PAGE TWO Secretary of AaiiculUire Bran non ho.- ■•..'ain urged f;;niirv; to ncraa?e the nation’s future meat • ripply by hold.-c hack rather' tho'ri selling, online!! bred suv-s and il-ts now on ban 1 in itinuvu-e (he all pig ci \i by ii L . ; 10 pet cent. wrier, or sale of land Under rad try virtue of the au- . ih.o.rity e -nfc-nt'd in the under s.’•■nod by a Judnnent of rhe Su perior Court of Wake County in i hat Special Proceeding therein pending, entitled, “M. D- Hay wood. A-Imini'-lrator of the Eslati of Lelia .1 Jls.vuood, deceased vs. J. F.! Maywood mid wife. Lucy Havwood: E. Hawkins, widow; C Q ' am! wife. Gertrude Hny ."(od: K i, Haywood, widower;! "Hjinie C. Williams. divorcee; D. H. . .'faywood and wife, Eunice Hay- ’ • mo. l.ovie J. Haywood, widow: Milton Haywood and win, Althea Haywood; A L Haywood and wife. Agues Haywood. Wilbur Haywood; Dominic L. Haywood and wife, Hosa L. Haywood: Alberta Hay \ immai i-ii'd Virginia Id. Hay v, nod. unmarried; Charlotta Hay-' r nod. unmarried: Annie Bunvell! and husband, OUie Wortham Bur-' ’.veil and 7. inn B Haywood, ‘he . mm being No. 7898 on the Special i roeeeding Docket of Wake (..’nun-! I will at the hour of 12 o'clock ■•'non, on Thursday, the 26th day of i August. 1948. offer for sale and sell to the highest, bidder foi cash at W.ike County Courthouse door • in Raleigh. North Carolina, the i fellbwitlg described land: BEING one lot No. 44 of the fi'irnk' Alien property itt the Town in Garnet. N C as shown by map ' corded In the Register of Deeds Office. Wake County. N. C., in. Poo;: of Maps 188a. Page 127. Raid :ie lor"fronts Rand Street and !> 31 by 130 feet. This 20th day of July 1948. M D. HAYWOOD. •’ Commissioner Aug. 7, 14. 21. 28. TV THl'i SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE JOAN El IZABETH MYERS VS. ADAM MYERS THE DEFENDANT. Adam Mver-. will take notice that an action en titled a? above !.a- been cwnme.-t - • d in the Superior Court of Wake County, to obtain an d solute di vorce on the ground- of two years separation, as p. \ nice, in lutes of North < .i; ■ C ■ a. plaintiff and defendant having lived tepmate and apart for more (ran two years next preceedlng ine institution ci this action, and that said defend er.; v.iil fm ther t ik* notice that site is requited to appear at the of fice of lie Clerk of tne Superior Court of Wake County. North C.o e fJn.a. . the Courthou - . Raleigh, North Cardin::, on (he Ifilh day of Augu-t. 1948. or vat inn twenty c.-.-.v thereafter and answer or demit: f.o the complain) of said action, or the plaintiff will r>ppH> to the Court fm the relict demanded i , >.:.H com plaint. This 13th day o' July J 948 SARA ALI.EN. A.-.-.i.-tant Clerk of Supe: ;or Court July 17. 24. 31-Auv,us; 7. EXECUTRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY | HAVING qualified as Executrix I es ti e Estate Os Batiks T. Holt dr- I cd. late nt Wr.k: County. Norm 1,., f iuolbia. this is to ;;otify all pc.- sons having claim:-, against the Estate of said dceea-ed to exhibi. them to the undersigned a' 1012 i . : h.lur’.i Raleigh, North Carolina, or, ~t before the 16th day of June. 31U9. c\ this notice will be pleiKkd m bar of their recoveiy. All per •! .