WKiiK ISNIHNG, JtiA ITKDAY; AUGUST' ill UJ-Jai PATROMZK tiiksi: AIIVKItTISFIIS 111-In H'uturi ■•cwn.-m-ti. - ttkitfu, .-, u. - 'Hii i» KUnri'*T" ■ >. fiCNKOHMBMK II ft* *ji§|a THE WEEK IN • GOLDSBORO By E. A. THOHNTON "'""'ivl••rs.""'fej'nV-.s'. ' LafiiL.""7laT." ey~" TYoubh-field, Jr Mis.s Chri -tin;* Jones, Ben Jones, and Mi-.- Muble Coley ol Winsion-Balcrn, N. C ait visiting! relatives and fnienti.-, m the til'.' •'>!*.•: hnuua Be-a .•lid daughter, Daisy Best have ret unit-1 home alter sptniUng :« time in Philadelphia and Baltimore, Camden and Atlantic C ity, N - Floyd Hartley ha.- returned to Ba.nmo .Per spending the ■ % end with lie- wife and son on Jaim-: Street Mb'" WidieimmiJ Cherry left during the week !..r Washington. D. <’ to visit <*'; J ' fives and friends s Mary and Uitied Wooten ot Mb Mb'. ■ N. C. were the weekend guests of then grandmother on Siocum.* l Street Miss Grace Jones of New York City is visiting hei pateius, Mj. and Mrs King Junes at 503 Alvin Street Mis, Jones i- > ‘ rv tary for the New York State F.inployin.nt Service. _ Mrs. Joe Key.- . 903 Devereaux Street is spending her vacation in Philadelphia with her niece. George Washington of Dudley died at his horm Tuesday, August 10. Funeral was held Thursday,'August 12, 3 pm. at the AM is Zion Church in Dudley Burial followed in th< lamdv cemetei„> James Atkinson of 402 Canal Street died at hi name lhu; <-.• me ruing. At the meeting ol the Citizens Imp. ovum ut Leagu. 1 day night at Dillard High School, August *O, aside trom discussing the letter of Colonel Langston’s in "The Open Forum - ’ of the Sew Argus and deciding to send ar. answer commending him. the •League received reports on the committee whicr>_ *.va« appoint*u to secure signatures asking for paving Notts. John Sheet n * Atlantic Avenue to Greenleaf Street.. The committee .epv»tc«.t ti.-.> most of the owners had agreed to sign, hut some had not yet. bc<.,i contacted, and seme refused to sign. The League also disoui-se i plans for the forthcoming Community Chest drive with the chan man. Mrs. Nan Hicmpson, and Lev ,v Clark, co-chairman n, were present. ,PRAISE STATEMENT BY COL. LANGSTON It is heartening news when men like Colonel John l>. Lniigston corns out frankly and boldly as he did in ms let ten m Opinion cf Otr Readers” published Tuesday in the News Argus It u sign that we, of both races in the South ore already solving oir own problems together and right here m th? South Colonel I-anc • ston gees right to the root of the matte*, in a fair succinct rnann* that solution cf the eternal race problem is to be tound ift b‘vm.: the Negro opportunities to perforin the duties citizenship, _ tha’ contact has nothing with perverted ideas of ‘'social equality' i* is equal opportunity to live and woik logethei i-.i the .solution i f our mutual problems. These are not Colonel Langston’s ex a; ■■ words but the implication r- plain, we cannot work out our com men problems by denying either group equal opportunity to wori them out and working together ‘••haring the te-'ponsibP- mt> i cn the school board ano that a Negro policemen b{ pro- *de. ! oelieve these request:- are wortnj or serious consideration li *c really want to develop th» Nt gro race, thc.c a no bettei way to do it than to pla * sum* propc: and rub: -.an rial responsibility upon it. Many people are greatly cun lured at,out thg so-tailed question of social equaktv Civii msponsibilitv ha.