He may be the song leader, directing congrega ‘to nal singing or ti.*• pianist or organnl These who are doing w ; the right spirit and manner with the view of honoring Chris* . ;cpi i-ung hi-. ge<p. ; through song and instruments as ,»t {ac tively, relatively speaking, as do the preachers. through the sc:- i,ties v. - per Delh-vr.-: in ’. h« divine call lot all Christ mn v. a: • is r, great held M -.<-i v!V,, the music rriini dc-r d p, ~A ~r, his or her ability :..• a musician and visi nas a Chn. ■ ! sh uld h». lcmcmbeitd th..t i die . I tra •he ’a i- ,; . tor character of the church, musit lias its place in me wm hup >;< i With some, music is an av.-cm.•>:•,. having other m< aim • 4 support. Same find it necessary to da this worst fat t*ic Mike cl rbi church that is financially unable to ernpiiy musician.-. Ciiurclies however would receive mare in return if they would mak« n pos •eibie for worthy persons to study to prepare themselves to do this • < I for the . hui ch. If their directors and accompanists were sent to some snsf Horn time to time piopare themrelvts they could • > m;. : ;>• it. • vice as a whole. T others tin field e: avocation for which remuneration is received. This field aflords many opportunities-. •icrvice and at the same time, makes the gi< att -t demand-- I- m tr sia;-' ip-.'.nt of ability and prepaiation. The demand now is loi • martcians. who art capable of going imo the churches for tuh half time as church musicians oi choir director . to bu.i.t a )■ u.-.i.,' progi on that is commensurate with the need;.. pi..u- .m l ■pui poses i>f the church. Chuichcs- that are able to pay a musician demand a mus e ‘program of high quality. Therefore the church mu man should jCmrSpare favorably with the professional musician in his perfor ming ability. There must be familiarity with othei phases of the .church activities and willingness and ability to do other things ’beside direct the music. If tin; minister of music would succeed, he mast consecrate !h»s lift to this work, have convictions and be filled with evangelistic !.‘ctvvr. The price ot success is preparation. The principle that the Jli borer is worthy of his hire just as surely applies to the musician ! v. i. a assumes responsibilities in the church service as it does to the minister or any other Christian worker. In mv previous article 1 gave definite references to the scrip tore that sir wed that the mu.-ueian of the Old Testament wotship v,ri<- paid from the same treasury as that from which the pin .*•:•.toJ their saahk'p and were given villages also to live in. GTJALIFIC ATIONS 1 .There are certain personal characteristic and qualification .which every musician must have who hopes to succeed in h.- •I. . .dei ship work in tic- church. (1) Personality is the one intangible something that :■ cer da'tnly needed. That personal magnetism, that quality which at -1 ranis, holds attention and command? respect. Cheerfulness r wry ♦m.po!tmit, 1o i every >. ne ’ovi'.'-i anti Luirniri-s one with a * koet -til jlispostiion. 