S.C.PASTOR VOTES--IS MOBBED , * * *■ * ■* * ■* * I i -"""I Carolinian : Ca '-. '-G /■ ,f , . v mm n - ■'•■; ■ ' -1 :>2 ! , • .-'•.'■'■.■■A K . : —.- a ■■■' -■ -■ --•-■■■ ■■■ - • •'’**•• diwiwiiwwiw»i»*uw»wii«iii«miiuw«j»««i'i"— — ~ —... .. .....»~ 16 Pages | ~ "NORTH CAROLINA~S LOADING WEEKL Y j S coFY 10c VOLt' ME XXVIII RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA VVF.EK ENDING SATt'RDAY, ACCOST 28, 1948 NCM BEK 8 SEE LOSS OF HOSPITA L POST' £ £ ■&■ •■£ if if. if if. Jf f if f f A A A Negro Marine Officer Assigned SIO,OOO MISSING FROM FUNDS FOR WARREN COUNTY SCHOOLS WARRKNTON TU- tu;nu--t hnt conditions which iiav- mark ed the Nc-gr; school; of Warren • i County to; a numiti of years ] exploded into the open again last -week r*.. St,a, Ik-pai tment ot « Education and SBI officials dis tjOsad e\ idt-nct-s t tan it,,aca- of approximately SIO,OOO which had , been allocated fur payment ol Negro teacher salari-'s Involved in the alleged misuse of the fund' was J. Edward Al len, county superintendent oi schools lor the past 29 years. Accord 1 rttt to the- mfoi mat ion released by the Department of Education the probe has been quietly underway lor several months. As a result of the probe eve j denco has been uncovered that the funds involved bad been de- | signaled and alloted by the state lor. the payment of salaries of Ne j pro teachers in the county. The checks i:v these salaries, however, were endorsed for a se- < i ond time bv Superintendent Al- , iConriAuttci on pa&t’ y ibi fiction > j INTERRACIAL RAM; HELD IN THETIS 01 QIAKTER MILLION Philadelphia (ANP) An all out move bv local police on a i J , interracial gang of alleged burg- ; jars brought the total of its mem- , bers from 10 three weeks ago to ; 22 this week and the urging 1 1 tbelts tr o t SIOO,OOO to .. quartet ! million d- ’lars. So lengthy were the charges against the men w r,cn arraigned • before i!-e city hall magistral • ■ last week that the hearing lasted • more than an horn. The chargt mil a felony to artneu i told up. mit a felony to armed holdupp. According o detectives the crimes ranged front a $4 theft at an auto 'ales agency to a safe robbery which netted $.10,000 and two diamond rings. t '■'"Kiiyiii * . v •, FORM PLANS New ¥w!t , City Officers of* she newly- j termed Brooklyn Citizens Com j nnt e? f«r the Keeleditm of Pres- ! Idem Tfinnui talk over plant* for ] & Scp.eeafecr i‘U.h Truro».» Civil j El*bk Day with C-ohgwsaimao ! R'tllia* 1., Oawson of Chicago, tPmUrnani of the Naiiottud Cltt- WOMEN ENTER RACE FOR S'l ATE SENATE INDIANAPOLIS VXP> ins. t lualfth Herod ha-, btea ttviuim eii i» the Progressive j’,: y U-. A CJ.l id.,.it, *ht '*- duii.l Mute stSiate It as!- nouneed here >his ueth. She is, well known tor Iter civic and church work it) tin-, city. Mu- ■.-. il- ano.her woman on tltt- Progressive slate th h.-t, sirs. i.di:a Johnson, who is set king the office ol state audi tor. FARM WORKERS LOCKED IN TRUCK FOR 68-HOUR TRIP DETROIT iAXP) - The im portation us four truckloads of Megr .' laborers from Georgia here ;.t s2a a lead was .a i’cd iuac last weel:. Y'r. sh t rom the we.si are rolls of Georgia, 212 Negroes including 23 singh women told that they would get jc us paying them Sii to sl2 a day Angrv about the whole affair. Janies Mi.ou-, directoi of Michi gan e-mpl.y merit service, ordered the trucker, Clyde Thompson of Savanna t . take tin- workers back Athough the refug'-os had bttti in Michigan only a v. <■; ,»c, Thomp son has lm-n able to round up only 41 men for the :e!urn trip. He can f 11 si none ol the single women. He raid rn,.st ol the men found things in Michigan much better than in Georgia. Lack of Sanitation Conditions under which the migrants Raveled as well as those iCunthmed on page B, Ist Section) ! zens Cornraib.ee. Shown srattrl left to right are. j Congressman Dawson and Fa.her i John Cok-man, Chairman #f the ] Brooklyn CiuwmiUce. Standing | left to right: Charles Rellar, Ear- I i emlve Secrt tary; Mrs, Mafgawrt ; IV. Jkown, C«-Chairman; and Olai-ftnce WUsen, Treasurer, i ASSIGNED Second Lieu tenant John Earl Rudder, U, S. M. C.. ii:e first Negto regular officer in the United State Ma rine Corps who was assigned to the lb S. Marine Corps Base at Quantico, Va. last week. Story on this page. Marine Corps Photo HEALTH AND CHIU) ACTIVITIES CITED BA Pi A CONGRESS