PAGE EIGHT % . ~, ! - - ' ! . I - ■ ' ' ' ■" \ > ■ " i ' ' -■■ ' 1 v M '-Ms: -I ■?&. -•■ sftiW'/i t ■ . v. ;;'j ;■»-■ 5;; ■■• #» VsS* i'i . P®* .. -A j - * <-IK I M (M l< ( AMP Vi cm STM 11 S'l VI I Vbovc struts were mail,* by Derricii Davis, local photographer. at the Continued from page I,2nd section FALL Or SIX CITIES Again in tb'iiu.yi* .: Mr. ;m ! M. . J;-hn Q Pubbc :t. ■ n ip preciation of ail of •><■ a-h i-rti •••. ; ,r, | ;> • in- Cv :;•?>’ .tv id the lusine an-.s prolY • : >nM -.* <* t, ii■• - 1 ■• -c■• •:•- •::■•; m: ;>.• who have only th, • !!,.■!; m >»»\v of . ihcir iw-r<-n.-,u,!: <.*• Consich.: u' •'! 1 ■ v a . it.l a- ■■ •■ • . ■ ' ■ ■■ ■■ ■ • ‘ll t-> -i Ever since all ..if us ear.:*' to Mi/o *.vMit a pounv nr ■■< T nut first though was to . uviiil :t W ! ilf• ■ .vng is* *" the corner t *re. Win n Wt: iiv (/ , n: .; , ! ■ Tc End of Oui .1 • ■. ." if > * ;l tin mm iiibv, v.-h >h . the lasi ray m • Pnu-v .... All along the line to • s;J i :•. t in' t t!>e ..; • .-■•. v are const.-ni iy c. ■■ ■ ■ ; ■■ ' doctor, the ,F*.-.t: \ ;-.*'■> •..■ . m .y ;■; m; •> ; ■■ t : -tn*, the !*' ‘ ,■'*•: . i ; • i , ■ • n the coal rniu; and Mv real; >\ It’s the ■' >!/' l api my hi . a ■ • lI■ v here, arid a thousand d th- ;e D uini* -.ill • ■ m *.-•>;:• I; there is th• .>■; • :.,nl with v ■ t • '■>■■■ *. >,< i and your fickle dos;re Tin- ■ is h.-iug.,! t-. do ■•it per- nr/' them. It is of ( -him* year privilege in most ea deal vith wh e i \OU wish. Do tin y ; ‘. ■o: von? You >,:;,*':t ■ k. V. i • i m I j!,i\ - : Seii?" Nnthn n.ayh*-. but fair eyeh ,:*■ ■ . . . i .i»* .; What s.*.-‘ evi'l'.ia.a:'? Ksciange of goodwill > n >■ w merchants ard yr-.f- hor.als • r *•• e 1 e • • '-jot ::;ve •/ou :* gracious thank y.• •." when you spend with them. I said all the: t, -ay ).■ . i nit- n as ;-'<*• -•*rich. «pi: : tu *.!>, pit... :e. ;!.. -. ot , i vr : •i. i , e : death. Why r-h-WIM VT IJIV.' IT) tin- . iris! .f |»|. ■ V.’i • ' we deprive e-u: -i Ives o! I'lot goed i.- v t...n i c-.n Ererybody *:<•• i> . • \ nape i-*r :!••••, , ■■ it and for that w • c.:n hare with ,t. V - n- «<i ■ .-.•••• h; In ordei thn*. \ve m.-y no • ad>*qu itdo cna put m ne ; pi:ig L> build a real deinoeiarv in the univc These is no { now p, shake v.nir *1 • * < in ; p:> i-o. air “Tht re r, owthmc iirre that a •■.(! I ■h ;f rri! a I if Oftiv C !o’h •< sparer he: I- ■,* ai! i p :,t Well, here :t is, want .re you ro n.' t, u , ,t it 7 II ••• will you k"op it 7 .lint this vay net only r< nlinu to • pai l oi;ve •: •> advertisci ■ that u-jii.rt vour pi wbut get oth- • it;-. v‘‘ho::i you trad* int-."e :p i Pcnifir e: a new paper an !'• i iin.i-nt t ■ . ele ; Insertion <•' >•■■■'■• an-i r ■. u;* ah ••..* , .... ( . - ( tjp pi ice ■ :•: Ot if f'i : , a i ■■ ‘ , :t, ■ 1 ' ’ Ther*''ure y nvrt ir-nt a-:-! p--- j- - • . a Pi .ijnct yorvict for a our ’finuiHini! wii n t .-v so n S e : a I ,i •< r p) ~ CAT'C ! I ! A N'. T re t a vu jp ,1 t;,aci:h ... V, . ,n pteeialp vour patronage." Tht-v arc h wing pt: !e and r-.t”.<• w the progress ,>< ren.nrie Tbcv are hoeing priri" an - ini* eh in )!••• pr >ie ■w of ttieir eouamniitv. T; . ar- v ,ii: ; friend You tell 'em. "A t>w cents make a !