PAGE EIGHT Continued from page I, 2nd section M(m PHYMCiWS nurse jfcrou/iri Tht- col nd riu.u'j v/iuilrt 1< '! t!u: whin n;« ..Ik.- w he v.nt.'d .nr 1 :.m y. .tie ftlf-dk' vV. ‘HK! tell <in nm .:r 700 Mil PRESENT alert tliC-'Mi: cc on current polk » tl- i lh< u vdo Wl i* • ha Cl • lilJp iin V .hliv A■ *! i t itTlini; ill.- :• To public •'»*!• t v.-! ••• il (A. 1 •'? ie • thing {or oui rsr; I 01 !! s s v.n.s pOHiled * <st lilt' V. *•! -{, v ada tea oi lie lav as* Jh oc wloit 1 T y Oil Ifll.w. j•, khOW the liulioy \td VHtver apply ha bar n; ».«U»,.i; jn the foiu’ 'bo-*- - rondure J, arc if wei Than eh < H oiY,r lair- * n» ve bpe T’.-i .s arid do - .id lb(i di -.Pi iifUiij Hon f-rnpi.-vi tYon? rwd: hboard openUOi h. rGi'iiin »> *;2o.' ,o* .- ISt-w VO! K has rt'.iiph; o 70 of this t'iUm ter B i thGU g 1 i hi H :’ s*i ve ; r» V C.l !*■ d fla.iv had been no overui/Td a it**/* t c f a ’«i eisi p> j c:»y tt. * /»t j ■;, •> f ■ lv as . - ,-n :.iniS. there !i<iv >.•« *• so .a L headway mail! to i »-versa* Mb v ijiirn us trend which had *.> • • t b'j'.lrr / ill; idO: ■ O' OUT t;f i. d tnaiu. deny bug Uu-ru rob •• in. i.'.cny of Use n* .. . r induatric: and It. lit IS b, M'lVih;- OC.ioM-h Old M.H i»KK i I Alts !* t w Voi b. Uoif . i ji; to. ia 11 err, pi. one hi u. vt. -ot l- - i«r lei std t ope <id ton in terms of 1.-ai ger, sdaff c.od humie-r . i evs, ... haiidied * . '.nt ; ttout no *..• v tls> * : fie )CS 1 1 i i .li d 1 ! rf-t>i ; i ) la'.v. ii covers t.r.pioyes oi non p» ctil concra IIS rtf »',• 01 he. . tcit dtib-d spe *. slit ?.j; * a '•> *i is.. k itii■■ mati*,n ’ shall include re. ; -;regar»on "*nct sepa. auon. l cnnectiQut also e>rc-els in the u?-c of ph.vdu.l..gical : - “i-'i'S i' l '-A S' ra-. .. . , Ntw York it.igk: iV Vl.j*>.a J; a : llv a,;-3 . ... f, ; . J, , v . r, “ i-'lt’es;. - ' : n.ost ccmi/UtintH m poptihuom. Aj ’{ htli CaJ.rj, !,Uf cto a great i.h- a'i r.t ..,. ;... ~ , Vo a Aw Cordially invited To A ltend The i ■feAO'y f. OA'- W£p '& ■■ ' #’l® | it. I 1 *.' *- iff ®Y® FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 20, 1948 FROM 7 TO 10 P. M. Ju! Ia s i/aym ooi/ , /*? op. Located In lhe Cooper Building CORNER CABARRUS & BLOOnWORTH STS. While inspecting the Cooper Building refresh yourself a? Haywood** Soda Shop with . tasty ( hoeolait- Mailed Milk Shake Or jwirnr other tleheu fountain <1 r i n k or sandwich. Ample sspace and courteous itkndants. r —mrrmrriii ----- . ~ r - , tl „.„ VMr . . |tm . iL _ 1«J I<W one «, ba«h •««. 1 JX, •''' I\ ~ *“7’.P •■')/) tfaiffu at it ihiyoiin, j jjjf, , . tll ■■■ £_ . '" ' ' ' o ”* ,h * | / Ji.\ If P *.> • * Trt& ,ft£M>LV y/ttr S&ST ro I Upbt*,4»<i aero#* »h«. *r«m I Unbraced, warn in « *- I#/■ • iiftiß HROPOLI li L!l i ■-———l V/ias-t 42nd St-New York IF, N.V. SECOND SEC’TION cducttnon wuvk. i nm r (f . ■ j •.tUi'fr and criliv.- : ■ ..