PAGE SIX PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS CHURCH NEWS REFORM SHILOH BAPTIST Sunday July 25th tin- Rev W L. Griffin, pa.-doi I) Oil .< m iriorimr' worship, 2:00 p. m. Sunday selio-al; 3:00 p. m. rally sr niton. The par;tor has requested that all captains l e present to make Uus a great any PLEASANT mil NEWS by hkrnht: dawson Mr; Mattir Kllison and children ' spent Sunday at Brice:, Crude, Mrs.' Ellison \va. accompanied hy Mias Marie Harris. Mi: - Made Kelley spent Sunday with Mr- Lizzie Canady. Tom Hill and Ills nephew left Thinsday after .'pending .-.ome time vita hir father. .T R. Hill. Hill’s home is in New York. Isaiah Stephens ot Virginia spent Thursday with his wife, Mrs. Mary'.] Stephens, who live- with M F. j Dawson. Mi.-. W. F Dawson spent Monday With Mr-.. Ethel Williams of New Bern Patrick. Jr., of Maryland spell! Friday with his aunt. Mr. W ' F. Dawson. Leroy l ane of New York City spent a peaceful evening at the home of Mr. Willie Gaskins Mon- : day. Five Points - : SWAP SHOP COMPARE PRICES BEFORE YOI BUY, SHOP AND SAVE AT FIVE POINT SWAP SHOP COMPLIMENTS OF W. IV!AYE I HOME OF FRESH MEETS AND GROCERIES Call 4£60 W. Maye, Jr.. Prop. 535 1-2 Cedar Street ROBINSON’S SNACK BAR SOT HU M AH NT M K ST. SOFT DRINKS, CANDY CAKES j (TO ARE. TIES SANDWICHES j JOHN ROBINSON'. Prop. Stephen Roberts GROCERY AND PROD! < F lfi«8 BROAD STKI FT ALL WE ASK IS A IRIVI “ I COMPLiMti.vrs or Mrs. Carrie Godette 508 SECOND STREET Ice t ream, Candy, Soft IWiiik-. w s CLUB 102 711 Bt RN STREET -New Bern's Finest and Mos EXt I I SIVI NIGHT CM i. ENTERTAIN MEN T IA EUT WEEK » ND I Blount’s Grocery j 111 MAIN M GROCERIES MEATS J VEGETA BIES FRUITS DIAL nib GEORGES RADIO SERVILE 715 WEsT STREET Radio Ami Electrical Spe< »ai*st» j 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Jiiiiiet! W George, • Owner NELSON’S RI.fT ROOM 803 QUI I S STREET SOFT DRINKS, CANDY, BEER CIGARETTES SWEET MI sIC LaSALLE BEAUTY SHOP 511 KILMARNOCK STREET “WHERE THERE’S BEAUTY THERE’S CHARM” A. Johimn Alfrieda Slanhsy Operator Proprietor —-—■ —-— Tires - Batteries Seat Covers BICYCLES - AUTO PARTS EASY TERMS L B. AMIS OWNER Pollock St. Opposite City Hall TELEPHONE 2386 j ——* f i ~ II " (>N»i ) ,s['{uN ■ ! Mr.-'. Lucy Gibbs of 723 Milter , sirf.t: announces the marriage* ol her daughter, Melvina Gibbs, a recent graduate of West street . high school to T V 1-c William Henry Young, i S. N. Mrs. > uung wus married in October, 1917, and plans to attend Wes Virginia State College. Mr. Young is now stationed at Great Lakes, Illinois. \oimi iiuii.owi: BY AROIF. NOLAN I There v/a-.- a full day’.- program : |at Craven Corner Church. . Sunday School 8:00, p. caching at | 11.00 a. in and 3 p. in i The annual Mi-nonary Program | was conducted by the Missionary 1 • workers of Craven Curlier Church • and the Queen Sheet Baptist Church of Beaufort IT. pa:-.tors <d --ill'll church preached. 'The Rev. W O Moore, pastor of I ’raven Corner and Rev. L. Lovett of Queen Street. 1 Baptist. Dinner was rorved to all ' |At 730 p. in the Cove City o- u,) I j offered a musical pi nuam In c. It was a great success, j The Junnn Choir of Pii aim Res! | Church i-oidenM a nauacal props .