RALEIGH - Repi eseiUanvt-s li om IP counties and PTA units studied techniques and too!.. ana lyzed oppinions and listened to directions for the future in , "Health Venturing and Activities for Children Through The PTA” in the third annual workshop, held recently in cooperation with Bricks Rural Life School Consultants for t*,e 4 day sex skm included: Miss Grace Hah-. - Planned Parenthod of America Mew York: Mrs. Georgia Barbee health educator, School Healtn j Coordinating Se rvices, Raleigh; | (Continued on page 8. jst Sectu-n USiO ASSIGNS NEGRO OFFICER TO QUANTICQ. VA, The first Negro officer to be • commissioned in the Regular Ma- j rine Coi ps Second Lieutenant j I John Earl Rudder, USMC, of j 1130 Clay street, Paducah, Ken- j lucky, is now undergoing training ' in the Pre-Basic Marine Corp School at Quantioo, Va. Second Lieutenant Rudder, who j is 23 years old, entered the Ma- j ; rine Corps upon graduation from j ] Purdue University where he wax | enrolled in the Naval Reserve Os- j | ficers Training urogram, i While serving as an enlisted 1 man in the Marine Corps, during i World War 11, he qualified in 1944 for the reserve officer train | ing program, and was transferred ; : from his duty station at Majuro Atoll in bit. Marshall Islands for | : enrollment at Purdue University. |He .graduated from Purdue and , ; accepted his commission in the; • Marine Corps on ,r>V J Y 2b. 1946.1 to rank as a Second Lieutenant i j from June 4. 1948. | Second Lieutenant Rudrii-r on ; listed in the Marine Carps on July 23. 1942 Ordered to Camp! j LcJeuce, North Carolina, he en i tered the radio oorrators school! ! and. uoon completion of his i j course, became an instructor at •' | the MontJord Point North Caro * (Commueci on buck page) BOARD URGING WHITE SUPERINTENDENT AT PORT CITY HOSPITAL $41,235 NOW IN i n urns I t N O NtVV YORK --- Receipt us citiittibitnuns pir.i week amount ,;; to $-;5)9.7l truught the t). ... . n l<- lei*: • . uiui u< „ total of $41,255,4*. the N'AAl'l* an nomicod today. Contribution!, receiv'd last week int lulled 5152 fla.m the l ast Side Ingram < lab, Detroit; j>!;' Iron, (lie Tliri?.\ Twelve C|ub Akron; and $5 Irum the Com tniltee for (i\il Right'. Riook l>n. COUNTY TO GET HALF MILLION DOLLAR SCHOOL NOTTOWAY, Va. (AMP, - ’ Nottoway county will build u $500,000 I igh school for Nc-groes litre, it wo- announced this week i bv Hay F. Reid, c.iunlv superin tendent of- bock. The new school will be con structed to relieve crowded con ditions in the present high school, Reid raid. T.< t m completed in about 15 .nonths, it will contain 18 -lass oms to accommodate 600 students, It will also have a oaic-teru. \ i.xual, aid, ait rooms, shops and an auditorium. The old school which had eight classrooms for 200 students will S become a consolidated element ary schoid. which will replace sev eral one room structure s accord ing to Reid. It ha.- a simp and ; lunch roo.n, but its nutrition has : been converted into classrooms, ■ Reid said. Mo court action forced the , building of the new school, he : added. It came after a survey by .the state department of education at the request of the county |school beard. WALLACE SOUTHERN , TOUR SCHEDULED TO !| START THIS SUNDAY |> ~ 1 ■ — i>. In his first campaign tour si net o the Progressive Party nominated 'nrn for president. Henry Wallace will swing through seven Southern states for a week beginning. August 29. As in his Southern tour last year, "Wallace will defy wliat he terms 1 the “criminal practice of Jim \ Crow," find will speak only to mix ' ed audiences of both Negro and • v/hiU- citizens. j The trip will add hundreds of ; 1 utiles to what is already one of the; i largest and most strenuous presi ! ;dential campaigns in American po-: i litieal history. Starting his cam ;paign cn December 29 last year i j*ix months before the party eon-; j ventions Wallace has already j j cross the country, delivering 82 i : addresses in S 2 cities .of 30 states. I i-i addition tc mekung a dozen ’ (Special to the CAKOI.INIAN from the NVilniington JOt RNAI.I WILMINGTON One. again i Cumin unit j Hoxpit.d man agement ertsh. A lew weeks ~xo it was report ed Tirougr. the columns of tile TOi'RNAl.' that the pie sent board, gs- mo t o : it. . . deni upon placing a Whitt supe. *r ■ mndfiit it the Negru This report was confirmed last week, when in executive • tort the board is said to have m’e*-- v ifV. - d a prospetive numager, and .ic ’.x ! ’’ Forth.': XI c ; eh,:med that the boaxu may pay tr.c white .man .