-, nothng whatt\vi to do with that question. Those who have re sponsibility placed upon them, usually i-rpond It ■ mans inhere),! nature to nst to r< •.pou.-.ibiilitie-. O;,,- thing that has .ettu m.l Negro giowth beta In- continuing w*p a weakening thing. That's on-- objection I had to the New Deal emergency program -that is the continuance of it alt-.- the emergency passed. l-tbink we of the white race also need to i gt a prop«*> p*-rspecuve on the racial quest-on. and set .id ol tii *'absurd notion that contact with people mean:.: social equality. ] Neither law ot contact makt s for that kind of equality. Man re jects hir asoc lotions He selects his . oeial ervu-omic-nt.- That .- his personal atfair. There are thousands even among the white race, that 1 neither hope nor desire to have social relationship with Not that J don't lilt-- them. I b ive .simply chosen my social I atmosphere Aside trom that pi-rKoiial righ* and choice. ! believe i in the kind ol equality Aycoek had in mind when he referred to the "Equality of Opportunity” the rig at to develop. A denial of that kind of light is discrimination under the laws ot God and nam. ; I believe if we recognized more clearly the distinction oetwci-n > the things we fear, and the things we need not tear, there would ; be less danger from the things we fear. It may vc-li be that in. mistaken desire of some of the minority race for social equality grows out of feeling that that is the only thing that will fhm ether rights he craves. So why not try ...ut the experi.ner.t ot plat ing upon some worthy Negroes responsibilities m the cicie feed that will both teat then power- to grmv inch determine whethc. that is their real aim. John D Langston NEGRO SCCUTEHS DIVISIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS MEET At the Divisional Committee meeting field at Dillard H i - h school August li. 1948 a large group of interested citizens Rom Wayne, Duplin, Sampson, ana John.* n Counties were pro-nt. At which time R L. Wolff, Scout executive of Tuscarora Council, | introduced and presented to the committee Amos P. Cox its first Negro Seoul executive, who was given a happy and warm wel come by the committee Mr Cox is a graduate of Elizabeth Citj #'State Teachers College, Elizabeth City N. C. and received hi M. A. degree trom Atlanta University, Atlanta. Ga. and has re cently completed a nine weeks training at the National Boy Scout- Training School foi Professional Scoutei s in New Jersey. Mr. Cox then presented a year round scouting program for the Negro Scout j and Seouters and Tuscarora Council which was received and ap ' vproved by> the Divisional Committee. Aftei a short liaeussion bv ! the group present, it was suggested, because of inability to hold j camp this season because of thd polio situation and restriction, that during the month of September, we would do weeknd camping at Camp Carver with troops from each county