PAGE EIGHT r;% bishop i MEDFORD 11 |pg|| Says: J- According t-> Ihf W;> ••.•'. *n .P--at. the National Theatre in ; Washington. D C m down th? curtain on it.> final .-di :>’••. t t;> ■ kind Saturday n r!, July 31. HUB after 112 .cars of operation j For more than > yt u a fight was mad; to get the theatn to cca- ; : it? Jim Crow F*>-lit" and < pen it docir- to all '.acc ; without du; j criminafi n. A Mr. II itnan it pouted to ho .■ vv* .ddiv *••*• 'wi op rat or of a chain ■ ' Pinvtio-.i-i >. .-deadfa. tlv rofuacd to li‘! tin- lnee , I. t >n. Fm.illy th*. Actors Equity A- octal nun wl l ich « ■ »nt. r all o* ; nearly ill th- nrli.ii's rs the country >.• it-d 1 \ :* . member.! von! 1 rot appear on the National' stage <f Mcg> -.e ; w-re bar; ed titan the , pci f-rmancm Mr. HrinMn dor,cl pat f-• vgt "gatH'n. tht At or hiv. 1 tv Asnociation tend just - • pat •! ’it and > ihc The utro eh'-el ■ with la..' Sit : das' ni-hl'.-. perfernmnee Th- N-gn* »v i ■ «:»• Art " - : Equity Asosciation . great debt of atitndr. On Coneetir-ip Avenue N. W. in Washington. D. C. downtown t rear the elite Dupont Circle, an Inter racial Mm ing Picture hems- ; opened. When w Pit tub ! ; ua! ■. e-f . ar. ■ .•'■••'•i* one- tift i c; those tht we - f-i- ■; .(■.. The-. u< re received a' •' st ated ;n the beautiful buildim it bout am s-u hiatti -f a'g, r -i: J.ion An- h ■ p. venture is viotje-ab’- and . tgmfu -nt, <. 'ir-cially 1 “tntng ady a few month;': bet ■ the Nat, -nal 'lh-atir here v. a • I '/t.- d t - : because of its ban to N-pmes. Even avvav down in Loui - iana the Prc ~ re;> ■rt h - it th it j Federal Dinict Judge Hei <*• t Christenb- •ry 1m • 1 ’ ' T Negt a j sr.d whit- teacher j must have equal pay for equal prepura* '-on ana i equal .wort, So *} a.<t phwe at a’£Yegui ton n J 1 n .'a the deep South Tha d"t t«mn was handed dov nin answer to > suit hi i .light •neM: • haa. M a'•u c. -a J- '' ; Parish m tlb' -■ We a>'e a Iml f-vful that there were t - m.* ! H g " r - : - miwng. | the Wallaceib- :«< tip set-up of t ; -e n.v !"• • P"!- -eaded Vv ' ?.li Hem v Wallace 'N. g' :. -h-uld I r in all He p-dist-a parti l '.. . that fire extant in No, c'-untiy out h-uid not go <v- . ■’> undue num be into any new. and nntucd movement Mr Wallace > an out j spoken champion of human rigid a is P.os-hm T b.i. Negroes sh uld net rush in to the extent Mi. Wallace : mny omenv j vi)l be looked ur -n as "a Negro Party". It 'M 'ae.ily c "n- ■> win , that way. New - J- old r »be ' guild c •'• >ng an '• > The • -in-' tiouai Council of the A M. 1 ’ n, 1 >■ r 1 ■ 1 ’■< "• j the Bishop.,. General Ofl.ccr- and C-nne.-t10n.,; B ',r T of the He nomination meeting m Newbu' gh, v . Jub' -to o't, si m * | message Truman, conimending Isim to- hi-, •'ccen* cm i nt.v e..• | banning segtegati ,n in tii- Unite States -\rmy and m the Pnili t i States Gove; mciii i.! :m d . u V.'. 'or, Dr. J Bi-bbitigf'.n Johnson. ' me: P - •• m w !••-<< r T 'h'i' ; Asu-WHC I) Ji -I. h.i e< n - I'' 1 " : f-.'-ig: | M muons of the A M E. 7a «' ■e- : va Mi -sionarv in N.geria. We t Africa Dr. J u-.on • —m* ' S-' " : lr-on. Wes Africa and ha a E- ' : •: ' iap ■ ' OxP-t i I niverwty The Rev. Mr. Johnson vritb Mr .. .1 be, -n who ■ an arc mplis in teechci jrtd mi, i,- -o w' ii * •.. i -uld-m n emi. -ii t-s (.a ; , w d af' S Oi b.h Hi i !>- f >ut ; t! ?B' Top'-- Dcpulv and (b nl M.,,, • ol A- ■'i'-' Dr. J -hn .on j has a wealth.y and otherwise p'mum brother who resides in Ni j geria. His contra - i to: 1b- tom • . .