PAGE TWO PATRONIZE THESE \!)VEKTISEES J jnn nhi i »iiwmni!—mriT«- 11 11 imumim miwii>i»iwiiii»>»rmiimnri n mrr mrimni""f~r rrn—• •mintprT-r-i-r-i-r-rr-mi'ifi nitrmr—" irfftr-'—TrrrnTVir | 4C*' LET’S FACE i ! t FACTS ; Bv TED HOOKER r ini ail I would like to compliment Mr. John H. Baker for ; ire :ine work ric ha: done while re porting the local news ot Wilson. , ail thank him am 1 I hope I'll lu as well in Let's Face The Fact . . no ..lid in Cat Fish Row. J think each and cerv man is entitled to a fair chance in this n . !• world. Sure, the states have their rights as long as they ve eve. y man what’s due him. As long as these rights meet the f e:;. ral government requi enjcnts, let them have states rights. • use Pure i t..-1 ung leD >, such as equal educational .'•r-ilitie?. a higher health standard, hettei housing c< nditions, pro- W on Fun mobs am. violence elimination oi , oil taxes, elimin .•■on ;f d'st riminat: -a on trans. bu.-'-s or any public place where ; - all have occasion ' go or v, ■t. A. citizens ot tie United States • • lh;nk that is asking t- mucii ot our government Wncn the Negro asks and pi ads tor consideration he is also : / Ming all minorities anti the poo; white man as well. When this country entered w.u against Germany and Japan tie Negr os did not . v "take t :e white man Im-cause ve haven't ."i y thing to fight for, n->r did they turn traitors and saboteurs as . me member:; of oti.t r races did. We lought and died along witn : b'-er Americans to m ike :-uie t ! ;..t Amrica would stay healthy :r d free N -w s the , ;.nv reason why we shouldn’t b" given the little thing that we have been denied so long? If all men unde: stood and were as fair as President Truman then the - w eU ••- : he fid r. .-called ace problem. In fact th • Negro has neve: had any problem. 11 only wants what .other citi /.< ns in An;efica are given and enjoying and that’s an opportun , b•. So you see loaf. wher. race problem comes in If we didn’t want or ask N r anything it would still be a problem oi bn white man’s part to keep us satisfied as we .vere years ago. In -■ .aa r to keep man in a d.teh von mus rmatn in theio with him. The American people have always been victorious in •.ars, but they can’t .•••mtiniu;- if they continue to treat the 1 ;if teens as step-children. In many cases even step-children are ' treated as human beings. Most Negroes see only one thing behind all of this confusion *?LO, v taat s a 1,-ascies-; f ar 1 was Ti of 'Vils.-.n’s leading department stores the other -o'- and was amazed over the warm vvek-'-m. . xtendod to roe. but v. ; .;s not surprised at all for it was the Barkei’s Department Stoic. We had a business discussion and aft<- that he showed me over thr store. ; Hi iias added a casement depaitment to his very fine store. M:. Bai ker and his family have always been that type I remember . v'ht-n he was in bunness down town and how he used to always , talk t - me and give r. ■ important advi.