$5 Odf.) yearly, whereas to date it has paid a Ne ■ :.l . ;I» : 1 $2 011 l 1 SI ITRIN rUVDEN l GOOD Mhs Mi.rcarot Gin n, superinton- ; : dent, it js admitted hat done a splendid job. The board states. . nevertheless, that .t must have a person trained in hospital manage . ment. with a colleec degree. It is < '.■aid that there aie several appii- I j cations ftoir. NcgTOes on file with } 'Continued on page 8, t-.t Section) i kiiioi N.c. \nm u. I \H 1 TIVE Itll S A l ST. AGNUS HOSPITAL RALEIGH - Mrs Evelyn K Brown if Htu Ea-t Martm Street. 1 Uie wife oi A. E Brown. Raleigh j District Manager lor tue North;, Carolina Mutual Life Insu a nee i t Company, died Wednesday after-w noon at St A,- aes Hospital follow- 1 ing an illness of several weeks dur* 1 ■ anon. i 1 The decea- ed the former Mu j Evelyn Kenley of Columbia, S c.. ;>• was fifty-one years old at the time j ? ol her death, and before coining l" ' - Rak-b'i; a live Lad lanyiit for a ; : number of years in the pubic , school; of South Carolina. She was a graduate of Howard j High School of Columbia and of j | iAllen University. She attended the!, St. P: ul AME Church in Raieiari • where the wa- a stewardess and a j : .Continued on page 8, Ist Section) studio network broadcasts. C TWENTY CITIES 1 Next week's tour will find him making stops in more than 20 citic r g in the state ol Virginia, North Car- |e olina, Alabama. Mississippi, Lout ;C s.iaria, Arkansas and Tennessee. A sizeable group of newspaper- li men both from wire .services', ciai p l.v newspapers and Negro weeklies g will accompany Wallace and hi* party. On Sunday. Aupust 28, he will E fly from New York, via Washing ton, D. C. to Norfolk. Virginia E where he will speak at a luncheon, tl He will address the nominating : p convention of the Virginia Progres* | n sive Party at Richmond' in the as- i ter noon and will attend a rewp-jy lion that evening in Durham,]" North Carolina That night he will | n . i enUri-d businv Ik-. W Mis. Bc.uiaft Glass and son. Haipc:, lived m Cilove.svilie. ... wlit-r. h, last lie-aid troi , ilieui. Hr plans in fx'v- his c n j hii'n -j. a partner. The Asso-.«aUd; N = o Vus, j :.f/ Bout’. Ts, k | w«-y, *CLi, -go tS, ill. will f.“ *jlad to fun-ilsh u;c a' t.-ess i j vilh&i flit sou or Mry. Glass. Scout Wins VFW 1948 Award For Rescue of 5 1 ots William Jackson, 17-year-ol misiM ing of SSOO, and a gold rnedal, : awardeu annually to ~n L>wt:,tank ing Boy S -out of First Clas.-. rank or bight* ■ between 15 and 1 years »>!u, who ha.-, pivviouM; received a lire saving av, usd id the Boy Scout:; and who has A m castrated Si-nut ohiirarter. lead ership, e rod scholastic ability an 1 unselfish service to others. Preser.fafrcn on Gopi. 2 Ray H Bi annaman, ('omman der-in-CJ.ief ,>f the Veterans e. , Foreign Was . . .! ps- mi. th ' FSGO scholirship check and gold 1 112 GRADUATE IN SUMMER CLASS AT HAMPTON HAMPTON, Va CoHege-trairr cd persons should use then intel- t Icetual training and powe r not so, much lo oecOrae masters of men! as to become servant: of the tin- ! fortunate, the Rev W. E Carr mg- ; ton, pastor of the St. Catherine A.; M. h Zion Church, of New Ro-; chelle. New York, told a summer 1 gradual : ng class of ill! person* in Ogden Hall at Hampton Institute Friday m,.tr ■ August 20 "You represent the privileged group among our race," the speak er at the Eighth Annual Summer ; Convocation declared “You repre sent knowledge, power, and privi lege but all professions contain! people who let all sort: of evils j grow up around them without teeming to care.” The ones who do care, asserted j Dr. Carrington, are those who con-j ,-idei themselves, like John the Baptist, “rent bv God.' and we therefore, “concerned about the physical, mental, and moral devel ntem of those they serve.” "The, responsibility 1 pin no ,on you today,” he told the graduates., "is to make out. of your own cum-j munftio- the kind of world you ■ want to have.” _ j ni ,.;l. j young Ji'.ckson next TLur.xday, Sopt 2 at p.r.i. J til.-. Kiel Audimritim in Lt. L«n->. ciunr..f tne natiuii.il c-’icampin*-!.! of ih-' v'-toraii:-.’ organization. The Ncffro lad r>•cc-iv.-'! th c C, .hi Ho: ■: McdiU f: