PAGE SIX PATRON 1/E THESE ADVERTISERS PERSONALS Kills Jones of Long Inland. N Y , Is now home on an emergency cal); to his lathers bedside. The fatliei Is Willie Junes of A-7 Craven Ter race. Mrs. Nick Taylor of Net' Yi.r« i is spending two weeks with hei mother Mrs Lucinda Hill of 1302 : Goldsboro Street Miss Carolina Barfield of Queer, i Street, left Sunday sot Nr-w York. : McGah.ii of New Vmk City spent a short winl* as hou ei guest of Eugene Poole of Bern St Mrs. Annie Simmons of Church i Street is now visiting relatives in - New' York. Mrs Charles Blount has return ed from four months of vacation ing. She visited Boston Providence, ft. 1., Hartford. Conn and New York. She reports <n enjoyable j trip Miss Odessa Watson of Bo ton j Mass vc ‘c s a recent visitor in the city Mr James Moyle- of Washing ton. D C is now spending some BIiISFOR HlHlf YOU NAME IT; AVI TAKE YOU i For Hoi Summer Pleasure Trips t ali 2823 24-Hour Service Fioydi Hill. Owner-Operator *■ <jja&xv<z3tt-xt>anK3tnz.xs3Xx*.-iri(>MS*. Five Point’s _ 1 SWAP SHOP COMPARE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY, SHOP AND SAVE AT FIVE POINT SW AP SHOP COMPLIMENTS OF _ W. MAYE HOME OI- FRESH MEETS AND GROCERIES Call 4860 W. Maye, Jr. Prop. , 935 1-2 Cedar Street ROBINSON’S SNACK BAR 5<W KELM AS NOCK ST. SOFT’ DRINKS, CANDY CAKES CIGARETTES SAXBVHI HI S j JOHN ROBINSON Prop. Stephen Roberts GROCERY AND PRODUCE 1008 BROAD STREET ALE WE ASK IS A TRIAL COMPI.IMC.VI'S OI Mrs. Carrie Godetie 508 SECOND STREET ice Cream, Candy, Soft Drinks CLUB 102 j 711 BURN STREET New Bern’s Finest and Mot ‘ EXCLUSIVE NIGHT CUT. ( ENTEBTAINMF.N f EVERY WEEK END I Blount’s Grocery 914 MAIN STREET GROCERIES MEATS , VEGETABLES - FRUITS j ■ DIAL 4588 GEORGE’S RADIO SERVICE: 71i. WEST STREET Radio And Electrical KpeciaPits 15 YEARS EXPERII Nt E dames W. George, Owner NELSON’S BLUE ROOM 803 QUEEN STREET SOE-T BRINKS, CANDY, BLEW CIGARETTES SWEET MUSIC LaSALLE BEAUTY SHOP 511 KILMARNOCK STREET “WHERE THERE'S BEAUTY THERE'S CHARM" A. Johnson Alfrieda Slan'ey Operado* Proprietor . t i .... „. , "* ' "~“ Tires - Batteries ] ! Seat Covers I 1 1 BICYCLES - AUTO PARTS j EASY TERMS Jf.B.AMIS i OWNER Pollock St, Opposite City Hall TELEPHONE X»B6 W*IMW ASSOCIATE STORE j * * _ „ j ; • i unit with her parents, lvlr. ana! ; Mrs. Moses Bell of White Street. Mr. and Mrs. On in, Brisco of j Main S'reet are now in Chicago j j 111., visiting Mr. Brisco's parents, j: Herdkiah Jones is now ill at his it J home in Mesic He is the husband : • lot Mrs. Mary E Jones The CARO j LIN LAN rtpoitct of Me.sic Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Brown of j: j Norfolk. Va., entertained their sis-; ' ter, Mrs Geneva Bryant, at a de- . i hghtful surprise b.rthday dinnei ! : 'on Sunday. July The guests | I were gathered at tin home oi Mrs i Bryant s parents, Mr. and Mrs ;i | Scm Hubbard oi Ja-per. •; The out of town guests were Mr , j ind Mr.- Reginald Jones of New j: : York, Messrs Janu s Fentress, Ed- j 1 "aid Hubbard Floyd Simmons oi i' ; Norfolk Mi and Airs. Colin Hub- j | bard and son. W, G, McLawhorn h ■and family oi Grifton. N. ('., The!' Hi v and Mrs. C. F Simmon.