Vv'lv&K KNJjING s.VI IKUAY, A IK. 11 ST V i'll Interracial Gang Held For SIOO,OO In Robberies PHILADELPHIA (AMP) Pen men, four whit 1 ::t»d six Negro were rounded tip List wet-L. and held so, h serifs ot burglant \ and robberies whirl/ amounted !o over SIOO,OOO The tipoft earnt! when polire overhead three of 'in hum talking aboiii goin - to i-> v ; ii. ' Mass., to steal -a nu • : ! ; :< jtweh, taken in tlx; ! , yer i ni.iier.s nl 1939 1.1. Charts Birkham ut die ..to the gang was .is well ori'.ani/.ed as teehve bureau's prowl ■ quid -aid a businessmen's a.-.-aviation anri that their activities • .end*- t into South Jersey and Philadelphia s suburbs. The guns • .vpjom ac cording to Becktutin. arc a; i r.-an *• as any the city has i ce,- seen The brains of the earn, we; •* .<; kmilMiL •Jis FAYETTEVILLE St. r“*-- —■ --' -a •™~-nnnrnwniw mi * n.ar- •• (iUr- i/ WHY WORRY! ABOUT CASH , USE OIJR EASY m Bl DC i f P l A N A Small Down Payment Allows You so Chao e From Many Useful Items And You Can Enjoy Then While Paying On Your Terms. TIRE SAI FS & SE R VIC F C C)., ' i 10% DOWN 36 Months To Pay TANK'S. YES NOTE! . r « 0 ~ If vou heat with oil I hermostat* / don't wa j 4 tm til the (For Automatic Operation) last minute, get in touch with your -oil Oi lifters? dealer at your earli- | e-t convenience and A ., P .| 4 «, , have him fill your Oil I* liters? tank. oCod heating is as near yo.t as your telephone—- Gcod heating is a.-.s near you as your telephone- just dial 3-dfiJiti, we will be delighted to send a COLE MAN factory t»uined heating specialist to help solve any healing proberm you may have. Heat Your Home Better! AUTOMATICALLY! See S6e • ir Coleman oil Floor Furnace If* WARM-FIOOK Meet! Yes—Coleman Oil Floor 'Furnace sets IN the floor. Needs no basement. Auto ] matici—no tire tending. ; Clean!—no dirty fuel, no ashes. Exclusive Coleman ‘ features save fuel, move the heat to keep the floors toasty-warm. Come in—let • us sliow you. COMPETENT HEATING SERVICE Mz&nMEju&m* waaßßte ISMMIi 1 jtiit'iitrd to 34- old Benny Hi >-I ! done nf Camden. N J . who ay. I’mrtling io puhce -.vus a p'-otiyw at Chin lex Tayioi , 7b war aid sal j ■ ■.•cackei. who v. o killed in a Cam dr ri candy of fie*. by a Negm witch'- | man las. April i!) iii ■ Negroes involv.il are George I While, 19, who was called the vat I ! but:T.-r" in cause he could see ex ci pi tonally well al night; Willie ; Whit. Adam Foster. Fred Jones ; John Unuz, and Jeffer.son Hollo- : Vva\ rite whites: are Joseph Sc-ssa j } l.oui Final Bernard Moiswicb * land Benny DiaJone. j ' 1 Vlinneapolis Finn Gmplovs Negro MINMAPOI IS, fttmn : AM’ 1 tie tlutfmart Fill I'ninpany ha- hern using a Ne c,ro ituiiti, .he itrst ut his race l<> hold such a puMiion, for the past in., months it was learn ed lure Let week Ih furrier is Floyd Madison. A veteran of World Wm 51 Made an yi uluated trom high seitiml in Sidatia, A In, sic worked as an a j>pleiuni fur i ter for Silver stein ! urs in lies Mollies, la He has been in Minneapolis only live I,ninth- the in.tus trial department *>l the Min neapolh (Than League helped him g*- hi* job. SA\ yOl s.AVt IT IN nil t..U101.1M.V.N Low In Cost!—We Can install Quickly Models avaiiabte is? mw, 30,000 81U t® 50.000 BIU output heat up to 5 rooms. Dated by Underwriter* l.at»i atems. 