• NAACP Mobilizes In Fight For Civil Rights NEW YORK Full tvtobib ra tion of the iT-’i-urre of '"an A C P bm: b. 'hrihl-hcui <ic nation w urged tit. •' > I-'- Waiter Whit \Sc ■ -v, i i rii , ■ tor emietr’fn! -1 ’ vi! nglu leg; - Ist ion during the sp r ■ ;al .-esHor. >f Congres? This session. Mr White pointed out in a merrmrandiun t- all the branches, '"offers u- what is prob ably Ihe t.vM onpot tmiltin ti e history of til" A 'i- virii, I . 'i legislation sot which th- . AA(T lias fought for nearly four decades Bth pm ti ri fro iron f ii t '-y thei; pt.'pi" :o support FFI r, antl-lyn inw: .-lti poll tv. bill All t; 1.1 these neesure:> can and v.a:! or passed if th- - parties are sincere” y meet MATCHED, latest Creations Easily w •*—• — -~. -.. A. Altaihet* Humor Hair—All Shoe** ,J SEND NO MONET. Just sens! som*t j t a pU «* you? hoir or *»ote th» coUr* 1 1 ™* *SII« KA« RACB SOY PAY POSTMAN FUll I IS 1J inches WIDE, IT EVENS AMOUNT ON OEUVERY AW? I THE ROUGH EDGES OF YOUR ' IwmMtmou i I STYLE CHART SHOWING TO If £ I WAYS TO WEAR YOUR JESSIE § T ’ j./ ' tMjffg 1 I CURLS CAN BE WORN ON THE I i R TOP, SACK OR SIDE' OF YOUR § \ &5 c a u l // odue f 3 > 5©7 Fifth Mm 985 (M#L %) 1? v IS, Y. S 1 £BNb NO MONTY! iATISfACriOH*’CUA'E AHTHbI wm-nT-iirtiißiiirpiNiwiwiHniiiiiiiirißiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiil^WWllllißlTliiWlP'l'i'liilMPiliMllillllWlli, Thu vow for cloture will afford •ne foal t« ' " e -t nued. There ii. ,j pub! (. m and I'd northern i>• i: erratic Senator If all of them sole f ir elotuve. any and si! filli ■ ! can be stopped In short or in. Mr White pointed out. The in line 1 sc wet o asked to fit iii->1 ify their : enatot that they are exported tn vote for cloture. <2> or; ar,iz- dolcbntmns to call upon local -nd '- ; ai" party bosses to en list heir sup! Tt in requesting sen ator.-. to vot' f"i cloture. <M> cn opey ,tc with labor, church, civic and o'hei ”:;nni/ation' of both nice-, in «!ininlalin.g citizens and group’ to eoiuniumc;.!'. • ith their eii ’t-r- nini'-s'ing a favorable vatr f!> cl -• •. ;id i -li publicize through local newspapers and rad - SECOND SECTION SAVE THIS COUPON ; ' Special Oiler j FOR YOU WHO SEEK ! FINANCIAL HELP sf ■ /* ‘| w F*** *♦**♦'* *J n "How to Keep Your Money and Attract Good Luck ’ -This Book rfv-.J* the «»cift nf hold* i„ s i, -.iiov ami a'eacti;iß eoml luck i« j. ; i -f i by -he aiicirn*. mom j Special Pnce SI.OO ‘‘7 Curti for a Lean Pur^e" A formula to start you on th<* upward road t-> financial -itn:* \ prartical guide to security and independence. Special Price SI.OO rut OUT THIS COUPON CARSFUI.LY —CHECK THS ITEMS WANTED TIN money order to coupon and mail TO ABBE’ WALLACE. Your Nawt Adiren —» City ..... S titr Vcvr BbthitU A**ryunt Enclosed * ABBE’ WALLACE In r«'s es III) ( AHOUMAS A.G ! ! :,ve mode lots of : friends hue il>; * iinvc cbilciren ;, -I ti:i in h i me keep then ••hiJriren whil- t c> work I enjoy ■ kind of v iv< nnd >ni thinken. 1 .- I'pcninr. : nur cry ?cl<obl. Do you • dviso n" to s< 1 a iaige house- foi | th:, purpose? An- Inquire ab'".il :i license if o*i expect ! o moke this work i -ir pp-fc -ion. Ti etc aie certain ] standards that, have vo be met m ; j hi work and you w.snt to abide , ’ti'ictly by rul'.s and regulations j You will find it mod inter-?'