-v c.txuit my environment. He has a.way s. --r; o; a good nr-tnr<* anr r< adv t-o help anv.»n-- ’ in any way possible So anytime vaa are up his way drop in and. **-• .it a -ioi-sr't make you fe-'-l welcome PERSONALITY IN THE NEWS bliss Gladys MT’ollum has returned to New York after a h-’cf vacation in \K: m :vi upeiatiftg Horn an operation. At •/1 -be- ;s g..:*.ng a rest. Sliss Doris Gaston u: spending the wee , 1 i in Wasm.'gt-.m, D. t visiting ner mother and othc ui. nve- Miss G.e.f.-n i. a gradual* r.f Mary Potter School in Ox ter I V. Bm:, ; S.- (.’-ue. cd,,N. C Mild N. f. State College. Durham. N. C, class of ’46. 'Sh-f is n.-.w the librarian at Harden High School Sin has -pent \ t-f ifrsl part of the -'ummtr cataloging hooks at the Negro Library ■ Yes. it s open -Vv”'lson’s m west and finest restaipant. The Step Light Grill own- 1 and operated by Mr. and Mrs Morrison and d.i’igidv It s really a dream of a -pet. So urop in the next time y e , : down on Ponder Street and tell them how much you ” ■ ■ 'To -ire a fir-t establishment and wis*- then- lurk I HASKINS AND SONS GROCERY STORE COR. NASH AND VICK ST. VEGETABLES—MEATS—FRUITS—ICE CREAM CIGARS AND CIGARETTS STUDIO 524 E. NASH ST. CALL US FOR ESTIMATES ON BANQUETS. WEDDINGS . PARTIES OR PORTRAITS. WE GO ANYWHERE PHONE 4725 JOHN BAKER, Prop. "^^IE^^R , TIS^FUNERAii7^io?^iE , ™" 571 E. NASH ST. AMBULANCE SERVICE Office Phone 2390 Re*. Phone 2279 YOUR NEW MEEKS GRILL 119 PETEGREE ST. GOOD FOOD—COLD BEER—SOFT DRINKS ROBERT LOCUS GARAGE 1201 K. WASH ST. ' Inspection, Correction Station" If It's A Motor And Burns. Gas We Fix it. Full Live Os Modern Equipment. ROAD SERVICE FLAT TOWING SLOW And FAST BATTERY CHARGING WASHING—GREASING SIMONIZING —GENERAL REPAIRS— WILSON SEWING~CENTER NEW LOCATION 624 E. GREEN ST. WE REGOWN YOU AS WELL AS REDECORATE YOUR HOME, SLIPCOVERS DRAPERIES, CURTAINS | BEDSPREADS, UPHOLSTERY WE SPECIALIZE LADIES’ And CHILDREN’S GARMENTS SECOND SECTION TRUMAN'S ORDER FALLS SHORT. IS RANDOLPH CLAIM Chicago (AN Pi - P-vsideru ; Tinman’s recent execut ivi oidc, against discrimination in th armed tones does not go fa. enough, A Philip Randioph. char - i mau. League for Non-Violent. Ci i vil Disobedience Against Militaiy -rgregation. told the national cm i ordinatin.g committee ,of the ; league last week. The committee voted to con ' finuo its civil disobedience cam- i ! ppign and continue its drive got Negro and white youth o f draft, age to refuse to reaiste Aug 30 unless segregation is . abolished in the armed services. Reports from New York Citv, . Buffalo, Philadelphia. Indiana polis, Baltimore. Denver and Los Angeles were given at this meet- • ng. The ,-roUw agteed that its pro gram would !•>-.- t -->t.’tuk-.I unt ; ! 0 specif:e .-rde. sr imhiir om crow in the .eel”. ieor '.\ - g:\vii Randolph said; 'Negroes i.i Ameriva will not vest until segregation is abolished : hut neithe. can those rvsp.msihh f-'r maintainin'’, government ret 1 , so long a-s segregation e.\!-ts. The Je'igue .will continue its . mil dis ihedienee campaign ir.'lil a; e segregation is aholi- lied, even I thbugh thousands mav fa. e in timidatv.n and l-yipr-emmon. African West Loasi (»el.s Appeals (ourt By THOMAS DECKER F rt.