PAGE EIGHT Continued From Front Page RACE DEMOCRATS Moii'Mirii. nl Dv.T.i(;i:;'a! !c eh.U'i '! Jis.lui-- ■e. New Yck's Democratic leudor Jof Kurd w i: ; on hand v.-ftc* w&s jovially identiiii’d wit! Tummy Hall by the other delegate.-.; Get-i,:,e H Ragland of Oklahoma City 1U i- public r«.lotions nuns for Lang-; fctiul lil:i vi>i >a y ami stale rllpo iNn of ’.lie Uni voi rity Life lira.,', and. Company, Andrew M. Brad--.'., at-i tel. Kile delegate at lai-i i Ifni liar- ’ list.tug. Ha and Chari.u Rake:., honor a: > sergeant at am. • Ir a* Philadelphia Both are a! iU. 1 audl tOi :■ I , Hr >., '.Vluret.aii Hm pli.uU. lfoalH ~i d*-e»Jl: Hi tie It!, tfiet -i Coiiiinbl'n, •..e ItiiiioU rii :gy ......i v, 111, '; ;r • i f<J in,'! till inti Oil side to ti e dy oamic tneclin;/ Elmet Mortice. from St Lot its, • eii * v«>r ready deteitdei ' i Trumat'i. and At y s>orge Vaughan. ot Mo sunn, nationally known to- his fight m the .teiric e.i ' .■•<...nit case :.; aj.. li flic meeting w;' strong pro-Ti'um in .’speerhe:; while /d:,. Austin IV a kit’ll. ■vllanl.n. . i i.ul.h set in tin tie ' a!U CH <■ expressed his hopes fol the future when Georgia could end deieg..»e» te the nauoi -d convt-i in .i. (• <-1 i > Payne, "t ; nu :■ v. d«> '! :.■ i: .11 1 be Ha. the F:i.' till !i! . big enough (..- tc <.i '-.nator. railed on by Daw:.-n. He lvii-nJed that Truman was a man who kept his word George Mun jy of the Cl.' > raid the union war wdtdh beiiin .t the PnsHeiit. Ohio v.'S'i represer.i eu .it the n formal eat her ini* '>; Gianviib sh < d delegate. l alifumia came m 'ttth its sc.olid Negro delegate. Mis Syiuva Haiii'.u .;f full Die-;. There vrete no d:fle.a i.cer of opinion as to wit at Truman mean! to she Nfti ) DenifK.ats i t the coun try And as the hiir Dcivion . tloiuidered about the it looking vainly for a leadei a. :.:i eff-resue o •he civil rights advocate Preside-* Negro delegates from ail jver u.e country v. ere agreed .' it v. as Harry Truman. Jl HIST BANS “It's a disgrace and sham*- b< said. • m hen you must com* ini court and ask a judge to tdi yo.i when you are an Ante-! tcan . Tiic Judge a!su dismis:;* .t charge; brought aga w-t party • t ficiab: of three counties who had at. lfiiittt-.j Negroes. “I :»m gi;id t.j s»e', :e said “fits* three countnave m-u <■ enough, tieren ugh an i uatr. •limn enough” to p. -.-v*d p- *j>er )v “ii. the iaoe oi oir *c. : >»n ( (W NCII ORDFHS pita I which him h.i four u v-ect” cast.-: under observation Dr. A C Bulb, Wake Count.', health -.dt -'i , .aid that ttas ft < intenti. .n of reconuTiendmf,' th .due./i.: 1 , -ii tl-.i ater'. and Nuiida> whi'fils so long as parents t small children continue to co operate by keeping their off spring a\va\ lYum public gather ings. BOTH PARTIES Hubert li. Humphrey N't Min neapolis and ex-Rep. Andrew Bie-rnulier of Wisconsin fought ful a .strong civil rights plank Alter a states’ rights uct-nd me.nt introduced by Gov. Dan Moody of Texas tailed in a vote of ti2s to 309, the civil lights proposal squeezed by favorably, tit;i. 1-2 to 582 1-2. it calls for congress to pass laws h r “the right >t