WEEK ‘ENDING SATURDAY, LPLY 2S, I'M* ! PATRONIZE j THESE ADVERTISERS i THE BEAR FACTS Fioyd Hill of Hi. 2 Dover became tired of raising corn to feed the prowling bears which have been reported plentiful in the Jones county section. For two or three nights, Hill sat up with his ‘hi ►nun wait'ncj tor the boar which had been destroying his precious corn crop for many weeks. He finally decided t! a! the bear- was outfoxing him so Hill borrowed a bear trap from iiis neighbor, Azt’ll Ellas and bailed it with corn and honey, tie set the trap on Wednesday afternon and that night made up his mind to quit worrying and get : me re«» The corn snd honey proved to be too great of 3 tempta tion for Mr. Bear, and on Wednesday night, he found himself trapped in the heavy iron cage. On Thursday morning. Hill and hi?, family found the 300 pound corn thief who was "fighting mad" an wishing he had stuck to his corn diet and let that heney alone. The animal was kepi for a few days and later disposed of and his carcass was given to local prison officials . , . According to Mr. Hill, there are still a number f bears in that section and he is ex pecting another catch' be fore tang. Although the Unit'd States hns traditionally been .1 net exporter cf lumber the •dm . has been reversed since 1.941. w-th The ,m --potts ft lie: that year averaging about twice the expo, is. MENXIE'S s FRUIT STAND NOW OPEN’ FOR ItrslM • • t oll} Drinks Milk, CmuU ( uk, 4 113 1-2 E. Lenoir St. Phone 3912 Mrs. Minnie Mt-graiU nrni. pn.p FOR THE BEST IN GROCERIES ICE COLD DRINKS ICE CREAM VISIT Hardy Grocery 31 & OAK STREET CU R COMPLIMENTS Hill’s Electric SHOE SHOP fiUS MiUjn ii Wpoien Drive •Alexander Doc Hdl. Prop. COMPLIMENTS OE NAOMI’S HE A* XT SHOP 6U4 Mitt)i 11 W.iotf-n Drive FEED VOLK I AMILV FROM RHODE’S POLLTRT AND GROCE.hE M \RKFT 7<is Qt INN l REV ST. FOR THE BEST j JONES’ GRILL SANDWICHES. COLD DRINKS ICE CREAM - HOT DOGS (IAMBI RGERS 388 S- QUEEN ST. LET PHILLIPS Dry Cleaners DO VOI R WORK 301 N. INDEPENDENT ST. i _ _____ _ I'*“ ~ ~ Brownie’s Place HAS BEEN ENLARGED I'Uli COMFORT AM) SERVICE 509 SASSER STREET MODERNISTIC' JR. HOTEL 412 REASIEY STREET w 413 N. DAMS STRIA T FURNISHED ROOMS Hot And Cold Water FOR BATH Quiet Location For Y our News Your Music Your F erta inmen t I WKNS Presents THE SEPIA VARIETY HOUR Wit'ih Norman H, Stafeman Every Tues., Thurs. and Sat. - 1:30 - 2:30 P, M. Ors Saturday at 2:30, Norman H. Staieman COMMENTATES THE NEWS Sunday, 9:45 - 10-30 Spiritual Singing Friday, 1:30, Negro Farm and Home Agents All Regular Negro Programs Heard On WKNS 1000 Watts 1000 On Your Dial BIBLE SCHOOL IS EXTENDED | i Tne St. Außustu; AME Zion j Daily Vacation Bib It- .School, ] which opemd last hi unday with | plans toi one v.