PAGE EIGHT Continued From Front Page RACK I’ROBI I M ciai . roup studied i! The survey was sponsored by the 1 ,-u.u. v ole Urban l t.u'ue and the Health -ud VVdfar, council. !ii *evking better police protec tion in Negro survey siics.'.ed the nn;ii j caret ul Miner vision oi t.ecr pi bn and low-m . spots . ontributing to the dt-linqucn . of colored eiU/.i-ns ii also asked S .;- linpiovviicnt of jail facilities tor colored oftenderr ..ip to (hi riationiil standards ('hurcbe- . .* to tc -uic mmc i eicrciitii.iuu! pi'rciii.c. tor the people Mil 'u L'.itid up pi: ci ail.- 10 ease racial 1,.- : !.,n. Tin it [lie l c* ipit sled Gt-n --f i'ti 1 ho, ore.l a ! lOVV Nr ! 0 p'i.S :.i - ciu,’.* to attend their own patieiie i a! the tac.pitai Although bill n • •t.:ii]' .„•< oil by ’lit general a sembl', civ: liorpalal hoard.-. Ihi permission t», let Negro m.t <>.t> use hospital facilities the Ge.ii-._ii ho. piral board hat taken im ...non in Hip. dn eel lea. Other etc-: n'liueiidoU.-itis ipi. li.idcii asKinp the bn.-.m *.f eiin.-'oioii to i provide a Itri >. oeatioiud yiu daner pi ce, am n,r Neproei. ..nil the t-lty • •,ui,i • health board to see the! iv t siurs nls in colored area* abide cv the health code.', govern ing them oki,a sin r.rov,cie he,- forthwith with educa lerded the Rtaie of O! i...-,.-.ii,;» to provide tier forthwith with edue.a• ttenai facilities equal to lit, re al forded i,i it,e uoiversit it id bet i.oia-j facibues equal i . i.liose ai tnan admit a Negro sludeat the state set up ;. makeshift lav school in Gkicaioma City Maintaining ;hai ;ne Jim Crow School was not equal cp the university ~,w s, hoci, Mt > Fisher declined to se-k admission. The , ha; had no siudc.v NAACF iawyt s'-. .--v p ivy - . pens ii, legal edueuoi. and. ■,■ vl.- logy. attempted to ci,; n- r -'. -.- .;, ■ tne We, schi.ol - ni . and - net be equal t.. Iht - i»r.v .* Fence 1 Tlie t a v iz. .via;, before Judge Hue 1 .. tie Li,strict i urt of * .r\, I Inly M: 11;!.,.'- mu i H.-n t ock-Wit'V:,i. took iln-ti < earn. Coin t alter IK., Uiiiv, fell* had rejected then applwat im f-r adniis.s.ion ' the yi. u )in,.i :n February .1 u*-,-e* Hmruvv .-. dt-ci-.i.'.i, ■ banded du I. ■ n .-Uiau-i ;■ .-u h.i fed the . 1,, . . J, Cl. ■ I f ciudinp Ncgiv student*. ( Oi l Alfii \ OHIO V€iltiGil Will L-t 'the? ilcfuii' - ? cl 5 ,r F.a : u ive ScCiMci •• t-.• ' i >tn, •. *! , Rcp-i t of Recent At/; : an i i ij. Dr. Somerville sepnt im ■. iti /iffita ii U1 i: I < the iii litlj-. £ i'irni D‘ ctinher to Keo;'ii3i.s Dr. N. L. Si.3rL.-oii.-tigh. .ii ilitnt of the 1.-mU Chi r v Coovenn.-m; Di \\ I. Rll omr ii i*: ho \ oa , Virgirua ii chuiman ut the ICol- ; tu jv« Board: Air R 1 HolloiGan. I'O rtoiK Vi; buiis PvtSldeiit •*f the luHiVb arid Mih A JtJ Uanduiph. Washington, u y is piciidfcnt of Hit "woman Auxiii ar>. (Ml ADMITS the bank, said fliai the shortage Vv'as I till;-. OtfVes'eJ h»_v a looiiri • ltd the Amerioaii Sui cty C** »ihpan >■ with whe rn the institution ha . Tiled -i claim. Tne young \v«..