■•! of sen; e." Yom-. so: bigger and hotter pages. LCAISIM. bi)U ViOltS and the ATA. A forme. ATA pres’.dent. A1 phonr.e J N- ■■ V > City, will speak at a special lift members’ dinner, ,!u!v 26. Dr. Pan! B Com iv r,r p i ec!- man’s hospital will A net the nr. nual conference <.*f He Nation • Student Heal!;! a: eciahon, a dr partme.ntal ses mi <>l sh - \TA. The confeicnee will conduct 12 other departmental i s ■ r PHIUP lUM)0!.i , !l young Church people OUlr;; . nr pen. mg be fen the ere if , >■<, j>. eluded Bisho; ’• • . : P P etc.' .no Bis: op I' ! I ,«■’ of the f’MF. Church I n Cn i nlns T. Tobin . oresideni ot Use Fhflps-Stok* . fi.nci C ompletes Training FORT mx Pfc. Edward Chavt Jr, rn of vlrs Addle Chan.. Chavi Way. Radoujs. In-, computed a course in Armv basic t: ainmp with the Ot-h infantry l)i vai'-o Training Center, Fort Dix. N. J. Prior to his enlistment on .April 21, Pfc. Chavis u . employed by Ward Radio m Silver Sprint.-. ;.i : North Carolina needs t.r. ■,:l!i*aa pounds m ar milk ai d 37!! n iiiion more eggs per year to meet reason* able diet stand’-rds oi its pc. pie. ™* ” *"™ ” ' LITTLE MAGtiQUA ' - ' I HOW DO J ms! . vou fec.l. r J \ M Sni N/" > 7 J ...' i I IS: SECOND SECTION v ire a -*r i" tat!' e. .Mi. anil >lr-.. \\ ifie Chr.liiut when loc.’l <Jiil Niouts Mill IDoir anmi.ij tla.v i,!ili|), i;iii!:>> the (I• r'(‘(’linn of hli . (;i:ki nvimf: pom e POST StMOO BOW) IN IlKtTii OPM’kKO CRMENVII.IT: .AND - T• o >i‘.Tinc!. iicr, p' led bends of £1 : ,»o , ‘v-e’ in connection with the death of; a man who died in a hospital after! C, ;jurke , up in their patrol car ;lsv week. i Th- dead I','in i . .la nes B t‘t, 2.1, ‘ | h" d)> i. -a! D • ••!)’ die |,o pc,,,!. The j ; "!i rs w ire ran;-, pa'i -tmevi S. C. ] I iii- i f -; - eri R. C. \\ m„i J. hh . f « : . e ~ Bti* •f 'a .lew::::: r! < f ! :„,!, . j ’drew a knife” or, Kelley as they >'vi r.bnui to <-n: the autorno-; nil, Th,- office.- . I *:! dial ho •Hu.l .-truck Be", with hi: fist. t -n i•-tubbed him. The prisoner tin n tied, he said, dun was -a,, ped when no lari inUj a chain r'.imninciin.g a usd cat le*. B rt was v.ken to Uio police ch.tiei; then to the |-<ir-,ii*,;:i. 'i’hy: •* i-i condition was cniical unLi be Corne; •! O Turner has ord> .i d iurd:- ;- medical e.v.unina ion of '.tie dead man body. Bert w s ctvd head injuries at tne iso.,. } i>: T cj i. ■Meat produ. don undof- F'eceraj insveefion to; to,.- week erd.-d June 5 iotnU ;i 270 million pounds. r?Sfty,DBO,VMftT \yooUoir I ARmMETiC OH MV j jly vßfc POSTS' jp&X a ii ,r^ fev M / l ! • t oi.'i < !. Davis, siipi rvlsor of scouts ill Ibis area. First photo right, shows girls aniving at the camp on buses of FUNERAL E!TEB CONDUCTED FOR MOTHER OF 13 I . - I Mrs J’ird' man I • died at h 1 I . !.;v' c on R.iteu::h Runic ?. Mumir ■' <m Uhu : t . than tie ■ j | yt:,e s. Funeral scvvkes were ct-n- ,j .1 i 1 :•! iit i -or i the Sprp Mi'. Ui i; *i I It ! Chiect), Thuirciay afternoon j : :’;i,if) '•••lock, with tne Revere nd c ; P Haywood and Gth Rruaruo ot : ; nr: Ruriaj vra. in he- Oiurn 1 "i, meiory. Bi'in in Wske Ctamly, die daiirhi j ter of tier lata Sidney Hunter a tv. j ' t ■ , f: ... -i eh ,1,-,!n.s IC. of W da* CoutP j Thirl'.‘on chddren .survlv*’ 11ti - tin- j • ion. She w !