-* j 1 iof Bavboro and Mr and Mn J | M, Jones of K'in-i-a. The New Bermans attending ’ 1 were Mr arid Mrs. J. A. Jannie - Mrs Pearlie Taylor. Mr and Mr.. ‘Noah Hargett and family and Mr j land Mrs Levi White • Mrs. Bryant was the iecipi*nt u, j several nice gifi- PAIIENTS AT GOOD SHEPERD HOSPITAL Erie Bell Bryant, N. Harlowe; j : Katter Burney. Kinston; Rosa Gru |dv 415 Foots Alley, this city. Recently Mrs Mary R Mclver j |and her sisters. Mrs Butler and j • Miss Ivi I, Robertson had as tneii j. j guests their cousins Mrs. Amanda! Evans and Mr.-. Ora Davis of Tarn ! !pa Fla. : tviiir M- 1- Robertson, aecom ! ] pamed them to New York City and;' j Brooklyn wfiere they are now vis ! ding their sister and brother Miss i Robert, on is also visiting friends \ : m Wilmington, Del, and Princess, j ! Ann, Mu j I The Rev W. J. W Turner and j 11 wo ministers -t Greensboro and |. I Guthrie Sr., of Snow Hill. | I made a short visit n Mrs Mclver j' their aunt. i, Mi and Mrs. Wilbur Wartman, j Airs. Juliette Mclver Turner and ! Miss Marilyn Mclvei all of Peters- J j burg Va.. spent the week end; with their step-mother. Mrs. Ethei - Poodle of Newport meet of Mrs.} Mc-Iver was also present Mrs, Hester R. Butler left Fn-j lav to visit friends and relative-.- a’ j her Hume, home in Rock Hill S. C i •tnd I on- S. C. Mrs Emily Henderson <-t 1016 j Pollocks Street announces, the mar-! iage of hei son Void Hei.derfc.ii j' '■'> Miss Carolyn r.'pmic-ll daughter • it Mr;. Hr,.nah Spuriell of Queen • 'iirc-et They were married Sunday. ’ •AUgUSt Ist Mr;.. Sarah Foy has returned | from an emergency trip ta Bala-1 Bill’S 11 SANDWH H SHOP Sandwiches, Ice Cream, Roasted | Peanuts, Soft Dunk-., Hen Tobacco 1012 Broad St. j WiU IAM SIDBERRY, P.op J. W. Reese grocery Groceries and Meats | 1&48 BROAD ST. Dial 4481 i Variety Market J Better Meats - Eggs - Produce GROCERIES j ‘ WEST ST. Phone 4765 FREE DELIVERY i Water A. Good me. Prop j ; Miss Ada Jones, Mgr, bodies Smoke Shop The Gayest Spot. In Town ! 1616 QUEEN ST. I Beer - Cigarettes - Candy DRAFT BEER j EDDIE HARRIS, Prop FROG POND St-KVll t SIAItON i Washing, Polishing, Greasing j Cor. Burn & Queen Si Dial :»Hsl Beer - Smokes - Candy Albert »,vlimit-id Mindy Bryant i !>!'.« '< >N l) SE< TlflN DOCTOR ACCEPTS POST IN DETROIT; j Gi. John F. Burton of 418 Burn j Street, New Bern, N. C will leave I the city wthin a few day.-: to take :up dutie-' at PurkTTe Hospital tn Detroit. > Dr. Burton accepted the same po- j jKition in July. 1913, but was com-1 j missioned into the army a week; later Presently the opportunity has j 1 Knocked fOi the same post-! ; lion and he has accepted Astir remaining there for a year j ire w ill go on temporary leave for ; j additional study at Bellevue Hos- j i pital. New York City on a fellow-! | ship sponsored by the National; | Cancer institute of Re search, Be- j itlie.-da Md. Dr. Burton has expressed openly. j many times during the past few ; days, his sincere regret of leaving 1 ; the many friends he has made dui - j mg the past two veais here : Foi - .h> who may wish to; | contact him for records etc his ; ! addiv." is 3761 Brush .Street. Park • ' iSide Hospital Detroit Michigan. ; i Ml. Olive Baptist Ends SI,OOO Drive j ... t - | Tiie Mt. Olive Baptist Church | closed it:-, financial drive. 