• • : ' '■ ’ bcicrd irt. ; <( un; y-d •• u :<■;■ atm vvnrk v. ith CMticin! .*ympath> : -.n I . . * ."id res t m el- <jj ti eu t. • • Tl.c near-: .*d. Ihmas to a r*. j : -r a. I'Ults i on unpublir-hed -in 'nv the KRl’onal Urban way.a* , v.duvh novei-.s 2d American citie.*, • s*; bv in Iho north. Staking to ; ■ -of ! ; a riUiS.y Ncarm 1 .-: Rif •' <. nn.‘h'>yed u • pi iv.ila cnlei'prnoe- l'<v . • while collar, U*t /.siic..d. a;- /in -i *? v m NS.-gio comm it nit it• (.hi i i-n in- biond 7.734 stapinyid o: : Jn.uu: ■ \ 1 us this !:i «-:* i- J • si. iddng ompiovnieut in almost all ' f tniiiiu:js i io:a d to No^rot :• o* •odd. y v‘,'n';' aj.C'. f Oil I* CiFus of U* * . ;; ;S-rn stabs adCOunUal tm inn, t UruTTord, i (g> \’• u'.i •-• laid ; a*bid •' • ’ ' hi■\|ilnyo , but. n'in.d ol !!.is" Were sid’.'s-ud h . j.niikeii ii.--. nai) 1 order \diO la. >u ihe 1a... .50 • FId.dUpUO i ‘ 1, i.,*■ i!* r ..>>ns -Td.-ab f\> :o . A V, Nf 7 J: :m.V. and flat ‘ V> ni. <ni* ago es * • i»I ed i 7 no,* .T » add . a Pro whde. ra.dbo I :oid nthplF'vo s in life b*-!U I IV IK VMU ItNO.N VNi) m sba mi iikAi ii NllliiAllOl LOS ANGELA'S i.NNPi - h r :z • ue-tune of '-lu. i-e t.i !i:L K ; n :i... ii' iOi. j -■ \■' pertv .'Otif-inem j,i the au.iuln;eai : action v ,ih lier hriso.inh. &l»i«i.i>- : iicAJ b.i ;vf.k Acoe.idir.g to U«-) lei ne (he . illlniiHil. Ne:,i e e;v t- ivl I .-- A in’ll on '..ei.MIU 'i. . - tin r, in, ■. mpl.-!>• r»‘ <' i"» of Ihi imJoi A j nii-tr.iei, t lend i.-.m, I . ->, 11> oi wtiu’h Lhie he !ii j.iUiHy ;.-v the two. I: • .... I • ■ 11l .. Nl .' " / SIDS 1 U ami HWC ON “Kick M it a bore or - / wjit i■ * r help It won't !•• I you down. If one of party \ n't .* im put lua» !mid«* lying on bottom , ! p A .e. Jen 1.-Ottl lift -■ < i v.iifi wiitff mill support 10 "V . 7" l«; 40 people \ loiitten foot wood and CAavaft “N— -‘'TbT » aiine tilled w*th wjier will support four «>i more j U rew/- r j ''- ft ' STICK mm VOI R BOAT! - 1 • - j { \rlt d'bUjd- \OU .ar it good -w : miner '' I'liK ! . 3 U\ '•• v i oil hit • • rttd in lie' ympeic- • -• S-7* . J. i.. * - * '•'*!... i>. win* touian tm. i't» hfif'L oiii*; the ■ ..^d. M !lM ;i ! .it and w.t!* r- :eu*-*{ tof.!'' imU'itt liiti-r, ** - V—‘ -rtitiTi- ii. i. i„- ... i u„ l|y . t %.!:o J 5 H j ■ ; .i.tlirf |, fit .. twliUtriHij; - .. x ( A VOt, SAFETY The balanced position i* yu d by eiperient ed g s&tßp o, paJdlci? The rump it against the *eaT (NOT ' ** t ~ a *'' —* pus ftU iG pUwr i and ir L&fe. A good pad under N Ss-* ike i ficci maker- »hr position condo, table ar»d ** A'- - -v" ttcuie li » iniglii in » fitorni while canoeing, be W7 r»de it ut. two people ehould do the - ame. A csi'iof; S an excellent rough water craft when 1 CHARLOTTE NOTES 1. v vv 11 i ii :vi \i. rok'U h .-'l. a: .1 :.i. . t Mi .Lit,;- .. .• I Burton Sii i-e.l, i.