POLL TAX HITS CALL SESSION ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * '* ★ * HITS RED ARRESTS POLL TAX BILL IS SEEN BL9SKISG SESSION ACTION WASHINGTON President Truman's call tor a special ses sion of Congress was answered this week by a chip wearing and disgruntled group of legislators representing both parties and hoping fervently lor failure ot the session In the Republican camp were those who charged that tne sc. gion had been called for the sole purpose of putting the GOP o:* the spot through calling tor im mediate enactment ot legislation to which the Party has commit ted itself in its 1948 platform On the other side of the fence were those members of the new "Dixiecrat” party and their sym pethizers who have charged the Truman group with selling out the traditional pre Roor. vein:.*. Democratic ideals in an effort to woo the Negro vote and to regain party support which is inclineu toward the Wallace camp. As a result the new session found itself confronted with * Republicans plan to use then eon gressionai superiority of number t and control of committees to bring to the floor one of the most controversial of the Truman pro posals, abolition of the poll tax Such legislation, passed by th- House in three successive Gun gresses only to he killed in tin Senate, has drawn the determ in td opposition of the Southerners who deny plans for a filibuster, but express an almost certain need for "detailed and lengthv discussion of the measure. While the Republican leader ship has expressed the intention ot making every possible effort to pass the legislation, other members of the Party who de cline to be quoted by name have expressed the conviction that the special ssesion will break up as a result of a filibustei Strength has been given to tins bflief the declaration of party (Continued on page 8, j -,t Section > MEDFORD NAMED SUCCESSOR TO BISHOP AtSTORK Following the death of Bishop F W. Alstork of Washing! on, D C. July 5, 1448, the Board of AME Zion Bishops met in Wash ington and assigned Bishop it. T. Medford of that city to superin tend the Albermarle and Virginia Conferences, over which the lata Bishop Alstork presided. Bishop Medford is a native of North Carolina, a portion of which state comprises the Albe - marie Conference assigned to his charge. He is one of the three Bishops elected at the recent Genetal Conference of the Church at Louisville, Ky., and assigned to the Foreign Confer ences of the denomination in West Africa. Prior to his election Bishop Medford served twenty years as Secretary-Treasurer- Editor of the Department of For eign Missions of his denomina tion. Dmwiddie Institute at Dm widdie, Va. near Petersburg, a (Continued on page 8, Ist Section) ‘Peaceful Mission’ Ends In Shooting and Man’s Being Run out of County CARTHAGE, MISS. *ANP) A colored man reported to have had relations with a white woman in this vicinity, lock a hint from a group of armed white men cm a "peaceful mission" and left his home here last week. The man, Martin Flowers, 40. is reported to be headed for Chicago where he has a daughter As he left, the security of two of his relatives was not ldU sure Police have captured Uno, James Flowers, 24, and are seeking another, Hartness Flowers. These men arc believed to have shot at the "peaceful group” of whites as they left the Flowers home, injuring two, one severely. The group counted 24 bullle holes in their automobile and truck, William Dickens, shot in the neck, is reported to bo steadily improving in a Jackson hospital. Martin Flowers was released here aster police assured them selves that he had nothing to do with the shet.ting. Deputy Guy McGiveny said, "I think he has gwie to Chicago where he has a daughter/' James Fiwets told police that he had nothing to do with the shooting. Both he and Hartnetts are veterans of World War 11. They ore cousin* of the mat* whs was "advised" to leave town because the white drift not approve of his activities. Sheriff F. F. Monday will, make no charges against ih.« while group because he said their mission war. "entirely peaceful," . ' —l 16 Pages \ (lU'MF. XXVIII RED CROSS AIDS POLIO FIGHT ******* **************** DEA TH CLAIMS TWO IN CITY HEART SEIZURES PROVE FATAL TD l RALEIGH MEN RALEIGH Funeral set vices, were held three days apart th .s week for two well-known Ra Leigh men who died suddenly of heart attacks on Thursday and Sunday .ot Last week. , Tire first victim, who was bur ied Sunday afternoon wa - Wii dam W. Capeharl of 509 Cher , hn Kd.. who was stricken in New , York City while visiting hi- sis . u;, Mrs. Myrtle Gapehart Hmv . ! ard of that city. The second victim, for whom Last rite . were held on Wednes. . day afternoon was C. H. Dun-ton who died suddenly at his home „t 1216 East Mai tin Street or. . Sunday morning. 