1 2* Leadership qualities: While leaders are born, not made ltd. Ladns.hiD qualities can be developed'.. Among the most in: V -itimt may b: m ntiuned . (a) the ability to detect needs and to di cove; remedies, to set possibilities. Organizing ability, d- t* :mina 4ion and perseverance and th ability to carry a program to success Jn spite oi difficulty. (3) A sense cf humor. i. (4) Knowledge of the work. (5) Love for the work, and again 1 want to stress preparati >n. (The musician who feels that God has called him to special service should receive the best preparation possible for the work This preparation should be (first) spiritual, (second) physical, (thud) fnental and (fourth) practical. ; 4 Having striven and met these requirements, there is the s: ■ fcurance of service to Christ and humanity in the fullest way, win • rung the approval and appreciation of those to whom he mini two IT PAYS TO Advertise SEE j ' ! WILLIAM GRIMES ! YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE i 200 E. THOMAS ST. SECOND SECTION ROCKY MOUNT NAACP OFFICIAL MAKES PLfcAF«R LOCAL SUPPORT lit I B BARREN Tin Nati ri d : so- ; • n for the Advance me* t of Colored People new In it- 40Ui year c>f fid-,tiny lor ti ii.ll liglv:- of ! '' .*0- - . lr.erii; the Mippi.! ' bnai'.'-ial and no ra! lie t f•;d '. • f •\i ' ' (.-* • ■ai i)( e . hut * ve: y dt c* i.( Anitn irati a v vii , we alt end valiou:- -da'e.j < (-gional nd .-intional cunh ronre i ,i»lfi the par! :cip:iHon of v . tl w Lit • n. cut . wu civil light' >'»•: »•)(>, we are anuun-d at ihc com* finer 'icy ot J.m \oo lnany *.f our pro- - ff-.--j.onal- civic and arour.sed trout • their lethargy while the cppnrtum i t.v to serve their iace ami the namn | is \v..-s mg away and a world is suf- : (ciiog foi want ol the C'.ntribuiior. , these leaders coaid make to ihe ; t. use of democracy. -id ■ ir di r " •?) are 100 bury with their personal affair- to take active par! in thi.: great am of obiainin y the “v.cond cinaiu ipatlon ~{ c Nc ; m *. • n c ire • liv vvo; th-whde do- • nati'-.n to the NAACP's financial >•. i •• loci: community j like «i:;iiv are doing. < ven in Ine : i -If North State. Our liat is off to men like Dr. !. !■?- -a e Davis, president of Raleigh NAA( p, ',vi:o has paid his SSOO life membership to NAACP, i aiding the v.. >Ui of tni- great cause well as the fact that v. e. in North f.oolina can ill a I lord to lontinue f lag behind the other southern states in supporting NAACP. Wo ore i reing others of th> ' gromp who are “well-fixed, fm.:ii • >eliy'’ to join the ranks with Di. : Davis and olhcrt with SSO. SIOO and SSOO menther hips. NAACP has ac cess to the iroi the li.-'s'ai proses ; non to light tor in Won’t you help o ret the money'.' Freedom come high. We real;.