• a iifotirac nictnhei oil ; the Spriie ticid hse •' ‘ hi'.ua .1 j ' having joined at an oar!;- age, ie ;w.. an aet'.“ m nhe m,:ii dir..' l ei nfined h-.r to er bom • tiucc a:. J - )■ df vi. M- a;: ■ An out si and mg and welt belt-v j ,-yj po sun in tlar cunisminity. he . j l. 11" v, as an ideal ;V, 'Pier, ami ie, wi to s*. o all of lici (inidran Jiiii.-b i lijeh rerun! v.i'h tout tmiding r Meg: C'Cyier-, '.hi'-c in !tv remain;. | 1 :■....t ... and iwi.i <■ \; m i'» j .: i ( . . t -mi ’. i. •i; m A a r‘a ( 11 a .■; 1 : .a- ..... : hr he, M-s I-n... ; Jainr : K. ‘ one. nx son v \u mi -v j Jam* - F. of U'.a.ivm; ai, D h.s ;\y ,1; • . i; -.d Fi i. ... Now i -rk, .u t Cart ell anti C.cuire .a .t> ■ < . 1 : , , ' M ~W('l.•'■>,: 1.. ' Hunter. Mi Je- o I Mu mm. ■: iMi Estelle Lane of a w Yrrk •F ;.. . Mr. Kloui■. 1.. Ftnian .v.u > Mi A . a 1.. -a at Rat, .. ■ M- - i Iris 5! 1 .an . hr Li-ta \ Lai: jM>di or. N. C. rial thirteen grand- ! hitcri at in I iusliSulc > ini(i> Session \l Shaw - A statewide Interracial Insti- Mane un:ter ;i.hcrta'.;i ol the Nurta f'ii'<hina Ha|'t: ! Womans aL sinnai'v 1 a. :ri ntid the I-LtpL . ! '.Vv’Tum's Iloni • and l ’reign Mia : smnan Convention is now in .sea aj. ,1 S ; l’,V l 'U'-U; si!\ Initial a ssinn- began Wclm i day afternoon at 2:twi and are be 'mg Jv Id in the now campus oh.-, pel with Mrs. Cora Pair Thomas am: Mr-s Minnie C. Lv- r, i.f A; . and Di H H. McMillan of ■ China as guests missionaries. The sessions o.t th, institute, j which pr .pesos *(> strenytlu'-.i ' t'.'hrirtian living in t'a home and • missionary service through th m-lrf at 2:00 p.m. and church, were .scheduled tr» !).• ! pr-ld at 2:00 pun. and ILOO per., Wednesday, and 9MO ’[hurr-d. ; morning. Th, , ; ••• icon featured a discussion o'.’ Christian home lift: and. an address by Mrs. Robert | ?. Daniel of Shaw University. M Tnomas and 1).. McMillan v> scheduled to spcai; Wi dn-“s i day ni fht. and the Thursday morning session was to emnha the opportunities of mission anes and missionary organiza tions i.i the local church. The . i’.na! acldi'-w of the Institute was scheduled to be delivered be Miss Lvon. Add re.s>es wor, ; • be deliver,'l !hv women in both convention anci special music provided bj* rhoirs from variuus Rale.!':; ■ church,:-s Mrs. F,y J. Fanner. State Women’s Missionary Union Fws OUST \ TM I V/HBT I WftS j Tfyjfi 4 &\~RW OF— J fi; / > Jitt* y&K’f ***'»*’*•• ttr,l |Su . Company. Negro owned a nil operated Ih. n tirin of U lluiinglon. b.'.or ly. itscsr iu,sy of swimming', hiking, ,’C., Pr, Marshall Shepard To Hdfdress Soathwide ; 4-11 Club August Meet j WASHINGTON 1> M . !!. Shepard. RecorW r us Doer:;, i < ; he Di. Srict of Cuh.m.biu, will be j he priiicip.a! .•jioarc'r m til" fir'' ‘ • I'c-ccie 4 11 O . / I ia ! August at Southern Univer i Baton Rouge. La. Ancounoi ri.eii* of Dr. Stiver,rci .- i:. .ni ed .iope.o aiiev on th-“ f'R ■ainpni in nio.nain w ■ imeie ' is vet’k liy Actiic.i Directo: ot I'Meu j Service Walter 11. Conway, j in in: v, dh the encamp,non! ! heme Cl i Mine US bn home v ■ I lay iOj- a more ro -pon-lhie citi/. u eh) tmniiei'O'v Dr. Shepard wit! I ou le,. St Dip. and ctft/ ir hlo. .; - add:-,:., is s-n-'mb-ii in: Am". ‘ n a- • ■ rbmax W the r.rven m*y | n;.p. Over 100 rural buys an.! bum, i • c nib-;:; !!