PAGE TWO marriages' i € !i' to marry were i*Mied to (fuT couple* during the ! ast| week, according to records of . lutiu-o f.i iiii.vton, W..kt‘ County •.c.'if.u'hv of deed*:-: .Ulleti t 1 .. Ta.lassee. Ala. and . 11>J Muriel Crump. P.aiaigh July "■ » I'- ii hi n dal iih. and Mi*- ‘.d'.J! Jd.-ndy. Faiim-ilie, July 20 ,v.;i.»n«t i... i m ,'.iy, Raleigh, ■ i- ■ \ 11* i I,:-' t i v.a Mac if p . ; {. Ji Uei-’h, July 21. J t Havc,iud, 407 Sindh Hay ■< ! , ; r; it. a.nd Mm Ethel Hr. 1!. :«L*l- July 22. VU'iu.i P Mauley nid Miss G lev .ou.fct y Hayes both of Raleigh. . '•] 23. \'i C leman, Jr.. 1707 Fay • iL'Mie Street. Durham. and M:.-- .... ! aVnody 'Durham, July 23 focupii Williams Jr.. 1121 South ' •■ and Miss Josic Cr.und ■ !ci..;h. July 23 * if. i rite fat Mr?. Jemne .Junes he died ;v. St. Agrri- Hospital i. ’• '■ i1 i . t week were couciucl- IJ-'i.t ike First Baptist Chinch cruicsday of i: . t .veek and ti l .' i d •bv inter merit in the Ml. to ge’cemetery -ftl ijj i ti. - lor Mrs. Alice Mitchell ! i2(W Holman Rfreet who died .. early WCdnesda> morning ci cos.ducted turn, the F« -a tte ll- Stv- ci Baptist Church Kri « ’O.,- anon of la i week at 3:00 . iih «jthe R< v. Alexander Terrell, pastor, officiating and . !1< weft by interment tn Cl! ;, .p.w c entenary. The Rev. J. W. tier, pastor delivered the tei it firs.'Mitchell is rurvived by her Luioaud, the Rev. N. Mitchell, and 4 brothers. Wiley Riggins oi 4 . .)• . Va, and Bon Riggins of Durham. JVfTKr SUPERIOR. COURT '■vCfRTH CAROLINA ".IKE COUNTY NOTICE •i l.'; ELIZABETH MYERS ; vs. A :lAM MYERS {HE DEFENDANT Adam d\• : v, i v take notice that an acM. n c* lid . cove has been commi u dJr the Superior Court oi W„: • C | t ibtain <n a',: lute r ■ ■.orv oi. til.- grounds of two veais ' ti-ro' a: prr v.ded in the Sm * - < i North Caro.v.a. plaintiff and defendant having lived sepat ale enj ap rt for more than two years net: preceeding the instituuon «•* tit if- action, and that said defend ur| ■■.•:!! Further tak nolict that rhd > required to appear at the ol ficl of the Clerk of the Superior '■ i of Wake County. North Core hr.s, in the Courthou A hi Rah; .h, Nol’th Carolina, on the 16th day of August, 1948. or within twenty g.v; l'.CTtafter and answer or demur u> lht| roihplejiit of said action, or the will apply to the Court fc* ‘hi relief demanded in said cvn* . « P^.M. Trust 13th day ot Julv. 1943 ! SARA ALLEN. Assistant i Clerk of Superior Court July 17 24, 31-August 7. I' U'TUCUTRIX NOT it E N(|R i H CAROLINA V. |ls E COUNTY it: y.INCx quAlified as Executrix oft' e Estate of Banks T. Holt d.- fM q c-t V.aK. County North Carolina, this is. to notify all pei sif having ci.i t!' again i the K j.' • of said deceased to cxiiibii ti i i to the undersigned at id- i F*' ■ '’in Sire •: i Rale ;gh, .V Caalin.i, on •„ before the I6t, du> if.Tut;:-. NU'c or this notice will b'lphadcd ;n bar of their recovery Al| persons indebted to the Estate "• 11 ,:i. ~■; <iUikt‘: unmediate r. ,1 - * 41 .' -l* * ■ i :6th dav cf June. 1948. * HATTIE HOLT. Executrix ■ ■F. J CARNAGE, Attorn,y ■ ->oo : ’’6-Ju!y 3, 10. 17. 24, 31. t TRIX'S NOTICES | : . ing qualified as executrix -> Mclver, deceased, of W*<ke County. N*--rth Carolina. is to notify a!.' persons h..v infr claims again?tt hr- estate of ti* sc id deceased to exhibit them <•!] nf before Juno 1, 1949 or tuis r..'4‘iofe will be placed in bar .1 tlirin. recovery. All persons in .