ot by districts. R. L Wolff. Scout executive then presented the operating bud get for Camp Carver for 1940 tor which the citizens of the four , counties, Wayne. Johnston. Duplin, and Sampson, would have to raise $2800.00. After a short discussion by Dr. R. G. Weathers, di visional committee chairman, M. R. Zachary, camping activities dTairman, and others, it was voted and placed on records, that the divisional committee ot Tuscarora Council Boy Scouts of Amer ica will become responsible and raise 42 800.00. It was also decided that the drive to arise this money would begin on September 15th, and run through October 15th. H. P Lupus, divisional finance chair- ’ man, is chairman of the drive with E. R. Williams serving as as- i sistant. Seouters present were: J O. Melvin, B. F. Clay, T S. Johnson H. V. Brown, M. H. Aldridge. William King, Cknk, ; £. A. Thornton M. R. Zachary E. R. Williams, Rev C. W Todd, *ev. G. W. Todd Rev. B R. Richardson. Dr. R. O. Weathers, W H Rheindheart, H. P. Lucus, Zachary Holland, Fikeville, J. C. j Thompson, C. H. Chalmers Faison N. C., B. G. Rich, Rufus Alien, H I Middleton, D. J Standford, W. E. Smith, Warsaw. N. C John Gray, Freemont, N C.. B. F. Greenfield. Mt. Olive. R. L Wolff fnd Mr Amor P Cox, Scout Executives. The Boy Scout drive will mot be held in connection with the Community Chest drive. Both j drives will be held separately. Professor and Mrs. J. E. Hawkins are visiting relatives and friends in the city. Mr. Hawkins is coach at Xavier University n New Orleans. Mrs Hawkins formerly taught at, Richard B. Harrison School, Selma, N, C. She resigned to oe with her husband in New Orleans. Dr. and Mrs. R. O Weathers have returned front a suc cessful trip to New York City. They report a very pleasant trip. iSI'.CO.NL) SECTIUi' GOLDSBORO » ■ < " V,*' -"t- ' I'IIAK.MiNG Si t 111 1 ARY VIS US I*AKt-.Yt'S Chariuiiiii Miss Orw* J«nex. of "i w tud t'itj. ill* ituuglHi i i>l >ti.-. anti Mrs King Jones, soil Alvin sued, spen. a Ml tla> vaeation with iter I.aiHits Mi’-.x Jones ioiiiieity ol (luld-.tiiiro i gi.iuoali- ol I>ij iwe year ,»«. June- - hob in e. ire ailiiif amt mu it". NATION’S FARMERS WILL WATCH THIS IDeTs of heavy trucks mid tt&c tois will be especially iriieiested in ar, all-weather grease test now car ried on by the Army. A convoy of 1 l£ t\vo and one-half ton troc-KS i started from Aberdeen pruxiag • ground, Maryland, August. - on i “Operation Greasebali”, a jour :i<-y | of 20,t>00 miles which will take i them through the blistering heat of California deceits and ihe bittei cold of an Alaskan winter. The test is intended to prove that | m lugged practical operation new i automotive greases developed l>y I the Army’s Ordnance Department * *• i. v t roii-uni industiy «i® ' available for all-weather use and j eliminf.te the 30-houi delay in j c iviutois warm I ther liiiu'icaiiori, inv Iviug the dis assembly of tiunsruission.-:, diffei* . eiitials and wheel beat irr*-... , 'First S'-igo.i.n-t Shu: kv E-vi-n-tlv • inr ,i few ii;:v t-• visit. vciit ! Sot Ev-rett, i* -t.ii .in the* Full L A . :-li i : .li" i !!)*• t ! t••'.<• week f.: i-si.- ui : Mr Tlii.nHv and publish--, ot • (' AROI.INI A the- v<-.