A liEK UN DIN (J -SA'IUKDAI, AlKi ! »S*l 'JR, , PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS ••.vuwft'Ai*, ~«~.«rim*fci>w-.—*»-*» •rrfit.Vi.ainn .a' *r" '"httv a .ti Tm~?a'r<ir~r>Tfßn .ii«rn» i THE WEEK IN \ GOLDSBORO * By E. A. THORNTON .WtfkMjNß V A .1.1, £J ... ■ AiHMrtV'rtV.tlV-iY* *• »t--Vi.HT“**«» The following teacher.- have returned home after attending sununci school at the various colleges and universities Mrs. N. J. : Fredrick, Chicago University: W \ Foster. Mrs. Elm use Luikt \ | Mrs. Mary Barnes Smith and Me'..-; Velma Foster Columbia Univer- : sity. Prof. H. V. Brown, Mr: Addle C». Thornton, Mis. Susie Mae , 4 Faucette, Miss Mattie Bell Best. K t. Chris.ian, Hampton Institute Hampton. Va , Mr- and Mrs G. I. Bland, Suave .Univer -ity; Mi--.- C. O. Smith. North Carolina College, Durham; Mrs U. 1 Mattison, who visited hei mother in Dayton Ohio, Mi and Mis. H. P. Holly, Shaw University. Miss Mam ye L. Fowler, of Pine Bluff, Ark. and Chiton Me- Donald of No folk. Va were the weekend guests of Mi and Mrs. £ A. Thornton, and Mis: Mattie B Best Mi FowU-i and M* 1 McDonald attended .su-nmor sell ml <f t Hampton Im.titut* . Mis Lula faucette a I tended the Flight Annual Summer C -nvoc..tion at Hump i ten Institute Friday.. August 20th at which time here daughter, Mis.; j Susie Mae Faucette leoeived her ..v[a.-t> - it";ti * f' in education Mi v ; Faucette received her B S. deg.ee ft-..an Hampton Institute in U ! >nd has been a member of the faculty at Greenleal School for u | number of years. Miss Carrie Lee Moore is v, siting lelative- and tnends in Port*' j mouth Va. Mrs. Rosa Lee Ho cell and children, Baroara. Jean, and j „ Ralph are visiting relatives ami friends in Washington. D. C. and Baltimore. Md. Miss Vertie Mo re- has returned home alter vimhnc i relatives in Philadelphia, and Newark. N. ,1 Mrs. Ratha C. Mu dock and daughter, Carol, have returned home aftei visiting ’Ga , fives in Detroit, Mich.. Philadelphia, Pa. and Canada. Mrs. Irene R • Taylor is spending her vacation in New York City. Haywood Wat* >■- > of Freemom is spending his vacation m Washington, and N e-■ *'York. Mrs. FStella Hayes, and children of Philadelphia are visitm.’ her mother Mrs. Addie Jones in the city. M ! and Mis. John Alt>na.» ad sister Miss Margaret Daniels of Brooklyn. N. A are visiting . theii grandmother. Mrs. Addie Daniels, in the Green leaf *ectmr ■Mrs. Annie Bell Cole;, has gone to Washirgtor. D C to visit he-, daughter who recently underwent an opention at a Washington j hospital. Miss Lucy Jones, nurse at th ■ State Hospital tov coloi is spending her vacation in New Rochelle, N. N • GOLDSBORO CITY SCHOOLS OPENING SET FOR 6TH The Goldsboro’s city schools are tentatively scheduled to open Monday September 6th. depending upon me status ot tin poh-- situation. Parents are urged t-> have childi -n in readiness to .sta. t cn. time in the case the situation permits th*. schools to open ut t September 6th. School fees ate the same 'w they we,"last ye.. . and are due when children enroll. Parent': me urged to request .» , leceipt from children when thev return f.otn school on ope filin’ i day. Elementary school text books nr,- 'me nut high school cr-o j dren are required to pav u rental ?> .? f $3 Do which goes to the j State Dept, and cannot be uaid in ins'. Un.ents There wilt be lout* additional teat ixrs added tlu«= term, ‘lhe teachers are as follow: Dillard Hi"h School A. B. Parker riiehna Ingram-Johnson. Doi? T Li*tie John- 8i •vn Rosa G r av J E. Given * Alma W. Minnis. F A House M. K. Jacks, -n A J Rigesboe. Ro-a Rland. 