1 os l w< *. t-. i alter having collected a total of j $1011.41. The following amounts | were raised by the following cap- I tains Captain Sylvia Credit - . $137.62. |Capt. Catherine Olli-on. SB2-15 ! Capt Enuiia Jennetie $45.13: Cap;. • |Julinis Credit. $102.45; Capt. Lula; j Mae Oliisoii $74.G:i; Capt. Roy* j Olliscit, $ 140.44: Capt. Annie Gibbs. I $74.77: Capt. Rosetta Crtdle. $100.33; 1 Capt olio- Gibb-,, $88.30; and Capt. I Mary F. Jones $163.00 Mr.-. Mary F. Jones war crowned! I Queen with the highest a mould.! ! The drive ended with a grand total I lot $1011.41 ! j The- captain-: also extend then > ; heartiest apprecaticn to the liber- * i d ;upporters ut the drive Com- j ! merits were also give n bv the par- j ! tor. the Rev. A W Wooten. Women’s Auxiiian Slates Meeting Tin Women’s Auxiliary oi the I j New Bern Eastern Aatioj i wifi i meet with the- Mount Zion vj. h I I Church Arapalioe N. t August i t'Oth through 22nd. The Rev. A M i j Smith, pastor. A large delegation s; j expected to attend this .-.ei vict 4he Eupua Tiairuhi Uiiioii com j vent ion war largely attended tf»e ! j fourth Sunday in July The next; ; session woli meet with the Bctliei i IM. B. Church. Met mt This ses-l I Sion will begin iiun sday, tire id i, j j instead of Friday before the 4th j i Sunday in July. j nairt am spending a f- --a da 1 , - at ; ; the bedside oi her brother, James’ | Williams. ; Mist Lillian Robeson has recent - j jiy returns diiorn Bricks Traitiing |School Sin* war a camper on P. 1. j Association. I C'altie iViai? F-oy Edna Vine; Ei i ten Janies also attended. | Mi Car well Stanley of New York left Sunday after spendingaweek ■ *‘th ii lends and relatives in Beau- , jimt and New Bern NA\ TO! SAW IT IN THE CAROLINIAN I THANK YOU! '^ l * u ‘ ! | f pnsM enxwvett'' USE LP. CAS CIKII rulane | ~ Waiter^ Heating J : mu I 'mXKA&MErCASmM \ When * new t.OP£R Sa.» fUng i t«ksi Iti-pkc* in yout kitchen. cook ing bscomtt * c«'efr»» ntsperiene*. Yt&ii’lS enjoy I+iik f#4? ~ , cieot .., convenient Me*lt,*. Try i! wits HMwItTO lA)u«ft«d ftritwtotim 9**. i : 1 j ; Eastern Ruiane Sales CORPORA TION SELLING BETTER MERCHANDISE TO t MORE PEOPUE | KINSTON NEW BERN, N. C. ! NEW BERN I (5? I’ ' lllf' -- ‘ , j 1 ON TRIV Miss Jettie G. ! Simmons, the CAROLINIAN’S news reporter of PoilocksviHe leu Tuesday lor Brooklyn, N. Y. wfiere slie will spend i weeks with treiiiils and relatives. She is a senior of the Jones County High School of Poliorkxvilh*. She j i- the daughter oi Mi au«i Mrs. Aaron Simmon-.. i A LOVER'S PRAYER i BY 1.. D. WOODS Tonight I pray to, one tittie tiling As 1 kneel and beils of love: clearly ring. Dear Lord grant unto me ihi.; lov ing request; For Thou know- the heart a,Ki what I love beat I j My player deal Lord may he some what odd. But I know all good tilings come tn Z God, jl earnestly beseech you tonight. Father i For thi.- one little thing, that .