Vv'K&K. jfeaM-MNG SATOUI>AY, AUGUST 1, 11M8 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS % FOt/ft SCRIBE j By FREDRICK L. BURNS It is rather odd where a person can get material fbr a column ; My idea came as I rode to work on a bus. As I sat there thinking of a heavy schedule for the day, 1 wns j attracted by a conversation between seveial of my fellow workers. It seemed that these persons belonged to various churches of the city and had heard my broadcast listing the churches and inviting them to attend the church of their choice. 1 think th: t it has gone over big or at least I want to believe, that my efforts have caused someone to attend church who otherwise would not. have done so. As they continued to talk the conversation soon dwindled down to who was a good preacher and which one could not preach. It is interesting to know how opinions vary as to who is i good preachei and what qualifications one must possess to be a good preacher. I do know that ‘he city has a very intelligent set of mini- j svers, men with the finest character imaginable, and they work j hard trying to place the Word of God before the people, both in ■ action and words. Each minister has his own style of delivery, they should not be criticized for that, after ail that, is his way of delivering ms sermon. These expressions are quite common: “That man can’t preach ! he only talks." I can't, feel the spirit when I hear him,*’ ‘That j man preaches a good sermon but kills the spirit by begging for money ’’ These expressions are unfounded, for no person can receive anything from a sermon if he put.-- nothing into it. You should ge to church with an open heart willing to accept the word as »t is given to you. You should encourage your pastor, you should pay You should carry the “Spirit" with you since that, too, must into the church since the expense of the church must go on. come from within you If you don’t have it within your soul t . ccme out. how in the world can any minister get it out ot you? So let’s make it a point to go to the church of your choice next, Sunday. Go with an open heart and without prejudice toward any minister. Put something into the sermon and do it. for several Sun days and you won't want to stay away from church a single Sunday. A few weeks ago“Builmoose” Jackson’s orchestra was in town and it was reported that more than 1800 paid $1.50 each to hear rim. I wonder what the churches would look like with that many people attending at one time since it is hard to get more than - to 3 hundred in church at one time and they are the faithful few that have already supported the church. Thanks for your attention. May I expect you next week? FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE CALI HILLSBORO TAX! DIAL 2488 OLEN GERALD, SR., Manager FLEISHMAN’S BIG STORE 108 HAY ST, ‘'One Os Fayetteville’s Finest Stores’” i BENNETT and GAHR INC. j CLOTHING AND HABERDASHERY 120 HAY ST. DEPENDABLE SERVICE D, K, TAYLOR WHOLESALE ¥7* arx DEALER HjSSO PRODUCTS DUAL, 6109 Cape Fear Cleaners And Dyers Lccsi#d On Dunn Highway Jusi Across Capa Fes? River ALTERATIONS SPECIAL ONE DAY SERVICE DIAL 4883 DUGAN’S RADIO SUPPLY 130 FRANKLIN ST, LATEST RECORD HITS POPULAR CLASSICS HILL BILLY Parker Radiator Repair Shop GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AT FAYETTEVILLE CITY LIMITS ON MURCHISON ROAD CATHERINE’S BEAUTY SHOP~ "'"tmi Sit With U* Awhile And Keep Ytaur Hair In Style'' MISS CATHERINE McALISTER, Mgr. £.04 HILLSBORO ST, DIAL BMO -Tnrnri-i—r —nr iurr-nr-ii T -TTiwm-rrm - - - - - Ir ,-. lJMninrr -^^ | ED. FLEISHMAN and BROTHERS FAYETTEVILLE'S LEADING MEN’S STORE ' 107 HAY STREET t PHONE 9943 J, HolUitsworth, Prop. HILLSBORO NEWS STAND M»,ga*w6« Os AU Type* —AH Ift-giit Publications CIGARS—CIGARETTES CANDIES—SUNDRIES ICE COLD FOUNT AIN DRINK'S 125 HILLSBORO ST. jWWMHIW m ..