-ting It ■ will hr rieec: ary for you to g-t i nr:'- - i -hie p-rc-p■ i• • help wo !as the responsibility will b; too I much foi von -c-’ie Vw: could ! (art- light where you ore. P.B 1 r„iv.-’ a problem Pleas -1-11 me wli-'i! *• * d'> i tin married o a man th it works during the j iiv and to on tiiai works during i h.e nig t I have a six mcnihs old j hi’d, h-iOngiog to one of them. ! | think. ! diouid iu=t live wiih on 7 ’ j man I love them both. Which one I-houid I give up? -Ans: You cannot hie legally rnar i fieri to both men. This is a com plicated -iff • r and actually you i need to (:tk< voi-i problem up with j a lav. yet It stands to reason that j you are not ling to be able to I keep this set-up for long. It i : bound to come to the surface i eventually and you should g-t the ; matter straightened out as soon as iblr- It will ease your con science. * * * DV\ I am a man that makes good money and 1 ha* r handled a lot of money in rhy day But it ' s.vins bke 1 put rny money in tb : wind and j! goes ,s it do ,n't do me any good. 1 ana alw i.vs short Whit's my trouble and do you think yc-ur book would help me; An.-: A'our main trouble is that you are aI v. ays playing th- part II of a good fellow and foot the bill *! I - 1 , ofte n for your friends It woi.rid ; pay to Du ich It" a little more of • ten. Yes, i dn think the i, -k 7 i Cures for A I can Puree would j t elp you Send a dollar and get a copy. ♦ tk * WPB I have bc*«*n going viih 1 a young man for about a year and j i half and I love him. very much, i Me says that he loves me and has j been talking about netting mar , • mied (hi ?summer But nov. he is I cling vi ry funny I am thinking jof quitting but when 1 try to quit ihe begs me not to and says he loves me Ans Hi-, recent ii,'!iff.-rrnce I j hie to In not being financially i ’hip to co ah-ad villi plan- for . niiiniagi' He <,oc f•,r yoo v.ry ; deeply give him y little more j imp to get tbs affairs in shape j and to -vr enough moriev on I which h start your marriage. j R DA. p!< i: - giv- me a r"-' . i.l y to my protilcm in your eol mn. Why are try friend- so en vious' of ro- or am I mi-takeu" Alts !( isn't im,",' your frier's , to not until'." •' and sou very ’.""II •d then, t-a . thei'i i.- a little •n-iOi: ••xisfing betwn n you It 'I! y rid to you happiness, rroa!-.' to be more friendly with pc? n 1 • l : try to break dowm yout nal- Tiil reserve to some extent. Poo : ■ i vii: almi re you more •■nci et'k -i i comncitiy rn >re frequentiy ITHKM SEEK ! y ontinurd from page 1. 'hei See. j niH City, were hoard by .md.'e I ' ' Jin TThtshfiw in the District j Conn of dev-: land Count..’ here j *i: July 2*t Judge Hinahaw. who ii-0 heard the ctisc- of Ada Sipurl ' Fisher ItuJ spring, reserved deoi non Mi - Fisn -r lu-ri sued for ad ' mission to the university’s law choc,! The court may consider the ‘hree cases- together with that of ; Mrs Fisher. !to stations the, activity of thr ' branchis in the drive for enact ' tnejit of civil rights legishttum. ContWnmi _ >' WE'VE HADA SPLT_HDID^|' r -BUI CCRTAiNLV. * / EVE NIHS-, FOLKS ,UF WE MAv” SENQRS / MAY I SU&&EST -I '% jar*** I tfil { WE’D LIKE TO RETIRE NOW/ \THAT YOU SEE A BIT OF y 1 I k**™”**™* \ YOU SET, I WANT TO RE.6UME 1 OUR SURROUNDINGS A f Si SI. UNCLE' YOU MAY THAT WOULD COUNT ME IN, ImM PLEASE ME MUCH /) SENORiTA/ I’M MAY iDO THAT, -A SURE JIM A&REES/ \ SENORS f gOOPNI&HT' j YOU CAN. SAY ANWHILS- ’ ]|S|P^ r NO/LET If THAT STUPID Ok, iL HAND WITH 'M. f HECTOR., FAILED