-ek of activit-a-s j would have be on concluded ‘-vit'i 1 . '■ in 1 mehi.’ n.eut exercises ia.d Ft; : day evening, h.r.vcvei, tht• inter ! st was ml.' use Hint the chiirefi j vas happy to allow the sch.ol jto iciiiaivi active for anuther i .vifk, Approximately ninety sr.u dents enrolled in the fust week. In view of the extension period jrantd ty the church officials comniriieeinent will be held Fi i- Ja.v, July 23 at the St Augustus ,bunch. Osfir-ers and members • t the school, wish to thank Mi. C. Joseph Barfield lot offering his | <-rvices lor the past week and | volunteering again to instruct in | Physical Aid. According to R. lohhson, pastor of St. Augustu- Church, this is the first Daily v acation Bible School to be con {ducted at the St. Augustus ! Church for many years and great i da L1 action is expressed from tin? j results thus far obtained. Y\ \Li‘ V oil ill Leader Kill Addi ’ess Lroup Miss Ruth Hurley, youth Sec wetary of the National Asuv..- ' t;..-n ,b th. Adv.iuctmeni 1 C ’ .•red People of New York, Vv ,11 address the Kinston Youth Chui.- ; re: of that 01 sanitation on Su:. j dav. August 8, According to Dr J. F. Cameron. Soup r Leader of the Youth Chapter. Miss HuAe? >; is a very interesting personality and her presence is being loc.kc I , forward to with much enthmu I asm bv all members of the Le j I noir Cruntv Branch of the N. A IS \. c. p. iVllt.N WANDERING AFt Os NO snip in :m 1 nor hi si . Head the Latest News Fri h Ice Cream Shoe Shim Sutton Bros, SHOE SHINE NEWSSTAND ! 1 HARLEM SHOE. SHIM. PARLOR OPEN FOR ttt Si NESS Cold Drinks, Candy, Cigars Shaved Fee Shoe Shines s ! Rl.ors HOOD, Manager SUTTON’S IF WI LRY \\ rtehr .nd F lock- Repaired 413 S QUEEN ST. NO JOB TOO HU. OR TOO SM VLE” j _ WHITE SWAN I. A 5 NDKI 1003 E. BRIGHT ST. PHONI °fliß ! I_ _ Midyette Hardware < OMPANV HARDWARE. Bl IEDI C. MAM Ftl VIA, Ei E« TRIG AND Nil IE sI'PPI.IES PAINTS AND OILS PHONE It'D2 Beech’s Soda Shop WHERE FI,TENDS MI ET DRAFT AND BOTTLED BLIT! WINES AND SANDWICHES so QUEEN • TRFET CHAPMAN SERVICE. STATION WASHING GREASING KCm- RIKs CHARGED Rest Room. Drink y Smokes 507 S. OV'FEN Si REFT FOR SERVICE ITS JOB!E’S PLACE 425 E. WASHINGTON ST. CIGARS CIGARETTES sorr DRINKS -- FRUIT. Good Music Kinston, N. C. Compliments Os A FRIEND I s SECOND SECTION I To'rather f ,i I? REHEARD j mk.. b&,. , NORMAN HL STATEMAN t ,;ist vvtrt k, v nii hp -i i.o; found turn • v;sit u i -i *• in Goldsboro. AHiiot. ;h the trip came about ralhei c.ic.'\ !" ctudly, it was a real treat to have a chance to * e lot m.v-eh " lJ j if like “on the other side of the fence.’' 1 found tire "uthei • '■ quite interesting. Bnsirw . . of course appeared tu he just, about tie same as we will find it. here in Kinston, but our friends in G hiC ■ br.ie aUu seem t , Ije prepavuiß for a magtit futuia w’uc!i sdu • ( : ; very soon. Our find stop was tc pay a visit to Mr. and M: •. P-tislta t.it\v 1., iner lesidents ot Km-Unn. who wandet* t rot to {,eld -, no > • lev. years ago. Later ft- spt nt a few niinuti , V i»h I'.. A. inorntun, picniiriimt business man there who is av, the Ccddsi,- rn representa j ti .e for the CAROLINIAN Om most ini-■ e::t: e.; vc d w a widt i vide: T. Nix .on, active btisine.