full and equal pointful participation, the right to equal opportunity c.l em ployment the right of security of person, the right of equal treat ment in the service and d, fi-n. v ot our nation.” Cecil Sims and Mis Albert K. Hill of Tennessee said they did not uhiject a tniddie of the road states rights plank. Waltci Silk: Os Mississippi said that he did not want am- kind of civil rights. t )ne southerner, paraphrasing William Jennings Bryan, saai that the convention shall nut “ciueify the south on a cross of civil rights.” Speaking for civil rights, M;p or Humphrey said, “We must get out of the shadow of states' rights and walk forthrightly in the bright sunlight of human rights.'' Outside of civil rights the .1,500 word party platform was adopted wi’O'iut conflict. Whether the party will lose or O V o It-Dfi'vt{i Ih •. Barkley is a big qu. : ti m. Sums feel that Negroes will vote for Truman despite or regardless «: i”‘i running male Sonii NcgriK*:; are not so sure of the senate; because he is a southerner. It i:> generally believed that his nomination is serving re. appease »T>ent to bring the south back into the party fold. Party leaders point out that the remittor and Franklin D. 1 Roof: velt were good friends They note that Barkley war. long a "New Deal wheel horse” wh i •upported Rooesvelt. Whether this label is correct oi not in in fluent-inis' votes can inly be dc tenminod by Ihe election, itself. A nnticenfile figure at th con mention was Edgar G. Brown, prerident of the National Nee: i eouneih and hi 1 ; petition calling for the on tire’ of Rep. Rankin of MiLis.'iirpi from congress. The petition also asked for a special session of congress to pa s such legislation as FFPf anti lvnch, anti poll tax and other laws. SCHOOL EQUALITY F-klund said: “The ef|iiali*atinn of education a! opprirtunixv throughout thc netii-n bv adenuate state !e-*i t-. linn ftmrilemented by federal aid must demonstrate to the child at The country crossroad#, in the in dustrial areas and in tha village? that a democratic nation holds for him all that his neighbm e-.t--.. “We can nevot uc-fend double or triple standards in school ser •ice.. If wo are t> teach demo «r.-H.-y with full understanding, we must, practice it in every area oi . living.'” JEWISH CO!NCRESS h.ruble vote on .i broad bams, a i'av ' isnbii? ve'e on a narrow basis aw! an unfavorable vute. The best in • iividnai i-i ••ord, aii-ording to tin in.iL,sis. ,vn : that of Mr. Juslice Murpiiv wlxi ha-.* bi-uad favo: - . able and three nam ,' {avoroL-ir ', • .t<- in t!a nine etc >- The v/i> individual )•*cords .vete thou it !ce tire. l-‘i-. .1 .ii-.d ,fui-ie.,iin, w.ei r-. - ■ ; load one brornl tavo; * • two iv • a .- faviiiaiou ai,: foui unfavnia ble votes The i- •-*■- iiivo''. i’d * xirhisioii •■! .-»'*• g 1 1.• Iron: a Mi r.i- ■ ippi jury; iln* i - ,!. [j,i;ii j i l ;1 1 u:; a.l La . a ’lav.: the two Oklahoma Law Soho .1 ii vul... ■. i segregated s 1 i Michigan steeimhip company ; which denied ;hv< u, , Negro; t *■- ; ji:'i. ir: in-, t met ion in public •.