8 11 NEGROES ON 30 PARTY TICKET NIC W YOTiK The tuition - ■ e ill*- campaign ut the Progressive j Party to elect a progressive | Congress gets under vv a y this week with 27 Negro candidates iin the ticket ut the Henry Wal lace in 13 states. One candidate - Larkin Mat S shall, Macon Ga newspape: ! publisher, is running for the U S. Senate. The iiitu congressional cart J; ■ e.itfcs are: Dr. Ulysses Campbell., I dentist, Newark, N J.; Dr, John; v T. Camper, physician, Halt. ..-lure, Md.. Alfred M. Carrol, at* j! irney, Louisville. Ky.; Ear! B. | Dickerson, attorney. Chicago, 111.; , Ada B. Jackson, civic leader and , i acher, Brooklyn. N. Y.; Sidney Moore, retired postal employee, Los Angeles Calif. Joseph IT Rainey, inagLh ate Philadelphia, pa ; Willard B. Ransom, attorney, Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs, Mar garet Bush Wilson, attorney, St. ■ Louis, Mo,. The other Negro candidates on j Pie Frogresf.ive Party ticket are' ; James T Allen, carpenter, l.<>; ‘ Angeles. Calif., for the state as ■ -rnbly Oscai Brown, tadio com mentator, Chicago, 111., for state : icpresentative in the first sen , , a’orial district: Thomas M. • Clarke, attorney Chicago, 111 , for | municipal court judge, Dorothy Smdh Oatlev, newspaperwoman,; : Roxbury, Mass for .state repre • > ntative Dr. Clifford Doyle ohy- ; -i ;an Chicago, Til. for Cook • County coroner; the Rev. V T>.! Gh.iif.ton pastur, Han P.iittrg, Pa.. 1 ini the .t -L legi.- lature: Allan Freelon. educator Philadelphia. Pa., for the state leg.-lature. Aiit'u-.iu- F. Hawkii/i, Los An-' g-. ii- Caitf., state aa;>a:ns ti 1 y mail tor reelect ion; Robert R. Henson, j salesman, Philadelphia, Pa., for state legislature, Albert Janney, factory worker, St. Louis, Mo tor state representative. Edna 1 lee Johnson, law .student and factory worker, Indiunap.dis, Imi for state auditoi Hidnev A Jones, alt- rnev, CiucagiS, 111., for stars 1 assemblyman: Ulysses S. Keys, attorney, Chicago, 111., tor rnun pal cornt lodge. Charier. A. Melton, member of Marine Ship uuilders’ Union, West Che.-.ttv, i-*:i., for state assembly: San. Pai ks, steel worker, Chicago, L.l lot sanitary distriot trinit-t": Dor othy Pearson, Philadelphia, Pa., tor state legislature. Mi’s Pauline High Reed, union representative, Chicago, 111., tor presidential elector; fria nd a •ic ode Robeson, a nthr opo 1o g ist, Knfield, Conn., foi seert-tary of . Lot - Buoker T Wa- hingt-ui Jove, electrical tester, principal, Oklahoma City. Ok la., for pn-s. leniia) elector: Donald H Smith, nutcher, Jathaica, f.,ong Island, New York, for state senate; Milas 1 S Stephens, tailor Chicago, 111., f.-r state representative Rebec.w •‘‘■tiles Tu v lor n••vs pa per u' t■> rn an, Cmcago, 111., for Secretai v of Ltate; Arthur P Townsend, lifr insurance counselloiSan Bern a dino, Calif., for state assembly Fdward Washington, union offi i r, Jamaica, Long Island, New York, for state assembly; Frances Williams, Los Angeles. Calif, foi sl'ite assembiy and Nelson M. Willis, attorney, Chicago, ill., foi d’V:. idenLal elector MINISTER KILLS PROWLER IN PA. PHILADELPHIA. Pa iANP> While 35 members were attending l ei vices m an adjoining auditor j turn the pastor of the New Light; i Tabernacle church the R. v Then -fore Bullock slot to death a man tie had suprised stealing SSC from j his dost; The intruder, Robert Winters 35 wax killed by iive bullets as he tried to escape through the cellar : J-/01 which he mi took foi an exit. Re- Bullock fired the shots ! Tom a .22 caliber'pistol The shoot png climaxed a violent scuffle dur ing which Winters is said to have • dropped the envelop which con , lamed the stolen money. j As he entered his -tudy, Bullock j told tlum tie was seated in the j rear of the church with a deacon Louis Brunson when they heard : :i.m€Or»€- enter the vestibule. The I pavtoi left th, conerbgatioa sing-, ; inf and went to investigate the . *an.