>n'*an j> j i»i time resident Raleigh, a grad uate oi ilie Washington Higri School and attended Shaw Uni \ e rs i i y Sev'eral ~-t her inends arid a,; quainturue- t.i i tfj c l AROLIN IAI f that she had been Che .•nly regularly employed member of her iarni!;, daring five per;..a vpiicn the shortage; was i --;.cveo to have occurred. READY PLANS omntunity , enter building The rortferenoe ureet v.ll provide clinics to discuss and a,,a iyze problems of the Negro nr busint-ss as well as educational lectures by experts ,n inane fields of come venal enterpv, ,e tbernes to foe cliscu ■ - j ,?, elude factors in the successful roperation -f businesses. pecia! problems confronting the T orn in uncultivated fields for Negro businesses, and Negro business within and beyond tne color line. Businesses to be represented at the pre . \jki- :tioii me,ting in clude insurance, i,-ai e.-tate liran agement and construction, laun dry. eosmelics, women's and men's wearing apparel, food pro ducts. private schools and manu facturing. JTn- . .ml rrence is to be hand led in .er. 11100 with Enimn.' Mai tiii Laricastf ! of th; U. N D - partmeut of Comm ere <• and \ r « * 1 ;cr, S. Gordon. Atty. Oscar C. Brown is president of the local G.M.A.C IF you can- t lOTAinr Pjy' < A.K, KEEP YOUR ENGINE as low as NI.VV ■ Q New pkton rings save oil, gas,, and 5 J jive yi.u more power month SIR WALTER I 2£S£ CHEVROLET CO. INIW( ,' i>^m^iil^i>^iii^tHi |r iwi»«nrrflniTWfrr-f-n-riivirir^»n-irf¥r-f-tirr--‘ —— —•r-rtfmnr *. .•mnv.-rce group Mrs. Giutilde i 1.; he,ids the women’s division and Lewis A. M. Caldwell is ex position director. VA. BAPTISTS t-ri at. his request. Dr. A (hi throush whos« plan the' . . ... (,ii.-,1.t-ii n.oi i tn«h S2OO.- ’ 000 of debts following hu- adminis ,, plained in cieun! >ii- propo.val tor a .. V < >];* 1: it; I'isiSt- M.UUU.UUu tor j the college. In Aik-n lias dratlw* plan.N .tor JitJpi t,)\ t l£n 1 ;t Ot Uit J eoUegC CIU -1 :cui;.t , 11 ihi taen'ities to put the ci-ht'Ce in U pO: it loti to Win \ v lOicnoiT it I ns lust : ate coTlego j •vtamia: hi 'Tne instiuitiun lost Us, 1 .itifig with the Vir: i-na state: no;:un ot education during the ad- : ndi.nstariu>u ui Dr. Vernon Joints. ! Baplists in all pans of the eotm-; Li • V.ili help KiJSc tUUdb !«.'l *h' ctfool is operated under die pout-oi: i*xjt> t.i tne Vuginia Baptist mat. cultvt ntioii. Dai>t j t- make; *.ont/ ibutji.ns to the school h orn iiMeieu! :d.ties and oaMoiuj, g)‘>Up: much support comes troni vuu sicifc oi Vu.ynhit. S. VOTERS jeln M Vfj\ -inali maiii ei ot Nt gj ;« in tth state wi'io hc/ld Cion oral ejection eertitieotes In tlie wake of an efioit t* purge tne names oi all Negn. votm :i from tne book:: who did .not hoJd sueli Ot I til ieats■•.. J ledge VVa; ljjg handed down a teconJ ruling which declared in elhct that t a* party's action was a sub lertage airned at evasion ot tile court ..; findiQ^s In addin ui he promised prose cution and jailing of any found guilty ct luriher violations of the law ui the case. As a result the Primary was. fully open to Negroes in the stare mi tne tiis t time in mot t than 70 years. Early reports from the polling p 'aces, liu'.vr ver, indicated an ovorwjielirung vote Jo> the iv tf. iii motion .A Senator Burnet R ♦Vivt % . . iik pi the U. S. Senate v)e vpite effort', to dnvet an organic- A_ti Neciiv vote toward fhe_ sup- RUi» .