- all matters jl prayed a prayer when 1 was away : j from home, | Then Lord. 1 was homeless, hud j no place to roam, j You gave me a home, now give trie this. I beg. ;G i and it shau be given. You surely said. 1 Now, dear Lord a. - I < ime to a do e | You know this prayer is from my soul. i A simple little thing, may I not : miss ! From the one that l lov- one Sweet Kiss. - - -Amen. firemen Watch As Six Homes Burn To Crouml j WINSTON-SALEM, N, C, j 'ANPI Firemen .stood by 1 and watched six homes of 1 Negro families burn to the ground last week because of j 3 law preventing Ihem from fighting a lire ounlside the city if there are no fire hy - decants in the area. The- fire ' fighters"' admit ted that the Negroes begged them to bring their truck to the tire and put ft out., ana ihe telephone rang constant ly but they did nothing, with the help of white pedes- In the meantime residents i trians worked frantically to save some of the furniture end clothing. Damage was estimated to be $45,000 and 21 persons were ieli home less. The fire began at the home of Teddy W. Wilson being bought on a GI loan an d s plead to the other homes. 'IIIK UAUULINIAN i * * * Clean s I Economical j! ; ■ ‘ii Dependable rsE 01 r RAsy PAVMEVT PLAN Iniversitv (ions Give 12,000 Pot unis Os Milk LANGSTON, OkU. (ANP) The 14 milking cows as LangsJJn university's dairy have given an average of 12,- 000 pounds of uißk a inoriih between Sepf. 1, 1947, la June 30. IS4S. according lo T. H. Holland, associate pro cessor of agriculture, who is in charge of the university’s dairy pregram. In a report issued on the schcLTs dairy program, Hol land said it was being oper ated in accordance with scund dairying principles and provides direct laboratory experience for, students ma joring in agriculture, "The daily program at Langston is giving fundamen tal consideration to produc ing and marketing milk,’* he said. ‘To mak# such a pro gram possible, the breeding program is being arranged so as to eliminate a seasonal flow and to give uniform quantity throughout t h e year." A graduate of A. and T. college, Holland holds a mas ter's degree from the Univer sity of Minnesota and is cur rently a candidate tor the Ph. D. degree. He has completed sc-veral studies iriv*.dvir>g milk production, the latest being "A Study in ihe Cost oi Producing Milk." appear ing in a recent issue of Southwestern journal. The university has just in stalled a new pasteurizing unit ot 150 - gallon capaci ty ana an aerating unit capa ble of cooling 70 gallons an hour. The equipment is valued at more than $6,000. A iLlary filler and capper is to be purchased in the near future About 90 percent of the families on the campus get tneir milk from the schcM's dairy, i.harles Jo Box Bivens Suspension Is Lilted WASHINGTON (ANP) The National Boxing commission lilt ed the brief suspension imposed o-j Ezzard Charles when he agreed here last week to meet Jimmie Bivins on Spt 13. The two were originally sehduled to meet on Aug, 3 but the date was m-wed up to Aug !L Then Charles’ manager, Jaekn- Mintz, declared his boxer had a back ailmenmt which made t trn possible for him to go through w-:th the date. NBA slapped a suspension on the fighter until he agreed to the. Septembr date with Bivins. 