•RAINEY OUSTER THREATENED *! MAN BITES | POLICE jt>HU.Aiit.LPHIA lANP) A Saturday night family tight between tv»o brothers ended in a free tior ail with two poiice mtn Joining in and one suffer ing bites on the right hand. / Brothers Alfred amt Marry Alston ate said vo have been having it out so loudly that neighbors called the wagon When police came to quell the fracas, the brothers, once di vided, now joined forces agains. the cops, Fists fiev> and sticks bounced tn ana oft heads until the eider Alston was drag ged from the house to the wagon. its Alston was being lugged to the wagon, he struck out with hi; beet aa>d sen. Patrol man John Holden to the pave ment. it was here that the of ficer said Alston jumped on him and bit him in me right hand. At .he nos pita), the officer's hand required three stitches. At the hearing, Alston was beia without bait charged with mayhem. RANBOIMTO CONTINUE ‘CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE' WASHINGTON (ANP) ln a letter issued Finlay to’loaders of the major political parties, A Philip Randolph is quoted as savins he is still hoping that con gress or the President will ye! outlaw racial segregation in the a; my. The letter, addressed to Presi dent Truman, Thomas h. Dew ey, Carroll Reece, J. Howard Mc- Grath and others, stated that "the abolition of segregation in the armed forces is the only solu tion acceptable to a vast majori ty of Negroes and liberal Ameri cans.’" Mr. Randolph made it cleat That he has no desire to advocate siifh a drastic treasure tor ita own sake but that “under the circumstances' he has "no alter native but to counsel civil dis obedience'’ Randolph is quoted as desiring "all leaders in the nation to know tnst. the League lor Non-Violent Caul Disobedience Against Miii tary segregation -considers tin’ executive order establishing the President's Committee on Equal ity ot Tratrne-m and Opportunity in the Armed services as most inadequate.” The national coordinating com mittee of the league, which met in Chicago last, week went on record to denounce the Presi dent’s executive order as totally inadequate and voted “to con tinue the civil disobedience cam paign until sgregation in the armed forces is abolished either by congressional action or exeeu tive order even though thousands may face intimidation or impri sonment.” postal" aluance HOLDS INSTITUTE Thirty-three members of the National Alliance of Postal Em ployees from nine states and in eluding three national officers, three district presidents, and Mrs Alberta J. Braxton, National Vice President of the Ladies Auxiliary, were in attendance on July 30 31. ana August Ist at a week-end institute on worker education held at Ohio State University. The Alliance’s .Education Com mit tee in co-operation with the (Continued on page 8. Ist Section • OKLA. COURT DENIES 3 PERMISSION TO ENTER UNIVERSITY j Oklahoma City (AMP) —Three women, Mosdarnex Ada Fisher of Chicasha, Mauderi* Hancock Wil ma and Helen Maxine Holoiro, both of Oklahoma City, were de ■nod court orders compelling the University of Oklahoma to admit them for graduate study, here last week. The refusal to rule in their favor was made by District Judge T. JttsLin Hinshaw. in the Fisher case, the jurist held that a separate but equal law ' school had been established .by the state, offering Hw courses, in compliance with the U. S. Su preme court verdict. He did not say anything about the adequacy ~ of the. school. As fer the other two women, their pleas were denied on the contention that they had given uoiiee of their desire to pursue graduate studies In social work and commercial education only three days before the opening of the university’s winter season last January. Hinshaw did not make it dear whether the- ruling was based on _★★★★★★★ ★★*★★★ ** ★ & '★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * •k W W W : 30.000 VOTE IN S. C. iwf#|w#w w rara i ran RHI wp - f ""' 1 'at, • * • '’ ■ - ■ THE CAROLINIAN lB'rv::-v;V,T:^Liiw.Aw;: ; y,“ ---w-T--A/■■ -■■■■■- •- -----—— 16 Pages VOLI ME XXVIII POLIO CASE REPORTED HERE -jfc- ★ ★ ★ ★ T*r ★ ★★★★★★★ ★ '★★★★★ ★ if ★ TELLER 1N52,977 SHORTAGE . POLIO DOWNS 8- VEAR OLD BOY IN CHAVIS HEIGHTS 'North Carolina’s polio toll - climbed to the unprecedented to ~ • ltd ot l,3kf this we«A. with one i cgse reportc-i in the city's Chavis . Heights Housing project. '1 he stricken youngster, who . was admitted to St. A.;nes Hospi tai last week, was identified by s County Health Officer Dr A. C i Buiia as eight year old Louis Ha ; vi*, ?