>G ted t, :K am c- iat. pletot nijtkg immediate paymnt. Ci Is. lire Bth dav of June. 1948. j Lucy Pearce Eaton, , Executrix of Marie Mclver t deceased Bjicgs and West. Attorneys AHMINISTRATIO\ NOTirr STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA \VSAKE COUNTY THE STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA 2To all to whom these presents shfc 11 come GREETING. It b*ing Satisfactorily Proven To The l.ln signed tSJcrk of the Superior Ciurt tor W’ake County, 'jiat Nan- RC‘ punston Sanders, late of said ccfmty is dead, havinp made a last will and Tesiamtni, which has been Bamiited to probsu- ta ,rue copy v.-fioreof is hereunto annexed), and F.»la .Dunston Perry and Executrix therein, having qualified a. stfchj according to law. . jNcW, These are therefore to era* ptjwejr the said Executrix to enter irf and, upon all and singular the frdiod' and chatties the rights ana cnedits of the said deceased, and tile same to take into possession ■wheresoever to be found, and all just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue oi »ad estate to distribute abeor Trig the direction of said Will. lay hand and the sea’ cl t-3#d Court, this 3rd day of June ssSw W. G. MOWDECAI, Clerk oi the Superior Court. ■ June 12, 19, 26-July 3, 10, 17, UTDTIIC , OIK i 1 I kJ ! Birth cr-iiifiontes for babies born .1 to th follow ill,-.: . 'lilil'" we i e l>i,' , ;l',t'i o in 11n• • .1 r 1■ ■ the Wake i ; : t.'ouji ty ilr.iltii Department din'lni/ ■ '' the past VVI.'U: J.'ifo* . \ Hire R..; ers and Mi -. : Vo iuTi J. tn- P.o;n>ri, 1022 Manley 1 .ti'.l. ... lit": Maria Antioneite.', J'.iui i o ot. Ago-s Hospital ;; it ; 1 . . rto'i on t Mi*. Mary Pr.-ctt Lav.ience, Franklin ' mu Route 2. it daughter. Emma * y:.: 1 J1 o' 1. i:. at :.t. .-v, 11$ Fio■ * piial Gauige 1.1 and Mrs. Lucy .' iip.ciui: iri Mel 1 i.y ,1. ‘lit! Faycttc .. 11 :e :,. a oi, Baioai'a Eiaiiie Lin: ‘ J oiho punt Otis :.nd Mr. M ra,u : l Viosgan 3469 Be J ford .‘.venue a ‘ set: D-tnald Jerome. June ?0. at St 'Arnos Hci.-pitiil D'.:vi.i 't,,. n ..nd *Jrs Cl'iudiii • , Ji.ti-o- Hiiriori. vVai •' T• 1 c : Route . i ’ daughter. Clud fun -i v- S' Agile' Hospital " : :.k 0. t:. -lie ai:.i Mrs Arden ■ Piutifci'd Monti -4 ue Zebulon, Id uea ci A! Dewey, June :*.! •ji St. Agnes Hospital. M-m •••ii!-' :m 1 Mrs <':dti* * Davy Adam- F'rankhn Ter bat u.iui-hter. I ..itto C’o ■ 1 Line :i t!: A '.it-- Hospital. ‘ Giinti.i'i Ganna fy and Mr.-. Annie Wiggins (’annady. Raleigh Route • 0 : gill Pjiitm Ann. June 22 at 'St Agnes Hospital Ho; U;> H t tit Id and Mrs Ger -1 ai.-l m Alien Hartsfield. Wake For- ‘ , e‘.;t. Route 1 a ton L.tslie McCoy. .R iie :i i at Si Avnes Hospital. VVi!i:am Hinton arid Mrs. Clarice ; Wehfle Hinton, 707 Maple Street. 3 ct3i.t!*h!er. t vi'. Etiraoeth, June 24 it St. Agnes Hospital J'.i? Evans and Mrs. Lula Smith ' E-.ans. Raleigh. .Rem..' 6 a daagh -1 *cr. I-.lne Lira. June 28 at Sr Agnes 1 Hospital. C 1 J .Alston anti Me Helen Mitli : ken Alston. 