•-clluol-; during “relea td tim- “ in Ctiava jK.ign, Tiliiiui-;; the two tesuictufi ■ 1 in in ai ■in v n.n i iiN i - .loe., and the Califoinla Statute en viug coinin', l i.-iai tithing lict-c. Am alieii:, ineligible to ciiizonsbip- KEM I i K \ 0. K V •on, Louisville teechcr, to cute, .lie fJruvci; ity i..1 Ken!nek> l. • •uij iias beei'i filed in tiie li 5 District court. The scheme was called 'Viim plettla inadequate ’ by James A Crumiin. presideul of site N. A A C P. Board menibcr A. F Maysc-ck. of Lou;- viile all aeK.- 1 tiat- plan, and c.L .d ’I a to set up a jim crew system o‘ cd•.•.i-u'i n in Fi-jnl.-fui't ’’ ONE i \PH It I!) Jay when the “peat-t-ful niissi’jn or vigilantes as others call th. group of. nine armed white oi- i dropped I»y Flow-ms’ h -m- a:, i warned him to leave the county. Flowers agreed to be on hi.-, way lu Chicago to see his daughter iiv --..m. ev the ru-xt morning. As Flower-, enti iii.t hi.; hours 1 according to McGivney, : creamed from the inside. VV. uam Dickens was serious h wounded, and 2-1 ballet hole; ’•’ ♦re count* d iii tin autan'io urle and truck carrying th whites. RES MOINES The paity has already taken ■Wt-r the Bellcvutf •St i a '.for,! ioti-l as convention headquartr’i s Tne platform c.immitti-c will begin work here AVeilnt - lu\ li ; ad ed bv Dr. Rex ford tiny Tug,.-oil, University u( Clhic.-tgo pro!. Me . rid tarnu ? Nrr. Dealer. According to Luke W. Wiison. assistant convent ion rnanagi i ~ YY9 delegate:-, mcbii.iing 52! : : tevnates have iicen called, 'i n. ■ ; . repivscnt eight del--gates and one! alt ornate for each electoral v- 1 ~n the stab’S. The exact number expected :.i attend is not known yet because the paj tv has hei-n .1 n all the stairs in these stall tire state Wallace for Pre Idt nl ! commit tee has been authorized h> designate delegate:’. In other -tat*-: the founding convention elected delegati on tin: night of July 21, the convention will move mat to Slubr park where Walla •<- an i Taylor will make their creep lance .speeches beforr an exprvl i-ct crowd of 30,000 person-. M,-m hers nl the audience will pay from 65 cents to $2.60 for sea Wilks Shin It MS Vance. Semi,-.-ns delivered bv each of toe visiting pm, tors paid v*-; iigh tribute t.'i the services oi the Rev M i Juiii-M during past,.rati. Similar sentiment -.wa- expressed in paper:; ',\l:u'h Wt-re read by niembers of tie cuiigrgatior: and church official .. Among papers read wer<- tho.- • by M Gassie Spence, M: Maty Thomas and Deacon Jo : c < ph Whittaker. A generously filled purse t - oa;v the co.-its of the R.-v. and Mr. Jones’ varat i*n in August , was also supplied by the congre ! gatibn. ' j 'Typical of testimonials of praise for the Rev. Jones are the follow ! vu: from the Pastor's Aid Club and members of the cungn-gation. Th.. Rev. J.iiiei; has well put ! into practice lor, profession o* | preaching here at FayeUcvib" Street during the past it; years. He has kept abreast rehgiout ! progress, helped the poor and Ixick, improved the church edifice and added m w members to th j ‘ ongregation. 1 : It it- character and integrity an’ ' (high anu ire combines imrmoni ;uusly a keen and sound mind with an humble and loving heart ll has been a pleasure tu knov, 1 and love one who has follow.’J . | almost to the letter the rules ot 1 | conduct laid down by God. The Rev Juno: is a roa'. man of worih whose pronounced personality ' makes him a genial host at hi ■ times. On his sixteenth anniver . ary it may well be said that hi. . i'fc- is gentk' and the elements c mixed in him that nature might ray to all the world,” here is a ; r.r>r\ f worth.” Mrs. Gossip Spence writes of the R”V. Jones: • Once more we pause to honor our beloved pastor, the Rev. J, W. Jones, who was called to our church 16 years ago. Under hi i leadership, our congregation h’-s grown from a membership of 150 to 073, When the Rev .June; came tu us, our old frame building v. poorly equipped and without an, inodenn furniture. Tne few mem bers were complacent and up i parently .1 the- opinion that run ' ditions wmi I c irre.;: timmscivc'. 1 liruiigii the fai signtedness of i our pastor, otti menii.K-: ship w.v ; i divided into 12 working group.', j niter u low years the me mb. is .-l the chuieh and tin stonema ■sips enlarge.l t ie bas'.'mnt t• • t size uu’ the church auditorium, after vvhu it the outsicn -.1 t.■ ; building wa> covered with store. . thus transforming th. ’.matlrav | five f'.xb.-i ior into a beautiful steucLire, which -s tin pride o -mr m< nri.n:i s. A ft; r fmishiog the church, t .- ; membets coniinue-l to work, ar-.l j through our etti.rt-; a iieatin*’, .v-tern, electric lie,ld I'ixiur* - ji a: pets, and a n<-w pulpit wc I tu.-itallcd. A parsonage i’.i; bceo pin . ii■:sod all:t ;.-o,- :d<-d - ! 11 a'cupied by the pa u •: and n. I tanuly. W :l)’i 1.;.-- I i< ade We '-O’-' ; made .sc i•:i;;- i c .iiiinum’. ! center which has ia’eii a >;rt ii: ~et to til,- i- mniunity of Ka j Icigh, but due to o ir cpittimious j growth in momhersiiip and Li i matiy visiti rs who attend om j ehm cii we f.nd tnat our ciiui'cli j -.' ~! have t ■ he , niai ,e I. O [last'i: i 1 0:; this iindi-i Cansi'.l : i lion. I We 1* c| Feet Goc. ha- lie I go. : TO us. The Rev. .lone i more ; than a paste:. lie • i* ade • i builder, a man of (hi, and ~ | easily appi'oaciu d at all titvs’s. i F'r >in ilii: i all c!a ■■■ s.el Cl: -'ti: i agt-menl and ii.spi: a-tiou. : J r<>. ! tha! 1 sneak t- - - vFm- -d |of all our members when I • a!i , f i; -at ' ll li’iay h-a.! .- a e ilia : vietoricuslv and some giad da’ ■”e shall all meet am mil t h • . !ill-one We -he!! smr -e - [) . - ;in e • ni** !! with the blond wa l’a-;l | band fee ,->ver and eves Jay '"v § x W i W'. :M m <-'S* ■ ~^r N I>l Nl. \?!> HI Ut N i-il ill & ).i ole-sm <0 jih'se.ij mh-ik-i’ I am! matliemutics .till! rtiri-ctu.' of tiii- audio i istia! aids ecu i r uni i ii.i; i.nii|;ii Sialc ( oih'eeX -uiu ll’a-l 'i’.: ions is i . t’.u'k : el. lU-.oi <>l li'e sir ),.lllli:<lil .■! ' n-attiii neitii :a Knoxvitlr ( uUrs,*-. i .» native oi Mi soori lie i-, a | graitnaU- ot i iiicoln Hisb St-haol, Kansas i tc,, and l-'isk t nivri'--ii\ H T ti an -N ii. am. ",| ilr-.n-e in liialliimaiK- tie alirnilrd 1 i k un der a ties scholarship tp'untccl in J'l.