--e ol the m.v; terious noise. At- lit- ent ie dhts s'udy, Bullock ; told police be raw the man take an envelope from hi:, desk, aiid J place it iii his pocket The money I war a collection from a previous ' service When the minister asked !i hi intruder what he wanted. Win-; j ters replied,. "Get nut ol rny way." As Wintcrr ran past Bullock, the j xi Tot took a pistol from his desk . : By now Winter.' wa- running to . ! -var the- vestibule. He was trying to j ! open the cellar door when Bui- : i lock seized hirri During the scuf j de. Winters dropped the envelope i Rev. Bullock braced himself in : j front ol the door and ordered Win ters againsi the wall. Insead ol obeying, the youth tried to get out through the cellar door again. : Rev Bullock upend up and five j shots struck the prowler in the upper part of the body When examined. Winter.- carried a boxer's card ft 'BblC Sn.-MH.tixfHbK Mrs. S A, E uapartc 1 Typing Stencil Cutting, Copy work, Nltmengra pning, Shor. hand and nictation Taken I'M A A, CUO S. Blood* oflli Street DAY PHONES MIGHT | | 933<5 2-8211 Race Laymen To Attend j World Church. Council By GEORGE W, HARVEY NASHVILLE (AM 5 ) Among the 500 or more Americans de .signaled to attend the World La uncil of churches at Amutef ; dam, Holland, will be a score or i i-ic N e/fro church and eduea ’ tiunal leaders. The 1 irst assembly id the 40 nation council will open its 14 day session oh Aug. 22. According to advance plans an i publicity “the Council has hope for the ordering of the world, tor its redemption from till that threatens chans. This is grounded ir> the goodness and power of th • God and Father of our Lord J ; ur Christ;,’’ The council charter affirms: The church as God purposes it, is a unique community of men without houmtrrir-s of nation ir race, culture or tradition uh c-- nditional unity grounded in the unconditional love of God' and acknowledging that the churches have been sorely deficient in . demonstrating this unit y through - | out the world.” "The council is one of th-> re . suits of the effort to build Chris tian unity, and to bring to bear Le judgment and Christian eon• .;. cience upon international prob lems, so that a orderly world may be achieved. Its primary respon sibilit.v. is to serve the church as 'a source of stimulus and knowl edge in their approach to interna tional problems, as a medium oi common counsel and action, ana os their origin in formulating the j Christian mind on world issues and in btniging that mind effec , lively to hear upon such issues Among the more than f>oo Americans who will 'cpresent 23 r more American churches and denominations as delegates, alter i notes, consultant- accredited vis I. niversitv Plans Faculty Ins titutc FACULTY INSTITUTE LANGSTON. Okla. ANP - ; ihe Fourth Annual Faculty iiisti ; tiite will be held at Langston Uni versity September L 2, according to an announcement niadje inis week bv Dr. C. L Harris or, pvest j dent. Thf theme of the institute will be ‘ The Rote of Scholarship in a | University Program ' The program as outlined will provide opportuni ty- foi faculty member's to make contributions on various phases of ’■-< general theme. In addition, the ; institution has secured the service ■at three consultants Dr. -Ambrose Galivcr. speeisiiM U. :. Office ot education; Dr. 