PAGE FOUR PA fROWZK THLM ADVEK u*m .** MUSIC IN THE * ’HURCH [ f ,H# L 4 | Ui l WILLIA• •' •. OiIiMES I tMw M i I '-u~>.u:«jn»j).jJUT«ii~rimjiii »««ii'»nnwnn i im'innn-i ■ 4iws»««iwrM»**-^wnuuwPMHMMMHMn(iWH•! ' AN ADEQUATE MUSTC PROGRAM" When we to explain trie full essence of what con. ti tutes an adequate music program! for the churches, we find our st ives in a difficult situation for many reasons. There ir, a differ ence in music appreciation and ideals of the leaders and members ation rvh’ch must be taken into consideration when adequate music program. .if service, whether formal nr informal, inspirational must be considered know however, that is the need . The minister plans ■ > it fi m n..-p ation . cording to the needs >nday School superintendent and training programs accoiding to the needs of the ’■ *■" o to meet the needs of ..i aevntional in character, based the IPn'f d-.vinnes. CP s.i English rues whether singing or speaking. There the part; of alll persons in charge of music . cd English to all who attempt to rind or , . ' should, be of good musical form and char ' i aid in expressing or conveying the senti . in text. Each song should be worshipful in >l. • atmnee in ••>• mint, appropriate foi the service, and practical in its application. Hymns and songs should be tucd by the song leader and choir before being presorted to the congregation. There should be much variety :n the program of music, this w ill add spice and life to the progr; n It should be properly rc-'ated to the whole «•? -vice. It should v end don a high plane, at d its put pose p- : d be to . ' a spiritual reaction, worship, med'l .1 qn. and xi on. Th*' best • to plan the w f worship service i> thrnush nfererci: bet' . ... 'tor. TV: uro cedurr wh i '. re and or.h ■ ‘he so’Vice. Tin • , . V 'pful; 1 I. The n .... be I * i ■ h) the the View oi -.tier,, -•*. rsh .' Hymns and songs of prt, ■ ”> iv , ?on*ec-atio:i are appror in;. ; *- r vke. 2. F 'it- vt . 4 service in the u ~ gospel sealg.: •; t>\ :isnet !’ ntiOii. and < xhc: l j 4 -’■ m ..... appropriate. 3. In the pray «• he church music dicectc.: sh iuld plan music sin 4 , to •’■p . f ’he service. 4 T .until. " . iul services should be pi. '-d Such will includi . rhanksgiy'm Ch.-istJuas dunng which times some specmi cantata oratorit - some- weli-plannca prcgrai'4 '-n !.-■• paig wiili spirit oi th*- veson should bo rendered. Funeral setv.res aid b<- given more «tt n. Only such Sengs as will convex ' definite message should l>. used For baptism, sr... 1 the theme of obedience m foliowing Chi Ist should be used The Lord’s Suppr is a time when music should refer to the h ben body rod she .< blood cf oqr Lord. For revivals we shc>uh» -isc hymns a 1 " • <*- which convey message *"f God’s love, t sc* "a* cnee, prayer and exhortation. cangrga» : orouf-n tanging, SPECIAL Pi jCRAMS Each ch should ren.special ... ccasi snallv. These l?rograms she have lor inch airn the ad\cincciv.ont .-i thr.- king <*om of Christ 5,,. dal training should •>: given the choir for suc.i d -n*. •* selected music should be- n od and the program -t oe if-ndciod un 4 H it has been mastered well enough i m ura a creditable performance. May wi: give more attention to building an adequate church rfcusic program. 1 ■ IT i \ ] ' PAYS i , ji ! „ ! j; iU Advertise i ¥ : SEE f. ** ! : WILLIAM GRIMES YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE 1 | 200 r„ THOMAS ST. j \ vcriiijiiitiTiifwrftwr-rvrtitnfrr , “---■>■»«-•«*.