°t Me lias iloiie gi.uluilr wn.-K at tile iini\ei ‘itirs of Imn aid ♦ hi. .is", is a incmiif-i of (in. Hath * i .alical \ sin is inn id Ncii ’i.a. .i*ni lias (intilished xevnsi! articles on mathematics aid church • . . ni*! Roman's Dm ob-c*r\t*n \! Si. Paiii \V«E Ulimt li’s Day wa-. ivi. ->r. : ,i at I lie St. I’.nil AME Church here : Sunday with M. K. S Al--:t,vi I ’-I Shaw l : nm’>--’nv a tht ui.l:! : peakcr and Mrs. Adda- G. ! ;■ . pr. ideiit ■>t the \V man - Club, presiding those* who par’.inflated -in the innrrarn wcie NL - Am-;. ID. Brown. " Mr;. II C D'l.iar- Mrs. Chi Istinc C .-op.-i. M - Rea ;la M H dt. Ms- Mum in WC.mii ■ Mis Philhp Maun, M .!■- ‘ i Vi-bane and M ... iinit’r Kdm<.n ’ ; s ill. J Ddi'inio, ctilc i-- n ijhi e laecfui.-i- (hi: will prevent them : j': orn injuring one riimtlicr. • 1 SPIRITS «a pcoon Pruditccd 6nd by OtSJKE MOTHERS DiSTiLURIES, »HC. BOSTON, MASS. 1 ,—i ■riMT-man i..himi-i nwiu—~w j . ■ e--' FIRST JAR A N ESE-A M FRIG A.NS BURIED AT ARLINGTON— ■,.’. i mu a, a o f D> « Army’s ceremonial detachment hold at waist height the American flags wi ieli cov s-.-d the cn.-d.-eta Pfc. Saburo Tanamachi (foreground) and Ffe. Fumitake Nagato (background), the dru two Jars - - Americans to be buried at Aiding Imi National Cemetery. The combat dead of the L, nd Combat Team were interred with impressive ceremonies. ; ----- . , , ... ;; ; t j. .’■ I ! ? '5 tv -* i- r; J i i ■; - ; ■ ; ; J : ■ , I I ; ;;. 5 : ■ ; s ! ! | - - ! || Pi i .... : I i D - ! PSWg- Vi - * ' t ur% igblfam i h THE RKM.V (ALTNH) OF THE JEWIbil FAITH. -In the Li ' -d States Army provision is nissic for -A'orsb’qi Fy its s-Muu s ot all rreeos. Hero is the- irti.-rivr of a temple set up at an Army j..i for th«> oi ti e ancivut J,.wish . 1;- -.■ i >. *> a rai.hi conducts the service. Note the symbols of patriotism * • > - - Hk - ■WgT.. “,f , . Ei’* > ti ; ‘ KFA! TIST" Pit!’ KITH-INT -VN , !>. Nf „n i-ini ,Ir.. u Ditioil. pr* s ’‘i.-.if of the ’s.uioita! As-iOi iatimi «. Kcsl Estate Rrok'-i's, In, . an •’PgriMth of (In- National iuisi in - (car nc. The real i state »n* >» known a- ia!lis(-. iielti ile-ir fiiu-.t iti’hi ! i mu 'iit iiii f t,i- v- nl; as ttiantic t il> in Com nmu Mali, N\| m ■ li & I miWji i «1! Ntl.V i ION i.l NO Or. Flirt ill IJ. < ill pri -Mi ni e: li'e "u!ies mi a 1,1 (>:n*t iinii! its ( rioitiatuni .Tone P*.. has Jicch t'lcciej pie ig. nl of 'I lls t , rid 1 'tiinoa * inn. ai-eorsliui; ui in unit iiiimw nt !-,j Ldv ml it. .’sict (iriiiis, .U ehairmaii of (lie hoard of (he l.iiiei ia t oinpaiiv. 31. c I.uinda ton n if! a- .•( in the ad vain • trtPni id bril:li web.m , ->i rd ileus ion pi os. ut.s in die N* -J \itiean Kcpn. !i< nl - ituuia. wri Civil .'ill is- given g ade -V |>i’Ml' ip, ill the ft'i tlu-i i., dll' -, P’lli tical camp: isu. I 're. : '*■■•! ’l'i iim.ii; mswcrvtr.i'. Mipi■ it to th, d.v!l right }»rogr,*m in bodipht. ni'l ’■v 111 keep, (he i-.-lc. 1 dim-ply in ft.'- £—-‘~ remember... s pf.* ; HNl STATE CREAM 4 ***■/ ,j For Home Delivery Dial 2-3911 I umi THE CAKOUNIAR (,i Ni-;;;\i. it. o. mn is its run s i-MOA? unn \\ VS»:JN» , ION i AM*) H;»- r;rn. !