-J }u'. opponent. Nc'. iiic Bonn it. I*ol.lo STRIKE ii',;- ';,i Fouiulatioi, I’oi In fanti)-. Piinil.vM', whu said tiut it wa- pr,:aable that th,- years toll might reach 2,00 La. :i a total it p.iimeii out, t,c more than doubit tiit: namber of .a-.r, which struck ih, -t.ilr during the Iq-l-l f-jjuit-ur vvhj.-h was the woist in the his ■ - -i iiii- .-Tate prioi to the pi, - ci'it iTulbioak. the 1 ~185 tigut'e w- ;t 1 ariseT an VV, dn» with the if-pui'trig oi M mw case;. This vtai s a. is now §9. •rn m toMiu 1 ■ a; decned at a meeting h, l.i ’ 1 1It Met. andless by Police Chief ’ >■! Hru-i; , Fat he. WHliam J Murphy, pastor of St Augustine . t ath. ,!it- Church and Charic 1 Steele Fhc ialtet two ate due, ’ and executive secret art <\; ■pe,*tj veij ..-t the local iL'ha leaeue The , W iil life Sfet up i'r Joseph Lotunan Limvers;' >• ••I (.'hicago s ictoloßist and ass,,.--: air i 1 ■,-,T;'I ut ttie American Rar. I*-:a‘, ■li 1 - C'.Tli i , el] Lfe i.- 1 u1 e • w. i 1 i-e p-.- -Tited 1 >-. experts and 1.,v men. 1 -»tii N«"jr > and while. Working in the gt-neial field ,r -■'it-.- 1 i.-.ii -!.- sa-d the classes .v.iui.J be -pattfenife-.J ~ti, j similar com-es £ivon police m Cimannati San Era.K-isco and i.T iiei -cities. , "Wi -- . nappy to he the first aiy in th- south to oilt-t this,' i.c -aid. "It tirneiv and cannot help but 1 -ait in good It ,s rud I- itii srt up as any .1, i.*t the police. 1 a ill atu.upt t, al ter, d all ii-dures myself and C'l,:el f feast is savs he will also. According to Steele. “Race re lations is a world question An ounce 01 p: , tion , \ : corth . tiouiid J cur,-. It is hoped that \-iih these, classes, it may-be pos -U)l,- to leant to avoid race ten -,ons or to cops with them when They arise” POST VI Al i IYM E Sumn nr S-hool Fur Office W n"k ers. a ;-ranch of the Americai. I-a i,c,f Education Service spans,),‘c i the confei ence. NAPE Pit.-udent Ashbv B. Car ter of Chicag. .. Wei fan n c cctpi William C. J> ot Phila drTphia Editor Snow F. Grtt-yb'. ~f Pi, trust legislative f umniiHe ■ Chairman .man C. Lymas of Phil adtlph'a, and Education Commit tec Chairman dame- J. S. Keys of Chicago acted a.-; res mice lead ns for the panel discussions. FVcu r.-.sor ,1.-i j 3 .--eidman ~1-, t,. a ijsu-d Mies Eicanui (1 L-nt, ■ tc; tur ut tine- Auk- - ar. 1 -ah... l:,iiUL_it ; i;n Service, a-. Uiscu: Sion ■ leaders. The Alliance delegates roomed ut Neil Hail with the uity-seven litiifei pfeop ife iiuui tei, ;h' --a .ict ■ three foreign countries o im .-me in attendance at the buiumei 1 School For Office Wu, Reis ii eighty peoph. i'oomed together, ate togethr. attended !, j;.- ,-. dance-., and had a picnit togi-t lie; cl ii; ull the 1 :1" -fa\ ■!, 1 'limit* Hi-nuii Stveatl of MoU:- ti:i,. Tex.u., hem ul liv legal light !,. ent, ; th<* T« ;a J .aw Si r,,. 