11. T. Wilson, Jo-sie M Bcney. ('hanf. F Hatcher Kenti v W Johnson, Dorothv Whitled Havdv Th.-mt--- W H.ody H B. I..UCUS, J. B. Tyler Pauline T. Mattison Fh?a O So Hh. Charlie Morgan Bavnr J Virginia Faison-Sutton I 1 *1 hompiion A: - : - ; ;>.' Parks. H 1 Bland. Neal Stitt P :A H V Br..v.n. ti ir-.mpa; Fast-End School Mary L. Gavir. Wilma L. Terse? T--i< S. Bland, j s-.san B. Fredrick, Zelma W Borah CleopM'., Home. Velerm M Morgan. Pearl 1. Foster, Ruth F. Fci tinand. Thelme M Coley. Gen eva Fields Council Mar?'d Boothe-Johnson. Doroth- Parker P; : W A Foster pnn.-ipal. Green leaf Sc.hi.ob Ruth C Fn « si- F.-f:.. F Guess. Frne c t l.uc-vs Valcnia Scott Gertrude A Cox Sadi* B. Grantham. Pauline Gavin-Carey. Susie M. Faucette, Dorothy Adam p 3 c Cat'u-i -nr Ch: ’'tian. Susie E. Gu*’ If.,da ruompsom uul. H Reid. Mrs N. j. Fevdrick, principal School Street Seim. ’ Katie Zachary Ernestine Whitted-Wooter. lallie L Sarser, Ida K W..vld«. Lillie Baker Frederick. Aliev. VV Stitt, Helms. Col*'' * Allci S. Hogan Sail:- Y.. Holt Cherrio Ails. Res. A'.mo'-e, l.mrj ,7. Foster. Arabia E Bunn, Gwendolyn Edwards. Prut ft. C. Chris tian. principal. , . , j The Wayne County Schools opening dat has been set tot Septembbe. 9 contingent open the status of the pbl-o epidemic. Governor Foust has returned to Ids home in Cleveland. Ohio alien visiting •:* tew davs with his mother, Mrs. Bessie Atkinson. Dr. J C Carrol and wife have returned to their home m lndianapoh.-. j Ind. after visiting his sister Mrs J. W hit field. M.. an, lAh j Ocia Whitfield have returned to Washington, D. C. after visiting j Mrs. J W Whitfield t Mre Sarah Foye, the mother of Odellc Foye, died at her home j on Slaughter Street Monday night. August 16 The funeral ; held Thursday. August 19. at the Goldsboro Chapel Freewill Baptist | Church: Burial followed in the family cemvtery. Mrs. Mamie Troy, j 1209 N James Street, died Monday night. August at her home. - The funeral was held at the East Elm Street Ho 1 mess Cxurch. Burial : followed in the Greenleaf cemetery. Mrs. Zilpha Hatch of Boston, Mass, is home visiting her h .Hubert Hatch, and family at 625 Devereaux Street lin Cos.me tologist Club sponsored a successful hay ride Wednesday nignt. August 18. at which time the group enjoyed a very pleasant trip Cold rinks’ and watermelons were served. 'The Young Men's Club went on a hay-ride Fridav night. August 21. A large crowd took part in the event. Miss Grace Jones, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. King Jones, j 503 Alvin Street has returned to New York after spending her Hi | dav vacation at home with parents and friends. E. A Thornton was in'Mt. Olive, N. C. during the week on business in the interest ot ; the CAROLINIAN. Harvey Peterson. 105 West Hillsboro Street, Mr Olive, N. C will handle the CAROLINIAN for the people m Mi- Olive and community from now on. Mr. Peterson will see that you get the CAROLINIAN. A special column will be devoted to |ffhe town of Mt. Olive. Mrs. Ara Atkinson. 1115 Gr-eenleui Street needs to toe ceil' gratulated lor the wonderful service she is performing foi the j people of her race. Mrs. Atkinson it owner and propnetoi ot the * Atkinson’- Floral Parlor on Brodgen Stree* the only colored estato lishrnent of this kind in the city. Hats oft to Mrs. Atkinson foi i going into thi4 type of business. All citizens of Goldsboro an a Wavne countv are urged to support this project. AMERICAN LEGION COMPLETES PLANS TO ATTEND STATE CONVENTION A* the meeting of BryantJßest Post No 215 American Legion on Tuesday night, August 17, the post completed all pian.