PAGE TWO I’vnfn.Ni/i THE f; AHV Ui'f 1 il'.lfS I •: Y LET’S FACE j ad ■ y-v FACTS j w.. W .. -: By H D HOOKER I ■’ w l k i m mml ~TI>H»A ." Al' J'i.i-iN JON IN WILSON 1 ui.i'ii- - IvHij ..! W'i!:n.;i- SiitUft.Liv just to :; te how wisely .".• ,nif • ' u■. "*u !■■•'■ i: • t«.i n,. to t ’ (■.j the opening of the ' ihj f. ■ ■ ' ;■ ' -lop ,r, .it the whiske- Rt«ne wheiv i '■ ■ -'r.t u; , Oil-:), the arlnilii pAv'dig in and OUt of the i ft.'-;. t , ... ;ii.-io .-n hour. I counted 421 Negroes to 19» ~ j ... ,■ :■ i .... Thinking that the wrote nu.* • fy-' '• ' < n; .n i■. it th.m t'ir .1 i vge Negro. *'J ! : lUi.iinag-v a!, on Stantomburg Street " ..i* - ■ - -riling. 1-.■ sixteen ears belonging ; f pi ;, i ■ lothe:- Kegy,,«s -vere buying them like a 1 . . mi •■' sh haven't stepped to think, how many j -V*’ i ' ...oti acted from these oi.i clothes If :•>•• j.-.-cpie selhne them wouid keep them . - , i '\r • • - t'Fii iGi«< insttad Os selling. tlitol to •;• ' - twin the stores here! we know they j i■: J. . : . ' they ait made, but we have ... :ii. ; :th< - • mtt f -,m that are sold to us ;. r .oy • in v on Stai.tonsbarg St. This shows that , . ' a. ■ . ~ \ 'iSi. r. # «)• r.’C : r v ,..r,.. Jic- through. I then walked sot on Nash St .'. it ov.'-r. On tins .u*■t. t . . shevi .. .is rt.v.Ly on, horn pteach :;r FA cutting, and curing, rhe street was blocked vk f p/i*;. i *ttill citizens had to push their ws> c. • I • * n a burning hou-e trying to get cut Yes. it ‘ * - n t ic greets in Wilson whc..- everyone could > it#' t.or •! c;ur race act* and tire people of other ' .- more closely than e .er now that there *:■ r ,‘-' .1 Rights. 1 . t•• t: •• • ■ • US Stop ' th OH V I 'Up t IS fd . ■ ‘v* r- ■ -i I ■t o . pubii . Wnai 1 savv Saturday was o, . . . ... • a;.'! .-* .... -'cround more respect - . .JE> i' ’ ... .11 4 ...aif we would ..,oilm 1. . s 1 ... ,ovt- ioSo.K by our public 3p- : . 'ii ,«•■ +- j Draft Strike Program To Be Waged Without Its Original Leaders t .... • T!ie 1,0 papers and Negro : ; •< ci<. A it.iot-i Pi ~(» definitely agams- V ; 1 ) <• i. 1-i.t Roy-' li ~ 4 Tl ! civil disobedience movc • • . : .re nt h weak and cannot possibly 1 -f ■ . , ip.nnet these odds . . at- Im-ieiore Reynolds and Ran .., i.., . 1 j_.. 1 -.idtu. because ine 2-ies . ...enf: , ceent anii-it-giegation tx • -o f in j'rtit.u -axdel for the armed ser- -.:. * di ought aoout a "chance ft -.ndolpi: ni cow diticns.” it is best to call eff i i .vtian. .the civil disobedience program ■ , 1 eriiairs-' T. king account of the number 0 .i: >.l 1. v.i disobedience groups that ..-viditirn- i hsive been organized throughout . v '!■. x nen- th* country those who intend to ?. ;•’* is Carry . , and. "To abandon the <• 'irapaign would tor ur be a moral ••! !.R cave the betrayal.' .:;• st'PPORT Speaking of non-registration, the lit \.nONS li adeis warned that they cannot *' • order is e.. aiiV-e to a man that he would :l .-<• ■' r< : presents not he tailed or sentenced, but tria i.