-town. Sierra Let n- (ANP) -A sp-eate and permanent court .-I appeals has been estahli.-.'ie 1 for British West At v i. with ju risdiction over Nigeria. Gold . Coast. Sie;;a L< tny and the Gant hi a, n was learned her recently. Th, new coiut, authorized by. - parliament June- 22. is to have . president and justices of upper,; ,vt permanent members of tin W ; African court of appeals, vh • : will sit with judges of thos< four ten it- rit-s. Prior t this, the:, had. been - no separate and p. rinanent ap ! peals court. Judges or the tom ! ' territories cwnsHtated an ncc.i- 1 sional appeals court with one d them acting as president This (••’urt. went from colom t i col on v hearing appeals. Chief Justice J A. Lucie Smith returned here' In.; .11 w -i after -■ nt -■ • tnc jaunts on which he had been i s n nt for sow. -<i rnont]; \vh.l-.- sitting as member of t’-w old VV, -- . Africa court of appeals >n Nige.: - and the Gold Coast ; A fund is ?■■• hw est -be-hed f,,- 11hr new anneals court nut T | ; which it.- expense* or* u> he n;..d I Ti-e total minvwr of ‘rnployee |of th-- la - -est manufacturing cc • j rjorations last year, based upon the | vear-ee.d of . , on;.! avo uge«. ap !pr ly 4.000.000 If »\ \TkT ( / ' j j ROOFING s I PPLiFN, !N< . 521 S BOT’GI.AS a-J. i AH Kinds Rooting A Supplies Paints «< AH Kinds DIAL 21146 Robbins jtwclrv Co. j Jrivelrv. Vtatr.c-, Diamonds I ! j - Mu«irai Insti iiments RECORDS ! 11! S. GOLDSBORO ST. !i : SWINDELL’S BKAETI SHOP ! A PIONEER IN THE MEED OF REALTY SERVICE 514 E. NASH STREET Jobn H. Mincey*s TRANSFER SERA'HT lor Prompt Service Give I s A ' t ail We appreciate Year Patronage Telepltom 4909 3248 1805 Carolina St. ) j ~ ~ | Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning. Pressing. Alterations I CLOTHES MADE TO MEASURE I . 555 E. Nash St. Plmnt Mrs. V B. Barnes Prop. : * i QUICK SERVICE CLEANERS ‘ 5«» E. Nash St. Dial 432.1 j Wr Sperialiase In Blocking EL is i ('lwnlns Clothes. Pressing And | Alteration R. B. Barnes, prop. Wheeler’* Cleaners 512 E. NASH ST. Hats Bli.r-ki-d, Clothes Cleaned, ; Pressed &■ Altered Service Whllcs-V-Wait Try Us ; rtioiur 4517 R. V. Wheeler, Prop. WILSON HATCHERY j U. S. N, C. Poiiorum Passed BABY CHICKS KASCO FEEDS 204 S. Tarboro St. Tel 2655 Wiluor*., N. C, Vw JL JLi iji IN! ,? Nexf Door” tied li ififTi. j | :-«55=- If 1.11 laiu ia!ifflL fW Hj/.' \ i >n’t Mind Sonny bm. H LOAFS Tv Push But'-ms . N. Y. Election Board Halts Candidate As Former Convict NEW YORK * ANPi ' Th- . 11. \V l i. StOppi P,,t' • IMV ... ’ 10 ; i’litu-:- i ivs ]i, -sled . ::-VM .'MU- i P id.. - | 1 -If! wa.- himself stopped bv l>;^ ] toa!d ”i -Ymum: T.U'.-d:.;. /,‘iri | vim. ~ cahd-d.-itt- / -r she Repuuii an nomination in the 22nd C : 1 grvssii nai di-ts ;,-' in she primary • | to be ht-li this rn-.nth. . Ti-.e id .if vie; 'icn.-.’ . j ion ol designnting petitiofts lo» | 11 in\.! V t.'B ••• t i idel t.< - 1\) \ o’A OU.t i»*C I UimbTe petition- ntt v he w.v ! hanod wilh beiovi .•*;; t « vho \ c c\ ihu 103 W j U’ i v».’olr fev j tutu.’’, v i:c’. hi. n-ivs havi j jarty lawyer, branded Rumbiv ■- ! •*.*. o-iiro«> con viol without oven U'.