-. for the sending- of Comrade George E. Wilson as delegate to the state convention in Asheville, N. C. September 10-13. Afte; a short discussion by the members of tne post H. v> ■ Wright, commander, asked for new business which was the pro gram committee setup for the year -of 1948-49 Comiade J. G. Me.- vih chairman of the building committee reported that the cum mittee was working hard on the -building project, and hopes t < ■ have some definite plans to present at th*_ next nwum an Sem tember 6th. Comrade, George Wilfton ractiniw, that Biyun. Post No 215 American 'Legion go on record and give a, Citizen-- shin” award to the most outstanding boy or girl graduating Horn Dillard High School beginning June, 1949. The motion was passed Thi- award will be given by the post every year as one of if, Annual .words. Miss Georgia M Smith, appeared m persdn to thank Mr. Thornton, service officer and members of the pos hn helping make it possible for her 4 orecewe the »SS»0.00 scholar ship swam winch was awarded to her though the s ate depart ment of North Carolina American LegK». Miss Smith, stated l hat *hr plan* to enter Bennett College in September and would do k • ' ** •' ' - ,V i iL... & »«rtriA"an T .atJIhH HSSS PiMGYI YOU WILL FIND I * newest’ styles : ♦ SKOOND SKCTiOf 1 GOLDSBORO 0k am.. \ | THE POWELL CHILDREN— Liitie Farl, Joyce, and LL-nald, the sons and daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Powell of Washington, D. C. are visiting their grandparents. Mi. and Ule: St ie :11tv...,!.|*-rd Ihr- p.. ! t.y K A 'j!. ,~t > ,| tin,,- -landing welconte was given hei bv th nit.mu •.. U<; motliei Mrs Hattie B. Smith, was also ptese-nt. The Aiiii.-ntan Legion Auxiiiasi nit t tiundav An.--u.-t 22 .e j th*- holm- of Mi--. Ida Hoi land, Rt 1 P-k ill'.-. N <'. n cc.tnplcti i plans tv* send a delt-pale lu tin- v >nv .’ntii"iti .Mr-- Ro:-<-t.ta Faison j president conducted the m< -tinp Immediately folio-', mg tin meet Oil.- !: eli v. atei nil it.-Ji: ,ve:e . s*d I■;: J-. '.t-d 1, ~j THORNTON'S TEEN fAGE TOPICS Well, -i- the -school day? are giowine re..,-, an t v-e poin.i *i- I demic iij: .slowed down, the tioy; and gn 1 Is j: - be-jinnii.r. to leturn j home from Ur u suminei \.d r.- and v/ ,ik. -.ettir,- -eady nr the opening of f-chcoi Septembe: ut; Mix? Fiaiicu Rhc.d«--.. and vi:- Gv-<-reia Smith I, r«.-t-*rne*i iiOine alter iiavnip spent .1 v-a!-■ p't-o-.i'it -.t»,* 11 .* . Otiiei- will la returning iorm uov. m.. . Jays, pint |i V Biu, u .•:a.t C ! Biand- left Sunday to vis 4 ine- boy.. ~-nd mi is, who i*av* het-n work inp on the Gi iftiii Fullei tobacco fa iin ir» Connect lent . : <-!*-iv they return koine i s .-.chool A‘u Se. its m 1. o- e 100, 110 and HI an' looking lorwaid to tin v.ci .-'.end raiment' at i'a!m \i-i whi* a will begin on tire first weekend in Sept'-nd- r. Troop 108 k making plans to gi; th* -.v**-k<-inl • : S* ptvn. l ,- lVtli T)u . a.t; die-, will Ib* first aal and wale; -Mel'. Alii .1 '• Krii I - -s< <si t l:\ei-.UV' Will be in charge of the- eamp along with i *ch • roulma: tm A letter I received by E A J'horntan !; m Fii-t U;v uteiiant ?via. hal B. Ras.s. stationed at Kob* B i--* J-ipan, states, th.- in- e. well and along fin*’ id h.e ••.x.-cute.i ol 1 ... . : v -.,p:.ii-. I .Mu, inf Hm Mr and M:s Walt* Po-.v-11, ai.d l'n.nify Karl Monalu Walter Jr. and Jove* <)f Wa inn.-ton. D e'. a-, vedr.g Mi Ui.w« W: parent Mi and Km - .1 t ., j au: .\i vn. • I • v ...., , panted by Mn Lviv.a Jems to* .-.ter >-n-l.*-.>.