-> fi.'io sUifl iin-i wunderfu li, f :) !..( :•: t ■ ! -a V: - - . I AFRICAN GIRLS WANTS TO STUDY AT DILLARD HIGH ; The Lißnv. inn li.-Ut t i. : tin application ot an African guT t . ontet Dillard H• h Shi j- Remih-kurn Shift a -1 Lagos, LE -WAN T E1) - ! j 3 nor* by yjitsrni in) ras«‘ before you, t listing Upon vour iitfbtJiu | cibjp kindnt > .*nd gouu will. I sluili lU*oz* >\ a honor A you | run consider \m .< lit •.•unrtidut.o fui; uno oi vuur scholarships to» ■ i i bMlult; in in :o ruo r:,:! and r.oo.uv; :vl .:vl. 1949. iam an Ain- IVT HT II 7& OAVC >‘ :,n ij > 1 •'“■'! ! ■ N r : !Kt: ‘ l -‘Ln 1 an, now H .van. TJ I -‘t . IN 111 W lUIIU I D tended ail An,. n Si-nuol, Keagur. M-’inoruii Baptist suiuoi, I Yak a. It iJ=* -s. -i,mein.my , needs mn :t, it is foi the j si/tis and doughl l ■. to study -.n the i-eknuwried institutions of Amw- «p. ica. when .'.in- it ■.n ijiiitu- 'pii !• bat:- dy iiamti: and creative 'W' W "fig’ JP Tn tia i iei i.t \’i •ei i.in ... j .1,, in,’ fi.: la* ip Ci-v ■■ W * A^4 £ • -4k 10,00« i:< tia Atlanta i!i. it.-. help bell. you at, • jT (vi y. * f‘» my f. i * •.,j :: !■.!«!. imn 1 Imp, . will n< t tail to i -ut- JB Jk ! ir.t he ip. Kiiu: rept me !• ..... mail tor tint tak**s inly it) day.- j Ordinary mail takes 32 day With certainty that a uue American ' spit it will e Mi! when treating thi* letter 1 remain. Wmaw Runny \ The Wayn- unty Chapter ot NAACP h. ,u at special cal! JB 1W vT meeting Friday night, August 13, at tin Shiloh Presbyterian Churcu with the president, Walter Atkinson, presiding. A nuumber ot im- j Xj j port ant items were discussed which are now under investigation, i S. J. Conk, ieported the amount ot $436.00 now deposited' in the | organization defense fund. After a short discussion th* goal foi : ; niemben-rnp in tin oi -anization -.'.'a e, for 1000 members by Ja;. W7 A fHT* A AAflkt £ tnP'C* j uary 1, 1949 Ail Ne.utv■ citizens ot Goldsboro and W vrn conn ■■ j yy /\l J| A IVI |ji j. J I r. Ur, urged t. join th, NAACP. Ts... next regular meeting will be ; ' | held at St. Stevens Baptist Church, Holly Street August 24, 8 p.m. | Waite, Atkinson, president, William Aidridee secretary. TlirDrtf 1 THORNTON'S TEEN AGE CASINO TOPICS * JH,Kt .A UUUU Because ot. th- polio n motions the teen-agers an somewhat j m*. mam*m •mm -mm handicapped nowada\ yet they me going 1 *head and making th*’ . jHk Ms H %' « %% ft '•.best of it enjoyin, then.-jelvi, with mother and dad in the ban: ; I /p M fe |%. g l' yard and on the lawn. The adult; au leading th < limelieht in 1 Bw* S M | W ® f sports and rc-rreat in on the tennis couit. Mrs Louvenia Williams • JL 4r JBs JL XI JK, and Mr;. Willett* Stark, seem to bi the chanjns in the lads.-' f i singles. Dunne the week Mrs. Williams defeated Mrs. Stark, in : the. first set. 0-2 - 0-4 .md Mrs. Stark cam.- back to defeat Mrs 1 INI Cr? 1 |WR Williams 6-0 - 6 L Dr. M. E Dubisette ~;nd son at’ -nded the Stale | "* * * Tennis Tournament held in Durham, N. C during the week. Die ! rw-fl f # # j r.. 'A Furl.inye .! Smithfield was guest cl Dr. Dubi.sette cn the ! 