613 Adam- Lari**. - . bn:;- ;,n. Louis Benjamin. June 25. at St /'f.iies Hospital s Han; Simms and Mrs Hare! Evan- Simms, Method, a son. ' L rue- Hauison. Jr,. June 29, at St. Agae ; Hospital. H Alston and Mr;. Mariorie Whitley Alston. Wake Forest baby , it..,;.. Henty. Jr.. July i at St. Agnes ' Ho-pral f' ; 'a Me DutUe Williams and • -M; Catherine Evans Williams. ■CO'. Evert!!e Avenue, a son Fred :V f,, l <u.ti. . July 2ai St Ague* Hos -1 pita!. • _ . *r,di w Sandn s. Jr., and Mrs. Liiiie Atkinson Sanders. A-5 Vet ' Ant.' Cnavis Hnahts. a sen, Andrew Judson. July 3, at St. 5 Aynes Hospital. vvillii- ; Dunn and Mr:, Doro thy Smith Dunn. Wendell. Route i. 1 - wi* 1.• c Mclviniey July 4 a: - St. Agnes Hospital. ' Aaron We ,ve r and Mrs. Irene Hil-. I.'.n'i W( iver, Mufree boro, a girl. :- ' * Leo. e. July 5 at - St. Aertr-.- 5 : Hospital. ... Gu? McAllistei and Mrs Geniet sn Me Alii* ter, Raioigh. Route 5. - daugbte r. Snqv.dine, July 5 at 1 r jnett. Hospital. M-. a fiobit.-osi .;4;d .Vh.- Ruth 1 '.rte Robinson, Raeligh, Route 5, " bai.y daughter, Rutn July 6 at A.pira Ho-pip-,1. ' ho to., and Mrs. Annie Don- : r Oc ai3 South Person Street. ■ !•: di-uthier. C.n'.Jyn Juan it i • : 7 --if S' Agnes Hospital. tCbb,, Elliott and Mrs. Lucy J Thorpe Elliott, 1413 Fisher Street ” b" i M try Dora. July 7. at St. ;■ A; op Hospiial _ Liivvooi Brown and Mrs. Georgia R. iru Blown, 1810 Manley Street, o.uiridc-x'. Alice Mildred Bryan ", J - rim n, 1016 Oakwood Avenue, a ;;;. Virginia Bryan. July 7, at St Agti Hospital, Hoj-hwt Wright and Mrs. Eva ki. an Wright, Gamer. Route 1, a ii Hci I'id‘t. Jr, July 8 at St A2.ii c • Ho f pital. _ »■>>■. .i'.'d Ba,l;:y and Mr?. Priscilla R 9408 Camiut Avenu* Chi ' kd, Ls a son, Edwin Maurice, . ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE i NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED ss Admin ; i'-jinv of the Estate of Mrs. Mag ■ Hail, accca-'-d, late - f Wake s . C.-unty. Notth Carolina, tins is 10 I rtot.i'y all pi ''?on; having claims t the ! taie of raid deceas ed to ext:ib!i tt.ern to the under • ii'ii •!' Route !. B. \ 49, W* rsdeil, Non!. C. , •slir.a. on or bcfoit the I* h :L < t July. !»iS. or tin . nolri'C will be pleaded in bat of their re -Ml p. won* i idebteti to tne '■ —n -111 please make immediate pyy rrn-nt. .'■. I* 13th day ot July. 3942 MRS. ANNIE B BULLOCK, Administratrix " I 17 .’4. 2l AUgu-t 7 14. 23. the'ShfS'lbole ls ; 24-HOUR SERVICE 522 EAST CABAitKVS ST. C. A. WAYWOOI> Owner I July O at St Agnes Hospital. Johnn’- S-'fiith i.iict .Mr- Lnra Dunn fjmith 204 GHWio Av /me. u , -on Leroy July 12. IheoJoic Egbert, Johnson ami :un. Hu ti 1 h Flora Johnson, '416 North Tarboro Ruaa, a son, Tht ■ di-re 1, t. .H Jui.i i t at 't.- i Avne*; >-]v.«pit ;i. K .beit Lout- Hockaday and Mrs.! Anrrit Le? it .c-tnay al7 • tm 1. Gtreot, a yon. Janus Arthur. July: 18. j James Stover, and Mrs Kath-! evice Peacorl: Stover, 827 Jenkins i Street, a on. William Albert July j 4. * Aifiv.i William Watson and Mi-. 1-1,13 Watson, 112? Gill u. t a Daby d:\ugnier. Brenda iviicr.elie, July Hi. at McCain-y | Hospital. Owen Wesley Dunston and Mrs. | Lcr.cra Hail Duuucn, Krughtdale, | Route 1. a von. Owen Wesley. Jr., i June ?» Sir Walter Jones and Mrs. Aman-, tu Carnei June- Kuightdale, a on Elijah, July 7 jarnr-.* pcwull and Mr*. Nezzie \ Poweii, Neii-i Route 1. a daugntei.i Be:tit. Carl Jithe 30. Willie Junes and Mrs. Olivia Bur June*. Kaieigii Route 3. a sou. Willie Jr.. July 9 David Wrijht and Mrs. Doll Whit- 1 ..kei Wright Raieign. Route 3. a tafcy girl Lemua Elizabeth. July I- j Cf-liph Mayo and .111-.. Nancy, Mangutn Mavo. Wake Forest. Route 2, a sou. Heray. July 7 Seth Men itt and Mrs Berlin* ;yj iiitt W'ake Forest Route 2. 