TO •, CARE. / DRUS" THEIR SO UP/ HE IS &ROWI NO CARELESS M #! kAND 1 HAVE A MIND TO Wi Ti" mßm/ ( II k t ’JiMt' fSF-jsm «SgL 1 j 1 , ! % mjfo oil im iin fTY*"’/ / _ ._^ fc w»sje*siaßLaaß3ra® p LITTLE MAGNOLIA : ——«— —™ :r —-——rrsv ——— * ~~~T7Z I3T ~~ U... —.. GEE. I JUSt hod a viAfDßow M happened White Sees Abolition Os Segregation In Army NFV7 YOBK While noting the failure of President Tuttnati lo call : tor immediate i-. >ttiiit< : of ACsrpjED i ion in i’n'' armt'd fort'-s in ins o ek-> of .Inly 26. IV a I‘or White, N AACP '-(’Cl’f i.'irv, exp crat'd Mi 0 ■hope it;af t'iip P'r” irlen! won ’ wove for'. 1 , ird tow ;d- abolition of •' military .fun (..'row through Inc cnmmitW ;rt no hv the order “President Trumnn." Mr. Wh-"' i >td. '*<■ iiv, a)'*' of ilio f,•,:.•(. a- i. : every o'.hr,' inlc-lligenl Amorioroj. ■ i ti,- r eon lie no •.• if■ m!it •, v/im m -I y%cV:V~' ■* ■ I pnth’i n. VVf* . ! - ’ ; confident. irl <r> fore, hit Ire will ; :;'t) every! hin.s ir hi.; pove; to-. ,ih;;l ish .1.0 I ui a!' n ! crl or. rare nr treed, bin also srg j ;on in the armed -erviee.- 1 “I pe I -til o'." ;.re, on Vine 'I i • , axpt riert'e ns o v. or eorr, sponb- i | eiit in both ire Europe'!, i ..nri Pac ific li.t i'lci of w:m . that this can !bo done more easily anti :nvifi>> i than many of the I rr :■ hat* in the Army Depart nr ni believe. “With re pc i lo lh<* two •ii :y order:- the on. tin" ir:r,- • iei s rvices and the other cftnblieh- i mg (he machine > wild .. ch <• i e "ad.icaE ■ discrimination and mo;re- I ! cation in other government depart orients. we are ctelighled one President ha- had courage 1 1 10 tackle these 2 hii-'ic mil- T. v orders v'ilj help r. to. , fanli in inc i democrat ;c j.roi'c:', at home' arit • rebuild American abroad.' li Pays To Advortisr'! ; 1 * ,f d 1 n *':? i* " r • I THE CATJOLTNTAN Irtish (Yon/p (..lainis Commies Indie Race Tensions Jn Y a lion wash?':' ;ton and - Tv \:!!:• ic.n Jewish Lingnc Against C: vnim .mij n last week through Its executive director, Knubt Bcn ininin Schultz, sent Mwi I : ID-cridcnt Truman asking him n nvesligotc Communist inspner: ‘Venal tension” in the United Spates, The league . a : i that the Com munist;-: were* fostering racial hai • ocl and conflict hv "subtle incit<. ; on, propaganda and occasional• i]v violence.” Aecordims in th league loti = •he rad anti racial drive was led V, Henry Win Man, secretm > of 1 th National Negro commission of Communist party: A- -xandei thitiemau. genera! .secretary ; f : the Jewish com miss ion, and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, eha’-- man of the women’s conun iiucun. The Vacuo asked th > President to form a commission to haves ligate their charges against the i American Communis? parte. SAY YOI SAI IT l\ THE CAROM WA!\ I THANK YOn K V/'"' 1 ~ »ii \W |f| IU HAVE. LOTS OT STUFF FOR W NEW W OKAT iOTP? \ Since we suspect! ''TO THEM OF SEiNG- % ■. .-mmi-W w agents o c the u-s- I \ GOVERNMENT LET US I \ G-iVE THEM A FEW -Q DAYS OF GUARDED l IT m FREEDOM .MF THEY E ARE SPYING UPON SMU - 7% US THEY WILL NOT W, A ' RETURN TO MAKE j f WEAR ODs? I SUDDENLY' saw a Buy rr yurne.o j A STICK/ w ~w '• jy i&til ' ! 4 \jlt SECOND SECTION —fy+jp, S YAR iT whAT W =4 got volTso Fee TP=\gy CITED ? HERE AND THERE ‘flComrnissioa oh Education •• NNTYL 1 N.-tl’'*n! N• • x. • * * ‘ . risa league! is in a position to bring about closer cooper at. ton be ; le ten Negro business and the field --f education, provided NNB.B : • |a r '■' -■Ugh to le! it i (IN. C'c mrnib:-’ of be • kiir-w:’. his busin.