-< N:* : oOt'.: ,';i! j .red u.H rlucM".- will be m,t <•I h ■ ! ih ' (ni' P j n«'n will be ID .S’cMoe <. Br,u j ! the L S Public Hoaltil SeiV ;- I'll- Pa try Giav-.s of the Farinei tfsmmn mi RGHT AT PA. CONVENTIOti By MARK HYMAN f’min,icfphia fANP.i Ihe long f snfioutdt'ririg r, soil men: to Presi ‘ lent Truman’:-; civil rights P > I po.-nl hurst into the open im ■ 'Monday night on the convention | Floor when A tty. D"orge L j i.S'iughn. veteran tightr r. <uul !-• .mu,, for his urnming of the ».. | t"’ii wide restrictive covenant:, hatllr, prote nd the eating d 111, Mi.. : pp ()eirg.-,t wi on tlm . ..n :l d,. that tbu delegation had Pi ■■.im. i d to '.ol! the ' nventi a ■ T :iii m vv: naminoted, ,c ,n\ m ivi'i fav.ued civil s iah* • F. ,m th • time Vaughn start speaking. I.h-.v were bu •«. cat. calls from delegates from tn -leer, s<vith and cheer from tie r; irthern delegations. lb v. mti) civil and ihe stand t. ken by America's 14. ObO.OOO Negro,-c and blast ' i iviu King, unfaii employment and di of the • ; ,| ~u; \ i dations >i • Amei ie.i'i n.ghtr Through n jeers and cheers, he spoke with • and detennii.ation. maki-ic •.:: v ;i t on- of .the m ,- 1 (-ore hiscd Democratic cprventinns o : ill times The northerners who *u\oi'" - 'he speech and proposal made by Vaughn continued tl-e.r demon "tratinn thr- uphout the evening Although Barkley halted tie rn-'eting for order, there was in r rdcr. '•rcsirient. and Mrs Viola McMil lan. State firesident or the Worn on- Baptist Home .-,nd Fuo-ig-, Missioria! y Convention, arc serv ing as co-chairmen of the Insti tute. Churches th: ughout the rt.b - wore urged sc, and represent:', live..- the histitute. Rersous at tending may in :ke reservation, tor entoitainiVK-nt at Shaw Un: versify ttirougtt Mrs. F.lien S. A: stun at Baptist Hradciua:'e; THE CAROIJNTAN get underway. Second -i i> i - of the staff of til-- r ,ni|i. 'ill: sc i idiis. some of w hom arc hmisrwm s, am'S school |t.Adtninis'r tien. Mm, Ger \\ in en. I K. if Shinn. T it!, Camphcli. and Jnbn \V Mr-, h '! alt of Extension Service T e over-ail ; urpo-v os the cn ,-.uriptucni is to provide an ojn>->r !m.,c for , ! i ". r. a e (p - or,s'; ated a',;;v-m, m and learer- Jiij,- i,-, i-H club work, to meet , cruiin t.o lean more a. out ‘ ,•* . due of tin- -4 H progr m The en eymprne.oi also enables club l>a;i- : r ; to cunfe on matters c-f itnpor • u-ce i* deveio; i:ij; «>••(! • vine mt roore efleetive 1-H c:in!i pro gra ms. Ruiii-'i is rtf .i. .lift limit ti,. Na (‘;>unr'l of Negro Women ‘NCNW- 1 is negotiating tho pur-■ •uha• o of a new ? ome ana he • • . v\’hn:h i badly iieeded to house their expanding ;u*Uvities. ! iheria \ir (!om|)an.> \ m Opuii in \lonrm in MONROVIA. S iberia: ! AND Nugust 7 ha*, he: u set as thr tentative opening dal.- of ! In- 1 iherian li-cern ucinai Vir- j w i-, Ltd o'fui.ii- apmmn el 1 ,'bis neck. On F at c;:> a»! ,i!e < rail nil) be christened. .»tf lit- ai line will be defls, as;:!. t N : peril! party yvili t.'se the first liigli! in variou, cities w : r: c ( monies will l.c held along Itif route. The - penal plan; \y liieit will stal l iis MigiH at !i:2a a. tn. -Ml! return to Monrovia at l?:3it a. m. *he r:r\ morning. Tlv- off:, i.