- indebted to Ure Esi.ale will niease make immediate pay ment. Thts 16th day of June. 1948. HATTIE HOLT. Executrix F. J. CARNAGE. Attorney June 26-July 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICES Having qualified as executrix of Mane Melver, deceased, of Wake County. North Carolina, this is to notify nlf persons hav ing claims againstt he estate of the -aid deceased to exhibit them I cut,or befit;<• June 1, 1949 or this notice will he placed in bar >f their recovery. AU persons in dented to the said estate please make immediate paymnt. This the Bth dnv of June. 194:1. t Lucy Pearce Eaton, K v ’Executrix of Marie Mdver. ; ' deceased I P.iigKs and West. Attorneys I ADMINISTRATION’ NOTICE I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA j [ wake county I THE STATE OF" NORTH CARO-jj | LINA To all to whom the*.'' presents 1 I shlftt come - - GREETING. It being' I Satisfactorily Proven To The tin-1 d'-rsigned. Clerk of the Superini i Cctort for Wake County, that Nan-1 rue Dunston Sanders, late of said I county, is dead, having made a lasi 1 wip and Testament, which has been . admitted to probate «.> true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and Tula "Dunston Pero and Executrix • I named therein, having qualified as I such according to law. | Now, These are therefore 10 em- I power the said Executrix to enter | in and upon all and singular the; @ goods and chaUles. the rights ana : Jt: credits of the said deceased, and | the same io lake into possession l g wheresoever to be found, and all | just debts of the said deceased io I pay and satisfy, and the residue of I estate to distribute according; I to "the direction of said Will. I Witness my hand and the seal of | paid Court, this 3rd day of June I lr>4B | W. G. MOROECAT, Clerk of I | the Superior Court. I ‘ Jwttfc 12, IS, 28-July 3, 10, «. BIRTHS Birth certificates for habits born to the following couples wove registered in the oflices of the [ Wake County Health Department: (luting the past werk; Jaine.i Clacks and Mrs. Mary ; Williams Clacks. 1016 Austin St root, a on who was not named, July 2.1. Clarence Battle and Mrs. Ann Debroux Battle. 1308 Hill Street, a baby daughter, 1 Juremere a Ann, July 24. James T Taylor and Mrs Elliot a : Cozarl Taylor, 15 Railroad Street, a daughter. Bell’ Jolly. July 25 Gforgo McDonald and Mrs. Car ri r Dover McDonald, 812 Cotton Place, .. son George Jr. July t! at St Agnes Hospital. Mcrian Joyner, and Mis Hat tie Smith Joy net. 299 Hoke Sti'iu. a ,-m|), Lee. July 9. at St. Amu's Hospital. Warren Harding Arrington anti M-s. Louise Barbee Arrington Cary, a son, Warren Harding, Ji July 10 at St. Agnes Hospital. Jessie Harris and Mis Emily Green Harris. 20 Dodd Street, a girl Evelyn. July 10 at St Agnes Hospital Vnlton Baker ami Mrs Rosa Lv; cite Baker. 1310 Sbuli; Ka• t .Street, a son, Bennie Earl. July 10. at Ayne-'- Hospital. Blanzio Williams and Mi.-. Isa Huggins Williams. Raleigh, Route 5. a son Ronald Dwight. July 10, at St Agnes Hospital Hi my Bradley and Alts Jessie Sandds Bradley. 208 North Mil Street. Smilhfield, a baby gin, Charlotte Elaine. July il at St. Agnes Ho-piial. Hubert Harris Jr., and Mis. Lucy Ashe liana 313 Oberltn Road, a df.nghb r, Paulette Eliza beth. July !2 at St Agues Ho.-piU . Ed was d Walker and Mrs. Martha Jones Walker, 320 South Blood worth Street, a girl. Fdi h Carol. Jolv 13 at St Agnes Ho-pUa: ■Joseph Edward Poole and Mr. Ruhv Smith Poole, 412 Ob- Hut React a .--on Joseph Edward. Jr July 13 at St. Agnes Hospital. Glennie Clack and AT-. Supora : Weldon Clack. 420 \t rd.-on Streei, a son. Glen: f Ji . July 13 at Si \;mc- Hospl'al. Th‘- Rov Jfin'ii A l'o;b >. , i.a- Mis Mabie Clcn>mon• Forbes. 915 Sou‘h Blood voiTh Sim-' a .