WEEK ENDING 3 ATURI)AY, ALOFT! 28, IJMB S PATRONIZE ;• > THESE ADVERTISERS I’ARKFRS ENTERTAINS & MRS. WALKER Mr and Mr? Jessie Pir! ~r <f nr AMi -i James T Simmons. Mi<;es Manchester enteit-vned several I itcille and Curalvn Jones, Sgt. guests Sa ttrdav afternoon honor* , Frederick T. Gibson. Miss Bettie ins Sgt. -iv. ct Mir. E-o m-d W-.-iker, Jcnes Mrs. Flora Edwards. Mi. who war* w'V’-w' few wk usd Mr. Cypeo Jones Bur on, Mr ago .out \j,Newton Jones. They held open honsf ft *.»rr» t- Joj —— to io p m A delightful t'ufff'tt : A um-d ■ iird catcher is a paper lunchron war served. plate ; , d beneath your paint Tho.se enjoy iru* the uet.'iMon were j ram IF" a handy place to rest your Sgt. and Mrs. Edward W-ilke* Mr. i pair,t brash, too. Parker Radiator Repair Shop GASOLINE SERVICE STATION i AT FAYETTEVILLE CITY LIMITS C>T MURCHISON ROAD > "CATHERINE’S BEAUTY SHOP ! "Come Sit’With Us Awhile And Keep Ybtur Hair In Style’ MISS CATHERINE McA LISTER, Mgr. 504 HILLSBORO ST. DIAL 8050 ( ED, FLEISHMAN and BROTHERS FAYETTEVILLE’S LEADING MEN’S STORE 107 HAY STREET CAROLINA RESTAURANT WE INVITE YOU TO TRY THE CAROLINA ONE TIME 123 PERSON STREET WE SPECIALIZE IN CHICKEN, STEAKS. BAR-B QUE SERVICE WITH A SMILE - THANK YOU FRED HARRINGTON, Prop. . . . FAYETTEVILLE'S NEWEST . . , HARRY’S MILITARY STORE Opposite Bus Station ALSO CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE OF SMART MEN'S WEAR SHOES --- JEWELRY LUGGAGE V POINT GROCERY 500 MURCHISON ROM) GRADE A MARKET Frozen Foods Garden Fresh Funis and Vegetables DIAL 2038 j OPEN FOR BUSINESS SUNRISE GRILL Sandwiches Drinks - Ice Cream Magazines ALL COLORED PAPERS GIVE US A TRIAL 515 MURCHISON ROAD s arking Space Hours 7-11 Curb Service * V *‘ ~ Jack’s Snack Shop BEST HOT DOGS FOR TEN CENTS IN TOWN WINES BEER 211 HILLSBORO STREET JACK PHILLIPS Prep. Murchison Jones Funeral Home CORNER MOORE AND HILLSBORO STREETS 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 27C7 Lady Attendant E. L. MURCHISON Prop. Apply With A Powder Puff* Mitten Or Brush, Choice of Any Color- Dries in 4 Hours I Anyone Can Paint Their Own Car And Save Up To SSO. Looks Like A Professional Job, Complete Kit To c> ji*4 QSS Paint Any Cai DUGAN’S RADIO SUPPLY CO. 130 FRANKUN STREET SECOND SECTION 'l*i >, '■ .J’ f Bf ' P F* ff'| ?1? IP^ i JHk x j*j ,JL .t Jti ¥ JL JLiJLiJbi | BITS OF NEWS | Bv MARY SUL PEfLARA j Mr- R H Rv-dty 1? vacationing, *in N’cv. York Philadelphia. nu-l l Mlaniif City, and will return about' | the first of S«p OTibci i Arthut John:-on \vallied here ; j from New York to bo with hi;j | moth-, r-iu-bnv. "lrs Mary Williams, i I who is very ill at hoi home on j j Washington Avenue, j 'Ah Lucille Perara i- home of-! j ‘r; .-.pending five weeks ,d the ■ beadi. j A logr im received from R H. - Beatty, l-'nyet oville. "The Rights 1 ->f full citivomhip are within your ' grasp and mine !h final battle is j ■n F'nsidfnt Truman lead-, the; sigh . the Democratic Convention j fired the opening gun and the ■ election in November will be the ! climax. I have e very reason io . know that President Truman will not turn back and will continue a . > I'm ward until, the Civil Hi rid if every citizen in every phase of American life are assured. Pres, i Truman must lie reelected. No man i can be our friend and be against 1 j "lie president, tie has lost manv j supporters because he dared to take a stand for full fir. i class ci> izen.-htp and equal opportunities.; We must take our stand by his Mas: and match deed for deed, dotlat j foi dollar, and vote for vote and ' hen some more for every support er, dollar and vote he has Jos* by i reason of his courageous stand. 1 I am asking you to join with us as a'j J national citizens commi tee for the j teal action of President Truman, ! -o work for, vote for and help ft Fayetteville Personals Mr. and Mrs. Adam Williams and I Mr. Drummons of Gastonia, Mrs 1 Claudia Lncklar and daughter of ; Yonkers, N Y., Mrs Mattie Saun ders and niece of Brooklyn, N. Y . =u- ■ visiting relatives *?.v friewds tn the cty and at present, are the ! - guests of Mi and Mrs. Clifton Mc - Millan on the Murchison Road. Mr. i Ad ims is one of three policemen . m d; ;>« good in Gastonia. Gastonia is the native home of , ' the Rev Mops A J Rhynes who has resided in he city foi several, yeat s p.i :-hop F B Watson of the Cen tral N.'vth Carolina Conference vi .red w-e Tics Hll Methodist! Church op Monday n:'ght He It ESQUIRE PARKER SHOP SHOWER BATHS AND THE BEST MASSAGES IN TOWN CUSTOM MADE CLOTHES MB. FULLER—MR. HOWELL BARBERS / Ai-sst Featuring f THE ESQUIRE WAX SHINE By Earl Pearce G. L. PARKS Prop. Sell Your Tobacco Id Fayetteville l or The Highest Prices AND BUY YOUR FURNITURE | i For The Lowest Price j I! AT ' MARKET FURNITURE | COMPANY : 401 HAY ST. ! F” n - c _ ! BUY YOUR FARM MACHINERY I TRUCKS AND ! REFRIGERATION AT ; M & M TRUCK AND j : TRACTOR CO. ! FAYETTEVILLE | PHONE 5111 or 5112 n..unit the cam|jaig-n among us. Kindtv '-. lie met your acceptance to sor« en fo‘- the a'oove purpose," Sifeo ed Congjresman William i,. Duws-i Hotel Bil more, N Y 1? ft Beafty accepted. Jinn A- A Jackson and Miss Vann Leigh \ >L<!e» aiotored to Wallace, North Carolina and Warsaw, to visit Miss O’nell Faison and moth iv Win. o then they visited Mrs. Gist. -,ii < i of. Mi-.;. Faison. Wed m ; . I-..-I-. -I.;.;, August 13. was the ! '.me for it;'' regular week ly raiiie a tics fun program, and be lieve vou me. the fellows and girl-.; molt »«’vantage of it Jn the absence of .Mr.; Newton the direr tress of the YMC'A Service Center who i; on Vacation, Mrs. Hudson who is pinch-hitting for Mrs. New ton was strictly on ihe job Along with Miss Vanni Staten, a key senior hosier' and a member of the operating skiff. The evening began with “Tire Virginia Reel" led by Fred Clark and Miss Harnestine Daniels who are membeis of she junior operat ing group. Thu game enjoyed most u "Musical. Chairs”. With Miss Staten at the Piano. Mr. Clark di rected the ?ame. To climax Ihe evening the croup enjoyed ice cold melons. Every one left with the expression “Let’s do this more of ten." Airs. Olivia T. Oden is visiting in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Armour after vacationing in New York Ci y wi h her husbemd. i making a tour of "he churches cl hi:, district H - was th« guest of the Rev. j O'Bryan’. paFrr of the church, ,1 Mrs otu-v-j st Mr ;mi Mr Vcvuop Brou n of Dv.rh.mi are he gu< Ms of Mrs Pin i l-ae McMilban of F,a stover Th-.- Rev. Hr. Brown ha? just re turned firm New York where he took a . hurt post-graduate course ■ u Theology Sgt Jaine- Humphries of Med. j Dot. No. 2, is able to be back at hr ! po?: of dun- as laboratory techni cian after being confined to the 'ward for a few days with tonsilitis Friends will be glad to know that IM . HW.WHMI irn -iri n-ir-in- «g i i nlE CAROLINIAN ARMY SCHOOL ON WHEELS BEGINS ITS TOUR OF U. S. : WASHINGTON <ANP> .... The 'Uni 1 '.;: State* armed force* in-lj : tute's ' elv ols on wheels” is now j ion second croes-cnuntry tour, i The mobile educational unit, ■ | completely equipped for education-, 5! al guidance, counseling and over j the- country service courses, texts, .jand • ests will cover the northeast* , erp United States from Maryland' !to Main this fall, vi-iting the cdu j rational centers of numerous army, i i navy and air force stations and j j j bases. ! The purpose of this institute r- I ifI'* 1 '* assist permanent education ccn 'iters in their work and to bring to ; ; the men of the services increased; • 1 knowledge f the educational op- 1 * j portuntirs available to them. The ' . information is furnished to ill men i ■ l in the armed forces regardless of ' j race or creed. VlsriT.lt SOUTHEAST On Ps fii-t toiu of the south -1 ; tern United SOU'. last spring, : the mobile unit proved information ' ' and guidance to over 18,000 men. ■ \ J more than 2,000 of whom enrolled in voluntary courses. Information ; was not available on what percon- j tagr* of them men were colored, ’ who took advantage of the corres * pondenr-e courses offered by the : If. 'i. armed forces institute.. The department of army cVm ; tends that no separate records are : kept aecTding to race. But it is evident that a number of men ( have completed from one to two years of .heir college work through. j these courses. A vast array of educational courses from elementary to junior. college levels, are made available to military personnel through the J educational centers, and the mobile : unit by the U. 1.-', armed forces- in stitute * *’■ I The courses offered include Em;. list* social studies, mathematics, j science., business, mechanical, elec tric;-!. civil engineering, and archi tectural courses. Other courses are offered through the extension di vision of 54 cooperating colleges j and universities. No extension courses are offered. ' ,howe vi from southern Negro, colores. It is reported that appli cations filed to Negro colleges Where no such courses are offer-' i ed, are often referred to the white ,; colleges in that vicinity. EASTOVER FARMER GINS FIRST COTTON Jerry A. Hatcher has the distinc i Iron of having he first bale of cot*! ] ton on the 1948 market on Tuesdav, : 9August 17. Mr Hatcher is a pro i cress, ve farmer of Fast over, owns ' , his home and a large farm, j The cotton was purchased by the. ! Fa tern Guano company who ginned i if and paid 4C cent a pound. | It is believed thru tin? is the 1 | earlist bale of c-on has been i einned in 10 or 15 year — - ' - Mrs Mary McNeil 15, able >o be. ,up after bring confined to he; j i bed for ,~ev eral weeks. | NT s Emma Council i.-, ill at her i I home on North Street. i Miss Council is a former teach i j in the city school - et ecu 1 wa« retired recently aftei teaching ; | for more than 20 years. . We are asking all friends and j specially her formci students pay her a visV or drop her a card. Marde McMillian son f Mr and , i Mrs. Empir M -Mi Hi an, -f E» tover ; I township, a recent graduate of A I j and T College, is bow supervising I 1 the Veterans Farm program at , Shaw town High School. Liliingtun I He is also 'caching agriculture m 'he county. Prior to entering A. and i T. he farmed with his father a; i Ew> ver Mrs Callie Hodges has returned : *'o the city after spending the j ’ '■■>'!!'. with her daughters, Mrs. I* '•'}■& Tvf u c Thompson and Mi; j' icrj J;; i - i'sfm, who accompanied her to spend a two week vacation, j WILLIAMS Service Station ns O- H-813 RAMSEY STREET RHONE MM VfASOVS ! SF. A FOO T» WAfiK F. T Ores ><"d Whijr-l -W AST Aero's, from Mnnhium Roat Bn-- Stop and Raitwai Express Agent y. - tor* Hillsboro St Open g 4 M. TO 7 F. M. •fames Vinson. Prop, » > ERfi?ATORGRiiJ! 498 Ml IRC HIHON ROM) SPECIALIZING IN FRITH CHICKEN, SANDWICHES ICE CREAM COED BEER WHILE RIDING BE CURB SERVICE CURB ~«RVICT' T« ks A Labor Day Trip to Atlantic Beach; Round Trip £3.00 Rns leaves Percolator Grill it 5:30 A, JW Tickets on sale there. .1, C. White, Sponsor **4Wr Ift N .Wm your scribe 1 By FREDRICK L. BURNS « I A few weeks ago we wrote about the teacher and, her rcla-l lion hip to th»> student, then we wrote about the parents, the teach-; ,c; and the student. Here is a thought for your consideration. In order to put -over rut thought I must start at the begin- I r ;n K- A tew days ago in conversation, with one of my neighbor;,, the name of our city's beloved teachers came up. Hnng curious, 1 asked where she was and what she .is doing a! the present time. She informed me that she was home and had been sick for quite some time ind that -he was going to see her the following day. I asked to be remembered to her. A few days inter she informed me that she remembered me and. would like Ito ;ic< me. She also asked about several of her former students and [wondered, why none had been to sea her. Ini- former teacher is Miss Emma Council who for more than 20 years taught isl the city’s elementary tcho.il system. Recently . she was retired and is now ill at her home on North Street. After sitting and thinking for a long time, I thought it would be a won,* derful idea if all of her former students would pay her a visit or ! if they wore unable to do so, drop her a card or letter letting he know how much they think of her now. Maybe a flower or two i so she can smell them. Let her realize that her toil, her sacrifices .were no* in vain and that one or two ol her pupils remembered [ and appreciated. This is not asking too much as we can sacrifice 5 or 10 min utes[ after they sacrifice 10 or 20 years try mg to help u.s get a foundation, .so that, we may face life prepared. Teaching is such a thankless job that it is hard to get young men to enter the field So when these voting people prepare them selves and entei the pi • lev-ion we should praise then?, and try, in ■ every way to help and encourage them. As I sit here writ mg tin.* column I enn plainly remember the ; full day i went to s* hool. scared 'half to death unli> 1 adjusted | j myself. If you will forgive me, I would like to name a few of the j teachers at the Old Howard School *t that time. Maybe it will; ' cause v<nt to think for a few minutes and realize that just a word! ( ' or, ; : tion often helps when money fails. You can t buy love j oid aik-chcn, you must win it. As we went to school that day I was j placed in Miss Annette McAlister’s room, others teaching there j re Misses Jenni Jacobs, Augusta Sides. Emma Council, the late i M\-s Kate Bayne. Mrs. T. T. Bl anche, the late Prot and Mrs. Ed- j ; ward Evans and the late Prof. J. F, K. Simpson, Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could or would meet these teachers and tell them how much we loved them, how we tried to j ; pattern our lives after them, and in other words, let them know . b jw much we cared for them. Let’s try it and see the results. Thanks. j Hope to see you next week, F-abaci o importing countries of rd during World Wat II by the dis i ( id h:,ve a decided prcfc. iribntton abroad of American-type ei . leaf grown in the United | < :garettes and ether tobacco pro states Thi preference was increas- Juvis containing United States leaf. Cape Fear Cleaners And Dyers Located On Dunn Highway Just Across Cap® Faar River ALTERATIONS f SPECIAL CNF. DAY SERVICE / DIAL, 4883 _ . —— | D. K. TAYLOR i WHOLESALE Tp £> I dealer JCjSSO products , DUAL 6109 BENNETT and GAHR INC. CLOTHING AND HABERDASHERY 120 HAY ST. DEPENDABLE SERVICE FLEISHMAN’S BIG STORE 108 HAY ST. , “One Os Fayettrvilie'* Finest Stores”* FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE CAU HILLSBORO TAXI j DIAL 2488 OLEN GERALD. SR., Manager I _ _J FSQUIRE BARB £ R S H 0 p 12S 1.-2 Hillsboro Street SHOWER BATHS—THE BEST MASSAGES Mr. Fuller—Mr. Howell" Barbers; G. L. Parks, Prop, CUSTOM MADE CLOTHES SJ>ARKS CLEA ners ; FOR BETTER CL EANING Offering: While>U>Wait Service . , . Oiw l>*v Service j; Expert Alterations S3O Murchison Road. DIAL 4668 HURRY BACK ARTHUR’S SEAFOOD | GRILL : SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOODS. BAH-B-O STEAKS We Serve Regular Meals FAYETTEVILLE’S ONLY GRADE A COLORED CAFE )S 3? PERSON STREET Pkmm 4896 j' SECOND SECTION PAGE THREE Fayetteville Your Business Men Brought You This Page. Patronize Them "Norfolk Man Urged For Congressional Race As 3rd Party Nominee ! NORFOLK, Va. (ANP) Jer - i‘y O. Gilliam, Negro business man ; and executive secretary of the local ; branch of the NAACP, has been ; suggested as the nominee of the | tbisd party for congress from the j second congressional district. Ac i hon on the suggestion is expected |at the August 28 meeting of Pro : gressive here. Gilliam's nomination was urged bin b report to members of. the Pro : gressive party in Norfolk sent by the executive committee of the par ty in Norfolk. Members were re quested to instruct Norfolk dele gates to the projected Second Dis trict convention to nominate Gil liam. -The convention will probably meet Augus 2ft. the same day that Henry A. Wallace comes to Nor ; folk to speak. Wallace third party | candidate is scheduled to speak in Suffolk, here and in the after- I noon in Richmond | Should Gilliam get the party’s nomination to congress from this district, tie wil Six* (he first mem ber of his race to be a candidate for congress from the district in almost 80 years, or since Recon struction days. lack's Service Station MEATS AND GROCERIES 214 HILLSBORO STREET FREE DELIVERY SERVICE DIAL 5628 Jack Phillips, Prop. SILVfIIiRFLL Where Tasty and Delicious Foods Are Served SIS GILLESPIE STREET MOSES MELVIN, Prop. j j McLAMB^ Good Groceries And I | Meats 4H MURCHISON ROAD ........... FOR QUALITY CLEANING FOR SERVICE DIXIE CLEANERS 214 PERSON STREET j FAYETTEVILLE MUSIC COMPANY WCKIJXZFR PHONOGRAPHS “WE KNOW OUR RECORDS” 8213 DIAL 4 TOO 1 1.--. 1 :.. i.,',.,,.—. WILLIAM'S LUNCHEONETTE 506 HILLSBORO ST, j SOFT DRINKS - SANDWICHES i - - - r -T - - j MACK’S BARBER PROP m GILLESPIE ST. “WHERE THE PROMISE IS PERFORMED** ■j NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS II Baltimore Lunch 112 WINSLOW ST. Open From 6 A. M. to 52 P. M. | j Breakfast- lunch Dinner '» 30HN KOUTSOS, Prop. | WINSLOW BARBER SHOP 118 WINSLOW ST We Appreciate Your Patronage Boro Pierce For Shoe Shine C. Hodges, € Stewart, L. Esin* MYRICICS GROCERIES m CUMBERLAND ST. AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE 6387 j PHOTO CENTER I 481 Hay St. PHONE 377? 4E HOUR SERVICE ON PHOTO FINISHING COMPLETE LINE OF Cameras AND . Photo Supplies FO» THE Amateur OR THE Professional 3

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