- j f?.ht it* v’otc. i Rurnhle's iav. vc; Joou M ; damn J that thoi'o u, re ti c ' Tamts 1 P Rumbles, und tnai : US iv.s u' ft?! ? nncit Wi; ih ! of thr prison record | The htW Ai r fvirt‘‘Cr desci ibed hi * -liem as a “docs-T and Indian modi j ud v’itainin pj’cpaj'ftiit.m- in a Jcr ! v City jucioiv \ I.c*jkf wit;! said i'iOl Rumble v. hs ’ M-jitenccd to Sine in )D2‘T in: i ’rand larceny and later sent to A.- , J ! as,ir, for mail fraud; and shui ! Rumble'- civil had ,a;. ■ joo’.i restored to bin . vofmg ‘ .-i .-f-ar Ivo’ (-(.inmij’ed a it-hrny. j Lefkowiiz i.- chuirmau ol 1 . i.- N.- | ; Co.inty Republicai: law .mimiu!- ;.i: t. Rumble was seekh;-.. to run in ; he prmsary Harold C. Bur -1 mu. the GOP'.' designee it; the- dis ' tic! whirl) is !((.:rt sent d by Co t i j rfsn’.un A. Clayton pow. 11. the fe/noeratit incumbent who is seek fenomination v dh :i» backing [ ’ iUe America r: I.Hb- )i par!’ j 1 1)1 VI, WALK SCALE 01 TI AWED I'OR I.V M i 10(M. SV STEM NEW OKI .BANS .ANP) iwo-wage setile. in which Negro school tcacf.a ~- i cei.,- It.-s t a av. while.- f"i . :1V inr C)!!. !ili,M’.alr. .tt as ruled unconst itutionai la-t - i lasi v.- ,-k bj Fc leriil Judge Hi-l bert W Chi o ter. -. i Th, cit J Hill '..1- iihU • d Ua>\Vjl i: !i* |l|B *r»s<:"'„.*® rj*^ta^cg? \ *s|3/ P/uuuvteef. 6u TZatumal Patent CountiU. \ fw. || .... \+q4f<rfJ. f f.. rr , r .f V . - v . wqih) iim fi * i • •****?»f’rrwvrtwr* •*>*'• 1 v.- THE CAROLINIAN i WII)K\ M HOOKS PI T KM) TO BI AS CAMDEN. V .5 \NP A rs oiutiori inirofiu e<! t.> A1 bei E Fiounicy, \vgr# nwm- of the board of duration, was passed bv thr L aard end -1115 -, jration in Camden's ’ fhools in accordance M'ith a state diicctivc. This board action v i'l cut out tin- ovvria ppuig districts and other devices use,. . maintain segregation in iho citv h> Scp t* 1918. This move was made a.i attempt to .i'-oiV a rivii suit., against the hoard Um.,! ,«.rV tt) the NA.-VCP. APPLICANT LOSES PtOONO IH soil TO ENROLL LOUISVILLE t ANP F. Je . ’ Judge M. Church E > r,i debit the aUeriipts of Negro teache; i ;,n T. J- onson ’ ■ on ter the I’niversitv of Kentuokv o severe iult last wc-v'k as he- ruled against -ih< applicant. The judge quashed a default ' judgment asked by Johnson wh ; . h oned that the board ol irusto. - -.j the university had failed '• I answer a summon.-, he had hied wit bin !til d 1 'u tiny- 'I he c.uloc ruled that Johnson’s noti-c-r hui nuvur ix'un sivvod on th«. ‘ s. ; i.v Mi.o M,h Lee ; ' i:r j.-r-:-M -rhnol board I ,sk’i :: -hi. a dei-l-.vabiry judgmen - -. j ;.; i:,- ! .i,;-: i U C-- ;.i n, .CC furtbei aSii-’-ed discriuiimi i situ :hu ctv.ift tJ"j*ut 'A m* re I- ;V (1 su7.t .1 Vrc.-I’ wHuL* ? ht* -.lho 1 i( ... v’/hut 11■ ’«*i cT ii’.niilai In upholding the wG-men's con i j -i . Cli ”'G ’ h 4.. v, , i .• 1 H o tliG olfiCi.-t) poLii oi the ?choo uomd in M’ n'm.i'Op., smaile «;,!«> "i; U).)