-on Roland 0., July !4 t St. Aw- Hospital. Aitgtmts Good-on Jr. and "J - Dorothy Peebli- Goodsou. W etideli Roil, i a son. Augustus. HI. July 15 at St Agnes iT splint. WaTo;: Evans and Mrs. Ruby ' Weigh' Evan- 12 E ifuyti Alloy. a daughter. Glenda. July 18. St A..:ues Hospital. Henry Mil’on Hooke- jo.d Mr ■ Mar- Minter Hooke. 413 Wes; ! Can non Street .; sort H nry Mil-' lon Jr.. July ill fc! St A ant-s H-.- pit at. Clyde Brdvii Walton ?n: M >. ea'he. .letter- Waiton Cu• •>. . Charic’- Edward, July 18 at St. Agnes Hospital !v njanvm Brook- and Mr.-. Be s- Bi’.i- Brook.- 10a We-i Johnson " > ’ a -on. 1 >■ Eugene. July 18 at St An.: - Hospital .lame,- Robe: t Goode ind Mrs Evelyn Wood Good YoungsviiL’. Route t. a girl Ger.evn M< rcm.e, July 18. St Agnse Hospital Pcrdie MeC uilt-rs and Mrs ■ Slums. W I U I arr 1 - Vi cC u 1 lors 708 ; Briggs A lie y. son. Joseph. July 19 Si Agnes Ho.-pital. Cha-les Be yers anti Mrs Bert I a Covtnpson Rogers. Route i, ('ary. a bo’. Daniil Bruce- July 20 at St. 4 hues Hospital Willie Good flail and Mb Vir Ashworth Mali. It Chatham Terrace. gi.-l. Cathy V’ernelie Ju.v ;?!!. at Si. Aynes Hospital Rob > ■ Mi Ni 'l and Mrs Dezm a ! Cogyins McNeil 3.80 Cannon Street 1 baby girl. Dorothy Lenin. July 2(1 at St Agnes Hospital Samuel Spencer and Mi- Km;t ’ Rogers Sprnct-r. 14 Herk Lotte.. -on. Samuel Jr.. July 2! at St Ut.MiMSTRATKIX NOTICE ! NORTH CAROLINA WAKF. COUNTY HAVING QUAI.IFIED as Admin istratrix of the Estate of Mrs. ''jug gle Hail, ieeenttfd late of V.’ .k : County. North Circlin'., this is to , notify all riLison- having ci aim. •gainst (he Estate of m. id d'-ceas vd to exhibit them to the umier ■ stsned at Route j. Box 49. Wendell. North Carolina, on or in fore the 1 nth day of July, 1849 or ihi- no.ode will be pleaded in r>ar nt their re* -..very. All persons indebted to trie I Estate will pl. a'-e make immediate myiTK-nt. This 13th day of July. i94H MRS ANNIE B BULLOCK, Adnutii.-'U'atnx Lily 17. 24. 33-August 7 1* 21. tß*aeu\*n*K+rfv*iH*rr*j)nasft*c *tw«wim» vw. pmkhuj-ex t, MM«K> , m • i . jiwppE: « if f§f||Nic©damu* *«i d: ilßabbl, w know thou ! MRSS&,jffrPjSBB llliart * toucher from ! fllGod. Jo*u» answered; ; wl Except one b® bom i ■ .* ||| again, he cannot see j M * sEPthe klnydem of God* ; t|lmsPpojH FI THE BftW 24-HOUR SERVICE W EAST CABARRUS ST. C A. HAYWOOD. Owner Agues Ho-pdal J;.: 1. Ha.vw- o i Ragland and M • 'Lillie Han" ley Rutland. 105 1-2 j ■Fisher Sheet a dau.'.'.lKvr. ftoiinie. j July 2! nt St A>;ncs Hospital. Raymond Rrov n and M - M ay , .tiilui-, Hrove. 4!0 Wai.-i/n Sir. et .. ; r ind, Doi o by Mai a/. July 22 at St., ; Agne.-. He.-jiiial J.lines Adams Gilchrisi and Mi-., Ben Alice Gilehti-t. 332 We.-l Cm-; nun Si reel a i"irl. Caiolyn Y Comte. | July 23 at S'J. Agile.- Ho’iulai. Natbamei Watson and Mrs. Min-; me Bluntly Watson. :>m> Mon (ague ! lane. 1 daily,liter. Carolyn Amu . July 24 at SI. Agues Hospital p; n-y Bvan> and M. Ruth Poole ; H vat is Cary. Rome 1 0,. Ridt lai d W« y l.’.n.i. .Tidy 25 at S! Acme.- . Hospital. Charlii Raymond and Mi R»-a • 1 . ie, \V - id. W ike F> ; Route !. a -o; C tlvin Karl. Jttlv 28. Owen Fowler and Mr Edith' Cheatham L- wH i. Wat ■ L 'rest Rout-. 2. a baby I .Alary Eliza beth July 5 J, me.- Harold Karr:. ~nd ,vl: Kathleen Ptiye Hart -. W: ko For ' est. Route 2. a -mi. Harvey Lie, July fi. Waller Hart.-held and A'L . No Vella Jeffreys llurtfiiitld. Wal'. 'Forest Route- 2. datigther Annie La.. July 11. Cedt ie IJ* siu ami Mr- Bessie Hick:- Hester. Apex Route 1. a .