-:s.' And by the bye. NN'BL, why do you ?t!.l! stick to ’‘Negro • • '•••ur tide? O no - V< integration inten?st you? When the nev.-iy organized National Business Edurat'-’in league , ;, • up j n All art; • City July 24) r hosi Dr. i en. -C. Hypps of Wash ington as Ha organizing president, the new group rang 1 h- bed ; • f l in brilliant lady from the (VrctoV-, public school system is realty , tops in her field :FVt‘ she an honored member of practically j 1 every business education >cir-ty in America.) Atlantic City rigidly prevents picnics on the beach, but w, lives' rub for Net;':’,h-s n-ity wishes to bi ‘ kind to its cuHud !oiks’). Real ; reus r,: city would rattier clean up trash and garbage behind No- j jo -. >Negroes r! > the chore anyway) than have them oat in th.- . Ve,rdw alk rales (which they can do under the- New Jerroy laws.» ; .Funny, oh? < hi Howii' d's keynote address at the progicss ve Party con- , vrniion hi Philadelphia will long be remembered for what was said I : i,,-i hew it was . aid. The popular Shrinev and Elk biggie was at f. - orator-eel best when he unlim-bered. in Convention hall. Veitcans’ organizations arc going to keep an eagle eye on any: forthcoming legislation in the extra session of congress which dea'a with musing. V<d. everywhere are burned to a crisp over them j difficulties in getting a home. Question fm the week: What woman will get the job on the -as! of the Democratic National committee? (Come, come, Denis, v no you got in nind?) And th<- ape-v-ne say.-- that Bertha Diggs ,vill hr- the sepia fa s.iity on the D- v. - political train. Could be- she - line ex«- ' ! cutive, and very popular. Moss Keiuhix is back with NEA (National Education Associa j • i,,ni ( and :dl of hit friends are happy. (Still cvui’t see why one .■? ! cur organizations; don’t use him. Silly, isn’t it?) i Joined thy MA ACP yet? If not, why? WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1948 rWE LL. SPARKY DID^FNO. SIR' BOV. f; YOU EVER E.NTk:CT * THESE FOLKS DO SUCH BEAR DOWN ON THE j -—— -—— -—— -"-i ' BUT 'T»4S #/ I PICKHO UP TO HIT 1 Ilf rr Yv'iTA TußbiHO I m OUT TO BE A M f\ ■SNAKE ! I’IANSV I.VAMX VVI.I K vi\ .-mi ■ Week” will be ob i-i(': ’his year ocianr-iop Sunday, i Septet Ob". 28 The purpose of the : i-k is celebrate P'nnsyivani**? • ndns'i'ini pi : ;ts . throughout the CoiTiirieowealth Over out* hundred . iii iza?ion-- arc working ah imirm'i' t .-ir-k., this annua; •i-.i•:: e-e's jn its third year the : i j ncN'-i vet he id "lie Dn-reloi .-f i • IP4H affair is Seer tnr> of Con nieree Orus J y;,t;i Ye-. , V Huber. .Tr? , ...loti i -, t and p-ilißral figure is ■ ad.ii - the tVumeii’.- Advisory Commr ieo. ’’ C'" CONFIOINTIM. UM.Y SY MAft. Readers of this column may secure a "private reply”—toy sending so one of the following: 2 Al)bc' W»U»t. will! fn» i*H*r -If* j_ Ab6*'j Uvtng Crttsns with ftoe »d*ie* l*M»r I§« n ASSt WAU.ACE GUlOt b 12-MOMYN 9 aSTROLOCiOa tORJCAST %\ (detailed eo-nfidentiol araUytrit o; v«wr (W«.») Give name, address ar.d birth date Explain problem fully and include stamped. self-addressed envelope for a logical analysis of your ease. I Write to: ’ The ASBf. WAtUCS S*nri*.« f 0 Sb* 11, AHsnf* 1, Ceorgit tf**f. t* * * •«• 14 ** > m «1 m tuf H Wf 9 * 4 ft

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