-. man, who i; more than 10J yea.. •| • young’’ and still going strong. Mr Nixon, by the wav. \va: mi - the Postmaster of hdenton, N. C., during th <’ .1 imn'.ed;,de!v lowing the Civil War. Later he became a member of th N'. < .. • Legislature and still latei wa employed by the Costume? House in 1 Norfolk, Virginia He is a gradual, of Hampton In titute. Shaw Uni versity, Howard Uuniverr.ity and probably .1 low other coHfge Tne distinguished centenarian boasts that he has ordy .spent one a tor a movie, has nevet played cards or sp* nt av.*r S>LhU tor ujfe.i cine of any kind, One ot her thmg that 1 noticed while in (~ dd'.uoro, that I h., ■ looked sot in Kin..inn. That was the pie: . ne’e ot Negro mat, ... ice -. A- cle-oly iel.de,t as the two citie- a: e. ve find -Uicn •• contrast in the public jobs of that sort. From report ; tr ail Km . t.-mans wiai lived her- tm many ye-, > on y •- t : ro mail <.airier to be si.cn hen* was numv year:: ago, mid .. > ! job was restricted to the- rural areas. I was ’old many tune ih there were no Negro mail carriers here becat.tse ,tOno " : ever filed application, . . Since 1h«?n, I have found that to b-- ,<. ~ Later, I ... told that no qualified applications v- < l-e.did c.r.ung Negro applicants . . but that doc not ex plum ttn rd.sencc of such workers in our city. For the -;atisfacti<m of ad v% •" have inquired about such por.itions, I w.auht like to suggest ' ll - ah who are qualified, or who think they are qualified im ' >v ; Si rvice jobs to file Civ:s Service applications 1 <r any j !• available. In many cases you will find 11 "difficult ta '-btain an - ai.plicatidn blank. In that case, the Civil he vivo Cm- mi. si m m Washington, D C - at > our ,sei vie.,-. In Fayetteville, I notice that the citi?,e:i? are making h.-adwa v in theii fight far Negro policcm.ai According L; the opinion as 1'::, majority, of the south's leading cit.. Kverv S-authern f.'om ji,unity is in rte, : pe; atc need 01 N, gro Poliocnjcn .. . and that ,u,. . ad- K inston. | PERSONALS Mi. J■ ,hn 11. Sutton, 'l'un.mi.• Sutton, and None,a Sutton n, ] Brooklyn, N. X' ar«- \ Kiting .VI::. . W. Suiton all ; lump -a I «t., Kinston. Mis. Sop .it- Dixon and ?a .!ei. Mi I.<.■;;< Cobbs ’ Brooklyn. S. Y., W.o e the gUt-St: ; 1 -<L > iX.ol, ■ 1 Suiton of Grange 1 Station Thu. , :.,V an.t ; ot.lv ar t w.'-ek Mi.\ N„ i<-> V.aw ao . ' resides with Mr». Nuriev Sutton , ; (.ii aiiger Station ivp.'i i tha. In has i'ecc-n'i,v passed Ihu 88: 1 bnih'lay and ■ .-.till active in her work. Mrs Faitlon : tlic f.irrm-r , president • i ll,< Cranger Demon i stratum Club. She has been ap pointed agent for The CAHOLIN' ; IAN in that section. All new.., 7 and picture's Torn Granger Sta lion should bo given to Mrs. Nan cy Suiton Mr. Jarvis duck of Dover. N. j C has i f-r ii ippohitod agent for j Tlic OAiROLI MAN m hie Duvi : , section Mr 81. k is a p,vmrini a:t liusrness man n that sect: m ana a well known citizen of Dover, ' . N. C. The Silver Stars Quartet of Ft. • Barnwell, N. C. f c-um;ntly fea tured oVe: Rsilo Kt.d.l at WKNs every Sunday niorning annnurux ; that the’,- will apperc at t■f ;. ; worth School located 1 :;•• : Yancc-hor,, hiihw.iv ~n Sunday, ; Atigu t 15 Other engagi rntmts . v for the Silver Stars include their j appearance or a First Amh' e: ' -'a, V Prt'i’rarr with the D-x IINSTOJ DEATHS Funeral -cnicos t a Mr Su- 1 ■an Biuunt w-r,- held from th Lb,nr/,-1 Baptist O auch in I.jf . Grange lasi Mm day at 2a"') r, in Rev. C O Slarpe officiate d. Funeral sen ices foi M Klmt! : : JJmnhrv wee held Horn his! home at 107 to ft in’s Aliev Sm . aav :,! 