-on who was not named. July 17. Philip Seim,; Go nett and Mrs. Sara Gilmst Gam 11 Euqoay Sprints, a so. Philip Edward July 14. NEGRO WOMEN IN THE OLYMPICS m WH S JAM O SHIKI.US 1 ON DON l ANP ■ Nine Negro; irm-k v'oi’K-n cm .1 truck team ! <-e tnpos-.'d of 12 ;n all show- some kind saperio; ity tut not bene.’, a traine.'. antlnopolor.i.- . ! am m l u. a 1,. •oe to is ue any cienti* lie Mat inenis Bin 1 do I here iiaxt I .*r-n a !ol of flushed iavr- when -hr ’ Englisii anci Antcri: n nhoto.'tapb er- have aslud to i.ake pictux-s a) 'hr- Mai" womt-tt tr .ck performers Our ; mv e-rls a e Aliev Coach ■ n .nt of Alban; S(a ■ College, in; the nil: jmi.pi Mabie Wa Ike 1 m (be 100 men*!- dash. Noli .lavkson in ibe 200 meters :nd Theresa M: ; i:d in the R-'J met: r lim’d!:- fi out Tusk*?K*’v Institute: Fnima Ree:, the bt’nad jump and hi,in ii.rop ai d Audrey Paiter-ur. in the tOO and 20) nreu i e.-,s'n tj-eu "1 u nt-s-se S’L; SI tan Young in the 1 10f‘ meter dash from Chic,urn: M..t F:i;'.y- m the fOk,: ntiieis fi'unt the , Police !ea-ue in New Vorlr; r i.d Bernice Robinson front W-isit. ni ton Park olaygronrid m Chicago. 1 The eiris arc hearing down in 1 thfur ys orkouts bee.v.i they tvalize they ate g ing to huv: M c rn pefidoti from .he Jatr u: m and 1 won .u wom n. Jamaica cut or,!;, five women. • : but 1 : ii;:! you to know they arc •' perfectly built for na. .mg if build - has anything to with then- imii ■ ity io run then look out USA Lei f ] s one Kor< .'.ii girl i hafi • | ihv pleasure to watch ’os- the dts *!cos and [ must -a-. -u take*, he: ',::p!:i v.-ith case and nl vases the 1 plate like oui champion men 1 Con;raiy to what y-ni • 1 ntigid (Ii in;. she look- bately if! • | years oki. in-; as trim a- Miss I A me lieu, and bubblr-s with the • | char.iet-. : isdic Ora-ntai basiifuin-. s ‘: 1 have ..-d;> ir.i ntioned tnese ■.*, . pci fornrei s tr> let you know our : woni(. 1 : rack „;id field ’cam i~.11” to have : walk -away n s • the Olympic gatrn'-s. But with ■'' st'-liar ireitr.rmer, islet- Mas Coach -1 can. I still place .’Tty money on the >. American woi.nn to in a., I place hum up am ng dn whinet MRRi.WES i j i .ioensi-v, to niarry w-er* to ,I ho • folk'Viag couples during the . past week according to records ni -• ’Hunh r Ellington. Wake Conn :> | (Tg,istr.n oi deeds.,, EusA-1 Rainv> nod Mi- D. L«?e - IGitritC' New Hill. July 24. James f Whitley. 412 East Jones' iSb vet and Miss Jonephine El a | Crews. Raleigh July 24. e ; Willie Graves and Mas Alice • : Ferrell, both of Clayton, Route 2 c;.l lily 24. • Ch.-vlic* T'n<whas Royster and Miss Mi tired l.e—K Hayes, both oi Apex Routt- 2, July 24. Moses White. J;.. and Miss Al . phretta Wiiliamf- both of Garner. July 29. "A THE CAROLINIAN ”" 7 ’ • ? Standing, lei) to right, mo Mrs. Rolitne D. Collins f h bride's sister, A. O. Dunston, fa ther cf the bride; the Rev, end Mrs. Otis Dun, bride and cream; Mr. and Mrs, A, Dunn: end Mrs. Gallic Thompson, sis ier of the groom and soloist principals in the wedding cere itieny of Miss Agnes Omr-g 1 Dunsicn. daughter of Omega Duns.l'n and the late Mrs, Ag* CHA VIS HEIGHTS By MAY 1.. BROADIK Miss I ,tlc;, L- Bird sail nt Now York City is \ isitin- her sis;or. Mrs. Minnie Fvceman of 3 Bran - wick Terraco. Miss Caii.'on Mark oi 6 EdjfC c.nrnbe h-ri'aco - cU-i ratcri her fifth hlrlln'ny ivc: miy and received rp. ii\ visc-fui gift*. Mrs. AcC?i of (> Chavis wav bus returner! after visiting hr i daufiliter, Mr:-, Bi 11, m N--r --folk Va. rcccn’L.' Mis Har.", Jam:- of 310 Heck wit ' 1. .1 ' .1-01 I ii i.n S’ AU rc: Hr, spiiul it,: s rcn'i’iH u home oid is lccrivcrini; to he dcltgit: • her friends. iW. - Ami iv Rchinson ot 10 Sit) In V'.n?.i. h.r- rolnntf-d Nome from St. A. civ s wher:> she has been ■onfiiud tor several dn; -. Mrs Evelyn LasUtcr of 10 Hyde 1, ■'<>■ has cite,mod homo from Sr Agnes H-spita! wlvic she ’vas . |..a:cn( for yvo:,-' day) Ht r re; ny friends v.