- pay ior it! We t- p iiotiy urge all coinmuri UiOs and individuals interested in 1 the organization of NAACP branches in eastern North Carolina to con tact J. B. Hamm, 243 Atlantic: Avenue. Rocky Mount, telephone 756. Remember, you can’t win by yciu seif join NAACP and help 4 free us ail CHI KCII MWs ST. JAMES CHt R< 11 Or. Sunday night, July 11. the • .0 Y:a:i.y Mi'.s.ior.nrv C'lrde of Si. James Baptist Chuich. -p nsor . ■-< an electrical wedding Tlici r.o f'? tom qu. <■. : of the pi o; ~n it: perron of Mrs. Bernice Dav> • Mr-. Mable Williams. Mr: Loir c Gray and Miss Delais P.vvcJi. M• ■ Louise Gray won the ii ■ t Mi- St James, havinj, used to- highest amount of mon ey. The uni:.- i up vsa- Mrs. Mable A i I’liarn Honoi:.b!e mention was 'given to the other two queen.-. The whole prog.-am was directed! b l M.: M 11 Rval- lh-- or-yinizi r oi the Katie Y&ncy Missionary Cir- ' ch- Tlii rfh.ri was cor.ducted tc raise money to send a delegal to the Lott Carey Foreign Missions t. invention in Columbus, Ohio. Tin ■ i Prom this effort $52.50 wasp raised ( MOILs HONOR DIRECTOR The Senior, Junior and' ••'■! nt si. j.-imc: Baptist Church; united their efforts in arranging a • <utUui celebration of th'- ; birthday of th- ir director William; I Grime:: in he Reception Roon. o 1 he Church Wednesday night. July ]*4 Besutiful flowers and candles • ! added t the beauty of ihe recop- i I ffen- A very tasty menu was served bj I j member; ol the different group:- i ,A tine birthd;,-.- cai for the dnee-• I tor was made by Mrs. M D. Ryals. \ I president of the senior choir. Tr.ere * : ’--. ere b p 3utifu) present;: pi .-eiiit :i ! I oy the wife of Mr. Grimes, the bar i bers of the City Barber Shop in per i L'un of Messrs. Fr nk B Parker ! | Henry Bussey. Jr, Clide Sharpe and j i Herman Barnes G;h : from other friends included! | those fi - m iv), . F. t Da Hazesw-iod j j YX •«. Julia K. Galloway, and a cash I piej'critsnion from the tkir: ■ - choir: j 1 mentioned Beautiful greeting-:! ; < sen t'-om Mi. - Ida and i.-a- i ; holla Cur.difi of Mount Airy, NC. j Over one hundred members v-erc j present and enjoyed a fine social j ; ’'-th Mrs Geneva Pittman loadin'; ; the socinl activities. ; ci v No. ? of St James Baphd ! ; Church met at the home of Mr-s j ; Mary 1-i ;nj (Jay Street in j i week, at which tune the voun..- ' j -•‘.meri’s Bible Class was oreanined j by Superintendent J-m e. T Bade; j Officers are as follows: PrC'iJent, Miss Marv l,an< ; vice : j •■■re ident, Mrs Josephine Brow ; | secretary, Mrs. Christene Chase: j j ■ sistan secretary, Mr; Mable \yil- ! | hams; treasurer. Mrs Josephine j | 1 -me Iluyhlin; teacher, Mrs. June i ; Manky, chairman of worship corn - I nruttee. Mrs. Felicia William- After the business session, a very • t 'Sty reps st wa; served by Miss j | Mao* This cla-s has as an ob- I ! i-c'ive- To give service to the! : church and establish a renewed feJ- ' !In whip among the workers and I ' -nei-nbers. i Vet-: Remember July 31 h the i j ! Jeadliri? before which you can ;*et \ j vovi National Servic Life Insur | ane'e policy reinstated without a | .doctor's evamination. See your H of are t VA office at once if you are delinquent , I THE CAROLINIAN W&i. W % w ; -.n4‘ > 'Y- 4 ' VVy . .: ->>A 1a r > I \ & i *At TICIAN \\\< - Atrn^s )an tl.c diiughlti’ of aiiti * \lr\ Tcl.line, Hi 3 \V« Cay i Meet. \u f urn’ a ! ! vhr BncL'.cr i IV t**hin.I’ton 1 ’ton If li-.ui ui this i : * 3!)il lilt’ It n i 4 .