WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST I I. HHS PATROMZK THESE ADVERTISERS ST. AUGUSTUS HOLDS QUAR TERLY CONFAB A Third Quarterly Conference was held at the St Augustus AME Zion Church on Fa-;: North Street Friday through Sunday of last week. It war r< ported by the pa.-.- tor, the Rev U. S Johnson that it was the largest attendance -me* his pastorship here • Dr T. W. Thurston, presiding j elder of the New Bern District of the N. C Conference delivered a very inspirational sermon at ele ven o'clock. His topic was. One! More Rivet to Cross.” The afternoon services were con-j ducted by the Rev D. L Grady and \ his congregation and choir of St. James A. M K. ( hurch on East Street. Isa Rev. M. I*l. Leak of ‘ Dover and Fort Barn*vtil climaxed the session with another inspira t ticnal sermon. The services tor next Sunday a; St Augustus consist of regular ser vlet- at 11:00 A M. The Rev. E. E : Roundtree, his choir and congrega tion of Snow Hill AMEZ Churcnj will have charge of the 3:00 ser- j vices At 7:ob F. M. the Rev. E. E. lsiey. his chcir and congregation oi VISITORS IN CITY Levi Pzsberry of V/ashington U ' C is visiting his wife. Mrs. Berthaj Rasberr; SOi Harvey Street m the city. Mr. Alontta t'icCcy of NcrtOiK. Vs., was a recent visitor in the city.- Mrs. Fred L. Greene cf Apt. 3-G Mitchell Wooten Courts is spend ing her va; a r.ion at Seavif >v Beach at Norfolk Virginia. MENNiE'S FRUIT STAND NOW OPEN FOR BTSINI'.i.S S old Drinks, vfiik. Candy t akes S'l3 5-2 E. l.eiioir Si. Phone 3917 Hrs. Minnie Degialfrrii id. Prop. It OR iriri BEST IN GROI iCt COLD DiU.TiS ICE CKI v:*i VISIT Hardy Grocery 315 OAK STREET OL'R COftf PLIMEN i S Hill’s Electric SHOE SHOP COS Mitchell Wooten Drive. Alexander 'Doc ifd! Prop t : COMPLIMENTS OF NAOMI’S ! REALTY SHOP 6(14 Mitchell Wooten Drive FEED YO( rt i AMILY FROM RHODE’S POULTRY AND GROCER! MARKET 7UB Qi INN ERL Y ST. FOR THE BEST JONES’ GRILL ! SANDWICHES, COLD DRINKS ICE CREAM HOT DOCiis hamburgers US S. QUEEN ST. LET PHILLIPS Dry Cleaners DO YOUR WORK. 361 hi. INDEPENDENT ST. j Brownie’s Place HAS BEEN ENLARGED FOfi COM PORT AND SERVICE 569 SASSER STREET r ~— j MODERNISTIC JR. HOTEL 412 BEASLEY STREET & 413 N. DAVIS STREET FURNISHED ROOMS Hot And Cold Water FOR BATH Quiet Location MmmaNiMaUNaKfi*ma«aMK«ah**kaiaiaußaMtamaM • mnk i>~itw jß^tar&^aßasuMtw fOf Your New* Your Music Your Entertainment WKNS Presents THE SEPIA VARIETY HOUR WiHi Norman H, Statesman Every Tues., Thur*. and Sat. - 1:30 - 2:30 P. M, On Saturday at 2:30, Norman. H. Statens an COMMENTATES THE NEWS Sunday, 9:45 - 10:30 Spiritual Singing * Friday, 1:30, Negro Farm and Home Agents AH Regular Negro Programs Heard On WKNS 1000 Watts 1000 On Your Dial 1 'km inc Bush Hi-iint -CViUrcli wilt j have charge. Thy pubic is invited | tu enjoy tliese services DOVER HAPPEN INCS Jin vis Buck lit Dovei N. C. i' inviting 1 every t*e to oorr.e to Do-I ■ vt-i tile ilmd Sunday in wugust foi j : services at St John Disciple -1 Church the Rev. D. C. Artist h , paster. | Mrs Mamie Buck of Dover is j . leaving for Philadelphia Angivi : j 19th to visit hei sister-m -lav-, for j i two week#. TRENTON NOTES Funeral service# fi r Oliver ( X - i | n.)