■ >-*- ~* - ... ■ <-»«rn• .T ' i lON ROCKY MOUNT ARE RACE TARHEELS REALLY SATISFIED? ! j ~ dic-m to Jine-up uciiind and join the veal program ■of the National Association for the t Advancement of Colored People 2 which would eventually lead all .. Negroes to the ‘’promised land’ of „ ccon.-mic and political freedom tltru ■ oyer use of .he huilot by de-; itin;. such reactionaries r.s Koey. Thurmond, Russell Wright and _ - Kenneth R< yall all of whom oppo-c , n> having an equal chance to aa cncc econnmically. ’ i Our N-. aro hack rs ,ic lecpti:i» n their greatest ehanet i.- -fame and fortune” when they fail so , arose and tnobiii7o the thousands Rocky Mount Personals , Mr ” ' Mrs V.'i'liant T Grimes i.nd and. Mr and Mrs Hov,ard Manhy. have 1 ccer.tly rc ? turned from New Rochclie N V., where f. c*\ spetu e wn k : non vi 1 !i vi- and Mv- Granby. Mr ;.nd Mr:-. Bravaid and M. * n■ . li'.y a1: .1 - c:: .11 >h!. 11 t fi. li' ■, ) Am,,’ Mrs .. Selma Bra A and Mrs Lula Bri ley an- e: ,0 M. o c)me- Inc trip to New York took the 1 , cicutioiK'i s through K:chiriC,i,cj. \’a W-st.■.'or. ]j. (' ffaiti, e Mil 1 « ac.. Fa Ni v Yo,; Mr- Kite White Smith em i alone wi'b them to Philadelphia : where she stopped «m her daugu . tot. : ( w-h l< -.’•.-•e);: v made m.:*si 1 id a-an* ... fraud tar given by t] -.- three men'iOei , ’,d their huebands othe; reia tu (i icno } .tu nu'ucrs atvt hv-i*- get o gctheis ai,,l t niei > tainmetit.-, added much jcy to, ir»- occa ion v.iii Luiida)' I,l.tiing, w** . -v i': hipped at :in nr the.-du ifap tc t Church of Rochi-ile *4 Y 1;,. L- ' 1 >-ng f-A:. or A very w&i m v cdee.iv.. was u eei -cd v.-uh gr< »-l- I mgs fan many fi lends, including tin p.vt,.., and u ;fe During the rtioi nihg - 1-. -a Mi ••Tcct„.n accompam. c! :u me u; , - m b.v W Hov., *d Maniey. Annth -1 tv high light of :r;trip eat to Radio City Music Hud snd Svi -1 t ..c R.■ ii..:.,,,d play cind where .the children were greatly amused. Mr and Mrs Pete Luca and Mr. end Mis James Ra-.vlins, Mr. ana Mrs David Hacgins motored o Moreh ad City where they a most pleasant week end at die beach. Dr and M:- Will.ant fsessoms Dr and Mrs J W Black and Dr. 01 -rider Stovall 1* ft Rooky Mount imi week for Newark. N. J. to i fond he medical .-.ssociation con i vention G G Green of Nr’v Lark City ;nd Gro\. Spict t of VVashir.gion.! O C visited Mr. and Mi-. R.oy | Hagan, on Albemarle Avenue Mrs. CHI RCH NEWS r '-, -c Walters is the dek ■ ■ L.Mt Carey Pftroisn M:s --< that v.-ill convene l 10. r< pi c-sen r y . ...\ Mi. -lotiiil'y Cir- ' u Mourn Zion Baptist Church. Ihe Juri' r Missionary Circle ot j -<-*unt Zion Bnpitsi Chiircb pre | sen ted a special play Sunday night, j Uigus; ft. The circle 1.- under the I adership of Mrs Sarah Leonard j The BTU 01 the same efureh I -'onsored u college group program .-bich was very interesting. This rganiza’icn has from time to time resen-ed quite a number of most iclpful and inspiring programs tc tether with their regular meeling.- rm Sunday to Sunday. Its work 5 crock the leadership of Mr. ,T! 1... "Sfiter. e very capable and sirt- Cre worker ir, the church, com munity and hi the bu dness world ie -,s L-o president oi the local i-oncl, of he NAACP. The Temple Joyner Missionary .