< I - pm v making (he iii-t Might mil itiehidc I’resi dent VVißiam \ s. Ttibniin of I iheri.i. S.abriei l. Demo-. <r-- rotary of state of |,i! rria }*i s. II >1 \il.ini- of IIV r- , f ti. leriin po tma t r gen t !, !>■■ rutisk, i roncii and ypieroaii nunlstcrs to l iberis. the tcs>- j fi’oi man.iM. Liberia coin puny; the chief of enmmutiiea tiens oi i iheria, and the lire j.resilient, stations manager ami chief ol maintenance ol HA Visa ill the g-nup will be two camera min. one Lorn the gov ■uiomi'ill and the iifher from the company. I he dedication reretnnmei v )! <-iu- nal S a. to. with the Inspection of the aircratf. Then ,b aircraft wil: be christened; I’rt-sirit'ii! iTii:r:,.ui v. ill make a dedicatory address, an 1 Adam-, wiii give ?he response. Rolurt ti■ l:l. named after i!u ,r<( pre'ident ol l.iheria. J. L Robe, s. yi :,! he ihe twadqiiaf trr. of the African . irline. At thi> tietd be Liberian Roberts ('< rp. maintains sueh servers ~s \ < ommunlcation -v' ti'm, i c lau r;u:t. air conditioned cocktail i anil j.,i s’n?i.- lounge and one of .lie best hotels in VVe-1 Afri ca ;, Aircraft ti-e j on the lines : yviil be the lie) use Douglas DCs 1 with a capacity of- *1 pas - scngeiK. The plane- will have t sound proof well ventilated cab ins, a galley for loot! si rvico, t baggage un:) mail eoinparimcnts ’ and tmlet facilities, ! t'ompuny eral’t wii! fly the ilag of Liberia, | ■ . ary 'ZZT* * \yjf [-acjjg SECOND SECTION teacher-, givi of their time free ly to mould character in our women of tomorrow. They are in — « IT’S AMAZING! mm rr •;££" TT- t ir~ —r~ —— '—- WA., I'tiM ‘iv '"<( %' V I ATcxJfi K f '-tS Ul v' A ’ i BeMgoy. tn PpKwee && H 'V * ( tu t«e \£tb I J I WAS TO pict< Th* ei "KfltiGfißOO ‘MEWS *I DOM'T Khl ow«" hhen txPioesßs oi mw mmi L O NfiTiVES To VC ,$F mne in? /; B S'TfrAsGF % AJ\ /I W/MftL, 7Z£Y %, {/ r ' M/SUMOeRSiooD t; "A V ‘-UDWi phd j&n.m vk A • 'frpNMßcp:.# vi, ;’i| MMNtMG. I I Tk s ,VV vW '- Don 7 Knanft w n * , ' ,h % x: VJk .. J W ns : j (cA 1° ' , Klmo Feature:) .uyr.dlcate MAN, 58, BEATEN ON TEXAS FARM By H. S. HUGHES AUSTIN. Tew (AND - At the \ cry momen’ Southern Demo crats, convened in Philadelphia i last week, were threatening to 'bolt their party in npp • > :on to . a civil right? program h tinted ''• v President Il*rry S. Truman m ' proclaiming w; tin >.\ »rld that 1 the treatment o' the Negr > m volv«>i a question rs “state’s igi’its", a M-xa- peonage f.vrri 'baas was cx< rct.-ong his rights Untie: 1 state Y rfcMs” hy brutal !v beating a 5? ycai old N« g, farm laborer ho.-ause the N<. :< sought pennissitin to lake his sick :hild to a doctor The victim, John Roe. we? i found waiting d the duo- ofter state boa: o' <[ pardon and pa . roles here when the door of tiv agency opened tie morning aflv: | the Ik a ting. He .van suffering | or most of his Indy. He -,va? sent i to the Salvation arm. v and later t.o j a hospital fm t? abm-nt. Ausf i ; police filed a vport with t«r ~ state depart ru n of public saieb i | end that agency* completed an in ivestigation wbfeh will probably; send the Federil Bureau of In vestigation into the case. Roc-, a parallel convict, was ‘•farmed” to Jom Moore ne. • Navasota, vocit ? ns;- 45 or 50 i Negroes, mostly on paroio. ork When his son >*■:•.ime soriousb 1 ill, he sought pfrmisv ion to “bar i row a truck to -;ike- his son t? ; physician. Ml wa s refuse.! Then he sough) "pwmksr'.n” t | catch a bus and take his son to | ; a doctor Agairf he was refuse"! Roe. however, was persistent • | , bis efforts to ogovid.e medical ( c-u'i for his si-i and bis persis b nee drew the vjrath of his pem-i i age boss and lie was knocked to j his knees and whipped with s pi?’ >1 I!•> es'ctjod, ran many miles, and finally got into Auv f in. leaving his mnnev, el other, : 'Vito and sick child behind in his i . licht. Roc docs nob know what h happened to his familv nr if hi -! ;< n has h 1 an medical treat mcot. RePsrt olj the beat in" was tunv'd over to iho Texas Rang j rTs, who are ■ tidving the '■• - to determu""' *v. h'ther the viol's ‘i- M nf ••civil shf-rties" vvoidn j -.•arrant the rmim-ce of the FBI into the rase. • Texas i- one y,f the south"-'n : I states whw Tvlpneraf je ; ■ na'c voiced vitjfnw oimo- ii-on | ! *0 '■ ’■■‘•--c-ient Truman’s civil rights j j legislation. hT " er r umniiii-, .decreases dur- ; o.:-’ *ho y.emmei S'om-i- because o'; ; i«m"--.iv <*p hnnirinf than because ; ; of rising prices. *- ••> T, T. Brown.’ By mission ;• •oh:;.; p-veiimM at Stale i ; . I ' WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1948 front of thy ( hcMnuts. f hirtl view is one of the entire camp group. <e; girls and 19 staff CONFIDENTIAL REPLY HY MAIL Readers of this column may secure a “private reply"—by sending for one of the following: □ Abbe' Wallace Aetulomy P-cadm, with lien advice letter 25t □ Abbe s Hippier Living Lwvon* with tree advice letter asc □ ABBF WALLACE CUIOE & 12 MONTH ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST S1 (deiQUed corf.dendal anai'ytie of pour cnee) Give name, address and blrthdaie Explain problem fully and include stamped, self-addressed envelope for a logical analysis of your case. Write to: The ABBE WALLACE Serrie* P 0 Bo* 11. Atlint, 1, Corgi, | ITiscouragi'd I man icd about 3 i months ajfo and I iove my husband j uid he sii\ s he lottos m But -it j lime.-, he will not hardly give tno i vood word Another guy lias been ; 'ci:i:?c rue arid says he ieves me. j Shi li I quit rny husband? 1 want to ! make,a success i-t my marriag l " An.-: Quit ;.ht ;■ ttsi• i man. I! ? he that is niaklns: yiaur life unnoppy. 1 i Your husband has rca.-sm in swell |up and pout th- living lh<u rur • ptisos itu is that he tolerates your : duel. H«- tools n his heart th A 1 _ __ g CANCEL MI C\MPS j AM) A.& r. COURSE IN POLIO EFFORT RALEIGH The Annual No- | 1 gn- 4-H Wildlilt Camp u ually | held at Camp Whispering Pines and j the 4H Short - Course usually held j IV A. and T. College. Greensboro. I ■ have been cancelled due to the in I creased number of Polio cates thru - j ,m! the state, according to an »e-. .