-i-h her a quick re covery. Her husband and son wore ir, lo.vp during h‘r illnv.";. O. K<. >•:') u!! S u (o "•<); k :■ New Yuri; . sjenrinu itis vacat here with his family It 2! Cia.vii way. Mrs Floyd Pfrl'ips of Ne Ymk City and former!v of !h:s city ."end .children. Carl and !)■,• . vvert guests us Me. Phil'dpr-’ brmrw-r and sis ter-in-law. Mr. ,mn Mrs. Samuel Harris, Jr., of 23 Src.'b i’, /.,,, Tiiev :hr,' h,-i-c go<?•'.- :>i M'- Phillips’ n,i •; he;-•>• . Mrs. iJ.J --'!• I'i-iiiip- Ol 721 S 'Acs’ «:!lV! ' Mr- Meivna Farrow „i 4 Clev is va\ .ind si-'U-r. Mrs. M. F:v 't-ii u; New J. a. 1 Mpuii! 11,> s week ;id v, I'cl.ttivt- ii Ha: Mi-s E Small of 642 S Bcmxlary stret-t is spec! ng •:• 1 throe '.vecis vacation visitnu ri-lati-.c,- read friends m W.isbingtor.-. Philadi-i --pi'>iu. N: Jcrsc; New York anc! C;mada. Nlrs B .-so- Briugefot'd of 404 Bat :1c si ref : i- visit mg fd.iliv.'? and friend' in EMiintore Mb. and IMiATHS yK H MJrvLS Jr'irtul rites lur William V\ Ca-pchart who '.hod in Now Yo.> City i.n Thursday Juh 22. v: ~ 1 inducted iroiti the St Paui A. M E. Church on Sunday of last week, and followed by interment, to the Ml. Hope Cemetery. Funeral service for Mis Emma Williams Jones who died at ho, burnt fit 427 Smith Street o 1 Tuesday of last ivck was he-, at the Martin Street Baptist Church on Friday of last, week and followed by interment in t’e Alt. Hope Cemetery. Final rites fm Clarence Dun s’on who died on Sunday of lost week were conducted from the Martin Stix-; ; Baptist Church oi. Wednesday of last week and fob lowed by intem.’etit in the Hill er -s’ Cemetery. Funeral nervier mr Mrs. Clara Gear who died Tuesday <>t last week was held in Nash county Sunday w ith ?h< Rev. S. F. F-. wards offieiatinp and followed b.v ! into mem in the Bonn Cernctc: Final rite:, for George Williams ;vbh died too TuvsJav of last week were 'onducted from the Good Hope Baptist Church Sun ' :!a.v and followed by interment is: the Good Hope Cemetery. Funeral service for Mis. Annie N*-il Jackson who died Sunday wu> held Wednesday at 4:00 pun. at the First Congregational ' Church with the Rev. E. C. Law - ; fence officiating and followed by • interment in Hi 11 crest Cemetery I ■ “ I Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the HiU! MOTOR FINANCE CO. 1 122 E. Davie Street Phone- 3-3231 ’• 9 'Wflwwwwr-.^fwgw»^>e'weir;«»iK>B l ‘w^wß^|Mwywiwww^ra««wiwJiwaMepHNlP mmomm**"t>******t**y nes Dunston of Frartklinton and Lie. Rev. Otis Llson Dunn, sen qf Abrcn Dunn and the lale- Mrs. C’uizy Dunn, Wake Forest which was solemnized in the Friendship Baptist Church at Wake Forest on Juiv 4. Prior lo the ceremony a pro gi;:m of nuptial music was ren dered by Mrs. Gallic D. Thomp it, sister of the or 3om. and Mrs. Rolline D. Collins, sister New York City. Tilt's. Ci easy Robinson m :i (iavii.