2:00 Rarer'-’ Fur,,:- 3) hi.in - had charge ol ihc service. ‘ . I Erskine’s Diamonds - Watches Jewelry- Silverware j YOU DOf’T NEED BIG j MONEY TO BUY AT Ersdne’s 11 USE YOUR CREDIT ] 1 Erskine’s t Kin»tv.n's Leading Cured t Jeweler KINSTON humming Fnur. pl.,ct> tar this j,,' gram inn! mat b.-.?»» an nounced at press time. Trie Gospel Singer.- > ' L , ..'hang,-, N C. will appc-ai nt St. };, ■ Church in Lataiange at A ign-t it. tin Auc.u ! tu vifi appear at the Newh,..t .- Training Sea,: ,1 m Dm -. .. X. > f.n the 2nd Armiver-.-an prig, am with the Sdve: Star: ot r't. Hum veil At Halt). At:". T‘ IL. ‘ W.;- nppc.’u' at tile Dillard 11 j;h Seim.,! rn Gi.UbJv.ro r. ith the; Soutiu.-rn Stats ol ehJu.-.boro. doth quartets arc i.-atnr.-d nv- i SIatWKNS every Sn ~i , I men’s n \u 1: is KKon<;AM/i-;n La-U Wednesday, July U 'n’uuriit t.igeihi’-:" iaige body u 'ho '.l Si. Au;Ju:.hih'’: Kpl: •opal Chii'ch, who rei-.i-g.-mi/.-J ; tin- St. Augustine’s Kiuscopai LayniartY league. I’his nrg.nni/.a i 1 tonal meeting was conducted h? •toe Root, I, tier Rev. M. J'.:,-.'!’ Banks who explained u, <it • i Kivup t!u- impo: tone, of ich a !‘ ago,, in tile ciiurcii. Office Were elected loliawing a hrict discussion. Officer.- metude M . B.'ii M- ck ■ Brig:;-., ('hai: nan :\i. <' Pin\ is. Scc'-i J.ii > .Mi V. W!,i* ! ield Treasure! and Dr. J. r . 'ann-rr.n. r!,;,,rman of Pr. gram Oonnnittct' Other mernb ■- .ntrent included Mr. Flijah R.- iti ’. Ac nan Womack as Km!- I Butt!,-. 11. K. Beech and N .1 man | H St,at* man. (!os<ir< (j I air 'o Bp Lit! \i ’ rom October Ui }o 20 AHOSKIK The Atlantic D j'l'ict Fair. siMirtsnrcd h. j.-ica! \'i | cfo re--idi ni will otio: here w ! Ti>. rdav . Octuh, and , , : brio th'-ouc:, (ict<.ln ■ 1(1 l i riwiitai' Fmr Ommittiv an | nouiva ;i here t hi;: we.-k. ; Tiirouch uduiticn of the tow i |hi iek 'cmndsttrii.i and cxluh.i j • pace, the fair ,- .-.xpem-i t . n th. Lift*,.--1 u: is.- 2U ve.a hi-tcr. Melvin Johnson and M V. |Cb,|eiiian. county agent:’ llm* lord and Bertie eonnUcs. ar<- ; j angitig lor agriculf iral . xliihiis Fi’-’, acts are scheduled < u-h da, ; : and fireworks each nig fit in con j j winch will tv a iiari of tn<’ an j i io*> with cm - nival events \ nun! fair Member?: of the executive com mittee j»re Cli.r. nee Ohavi • nr.. • • lent P C W.