1 DEAL R ECR F. AT ION P ARI OR CLEAN I it COOL Beet end Cold Drinks Os Ail Kinds For Ideal Recreal :<n and Biiii&vd Export See Charlie CLEAN BALLS AND GOOD STICKS 1034 Broad Sr. Open Soon - Close Late Charlie Elder, Prop, Bill’s Shoe Shine Parlor ALL NEGRO NEWS INCLUDING—THE CAROLINIAN JOURNAL AND GUIDE. CHICAGO DEFENDER—AFRO AND COMICS i 1026 BROAD ST BETWEEN POOR TOMS TAXI AND GEORGE DOWNING ERNEST COOPER, Pic-p. ttsssmsmiesitssstissamKssssssssssssxssssmeKssstaßsmsssszs^issssssss^^ i IT j j PAYS ■ 1 TO Advertise SEE j I I CHARLES SPARROW ! OR ; ) JOSEPH EDWARDS j REPRESENTATIVES j i i I 729 West Street i ' •* A SLCON 3.) BE<’TK»> BRITISH RULE OVER TANGANYIKA GETS WHITEWASH BY UN Lake Success, N. Y. (ANP) An official report whitewashing i the rule of the British in Tan ganyika was passed by a vote of 1 j-'i in the United Nations frus• j u - ship council last week Despite the violent protests of i Russia and Mexico, the 42-page j spot ; was finally favored after ! n 'arl.y 2U votes were taken. Be- I cause of th conflict among mem bers of the report committee, the j import was criticized for being j ( infused, inaccurate and contra- j dictory and nut giving a cle'ar i picture of the council’s feelings. J Three nations. Russia, France i and New Zealand voted against \ the report JobJ Reid of New j Zealand said: Delegate Shamed “My sense of shame at this j report in so deep that I eanm t i vote for it. It i.s a shocking piece : * f work. The only impression it ; will create is that we are thor oughly confused and unable to grapple with our problems.” The only points about, the ad- j ministration m the African trus- ; he nation were the lack ot an: electoral system, tribal structure ! of the nation and shortage of HAMPTON RUMOR NEWS TO HASTIE By ADOLPH GEREAU ST. THOMAS, V. I. fANPj j When asked about reports that he was being boomed tor the presidency oi Hamp j tan institute. Gov. William H, Hastie said that he had heard j nothing about it. Since no unce had toid him of these efforts of supporters, the governor said, he could not comment on the matter. According to reports, the Virgin islands governor is gaining support among mem- I bers o fthe faculty and out- ! ciders to be named the school's president. His sup porters feel that if a new ad ministration goes inta the White House, the governor will not hold his position very lcng. Gov. Hastie was appointed by a Democratic administra tion. Due of the ctitieisms of such n ! union was that this tended to j 'nine on discrimination against ; Lie natives of the trustee nation ; :• practiced in the British eooln- \ i t. s. VViuEl\ LNlfiiNt. SA'tl'ivlfA V A t’G I. 1 IS I' H, It* IK educational facilities. The report | also asked for more information ; mi land schemes It called for the elimination of discrimmination ! child labor and the improving of wage rates. i Although not included in the ! WOOD’S N EIG ft BOULT G ROC» h Y j Groceries, Meats, Vegetables, j Fruits, ice Cream, Notion; ] Patent Medicine, Negro News Dealer. Call 3269 Corner Queen and ilr>ant 11 L D. WOODS, Prop. —— ~~~j ! IDEAL SHOE SHOP I i QUALITY SHOE REBUILDING j : j HITCHEI.L I. KHOIJRY, Prop ! >O3 BROAD ST. NEW BERN ; Whitfield's