^. tTr .^ Trr — r nnuvn-nnemi-Tr n-imr-t r mm •SivOON L> SEGT.ION PfIVFTTFUTT T F JL X Ij X JL JLj§ W Faye ti e v ille Pe rs ona Is Friend; will be interested to, i know tha ! Mrs Katie OrestfieUl ! i contiues hi ut her home on Muwre i Street j Mr and Mrs Allred Sim.-, a (young daughter Ileloria and M : L illlr.n McFetei s or NYv. \ | vver, the house guest? ot Mi slid j ivir William Gill, 510 Oakrtdv.,- Avenue toi the. past two weeks. The funeral of Mr.-;. Alice Cnavts ' wa; held w orn Evans M.-tropolium ; U.hurch Thursday. Jui> 22 She: i leaves to mourn then- one sou, j1 vo siste( s .■ j.d ,at. tji ot he: sub ; : a number of relatives and ti u-nd.. i Out - of-town relatives who a tended Mr-; Chavis' luuei we'. Mr?. Dot a Waded and M.- Nannie Bfyaut ot Turbo;-.;. and Mi". , Biatvche Reid New York Stewardess Board No. 2. of Evans \ Metropolitan Church met d the ; home of Mrs. Mary Gainey Tue.-.- , day July 20. Mr? Hall was a gm-st ; of the Board. Miss Maude Hood, president; Mrs Maude Wright, secretary. Miss Vera LeJoyce Ferguson, re- ; turned from a vacation to New j York, N. Y. Newark N .1 ; and j' Philadelphia She it-ports a very ! pleasant time. i, Mr. M J. Ball from Richmond ; I Va. was the week end guest ot ; Mr; M K. Deas i Mrs. Annie Dixon is visiting net' mother. Mrs. J. A. Simmons. Mrs Elizabeth Taylor, has re turned from Burlington, where she j visited her son and family | Miss Isabel Andersen has return !ed to her home in jam an?-a. N. V after visiting her aunt. Mrs. Pennie; Chaves and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rk-dard Mcßacken i of New York are visiting men niece, Mrs Katie Crist field. Mrs. Novella Wright ..1 North St. has returned home alter undergoing j an operation in Pittman Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. M L L »fton had as th-eh guests tor the past two; weeks. Mrs Mattie McKmuon and; | Mrs Susan Tate of New York City, j Mrs. McKinnon is Mr.- Loftons: ' j sister. They had not seen each oih : er for years | A very enjoyable time was hau • t i visdiu;- hietid-. Jisru ! change- - in the city and visiting, their <dd friend? and home in Red Springs • Lb and Nits. Chanes PL :e> mo ’ tored to thier home in Chattanooga Tei.it for two or three v.ceks. ; They will be at home, 301 Mocav j Street after July iGth. Mrs Easli • i resigned her position a.-, reoi-aiiou ! supervisor for women m Rt< t. j mond Va June 22. r motored io Gastoma and Kings ■ Mr. and Mr? B i- Fn u on I Moilritain, last Sunday to attend' the oprning of the PTA C ~mp tor gills. 65 girls registered to, the - meeting. ; FF F Fergus,on, Ed Mol ald | Rudolph Tilley and other 1 ,-ceiit lo i Syt Pa til t conduct a ftiiieral toi a j returned veteran from uversea;-: ct 1 four o'clock Sunday, July 18 j J. W Mcßae announc, - the m:n I ' luge Os hi; - istei Mi > Rc-.i-li.i Cov . ingtou to J W Da» j.t Sa'ciuav !July 17. at the home ot her »i?tei, Mr r . W L. Dixon. At heme after July 29 217 Cion el: Street, Ti .ni ton. N. J George Bayne of New Y..i i- City |is visiting his sisiei Miss Nellie 1 Bhyne i 3h friends of Mrs Irene Mom a - | guv ate glad to know that she iij? i ietui ufU h- in. tiom 'be tiosp.iai j ami is petting along line. | M‘ - Mb a Jon.