!. August 7 a! 2:30 p. tu The J ! ford 75 year#, old, were hell a; King Chapel FWB i.Turrh in Tren- * j Rev P. P perry officiated. Bunal followed in Scotts Fork j j Cemetery. Trenton Survivors are ; widow. Mrs Mary Crotcrd: three i ; sons. Charlie. Cecil and James Cro-j tore, ;t..daughfei#. Mr# Rosie j I Grady Mrs. Viola Crofoid and Mr c . i F. Kinsey. LA GRANGE NEWS Funeral services were held for | j Harvey Jones . f the I.aGrange see- : ricn Sviiday August 8. a? 2:30 p j 1 r.-i at Rcckiord Chapel. Buriai led- ] ! lowed in Rockford Cemetery. Survivors are hi# widow. Mrs. | Fir. -v Jones : \.v li. v v 7,nt:. Jr. :vi Jams- Jones Quarterly Meeting was held Sun day. August 8 at Vine Swain pi j iChut.,ii Fri-nds and members of; ] other churches were present. I’in j jR* v R. (,' '!.■ vet: p.,.-tor from Tai j race N C afternoon rueakei wa 11in Rev. Mi Ri.i us Kin*ton | ~ A new electric device. which ! rsbovij ground 3 Liter/,sties} iy ecu ! ’rcG the v.c ixht cn % £n cii-v.'eil j |in lung bit operating. 18.000 i'ect ; sunder the eartn‘> 'urface. nas ceen , i ! developed. HAHLT.M rsHOE IlINi PARLOR OPEN FOR Bi : JNL ~ fold Drinks, (and*, Cigars r.havcd icc Shoe Shines t l Ei.ol S HOOD. Manager SUTTON’S Jim Liu Watches in.i ( locr- Repaired j 4i3 is- Qi t l.;v sT. i "NO fGB TOO BIG OK ii):i SMALL ’ WHITE SWAN LAI. NDRY 1003 E. HR It ill 1 ST PHONE 2918 I Midyette Hardware j COMPANY HARDWARE BUILDING .11A i c:RIALS, CUiTkii. AND MILL SI PPi S» h PAINTS AND OILS Phone ill? Beech’s Soda Shop WHERE FRIENDS MEET DRAFT AND BOTTLED BILK WINES AND SANDWICHES 336 SO QUEEN STREET CHAPMAN ; SERVICE STATION WASHING GREASING it- ATT ERIE S <' HARD E D Heo Room Drink#, Stnuke# 907 S- QUEEN Si BEET FOR SERVICE ITS JOBfF/S PLACE i 425 E. WASHINGTON ST. CIGARS CIGARETTES SOFT BRINKS FRUIT,.- | Guo-3 Muiit K ! b«sb, N. C. i ~ i Compliments Os A FRIEND i -! I I j - SECOND SECTION jiwraFM SLASHING OF ALA CRIPPLED NEGRO I j 1 t LAYTON, Ala. (AMP)- l hre* i white men were indicted on charges of assault with intent to : tnurdet for the knifim and b*:>; mg ..f an aged and c i -gNe • gio. last week. i'ht tin« i- men. Lehman Make,. 23 Lloyd (Mark, 25, and Eat c ; Williams. 21, ail of near Louis ville Ala., are out on bond# ,i SMOG each. ihf victim was Mose Smith, i 60, according to Barton; Cotui*,. Shei iff M. J William::. According to the sheriff, Smith along with another color*-ol man argued with the whites, and the other :rw tied the ' • -., ; ; i t autorncibiit H#*c:ause iie ivas -i ip Uied Smith could not eu-ape j He had suffered fractures i f i noth ices recently when a I t, j tell or; him. After the melee with j the whites, l e suffered seve: v , facial gashes from knife wcunds i The sheriff said Smith and