• , the .m, , i XL. a:i.. .r« i Louis Davis of 3 Asha Ter; at e, Chavis Heights. This case two others which were admitted to the Hex H- s-' > pita! during the week boo-fed the county’s total for the y.--:,r 28 t At St Agnes the Davis child’s condition was reported on Wei nes.lay morning a-, “tair". - Alate an 1 local health ofticiai Stated Htji if, CP.s llgM ot Uie . *3i ■ ,- tinued high in-idc-nee of the dir. t eaSe PXiStilig pdio ’ »-\t!' ICt > jUS would be continued m eifect. In the meantime a dreary-' pos t si-bilitv was offered bv Dr. Hav! i Van Ripe;, medical director for - i Continued on page. 8. Ist Section? ; ON UNIT BLASTS MARRIAGE BAN GENEVA (ANPi The commit tee on human rights of the UN f■■ ..iiomic and s-,0,, ai cour.cd , ■-r-d ia-ft in xa\ or ot « Caiiackan resoiii ; lion condemning all legal measures ■ against mixed marriages, ii was learned here Thursday. Six tiiem i :be is of the comrmtee abstained. The Canadian proposal was a ' compromise between conflicting re ; olntions advanced by Chile and ike iSov.et Union. Since the committee j Las the same membership as the [council, it is considered ccrtant That the council will also back the i j Canadian revolution which says the I j council deplored "all legislative j measures to prevent mixed mar l riages between persons of differ ? jent color, nationality, race or re • ; Jigion “ ? the fact that the applicants had j t not given sufficient advance no- j * bee to enable tW state u set. up i . the graduate course for Negroes ! t a«f they desired. * : According to Ally, Antes T. j t jHail of Tulsa, the -cases are to be ) * i appealed to the state and U. S. ! 5 ; supreme courts. Mrs. Fisher's j > cast has already been before the j VISITORS Above are .mown Willutn and time- Rainr.*., <4 Sew York Oij who flew to Raleigh Monday to visit their parent* Mr. anti Mrs. E Rainer of 5?8 East i.enoit Street. tV.hiam .with earphones) u. the owner and pilot ~f the plane iturfag me war he v as a flight instructor in < ii.cagn and then at Tuskegee. He is now a practicing attorney in Sew York t H\ with otiii-r at t*l4*t geventh Avenue. Janies set i etl during the war with the Sea tees and now oper ates an electU-al business in New York till Carolinian Photo by Shephard Ready Plans For Negro Business imposition CHICAGO s'ANP) Heralding a new era of progress for Negro business, tire Chicago Neg; o . Cfcapaber of Uommeroe announ ced here last week that it is ra pidly comp;eting plans lot the ‘ forth.r iming Expofitioa on Ne ; gro business to be held at Giles Avenue armory, Sept. 4-6 A pro exposition conference with Negro businessmen throughout the mid ; die western state* is scheduled jfoi Sept. 1-3 in the Ida B Wells j-i.Ontitit.ua on pay.. S Ist Section) RACF PROBLEM IS Sill) TO BE SCUTE M SOUTH AFRICA ! I.OUISVTLLF < ANP; Better J polict- projection, bettet vocational ■ gtiid,-u-. fi and more opportunity for Negro physicians were borne of tiv improvements askvj for bj an in terracial group aftei completing a siA./ev of Negro problems in Louis ; iHc lasi week J The interracial committee, of 50. i headed b\ Po-'tmastev Joseph D Scholtr, reviewed' a ’’7s page .re port of the study completed ;o April, The repot > will be publish ed in September. J. Harvey Kerne, assistant di rector of the departm-snt of re search and •community projects of the National Urban league com i pleted the report, and the in terra • i (Continued on vagi 8, Ist Seuticc) Robeson And Wife | Named Communists NEW YORK (ANP) Paul Robeson. c<> chairman or the Progressive patty aiut hi-, wife, Mi-. F-landa iioode Robeson an anthropologist in infield, < timt., vs tio is running for sec retary of .rale on the i'fofn-s --ttve party’s six e in that state, were termed member-, oi the ('uiftiuunifct part's in an article written by Frederick Wellman *>i the World Telegram on August A Who's Who of Henry Wai- WA s I‘rogre- -.re party ccwi vintion unclosed today .hat ?'♦ of ihe key figures who founded the new party vvtre ' x " ' «***•*»-' CAMPAIGNER —-Vat Wash ington (lefts confers with Her bert Brownell, Jfr. Campaign Manager far Dewey - Warren open or secret members of the < oiitmunity party,” the • ruy begun Continuing, the story said that "the survey was marie pub in- tn Counter-attack, ami u sfaoirs of Columbus One <*f the 1 ighliptua ■ 1 <*n (Continued on pajge tt, Ist Peruaa!