-i! ;In »-ji >• ;,m ■ morn in- lor : ,jmuDm j •- . >*. If’ I>■ ifu • V. 11l : u Hill . . i vii . and Mi Albot : Ln -K!...: 1 !'...! P.,1 n 11-1 Si! i. * aL- ;illi' ... no t"i Bhilaclt |. hia ari.f Ni-v' v , .. 1 iiy ..vhoit- U.i . v, iii ri'.pivd l-.pu ■aC IK n .Vll T...\ ~ will ... ... ■>: n .-i.iiaod Uaok iioino by Mi- I " r (V ; I :..!■'uh. ih Hail Wan! i.-.t I 'hi- oi!. Tiu.j -ink 1., bi idt. ■ma :.'i in I'm Wr.Mi,,, of ■Mr- Rush Dt-M.-nd who v.-di I„ ..C N\ 7 t'u k •Yl t • t .n i ic’ Qucuicb : ici l tlic tit v this \vtrk lor Nov \s. rk b.Tty ami oshur u mis. nor\h Ti ! • U aiu-1 Black aT Beal' s b.-iil Hoad Vhositss lii til* Tie a l i iub at her home ou Fuei-dav uidht. U‘ii vVa- h i-u-.iiv-:•> i'ueetuig .: a- All’s. io .-.M Aii'C oiklr. Jbfct SeClbTfiiA. :'-av -h< }*m j> -L of lot TYireiibig. • Mo. 1 aiciiie Wiilivi • tin- vu\- pt-.- Plaiis \u tillmulsiT-t-d ful a fall pMbty on the lira! ot Seplcmbo; 'F .t Club donated %.> >'»h ?; Vviiih- ivlar* cho had iu • her iioiue by sue previoualv ■ In* ne X 1 ITi«. i* 1 1 n g wi 1 i be wll n Mr- Ro;>a tVba o? Lie .-o BeaU> t‘7 id Road ou ibe J ourih T'ueaday : in A ugUat, Mils Nazerine Gi'iUam of Mew Vo; k City is visiting Fu-j i.,ai ? -nt..„- ’Ur hi v. and Mi- F I.»“ Brov.':-, ,U. th* ir home on Cecil Stive 1 Sir h! 1 a iO'iCr and Ml Hattie fin-wii and W dim .bmu-o Lb .1 have returned 10 tfot s ity after ta i dins' Mb.. Dorotihv in Phil acieipin.; th. M 1 \ Etra tt ice atid Mv«, Hane Bt i'i V iliil 'left the euv Thu \ V .--s to attend a taivuly t»- mi’on m 1 • ' limiuu.s, Ohio, iho.v will nice: ■ Etuiher that they have rmt . r- a in .tinny v. his, -)u eph Dukuly m Iu- In y«-< In stitute. -pent the week emJ w(th (Vi 1 and ;\lr-. Booker Budc y and du- Tate Sisie, oi 329 Cunelery : Avenue. After a lovely week end lw left to veil the 1 .ibei iau 1 era* ■ non .it Wash t n_}'too, U (’ Mr 1 Hikul y wlii, is a dud' nl at 'Fit; • key- e Institute, is a native of be l her in 1 K Dudley, recently appoint*m imi raster to 1 rberia, received hr i Bach*, lot f)r> ree froni Juhnsun e 1 hanilh Univer ify. During hi.a day ,rl ToFinron i Smith, he we an outatrtiidmg rttE C,\KOI.,INTAN ;as u Tennis P-layer.. Philadelphia. Pa . and Fir. and .ili JMn me Whiu- ~1 home: alter yisimig ivn -viany .-.ucia) coui 11 s l 6s 've r«- gi v- QurVi i ' \ ■ :f.»; IBPOP I YV , beeji *.• xamplified t..y ihe o i ganina J liosi North Carolina will be made ;•'» h-id proud of :hc high Mapping ; nv»ys •-if the Qurt-n City Plk- at the d«- .r- .... AtigU'.f 2*»‘ 1 . The Aii-Star gam*- beiuc-en ! v All sta i s and S C. All Si atsw■ a a •; liighriHned by the '*Grac k in mn | Vi-uiig ]*.< * No 188 i'U* yt-arh |ho itiu>. n 1.1 S C and N. t u c ; .a.le pos iblr by flu- great ■. | man and basketba-ll enthusiast.. inn a:i. anu only John We !Yli \v« - . ■ifvi-■iopji.