tw • |of the whites said that Clark i used the knife. H.LA Nftuftiii: Fii Ls t l».a hr in Over j tin Lrot-v i,-OS ANGELES < ANP) For : 1 CilC pixHt vvßrc*Ki, is Li«?Kcl j ) i2l L.VS bCefi Thro; 7 , 31 J ;'' /i»f'i*J a ; oei *:hup>. in v: stwood Village. • ,:*? of the l . of 1 i.a .:t Anaa.ie-. m pv,,te#i ot g ovv P'jiiujes v.'t rsiuu • L.sbrncnts. The picit6T s, cojic iyof both ictres, art* rndOf? |op ol TJOLA students a tut ex • net | i \ icemen. The pi oto-ting gj'oup i;- seekini -3 v i * l l oi v •iu;i la r t ( t!, a t vv -• n at Bimini Hot Springs baths m the • Hollywood distnet. which finally , yavt hi last week after .< dailv t •< kt Cnv v l r)\ montiiv. A imx.tvi j group also wa s involved in the : protest which though peace/ d Lew,cm r-tcha! aitacKs b I iuand private guards on sev [ i ra) occasions. P* LA, alma mat* - l K>nn; W . instoii. Ja*!■ l- R.-bin- W jd.u'.v Strode and rim: rain ' I uiir. Negro athlete# iu,- the iai e i cst uuinbei *.f , oK-red .-tudems ati California roil' Wage earners m Bi idgepn; t 1 *• onn. ro*t*= \s\ rr anti jOt>; ' ".£< tIHV 3' th«r : U ? )>i ‘ t Lr].i > I*. ; "Peking empic-vment. it mdicoc jed i* - a survey 3u^e«wvs»*nejsc , i-'iimir»»»sratss»a3*ia;j.--ima«erasitt. - _ acnetwtw ill KINSTON ! MSiiY (V .Irwrfpi’S 127 SO OKI t N Si. K instori’s i htly Bonded Pawn Shop We Buy Old Gold , .... - - inr|| y - K IN.STON Loan And Jewelers i ‘ii s. ourr.N s i SPF.C'IAL SAU S FOR i ORACi O Warehouse Openings W af< ‘2ies - jewelry Luggage F..- nrnnirrMHirwMn mi.■iui.lij Chapman’s | VARIETY SHOP at ."VJ F. North Street i is the Place to Stop arid iry Our Special Home Made It e Cream Eight F.rocetie? I F resh ConfecUons Ice Shaves and Soft Drink: ! Mr*, iaQrttie N. Chapman I Prop j ■ ~xr:ir‘!!UlTXZKXZ.'ir r a-lZiiK -1 - -,Q ! Erslcine’s i i Diamonds - Watches Jewelry - Silverware | YOU DON'T NFED RIG MONEY TO BUY AT i Erskine's | USE YOUR CREDIT ! Erskine’s K’imtea** teadUng- Credit Jeweler iilN bl ON " VD RATHER i/- BE HEARD NORM AN 11. ST A'! (..MAN j aTEuMl rn 'tu I.h* Ct- t "-poll . ii» : totafiWitT'oToli‘ :j i y til- St.it* Health Department has iiM?ti to clr.se to I.J-H.. Wild) licit tit’U.'i :kl ip rn-.umun:. and it appear:;, there is very htti, that a-alth :•! iici aJ - an do to reduce them, it is easy L> ‘** -ntorc ■! to) >h- }) t *.. t. ' P !;:,:•* lie--- ban- h, ,!).*! Pi. M-al: K; >!•* b‘" ! h- .'Miner. , ,1.1 J - .*:•• -f Ifi. '•'■ !.*■ " hill a In’ cd :. Cj. .„£tituti*nu as Suai..-. -.r!',., > Pol!,, . * *-Ci *'Jt.. 41 I :OUp.-, « lub ~*-• 1,::.'- and a oumL.n • ! -Pa, gath- t tu, *-:•! nt th.d .** ,;.-,u-s"'iav. been ordered dis.'or.tmued auwig sndi groups Wh.-.e dildiHi undo Muteeu years of ".* a«? ctmcemed in--*-iittiiein set-ms. to have .-a-.-n among the -• •- iit'-f P ; oups, bi).lying about man new participants m Pa "hau.t ( litre # to , ca,e who* adults, mm bants and * .vu i-mav take a iiand in helping to enforce these public head!. orde. % : in man ■ rase- puUc gatherings ameug y.-ung children aie ms. .. s . mmeu beioie the mem ordinance, in most ot these case.-,, iht biiir.t- canned be placed open the * hiidu-n themselvc-. mov of them are too young tc undevstar.ct tm >euson* fo< h.ese ie#ti c hons. and in othet cases. YOU, the paient h*»ve tat.ed tu fulfill i voar dutv as a ertken and a p.otct.n ct the i;calth - t j»ur ' ,“?• b# nm telling them about tm dangers c.t polio ana l “ e Mil these restrictions. VLst children navcivt the tannest -dea •■>*■■ .j- 1 ■ • i-.eine kept a .a- n--n. ■ thci people, pe >-•«#•*-' h.ey i-*-i MhM it .s only" anoint. M thr *e go .... Fdks ideas of Keeping us t:cm having fun ........ i,.„ D fin re mere the paiem must be appr, iiendea t * »•*-. -i*»k»ng ■an attempt t, .dir up -m* interenr an -• the ' ; ; ''■ y I:: 1 ,‘ r '. -read, permitting then t. run 3# usual, mM .p ot the orct.nai.c, v/iiicn lias been passed. Businessmen and me;. ;m«d :-.ko be persuacted not .o U tempted to accept the-;, you - i ' i " ‘ *hen ,-sam;#l.n,cat#. t.e r.-ntlv a 1;* ai establishment. sp.-Mii.g a ■ rt! M ' 's-M’ : -' !l J l ‘ r wind* . ■ trine that . hildren und-; : .;.* ~ ot age . *dd r.,i )>' *»'■ mitted was visited bv an unsuspected reporter for a large Sian ~.,0,-1 1m Me ti.. *':! ablishrr.' n!s cm,ld b,. r-en , hiUt.cn t.r, U-*ow tt„- a«e limit, ringing to babes m arm, whtcr. v/e.c < ai: led u. ute. I)\ th,., friend". ' - lr' tli« i; paient -. ... . , „ It j. | u -,p,d that re«nons.ible person: -v11! soon learn that .mv the cm ent p • !* *; ban. are er.f -■ -*1 tor tlr prote. non -t He' *- due population Although the*. : -*>■ times cause a certain •miount cd iuron'.-enience alwavs icmemhe that me weaitn oittciai# i-.novv' best. an:t it is your civic resparuibilit;-- to help keep them enforced. MM illl ltl i)! \los VM) i.or ivmtil i) i-ATRA SESSION WASHINGTON J ANT*) p.iUiican u.*.mb* i . ot cungve •* , )io oppose Hr*. jd* nt fl umar* on piireiv pciliticui gi.imds maJ.* , n, with lev.Ttnm • Dymociats fiom the .south on a j p»og! am that . 1 > i Pr, teem B T. POLLOCK a«u! SON FVI RYTHING IN HARDW AR I Fantt Heatlquat t«?rs Til SO. (jUI I- N ST, PliONl 40«4 THE I !UB -Where The Price Is. A!wav?> I owrt KINSTON For Fins Staple Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Refreshments Os All Kinds, Visit The Nathan Hill's Grocery Store Located On West Street, Dover, N. C. PRICES RIGHT PROMPT SERVICE I] I’M A PUSHOVER i ; .. i /Srv si* I ($ I Q>/ ) ( iitriday at ei* !.t u i.'lutk at the 1 Lioi'iu til various rnembt- it Las: rm-sda.s - niroting wa> held at the i homo of ivii Mabel is.lt’i at 510 . Fast Shine Street Work >'! tor !.:»vttt Ford Club include:, dt-rnraliii;; churc-lit-s m-ihC; Hi; t'lov/t: • 1 ;i tht- sick and deet us • d anti other act- of ktodnu-s T!l<- ciub in s been active site - Ortobei : (047, when it ws-. founded by the ft vv. W. W. Moidrow foram pastoi •,t the St. Jarutis AME Chureh. Tht Church is now unde; toe pasto ship of the Rev D. I Oracty ceis of the Ciub include Mrs ;vi ! lei pr«-ident; ‘ Mrs. W A F\ y> riticoct.il secret ary and Miss Lena Davis. '• • ! eta: A one v. r* revival !;• gan Sun day, August Bth at the, St Jaunt AME Chureh located ~:n East and Aliine Streets l lit.- Lev k 1) Ltwi-. O D j.W • nlii. r * idt i of the Golds ■ boro District A:viE Zion Church is the uin ■ pastor The p■b 1i« i- in \ .led to attend -■■rv-ves thrnughui.t :'.e week which begin at <,30 p m. nightly. Mis Wtiiie A Fove is enjcym» : a vacation m Newport New-. Vs ; with her sister. Mis. Samuel Biac.t 1 i laS’ t tfs . , V. -i * if: r. k i.. : 1 , -U other points ;r. A i f, r the it few weeks Sherolyn Ann Lsv.ts the two weeks bid daughter ot '.dr and Mrs George Laws cf 70i Thomps* n 'Street was given a shower by lire Lovett Ford Club of Kinsun or; Tuesday .-.upust 're fur. Willie Foye. 7,1 r. J Cogdeil. Sr.. Mr. i. Darden and Mr Sam Black iptr.i Wedne-.day August 4. 1 ir. Svvai*sbo i"G. rj C.. enjo . uig st day of deep sea tishing Theii catch included more than 3?. pounds ot various salt 'water tM: Mrs. (Viable 1- b it the city to spend about 10 days in Brooklyn, :N Y vi-nin.; her uncle, Mi Ed ! ward Willis Mi F i- Saunders is impfovipt: in health at the U. S. lluepita! tn I ..t .- ■ t ;lie. it has. Peer, recently ■; • CpOrtrd. : Fimer.il services tor Mrs J. J Rivers. 70, of 221 Easi LL. nh Stivel - dit ;.d at Good Shepard Hospital A\igust •. '»vt' re iirid iron; Au g t vs t ATvIEZ « ru'iVi n Monde.y at 3 p rn. S o. rv i voi ai e a da u g J her. i\lr2 t> R. Hopei >i Washington D f Kinston and i\iit . j Mabel bee Mo v : Vivian L Hardy. Meivc- Davo. Annie Ma-.<*ri and hiniesimei Cogdeil Theresa Lowery, Danr i«v. ri y al v b [Vi - :.-ih Jame -F. Py i crii. CtVniiie ingi jl m W iley 800 l 4-ten (Li ke, and F'j ank Langtey u-eut y>ufida> Jui\ 18 at Atlantic! Beach in Sou*li Carolina. James Kiiwarcl Purcell, a senior, at State itav'Seis College, Fayette- Vi lie N < as T lie guest ot Miss Vivian LaVoughn Hardy of Kins ton. N C. iasr week end. Mis; Laura W. Haidy. librarian, vc >te u hei t.ousi Haiid avint in Qx foid. N C . during the week ci July huh BROWNS fcr rrOOO AND Hi CO tiit Tower it.it Hostd \\ i DELIVER WILt iAM it,ROWV Prop Emma’s Case 412 S QiifcEN STkiTT HOME COOKED FOODS 6ANIHVK HES AND BEEit ikiii i buy or trade uiiiil you visit ns. imis t • i D t AR LOT 224 f». QUEEN ST, :f . Ot R BARGAINS Hu s.LAMS ANi» DAUS TOWER HILL Si h 4 If fc STATION tsASOLIN'E. Oil. t.KOCiKIt-S iotut It.ti Hoaa at Annin St. fI.AUDF A NUNN. Prop TURNER’S CLEANERS Cur. Qurcn and Bright PHO.VE 2741 SAM SMITH, Prop, I ™“ - ' ! l;se lour Credit ON Porch i Furniture l AT I; lILIC - LEVINE OF KINSTON, Ji. C. I | I Bel hum Loolumui Dean (ft Women lo Marry LOS ANGELES (ANPi Mis... • Vietona Llizuhtth Ftfersuu u.