3 .ai.rliter, Maxine. July 8. Kdvy.nd Wall and Mrs. Mozelie ; Robinson Wall Wake Forest, a baby daughter, Virgia Percell. May 13. YWCA NEWS YWCA NOTES In Older that the “YW” may roeperate with the State an d t Uy Health Department in the fight against polio, all Y-Teen and Youth Activities have been suspended until further notice. The Sewing Class met at the “YW" last Tut -day night. Twelve i" teres ted ladies met with theii patterns and materials. Mrs Taylor gave lesson? in pattern laying and on how to cut plaid and striped materials. It you would hke to learn to sew or, A you are interested _in improv ing your sewing, Mi;. Taylor who an experienced artist and seamstress can give you many i helpful hints 3nd demonstrations. Classes will he held at the “YW’ each Wednesday evening at 7:00. You a;>' cordially invited to at tend. Trie B. and 1. Club gave a Sur . prise bridal shower for one of it: members. Mis- Tressie , Mr ►■Crimmcn who is to be married on Aug. 8. The young ladies : showered the bride-to-be with many lovely and useful gifts of linen, glass, and kitchenware for her future home. Biidal cake and punch were served and enjoyed ,by ail. Miss La ur a Brown is j President of the club. The young ladies of the B. and !I. Club went to Fort Bragg by i ■ bus on July 16th where they at tended the last of a series of R O. T C. dances at the officers ciub. The dance was formal. A .arge numbe; ot the ladies went from the YWCA. The B- and I. Ciub is inviting .all "YW" members and friends 'to attend a partv and food sale ai the YWCA on Aug. 3 at 8 p.m. They will sell ice cream, cold drinks, sandwiches and cake. Tnere will U music and games and fun for all Money from the sale will be given to the YWCA Music Fund. You are cordially invited to attend. mapuTtemple Regular worship services were ! held at the Maple Temple Con-j gregatienal Christian Chur cb ! Sunday with the Rev. Lake, president of Frank!m ton Chiis ian College, in charge. Music ,v;is rendered by the Senior Choir. At 4:00 p.m. a spiritual tea was given at the home of Mrs. Lu cille Ruby, 14 Bladen Streep sponsored by the Pastor’s Aid j Sock-tv. We were happy to have Tht Rev. Lake deliver the message as , •will as our other visiting friends. | The Woman’s Club met at the ' ! r.ome of Mrs. E. Hayes in a very j interesting meeting. Cool refresh- ; ; meats were served. All members of the church arc urged tot be present at a meeting Thursday night. Important busi ness will be discussed. jjj;. ; gpr ! ! '* POPULARITY CONTEST WIN .NEKS Above aie shown win net? ot .1 popularity contest held I'U'i fitly at the Manley Street Christian Ciiureii under sponsor ship of the Senior Choir, The winners are; Bessie Eliza PERSONALS Fdjvard Crawley, Jr., of Hart- j ford. Conn, has returned home. after u vacation with relatives j here. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Reed of Baltimore, Md., have returned home. While here they wen guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charle-i Robinson and Mr and Mrs. Fred Williams. Mrs. Margaret Bartley Holt and 1 children are visiting relative? a: Mebane. Mrs. Inez Dunn was week-end guest ol her daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs Carlton Burnette of Camden Street Mrs Jerusha C. Peace 'is on vacation in Washington and New York. Mrs. John T. Yarborough ot Baltimore, Md, is guest cf her sisters. Mrs. W. R. Green of Cam den Street, and Mrs, Mary Wil liams of F, Davie Street. Mrs. Omega Haywood and ; daughter, 403 Lee Street, have ! returned home from Newark, N J, where they spent a week with 'heir mother and grandmother. The Senior Choir of the street Christian Church sponsor ed a baby contest on June 27. Winners are Bessie E. Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiiii 'on Campbell, first prize; Je-sn Lee Peterson, son of Mr, ana Mrs. W. Peterson, second prize: j and Carolyn S.ymms, dsu s hn? of '' * sr and Mrs. Robert Symms, >tbird prize. j vfi-. M. J. Jones »t f, D.,y, ' Strfet has returned to the city -Yter visiting relatives in Pm-- burgh. Pa. Mi- Ruth Bexr7 Havvil i? .1? Ming her mother. Mi, Cailie Ber : 1 y- Mr and Mi:' Hamilton and daughter of Baltimore. Md, arc vCiting Mrs Cailie Berry. Mrs. Mozelia Mills is spending hoc vacation in Washington, !■ C, and Baltimore, Md. The Friendly 12 Social Club was entertained by M Funni.- Lee at the home of Mi M. r in., Farrar. Next meeting will be held : a? the home of Mrs. Edith Saon ; dor«. Winbrrs m the recent rmnular itv contest at the S' M-Tthev? AMF Church were Miss Jsccme ' ring B. Mitchell, daughter .if Mi. j ’i M- T Mitchell, 822 F. Mai I’m Sfee*. who raised sd«o- Emanuel Alien. Jr son of Mr. :,nd Mrs. Emanuel Allen of Blood- CHAVIS HCICHTS Miss C. High cf 7 Chavis Way and niece. Joe Ann, have return ; c*a home after visiting relatives md mends in Boston and New York. I Miss Elva Mae Norris 0! Ik j Smith Plaza celebrated her eighth I birthday last week. She received i many useful present.-, Happv birthday E!va Mae. M’s. Alfred Brown of fi Dare Terrace spent Tuesday night in Waki Forest attending the KUS | convention to which she was -. | delegate from Lodge No. 5 | The Booker T Washington | dub met at the home of Mr. | and Mi;. Burnette at 425 S. Hay ! woon Street Sunday .After the meeting a d»'Jiciou- repast was ! Hvved. John Chavis, president, introduced his recent bride. They were married at the Martin St. Baptist Church, Sunday. Mrs. Eveiyn Lassiter of Hyde Terrace is .9 patient in St. Agnes Hospital Her many friends wisn i hex a quick lecovery. jrnMNi'rriiiimaiiiwnvi HuMnM. mur»r.'#r»!»,M«*ru_-_—■ ~*r' iv--—v’wi—»-tw!<v9--» *moc~ *- } Finance or Borrow | On Your Car jj through the | DILLON MOTOR FHMMCE CO. j 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3-3231 # <iiiwiiiin«»a-»>.'w^toj». J ,.u.ii i ,, TTri-nirrriwTirr-rrin-r~T>Tifii> »' — iL*"'jnijuw*L tt.w.'J«lii ijumwmPE * THE CAtvOLlNiAkf i.i Ui CainpbeU, of Mr, and Mrs. Willi.*ur l ainplntl, first prize- Jes*e Ice Frierson, s«r» ol Mr. and Mrs. W. Pferson, second ' prize; ami fjroiyn sisnms, | daughter ol Mr and Mrs. Robert Vilnius, 3rd prize. j worth Street, $i?Q; and William ' Thomas son of Mi. and Mi.- Wn 1 ham Thomas, Sr, of Chavis Hfits. $70.00 The contest was sponsored by Mrs. Delia Mack in the interest oi the building program of the church. Total amount raised was 8474, Parents and feachers Workshop lo Be Held At Brieks August ( )-!2 RALEIGH The thud annual workshop sponsored by the N. C. Congress of Colored Parents and Teacher? in cooperation with Rural Life School at Bricks, will offer at its four-day 1948 ses l ion, a prog "am of lectures, in formal discussion;?, special class es in individual arid group prob •rns to paicnts. teachers and others interested in the health activates ot children and youth 1 The institute will be held at lire Rum! Life School at Bricks, August 9-12. The purpose of the workshop is threefold: (a) pro vide lor parent; and teachers and other adult.-: who are anxious 10 keep abreast of the latest find ing? in the field of health; (b) to rnc.nstraTc n ■;-!hodi,f utilizin ' t' ui resource? of the community so; the benefit of health to all ' J and (ci -■( ok effec tive aids in solving problems and I need. The theme of the meeting • •>-7 - rrt 1 f.. _ ■» f • - i x ;ntw 1 juj; Kii & 1% c v*/ JJaV ill Ii .tltii WiiJ bt bVi'6'LLtCl by SUCl’i p T 'o.ninem authorities as: Miss Grace Alice Hale, University oi Denvei graduati* with wide ex ». iience in the tuberculosis con trol field, having held trie post ■■t Health Education Secretary ot L'ciivet Tuberculosis Society. Mr.-, W. M. He my, President, 01 the National Corigres; of Co! ut id Pat tut; and teachers of Do- I'm, Delaware, who has wbrked, ciu.-ely with youth group., and ki.u.vs their every da v problem? will also participate in tire short course on group method? of con ducting local P. T. A meetings. vii r, Geeorgia W Barbee, for mer public school teacher, but now Health Educator forth, School-Health Coordinating Sex vice at Raleigh, and S. E. Dun can. High School Inspector for N. C. Schools, will discuss ‘ Fun dnmental Health Problems. ,vli>. Mae D. Holme?, Huperm tendem of tht State Training School for Girls at Kinston, will discus? "Health and Education Working Together for Children;’ ' Facing Special Issues 0* Health” will be heard by such 1 leaders as Mrs, Cora Parker, Re- | gistered Nurse, Rocky Mount, Dr. W. M. Bryant, Enfield, R E Jones. State Agent, Cooperative Extension Work, A & T College, nr:d Miss Velma Turnage, Field S cretary. N. C. Tuberculosis A. ? ciaiton, Inc,, Raleigh, The woi kshop is open to any person interested in children and youth problems. Parent?’ and teacher; are especially urged to attend. All sessions will be held in trie assembly room of the Hu ral Life School Dormitory at Bricks Special recreation periods . and exhibits have been planned. ! Support Tour Paper! ! j THE CAROLINIAN Wake Mutual Plans Viewhership (lampaii'ti At u recent meeting oi th c boa id ol directors oi the Wake Mutual Consumers Association, it was decided to conduct a hug: Count*.' Wide Mwnli. r;hip Cam paign The goal a this Campaign is I not J member- ~,)■! $1:'.,000,00 in ch; h, and the Campaign is to .ill from August 1 to Angie.t ill The di oaf a of directors ex tIK-iriselves as particular tv pleased ivith tin very fine sup- - port the association membership a and the general pul.lii hmr giv % en this cooperative venture, and 1 expressed confidence that now 1 since a new inodl.