‘ircle 1 spons-orln}; a .six w-csifcs r -'-ibie ptu • course with Mrs A. B. ! Tyrd as president and Mrs. Lula j ace director and teacher. These i ar especially noird for their 1 ; many ‘-'in’ri.iHt.orv in the field of j 1 eellrion, have . been leaders or ! " c fw quit'-- sometime. (j Birdie Pash ard Mrs. Maggie Ear. - THE CAROLINIAN i.f ;A-},roes in their respective com :: .illil -. 1 .. L 1 ..I J ..O, 1 till 111 i ill u ■ adult > lassos tin process >..f regi - :■ ytioii and rot iris’ thru ti.t NAACP pivigrum .■ hu-li has :.m - • to lis I v>'i v L- s' 1 ega I taJi’ii t m the minor; f ab ; to vs*. Jii.- N’A-'Cp only needs tlu* Ne groes ot North Carolii\a ma tlieii 1 er.,l ...1 ~1 the lnequuli : - -.-bich include Jim Glow and a! -. .*.u-.. 1 of the ’ igiu ot ballot itL •■: tions Negro t. acher.s, ;a.nistrr.s other professionals; 01 n. :.r I'iOfessionals’ who have In mis l .ild i: idithal tti« ~ 1 ' ,vi., ge. i j-i. up' a 1 it; i,ot • t_u jeet to the d,sc» nmuaticn 1 1. t (!;■ ■ ' > liave to acute t:s. old .'M e that they .vill V r - •. m ■■ v ii, the rentmoii pco . !e. *•!,:, paying them tor theii .or ; ViCcJi. • j o : rest a.-sured 'hat man. i us thru-out i .-.1 ■ ’ ite mat tin • 1.1 thinking and talking of :, 1 lii-’ a b‘ yeett around .ill -ucl *•« Negrovs” who are too small • ’ h :n i1 s win our eron.-.inic and : political freedom by teaching and: p-rraching to us roeitil unity and the! 0 o ot tro ballot thru 4 he NAACP I u.d or*> m used labor. We know of a • minister who had a church of 900 ■ ms ir. all u-•;•.• bor vi,. Int th- hoine 01 her daughter, I ’ in i• -■ .Mr ai d Aii I weedy. ’ >• v. Pi N ii St iIOOI. Is (ililft.i!) ill'll BliM i) HOI siA(, :.>\V YORK AN Pi The Nev t , - r TS , , -.i-w, M uems Hudson 1.- .-or*. - ■’vr unmindful of the federal •,: and -yeafu: ;tatut« cf ivhuh t racial di-.crim- 1 ■ •'’-*'*>'»• tn public agencie? The -k,- !,;■ r-x 111 ouce a peculiar , , •if’-riid-half jim crow * practice* [ .:i .. r-t 'har, iota! jim ci v\ 1 it.S'l-lf I 1f- 1 . \ • i c i ■ c-Ail. when the present super- , ■mendent .Vii-s Inez Patterson, toon ’ '' insiitutiori v 3; 100 per i giiis vei *; “ . u ln gJ" cottage.- and' ; -ntre girls n-< lily-whi e buildings. < ! ■ ‘cad of putiiiiC an end to this . ' - v,-’C pronounced i*esentrr.<:iv I I’unr.g Negro eirls who live in the r •< q.egated buildings New arrivals v v ■' f ‘ -d -nc. made self-conscious , T -it luce by being given a y,*- 1 i "boicr* of moving into a st-gne- f i ‘ ;ated o: mixed cottage. Frictions , ’ -• ” mors acute f- Negro s 4 &tf members have I r-. -emmer-t toward the poliev. r !K * : Anu Hvvktrp. vocational ch :-''-'nc.r. feh this wry about it when < i ske ut *,*; kto ni.,tre tlir viruversa’-y celebration a mcm ,-icr"«ior. In addition, the scroniv will present the s2oo' : scholarshio we; by Miss Berna- ; : dine Williams -f Marten Fork High school nt the meeting. 9F4PORT SFI'N AS top mfiopiw MTJt FOR Fi l l RF ac; ABABA Ethiopia fANP' I r-ih-no-• like other notions of j ', i e• •* to reenvn , - n the ravages cf Word War I) • Fh Fkc many of the other eoun- 1 j nr !r a ever this African nation i 4 cods an eutief to the ocean before ; t can ever consider itself an i n . j •'■ ■ d-”.' n.-’to:, L nuts! ml | :: ■ f m.-itu medieval customs j ‘ 1 educate j's people to !!,e mod-' | ‘ 1 of living of h - •• ■•".>•!; down ma-, ;!' 1 U- iv dui ir - the r ,-t war Ed,..! ■ :v t-niit tip niavnallv Tiv- ■ I -' jin Out many new roads and' ■,”N: n bn idir.gc Unfortunately, hr j-ouii” v w';- almost destroyed | -•’’ill.'s I*- 1 can-:* neariy all cl ' ■ ediir.?:- 7 vour.g people were; k’Hcd if bv rh*- ft r; - One cf the few L.rward i,v km .j.'