*''vpr, secretsrv: . nd Shermnn Hall, treasurer. h Pays To Advertise: l For Fine Staple Groceries, F’- Os All Kind: Natha n Hi H r 5 Located On West S PRICKS RIGHT THE CAROLINIAN '<?? . ■ v i 'i » ,54, '.CVC X IV «-^ 5 -- If & v.. „.. ® A v.; .. . ROMAN CATHOLIC SERVICE -Against a background of high j mountains and the everlasting mist a Catholic mass is celebrated among the troops in Alaska. At this service a portable organ, similar to those used everywhere by the Chaplains. Empty gasoline drums serve as the sup* nts to the altar. HA. VOTERS HAN iO’ft AKH DiAUA V MAT PKIiSHM NT TAMPA, Fin. tANPt - Repm e•• ' Aiiim lor .. combined nouthern re- | vdt ugoired cr. il njr ami tin ' | aubermdoi i;.J adiniobDative r - ■ i vet oi Thomas Dewey and Earl W in i t i'i has been important 1 1 • jin a 'a*yin v 80.000 T\* Br«< Dofit n c y *» l i ' vole c»f Honda to upport the hr , ’.blfC.n) puny nonun<*c. in No v« mb; v. according to the m ult- ot ;.i ({Vh j .'.ilonaire • ont out by the pub ■;ic relations tic-pmlment of the- lb •; j ’•• ■ ! •t i . . i : • s \P ■ A o>i i lovin-- the COP couvenlOu. Thn (•.>i;(•<•! iiSits of opinion w : : that Trianan was a cinch win for tho J.)en;<'t C;i(if/ noitt 5! i.itioil that bis civil right > proposals were nv.'ie politic, al bait, to woo the Negro voir. \1 (> \y Gv 6 r tb e fa c t Iha! D;. \v cy. .* s l ini,' <.‘l N«w Y had meted j out ::evv ral but important pufo.he and that Gov. Warren has an ca c uraon.g voomi of Nr j it• o ability, were the most corn ’ Cell nip. for i'll theii cliOitC Ol ih GOP ticket m Ncecftiber. • A Ci"CiSs i-eet mil of f ioi Ki.r' No- - j gro m.d v* •• •• t we red ?ne jviio y to ihe tune of *M:>. were •IT rr.uenat *0 vc>;*.-<? m ?,Sv -l.e-a nr; • : I «Vj;u"v election arid piuveci on •m --;•• -riant roll in organi-'in* t ' vo-e i:•. m | canvass<yi voters oi \ i o I lit-- and found th erncral iviH ■of voters lay or mg !>• v. c\ Wa. r< . : ’ ’VC 5 ' Ti uj Vi an and any vice pe j bCm-r. W :!h Seir on b.c Pepper, war aeciaU d i'm Ei j rlue. 4 102 pt-l.o?,: re a '*• their rimer. • jon th* to o 3 individual c:.mda upon p. ' y •.cue of principle!:. (>f the Dt-hiu nV r. 100 p• s- relsl italic pmv uu.dt i if *h< • s c : s nee conv c .* *>t* woni«:t i-r ho t' e : Perl prlH .:P pUm'." i .1 ail Voter., i r. ’ thr ;• •lif.iS 5 V 0 laipsC. Apjit ox!nmtoiy 5- pf-r « ere ot . i Dcmcemt- ft n 'fnuu n m>tp ‘ ?heiV 1 no rnoi « • ■ .:)■■ ji- ;•! N ! Waiiucr H be Pnpi.mode ■ , lot him Jo put <nv* aov tv bh civil ; i i i ic- and he kmu\ .? On ti'e ev( <4 'in ifcemei'U'U o.iU'i'-hlMin Fo.*i s<ia a n is pru-i ; ; ; nnOil:. - t -(j p: eannularv to; ti;r | • nh 10, 0 nofiiantion m thr' Dermirnoic ticket, Casual obrciva* j ’rale no oi:u k «-ti chanoo in Jhe it’.nr in j.* ij j N<;’ ro; :«> tin* Oow <\* \\ a r rent fjei et. CPmej’iil ft rime Was i : thai P< pp.=»r didn't have a cr yncf: j jo* : fiis laic ciiiie. Some feel, how - ■ . n.u I‘epp..'C ha- been, is oe- ! nr aij.d will h- ui mure benefit ij! j dev* iupinvnf in Florida ;<• -< cm.- i j 'or In, rcelec icm to that pm t. ! What whi'r- i« lerifla Deireacrat 4 ) will do in November w\-es indicated! • br»<• by two mor* rfur.' politicisil Itig • iv\ io,* who intiiiiu! «'u fi G *P vicioi \ • N<»vpii'lvv. !>ui lhat the p ,rty j ; A'auld Tn;,l.c a :-liff l'i; hi to seivei | is siira.i;i,s f*»t lsl r . : oiiffwhovk. All m i.Ji. it :;t -nv, 'r, b< tn thv j U.ii that FJ.'irida may r; rt-a! itsj j 1928 lK.j’funnstnoo go Republii-an . Tl-is. of coinh.