0. tiaV'.hlt-d the longi-.-’.t dii.laucc ui ally Alliance di I, gate in <•••<•11! at til,- Ohm, meetimt On Saturday night, NAT ■ ; President Ashby H. Carter deliv ered a stirring address in which i he stiv.tsed the development ul inteUig, nt militanev in r.andling Alliance problem the changing of verbal pleas intu written biicfs .end the Rr her i!',v<--:;t)eat;un :h j riniiiiution in the p .stai sfe, vice which saw Welfare Duec- J a-i in pJ a v the rial' part, lie poinu d out that the Alli ance i 1 ovennen ..1 Pits, aft,- a speech by Atiornev James B 1 vi;-;,h i.f WArhinyt-n, D. CT. lias -ei up a wo! k,‘t education pro i arid t hsli tDis \vo6k 6nd ivt • fc .t itme •Alt -. HilOthfc- i‘ Hi j 11:51 GJjiP i. '! • !i: p: itfi Tt\ tf'Aiii'd t? 111 i1 Ul 3 ting i Kfecond cl arc: citizenship. President i j.!,. state.! that the Alliance had opettfi up jobs in the South ; and scciufe,"! iOo.n: itiour in tiir ; North by using “tradition as a ; i -dii;r not as an anchor s.’iUloO 011 ERII) !?.e * if->>,' r ; .nill be lined ; j !a get nd *>r Uie ritaiiy in» uVr.n- ; . rIU.T of ?br old 31 T brig6liifcl i I S. i - ' vi!i \ >r- lot -j led atfcouT : tuoe or tr*ui ■tt-lc-- Ti f < :.i tilt ompciGi I its flic. bi il VO iii !.>* fOii 'hr 1 tim peri a) taiiftiiy > I'll MS of •! ji 11* -th V.'cl! hi ■>IJ i s'. C 5 jfid Lei \ ii.’ti. induct mg recopuor» : • 1 *lTf ■. 3i~i 3 tid iff TlCe i OO.U) a ltd -j I rjrbt room. if * c new sirucUiFfe wi)i rail toi g ’l3lllO -‘.f jviiit OJ tt .1 t’clj ■, j cte. htOiiir i fuasoory, bj o.'K partition #v.*i rift : ■• i. - . i hit! |hu! bu-T NH'li stone-; a*: the \oi , , i.!i a• - ot Arrib'i o, dark > ; • ioiet gx am! ot Hai ar and yellow j '•ti« ot K. st ban a. 1 til' OOftirST j:. (.ij.ri tU a* i ai'Cllf s.eetc and ti'a viiir-c i t hiiidihg hi^r. t.■ i teclii,, :a 1 school tupiotnas irem al 1 • au.-us and all rue* trough out tne . oi Id. i t> dpt-raiivt 1 Srts Vl*i*'.> Met*iin:-* For Hus I i « period of a bn. it T.i I months a group of far-sight.,l Ni a i citizens r>! Rairugh and i W:-il;- j i uiimy, numb, : nig nearlv 300, invested approximately $6 000 in an idea. That idea was dedicated to the proposition that through coope rative > ffortall men can achieve ' equality. Imagination and vision have been the chief characteristics through the ages, of men and | women win worked im promoted ; and achieved lasting benefits loi all mankind This group oi Ne gro citizens had the imaginatiu.i \ and ■ hey caught the vision of what .1 would mean in our group if we, through cooperative el lu.rts, began directing our re source t info clramiels of produc tivity for our cotnon good, It is with pride and gratitude! that thfc merivhers of the Wake , ’ Consumers Mutual Association ; took upon the unfolding of that idea oi cooperation because they t can itov. see the beginning cc the t•••aibtation of their imagina tion and vision. Wn k is now proceeding in (quipping' the brand new home nf Hi ;,ss«;iation with the very latest and most up to-date equip- : ntenl available and this complete ly modern departmental food . -Tore “/ili uesii serving ir.s mem- I bers and friends just as soon as J tiie installations have been com pleted. , P\. MARIS IITSTF Th*- ;i ci und_i H.