Grill CANDY ICE C REAM TOBBACO BEER 915 MAIN STREET JOHN WHITFIELD Prop WANTED | YOUNG BOYS AND GIRLS j From 18 lo 21 years of age that I in interested in Theatre Work. see f. m. Hamilton 802 QUEEN STREET i Gardner’s Grocery j “Your Friendly Neighborhood Store Staple, Fancy ! Groceries Soli Dirnks, Beer 1101 H. St, M, Garner, Prop. j : j ‘YOU HAVE TRIED THE »EST NOW TRY THE BE SI Vail's Barber Shop 1032 BROAD STREET pnone 3954, Mr* R. F. Vail. Prop. ! . | ... _ _ Lauretta’s FLOWER SHOP CUT FLOWERS CORSAGES All Kinds of Fun end Designs | Greeting Cards Novelties | j 1002 X Burn St. Phone 4284 j ! ; For Fish That Are Cleaned Ready For The Pan ■ See Us Bakers Sea Food j AND Pit Out Ar. 814 Queen St. Dial 3688 j DOT’S BEAUTY PARLOR RED !, Box 207 - Yansebaro I or The Best fare oi Hair and Latest Summer Styles Airs Dorothy Bryant, Prop. |l RHEM AND FORD GENERAL CONTRACTORS Masonry And Concrete Work—Repair Work Os Aii Kindt ALSO PAINTING, HOUSE MOVING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION DIAL 2151 1008 N, BURN ST. IT WILL ALWAYS PAY YOU TO VISIT Sparrow’s Surprise Shop The Biggest Little Store In Town. Complete Lin* Os Groceries - Vegetable* ■ Notions * Drug* Ic« Creera 72S West SI. - Paper® end Msgeinet - Phene 386$ | -g PARDON ME js4 PLEASE BUT i ■ / 5 I AN IDEA JUST ! STRUCK ME T iii Lei Aiw 3 TV *jp|f, Sell The Carolinian I For Hi* Vac* firsm Mon»y || wnmmbik :nsv i*iam sr.vrwni wacaxett************^-”^^^ SAVE $22.50 | UP TO JULY 3 Ist* ! COLEMAN FLOOR FURNACES ' ! ARE OFFERING A | SALES (ED.), 15% SERVICE (J««) : DISCOUNT FOR FREE ESTIMATES | CALL, 3132 CORNER CRAVEN AND POLLOCK -STREET? "New Beni (Ttizeits Who Trade With These Advertisers Make This . Possible i port, one of the greate t cri iicinmi. of the British administra tion of British colonies ot Ken a and Uganda. Russia’s Semyon K, T'sarapkm tried to get the council to go on record as opposing this union of administration, but could not get . uch a motion passed The report ; called for continued information on the effect of the union. GET YOUR NEWS • IN THE CAROLINIAN ADVERTISE IN THE CAROLINIAN NEWS DEADLINE j Thursday EACH WEEK i n bat vr .vi iirru Mr-* Sam Lipinau AND SONS, INC, Department Store V \l Ul AND SERVICE NEWLY OPENED JOE AND BULLOCK’S Paradise Inn Beer Soft Drinks, Candies and* tobaccos luff Broad St. Opposite Hit* Theatre j. Bellamy, t Huiiork. props, NEED MONEY? WE BUY OR LOAN MONEY ON HOST ANYTHING OF VALUE NEW BERN LOAN AND JEWELERS 216 MIDDLE ST. WE F L Y OLD GOLD DIAMONDS, SILVER, ETC. | CLUB “o:V OF BEAUFORT ; Affiliated with Ufub “Ss’‘ ot 1716 ■ Canal St., New Bern. Sea Food Dinners A Specialty. Dancing Nightly. Admitted by guest and membership card. 3i)C Queen St., BEAUFORT, N, C. Malachi Edwards. Owner James H. Davis, Manager Downing Case 1026 BROAD STREET NOTED FOR ! GOOD HOME COOKED FOOD PHONE 9911 We Loan Money j FIVE POINT PAWN BROKER 1015 QUEEN STREET BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED GOODS F. U. LAND, Prop, i . Hamilton Grill IMF! QUEEN STREET 24 HOUR SERVICE Steaks, < hops, Sandwiches FRESH BAR B-QUF, COUNIRY COOKED

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