<ih itrw> ’!ie> would five him all the legal : 1•• aimed • and tmamvai and moral support v I : 1- '-1 V 311.... J1 Ih* 1 could • • 'fu people They asked for young men of •1 crd<. i racer to refuse to be inducted • , • ;.i with us. i into a segregated armed service. HASKINS AND SONS GROCERY STORE COR. NASH AND VICK ST. •v i:gi ra—meats—fruits—ice cream CIGARS AND CIGARETTS BAK ERAS STUDIO 524 E, NASH ST. CALL U*. FOR ESTIMATES ON BANQUETS, WEDDINGS PARTIES 'OR PORTRAITS, WE GO ANYWHERE I PHONE 4V25 JOHN BAKER, Prop. i _ \ ~c7k. ARTIS FUNERAL HOME H 571 E. NASH ST, AMBULA.NCE SERVICE Oft mi- Phone 2390 Re». Phone 2219 . „ ' ROBERT LOCUS' GARAGE , 1201 E. NASH ST. ' ! : I ; \ ■ "Inspection Coyxectkun Si«tion J Sf It'-, A Motor And Burns Cat We Fix It. Fall Os Modern Equipment. t ROAD SERVICE FLAT TOWING '■ SLOW And FAST BATTERY CHARGING WAS HI NO—G LEASING SIMON! ZING —GENERAL REPAIRS— i~ " WILSON SEWING CENTER NEW LOCATION Lit E. GREES ST. WE BIGOWK YOU AS WELL. AS REDECORATE YOUR HOME SLIPCOVERS. DRAPERIES, CURTAINS BEDSPREADS, UPHOLSTERY ; I WE SPECIALIZE LA OILS’ And CHti OREM'S GARMENTS SltCliNII iiBCTION NEU* FOH MAI VI. MOK.VLITY UTI I) BV I.AMMON HEAD ATLANTA, t in. Three j tions lot educational itr-derahtp :ii the immediate tutuie were cited to i , President Harry Richardson fit 1 1 Gammon Theological Seminary to j the 79 members of the graduating j ■ class at toe Atlanta University j Summer ( cnvocation exercises on j : Thursday. They were i)> an increasing ein-j phasis upon the li.i n.ation ol char- j after among men and women who j ! constitute modem society. (2) the j ; strengfhenih; of home tile: and ! j (3) the ability to give people hope. I ' According to president Richardson j hf these three f.Hior- run be mi- 1 bedded into tin maids ol people : we will In gome a tong way toward I the ioi mat ion ut eliaiacier. ioi as Ihe pointed out, tw.v things are nn ! mediately clear: 'll that we are | going t:■ have this world with us; 1 now ioi son it umc to come and i 1!; 1 til*■ nature ut tin wuitd wdt i depend on tt.e natur* 01 the peo j pie who compost it Tnus. us h< jtcid the graduate;. ttific: is ~ duty on everene to do aii tic ran t... prove the world. Dr. Richardson intormert tin audience that there a great ueuf ! tea "sexual morality to be bred ! into fibre of our national life He further declared that educa ; tienal leaders must give atternmn ] in the welfare cf the home and to its effectiveness a> a contrciling i factor in human life. Ti-.e graduates were reminded j that young people should be made | - ur* cf progress and me fact tiio j the world can he good and worth ] vnde. The speaker referred to ’ recent evidence; of progress as tin: participation cf SO 000 Negroes in ! I the Democratic-primary in South iCarolina, the increase; in teacher; salaries, and tiie improvement in I facilities for instruction of Negio 1 children. He lauded those men an ■ j women who have risked then ;■ I curity that education in the South ; might move forward. After awarding die degree: ! President Rufus E. Clement, in his j * traditlohai charge u members -f i ■ti e class, stated .-.-hat has been j i done for you has not been done } either for youm-i v< ; selfishly or 1 ; for the;-. seliishly. hn* i ! tather that you may fit yours* Ives and that the University through y-ou may serve mankind.’ Whether Atlanta University continues to be :;ne cf the three most influential ?due3tiOnai institutions for Negroes n the United State", as ob-'C-rved by John Cunt her in his book in -:ide 1?. S A will df-pend in .. aige measure what you do. the graduates were told. Music , .u. by ' Mrs. Altomease Ransom, and by the vuinn.e. Cchocl Chorus, under the lire." i. of Professor Kemper Harr old. Prayer and Benedicto.n sere offered by Reverend Samuel W. Williams of the Mcrehou- , college faculty. 1— j Liih olu I 111 \ t'l’sii v Lists Opening Dates JEFFERSON CITY. Mo. ‘The ( fates for events and acthmio pt r i tinertt to opening the Egihty-third Anniversary yea, at Lincoit Uni versity, Jefferson City, ,h an tave been announced by the Of iee 01 me President Sherman D Scruggs Monday. September IS is regis tration day for ail divisions of the University. The Cafeteria and resi dence halls c?i Jefferson City "•ampu? will open to; occupai.-i :• ina service Tuesaay Sepiembt r i Special examinations for entei im> l tudenis from unaccredited i chocls. are scheauled tor me 10l owing day, September 8 The period Tuesday Septembei I : -Fi is designated as orientation - participation in this program i; | required for aii students entering j he University for the first time ! A highlight of the opening \ >eriod is the Annual All Univers.u Ti ming Convocation BOO a at Tuesday September 14 at which | ime President Sherman D Scrugg- j aid members of th* Board of Cur- j rtors will address the entire far- i dty workers and student body i .Tasse? in all divisions begin lot- ! owing this convocation Rerservations for housing, vshicf •; s still limited here, must be triad- ! n advance by all who plan to live | n one of the campus residence; j halls, WACP Conventions Slated For 11 States NEW YORK - The sdtoduk of i tnnual conventions of state con-1 erence of NAACP branches was ! announced here this week b; jloster B Current, director c) ; Tranches. Eleven convention? of 1 date bodies will be held in the fat summer and early Fall. The schedule opens with the J ■.OKvention of the Tennessee State I t&mferenee in Ms. Pleasant. Augusf | 26-27. Other conventions are soiled - ! uled a* follows: Texas, Galveston. 1 } September 3-5; Kansas, Osawa-j ] tonsie, September 5-7; Ohio, Day - j j ton, September 24-5*5. Maryland ; 1 Baltimore, September 25; Virginia. ] j Staunton, October 1-8. Penr.syl- i j Vania Johnston. October 3-3; Mi I souri, St. Louis. October 2-3; Uli- i |no is, Springfield. October 2-3,; WILSON ''' • A K fiO/JER lOR THE Bi HOF StudrOt' ui ihF tvOiW jV<f kTsi ft) tj*r f»f!. 1* tip lit Slff! J El Oil* British \\ *' Alifit-.t Hi* iu*p Ft i 4 v Jt »Df i'-itii a iitizifrl -!uU :.j f 3. v.Uiir,, pii'flt itifld -ft SittF? uitioua) U.lgi Y club. tru wifi* I .omioii to welcoinf .i* . a?, rmfi/yk t'hf- Figfith tjiGO t: t h COTtI6fK~ Ti if . lit t* I , .4 fit - v Another *I,OOO For Truman I Mr;. Anne Arnold Hodgeman ,- : how a rc-eit ing a check from Dr j M. Rubin-.ou of Little Rock Aik. a; Mr: Venice 1. Spragg? ot lire Quc*p Defender iodks vb appmtiiutly. Wallace Youth Fight Racism ¥ * t • in r our Cities ■! NEW YORK Yt iitiiful i-.n p j j ponfr; of Jif-nry VV«I .■ «i« j fighting discrimination in £kastsWfj j miles, tennE k 'Gurts, in | one '»ivtOA Huy -week in four cities | vviiijp in liit-y mariat.c.G jto sm;r:h Jim Crov; ruk-: a twim j aiijig pool. i The. continued Hn-Y liy.wi >t>*i I reco-j • rj'iCSb>c»gCi- ti oivi C. H I Baldvv ui, ti-T i'r ;uj y and uarupaiyu ; .re. c:t rile Pr ;: r . . Parr; j them "for noi utraid Ire take ■. the picket lln* ii necer | sary to halt 'he criminal practice ' | of racial discriinination aim segre- ! ' It. PItUbUX f: Pi, 3*9 'vhlli iirri j coloi'ed mwnbers .;i r!:■ lour;* |Pr., ; 'ic • ,i A:!:fii.:> ?uocc*-;.,'j : m i-orui.n,; rite ma ol the j Highland Pari: swimming pool tc' i permit entrance to Negroe ;. i;c ! had been barred ra/liei. DETROIT FiUHT Latest iTsrht wa« in Detrc.t wh. >-•- j the young Progressive’?* j»j j nine legal action against pohcc • i who took an inter-racial group o: ' |l7 into custody white they were; i picVet-.n. Brig* ■ Svadii'tn -, 1.. |sigr, r ; pxutcytioc th* refu:;d of th, ; Oetrcdt Tiger, n. try out Negro I paJt players In Bridgeport, rr.iiiiec»i«ii n-*- NAACP Youth Coufioil sr.d tl:c i i ' S::uth Carolina, Crangrourg. Oc j tober 9-ili *.nd New York. Potigb- I'keepsie, October 28-35, UIE CAiUU ,INIAN hr lit i ..till itu.v thicr. met firet iii iso i .* jiHuid.f meeting of t<ii 1,, m.jj- of ihe Angiicaii ! * hill eh f*u :,iie -hoc*. - The ol i CiOwitit ih* Right Rev. C, h 1 N. Raid- lev iu.ii.. • the presenta tion to the Ilf hop td sie l l i | i,. (till- fii-.luvp f-* re y fGste; iAN P i j I 'Cum F, ,-rr- -■ * —k - tops to j u* , - J'. .- ' •;:.!•: after , | '.vhit; V FA. iii. ; :. ;- t : ttiled N* - i I . . ' gfO fv-.ipJC;. V.Gia admit- L..i’ iLs?. At B-uii GiiOiV M,;; via?)d Atior- | I GL,y j. Dl•']':•> A'did iny WGuUi j 1 ji tofi rv tC> tilt’ *UUpI xHTir: t'OUrt it j S : .'iii V ■ 1 . t-' CaSt- Ul VA Nfgj'ii ifillCi j •-% Lilt? .:outh 'wiii -j v'c-i'c .! •• i;«ri; Hit;'-' Vo. re piayu'jg tfcnnij* to* ! ; ii 1 • Hjlm ill tlie Druid Hiu Cv-urts. ,•; idt kGuijh lay dov/u on tn 6 ficurts j . iioa p-oiiCr" GUint dtici were drag ! Lod aWiij "whilf of s-p6c- ! ; :h>.dUT£-d ‘hi;: ii B tfe€ C OUir ! ‘fne it;ik.: -rana! tennis matcii j •: K'OK phtCt* oil ci li j i dlui'i:- Os t-E*:’ < Voting Pro.^rt' c lavn.t to -obi ain : *<■ i•. -to play wOic roiuseu by C. x\. ! titook. park sup.-^.intendent, and *V -i u v v-.-; 11, d.reclor of , petl;s jnd rec; jiion. . r.t, plc-udedj! Vii • , Ulid CiirU'lV, 11, dcic.i';,;£ of 1 ■i . P.i*. * the court:- , ml*-, m Central Queens ]j i NY,. Yuri: members cl the South ij la, ■ VV all.-c.e to; Presiaepi ! iclul. *'--utirviiea to join in picketing; , ihe --to"A 1-v hs refusal to admit Tii,: 4-H tadgirife cord ess sponsor-, led by »he M.srth Carolina Jersey i Cattle Club will n : i:-eid Aragon 27, ;B. Blltmoce Forces uaar. Asueville. SI'M’ONI.) ,SK< TION ißajihsit Official j Purr bases iNAALP ! Life Membership NKW VOHK Iji D V Jtmi ! | on <.) tut National Uap* j l.i t I’on V <-ntioj: iia- bi:i Oiltt- liiei | inr-mbei ot the National Assncits lion tor the Advancement ot Col loied People, Walter White NAACP I .sectttax y, announced tint week I The tf.'/UO life member hip was pie* j rented to Dr demisun by the Hap j bst < ‘onventiori hi appreciation ot ! hi.-: tong yeari of service air*, as a j tangible expression of the church -. support of the work of the NAACF Plant Dispersion By iinfuAt r * Retj 11 test ci I WASHINGTON t.NIPSi The 1 decentralization of the nation's in- ; du trial plants as a safeguard j against possible destructions has j been urged recently by the Na- ; tiemal Security Resources Board. 