-ht’. .. Mr-. Ruby M R’ i g< • < f 317 M * unnuit stree* >- spend• me L ive weeks in!iini--t••»':. !J C Baltimore. .Ml.. N: ’v Jersey. P- . Nr Yiu'U and C.m, Henry Brown of fi Dare 'Drive 1- s;X:l:C!H:. hi’- "';iV LI With - S' nndmothei Mr-. L<'('i"! Biuiv n, ;; E; him ae Mrs. Be.-sit Dudley and ehiiriivi! Os fi2l Y' S'.iilil .ill' : ;>'l d ir.u several days vishing vlatives • and friends i > i 1 .,u on. D. C. end Hul'iwoiv f i: r;- Miss Shirley Du/iev n;' 7Li S McDowell street who has been e>i ; - fined seve-ral day- with a cold is aVilc to be out again. Miss Molly Ann McDaniel o! 'Chavis \V:.y ha.; returned Loire, af fe • attendiiiM the Sunday Sv. • r-1 Covive'i’ion i:t Durnam. Mi. -i-d Mrs. Oliie Lucas m-i ■ .Mat 1* J- v," tr Utr ltd home New York City aficr visiting and fi sends here They wore (he house guest? 'of Mi.- I "ui'ii.-' : noth-- r. Mu- Sophia Bryant of 2)5 Bledsoe avenue V, -T- Neal \L-.s-u s f 903 S> II! Blount s’re-'-! •. c'l-brated her i irih ',v S ; j «1 .■’*■ ■ ci roc *• v ( 'd rn. t v . v :; -f 4 r m rsf is. M'S. i! 1. illtd da'llM- V", ;.. '.'! 12 r.fif.klin Terrar. have in eal’t i : Gre< nstH'iv due ill'w oi Mrs. Stuliii’s Vt.ii McD n.iei of 5 Chavis Way !v. ti. ci -nfa ivu t-> home ft a-- oa\'s. Miss \V;L«'i of 4 Sr.. - Rluza iimiored M -Floyd Phillips of N<--v V. : r ~t a dini.e! L'lly Monday. \Ls- Clara \! Alsloti and .V(: - - Eh. -a Kav . * X- '. V. ~v e re lavind hum-.. af(-.r spending -l ei'fil days visitiny Mr and Mrs. El her: Law of T; Iredell Terrace. Sal.•‘•’ill lu a big day for North Carolina Elks us they cele brate Grand Ex.-ilU'-.i Ruler and GD<nii’l.(i-i H-, ler Oav Grand Exalted Ruh r 'is J Finic.v Wii:-..-n •,nd Daughter Rut’ . is !Jr>. En/ti : be(): Ross (Jordon. T’re street pa . acie will legit: «1 3:00 p.m. N\ J S< Sit nut ) August 3 N Y. Cuban.- at Newark Augus: 6. Phiiri Stars at Boltimore A’lgust 3. N V, Black Yanks a’ Homcsiead (L.'ivs Wash.:; Phil a Stars at New York Cubans : ■ Yankee Stadium*. Oi he CUtbs not scheduled. Support Your Paper I open” j FOR BUSINESS FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS TURNER’S I FLORIST 41 9 S. Blocdworth St. Located In The New Ccoper Building PHONF. 3-8092 of the bride. The Rev, G. S. Stokes officiated. Abrcn Dunn, father cf th • reem. peeved as best man, and four fraternity men served as ushers Immediately following she ceremony the new coupi- Icft for a wedding Irip. Mrs. Dunn is a graduate of Bennett college end is a teach cr in the Shepard High School at Zebulon. The Rev. Dunn is a graduate of Shaw University with the A, B. and B. D. de grees. He has served as pastor, clerk of the- Wake Baptist As ociation and president of the Wake County BTU Convention. PERSONALS Mrs. Ma"io Thorps of 16 Cha than; terraci ■’given a surprise airthdav supper and gifts on •:uly 13 by her lather, mother an:: s'.-t.v at in norm- of Mi. and all's. Otii . Gov, f R.daigh, Rtf Mrs. Nett; Shepard has ju.i b.ugnte-r. i. .if . in Cr<f rge *V. i ay lor oi Ku a. J: <■ A: ruiici, J ■ of Morganfpn is 4 visit in i.:; :i;s aunt Mrs Nett'-.- '-vu-pa: cl. of \' . D'. -a- in nut’ Mrs E. Brown or 2237 Van Dvke Avenue is on .ou’; tion .n N w York. Mrs. M. A. Ha:::.- o' 29 Bragg Street and grand-;m V. :ii. .m M Clarkson. :ov hern- alter visiting Mr. anti M’s. San.dv Williams of Waineri. Osin and Mi and Mrs. Tom Easly and Mr. and .Mrs. Ed vard »darrin:;t ■" of Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Ms. and Ms. William. D. Hun ger of Philadelphia, Pa., spent a wk visdira; Mr. Hunter's moth er. Mrs. Lui”? J. Hunter, 7.10 E. Martin St They have returned to Philadelphia.. M’ - . and Mr-. Crntm-l and chi: Mr. anri Mis. Jnc St an oil of 710 P Martin Si m July 4 Mr and Mrs. Josh Mi'chH] r-.nd j inters Wa,-,h.agt'.n, D C.. wre i! a. • x for-s* : ", if F,. Ma rtin St M.s <>■ d. Brown of 10 Rail road Street was united with her daughter. Mrs. Ethv. Hundley, for the first, time during the past 20 vear.