• tily <'ullage i»l Lu' .’U>n N. < *\ prcTMif -he »cs the owner .? •>« i ,!ior • tVe Abnes Bi ja t> > : \Vc-t (..iv • 11 Vi iuhromh- • ’■ Vtv- ..I Mr.tion o! cF»)’idriVCs of Negro Buv >• ir’r.g jtj\;! • :• {-v3 > a:*a Ahi6ri ua n Tc a c ir. f r A- ot ia:i on •July ?s*2B> in Atlantic City >vill be well attend -v, Hi be ,•. ! in history of these *\YO id t'"i n i-:) ■ /,'ft 10) Ail AiiO- Ameriea will be closely watching, HiMTni s Sai(N Cm’?u’y s mn t , m>\i k - WHO! L- rt.J AND ). I i All \< ! NTS W hNI ED; A, S ItO .* TEI.I GRAM Nl \\ I UM-.KS ’).> AUnutic Avc. Phone 756 I THL MOST MODERN SPOT IN EASTERN CAROLINA DINE AT CLUB PONCEIAN A 246 PARK AVE. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. CALL 2074-J For Reservations Ernest (Cute) Davit:, Mqr. I USE PENNY’S CONVENIENT I .AY-AW AY PLAN SEE OUR WINDOWS j ] Yes! Yes! j nnn Brings You Life-Like m DOLLS 998 MA-J" I s 1 i m\\ x \ X /> \ f / v* V.vx-- ; | ** ■ \ Twbby Skin-Tex Doll* Stood IS” High— feel Aiiv# l ; She can put tint doll right jn the tub up to life neck and bathe it! it site up and moves its eyes. Dressed in a diaper. Others ... some diapered, some dressed, some .with layettes ... 3.98 tc" j. 90 lots ctnid lots of Dolls Yc Seel Youngsters Sn Today! I Bawliu’s Case aiid Service Station 25? ATLANTIC AVE. PEiONE 955 j sANDWICHES—BEER—-SODA—ICE CREAM GAS —OIL— WASH— GREASE—TIRE REPAIRS • 1 ffNCET FAMILY REUNION HELD Tlu- entire family of the late Mr nd Mt ;• Air ok Yancy met in a .Iv ; • -nilion at tiic- lioinevtead .: 8)0 Gai Vic SLlr.-et : tu: J:iy Ju: ■ 10 ■'tiik i liven- .vcn Mrc 1. V •v.1,-1 r: .U- Vaiicy Mrs. 1 u n Kii - li.Giinmv, Md.; Mi-: n • ’ - Ne-.' Yoik. M1... . ■ •'•-- M Uai-ipbcll. New York: Arci-iii.i Hihi'i- F? . i:y Mount: Y.nicey, Baltimore Aid.. Mi- Ula Mae ' anev. ti - '■ch ■ ■ .ir;j diiikrcn were ’<: 1 ik ii>- Y.-Uib H.iii.-. Sam i 1 Hiiii*- Ji Alvin L, Wa'.ron, >•> "U G.'-te.i.. ISeitte Smu., end i v. r tri King lam-ly - 1 ,: i.• wa- served r, r-enjovea by tG-tM’if r*la in-. .; fed ..L and Mrs. Clide* • IS. Mi. and Mrs. Clarence Vane y. j . .;•• .t3l guest- present were Mist i Be-s of Warsaw; Mrs "-l.'i-v 1. (smith rs Gold-hoto: run : it. neb I,{ O) 'anda Fla An ■ hi:, y. Hint- i. home Im 'h' iiiiinn-r anti i> - xiicet.iu- to re ill to Elirabe.h Cry State Colley. 4 m .September. \nni\crsai \ Marked t>\ Ihe Rev. Nemmore At Sycamore Hill (!hiirch 'the Ri v. W. L Mason. liis de;p 'ms and the Go;:p ! a: d Junior went to Greenville, N. C . last ; Sund.-iy aft.-rnt on and rendered rer vices at Cy.-amore Hill Baptist Ct m-eh ot which the Rev. J. A . V nr...>re i- pa-tor. Lh.. p;am for 1 In,t week was the Iftth Anniversary cc-l-bration !bO:-i&ri:iy its pas-toi for the- fine sv remicTed through the years, rvl :i . y fin' tr t ; monies w-erc niadi SECOND SECTION Mis. .to ephiiw H'lihlm. ityrhei in FJiii City School, left I’fiently to - i ta: -ve in New York ,ii Joan b 1t..,- ~ic Ji . of i,Haiti ■ hi .i. iL-:11 1-1 i 11. i , j: ■ u R. Hagan . .a and -Mi, aid hi-oth«:i Mr. and Mr: .Linn ‘ . i •><• i h pci! ..i. •: Mane ■Hag i;ii: M;-; Tonny P.a'tlc arid ;\irs | Maggie Chare him rei-ently nt oil I'-nd many gifts along wUh speeches of graditude were ;.f«-eiilc-d. . ...i. . t the StJ .