«-hl >•! H e NV ; Jafv AT Aiiielli H f Pi .at t in.', Lira i tV C vMiVtTition Which Will Conveur |lh CvdiiHlbu.v Ohio, beg 1 rung | August 28th. In S Putts Pxaited Kuhn 01 |fa -call T.odgo No 208. IBPGF of. ; \\ . lias be on chase!) as end eg ate to. ;i National t ’»hu ention vvhit u i \tii convene in Cincinnati, G-hu* Augu>t 2b-.! fln>*u. h August 28 th Pun. C i; IK:ui, Ksiremed l«. .(dutg Knight, a .-..sited by Bio M j !F.uku Pro Sinn lh it, Hro. \ Rev > . r v.« S.tnpron, Bro Kuliev and I Bro, Bess McElmorc laid the cot | mu-ioiu- at the Baptist Church of | Lowell, N C , of which the Rev ; Andrews u pastur Sunday, August 8 1948. r»l A I M S Tunc rat rite.' were held for Hus •or Bug, nr Gtlh , who lost his lire 1 IVhiniiay, August 9th while swim at the Catawba River, at S i |I hr Rock Church Wednesday. Aug. !llh Grid and Thompson Pun oral lioni* was in charge of the body, Funeral sev vices were held lot the late Mrs. Walken at Friend isl.ij) Bapti.M bhiin'ii Friday t August _ SRC OX D SECT! ON -13th. She is survived by many rue f ‘Cv< :• .onong these are Dr, Walker ui Wuxi-, inn ton. D C. and Win Wcs; ker of N v w Voi k C.’ii y *1 iie • Alexander Funeral Borne wa> in ; ' hargr cl the iTTramTOrrm rnir iriinii inriiiKMiiiirfiniir imniiiiinnr« mmiiHiirii I IMMIIIIMI'I W 111 —■IIIiIIWwiHIIIIWWIIMHIIHMII 'I I H>l 'll IHillllll—HlillW ti'Wllill IHIPWIW—II—I You Are Cordially Invited 7o Attend The Inspection 0/ j Raleigh’s Only Negro Floral Business | /if Oar Formal Opening I Friday Evening August 20, 1948 A, J. TURNER, PROP. Located in Flic Cooper Building I COR. CABARRUS & BLOO DWORTI i STS. TELEPHONE 3-8092 'r itrwi-mnt u'<-i Lt i~: , -i, ~ - r~f ir!- • - n' ' i - ■ ■■ ■■ - -. Y .- , j ■.■u.rri r, , ff .. - , . - . rT -, ~ . ....... , lL __ ... ----- ,-rr -ni-iTM-W- -_■ ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY I FOR- I n\r IN YOUR OWN OPERATED AND OWNED F i»t y.'di f(nivi*ftseiii t* ihr siijm 1 miu'lit-I will !>.- <>pen i-iiday ;g_ ing. Augut.l 2(Hh from wv«*n uruil tm for ymu m |i*-.lmii o.d ;»rcatn- U| k? moditlaon to Wares and the s.4 Kairigii i jjjjjjg . y* first Nci;«"ii mwand and operated super market. Pernmnel and tallies |sg * ; t>& will be at y«.tu* disposal fm’ tbare Imvim: and any iiifoiination yon may t * jjo vecjuesl. 188 | j |j is YOUR Market-Cofiie And Make Yoiirself f P At Home || WAKE CONSUMERS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, Inc. corner Cabarrus and blood worth sts. WEEK ENDING,, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1048 N..VI- York City was Juneralizcd n» !!-<:.• Little Rock AM E Zica Church Suisuay. August 151 n. Th- (lect.-.5«.-a ciied suddenly iii fliw York City ON THE REAM WITH C-Ot- I Yo. I ~ ini-'uck on the Bcum 1 S<t don’t worry about what hap period to (tone, I admit that I to stop my jive But I am hack oy'iin' and i ai.» really olive.

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