-.-. since she has been in B-orklvn. N. Y. Mrs. Brown now la:- a granddaughter. Barba r.. Ann. Miss .loseohini Dw is of till S. West Street r- spending the sum mer in Now York wish her sister. Miss Maw Frances Davis. Samuel Leon Harriott of 709 S West Street celebrated his second birthd&v rect r.llv He is the sen of Vermel! Barnett. Mr and M-.. W. L. Barnett of "09 S. West St. celebrated theii . Yteentb Mnnivc-rsarv on .Tab - 15. Rufus Brown of Van Dyke :ivc.. son e! Mr- Julia Brown is CAPITAL CASS Cf». <S2£] vWWt / j smm DIAL »137 MJ WAKE SALVAGE CO. Wo Buy »»d S*l2 EwftWtad of Vttlu* FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS 337 S. Wilmington St, Phene 2-2327 Complete Home C2“lfpj Furnishers We can furnish any room in your home from the living room to the kitchen. .See us first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. j 121 E. Martin St. f mmmmkmzmmM&mmrn ■WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST ?, 1.918 GRID GIANTS GRAB TUNNELL | NEW yORR (ANP) - Km - Un Tunnell. fullback from lowa, has Iren Riven a try • nut central t by the New York Giants football team and noti filed to repor. at the training camp in Wisconsin. Tunnell. highly rt commend ed by his former eoaeh. is a speedy halfback who can tost tin- hall mound with the best of them. In signing Tunnell. the Giants acquire their first col ored player. although Couch | Steve Owen was high on Ar chie Harris la«t year and Init for front office reported in ri tenure and objections, would \ have had llu stellar Indiana | end in the Polo Grounds. Ten Os !learls' Is Non Count basic Son<r IST NEW YORK Coiiit! 8.i.-ie. ! who h;->’.ished a veritable myi!iin "t.xdiclihcad” on Bread wav !in his run; :" > egngermnt cm stage ;of the Strand 7'hi ,-iior, which is cx .-I'd iii mi :nmi i>: n> nine * weeks, i • wlnnin.i the plaudits of critics and the public alike for a : pair of new arangement* be son ■ ftires in IPs stage presentation. i’li'- i: w :u Tangomouts. botii oil | ginal -.-et!.positions tty the inoom ; parable •'Jump ivil an* "Ten Os ' Hearts.' the i.rst movement l'.-oin in,-- i ■ ,i Ic • . I Suite." which ho i:''■'- uei’d at it!.-; recent Canw-gie ii .il o'lifi li, una 'Basic' Bongo.' go; ai: exciting Afrc-Guban : •/.. work ;!rv! rocks with n I’c.w iUii’.d of a Basie rhythm. Featured soloist • in the Basic- ;i: lai'-s merit* 1 loitormev. Buddy Tate ami Pap! Gonzales, trumpis » Hurt" Edison and Emmett Ber ry. :romfcf>! :s< George Matthews arid Dickie Wells, and B« -ie at the .’ i piano. ; spending this summer v, ,th rela tives in Nc York. Mrs Annie Currie of 709 K Martin St. has returned home o' 1 tor visiting friends in Non >!k V.s . Washington. D. C.. Now Y m s • City and East Orange. X. J. Sh reported an enjoyable trip. 1 Ashe County farmers have at unusually heavy acreage of pole t; beans this year. Hunter Brothers ; For Quick Services For FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 AND “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way” “* And wh«i a meal it will be— k seasoned exactly right and every dish boasting e real home-cooked flavor. B & II CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST. >f j A Lifetime in Flames i Why hike chances on bnminfl j up a lifetime's effort in a single \ terrifying hour when It's so simple and inexpeuslv® to pro tect yourself against assy possi ble mishap. Your home and family cast b® absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster at bu! a few pennies a day. W*'U show you how, *7 SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT j BANKERS FSRE INS. CO. j DURHAM. ». C. $17.25 ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION SPECIAL 12 95 TRADE - IN - SALE On Electric Irons Receive from SI.OO up on your old irons Now In Sttock - Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-to-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE _ 224 E. Martin St. Claud TaySof, Mgr. Phone 2*3950 | LIGHT " HAULING HEAVY j LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE 4 COURTEOUS —■ PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co, 502 S, Dftwwm St. • | Dt&S 94T8 * 9212 Ed* Umstead, Mgr, I MAPLE TEMPLE By JOSEPH INF TERRELL , Regular vvorsltip sc-r vices were i i old at the Maple Temple Congre g.'.tional-Chrisllan Church Sunday with the Rev. R. D Bullock, Jr.. in charge. Mu-ic was provided the Setiior Choir The morning i ■ ei'inon was followed hy Holy Communion adroinis'ered by the i Rev. Bullock and the deacons. ! We regret not having our chi’ I droii at Sunday school due to toe ! polio cpidemii. The Woman’s Club met at the church. We had as our guest speak ‘i r, Mrs Pressley who spoke from the Book of Acts. Th ro will be a spiritual at i the home of Mrs. Leola Haywood i Sunday afternoon at f>:3o sponsor led by the Woman's Club. Next I meetim w'ill be at ihe home of I Mrs. Haiti': I'crrv of Church St EMPI.OV MEN I PROSPECTS 1 (NIPS) The employment trend will be •teadily utswavd in the automotive j ami p. i: ’lO'm industries for or." f ito several years, it is reported. 1 ;'U' will is ' spurt in the air - , .-raft and armament industries tic ? I cause of defense appropriations. | You am expert a modest io ! crease in employment in saw mills Land planning mills and in all rneuii a | producing industries -other than | iron and -tee!. The agricultural ma ! chinerv and tractor industries will e.eed more workers to meet con*to .led demand at home and abroad j iol> opportunities wifi be fair in n -television manufacturing. The tel , j ephone industry offers new job e ifiilds Hog hr.-; lit i m Wayne > ounß , , jhave been using temporary pa.- i f ares but now plan to try Laciino . ji-iovri to furnish part of their gra.- ~ i .a Mam oi them will seed La i I i UipSt one V. •: - F.T FT FT K ~- , m So; ;emi.ei ~ lnfei cst in farm ponds costinues j'o "iow in Rowan Count;- Paulcc Radio Service “For Lasting Repairs’* l 406 GLENWOOM WENI’E [ x Dial 3-3123 Wo T ick up and Deliver I ;!j ilhams Electrical Scrvice » ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Ilia! 2-X7RI or hrsidenc? 3-35fift PI.FGTRIGAL *' ONTRACTOR I 1202 F.. Ma.-tin St. ? % R, E, WILLIAMS, Prop. Dial 5567 for: j -—COAL r | --FUELOIL | --KEROSENE ICORRELL ' COAL & OIL CO, : JOE S. CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5567 307 North West :« MUSIC COMPANY I ARTHUR TlrtVE. Prop, I - j Automatic-. :j --i Phonographs 1 | Rented For Special Occasion* S , and Installed on cprnir.bssinn 8 Basis ■ SELECT RECORD# t, 1 OJTt SPECIALTY ! Dial 3-2744 | 12» E CABARRUS ST- :i

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