1 iti « to render u decision ' befoiv Sent 15 or the issue will be thrown into the Gciu-iul as sembl.v of the United Nations. Tire- will ot the African peoph is i it* ir. A United Nations invi:.- tigutin.f; ruintnis -ion .event foun t them virtually unanimous in then oppui.it n>n to '.-em-wetl Italian rule, even undt r the name > . "ti-usti <-.ship."' One group of East Africans, the Somalis, have open - iy ttiivateiied to fight it Italy re turns to i uie their. The N e York Tunes reported i uiims he,'- week ’hut Ethiopia was prepared to oflci military aid to Africans on he. borders resisting Italian pellet ration. Alii-run. living in England hav • lepeatedly told piass correspond cuts that they feel betrayed at the vt-iy suggestion that Atrnaiv will be tinned back to Italy after tin -,ufft i in t> nn-it Italian rule).; 1 both (‘.efortr and attC-:r I.ISCI-iii Africans want a trusteeship under me United Nations, but they don't want Italy as the trustee. Biq Power Maneuver* in the p.ejiminary phase* ol tin iockey ing for position, France arA ; Russia have declared in favor ol Italy as tiiiftcc for her tornie colonies. Britain and America | claim to be undecided Since Err Tnjr» ii now the ndminister in« power in these ex-Italian areav can afford to k e e ]> Ci'uiet, p,r-'-r. : i.rn bring niin-- teiui'q Ql'.jjje law, Ru;:eia, pie ferring a v/esk 1t.,1y c»n ~et nr,ii eastern flanks rathe, than tin British navy, is for the present backing tin Italians m order to get the British out. Most African:' want neith. ; Britain not Italy ar a trustee. Th< null 1:0 1 it qi.it - ted that till Hi: F..n; as a ■■ roup, serve as 11. C. I I KS liONOt; STVI IS 11(1 AN WASHINGTON lANPi Tin W. h. uce Evans Lodg* No. 380 1. V,• Telfipil A- 2'i.l. Elk spotis.ired an all day celebration Bnfurduy .'ion .ring Charles F Jlaii. hmii'i: able grand sU'itistirian and iliarter inr-mbr-i >i tins lodge Trn »..Ti-«iTit- Ha'i ‘lay’ relebia tit.ri ,va •: h* ;d at the Elks home at Fa amount Heights. Md. At tract: ns tor thi day consisted of lu.i .ole > rtt-rliiinment laying o. wrt, , uoveiinig portrait and da tic mg. of Fo: t Jackson, S. C Is home arid i.uniiv on Rai-.t Elm Street. Jackson Red Devil baseball team. : AROI. JNIA is I'itv, Oft le, during, vii stut< . "T’hat Mr. Jervay. owner AN needs to be- congratulated for jj setup ley bus. It is one of the < THE UAKULJNIAJN their trustee- nowes. li there is not sutficien'. unity among t he Big Four tn tooperatc t • I'repm 3,000,t.'00 African-, ioi seif-govern nicnt, then tnev prefer a trustee power from among, some small, non imperialist nation like Swe den. I'hey don'’ want to be the pawn of Liig Few intrigue. Nat Too Late To Prevent Tragedy Pi of. St. Clair Drake, ( meaiC ' antluoriologis! wlio has recently returned from England, .• ports that Afi icar.s l:\ eg !h< :t arc banking heavily upon American Negroes to put or. to ■ he. t s ' that a sell-out t Italy i n be preve,itcd Amerje.