*,ui t.. ine:i ’ hy W C. Uavenport,! ,Negvq County Agent 1: is expected however, that the 4-H Sweet Potato Shows and 4-H; | Calf Shows will bo held during the j ! later part ct the smnmy and early; j fall r-s planned. That football game in WashhvgUm ! ; or October 23 at the Capitol Classic i : iTomicrsec Stto-Wilberfdrcc: is| j going to draw tans from far and: • near. This grudge battle on the; ! gridiron will probably be as apcc- j ; i 1 aas the magnificent fireworks I , which is always a part of Ihe gala j !; vent -uid which. incidentally.; i urines the social -.Tib: nt the country . to the nation's capitol. iPst: don’t, i miss, it chum: got your a itioas in early > i members made »j> the complete enrollment. Complete story, this page. ~jEz-fw ''"in ■ j f^jJJl i tfHF distress call IS SENT AS OA)P LETTER /// X T HAS ] OO MEAKIIrtS.IT IS WOT REALLY SOS, WOf? DOES IT MEAKS SAVE OUR SOULS". 1 ? ,\ _9„. .S. (fallacy) ... (THE PiSTgg'SS CAUA you are double crossing him with another man and he's v.orl'itd about it No marriage can be a success for ieng with one partner rieliber , iU \y cheating a- vou .-ire doing. L. I own farm. 1 ■ haw a tractor, truck, a nice car i.iu.l aii other necessai y equipmerit ia? do well here m my place. Re centiy, I have b-. n urged by a cou *:|rt to ••'•o and ’-'i to California. / 1 hc-itati ;n do so. Teli me what is j best? An- For y-rars you worked Find 0 ; • ned o' in io ro vou -.v -nted to UUT| ithat you have it. stay hero , ; n-’ give it a fair trial. * ITu- ' oi? couuin is doing fine in ■ ihforrne im: hr doesn't hn-f what v ' - ! ho w ?h" tv holding •n to hi.? money Stay right where ! vou ore. r * ik M. -1 have a boy friend and he goes out and drinks with other '• me an i takes them to the show itui -he,- places He givse me , :: • ;,< T D fi n snd enjoy myself but ' whe; I ?,?, • , boy? or men. he jumps .? ibmit i -cm and -.ays he iocs,-i : -*ive hi* money to me for nothing. I want to know wimt to do? ' j ••''!>-' Get n job and become inde • p' I idem. Acccp'iiv: money from this 1 man place- \ou in ai- awkward po j *hon and it puts you under obli -itton tn him. He feels that he has ,d ncht io expect and demand that i you c . or tn ha visiles evert thougn h- iiocs as he pic --t s, [f you want .io retain your independence and freedom - do not accept money i - :n > '>!11- la- , triends. , s: * '■-lif I need your help so much a! this time, ) am not popu ■‘- a 1 nil with people. 1 can't make .J: lends. When 1 am around folks i' can't mak- myself talk for fear > ; 1 will sav the wron? thing, There t for: ,* am unhappy. Wi’i 1 ever con quer fear and be happy? Ans Hapniw-.5.. is within your 1 reach you can easily overcome | this inferiority complex and become •more popultn among the people o£ vour community I suggest that >-ou send a quarter lor Happier Living | Lesion No. fi The Way To Happi : n-! will orivise you personally at i that time. * * * E R.M There are two men in Jmy life One is about five years old than i :ind he seerjgr to Jtke n e - cry much and trii s to please me. | m tact, he wants me to marry him. ! The older man has more wealth but 4 I all 1 < \ei get out of him are prom | iaes. Which one should I devote my 'time to. Ans Th* yonnget man j« serious bind want to include you in his fu-, : lure plans The older man is de i finstely not inlerr sied in marriage ! :nd he doe pot intend to part with any of h - money. You're wasting ! your time t. vi.-.g to play up to him. Dbvotr more time to the other man. Actually you cure more for j him Uirtti you do tor the old man,

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