-ait <•1 women at Bctiuthe Cookmitu jcolloße, will bt> majiiud Aut> to Henry W Warm-t it was vi a lot! hero last wok by the c, speotivc* lit uh- : parents, Ml am! Mrs. 11. Manning Effo; ,:uii. The wedding will Fie licit 1 ihi home ol the btii.lc at hi a cla t ;u man. Other-; taking part m the wed \ ■ ling will be Miss Bet nice Warn- j er. the groom's sister; Miss Myv Nas.by. Tall.-iha-see, Fla : Mis*; Fanetto Bcadlev. Knn■*ville. Ten j -* ■ Mi"s Ramonde Odom ! Montgomery, Ala.; Janie.- Suite;.. | Ocangrebure. S. C.: Damon Peters i Port St Joe, Fla., and Theodo-v | Montgomery. Jacksonville, Fla i ~ i HIK BETTER RADIO SERVICE j j CALI, LEWIS RADIO SERVICE PHONE 8225 318 E. BRIGHT ST. UJObINVs BEAUTV bHOP IVHr.RE » v 8 L r ft *Hi DO IS • OrmT fit -- ;?n t North si. Dial Out, Airs. O I, I oil.in j ASSrST—.,. 1 —STTTi.——L.. j ißivf s \utu Ser\ up t-l NE.R.AL AUTO REPAIRS ! AIL .VI AH I CAR S n.l. A SING you PI.TATES i s 206 S'. SOt lit STRUM MU .ViS Dm r Knker’s Eiliteral Home ium. ot i.f-mnr i ouiity 'Mutual Huiiii .a aji'Uitaii iiic. fit * Ot tt N ST. iTHr.s 'l4 tj i-ADV AT Tt ADANI 11 S 0 K # V- A-# ro ; MVS MEN'S SiOUt | G1..08E TAX. Quirk DIAL 3254 Reliable 334 SOUTH QUEEN STREET ‘-nwimiiwu ‘W*'*' H ’****«v*. -jsg«vsga.‘irc.;Jasyar^.-awwrgMaaaasaiaeMg-jßs: wtsr.: T .-n tl—^w..-w«wn»w —wnf—(mwiKW" I * lll * LENOiR CAB CO. DIAL 4701 338 S, QOEEN ST. CALL OS NIGHT OR DAY OUR CAB WILL BE ON ITS WAY ■i MOI'B Si.hVK i JAM I S MMMti'S. Ai i; i macsftam. *amvomsm vrrm iwwb—wmw’tiii ■wniwwiirrOTiWTni—iwiißi—twn h—milli— ■■m i humzsearan —ir-TnniT.. C» & CCLEANERS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS TO LOOK YOUR BEST AT ALL TIMES, LOOK TO US 403 E BRIGHT ST. GEORGE FRIZZELL, Prop. CASABLANCA INN BEER SOFT DRINKS ICE CREAM SANDWICHES FURNISHED ROOMS 70E HARVEY ST. H. L. JOHNSON, Prop. ’.Mgrr--- i ■ -»grz.. -•■aww w». r««*trr» ’ I 1 *=4 < f a *f w w*% w i: % % iFIRDS BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS • • * BOYS CORDUROY JACKETS * • • BOYS CORDUROY RANTS * • • BOYS FLANNEL. SHIRTS •# * BOYS and GIRLS SHOES ANYTHING *•* FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS ; ; at I “WE SELL IT FOR LESS” ‘ 3UEEN STREET IN KINSTON PHONE 2776 ‘ PAGE FIVE Kinston Business Men Lnd Women Sponsor I Ills Page - Patronize I hem Scitiu f- has temoved th- eye dropf**-!' in.-, i;,. tamiiy lnedscme, ■ abiuct auci put n tu tvcuac .amp-t Ting tnoltcn -itt l ut ;t uti degress !■. hi - nheit. » *Vlit \ \\AN DEKI \(i AROIJ N D S'Uir IN - «•* L. SI OK l H SftT Bead Die Latest Nfw* Irfc-Ti Iff < it am Sinn- , tun- Sutton Bros, , shoe; shine newsstand \m\ss u;nl t,l , HARVI-.V STREET home cooked meals aiitGvi, he- Edit Drink:: t a tidy t ‘blur-* • iy ii * tic j v Wiggi A. tt Wb Prop?. ! i ROOM : HAM) kAI NDin i tin) VDtrliH) Wooten Drive DAMP Wash duilt HH .»>!■ t '.a Work ! Hi A 111-.. Willi tin t i uoiii I EDDIE’S Cl ,l II ROOVI HOME COOKED MEALS DE Di\ EKV SC); VICE PiIONE 2,T» | 238 S. Queen it -Mr. I fox l )av id Warren’s GFO C i R V AN i > A! ArK L 1 1001 iEMto X Os Os tun CriiiC j \ tjirtitlfk MEATS iVC DELIA LR t »:■ "~n~iTili^fiLrrjj^rX*-7" VF. I'ER AN’S j ; iuit* sbiiit Tiilo. j