- of Mi .im.e ~WH«aa»tTsur-.rx.vr.xjc. ... r - - 6 FINEST WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING EasteMi C arolma Precision Works 117 ORMOND AVENUE GOLDSBORO When You flee Hargrove. Don't Think Os Insurance j Buj When You Tfunk Os Insurance, Set- HARGROVE k, M. Hargrove Insurance Co. Fire-Accident-Health-Life -Hospital-Bar:,!;, 426 South James St, Goldsboro, N, C, Electric Sales *«•' Service Co. 205 EAST WALNUT ST. PHONE 365 . . ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT k. E. SYKES IS NOW : ASSOCIATED WITH THEM AS SALESMAN CATERING TO YOU GOOD PEOPLE AND YOUR NEEDS .. . KINDLY CONTACT HIM M L* FOR ANYTHING IN THE ELECTRICAL LINE B M APPLIANCES "OR WIRING. Sjjr* )f- WE CARRY ; BENDIX WASHER'S IRONERS OR DRYERS G. E. APPLIANCES I UNIVERSAL RANGES and WATER HEATERS KKE.SK Y FLOOR F URNACES and ■** HEATING EQUIPMENT EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS MAYTAG WASHERS COMPLETE LINE OF SMALL APPLIANCES DOMESTIC OR COMMERCIAL WIRING ■Sja^JHgfcsaasßßESßagaßsacßaatasssaassarasaßßaMEss^ THE HUB DEPARTMENT STORE G O LDSBORO, N. C. — Myi»«>«M«llM.<llll»1l"Wm»WM»W!>lWai» IMl—' Mrs. K nq Jones at 503 Alvin Sireei. The iitiie Powells suy they like North Carolina just fine, bc-iau.se we can play and tan uul in the c»j;ei» litre. lUK UAKULINIAJN HEPORT STUDIES 01 , :HOWARD U-MEHARRYj ON RADIOACTIVITY ! : WASHINGTON lANir H w- 1 'nrd Univeisity and Mti-mn, 'cal College were among 136 insti- j tutii-us in the United .Stale:; and! Hawaii that rt.-j.-ai d d activities la i ala rm-. cnertM- re.st-ar* ii in the cur ' , j rent stmi-aunual iepo r * ot tne I Atomic: Energy i urn nils- ion. These 136 in. Mint: are ho: j i pftals universitiei and lalioi-atonu:' • : outside the cornniiasiuii ii.-a-i) that j arc masing sttidii- of civilian ic-e J i of atomic' rnu - v Howard is ci. ndied im’ tudies of ; the radioactive form- of three *-le- j j ments cadiophosphoi-us, radioco- j bait and radioiodine. The phosphorus is being us*-d to; s'-.ld.v Ih* effects: ot vitamins, on . the phfisphor-M- mclaboh-m of thej chick t-mbro. The radim-obulf i la in;-' used lo stud\ metuboiisni in the! rat. ami ladiodine feu me abolism in the mouse. SPECTAJ. is f t i»IF. As :*iena» i v .-i-ientisL av,- -indy me radioactive iron and radioac tive active gold. The study of the radioiron is to observe iron absorption in 1,000 : hospital admisevom- The rsdioacuv. substance is used as a tracer to fol low the route of iron entering she blood stream. l o* radioiron m making th study has proven practical and con venient to, experimentation wit!;- -•-! all’eeffng the patient in any way The radio substance lias in* s;.n,e effect on tile system as Old: , ■ nun >ei can be delected „nd followed in tMe body without ex tin proc: ii *, < - Wile,-, this project is rumple led R will be the largest survey of 1-uiid to have ever be, ~ made PHSSIBI 1 CONTI I SHINS ho- -ibh conclusions indicateii b. •h- incomplete evidence shown 'hat non is no* mL-uibect by u.- jividii.iis tiiat as e nt-nnai and have : lio need tor iron Large up takes are ■ noted in pregnancies especially in th- later -!;mr- and also in ’-in types of heart disease even where the blood ; normal ui ai most, ia.nnai in severe anemia a large uptake of irion has been noted Results so i"jj 11 i tm field tend to beai out - nv-i-v i.b-ervation.- made p, past •Rudies of iioin aboition in various anl/nalt '1 he radiogold t .xpeimi;:-nts at Mr-harry are part of the atomic re se.ii ci/ in medical diaenosi:- ..