!:, *’ i • vUCG ;i*i n-, .ti*/ {.n.fhctect cu'. iucc eivt.ii I n* (•ni.u ' vas unc wi:-; i; <•: iuiiul. SECOND SECTION Ifil, I’OFTS SI’liAK I'v ,lo*'u Henrik Clarke for ANT I ki. U' tv seems to be ; Littli it aeon or rhyme ' For the men who write of beauty . Ln sueli conflict ina times . . But » am one of those men ; Who s'rivr to yield ; Golden fruits, from n stone fir Id ; SONNETEER AM) THE NUMBERS MAN Its RI( ARDO WEEKS (FOR AND "Sonnctcct ' said the '.'liter, Vour poems are quite good. '"But sou ought to play the j numbers "In fad. I think you should. j ■( 'nismdi vs most have money i To light for liberty "You shouldn't ;iusi depend on Your rift tor poetry" ’ 'Yet: need foiru dough to help you ! 'And back the tt you say ‘lt'll take more than voui poems To light u,> Freedom's way !” : vnmetoer said "Mister, You'i<- wasting tny good time. Ml never j -lay the numbers '.As long as 1 cart rhyme " Ami when it conus to Freedom 'lt's somr thing you can t buv i •You've sot 1 to tight to w»n it. j 'And sometimes even die." I j "it may be tine that money Could help ami ’akr me far, I But the pen. my friend, is greater, And it's my guiding star!" 11 HOOKS M William Henry Huff for W'P j ."in not concealed about im looks ; suf 1 atm wild about my books; j They truly fe dmv hungry mind I too I books have always been; tny i dr. thorn m.\ happiness depends, i or a.• a:-: a ate 1 find. f. V J n davs ail ahead seemed dark d a i ong • ■ »\v ird Ihe in a v k | Vi t h re adi nv. iun 1 1 c r i r .i vsi y li u ncl . ! ' v.>:\ why I soyeht ;i lonely nook i y people conic not understand /%£V . ■ by torn] : ——™- - , ■ \^j,\ fW7 / s —.. rr rr*~:~— >y r , , m CLEANLINESS Keep your hair clean if you would have it beautiful. When your s hair begins to look the least bit dingy, wash it with a carefully se ; levied shampoo. Hard water will make* most soaps ineffective and leaves a dull film on the hair. So it's best to choose a soft water •rente shampoo which gives you i cleanliness and a lovely sheen even in the hardest water. Os course, a daily ritual of brushing helps keep tresses clean between shampoos school. The plaintiffs attorney then " tiled an amended petition nan. v; the hoard and Gov KarK : ’(' 1; moms as defendants. This will 1 reopen the suit. The university has refused ;Juhnsorfs applications twice be * arise of the stab 1 s Oav 1 a v •). v. 'neb prevent the races iron, .'.Hemline; the shine schools. WEEK" ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1948 LA. BUS COMPANY IS STILL OPERATING BATON ROUGE, La. (ANP) - . Buses operated ’ey ■„ Negro tran it company are once mere rolling the ctrcc-ts of the capita! city of Louisiana. Efforts of the. Baton Rouge eorrpar y to halt the opera !iou of the colored buses failed j mice more last week The white firm had the eight , colored drivers arrested for oper ; sting their vehicles without a prop- j Humphrey Hails YWt.l’ Role in Rights Fight NEW YORK Mayor Hubert ! Humphrey of Minneapolis:, who; led thi- fight for an inclusive and •pecific civil right - plank at the. National Democratic Convention: in Philadelphia, credits the N A. A ( p with preparing "the morn! . climate which made my speech! md i*' .ccoptanu po»sii.)le. In ! let 1,-i to Walter While, N. A. A. C. I>. see rot ary. Mayor Hum- i phroy said; "1 '''.ink we are in the threshold nt a