-, i 'bit; -imf | time with her children in IsVv. i York City. ; Mi-s Susie Bogans ha-i t. turned |to Richmond, Va jftet mting a H | few days with her pan n M and j Mrs Samuel Bogan- ul Rob; oi: Si | ha s Floi a Patte,: on ot Norfolk. I Vs. is visitin e her sister. Mrs Rosie l v « i • ■ i.ruiir nor i *4; .m'iiii .i > rji ; !! era**".-^yißicliMiivi.vcriWWrik'wir*' ww - s-o-"- *• w^i»w« m^i.^^»iW<W ii« W iiiiwnanSMNl ' Job'my's A Lillie Bashful ~ , , *' > MciMilliau wi,,- lias been crintined i to her home for several days, YoUiic Altum-a M-.’MilJaii, -on >t '-li Anlln Mchii 11 an -.- ■ o i.-; j •tiurk ana thiow-ti li-orn Ins hi- j ; i yt-le rttnains in the hn.-pilal tut 1 i - on the ro id to : ocovery. Mi ;nil M;.- Jiir.ies l'ynua!! ami daiioht ; Gpor,;if,lee and Miss An |fur oh vim of Oi ingv, N J . hove iielurned hum- after .-pendinj', a ■■ two iVi-'k vacation with friends '■ | i .nut relative- in tlie cit v Dili in- liip absence n! Dr T H I Hwi-ili-. who i.- in Ponn-.yiv an in al i tetidinr the tuntral ot hi-, brother, In.; ptupit liie I n ; Baptist Ginn h wa- f.lled b> Roi, Mc'M.l- In.n s?s of New Hope Baptist ;■ i-ch and supply paster a! r.„i I Baptist Church F> -1 1 ,irijCaitet ot 50'". was ,ij- ir out ciguts to lm ‘ I trends on Saturday on-moon Tin occasion being the birth oi a son 1 weighing 6 pounds Mi -■ Carter and young son are | doing ime at iheir home in Tupelo Miss. Mrs. Garter is the former Mi-..- Johnnie E. Smith, a graduate of Spelman College, Atlanta, Ga Cpl Eugene Williams of 505 ha.. ■ju t. received word that he is the lather ot a baby gn 1 born in Sheffield, Ala recently. Mrs. Wil liams and daughter are doing nice i ly . j Sg*. White of Hq. and Hq. Del I No. 2. pitched a brilliant game: recently at Fort. Bragg He allowed | only one hit to lore the game - i Hq, and Hq. team is in third ; place m the Post standing. The regular line-up of Hq and Hq. Dei team is as follows Osborne, rs; Waddell, es; Leavail : .To; Shipman, c; flam'.. If St. Cyr'o, j Carmichael, lb; Boulwin, 2o : White p. Mr. 1 oac Garris, tathc-r of L F. Gurri?, who has been ill for sorn..- ;ii!» at the home of his -on. has ; 1"t Tli 1 ned in III:, hoHir ,11 Voi i> eb» ; i o. : >ud is re cuperatiiig ,i.- v. t.-ii j: ,-;an ■ i e l-.-.pil-l tesi Mro. D; t No r ga-'c a lawn pur ity at iho picnic area last Frida r in,-hi Wiiiv a It-ii !n.-iid? 11 ifa i Fayetteville, Manchestt; ftonnn : Eicon.' and .- urrourid.iiy tCAVts-. oil joyed the hospuaiitv of t)ie det.-a : nn id. Music wa: turnished Ly -Lucky' ! C.ininciiael anti his n.eioriy buys. ?•: ; F; i ;• . ivk Ain.ii i < Ci. “ ■ i Dfct. No. y. reiuned to in.- pu,.i --* t.ion .u tile "iiv! j i>o* ll Utr ho-; , prtsl. utter spending r.everai tTiomh:. j patient and a! Waitei Hr• n Hospital Wat'rang tom D i THE CABCLINIIN TIKES TO THE l!R Jit xin nfv.;t !<> place the Caro liman in every home in Faycttev.ih' .Oi<:i territory. E’li’des vick U Buj ns, The Carolinian':-: rep ~v s tentative ai:d “voin Scribe ’ has , * S tKr*T: tO tht* «ij*. H.> has a \vt---k)\ program, “The •;Carolinian News” hekrd every Fri day ,ai-i- Ra-:,.. .station U'WDt i- u? • -in > our dial from t:10 to 6 15 p - in I'.iviiig the latest in Natior.ui . -'late and local news Tin-j .