1 awrenee H Snyder, dean oi the graduate school. Uni veisUy •it Oklahoma, and D■ D. C Mclntosh, dean of the graduate -a hoc!. Oklahoma A and hi Col lege The planning ot the ir astute -.vas \e-.ied in a committee of wtuch 1.1 i’ Jones pi ofe-sor ~f ae /iculture.. is chairman. SMITH-MELVILLE COTTAGE CHEESE Delicious with any summertime meai. Try futile, And for extra rjch, extra wholesome milk call 2-0351. SMITH-MELVILLF, DAIRIES POOLE HOAD RALEICH HIBSON BELK, KAI.EIGH SPECIAL SALE l 544 yards Cotton Crinkled Crepe Regular 59c Value 37c yd. 980 yards i CHAMBRAY Regular 69c Value 39c yd. BASEMENT STORE s %idm-^eS i »javsaiacWi.Tra&^mßor/.3wrirai»unT^wara»<waai»«'*«i»^T!*a^*»ra^ THE CAROLINIAN -tms or staff iriember are the foi . i. twins Negro rtpierentatives: Hi shops S. L Greene, B. C Shaw. : W. A. Fountain. W, Y. Bell. W, i Walls, J A. Gregg, ,1. A. Ham A. P Shaw, F M. Reid, D Ward Nichols, A. J. Allen, C C. Aileyrie, and Mrs. J, A, HamUtt. Others listed are: the Revs. G W. Blakely, VV. H. Jernagin. IVI S. Barnwell, J. 11. Jackson. .! - M. Bracv, Sandy K. Hav, C K Stalnaker, Presidents, B. E. Mav> and Charles S, Johnson. The couneii has been coma rued with the international bill oi hu man rights being drafted by the United National Commission on Human rights. The declaration on human i rights, the first of three section-; of the hill, including a provision Lor religious liberty, will be closely studied at the Woo-Jcho ion sessions. Dr. Lei per said that churches in J7 countries will hav* expressed to tin- t'CIA then views concerning the bill ol lights, and cited this as a dem onstration of the manner in which Christian opinion can be bronghi f> bear effectively on wmld ov-- . litical problems. At this, the fust assembly of Hip World Council ot churches. ; 150 Protestant and Orthodox • hurehes from 40 countries will !?e represented At this session, > more than 500 Americans, inehtd i me 75 official delegates, will be , present. fTTh ™s a l T fi Pontiac (loupe : Rl VS GOOD PHONE Silo HAY WOOD'S! SODA SHOP OPEN FOR Bi SI NESS I RID AY, ti C. 6 s.i hhi inn.;, b I i PI AVI SiHiAli : vtiiKEs FOUNTAIN r>Ki vKS < Os.Vit t il -Ft Hi S R HAY WOOD, Prop, * urner It)nod worth and i .3 ban us* St:*:. tth i cs ni in the Cooper Bldf. iVA, TOWS GETS NEGRO POLICE PORTS MoU I’M, Va i AMI': ; Porbnnouth ■: . tii-M Nt-.v-ro po !li email *.mee tie- ( ivil Wm la I ! weak. !1< is Orcclwus Elin.'it. Hi;, i appointment was the • ■ . ai;ni^, UOn at t.t ii'ii ■ i i liu.t nf agitation and appeals In citt.'«•><•• Tor the appall. : "T M< :>! I ptihct' m this lll'.' Four v. hit- }>c>!i< ■<• 11 :>■ st wiv :n>■ i poi.lt!t tl .in:,. vith t-a Hoti (as Sat t urdsy, Jul > "i tu ts cm tlifii new • ittitle n't i i I'tioy imimrt Ilately took tii nji't ..I iii'i,? ,in.■ i i rhfciv ;»■ lecuiiti t ('il v Manaiuu YV. j(i uy An of. 1 11. Ellitii!'.- anpuiittmt'ii! mail.': ;;•<• i Ills! an- iiit-i- ai-i.iuiii ::’t* ih-U : a Yi .i,i. ! , ivt-d on iii.- [i.iiita j iv-roe of tfi ' •'ity. iii- i.i i I'h ['!'»' : polii ta.. in., i.i ■; !■■■■. ~ ! !j■ i i it iif ' 'nit-, in Vii'.-prti.i a tils W- rut Oj'n Uirp-.ii ■ 1. r, i- a;,- ' 'nsoiul. Newport S Portsmouth Uounoitc aii j ! t - :.,i y : it; ttl-: icitie.