great victor;, n this greatest moral issue of tv times. No one can ever adequately -•ay how much people like you who tave labored valiantly in the field :>T; years were responsible fm nui great vic'orv in Philadelphia 7 BHOOKS SEA i'OOl) MARKET OPEN T OO A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. WE DRESS AM) DEI IVF.R AT NO EXTR A ( OST 900 EAST NASH STREET LIBBY’S CAFE FOR HOME COOKED EOOf» , BAR -B-QUE PHONE 4160 539 E. NASH STREET ~ IDlTuTiji YN VMS ( ASH AND CARRY 60c Promj* Pickup and Delivery Service Dial 2416 Corner Pender A- Academy Sts. , O.R. (OCKROrS 1 GROCERY Where Ymir Dollar JVuys More 513 sTANIONSI4URG ST ! ' I Mrs. Eula Locus SERVICE STATION AND GROCERY STORE 1205 EAST NASH STREET BEER SOfl DRINKS ICE CREAM I 1 : ■ r.-._iz=z=ZL RICE’S REN’S SHOP | ! LEE HATS CURTIS SHOES THE finest in tailoring Ilk S. GOLDSBORO ST. \ , FOR REASONABLE PRICES SHOP AT RICE S ’ j ■ REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE INC, 113 S. DOUGLAS STREET H. J. DAUGHTRIDGE. MGR. "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" PHONE 2293 i. . , ; 11 WILSON CAFE i ' I AND HARLEM POOL ROOM BEER LUNCHES SANDWICHES « ' j 423 E. NASH ST. j PHONE 404! GEORGE LAMPRGS. Pfnp. :i ! * STAR CAFE ★ e 122 E. BARNES ST. H ; GRADE A— EXCLUSIVE COLORED CAFE "The Best In The State" Gus Gleirmi*. Mgr. i i ’ ~~ 1 " ’ : Barker s Department Store 201 - 203 S GOLDSBORO ST. “Outfitters For The Entire Family" Be Sure Tc; Visit Our Bargain Basement" - BLAIR’S SHOE STORE ™ - - CHARLES STORES CO. 221 E. NASH STREET WILSON, N. C. "HEADQUARTERS FOR FALL FASHIONS" EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME ’ FOR COMPLETE AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 5136 80S £, NASH ST. DAY OR NIGHT WILSON'S NEWEST ESTABLISHMENT Wilson » To keep 1 his Page, Patronize Those Who Make It Possible < r permit nf frahehi'-e. The colored attorney. ,1 E Perkins, argued' that 'the white firm could not be grant ed an exclusive franchise under ! the laws of the state to operate m Baton Rouge Judge J. St. Clair Favvot ruled ■ the drivers not guilty. The colored firm has been undfr fire by the i white group ever since it started | n 11145. The Negro buses have been i ordered off the streets several times, but after each instance they nave returned. I Cockrell's Grocery Meats, Fruits And Vegetables 101 F. Green S Phone 3970 FREE DELIVERY - Louise's lleauly Shop BEAU TV TREATMENT THAT KEEPS VOL LOVELY’ framed Personnel to Serve You 100:: WOODARD AVENUE PENDER STREET GROCERY 4ttl PENDER STREET FRUITS VKGETABI US IRISH AND COUNTRY MEATS PHONE 3225 FREE DELIVERY MEET FRIENDS AT WOODARD’S INN FAST X ASH STREET HOT BAR-I.’-QUE DAILY w | U , r ... -iTT w l •«' : *-f"f 't | Wilson Dodgers BASEBALL CLUB DICK SIMMS, Mgr. 1 Dick’s Blue Room , -=-■-■==-= CLUB 301 WHERE FRIENDS MEET A I,AT REOPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 817 GAY STREET Harvey D. Williams. Prop - MASTER SHOE SHINE PARLOR 523 E. NASH St. Phone DIM All Ladies A Gentlemen's Dj« And Shine Work C. By num, Prop., P. Bynum, Mgr

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