- tiit- first rime a mem bet i: of our ruet has had a complete program from anv loc.i -tation. handling foil: thr new- and com • uni sials shu iiu an. firm v,ish to sp. r-. I t:i j -till ■ ,|I; sft- OI Wi itr Mr. 1 3 II nil,} '.sol--.. The Hillsboro i News Stand, s2:i HillfiTinro Street J Railroad opf-r-tion in 1947 u a-, more than twice as sale as *t was *' fii years ago. I'llfi CAROLINIAN Bcokf-r McMillan, Jr. son of Mi. aml Mrs, Boulter Mt-Militn, Si. of Fayetlevilie, N. ( has re turned from the Term. \. and S State College of Nashville. Turn where he attended the American Red Cross National A equal it- School His tup vv.it sponsored i>;> tnc Cumhertand Cftiintv < lutjver n;‘ the American itrd iYo is Hr sitct-r-. tiiily quaii • licit iii the follow ms; Main '..licit in tunction; Sen tot lit? -.a v ini:. Sfandant tii vt iiu.b Ist jeat boatfiiKi Ist yeav canoeing; and Ist yeai rerrea tUi.ial ;. \\ ill: n liiii There were approximately 40 undent' attend tnc rrom me southeastern dkfr.i f. Tlie instruc- 1 tors t.uisg both white ami color ed Booker is a veteran of World Was il a graduate of the f. f. Smith Hiiiii School and at present a Junior a. I ayetteville state Teachers College of l-'a\ i-tli . die, is C PRO I I) ETHIOPIAN IU \ . \\\ i i % ? HH V NTs Sn-.i me ot <. -d « lit)# 2 cViiD:iien. And i-naUt- <n his image as ali othf-r men. Askin'.' no apojogies tor the texture ot my hair And ti one fur the pug my vjf my Akin. i urn op Afirct«n Det-cendanh ur«md KUlt* fjjfiiJ i , ! Look i tot upUf ,me because I'm black; 1 i a • i/o • pps jal favors, oniy eQU3li ly ci i'i^hts. Pm ju*;t human following humani ty's tracks. Thu black pure can I tarnish. fel:wk is honr'-u; • (Lid made me black with it a gen tieman Fr'Oud and sahsned nt rnv Kdu*/* plan don. Fad idac). wuid imo iV% the rnyal race of men ye proud jed blood'd As. uciu df* of nd an to. IVlert. v-« .then. b«>ys : and girls proud at your own. ■ From ..il puartej • of earth cl». hon ut to your birth: As i.i Vour Bart in' ii be proud to i lie bone. Here ve. sons and daiighterr ot Ethiopian strans From tin .s. -t tii :,nufh. k'.m.t and \\ •■ t Proud African descendants rn> iel low men, Mat- oif. Li.siid the rest with the vVvU'id.--; be ,t SEN m. IS ASKED TO AU AGAINST SENATOR JOHNSON ’Washington Charging that , Fenaloi ulin D. Johnston (D., | S. CM, in a speech on the flodr of :he Senate, threatened "to risk plunging the nation and the en tire work! into obliterative pi-.n! and atomic warfare” rather than In permit enact men: of civil right legislation, Walter White, Secretary of the NAACP Thurs day wired Senator Arthur Vnn ienbiiig (R., Mich.) urging the- Senate to censure the South Carolinian. Mr. White cited the speech | made Wednesday. July 28, L:, dtnatoi Johnston in which he raid pressure for enactment of , civil rights bills will bring an end to th<- i.n-partisan foreign policy “The peace of !he world will then probably hav* been jeopard- : zed,” the Senator .said, "and | probably the reeds will have been planted which will eventually de velop and grow into a third: | world war.” Illinois Jaequet Booked For 3 Weeks At Roxy j NEW YORK. The Roxy The- i Mer, leading Broadvvav presenta i non house, has .mn cuneed the , signing of Illinois Jaequet, re- I 1 nowned “Dynamo of the Saxo I 1 phone”, and his high-flyini So: j i >ette lor t three-week engag.