- arc c-iMleaplahn rmpltiv-tip i New ii .. Suppori \ fMjr Paper nil i UfOLIMW I IIAMv \0l: ~ NEED BLASSES? MiSESMS S™, Baloigh, N. C. Used Kecord Dept. 2i>c I .1: 5 for $1- 03 i \ \ l\( i t lit 1) NEW RECORD DEPT. at r t i'.ito-o * u >■ u y ! < 111 i Oil t n XVitiiOUS 1 11 ’ * at. !Su e \yi it Deacon tone- DURHAM MUSIC CO, ut »: \! j u.ii 110'; Sc.mh Wiioiii.'tton si. t\Yitt, YV ,* j '-.iS- ulv:': . ta ; FOR MUSIC MACHINES PHONE 8181 i » mmii twtie - n»*£aai»K«.r«[.vjiMrcnm'Loumu*i«< 1 11 naminr«i» i r i«ap*'»»««sas.»e»w\*x. -»-* ■■— ■ ■■■ -■ i -it iiiiimnrurvii mil n iriani/ivnr an iTn»«ii iiir»rnnnnymm»nn~?nii -mmwmu i. j'.:ui_._. _ Is Easier Driving CJ ‘ L Listen to “CLAUDIA” WRAL 12 Noon to 12:15 P. M. 9 ROTTIPD UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY RY * THE CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMP AN Y 515 W. M tifgtm St. Phone 2-1179 **** l H*m*iJir»»mMtmt h muir ■ niwwirwwri iwwin triiwiniTiin t»iTiiiMgTi<irfiiMiWi» , nmrrriTHß‘f , r‘TtiwirTi Mj,^‘M,,, *lllir «™i Tl Ministers Vote For Ouster Os Kansas City Pastor KANSAS CITY, Mo. (ANP) The feud the Kov. Sam-J o.i T. McK and a majority j f the rnembbrs of his church, | i':.nk Avenue Baptist Church,! was Hosed last week when the i T'.inj!;i Pf'ation approved a decision to ou.-.t theit ua- to Mnnbt'i - voted 'll to 44 to a■ • j eej>t the decision of a spec ia! j ttiree man board of ministers so i Jceti?d bv JUdp.i' Paul A. Bu/.e. I 1,, settle the o:ese !( o refused b )tuba■ on a i'elaiiou;: ease a.. t > v.!tether Rev. McKthbcti had j been legally ousted or not. In lead, on July 1, lie selected a j heard of Baptist ministers to . uic. After consultation won the; sh v it. A Holmes, pastor of the i Hap! i-.t church, the jud;-,e . h0..0 the Rev i H. Henderson ,i , ji.'taf.ii. Fi tetidship Baptist church' tin- Rev. !*', E Ctiappeße.! [>.is!.ir. Second Baptist church, un.j the Rev W A Sparks, pas BHT ARE YOU LETTINO : *)ti /a MftfP j 'f f %' b E..y iiMgi Ab 4 / KILL ROMANCE? b\ ~ j* Gray, chob hair con make you took aider- - | # K"~ r ■'. discourage invitation* *o have a uaod time be* j . cauia men think you’ia too aid. Don't take a ; chance vvith your ronnonce. Give your hai? rich, j },( \ natuial looking color and beauty with labeuse. Your friends will approve. *************** * * toior Tout Hair Thit io»y Way msf §F . nr---., »K-h. n«iur«l raw W ’ --sJrbßki ■ V ; evc.'dv'. ec'.'i, ■{] r] won J rub G's ;. r .v<3«S our- • ortofrir "j • pe'fT.rts pc : .i's-s .and <ty.!sh Is- .Jos t - Sl%- k;,, ,vn and :f for Over 50 year* Vcuf j uccfOt Will g.v« your money back you’re not \ * / satisfied. \ 1 H.ne nnw p.-ole; a.-.o! «,.c. ceticr. «t vsur A S---:t- or buy l.ineuse at any w *‘|\\. cosfheoc depart.-' er.t c- drusitore. \\\ *****•*••*••••' \ .-'Sr i s i # ts you? d&nter rfops »tof hove HorkHut#, (iODUBOH <J(Vti£4UA£, HAIR COIOSING >oMt GCDHROY ma CO . '4YIO OltVt iT • it IOUIJ 3, MO* PAGE THREE tor, Frogre r ve Bsptitt church. The Rev Holm-s presided .aver the church meeting al whtcii tn.enibi’is voted 52 to 44 to ac cept the rei'omrnhndaliori of th * i onmiith e that Rev. McKibbtHl leave the church. The church controversy reach ed thi court, when Rev McKdb ben and • tuoup of his fpllew- P:.-; found the church padlocked t > keep him from entering. Suppoii Your Fa per! ' “0idat40,50,60?” Man, Vou’re Crazy fuvy.H your ngsi fhousiuKls are iwippy at Vo. fit “lieppHuJ up witi. ')Bfrct. E’-OOJfiliH *ouF. for wfeAk, runaowtk fccum? due solely to o.>4v’a Utk hi ;rc»u whitTi uu-uy itit-h ;i Ltd tv omen ti'H i.i. Try <>;,tre t i'ohld T1 •)»;t,r i-j? BtfVY Ofip Vtfor yOWiMkiS tetiiLg, unit «*tt> iiiMuJ&i j»t 00 su* IT. For sale ai ul! drugs every where---In Nah-ifch at AVAlgrccn 1 - and I'l'ki-rd’s Cut K >te

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