‘ James Hapti t t'lrn eh pi»' jC. >:..i a vtry powerful sermon in which he; - j .-onipi.memed tin tu t Mr n ■■, i.vinre urged th-p. he would -lay . ' rie ait! -lurry n the work sot the i I nastei. i iic ’’■ ■ i'.f I ... : .: ..Hi- r * ■:! S, under the dire, tion of W.Mum T {Grimes, ssiig, "Jeiusalem the Gold en 'C.j i;•i- , VIV <,■ ■ ■:-. j Saiin ’The Lord.' -1 "-ii■ i H Ram ' "i. Know IT,at My Rt-il. e!r,i:i Li'/eir: hum the f-.asti’t Cantata “linmor ; tality’ and c- . ,i -\ n> . ioi i; Back No M- by Nathaniel t " f*l i- s Aln •• B. D.ivib ayc-orn t-vided the choir. After th. ■ ,-r. 4 cv. ! “ v. ry nice repast was served in ■ f i:a.-tmerit •h - W F f!r:.,-,e S and children visited M r and Ms- Elliott, principal, : nnd tejei ei ol 1 e Bethen HiJi | School. Bethel, N « etSMOR SHOP For Smart High Styled LADIES U’PUil l, AT Viom I,'Afl I’RICKS « Dresses » Suits 9 Underwear * Sportswear # Ccais * Handbags « 1 lose « Children's Wear GLAMOR SHOP Ru< k\ \immf Glamor Shop— PUcky Mount . T. .n i. , ,’ n ir _. r . mi . n Rocky Mount FLYER cl HOME ’lO Allan it- Ace Ehon.- 2858 •VVmi lAVi i SEKYICF The Home of Atlmlic Viutusi i noil Association Social Mclvei KING OF THE BOOT BLACKS j 128 E. THOMAS ST. rtnr ■ tT i T nrr<iHTTru-nninmfitir»ii'iiniTiiii|ii jen i Lonnie Crews TH AY ELI NL SAI.ESM \ N TAILORED TO MEASURE SUITS ADVERTISING WRITE | | M Thomas St., Rocky Mount i uti 11111 iii in i -- - ATTENTION CITIZENS i AND BUSINESS MEN THIS PAGE WILL PROVE TO RE AN INVALUABLE ASSET - TO YOUR COMMUNITY lAND BUSINESS ! mm THIS IS YOUR PAPER j THIS IS YOUR SPECIAL PAGE j. I , i ~ M " STIMULATE ADVERTISING PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS i REMEMBER .j EVERY TOWN NEEDS ! - i A NEWSPAPER PERSONALS VVE.EK ENDING, SATURDAY, -JUCY 2 b »4H I fi. m Show Siumnw School. Ah. Claud Stni’h sjj*ndimj Gw* i in MfrW York Oily with I'd t s icliter, Claudlm Smith While hi- 11 :he is vi itiwg her sons, J. T: ’ o i .<;■ n n ioiii- ,nd her o', or , ’ ■ u "“'or Daisy Smith Wright. and! 1 , liUSb d 1 id Georgia Pugh Walker is at • n: i’oiumhi i University Sum• ( I met" School Mi'S Haiti) Given '• in the New York City l i School, visited her nio'lw.M Mrs j lR f sa Blackwell 550 Albemai le 1 1 A venue, recently. Hi v. and Mis. K Luc-is of 42S , ' •' Ibonnrte Avenue, are back from ' • 1 iioiy icuni-»,i in Washington. ; D C dir- Lena Rianth and bro her i Edward Arlington were caih-d home. ■ .••' ,, iiiint t.i the illness oi their | mother ! ••' irui.i Whitehead of Nash! CihinVy oi a jew days in Rock v • , -vloum as iu( ; i or Mr. and Mrs Ro> ; Ha.'i.iii',, 403 Alhennarle. Mis. Kin-.ia Penny is. spending a ; U’im > Beauty Salon M 3 »IM GAY VIRU 1 J OR SCII NTIFtC t ARE OI MAG. \Nl> SCAM* 'll 'S AG NFS I,A N I Prop. PHONE 2321-M i tit- Men- That Brough. Prices Devin in Rocky Mount -it F-SLRV ICE: ItHKSS SHOP O'/ SOI TH ,\I.