-. is tn. IV . hrv in Uk* ! j• up •i G(";p lo.idi' . in I hi-- sl.ilc ; ' Hj. h.i's -ono no!!..' • to ,ik ■ • j (g. iianu-ijiMltii., in their i • nsrt.Vs tail talk about Lincoln inui j i'll,' 1 Isfounoi..siioi! pruolsiii.il,on In furl, iiie t;- ,is(* i, -1 v"; ivoiTtnotil i j aroonPM M,-. ; •!•<-» delegates t • in. - j GOP riinvcntoin in Philadelphia ini j many Nogro. s on Hip verge of 1 i ’linn: int; their parly .Tiilivion i 'ott< n, v. .'.pai, ;.nd • nto m:.l. lup oboot i',\'n-liii: ii. of the d.ukir! vahlf of rigvlcuitor.il ovpon In , every tiv, -year perh-j f j ,im J'ilO.l !o 1940. with the except ion of the! World War f period. , titr,, Vocfc tshJes;, Rr froshm-Ala is. Via it The Grocery Store Street, Dover, N, C. PROMPT SERVICE j \laii Held For Killing Vr iiV, iloblihiy. NeS^isbov INILIjON. C. (ANP) Charg ! .-: oi . Abe;y and murder ar< j ,in-, pu: ht-ii .nfiujiit nimi ; picked up Itme this week for tie alleged Tailing of his wife and ;|,e robbe.-y of hit. neigiihor. Tk.e aceu ■.i iico in D t. j fiw ann. ,o , t, c --■ t i;ig in fie<- vs j aid that Vo aim b< d tea \vi: to death and then left the beuoe ! He then called his neighboi, j S. :■» Me An : 11 : r. and a'.i:< i V.i; ; to, take him to pet a dneto*- !■.. j ids vde. 'Hie m?»ffhl)or’f hrnthei’, j ~f. O. Mr Arthur, took - d witi; j tiie fomdv automobile and ! Swi tin. f.in t ie road, they said, Swat):’ : 1-., u\ <,ut a razor, t *i:...it* ■• *•■ I lit tira'rr. robbed him and then left ; him on the road. Later he wreck• \ ,-:| tiie car and almndoned o, H; j 000.- ui oustc- \ ;a i ’■ ,r >•; \vka’r, ! | wicked the aulnntnbile. Another neighbor had entered j Swann’s home and found his j v\ ~, ,fen to deal 5 ■ Sii)>|)orl \onr Paper! ! GUARD FOOD, FXPl.fff SAYS U’uuK-n -avo rvnilnuvd to take Uiv« oiory oj food. Aii j food cupboard ■ 10-o onions be | I 1 for*.* tin y jtnii dtiH looti \ be forv it yo!:- kvt '. vlly, 1 i:.*i’ti looking fat In a coo) place ' 5 is.indy for !*• usp. and whon a . j can : filled, mil it lo vour meat | Tfip-u arc sue.y-slioiWi lb ! | I Lty Moim' ui , 1 h-pa ’ Uucnt of Aci i j CMiiMi t -home »••i-t, uho j inK* > Ei'b idiit viejlaiK-e. c-spc c!a 1• y tjnnm tbc a mil mev rnoiiih to ciuoioif natuial iorcu?. j that :u Gck in vour n. o i jicn . just ah the y toon product?; on the iarm or \u BROWN’S i M Al OOli and II 1. CO !(M Town list) Read \Xt lIEI.I VI'.R HI! • ! ! ? lutV, V l v ie;» Emma’s Case 4io s ip s r \ .- ik! ; r ! t - •»», ru ! oosi, SAMtn U lIES AND HI I d p. ' ~ *“ j Doit l liSiV or trade until von visit j ii. S. PUIS esc a i c \ n t ot :*.« s. t)i i t ,s st SI-'E in'V ft Mil, UN\ VMM i AMs AND HANTS ; TOWER HILL sf kn h i st N'rms ( IMH ISi Oft I.ROf iKM S j Tower iftii Rrtsti ai Ndkin St < i U >•! V MAN, prop TURNER’S CLEANERS t'lir. i)ttrcn .id?! I'.cighi Sts ! I'liOM :tMJ SAM SMITH prop. I so lour Lmhi ON Porch I Furniture : AT HEILIO - LEVINE (M KINSTON, N. C. SECOND SECttONT Separate law School < in S. C. fc/ined "Equal ? f’HAtn,KSTC>N C. (ANP> t- ,fO/ :■ 1 J m1,., . W 1 ip; VV tiled In;! w.