-au of ’hr..- 1 ation i it ; - ruler. Fin in'; Ha;!. Sei.i ■ I*. who i.opes ! |tr correct the need: of his country. | He ii: anah—fd most a! his ns-, n*.*t, : needs very well, and ’c*;.n- Mn-is an out].*: m Ihe -pa block -1 ft bv 1 til’ erstwhile Italian colon- 1 ;es of Eritrea and Italian Scroui i.ind. one . f Lis count: Y's greater Ur’ ~ Hr • aid E.thicpia will he independent n rvine . ly -'o long as sn- i- jk- | ed ni without an ntlet tc the ■>ur claim to the ftalisn colonies is! ! - w-o'unaLi--. rcnnwmi.-Mi * I' If Y- - * ■ , • ■ i.witiii-i .-xi-t t.- incmselve- i Thrv must L-e reunited to Ethiopia. M 1 ' • L-. . f Kiiu ‘t. eJ* ;hal j dir, country cannot complete its j e ’-construction ihr&uch if own re- ! tourcec alone To help fiij ti,e eau | r *at* c;.a 1 J .i cd ,f has imp..,, lea feafiiors lii.rn Atiit: ~, ij 1 ;st B |. ( im India and other rouiinir* ilc has taken funds (~.m In *i | per- 'is! treasures to finance new ]' ■h> (; N- vei "t eless educatiof;- is j dd! *i! us i • :rrij).v -tage m this east 1 African nation. t r mcdeivai .-nstitutionr \ f hi t ition have .-Tensed down i.e nnpeicir s program lor pi oaress j 'n- ugh .‘us power •- given as ab ! •oiui. He cannot afford to change ! • 1 cop-d historical tradition of cen-! !i ii ics hi a tc v in,-.met l and have -h< c’ accepted fc; tht people Tivr. 1- no such thing a*; wes tern dc-mocracj here, and the err. pm or i - rot a despot either. But to act lie must change each ‘hn,. a- tbs deep-rooted ccr, 1 .-it and th. medieval part But ihc ; c-pic who knov. the em- P"t-i iiivi- that he it a man who . . - ; ' me t„ sec 1. pr. gre--: and - ! *nd it for his country despite the fr.:>n’, .u.-1 icics facing him. World s Bigjicsi Local FJccts Negro Head At $5,000 \early Salary DETROIT 1A VP, A \>- gre was ejected last week as -ecretary of the world’s large t Iftcai union William Mood 37, tinso!i, tot tile. Sli.OiiO a yeai post vvith Ford local tiOti United An o Worker of America, flO He was sworn into office August 8 at the general council meeting H* is the third Negro to hold this post in Inrat (108. He i‘ married and ha* two chit dreii l« union activity he ha been a dclptra e to the jtetrnral rounci 1 (if the locaS financial ■cere tar j oi his unit for three years, member ot tin Kuii.l ing > vectitivc board and a member of the 1 iAVY eomen- ; lion education conimtttce. Mb Mary Writtht nf 327 Wood- 1 lar.d Avi'iitu 1 . recently visited! ’■ Bssi.iii'Mr: Saltimore, erid New! Turk, nccompanmg her w*,- Miss \ Willi; B JOL -.«• of liti oily. The trip! was very s-njoyabie. She has re turned home after a most piieastmt vocation. SECOND SECTION CHARGE EMPLOYMENT BIAS IN MISS. VETS HOSPITAL FACILIT Y JACKSON Mi- . 1 ANP) 0p.,-! I and flagnuit disci-iminatiuri is prac , ticed against eight Negro cs - , < ivicemcn employed ut tin v Mount < ■ Ciamor Shop—Rc-ky Maunt Social Mriver KING OF THE BOOT BLACKS 128 E THOMAS ST THE MOil MODERN SPOT IN EASTERN CAROLINA DINE AT CHIB PONCE! AN A 246 PARK AVE. ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. CALL 2074-J For Reservations Ernest (Cute; Davis, Mgr. ATTENTION CITIZENS AND BUSINESS MEN THIS PAGE WILL PROVE TO BE AN INVALUABLE ASSET j TO YOUR COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS | THIS IS YOUR PAPER THIS IS YOUR SPECIAL PAGE STIMULATE ADVERTISING PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS REMFMBF.R EVERY TOWN NEEDS ! A NEWSPAPER WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST 11, 194 K ; kin;. .'