\IN STRI I T «\ t Tii Whaley Furniture Go. —~ —-y , GAYNORS Hlim; front MARKET GROE'ERIKS, MEATS, It I CRI AM. SOFT tiRINKS alt: G.VV STREET R M. GW NOR Prop. WILLIAMS tißl < LLANE'.RS 512 GAY STREET General Dry t leaning. Hat Mucking. Pressing While I Wait < ASH AM) CARRY ALxander Williams, prop GENERAL Contractors Free fitimatM Complete Architectural Service F. I. LOWE f CONTRACTOR CHURCH BUILDING H AND DESIGNING OUR SPECIALTY 320 Gold leaf Street Phone 1844-R iwn'wlWl..««|»—mmi Jimi Rocky Mount • To Keep This Page Pa tronize These Advertisers tew days in Troy, bf C. Mr. and Ms Perry Allen of New York ind tin ir par< nK Mr. a lid Mi;. Seth Ji.hs.son arid Mr. and Mi'S Tom Per:. on daughter, Ru> Mr. Jessu- Lane vi-ited his broth 'i in Newport Wv■ Vs. Mr-. Millie .-\i i u,-ton and daugh ter recently vi-ited relatives and bora (hi‘:e lYu'-nds in Washington, D C. and • '•hiliidoiph’a. Mi -nd Mrs Goto vis Bryjtnt visit ed relatives in New York < ity. I . 11 : i Malone is : pending the summer m Asbnry Park, N. .1. Mi. lit i .ii M is :pending the suii'imei in .Washington. D. C. '.ih Lcr truthfei, Michael, in, Jer sey City, N. J. Harrington Lash Store ‘ cfc! Your lavotite In- Cream, Me A Pint, Sot. Drink- oi All Kinds, Bakery Goods GIVE i A A TRIAL ie?i s. ivaahington st. U HOE I S Alt AMI RETAIL HARKEN SAM S AGE NCY i B A A St HARKEN CONI l CTliiM i;:, AGEMs WANTED As ro a idi gram New-papers tt Atlantic Ave Phone ?f,<i IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Treat Yourself To Our Service City Barber Shop 200 E. THOMAS ST. William Grimes. Prop, ALLAN TIC Eli VIO STATION ’Hi E. Thomas •! Phone 9189 LVS OIL. SAI.Ls SI RYU E 1 ire and Mechanical Works PIT MIR ALSTON, Prop. DAVIS H AGIO A RECORD SHOP . Specializing in Auto Radio- Latest Records Delivery SIC CAE STREET MARC I S Il.iVts Prop. Ilollv Street Market MEATS USD FRUIT, A El,i t ABLES WE DELIVER Phone 1588 IV t;(Ji Holly St. Dannie's Beauty Shop Specializing In All Phases Os j i-eauty t nfiuie Phone 1444-M Hares Haywood, Operator 511 iv. Thomas S . Rocky Ml, At? Daivnir Met lean, Prop. | Neighborhood (Center ! GR4H ERIRs A MAGAZINES t t loot sanding A Painting 700 Penn. Yve. Phoni '386-R 1. L. i.a-Mler, Prop. Nave and Borrow with the UJaiitie Credit \ nion Chartered hy the State of N. * . 108, E, Thomas St. phone 289-.1 OPEN IOR NFAV MEMBERS t ouis Pippin. President Mrs Sort E Bailey, Sec.-Treas. WILLIAMS FOOD STOKE PI UN AND FANCY GROCERIES WE I)ET .IT f.K 345 Albemarle Avr Phone 268-W DICKIN’iT FISH MARKET SEAFOOD AND GROCERIES Fish Dressed and Delivered Free 625 W THOMAS STREET PHONE 1255-WX Goldleatf Grocery FRESH FISH -- MEATS GROCERIES TOl ATLANTIC AVI:. PHONE 2245-M COMP I IML NTS OF Be\. K, P. Battle president oi the STATE. i b p o i or w, ROCKY MOUNT * ™ —rvirm t FRESH FISH PHONE 1351 W 301 GOLDLEAF ST. B. E, BENJAMIN, Prop, WILLIAMS COMMUNITY STORE 314. GOLDLEAF STREET PLAIN & FANCY GROCERIES FRESH MEATS DAIRY PRODUCTS OK ALL KINDS BATTLE’S CASH GROCER A MEAT MARKET 812 E THOMAS ST. For Quick Service Call 2776

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