>«'».. amm *E I>.*v* s .. i*;i* only Stpta tu I In* r-i Hi es) iciaih July 1 1 a f»o uurs t>f st*r\ in >wy. of t!i»* \rrn\ K aj M c*i?sii.* c.jiuEt •«-■! liir .‘‘(i* ir.*; g.‘iH ill su\ »n«; nt* wus g. ‘ m v J■ -t-im % aim- <<■ yiiur army i» ;{ \*.nr ( iintry r>«»lh in u.H* hr} p* IU»\:ul itftaikfi that a-a nt Di'tVK joiiunl Hu* aris?y *i-x -i ii: hi the infatits'y Ju re Yvi'ip inly livt otlun oEiictTN in J hi* but ii a v iht*! c .n t- n .triy UH»O. i..i\ is w:n :i mvml i'i' ai lfi<» mspt *• («>r in r.ts’tN tb [iari nu i' v. ii iiu ri tHvti Vt n«n a« tix-f Om \nv. \\ i l l 11, farm ton Carolina but o‘ ; rln;f*d natpiy m }}.<.♦ The SECRET of Lovely Hair EXEIENTO HAIR POMADE Uxed by lovely, popular women for Over 40 years. You, too, can have soft, glorious hair the EXELENTO way. Delicately perfumed for added glamour. Other FXEtE'NTO Beouty Aidi • Gloisine and Oil * F* Odor, o dainty nVodoranf ♦ Bleach Creorn, for briyhtor ikin It x EM HTO M EDICINE COM PAN Y, % f I 1 ■■ a » NN! N {’it; !!) 1 \ I u M!i-> Stcwurt, '• - fary oi tilt- Supreme * * )I(i ? iii Snsll! tn« , ( t.irpany. icago wh-i was ilcet ft press lie: a: ’ V: I i Vc< ro tll ■ “ant. \- , i ttion at it? itvi-u. !!»•< ti:u; m . u (A.M’i ' ' .* , . ! * I* * I !Th« S/fOighl Jo shit «sr* 5 $ ywn ®{ mo?* oJs, Shoighi Wjj4o% | Eictn K*i:J/u! SpifiH, 86 4 pJOOt § | I Stea wmm #se» am mm m e*n& hmsb. b*s 'mm l *•, p o ft vs, '■ e 1 ' •Xu k " t N > 4 * -i' ‘ V;-, ,'ifjft S'- . | Be %ure and tht* original irt the yellow c*r>. Only 25c, at a!l drucj stoic j. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1948 nfce Home jgj ■■r:."r~‘-- -'** w-sr ’ 2 con vuntkn r scKr.nuLKS . rv'mrri by hours ! railmaster BUSKS All The Way t.v. HALKIGrt G: 0 AM 5:00 PM Ar. WASHINGTON 2:25 PM 12:2b AM A. PITTSBURGH JMS PM 7.-55 AM Gcnneciton. «! Piitshur-jh with iu*i expri?-.*, buses for Cbit.’oo an ! St, Louis. UNICN BUS STATION (J*'"' 217 W, MORGAN ST. MWMS-WWOn.iWm.tSiHn IflfrMMMKl, -HMUHiafIS HUM*—WWAMMSUC, aMWr.anW Tlfr-riUgHm 02,., <r, .■ww«6r,.s^a»a.T«^^ TANKS YKS Thermostats? (I'ot Autooi.iiii Opeiatimi) Oilifi«‘rsV Oil Filters? Cic fi hi aiir< , a.-. near vna .is vum telephone—.just dial wc w:!! br delighted t.s send a COLEMAN factory trained Scalar. .■ specialist ic h«*lp .solve aay heating prob inns voti rnav have. Heat Your Hems &rtj UYMTiCALLY!^ (*oleman oil Floor Furnate tt's WARM-FLOOR Heat! Yes; —Coleman Oil Floor Furnace sets IN the floor. Needs no basement. Auto matic!—no fire tending. Clean! —no dirty fuel, no ashes. Exclusive Coleman features save fuel, move the heat to keep the floors toa.sty-v.arm. Come in—let us show yea. COMPETENT HEATING SERVICE 4 l NOTE! ti you heat with <>>l don't wait until the lasi ntisviile, get in touch wtlu your oil denier at yom eatli- % f-r.t convenience and have him fill your lank. ■MIMMMUIMMMRMMMttMMBIMMHWMMttMMnSfInttMMiMi Low In Cost!—We Can Install Quickly Models available in sizes 30,000 BTii la 50,000 BTU \ output- beat up to 5 Listed hy Underwriters' Lehn: stories.

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