-cu.s.sioo pi„- s th-t no mauistta’e shall serv* nt- representative oi any political Ca-, y less ional ot Sena ton a) District and that each magistrate shall devote : .1 enure time i.uti atlcr.uon to the duties of ins office. i- i-irec.g-a claitiied that lu l umuug foi C in. re*f. mi the Pioyn ssive tioke M-i'Ai-1. yi- ■ , • as representative of the Prof 0. The magistrate, who 1 ioiieiU ed a "very strong 1 ' chain * ol v u ■ o ii- .- is .list )■!,.•; suited that r.e j has no mleuTAon of withdi a win,- from the race >, oi le-iemng * on, tiie bench. i- i■ , termed l!i threal a manifeElatiOri ot lie pallein v.liicn is being followed throb -hout tl e countr' m au tftint to o - evci;. l" ibl niiiueuvci !o block On election of Tliird Pin ty e.-mdidaie TKNN. STOI TS -VIDE HAS LONE RECORD Among t!,e 10T: T-.T gi eey eniphi..-- ied as full time profew Ifacicrs i On is- 1 - l >. outs of ,-imenca. : Beiutr-iamp a*:; slant Scout 'Uthi- ;,i Memplti. renn.. has the 'longest, record of service 1 K'.i-.iiicinm,)' a native nf! ( •i.el'i-,'., 1.. , 'iii-, ed tin p; .if,-. • .*ional service of 'he organization .») October. 1927 us assistant to the *’l diit-' t.-i ; t interracial ac ti vi ties? ‘ i 1 eld lie po-l five and ;i hsJl ed 1 hcii , : tiie Phi. - raw Council at Memphis in Ma. (*i T'-'.-i "! i;:> C- uncil stands sixth m ■ r n.dtot: in a*.live members er.- * lied l;v--iii4 2 JIW Negro beys .u leaders in its units :*uu,. c - i Prairie Vie w >" iree Mr. Beauciiarop was teaeh r tot -t\ year? three at Jacks an - ilie. Fja . and three at Pori Arm;.,; i e.xus. In the latter city he was. ■Editor and Publisher of a newspap er me Port .- i fi.ur Revis ,v. i >r s time hr was also a yen mai contractor and builder Ah Beam-hamp entered the Bo;- O A ¥ ¥ ”* DUNCAN PH'V 1 S St.)FA rUK OALti WITH SUP COVER COl-'FEE FABLE, 2 FABl.i. LAMPS AND A WHAT KNOT. PHONE 2-1006. i^) f - iy „ rj ~ j! Y u-7. , /•' »\ /■" ) 1,,V . /i! 1L \\ |W'., b At. :A§r;o'%4 C «M Hp" ” hp • }§ t A\s u. J ■ mi J/t .2 '- ,1 • 1 ' - U * * ; Put Your MONEY To Work For You! You .-an Mat'! gefilimc i,-ui as tfii.-v thing' vuii’ve always w.intt ; ei and thought , l i>u iipvu*' ~-ould fsiiord i’ - >oii SA\’F, i'm ,hern. V\ ith a fivv il.iifc Satiiiy.' Acctunt al 1 •,i -1 i 'ttivt-n-. Bank & 1 nj-,t ( up;pan y ou cau set aside- any anv'mnt you like w i-hur vi-r yiio ’.vi -i. lutfei'cst . Hughes o! Baltimore, ivtil- him euiiie to dirk a v til e* t s OI J norm r 1a) I a I While' hi the aly they decided to \ • rout M(svt m e n t a > a volun t e e i I* r.ifiri He beCcOTle. ‘A • Hii il:: 11.' i at i. ■ i;11 Ai * lut i Texas in 1 H2.1 an*-! • t-i ved i’ i a y ea •. and a naif. lae • ‘e.rvcd in ii;c earnr capacity a* J’.ioKh’tnv) lie 1 in., in tile fit nt Ne , gro Troop oi the city. LAST RITES HE! !l fOB HER HILL CHURCH LEAOFR ROCKY MOUNT Last rites ■ vore held b Diva;: P* v lit-; yn^i • ,i v- . ...f P *..i Kapti : l V nut ch July 23rd and inlet men* luck piaci: i,j the viiutf n c-tmeterv Li . <..11 Re-i.i hud ; t . CO, ,b u -th !htr .R*-i Hdl C1,,,; ,-i! i n;. ;*- ti -,, sis -* -.