-rr- and up to I date, strategically-located store I has been acquired, the response I to this membership campaign will I be generous. t Rea 1 1? in a that courtei us sc rvic • and quality merchandise at rea- j onable p: < arc the corner j stone s upon whicn any ;u t. , v , nil business must he built, the Wake Consumers board of direc tors have dedicated themselves or : those fundamental principle,, and have agreed to It ave no stone,; unturned in putting them into ei- 1 feet. _ | Orders have been placed for ■ the most modern type of stoie i equipment: refrigeration units, I shelving etc., and it is hoped that I, all equipment will be installedi ; and readv for use not later than j ! Septembei lb I" It is fullv believed that all Ne- I i groes of Wake County will, want i to have a share in this wonder-! fill demonstration of cooperation. [ because it offer: the Negro Citi I tens of this county an opportun j itv to pool their resources and to i, f.Etablish themselves upon thy S iirst rung of the ladder of eco- ! nomic security. It affords an oppoitunity uevei ! before offered to in this j : section to participate in an m. | dertaking calculated to progres ;ively add to then wit respect, help insure the future ot their children and also give them satis- j factory return? on their invest- ! mem. The board of directors is very j grateful and fuel that it is most j fortunate that the Negro Church j cs of Wake County and oi Ra- j high have not only endorsed this | movement, but have accepted the S 1 leadership in an all-out effort t. o-ing this Membership Campaign j ■ to a successful conclusion Goals for each church have j been established and a member i ! snip committee h:,s been set up by each church. Realizing thrt only by securing the needed num - ber ot member, and the neces sary amount of money ran libs movement be successful and hav ing determined that it must be j successful, the campaign workers have dedicated themselves to put this campaign over the ; ;p After August 1 -the head4Jua- | ters of the Wake Consumers Mu- j ipal Association will be In the new home ot the Association. “The Cooper Building," earner Woodworth and Cabarrus Sts. j, I stile > Wilson Flub To Hols! Celebration The J Fmhv Wilson Appainte; Club will hold a grand rulers day j celebration hen on August 7 ! ,vhen Grand Exalted Ruler I Hurley Wilson and Grand Daugri trj Ruler Elizabeth Gordon will • be the principal - peakevs. Special featiirrs of the day wih be a parade at 3:00 and a banquet in Memorial Auditorium Gr ill at 8:00 p.m. Fidelity and Capital City Tem | pie lodges arc pleased with th* ! progress ot the order in this com m unity, having whole - hearted 1> j supported community programs I at: well as theii own progt am? | The recent return of Daughtei • Ruler Melvina Ferrell and Mb- Pauline Raye r.f Raleigh, state CAPITAL CAB CCL umovm MER’Vicr jffll DIAL 0117 WAKE SALVAGE CO. W* hwf and Sell lv*rr tMm of VfiJu® FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS S 3? 5. Wiuaimdon Si. Phone 2 232? Complete I | Home tfjXff&j Furnishers ' We cap furnish any room tn your home from the living 1 room to the kitvhen, See us | { first. 1 1 W. E. COOPER j FURNITURE CO. | | 111 C. St j ( 'awMwwrtr:-iww» ! i I?, UK. ONJJING SATI ■UP AY, ,H T.V ;i, UG 9 ■ ■ ■ ■ ' v APPOINTED Mrs. A. J. ; Turner .who was recently up pointed to the faculty of the ! Slate School for ihe Deaf, ; Dumb aircl Blind. Connected j with sell 1 system* in the state i for a number jf years, Mrs. Turner received her Master's degree in elementary education from Columbia tfnivmUy this summer. Story Oi John Hope Just Published In IS, Y. NEW YORK - Th. late John Hope President at Atlanta Uni versity, and one of the most dis tinguished Negroes of the present century, is th.