-i chums >hut it h.as n,ade no doctsi.m as yet ami . tilere is I'm rca* ui u s.v tin i.eigh' lof the U. S. might net be throwri fowai i a solution that would by pass power politics Mr Drake told Pit* Associated Press, "We have bought Italian : friendship several times over ill the last two vears Tiroes no need to add Atnear. flesh and blood to the price. We rallied to Ethiopia when Italy attacked her. 1 We should raljy now to prevent this rnsult to the African people UUESTION SETUP IN DEMO OFFICE New Yoik (ANP) Setting up <4 . a separate Negro division Democratic headquarter- ir bene • questioned as opposesi to the na tional committe-emanT - l...teu'i to open ivo branch .itflcr* one in Chicago and oiu on tire Panl,'- ; coa ! The latte; will be tn one ot dc- tlirr-t Caiilornia i itn ; Oakland, San i ..uu r< oor Los Angelos. Asked it the continuance* of the Mi-gro group wiis m«t in e-ornlu-t 'with the ann-ounct-ineiii last wet F. try M: .McGrath lli.it the Ni -re ! division w ould be abolished an i the Negro woikers apportioned .to utii *i units. j\l .. Dov.son said: ' Pout > ears ago I was assi I tant to the- national .. otto roan and we had tin* saute i-.in I o! organizatio!. It was n-' "Tnimun so President fund raveis at.- noiinti.-d troio In adouartei: up .. m : -nc■■■ '•wv^llL. ' * ■■ '• I* S : 4f ¥ i JW ip A fiS v-C vc# • ' ■. |. ¥ , ' ~.*f|| -. Mpi Pl# *§ JF ••SwsSßfc •*:2? » y> V I LTLRL HAMS S’s Ul Li tic ( i-cii I.tge IS HiUiilt]} , tllP little ?>«)l't of l>l Li iUi Mrs. M I ftJuT»is«*Ue. So. lei >.r St»er( ' t.itilh tilt fCiA it.l«i S tr'hilh\ CtJtij t ills l t*i V»vUUI • ttut* ot North Carolina s mture tt-niiis cTiampionv is maseot of j iht North Carolina 'Tenuis As*=o • iatioi'i. she (jidutf oi health -"•a Vi Had. i>f.uy 'I tfUtir.. I I’WUM) nil M) Is •Id % IN kyeunii RACK PREJUDICE ft Jlt iVi IN GHA V! Gng iAN P; M t*s*r AlrUuns are experi ending more and more racial |>t ejodiiee t ver y day us racists are Openly rev ruling U»ris thoughts here One '‘gairly cinrun" has ae* corclii'ig to reports, even place-tl out iii thr open a big sign whic h reads "No tuiuit'd persons til inittrci.'’ i Ins mo\ m: house is r«os alone in Ls disciTminaUon howrv# i Some movies exhibit bad pic tures of colored people snoi nude. As; Haiti pic ture railed ''People of .Vow a-Day" sea n daloiisJy represents the Negro on Um- screen Uthet reported anu-Negso pictures are Sun Down ulttl .Vlt*n of Taco Cities,’ ir; o*iicr discrimination m > a nets loti# imjir houses are re** , fusing cohired hoardfc’s. many places refuse to employ them, and some people even laugh at them on the strefi. _ I 1 i.-wn that each of the Negro lead * i ■ in Ha.* it*m had contributed i SIOO t o that c -amp u i; j n, w h i c h also ■ *a-< k ■ to rais * • u in»J! ion do 1 i til' s j to help u- eject the President ; v;i • ()k; !,_> clilt; !’H)jf\* Dr. Morion Named To Langston V. StaD LANGSTON. Ok!:. ’ANl\i Dr. Lena B Morton, of the < nn-i; nati public .ti.-Y.\T*S IOK THE f.N IlKf i Mil V Kit. VV. VV.-VLNI'T BT. (lI.AMOK SHOP -MART wrARIMG AFPAHRi. IOR WOMEN 101 SOL TH i TNTEE ST. i f blaTikwood ASsotIATK STOHE GOLOSBORO, N. C. VEIBI Iti.ING TIKES 301 «. WALNUT ST. imari Warner A Bhilco Radios ALi I 0 l, 0A N S Wayne f inance tin. ' oHIVi. Is lO BORROW' James A Ash Bts. - Rhone 1«24 iloitlE it It It i AMil A «>N c a i : i) i i AT k A It I S ’ 133 LAST WALNUT (,O!.ltSBOi;0 PAINT tOAIPANV 2t)4 N. CENTER ST. iVholesalr ,i lit* - J Ijistribulion Paints, Stains. A ariiisfu; l4iit-d.es phone you Jim's Garage ON Wil-SON HIGHWAY NO. 11l GREE.M.LAI- SECTION j We service AH Makes Os t ars j ‘ ALI WORK GUARANTEED JAMES Pim.t.MORE Prop. , I Southerland Grill | COI.II DRINKS A Sl* BEER 221 WENT FINE BTREIT AUllil COLE, Prop . I ™ “”'* ™ ; lor prcni ,;f 4'toorteo u >: rrysc < FOYE’S i BARl**:ft SHOP i 405 801 TH JAMES ST ODELL! TOVE, Frop POWELL'S | £» To gf*.