■ . ami a de-aeon for oO visit tin (’uroiiiiiuu plant. Here Hit t lit ■ liihmi wait hints the operation t«l a l>notype (iiu-mne it i .< t < Eiva ( arc luu in t iiiplnytt —»'arultiitan Fnutu b> Snepnaru yr-ftis ■ Be id was active alpsosi id li<. last, having been in bed ill; ,1 »K. although ii: •ii-. i.nUi,: lirallh fill’ 111. j Sst fe' ytSUP. llt IS Ihe H-liiwi dews is of the Ntuie Kr.t r Bt pti-t Aticieiutioii: inttat--it.-.i is; auti *t... i: paii m 11 omm unity ei.tei m a-vs. including Hit Brick Mutual Exchange an 1 Brick Fedct al fvedit X; ni- .n. The deceased t- xened a sane in ti pence up i. The community life .•wound ii< !• t Hch a! and Bed Hili |' p e nn f p,n ’* 11^'1 $3.15 » 11 Fifths 86 Proof THESTRAIOHI Willst-i i; IN IHIS PKOtiUf l Ant t, ifAKiOlt MUKi CIO Sal; tin* I lie t rniilUi t:i NSiiikAi SeiKiiS, DliOUtO EkGM GkAIN. eeoDfatcau t watts name, ?eosi*. iuiwhs nmwammmamnnmmimitmv i . i.imihww 4 / TftAILWAYS t ,M*M I sjv- ..... v (U^ p Buses • KiNSrON 1.5 S% w 1 . IKiPh V CHARLOTTE 3.P5 I ASH! VII I l 515 8 >-.* i FA VET I EVll I I 1.20 | i I.YNCIIRURG I* BO I I HANVII.I! 1.80 I 8 NI.W YORK 80 j ■ VA Bl Aril 1.00 M j j -A ‘ \w/ I Carolina TRAILWAYS WEEK ENDING SATt’RDAY. AIKIPST H. 1948 Mii'laitr.s and Is: iums alike s-oogif' iii.- mi”'ee and ro tins spoke evil of ‘‘Bii; Daddy Reid, ns Jit was ai ti-ctioriyudy called by all who knew him. An out?'ati;lii:j: ample oi the esteem in which deac-.m Reid war held by many wan shown by Di Fred 1. Brownlee iwhite) of tnc i\ l: ii u : 111 \ 1 bsiuiu-i V A. soaiv io 1 s who took lie '.rip ;vM the way from New York alieud the fun- m ,i,.i P>-m ei-M-. i>«t ifimr i t "Eli Daddy' Reid '3 he ■. no.- were conducted bv n.e t ,l iut if. ti Hart pa«lor v di U-f lit v O E. Dancy. O M. .lame a:... tins:. Prof. N. A M.-Lean read ' ol.iiiim y. Onfield Funeral K-mi- handled the burial Tin - i ’. is-ti - include tlit widow. Mr-.- Mie v A. Reid, two f.uns. i v.-u ilniiriu- i a !-, lei Uaushiet and -• . i i.raudeiuldien. I si- \\ AD j\ Till I.AROI.IMAN Beautiful New Patterns For Any Room in Tile House oxl2 RUGS If 6ft. Rolls and Off. Rolls Sf l« yd. to % j| | | sq. yd. I Cash or Credit DEPENDABLE FUKNI'tUKE 1-4 F, MARTIN ST. PHONE 7710 sVAUMIiMi .. - - - GIVE YOU LUXURY TRAVEL . ... AT LOWEST COST! Greensboro One way $1.60 7 express, 25 reg. trips Round trip 2.90 Washington, D. C. one way $5-00 4 exp resa, ‘1 reg. trips Round trip 9.00 Roanoke, Va, One way 3.65 3 trip? Round trip 6,6t> Norfolk One way 3.50 ! J express. 15 reg- trips Round trip 6.30 Pittsburgh One way 8.60 2 express trips Round trip 15.50 (Plus Fed. Tax’ UNION BUS TERMINAL 217 W. MORGAN STREET PHONE 5536 WOMEN LEAD AS POTENTIAL VOTERS i The potential voting strong*;) of womet' now outnumbers that of the r.uw by more than 1 1-2 miliion Tin is significant in that t!ii- solution -to the impending di- .e-tec expected because .