*- jment with the annual ''Harvest: j Moon Ball" show headed by j ! columnist Ed Sußlvan, starting September 8 The exeitina Jaco act’s appear-- [sigmas announce i CONTEST WINNERS CHICAGO tANV’i Names of in regional and local i’lmit rs in i Use Phi lie I a Sigma fraternity s j ! national (<• ay contest wrie- an nonnciH; tin-, week Tr-P l.nijc was the life 14 1 ">r t :<>•>. ct- V\ ,r !:P: 'ieu i ~ I , C'ai vet The ;-onto I war- open !o I high school fOnior-- TilC wilibths Were (.'i;.i<mci - William: Hi, southern ; regional v--Inner si2n. Parker hch, i Hinninehanr Laura Sotntna, c-at-t • , t IJI i't-j-1 i>ikj! wnmer. SIOO, Abia .ham' Lincoln hit-h. Brooklyn, and . hilly Jo Johnson, Texas lrgional winner, SIOO, Andeiuou htgi:, ,U tin: Martin Bobbins. Denver, Mar- Morrison 13 Mom it Samt Alary aradt-my NewT.urgh, N. V . •Weil <l. Harris Jr.. IC. Peabody I V. I! iUHURS WIN 1 Vi PAY TOUT NK\V OKI. PAM*-. The tK-itt for equal pay fut tcacher-i • ' ail rat es rn Louisiana eam a to a climax this week when the state , board of educai ion sent down ait , "rder directing' all parishes to .give i a>ial f-ay ;>/ ali teaehei ■ The education boat'd order d;- ; cected the parishes to put into ti. . it’s't the minimum teachers' salary schedule enacted by the state iegiS | latur* This scale ranees up to i'l uio for teachers. This action ended a legal battle led i•. the I.ouisana CvUnr 1 leachti- a• • ociat ior.. the New Or ‘fans i oioivd Teacher:-- a- ■ iotiim ind th<- New Or lean- Federation oi . ‘ !.v: t: ■!- l ii teachei A Ne s io ottnrnt-y. A 1 Tareatid, fought in the i .inns. and the : NAACP had filid several suits m various parishes seeking equalize alton id pays New Orleans was the i cKiiter fil tin-; campaign. rnt- teacher, are still fighting .in : howcVet, for equalization in tacdiht- iui students: of all races., The cob iff d - md- nl needed better! school buildings and supplies ;••• well as m improved curriculum Tureaud recently told the Oi lcan- i ! Pari.- h School board that n.■ citizens wanted new modern build •Os, , not tin.- aafiiiCiOiled sehuOl.-: ~,1 white pupil: sne-e at the Roxv will mark his first start on the stage of a Broadway theater as a band it ader in his own right. As "a fea tured member of the hands o', i net Hampton, Cab Calloway and Count Ba.-.ti-. the mighty mite : <l' t!ii saxophone had played th< lending* Broadway houses with those outfits, his last stand hav ing been at the Roxy with Ha - ;e’s band in 1946. Rehearsals for the CBS Saturday show ‘‘junior Miss” constituted quite 8 problem for the producers due to the constant giggling of kid stars Barbara Whiting and Beverly Wilis. It was solved by having Barbara and Beverly work at dif ferent mikes- back to back. * ♦ * For his work in aiding America’s talented youth, Horace Me&.t on hts recent coast-to-eoast tour received 10 cups, 5 keys to cities. 5 plaques, 1 vase. Donors included New York's Mayor O'Dwyer. Chicago's Mayor Kennedy. . . , « ' Vet Torme. star Hon, he’s a aong-lHkjy' writer and movie 4 u, t star ot note *.\ '< recently starredi .< in MOM'S ..“Good , is'ews. ' Mel Tor me i «i Questions concerning nicknames of states have far outranked, others submitted by listeners for use on. the CBS quiz “Everybody W in*,”, i,,• * * > i Janet Waldo, who is “ Corlh* Archer" on NBC Tuesdays i.a a real, sports enthusiast She skis, piaya tennis, swims, flics her own air plane. and every Monday goes roller ekatfriK with her must floor Holly*' Wood neighbor, Harriet Hilliard, | 1 * * * ! ’'George Petrie, sonietliseAplays as many as a dozen roles on radio shows In a single week. “When he’* set for a killei part,” says his wife, “he comes down to breakfast In a vile mood. The daya 1 like are Tuesdays when he’s portraying BUI Grant, on ‘Call the Police.' it's dif ferent then You see, he’s a a}c& romantic guy on that program.”, * • * Kingfiehs Does you realize, Andy, dat millions o’ people la die country Is got a very slim chance o’ gettln* a place to live unless you is a I v-tetan? Andyt A veteran’s different, huh? • Xlngfith: Teh, to dat, case, yo" : ain't got. to chance at all. $ SWOON'D SECTION high Petersburg!!. Va Pauline i!• T, Villa Maria Academy, j Malveru, Pa ; Claire Hill, 17, Wash mgton, D. C. Nellie ( .u roll, 177, Jacksonville j IT a ; Alma Rebecca Leverette 18 : iStantor. High, Jacksonville Fla.; | Ms-.! ilyn V Tucker. Booker T Washington high, Atlanta; Libert Wat kin; Anderson High, Auetin and Barbara June Laion, .17 . (I. iii ge Wai-hiiib'iiHi hi,-Ti. Indiana puli.' all state winner:, of $25 each; Rlua Hart Pietsch. East high, WILLIAMS | Service Station CAS OIL (113 RAMSIiy STREET PHONE at::, 1 ROSE’S CHICKi N SH.-U K CORNER ( S MRERi.ANO AND MCRITIIMOV ROAD 1105(1 COOKEO toons TOR QUALITY CLEANING FOR SERVICE DIXIE CLEANERS 214 PERSON STREET — —— i WI TT ! VI! I K VII SIC (OMPOY wnti 11 /em rnoxoiiK inis *’».VL KNOW OCR RF.'COROS" f.’n - DIAL 4lOO MYRICK’S | GROCERIES 802 CUMBERLAND HT. ] AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE (;357 SILVER GRILL the place for home. COOKED FOOD” 115 GILLESPIE STREET MOSES MELVIN. Prop. J. A. MAY JEWELER MATCH & CLOCK REPAIRER 111 BLOUNT STREET RESTFUL INN TOURIST HOME 418 GILLESPIE ST. PHONE 3498 MRS. LIZ/IK IMcNKIfc, Prop CAROLINA RESTAURANT WE INVITE YOU TO TRY THE CAROLINA ONE TIME WE SPECIALIZE in chicken, steaks, sar-b que i SERVICE WITH A SMILE THANK YOU FRED HARRINGTON, Prop . ■ • FAYETTEVILLE'S NEWEST . . , HARRY’S MILITARY STORE Opposite Bus Statist! ALSO CARRYING A COMPLETE LIME OF SMART MEN'S WEAR SHOES JEWELRY LUGGAGE FAYETTEVILLE TAXI DIAL 2312 PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE j 115 HILLSBORO STREET PHONE 4698 ! HURRY BACK l ! I - ARTHUR'S SEAFOOD GRILL SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOODS, BAR-B Q, STEAKS We Serve Regular Meals FAYETTEVILLE’S ONLY GRADE A COLORED CAFE | 537 PERSON STREET Phone 4SBO CAPITAL DEPARTMENT STORE 12C HAY STREET "The Home Os Exclusive Fashions” | -— —| V POINT GROCERY 500 MURCHISON ROAD GRADE A MARKET Frozen Foods Garden Freeh Fruits and. Vegetable* DIAL 2536 1 OPEN FOB BUSINESS f | SUNRISE GRILL j ’ Sandwiches - Drinks - Ice Cream - Megetlnea t ALL COLORED PAPERS - GIVE US A TRIAL f 515 MURCHISON ROAD | *arfcin§ Space Hours 7-11 Curb Service "«.«*» vunMiMMraraMW*' ,twawo»i»’miiwcw*w^y»guMwa?»*eswJ»aii*eßuftiwai«a«MW»wyMamgi*^>«Me*3a»v»ig»^«^ V-POINT SNACK SHOP j V-Point At Murchison Bead .I | CAS ~~ OIL | | j Cold Drinks » Ice Cream - Sandwiches - Cigars Cigarettes 11 BUTTERED HAMBURGERS 1 | PAGE THREE Fayetteville Your business Men Brought \ou This I sl age. !| Patronize Them tsiimt Ruth Gdbt-r, Anderson high, Denver, and Arthur Durst, Jr.. aifJ Austin, honorable mention. t Horace V Johnson, It, Hie frT temity’s national director of edu cation, -aid that he thanked all Hie u-ocheu and judges for their cocip t:l S-t/OU, -i.- WILLIAM’S LUNCHEONETTE 50(1 HiU.SBOfiO ST, ■SOFT DRINKS - SANDWICHES ! MACK’S ; BARBER (.HOP m GILLESPIE ST. ’WHERE THE PROMISE IS PERFORMED” j NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Baltimore Lunch IO WINSLOW ST. | Open i ami 6 A. M. to !;* P. M- S Breakfast Lunch Dinner JOHN KOUTSOS, Prop. j WINSLOW BARBER SHOP 116 WINSLOW ST. W> Appreciate Your Patronage Bozo Pierce For Shoe xliiiie C. Hodges, c Stewart, L. Ewing SEE ~ H. L. DAWSON AND SON TOR BOLDING CEMENT WORK Dial 6477 PHOTO CENTER 481 Hay St. PHONE 3777 48 HOUR SERVICE ON PHOTO FINISHING COMPLETE LINE OF Cameras AND Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur OH THE Professional.

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