1 it was revealed here.' Through a pamphlet "National Security Fac iei in Location.” tin | mi- : involved m being situated m j -i concentrated area which would i | be vulnerable u; atomic bomb at-' : 1 ici - is pointed up. j The teport indicated the fact tba’ i tremendous expense ct atomic - mu attacks would necessitate ■ concemration on those i3ie.ets oi most strategic importance, sc tuai s the less congestion exists, the less j danger of any enemy being able to i effectively crippic luriusirLl out- WAMED; AEtSBOYS BEWARE OF FOOD SPOILAGE j DURING SUMMER WEATHER Fungus, mold, insects and dry ; fi.t are always waiting to destroy year food supply stored in cup boards and bins, just as they do ion a f&i m, the American Fat S**i t age Committee point* out Food expel ts and technicians urge women to be constantly vigi lant, lest rocs u« of piecious food. Take inventory, inspect and clean out cupboards, refrigera tors, cabinets, baskets where food < supplies are kept, suggest home j economists. Ceres!, prunes and | j raisins easily become weevlly; j onions begin to sprout: bread be j I gins to mold fat gets rancid. Air out cupbcaids. inventory j supplies, plan menus to use on | ions cereals and dried fruit be j fore they begin to deteriorate, i During the warm months, store i bread tn the refrigerator Keep yuur fat salvage can m the. re ! frigerator, on the cellar steps or I in some other coot spot, and v when it is fitted, sur i plus usea fat to > our meat dealer, | These trivka take tittle time, and are Insurance against loss ot j food, slit food j* money these ! days. I j 1 1 DAN! EL j ROOKING SUPPLIES, INC, 12! S, DOUGLAS ST Al! Kinds Roofing & Supplies Paint- ot All Ktints DIAL Tilt, —.— : Robbins Jewelry Lo, j j'Wfin. Watone-., iMamouav . J ivi u<: k-s i I mt rumen i* RECORDS US S. GOLDSBORO ST. SWINDELL'S ji BEAUTY SHOP : A PIONEER IN THE FIELD OF j BEAUTY SERVICE Sl4 F. NASH STREET ' - ! ! ■ j Jdhn H, Mincey's tfLANSE DR skRVH't For Prompt Service Give Us A j Cali We appreciate Four Patronage Telephone 3909 3248 J3*s Carolina St. i i ~— . ] Wardrobe Cleaners j Meaning, Pressing. Alteration*; C'LOTHEs MADE TO MEASURE 55S E. Sadr St- Phone. i 505 j Mrs, N. B. Barnes, Prop -1 'r i't.- rr.rr- I QUICK SERVICE CLEAN EE S j :70?! E. Nash Si. Dial A3<l?* , Vie specialize In Blocking Hals. Cleaning Clothes, Pressing And Alteration ft. B Barnes, Prop, ! Wheeler’s Cleaners 512 E NASH ST, Hats Blocked Clothes Cleaned, j. presses & Attewit Service j Winle-U-WaU Try I.K : Pnone 4*TT «.. V Wheeler, Prop, j WILSON HATCHERY U. S, H. C Pollormn Pessed BABY CHICKS KASCO FEEDS 804 S. Tarborc Si. | Tel. 2*SS W Own, M- C. I 1 ■* ****** * ■Whisk kNDINC; rS.VmiOMY, Al hit Si 2b, I'Ji Prairie View Students Honor New President I-K AIRIS; VIEW, Tex. <ANP) -. Tin- Old Slate Normal and Indus- j l trial students, a campus group ‘moored Di E }j. f>. ;nu along, i | with his wife, for his appointment ns officiiai president cl f '.mii s ; View lloivoi -;tt.y lust week at a I special surprise affair. Carualty strolling down the wal», PERSONALS: ; .fame: S Parker, known as .lie iron man of the track is vacation inf* hi Wilson Mi . Parker lives in j ‘Few York He was one of the 15 | ; members of the track team that: : t»r rd front Raleigh and made it s 'to Wii-on with first prize back' i in 1928. I Pvt. and Mrs Charles Hines aie ! visiting his mo iiet and sister here 1 m Wilson Fvt Hines is stationed at El Pa* o, Texas Mrs Hines i ; j living m Baltimore, Mb, Pvt, Hines i c a native of Wilson and Mrs. j Hines n* a native of Ayden. The,. : J alo visited her parent;- before re- j turning <a Baltimore and Texas. | , put speedily. Throughout the bulletin. era- I j phasis is made of ihe fact tha no, displacement should be considered ’• winch is. not economically feasible* ! or rha any removal should be i m.