■rn:v )i(?ad of the V. >'■, O' pai InuTi! ol labor. She ajid Mr;:. ill K Deers. ihainnar, , r the ißaiit vetoian; commit let hold i upotations as being vigorous op fMAV AM) GORHAM DRUG COMPANY 152 TAR BOKO Si RTF I PKKSi till' f ION DRUGGISTS PHONE 200 Agnes' Beaut\ Salon 013 WEST GAY 'STREET FOR SC n Mu It t ARE Ol HA IK VN I« SCAM' MISS AGNES I ANE, Prop. PHONE 2321-M Cho Stoic That Brough. Prices ! Down in Rocky Mount SEI F-SfcE VIC E DRESS SHOP 2U9 SOUTH MAIN STREET • t -t To Whaicy iun.ituic Co. GAYNOR’S WHITE FRONT MARKET GROCERIES. MEATS. ICE CREAM. SOFT DRINKS 516 GAY STREET R. M GAYNOR. Prop. WILLIAMS DRY < i.FAKERS a:: gay STREEP ilei cfal Drv Cleaning. Slocking, pit iur. While l Wait CASH AND CARRY Alexander Williams, Prop j I GENERAL Contractors Free Estimates Complete Architectural Service F. I. LOWE CONTRACTOR CHURCH BUILDING AND DESIGNING OUR SPECIALTY 3?0 Golcileaf Street Phone 1844-R 11a—iMucr'-Mgaagi a ■wmtr.ihwn —————-—-——A i Kocky Mount - To Keep This Page Pa- Iron i/e These Advertisers ; ponenls of discrimination against i Neprces especially in gov' rumen | ml st ). vice ! "Til" A Ml Y t At ' iDR V & CLEANERS, Inc 238 i AKHOKO ST. ’ Huui Dry (Cleaning Service TELEPHONE 112 ;l BAWurs CAFE & SERVICE STATION 7 Atlantic Ave. Phone 995 j Sanawich.ti, Beer, Sodas Ice Cream, CSac Oil Wash, Grease TIRE REPAIRS H. H. WEEKS FEED .TORE 'l9 Tart.oro St Rocky Mount MOST < OMELET E \i<>< K Ol SEED AND GARDEN NEEDS IN TOWN 1 Harren Sales Asrenrv i tj j CONFECTIONERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL | AGENTS WANTED: AFRO A | TELEGRAM NEWSPAPERS 13 Atlantic Ave. Phone 756 "When Bet er Automobiles Are i Built £UICK will Build rhem” The Best of Service On Ail Make® of Cars and Trucks ROSE BUCK CO. Harrington Cash Store Look! Your Favorite lot Cream, •5e A Pint. S;uf. Drink ol All Kind*' Bakery Goods GIVE US A TRIAL . WASHINGTON ST, I IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Treat Yourself To Our Service ( *ty Barber Shop 200 E THOMAS ST. William Grimes, Prop. i ATLANTIC SBv Hi STATION ’lO f l noma■ t phone 9t»9 G t OH, SATES SERVICE Tire and Mechanical Works PE CMS R ALSTON, Prop. !j DAVIS ~~ | j HA Dio Aft I CORD SHOP ! pfaiaiiaam in Amo Radios Latest iteeoids Delivery GAY STKEY i MARY t • DAY I; Prop. !, Dannie's Beauty Shop si Speetaiiiing in Ail Piu*t* Or •j . Beaut*, i utture Pnom 1414-Ivi i | if&iel Hal «oou Operator jl 513 IV. Thomas S.. Rocky ML i i Mrs. Dannie McCiean Prop. Aieiglilxii hood (.enter i GROCERIES -A: MAGAZINES moot banding & r suiting | j 706 Ftnn Ave, Phor.e 2786-R J I ».i--iter Prep. Nave and Borrow with the i Atlantic Credit i nion | < nartered by the State of N. V. i Jilts F. Ihom&s St. -• i-hone 289-J OPEN IOR NEW MEMBERS Louis Pippin, president i! Mr« Nora E. Bailey, Sec.-Treas. I ‘ _ _ DICKINS FISH MARKET SEAFOOD AND GROCERIES j: Ei'h I»reused and Delivered! Free <;V> W. THOMAS STREET PHONE J255-WX i I ; ====== j Goldleaf Grocery FRESH FISH MEATS GROCERIES 383 ATLANTIC AVE PHONE 2245-M ; COMPIiML.M'S Off Kev. h. P. Battle PRESIDENT OF Till STATE 1 B P. O. F. OF W. ROCKY MOUNT f FRESH FISH PHONE 125! -W 301 GOLDLEAF ST. B 1.. BENJAMIN, Prop I _ WILLIAMS COMMUNITY • I ORE 314 GOLDLEAF STREET n AIN & F INC Y GROCERIES FRESH MEATS -- DAIRY PRODUCTS Ol ALL KINDS BATTLE’S CASH C.EOI ER A MEAT MARKET f,12 1 THOMAS ST I'm Owk’.L Service Cali 2*«k