-ui: |for tlic- benefit >•! the r urch war. bui’iie-.: down m*u.<- tune ago The leader- were M China Ann ind Mi. () Met . 1 uu-mbi- lit I the Christian Chuuli, and Mi-- El--. i , Mm McCabe gi a.luafc of lilizaln 'h ( "ity State Teachers C>dlege and )j Shaw Uni vet ily Cr: veu ibei'r Sunday School i will have pn h.c Sunday, An ltd "i A t the Ce' t •'•;! ia-i :. .it ion c< silei | A a b-ittl< e ■ !iii ; Will he fi .- H. H. WEEKS Si I D STORE M ! t Tarhoro St. - Rocky Mount MO- t COM PI FI I STOCK til si ED AND t. VKIH \ MtliS IN 1 OWN BILL’S SANDWH li SHOP t I irhes lee Cream, Roasted Fean lit- >.m! Diink Beer Tobacco - 10! ’, Broad St. J WILLIAM sIDRFKRY, Pr,.p. J. W. Reese GRO< ERY Groceries and Meats 1048 BROAD ST. Dial 4485 Variety Market Better Meats - Eggs •- Produce GROCERIES 738 WEST ST. Phone 47«5 ERI E DEUX ! KY |i A. Goodi-ttc. Prop j Miss Ada Jones, Mgr. : Todie s Smake Shop The Gayest Spot In Town lOIC Ql FEN ST. j Beer - <’i gw reties - Candy FOWL HARRIS, Prop. FROG POND SMiUO; SIM BIN Basiling, Pott slung—Phone 2351 ! Corner Burn and Queen Stv Beer - Smokes ■ Candy 1 Albert WfiTUieitt sunny Bryant wf \i :r r 117 T) mj JMLW Dljlili VhssX SPRUILL MARRIES MR. BEST In a .-implc but Imp)tivc candle light i -reiiii/ny. Miss Annie Hollo Spruill, win, recently received lur • B. S. degree in Homo Economies at University v as wed to Ales - i ltd or 11 -my 80.-t at the Seventh Day Adventists’ Church Sunday .A tornoiiii. Elder N. J. Grant official id. A ;.. .‘ran: of pa nuptial music ffu-.t. -od hy Mr-: Alfrclta Stanley sinking “Because Tlic bii If given in m ifringe by her father, v.uii a gown of while organdy with a .beer yoke of whitij lace, full -kirt extending into a Icin' court train fashioned with atin hiitt >ns in the o.n k. Ilor head-dres. was a white tiara from which ht: double tiered shoulder length veil w.c; draped. She cnrrii’U a bouquet of white icarnation- tied with a long while -.tin ribbon streamer Mrs. Mary Burney, sister of the bride, was maid of honor wearing •> I'OW'n of white voil. She can iod a. bouquet a bunch of pa-tot col lided flowers tied with rainbow rih : bon streamer. Tile bride man!- were Miss Ella llu.s'.us of New Bern and Mi-. I.illie ! Best ot New Bern sifitei-in-law of : Ike ’'loom. Their drives were do wned like that of the maid of lum |■ r in pa: Is ! shade: They carried a ; bouquet of red rat nations. Mr Spruill, mother of the bride '•■’ot ea ! lowered pastel pink fires' tub Mr- Best motiu-i of the ■ t otu. ’-vote a plea ing ,-hadi of 'figured grey 2 heir eorsages were J'ed and wfiite carnations. T.ovenza Best, hroti-.e, of tin ‘ <>< in. acted a best man. Ushers "•‘•'•re t -ie B- t and Cleveland Be: t F< lluwin tbi wedding ceremon ■e :< reception war given at (lie Hen-n Center tor tile bridal] o." : v • ; -<• t- and friends PERSONALS S D 2 James M Staton, USN, spent the week end home with bis narenir Mr and Mrs. John M. Stat of D-14 Craven Terrace. Mrs Cat it Key. W,se i- still a patient i in Good Shepherd Hospital. Mrs. Pearl Lumpkins of N. Y. is | here in the city visiting. Mr Martha Armstrong and sis tir. Mrs Fannie Sherman of phi la jdclphia is spending some time in the ■rip while visiting their father. Hen-, iry ‘irnith of Vaneeboro. Fred Johnson Jr. Leon Askew, • -li and Mrs Theofir-ie Blc>i:iii ot Du. h-m .‘ cent ’he weak with Ai; and Mrs David Lee of West Stre-r .-Uid Mr. and Mrs Hao welt Arm • trong of Burn Street. The y return |'d laiine Sunday. Mis. Charles C. Spat row and son, Chailes Jr are spending some i.nie in Wilmington \ isitin f . rela tive: and friends. Miss I.etta Ks-y: ot 2nd Avenue :: .spending Iwo week- in Sraforti, , Delaware. Henry ■Cnu-yi J ones left Sunday n:.;u'. for Wa-hington, D C. Theie he v, ill atfer.d a Railway Postal Sc: - c ice Sen ,o] Herben perry of Jonc Sli <•: .'•ft Saturday to .spend a \>. ek n Sea ford, Del. Mi-. Elizabeth Ccpper has re tutned from Baltimore, after spend iy<.ek with her son, Jerry Cooper. Giorge p. Dudley of Brooklyn w„x down Saturday to visit his brother, Allen Dudley far one day after spending, two weeks in Ohm - !otl<- with his mother. Mrs Helen i Planer. Sylvester Fisher of New York ;Ciy is now visiting in the civ for [a week. Mrs Julia Kinsey Elliott and Brother Luke Kinsley of Philade lphia. ldt., home on an emergency : sail for their mother, Mrs Ella Kip- 1 y who is recuperating rapidly -t Good Shepherd hospital after un- J ( i g my. a major operation ! --pt. John Davis, retired police ot Beaufort was a recent visitor in : the city. Vernon Godette and brother. Wil .h.iiii- Mims Dorothy Mnort- and 1 is ti-r. Pear lie, ail of North Marlowe, '■tupped in town after spending an .i enjoyable day at Cooper Beach Bf SES HiinnßE XOF VA ME IT: WE TAKE YOU f or Hat summer Pleasure Trips t uli 2K23 24-Httuf Sriq ii-e II" vo lini, Ow-fter-Operator ========!====»-. = Sam lipman AND SONS, INC. | Depart men! Store VALUE AND SERVICE t Craven’s Cleaners dyers, master tailors ! 713 trurn St. »*ts mocked i Aa.L WORK GIiAKANTEFD XV. M. BUuliiiif. E. W. Wooten Prwrletos — i 4 OMPLIIttr.NTS OF Dr. *Wxrt F, Burton I M. D. rHONFS 3343-2770 i r—rrm —iimmr.iiri-ni»»i—hi nm» hu,i,i,-- in-ini»iii«ininiiTi—it .mnrunuu I'llE UAJIOUN.IAN * -’. '-'i-i-- - ■ - v.iiti-.-.- . i;:.- ''. .--ii—... . Ami iii Kay Smith, winner of lir-t prize f.or best decorated bi cycle. Jltirfl'iiii *- ‘ ’ 4 ' v ' ■ *ZvZ',VV '. ! Roy Lee Thompson, v. inner of titird prize tor best decora.e(l tricycle. Tots Comj>ete In Bike Parade of Ree. Dept. A bicycle pJnide whs : [iotr :c, ,-d jby the City Recreation Department oi July 9th. Lhe Dt prize n ru.h", !for the bfsl decorated bicycle, v.a. i won by Little Ms:.- Amelia K-v Smith. The second prize, a pair of iskates, was won fay Litlii- Mi Cam j lyn Duran’. Tie tin; i pi i/* a S week's admit cion to the Hitz Tliea tre, war won by Ray l.ei j SOD. j Tryeyi-le ridel- -1 -eq t!,e ' |». i a tie and rode for 1 •■•••! blm First prize for best d« - irate i t:y jcycle was wan by J nn Dan" Is Second ptizi Oiaii'k-: iiL.iii'l am! Iliiird prize. l.i'.’U- Mi- Edna June- Shown ill the pictlil'-s ,ue'.le ' .Vliss Amelia Kay Smith winm r of die p t prize, al; o J -bn Dat.icl. ; Ol.mder Blount. ..nd LiMJe M: -. Edna Jorte having t-<- t e, ~rated itrycieles and ro.'tunie-. T It r B> ei-f-.i 1 ion !Vp;; lit - -eni j wi.shi- to trunk Montgoim 'V VV ,rd Auto and , Supniy M r u! ti, * - Rit’ Thf-atcr: Ja-lc ! iv'i k ive l.ind Ten Cents Stoic, punch .oil | Judy and the lb.mi- it. ;. : -,v ho ■,.' wtiiui; ly font i :i,..;ti d and io' ■ diilug rill.!; : 1 i.aib.t-.j , pc- -ability. j | Sunday. Mrs,. Erma Barfield and sister, : Mir. i'cvnr-l) lmvick of Bii'.-klyo. ■N, Y, s].ent two weeks with pat ents. A must. Donations to the NAACI 1 and the Urban League Without t these two ui ganir.itoan.- in there ■ ui’fhjt-.g every day. .it would be a ; sorry mess fo r many of u: f "IT PAYS ! , TO Advertise j I SEE | ; j CHARLES SPARROW I OR S JOSEPH EDWARDS j | REPRESENTATIVES j i ■ ! 729 West Street | i ■ !' i ■. ; I i • pC'f ! __ -wBsLJV «• | Oil.mtiu Itloiutl winner of sec end prize fer iicri 'iccoratcd iri cyrle. Am i Or Wron^y i < t’,V t I). WOODS i don’t kn- w dt-ai Lord if I am ri: lit or wrong. I But Ie Ip me to live right and sing i a -ong Wi ci 1 : m de d and gone to the land afar. May t .) ,m Uio chorus and sing m Hie 11 choir. , 1 diiii < know iieai Lot difl am right . or wrong, *V:fh nil the.-e rre, d« and denoinin tunr. in Hi!.-, world. , Hut the Grace of God must be made of love . F'.i l ! f-lieve will take me to my above. I 1 civ..! Lord if 1 am light , or wrong, , ': "■ di.-.'-n life’s dim and dusty !' ith, 1 kin v. iii mv life there are many h;.:d la-ks. ts,. L- r.-i 1 ..ah me and sti av me as j Ip: ,v and fa_t. 1 doi ': know deai' Lord if I am be , hili.l o: -u fiord, i P.u: 1: i know 1 will navel this I niii,' once. If f e;. :■ . J 1 car, do let me do it this time. So ! ti ... t* :,\i kind v oids and good deed hi mv patli behind. mesh:, kl MI.OI 1\ I vi k. CHURCH RIA A. VV WOOTEN, Pastor BY XIARY F. JONES 1 The si.Oflh drive ended with a t Mock Wedding The captain with - tii- i-,t sum of money marries » King Solomon. It it.irted Sunday, May 36. and iSJb/C OiM D SLC I. iO N THE YOUNG MEN’S ; i BUSINESS CLUB i HOLDS OPENING i The Young Men's Buslne.-.-. Club . hud its formal opining Wednesday • night, July i-t The public was in- i vitedtu listen to the music of Via- || cent Tempo and his masters of : rhythm. By popular demand Mr. Tempo | and his orchestra will appear at ! the same spot July 26 Without any' *'oubt the Masters, of Rhythm iin- | pressed all dancers and music iov- • ers Wednesday night The Young Men's Business Club j is an outstanding m•. .miration In j ihi-' city. The Club came Into exis fence when seven tru-rgetie young! men of ti e city assembled about til years ag > 'I hey were K.iward Gibbs, urt .sklent; Alumni Midgetie, I president; Kudu- Harris, secretary; I Clinton Gorham, resistant secretary; iOnrh- Blount tu-iness manager; il. L). Woods, it-cording secretary, i ’1 he loss of Un late Robert Hill, | oum'r busimus manager for ihe; club was a blow, yet they have survived. The Hub is one of the ; most progressive club in the city, I Out of town guest at the open- j lag included Mrs. pea;I Lumpkins j a.f Now York; Mrs. Jessie Buck and; sister, Mrs Hope Ward ui Brook- I lyn, Mis: Annie Mae Burrus, Brook- | lui Miss Buiru ts now visiting! her a tint. Mrs K-i/übeth Henry of. .Miller Street. The club is now open nightly and is located os Queen Street in j the Walker's Hall We are looking; jiorwan! to see,n; : a full bouse the! j night of July ;>6 when Vincent | jT'itipo and in Masters of Rhythm j !return. Mi. Blanche Grady of Kinston j iwa; also an out-of-town guest at j 11 he opening Mr.. Lillian Gibbs pre- j j entend flowers to the club in behalf ; the Realistic Club. | Elay Features Bible School Closing Here ! , r rite daily vacation Bible school . ;of St Peter".-. AMR Church of which t Rev s J. Burk< is pastor, held its. | closing exereiaci Thursday night,; July i featuring a play. 'The Birth '.of Christ,” composed and directed! by Mrs Nannie Holley Martin. I Properties for the play were pre-! oared by the Rev and Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Esther Baker, Mi. Maud .Jackson and Miss Louise Nixon.; Musical numbers were g.ven by I ; each depart on nt. Joan and Irma! ; Burke answered questions from the; | Bible asked by Mrs. Baker. ; A huge crowd attended the pro-! ! gram Friday. July 2nd. the chi)- ; dicn were served refreshments in I i th. lecture room of the church, and! 1., she Keys' group had a bicycle j .hike At 11:30 pictures were made! of the Bible School. i’Ol LOCkSViIJE HY iETTIF G. SIMMONS Mr. ana Mrs. Oscar J Ward of Washington D C. left Wednesday j ' after spending a few days with then I ; patent. s , Mr and Mrs. Aaron Sim- i j mons and Mrs Sstella Ward of j Pollocksville. Mr.-'. Ella Kinsey of Pollocksville : i>: a patient at Good Sheperd Hus-, ! pital. Her conditicn was reported ; jas not so good Cpl. btid Mrs. I troy Wilson have j j returned home after spending a few i days in Sumter. S. C They were accompanied by Mrs Aaron Sun-1 j mons of PoUoeksUlle. Cpi. Wilson' i*e now stationed at Cherry Point i Mrs. Etta Mae Murrell of Poi . '"'tk.-ville spent an enjoyable week i end a: ‘h her hutband, Austin C i Murrell, now a student at A. and | j T. College ; ended Sunday, Juy 18 The M B. j ; Sunday School convention will be ! i held at Green HQ M. B. Church i ' Bavboro. The contention will close ! ; Sunday, July 25. These me the Captains on toe! J Drive: Mrs. Sylvia Ann Ciedle Mrs | j Rosa Gllison, Mrj Catherine OHi- j |-on. Mi'S. Roseila Credle. Mrs Mary! [F- Jones, Mrs, Olie Gibbs. Zetenaj jGtbbs Miss Anne Gibbs, Mis 1 i and FJrsid Jennette I It PHILLAMORE'S i ! WOODY ARD | 36.’S BRQAfe STREET WOOD OF 111, KINDS ES MB load f 1-2 Ft. Slabs , . >4.00 j Dry . niiin >ak ... , ... ! Beard Ends ... ... f.yfl u hour service CALL 1*576 PMltamerr f rcnkUn, prop. • , j GET VOUR ! NEWS IN DiE CAROUNIAN i ADVERTISE \ m "He s CARCHJNIAN i NEWS DEADLINE j Thursday EACH WEEK '|l V. LLK. ENI!>JN<; BTlf-Sl!Nl)\Y SCHOOL CONVENTION HELD The New Hern Eastern M. Bap tist Sunday School anti BTtJ con vention met Friday, July 23 With tlh Gietn Hill Baptist Church, Bay boro, N C All churches sent two delegates otic for the Sunday School arid one for the BTU Dept -- I IDEAL SHOE SHOE QUALITY SHOE REBUILDING I MITCHELL J KHOCRY, Prop. 1 103 BROAD ST. NEW BERN i ! IniaFajv^^ DRUG COMPANY 132 TARBORO STREET PRESCIU.'TTON DRUGGISTS PHONE 200 Whitfield's Grill CANDY ICE CREAM TOBBACO BEER 915 MAIN STREET j JOHN WHITFIELD, Prop. WANTED ~| j YOUNG BOYS AND GIRLS J From 18 to 21 years of age ilia, j »re interested in Theatre Work SEE 1 M HAMILTON 802 QUEEN STREET j ’ | Gardner’s Grocery ■ “Y'our Friendly Neighborhood Store Staple, Fancy Groceries Soft Oirriks, Beer 1105 It St. M. Garner. Prop. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST” Vail's Barber Simp 1032 BROAD STREET phone 3851. Mrs. It. E. Vail, Prop. Lauretta’s FLOWER SHOP CUT FLOWERS CORSAGES All Kinds of Funeral Designs Greeting Cards Novelties 1002 V Burn St. Phone 4284 j lor Fish That Are Cleaned Ready for The Pan - See Us Bakers Sea Food AND FttUOlit 814 Queen St. Dial 3628 DOT’S BEAUTY PARLOR RED 1, Koy 207A • Vanseboro t or The Best Care of Hair and Latest Summer st> les Mrs. Dorothy Bryant, Prop. RHEM AND FORD GENERAL CONTRACTORS Ma&onry And Concrete Woik—Repair Work Os Ail Kindt ALSO PAINTING. HOUSE MOVING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION DIAL 2151 1008 N. BURN ST. IDEAL RECREATION PARLOR Beer and Cold Drinks OI All Kinds For Ideal Recreation and Billiard ExjJUrt See Charlie CLEAN BALLS AND GOOD STICKS 1034 Broad St. Open Soon - Close Late Charlie Elder, Prop. IT WILL ALWAYS PAY YOU TO VISIT Sparrow’s Surprise Shop The Biggest Little Store In Town, Complete Lin# Os Groceries - Vegetables - Notions - Drugs - Ice Cream 729 West Si. - Papers and Magaines - Phtne 3065 j ~T PARDON ME | PLEASE BUT 1 jHw II AN IDEA JUST I STRUCK. ME T *’sl Let My Boy « Sell The Carolinian For His Vacation Money 1 veniwisamMiiminvMw SAVE $22.50 UP TO JULY 31st! COLEMAN FLOOR FURNACES | ARE OFFERING A SALES {ED,} 15% SERVICE (Joe) I DISCOUNT FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 3132 * CORNER CRAVEN AND POLLOCK STREETS rum.)AY, JULY 21, i‘)i j\cw Bern Citizens Who Trade With These Advertisers Make This Page Possible His blunt mid forthright stated men! in public are giving Ur. Mor deeut Johnson, iHoward "U” chief) a reputation as u tncssiah in race re lations. (Hoorah, and take notice other sepia educators. fYNfKiHNIWSBOYS* DANCE BY POPULAR DEMAND RETURN ENGAGKMENT VINCENT TEMPO AND HIS MASTERS OF RHYTHM AT THE BUSINESS MEN'S CENTER WALKER’S MALI, Monday, Juuy 26 1!) O’clock Until ADMISSION $.75 ; Suttn ored by Young- Mqp’s Buoness and Social Club "When Biter Automobile* Are i Built LCft'K wilt Build Them” i j The Best of Service On All Makes of t ars ant! Trucks ROSE BUCK CO. NEED MONEY? WE BUY OR LOAN MONEY ON HOST ANYTHING OF VALUE NEW BERN LOAN AND JEWELERS 215 MIDDLE ST. WE ELY OLD GOLD, j DIAMONDS, SILVER, ETC. I • FOR EXPERT HOME Laundry Service MRS. ZORETHA BROWN } 721 GARDNERS AVENUE | White Shirts and Uniforms * j A Specialty A: Low Cost i . —.. CLUB' ”65" OF BEAUFORT i Aft (Bated with Club "65’ of 1716 Canal St., New Bern. Sea Food Dinners A Specialty. Dancing Nightly, Admitted by guest and membership card, 366 Queen St., BEAUFORT, N. C. iVlalaehi Edwards, Owner : Janies 11. Davis, Manager Downing Case 1026 BROAD STREET NOTED FOR j GOOD HOME COOKED FOOD PHONE 9911 *- , , We Loan Money FIVE POINT PAWN BROKER 1015 QUEEN STREET BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED GOODS E. K LAND, Prop. Hamilton Grill 80:1 QUEEN STREET 24 HOUR SERVICE Steaks, Chops, sandwiche* FRESH BAR B-QUE, COUNTRY t OOKED

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