-iUe ~t once. Underground instai i . tations are tint favored by the re-! pert, chiefly on the basis of the i construction costs involved. stop Fight cßii.iT in N. PFNDIR STREET FOR FINE FOOD, SOFT DRINKS A REFRESHMENTS Janie*; C. Morrison Mgr. KHOOKS SEA FOOD MARKET OPES 7 tK* A M. TO SOU P. M | WE ORE SS AND Df LIVER AT NO EXTRA CO 1 966 EAST NASH STREET J LIBBY’S CAFE FOR HOME COOKED FOOD ■ BAR B Qi f PHONE fiOj 539 F. NASH STREET IDK AL diINERS ( ASH AM) CAKfi'V me Froiiijy biektij) and Dfit *. cry Jsfrvul - Dial I Corner Pender & Academy sis. j 0. K, COCKRELL'S GROCERY where Voar Dollar E’uys Mure 513 STANI OVsBCRt. sT i Mrs. £uia Locus SERVICE STATION AND GROCERY STORE 1265 EAST NASH STREET BEER SOFT DRINKS ICE CREAM |fRiCK’S MEN’S SHOP ~ | LEE HATS CURTIS SHOES 1 M THE FINEST IN TAILORING 118 S. GOLDSBORO ST. FOR REASONABLE PRICES SHOP AT RICE S ! RE F H IGER AT ION AND APPLIANCE INC. 113 S. DOUGLAS STREET H. J. DAUGHTftIDGE. MGS. i YOUP. WESTINCHOOSE DEALER” PEIONE 2258 WILSON CAFE AND HARLEM POOL ROOM BEEP LUNCHES SANDWICHES 423 E. HASH ST. PHONE 4041 GEORGE LAMPROS. Prop, jf ★ STAR CAFE ★ 522 E. BARNES FT. - GRADE: a— EXCLUSIVE COLORED CAFE "The Beef la The State Gus Gielrmi*. Mgr. ; Barker’s Department Store 201 - 203 S. GOLDSBORO ST. “Outfitters For The Entire Family'' "Be Snr** To Visit Our Bargain Basement" BLAIR S SHOE STORE^ i rtiiHwnrwirwmrww-iniinnwwiinTW^M^^^DaHiiir" | , - <Kyrova’MK>w*e^iww<in**tiws»'ewaWMSWiMSSMfwßwaKk: EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME FOR COMPLETE AMBULANCE SERVICE j PHONE sue SQb E. NASH ST. DAY OR NIGHT ) WILSON'S NEWEST ESTABLISHMENT * Wilson - To Keep 1 Ills Page, Pairoiiize Those j Who Wake It Possible of the president - humc from the campus library, the gioup ap proftcheii his lion, singing "Aula Lane Syne ’ Corning trom tux house to see what was i-oiug no, Di. hvini.*- was surprixcU to -ee the large group of student? and prof*.- s i - too, binging to him En- Evans said, **My friends - fin*; m friends have met me daily with a smile and yet no one iout me of this," Mi-;. Mabel Kilpatrick then in j H-erupted hi surprised welcome by presenting him with a traveling bag as a token of love and esteem from the "Old Normal Students,’ Y OCR NEiV MEEK’S GKILL 119 PETE ORFF ST GOOD FOOD - COED BEER SOFT DRINKS * (ioc krell s LroceiH ■vujSb l-(uits mid Vetjetaules lil-i t . Green S. Phime 2970 ERE I DEciVERY l-Oiiiht* Et iiiliy Shop beauty treatment that KEEPS YOU LOVELY Trained Personnel to Serve You 1003 WOODARD AVENUE PENDER STREET GROCERY Mi PENDER STREET FRUITS VEGETABLES IRISH AND COUNTRY MEATS PHONE 3225 FREE DELIVERY MEET FRIEND'S AT WOODARD’S INN EASE NASH STREET HOT BAR R Ql E DAILY *m I ■: **'*?f7 ;v w | ' I * VkM l "Z I " ~**~~—■ Wilson Dodgers BASEBALL CLUB 1)I« 1 SIMMS Mgr, Dick’s Bfue Room CLUB 301 I WHERE FRIENDS MEET it EAT i REOPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 817 GAY STREET Harvey i i. Williams, Prop. MASTER SHOE SHINE PARLOR 522 } NASH St Phone SIS* Ail 1 adti* s ; & GeiitletmenN Dye And Shine Work < Bynum. Prop ,P. Byautn M#r j

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