- abject of a bi ography ' Th. Story of John Hope" by Ridgcdy Torrence pub lished last week by The MacMil lan Company, Increasingly sought by the na tion's councils, he became an in fluential factor in numerous in terracial meetings here and in Europe. When Atlanta and More house colleges joined, in 1929, Hope was inevitably chosen presi dent of Atlanta University, which post he held until his death in 1P36. “The fttorv of Joint Hope” has the quality of a great novel and oratorical contest wirine.s from Ft. Laud.„,lai. Fla., has. raised high hope-: in local circle 5 ' for a larger educational program. Ticket for the banquet ms ' b secured at the FT;. Home Hunt er Brothers ; For Quick Services For FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD DIAL. 9393 or 30 998 A HD ‘'Never Worry, We Are On Oiu Way” C “ Arid what a meal .1 will b»-~ seasoned exactly right, and ev*ry dish boasting a rest I hOKBs-coeked flavor. B & II CAFF 413 S BLOUNT ST, A Lifetime in Flam®* Why chances e»n burning ; up a lif*tim*'t effort in a siagie j terrifying hour whu it's « [ simple and Inexpensive to pts- I Sect ycumlf an? j«mS* ! bh; mishap. You* hm tad j tamily can b« absolutely pro fected from AMY disaster at but a tow pennies a day. We’ll I ~how you h«w. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS, CO. J DURHAM, H. C. j $17.25 ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION SPECIAL 12 95 ' TRADE ~ IN - SALE On Electric from Receive from SI.OO up on your old iron* New In Stlcck ■ Electric Water Healers., Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-to-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co, SALES Sc SERVICE 224 E. Martin St. Claud TayV-C, Mgr. Phaw 2-3950 If-tIGHTt «*“***' HAULING heavy I LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT - EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 9478 - 0212 E«i. Unote ad, Mgr. iu time, setting, characters and conflict, covers the whole sweep of the Negro’s rise during the tiO oi 70 years preceding Hope's death. Hidge 1 y Tomm ci ■, dit in guis he d poet and author ot “Plays lor •* Negro Theatre,' is a native >'»f Xenia, Ohio, a town sometime? described az muiv r.-.tli rn than any mie place in the South His p'iaye went* tin- lir.-.t m-ißui.: ones to be witten about thi Negro and th.'- first to be- acted bv a Ne gro In writmr flu biography ( t John Hope. Mr Torrence has brought tu it a profound ppeiib' .* em pa thy ami ■’ t 11 a; ailowc-J Hope to plead hi? cause as rniK ' i pos sib U- in * his own words. f 60S a RAIN NEUTRAi SgtRiTS ! 'mm vtoTMCRt DiffiLrait*, m*. • SIMTiIN, MUM, * i iwaraWwunßMntmjW *l. | Paulec Radio .Service “For Gi ting Repair*-” 4UP DI.f.NHOOit AVENUE Dial 3-3123 We up and Deliver 1 iliiams Elec tiieai Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Dial 3-3781 cr hesidnice 3-33 W j f iLCTKU As. f O\TRACTOB | 1202 E. Martin St. ; RE. WILLIAMS, Crop. j .araa-.-... Dial 556? for: 1 - COAL —FUEL Oil, —KEROSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Owner I DIAL £56? 307 North West ! I I MUSIC COMPANY I AIt.THUS. DOVE, Trap. Autoraatie Phonographs fiented Tor Special Occasion* and Installed o« f "ornmtiMiloß Bast* SELECT RECOADt OUR SPECIALTY Dial 3-2744 * 129 E. CABAKRUS ST, ' i sfaiawmaar”"*

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