1 Mr. Gape hart, member of a well-known Raleigh family, ha i | gene to New York for a rest and I, was viewing a television broad ’; . iat his sisters home when he ' c lot. Funeral services for Mr. Cape , hart were held from the St. Paul ‘African Methodist Episcopal i ■■ Church and were conducted by 'the Rev. D. P. Dollart He is survived ,by his widow, Mrs. Margaret Gapehart two jb daughters, Geraldine and Myrtle, a sister, Mrs. Howard, and three brothers. John T., Edward and ; I Dr. L. Capehart of New York | City. He was a member of the ’ Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. !'Continued on page 8. Gt Section' 1 20 Organizations Urge Special Session To Enact 5-Point ‘Rights’ Program 1 ; r . WASHINGTON -- A five point 'jminimum program of civil rights : legislation was adopted last wci.-k iby representatives of 25 national . 1 labor, civil rights, fraternal, Nc , gro and religious organizations at i tending a confluence here in Wil NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKL Y KALKK IH, NORTH CAROLINA V iTK LNDINO SAT I RDAY, JULY ill, 1948 Ly.-yCw- Si jaMBBI JfIJgEHKi ABA Approves Reappointment Os Judge Moore WASHINGTON (ANP) - The A me* lean Bar association, known ■■ he an* t-Negro, unanimously approved the -reappointment of tarci Hotel The conference, called by the N.< liimai Association for the Advance intent of Colored People, rerom i mended enactment by the special j session of Congress of legislation . for a permanent Fair Employment Pi act ice Cottannision, abolition of ihe ~oil tax as a condition for vot ing, punitive measures to suppress ! lynching and mob violence lan ! ning i*f legie -aiian in interstate ; transportation, and revision of the 1 displaced person', act to perm!', immigrantirm of classes now dis j orimiaatid against. .Continued on page 8, Ist Section! 1 Brothers Drown In Goldsboro Lake GOLDSBORO, N. C. (ANP) —Two brothers drowned at Newsome’s leke in New Hope township last week as one boy unsuccessfully iried to rescue the other. A. third bro ther screamed lor help which came llate. The two dead boys are Rc-the Howard, f>, and F. B. Howard Jt„ 14 The younger boy was in the branch oi a | tree on ihe west side of the lake and fell in as he was trying to catch ft duck. The older boy drowned when he fried to save him. A third bvether. Jim Barry He ward, 3. rcreamed icr help. The dead boys' 't4.idi.es -were recovered almost an hour la I ter The bo vs were the sons of Mr. etui M. . F, Ft Howard, tenants of the Giles New • I I sorao farm. Judge Herman E. Moore to the bench of the U. S. District court of the Virgin islands, it was re vealed here this week The Bar association announced its approval in a letter to Sen. Alexander \Vthy, chairman of the fate judiciary com mi 'tee In ap proving Judge Moore the group said: • The general character and re putation ;.f the nominee are ex cellent. "The nominee is a man of not able judicial temperament, and his qualifications tor the particu lar judgeship to which he has been appointed are outstanding. In out opinion, no further evi dence of these qualifications should be necessary than the un animous action of the members if the bar of the court of which he is judge and the strong on . dorr.ements of members of the court to which appeals from hit court lie. fV-tical Philosophy ‘The nominee's political philo j foo'iy appears to b<- entirely sa tisfactory.” The usociation statement con cluded. "Accordingly, on h« halt of the American Bar association, ve recommend that the nomina t'ontmii'.'U :iti page ii i.-.l s>e<-(i,im SOUTHERN SUPPORTING RICHMOND 1 ANP) The presi dent has the Negro vote in the south pretty well under eontro according tu a preliminary check since his acceptance speech m Philadelphia ear 1 y Thursday morning, July 15. He has wot Negro voters by his eourageou: ; stand for civ?* rights ! have heard more Negroes a Virginia say they intend to von ; for Mr. Ti nman than for any oth er president in 25 years. That the President would mention h I stand for civil rights while d bvering his acceptance speech n l Philadelphia sh tvs. his deep con vict.ionx about the matter New Voters In one day alone. 1 was told by over 2,0 Negroee in casual conv-er- ANSWER POLIO CALL Above are shown i-.uz regir.ier cd nurses who were flown to Raleigh last week by the Amer can Red Cress to answer an appf at from St. Agnes' Hospital for additions! nursing help on ihe polio ward which is being operated at the hospital for vie* lirnfi of the disease. They are being welcomed by Superintendent of Nurses Mord ctief shortly following their arrival m RaleigLi. From left to nghl they are: Mis;. Clara K, Bridge;, Atlanta, Ga.: Mrs. ‘ Mada A. West, Atlanta; Miss Montcrref, Mis Manna Bearnen, Richmond, Va., and Miss Hen. 1 Delta Covent, Atlanta. Story elsewhere on Hue. page. Coop Group Ready To Open New Food Store In Cooper Building ; RALEIGH A pL-adid dcmon -2 jstralion m the beginning of co : operative uctivit.i has t*-en made •” by a number of Negro citizens, * repn<-.en!mg all sec’ions of ff.-deigii, | during. the past twelve months ‘ through the organization ot the Wake Consumers Mutual A socia t . Inc. a member of the Caro ll mi Council of Credit Union. The iew <>i | miration had plan ned to open .1 cooperative food _ mark*t enrly last fall, but because {• Tic owners of the budding were not i *ble fc bfinur the lease the new . market ha- been delayed ir, opening. Recently ihc Wake t'ansumcre NEGROES G TRUMAN sat ion on politics that they will t- vote for Mr. Truman. Some Ne il groes wh told nu last week the-. ; v will vote for Mr. Truman were u residents here whom ! though*, y ik'd newer voted, ft I find that President Truman is aopeah to all el.cm s and types i of Negroes. Negroes in Alabama, n Arkansas, Florida, North Carr: ! lina, South Carolina, Miss Lippi, i - Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Mis e souri and Oklahoma, according to : recent report:', are almost soli*! -for President Truman. His popu i. lnrity has gained steadily among i Negroes in these s. tat os as it hat I .here in Virginia. There are . vioer-oes that the re- V , colt of southern Democrats - ; (Continued on page 8, I*l Section) SINGLE ~ COPY 11)C NITMBKK 4 4 NURSES FLOWN TO SAINT AGNES FOR POLIO DUTY -Mrs.' w. Y. Collie wf Raleigh, Secretary of Nurse Enrollment, a Volunteer Jo!*, for the Wakt (..’aunt.-. Ciiopter ‘American Reel Gross, received requests, during the month of duly fv-uin St. Ague -. Hospital in Raleigh, for lour re ,-ii; tered nm • to assist m t,*• • present Polio epidemic. The. o reque- -tr, have been m« t and the four nurses are now on i,i, ‘eitli 1,. eii cii oclio pa tients in St. Ague;- Hospital Nurses on duty arc: Miss Hen r tta Galbert., 350 10th St., N W.. Miami Fla; Miss Clara E. Bridges. 1310 Marcey St., S. F , Atlanta, Ga.: Miss Manna M lhaman. 1114 St. Paul St., Rich mond, Va.; Miss Mada Anno West, (Continued on page 8. Ist Section Mixed Dancing Causes Jailing Os 16 in Atlanta ATLANTA ;ANP. Four Ne groes and 12 whiles were arrest ed here because of their presence a a “mixed race” dance last week, at the Georgia Workers’ Educa tion Service hall. The sponsors of the social - Mutual Association has filed a five year i.-.v e on the new building 1"- „ ; euleri on the corner of Bloodworm and Cabarrus Streets This will be the home i,f the Cooperative Fwid i Market, which will carry a ca - plete line of first-clas: gi-oaerii ’ • meats, fish, and fresh vegetables. -! This type of store is not a strange sight in the town of Raleigh, but .. jitoe point of emphasis is that the j! prefect is being made possible by ; the cooperative efforts of many t ; people It may be a m w idea tor , Raleigh - but not m the nation -• More th;u two ami a half million . ' Americans, own. me and control ceoperalive stores and other ser vices sharing equally and proper ; lion ally in the profits: Such as. : farm supplies, all kinds of hens - jlng equipment., auto supplies, m,,d ical supplies and general flier • chaftdise 01*1 N TO AM. 1 A Cooperative is open to all. A i.emiine interest in the welfare of pjthe community is the only rtquire * i merit Each member, of course, ituiM provide part of the necessary cap 1 j Hal to operate the business You s I may begin with a modest invent laiMii and bring it up ovei a period ' jThe Jaiveet income family may be '• I come part-owner in a cooperative |business, a loop with the families of ! j [higher income. The cooperative food mto ket is % I owned, used, and controlled by its -j members. Each member has on.- jvpte m the operation nnri est-ib - i fishmeal of policy for the organ c jirarion The profits belong to the > members. k★★*k * ★ * ★ * ■ i i . * ~ . ■.. J. . . CENTENARIAN PLUS j Miles Twine Nixon, <■.: "olds- | noro, N. C-, who ccnfh to ; play sn active part in ope- j rat . n of two business?* de spite 1; having re-‘ -J th; | age of 108 years. Fear Campaign Is Charged By Henry Wallace BY MARK HYMAN PHIL Alf El. PHI A (ANP) Hen ry Wallace told the Philadelphia press Friday t atthehn eBAA;MN ?• .ness Friday that the indictments of leading Communist officers, includ ing Ben Davis, New York City councilman, and Henry Winston, organizing secretary of ihe Com- ■event, the Fellow.-,uip of Southern churchmen, raid that thi .• was ■< rogrettabk affair 1 ’ and that they "had no intention whatsoever of i stirring up trouble. The group was ar tested on a ■ corn plaint i rom the neighbors : who were while. The Hey. A. ! Richie, white, : arrested with the dann-rs, said that he was. ot an ivi- I let-racial, inter' denominational group meeting at Huminon The- I ologiea! seminary on the campus i acd sponsored h> the Fellowship • of Southern churchmen. Economic Study i The student.-; tvtvc interest! ti m i studying eeoiKirnic cm adit ions ©1 | the south, he said. When accused •of being CoiYiiYiun.b•' in said, "We are merely ;• gmup who U Jii-v • that d a man is a ! Christian v a churchman, his ; denomination or race doesn’t mat* Ui . Tht* Raw J. S. Thoma -. acting ; nrts id on l of (Janniuvn. eoid Unit i his school was not responsible lor him social even 1 ., which aroused •the white neigh-bol*. He said. ”U ; li.. clock could be turned back, 1 irui the incidedt erased t i i-.it | would be* fine*. Rev lilrhie said t ■ *u? ho und 1 (Oontinted on pago 8. Ist be r bon f 4 Million Negroes May Go To The Polls In 1948 NASHVILLE (AN* A prediction that 4,000,000 Negro#* will vole in the 1940 Pre.; entinl electi - made during the closing sessions of the- Pete Relations in ■ at I isk TS*?’ by Henry Lee Moon d>ecli.fr of public reb* ‘ for the NAAOrv Tr». bpfal. Moo*- -id, would be four number of colored* voters in the '• L-irs. •*c 100.00$ Nr gv;-s may rpeil the "cm«r;i|-'. of - t - bite southern vote* and the end tthe one pari : sy he said. "Increased voting by fact;. Negroes and poor whiles will i« Ihe long run result in the election of legislator -re responsive to the needs of She southern masses of bath races. Moon did rot predict a Negrs "bloc" ot votes, but fell that colored voles would foe equally divided among the Republican. , Democratic and Third parties. Colored votes can be the decisive factors in the election of several senators and at least 75 repre sentatives in 17 non-southem states, he addled. This year's ins!ilute is the fifth annual meeting to be held ot Fisk. If is sponsored by the American Missionary association. Students from all ever the nation attended the meeting, and more than 40 lecturers and consultants served on the faculty during the three week _ A member of the North Caro -1 via Legislature during the per iod fc inq the Civil War, he formerly ’ ■.••■ hi school, served as a pas' e~, customs em ployee ; -3cHr, Story on pace 7. . .-. ' ri. .mu nisi party, were intrre-tina and /highly :■ irnifieattt. that these red 1 scares over the past two or three years have been timed it silence the opposition to new turns in the . bi-perty get-tough-foreign policy. i> In an answer to a direct question. Wallace said that the indictments s sty p at temp to proiinote now fear/. They are another in a series !of diversions, ho sv.d. created for A meric -ns who are rornplvmnj? ;, v , t; n o ’*T V > stupid huriglirg in Berlin, n ' mh ho emphasized that both the ad i ministration and the bi-partisans !j n congress make allegations to : make headline:., they . make hetd -1 line, to make fear, and make fear to stay m power. Wit, I favoi strong action I sp3! i) •-1 3n y in d1 vidu u 1 who com drills violence." YVaii.iec. said "it has been ny observation that violence • •in the United States has been gen -1 erallj committed by the very people who would supprss the ‘' free sp oh of the C mmunists and ; othc i croup.- with whom they dis j agree ” , Wallace insisted that, defense of 1 tht first line of defense of the I . lihei ties of the American , people. ,He said that the history of Ger many. Japan, Italy and Franco ! Spain shoud teach us that the sup 1 pre-sioi: of The cMmauiru-t is but | the first slop in art assault on the democratic rights of labor, national. ! racial, and political minorities. ; The Progressive party nominee 'jlolt strongly that the courts will ] eventually find the smith art qh ’ ■ c.-ustitutional tiUii the ad vio -1 : lutes the first amendment to the ' ‘ c’lislitutieri. and infringe* on fr*e 1 speech. , j We may expect further lyri .’ •: care.-. Wallace said and further at tack. on minority groups yharg j mg hostility to the govsrnmcm. He said he expects attacks op the Mi w party w ith all manner of raise i • charges The new organization will tight and continue to fight in d«- 1 iV-nse of the American people, he i I said.