«o ST ORE 608 S. .Nl.OCl'TfB NT, "YOUR ERIENOLA' NEIGHBORHOOD STOR I “ YV> Appreciate You. I'at-rofia-gc | 'The Green Parrott j 327 SOUTH JAMES ST HOME COOKED FOOD BEER WTNi. SOD \ | Mrs, M. 31 Pepnißßen Mgr- Moore’s Grocery I WE BFY AND SELL FRE.iH COUNTRY PRODUCTS s«r, CREECH STREET ! FREDERICK MOhID, Prop J | ; JAMES STREET NEWSSTAND 218 SOUTH JAMES ST. lAtllM' SM; PAPERS ;i. THE !„ T. LIGHT NEK MUTUAL Bf REAL ASSOCIATION ! 403 SOUTH GEORGE ST. PHONES 627 AND 859 W 1, T. LIGHTNER, Prop, i - SERVICE DRV CLEANERS Cor. S, James and Elm Sis. Branch Office S, Jeiut Sl> j ONE DAY SERVICE W* Specie Us* in Women's Silk Dresses «a<| White Sweater* PHONE 1 STS-It PAGE SEVEN Gobi hlm >r« M ere hail i s AtoS HusincsK Persons Made This Page Pos sible. Give Them Your 1 rade. i). p. riAiiius GKOCERY STORE - CAN GOODS SPECIAL - t OK PEW DAYS No { Totuafn Juices il)<- tan N<>. 2 Turnip tiieeiiK lot’ t ait ;*o| N. JOHN STREET COMMUNITY SERVICE' SI ATI ON GAS AND OH, fill N. GREEN LEA! ST. COLD 11 MINKS AND fcEr.il PHONE Mi.l ii. !.. Jacobs. Prop. THE HOI SE 01- JOY I IGIET GROCERY cold drinks and bhj 7Ut> HI Vt li.tl A STREET KEN.NON CIGETTE, Mgr. THOMPSON’S SUPER WASH AND -Ml Sr. It Via lAUNDKY 9ua N JOHN ST. 6 LBS. 2;.c PER MAI MINE •vies. Pearl smith, Mjrs. Hub Hardware COMPANY » AHYTHtNG t LrCTh'iCAL m FADS «i HGATcivS » APPLIANCES . , . FOR THE HOME # KITCHENWARE « RANGES # KELVIN ATGRS # WATER HEATERS lifC East Walnut St. LANCASTER’S jfct -OKaTORS—W all paper ST II his WI.M O l% AT tlf PAINTS PHONE :11a 112 I WALNUT STREET i NATION.vi.i.Y ADVERTISED JEW El.lt V ! 3N CR! tin AT i ,tSH PR If sift lru*( iem« Jewelers 132 S. CENTER ST. PHONE 51 v I OR Di Eli TOCS DINNERS STOP AT Ns«k\ s Sotla Slionpe 323 S, JAMES ST, | "A SPfct nil) Ed I Its’ DAY Southerland Grocery AND MARKET Groceries, Meats Country vroflucts, let Cream, (‘old in inks loi < hr-unit and Slw-uisb Sts. WE UI.CIX l h PHONE; 11109 JnOK.NTO.VS II: PiN age I ASINO - AND Sha vin,y Par) or SYNDWM IU s Ml. i DKI.il.-S ICE I REAM 507 Alviti St F. Y 1 isi.riitoitt, Prop DeVANF. A CTO REPAIR SHOP We Fr*vice All Make-, ot Cars 313 S. JAMES ST, PHONE 903-J Herman Eli Vane Prop, Moyeb Grocery I alley and SUjde E.rucu-ies l iaifasid Vegetables 481 LOUTH JAMES ST. PHONE si Xr DOCK'S PLACE Gift h t.I'IEs, FRESH MEATS OI ALI, KINDS » (.inpirte News lirpartmciu. Magazines, Ete JAMES MOVE, Prop, fill; VV Pine St. i’horae 8188 Club El Morocco nut Mile Out MUiuftl Olive Highway 117 Home i uokea l oud and Beu Open j iuidav- 4 p m.-2 a. W- Wfik Bays 7 p jtl-2 a u> »««■»■«■■ I—lWi<— Silver Moon Bar ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS SEEK 229 VV PIN*. STREET ALEX SWIFT, Mgr, ' - ... . Grocery tot tim/e.-if > Meat!* 800 DKVRREAUX STREET FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE "ROBIN HOOD FLOUR’’ PHONE 3589-J