-c;, 11;at a rev ! h.deit v.fiiool of law at State Agn- ; rdtu ai J* id, il c,dl.- 1 ' "ai,;-, *,v..|f.. ;i(X-: jm.- ; I:» dHirr to that I.ffcif-.l to hr,- ‘iM-i(-r,‘ - in he .date ■!; ,ij't'jsii.,,i do ed if;, ,-,{ 'din I ! W I ij'l'dl'll win. in; >' ii I i into the ia -•. ■ cho, ,j ~f 1 -,■ IJnlvci'.si; v of South Cau uUna, ra ;,-,.r Ia Oil JuTv 12, 19-17. Judge Waring had ordered the ~ aditr.i i V’i igi'den lo Mu Un:Vfci:,ii -. ~, 'ip a aiibs'ai.fitdly equal school iq,- i •i!«- i on, lhat out". t <>R l!5 Ifi if RADIO M i; \li > I Mil. i.KWIS RADIO SKliVlf K HIIONI ,'SIH f HR Kill | ST _____ ! bOOfMMPS HI At * A SHOP wilt ffl IVI K , HAIR no I s f MAI KM 1 n IM7 *:- .Soldi si •ti ll i 100 .Mr-,, o | i of! i ; I | | tkn v s \uio Ser\ see ! dl-.NIvRAI, A! fO RTPAJRS ! HI. Ai V ts. S CAKs MI A sjso vot l-i i Nsi.s ! '!ia I SOI fM -IKf t ! 'hi r s DON I. I*l Oj,. [laker's I iineral flume 11 i . ‘. of ( otiitO Mutual HuO.U \ lalinn, Inc. *Hi s Os Its St Hlfosi; s-iii; i VIM AS !l \D.\\T —— . IT'S 0 K j TO l‘A\ ; y.?-' d* J "t M ■ -d I » \ 6 : KU rL^ I*o fioC Ty- ;• MVS MIMS STOKr; i owa«c*?-tii, - ' , -r-wv ->iru-- im -ms globe taxi ! DIAL 3254 Reliable 224 SOUTH QUIaHN S I fICCT LENOIR CAB ( O. DIAL 1701 038 S, QUEEN ST. CALI, US NIGHT Oil DAY OUR CAR WILL RE ON ITS WAY i !iO( It sf liMf 1 .UMIS SIMMiiM, % G & C(IFANFRS NOW OPEN TOR BUSINESS TO LOOK YOUR BEST AT ALL TIMES. LOOK TO US 403 E, BRIGHT ST. GEORGE ERI2ZELL. Prop. CASABf.ANCA INN BEER SOFT DRINK'S ICS. CREAM SANDWICHES FURNISHED ROOMS i 70S HARVEY ST, H L, JOHNSON-. Prop. COME ON KIDS EARN YOUR VACATION HffIMPW NOW H j NEWSBOYS WANTED TO SELL THE Carolinian SEE MR. WILLIAM BURNEY Represent a! ive 232 SOUTH QUEEN ST. , PAGE FIVE Kinston Business Men \sm) Women Sponsor This Pa 2'e - Patronize ; f fieiii Tb il ffiofits -- Our Best Shoe Civil War, Says S V\CP S* < relarv White Nt IS VOHK (ANT) -■ Walter Ui; a, 'v.UCf* executtve sec-; ici ,i - ,v,."l I;, if Wnliif vilay that llu iulitjdion ~f tin* civil I'isht-- pl.iltF it tin* I f iii;,!tl< •••• *. • < ~ ■ in g, catt-si ;• ■ mi, . i > Uir ■nits and l-M America t!;>- Civil '!>>• l it .mi m won nt I‘lid.nl, • |n dcfU sd. "in '"' , !- lit . I,' Dt, : Mtilfi is , : I- I'ini New polltinl Icad • rstitp i,- icpiuec .Mat u nicn *t*';;* ■' < d dir smith in ugM isg • •' ■ I i r I •;( (I ' - EDDIE’S f I N, il KOOM HU dt « OOKI l> IVH -\LS. OKI.IN IK V SKKVH E I*IIOM 2247 ?: *’B H. Oue'n St Mr. E. Cox David W arren’s <-HDt l If V Ah!, ,Vi MtKET H'',l CKNftfi.N Sl'Kl’ET in'll fruits A Vegetables ;m ats Wf DEI tvl;li s - ~ i 'iniwK — VETERAN’S I Ni-n ••. atid Slim* '■•.nine ratio. i ii VUH. I fI.AKETTE „ < ANBY COi f t It KIN K S " i if Qrn \ st. H !I iff !’\f t Prop. I'in , I lo Clean Your .Shoes 11 and f I KKYK i. STATION S Os EE\ STREET id AS. 314 J ( iiarl, . Shephard, Prop. Hit; SI f i < TIO V XOitTii ( 001. Si ITS VXD trocsee:-: I tOf t DVil 01, ! AHI ! Si Ai >0 II HEAR I'OlU'i Mi SHOES 'd-.tt i IMIh t l.OlillM. , DM I* AW

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