-mt hemp. At xr.e Nashville medical ■ - bool li.e efiec!: of this ~ . -Ve gold in tin- treatment ol m rnuis n, iiuriiaii: are being -mdu-d tu. n-nt * videnci indicates pru u-c- that tins. * übstancc v-. ill be, ; 1 1 1 on nioper.it/U- ca.v s jiat othe- wise untreatable turnors -i'iic repoit warns, however, that much i'Uul* r* .-:earcil must be made In. - I fore rail cactive gold n.av b* used j m widespread ti t-atm*-nts. Details „! t),< Howard, arid Me ! naiiv reports are c-.irited in tra- F oin th Seim-annual rep-rrl of th, Ui md State.- A mini i Km-igy com mission A limited supply of seed of th, new Sunrise type of barley known as ‘•Sunrise x Davidson 2989 ' is be ing distributed t<n seed increas* ! to 14 producers of certified seed m tilt-. Stalt" 1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR VV. R. Wallace, units.tger and funeral iti ren or of 1,. «■■ (.arris Funeral i I Home. Hit olive, N C , assir'atit stl|)fiHtli'iidiiit Son tlj er ii District of l)i< United Holy < hlileii of ! (!n (-• t IgJll Hnlj (lull ill. Ml Olive, N. C. anil for 18 years rupei ill'eiiilent oi tlic Sunday School. Ml Wallace tiai> won many friend-, in .in Olive anil Wa v Ilf i OiilltV mi, olive Mi. ouvr. N. C. eOLUMM By £. A THORNTON iVii'-e I - ,, 0.. iii 'iiocutnb and broiiie id. itt ha returned ] non i r yll r- i .t- to miin ,k sujiim6r i erhr.il ,t and T. College Cj 1 e>-: I: hol'O N C. Mi: S Slurumb . i 'a i.jt’c'i -■! i'llvjivy so; her Mat ter- degree. Mis- Earnestim wood ha. trturnecl !'onu after al ter at*"’, line summer school at Haiiiptcmlnstitule, Virginia, IV!t -- | Miivim- L. Fowler of Pine BlulS, | Ark is v..siting friends in the city • .VI j; Fowle-t attended summer I .ciioul at Hampton Institute. The Hi.v It, J. Miadleton. 72... | died at he in a.-a in Kt rili iile, N. j C Aui'.ait ie. fuiit'itil Friday, | Align t ' ; 0. ft p,m. m Keeiiville, i Bunal |r>llu ,Vt d ill tin' ia mil; cemetery Revival service will be - ; gin at Wiuivs Chapel baptist | Church hit. Olive, N. C. during | tin. week with the Rev ii, W. Field- of Durnam as speaker- The | Clinton District Union of the Pen 1 tics tu. Hah Church; will eon : vene at Beah-ville, N. C. Satur j dnv and Sundav. August 28-20 | with Pn shU at Dean Revels, a* Giddsbor.) presiding The Hev j Mr. Reveis i.- an instructor in the * - Chut eh School in Goldsboro, N j C. oi which Bishop J. C Branch j is president. ‘ Aiilii rapid j icgi'tS-S has i iiiid . in Li tii;■. 11 oieciric power to j i North Carolina lr-n'rm doling the j | past j 4 year:-.. \ho Statf* u vt?r«*g6 in s ■ownership of home electncai equip- | | ment is well bc-K>w that ot the ua* | : tion as a whole. 1 . _ j """ -•-™—— ™- - - 1 Jernigam s tgrocery 1 <ii (iruo i steals 800 I>i VFftEAS X STREET IHlt. IH.i.tVKRV AW WHERE j hOhlN HOOD H.Otm PHONE 1589-J FOMMIINm SERVICE STATION GAS AND Oil. 1211 N. (. RiiFN'I.I A 1 ST « tn.n DRINKS AM* til f ft RHONE 1)47 J H !. !At DBS, Prop Parrott\ Shoe Store ; ; N A TION A1.1.V K\O W N wt.fMiS FOR THE ENTIRE | I- A WILY 166 W WALNUT ST. I) F. CLARK'S GROCERY STORE I _ (A V OOOHS RMa’IAl. FOR FEW DAYS No. 2 Tomato Juices - ICm win Vo, :> Tumi|i Greens UK < •*» j Hiti N JOHN STREET «gpßß^--.-sagraa«iiaKsa»ia»^ Your Credit la Good At | i i FURNITURE ; 115-117 East Walnut St. GOLDSBORO *w " svotorii.scry- -;*u- SECOND SECTION Seek IS. Amendment so Allow Covenant:** Elm ANOEI.ES iANP) • e.. I,ns .vinflf-i He.titv Ijoni'i* It.*.* neck aikcd fen an amend mem in the I S ( onsfitu.iun j which would permit rai-ial re strictive covenant* !ii reilrteti • CLAMOR SHOP SMART HEARING APPAREL | I FOR WOMEN 111 l SOUTH UENTER ST. f BLACkiooi) ASSOCIATE STORE OOI.OSBORO, N. ( SEIBEhLiNO HUES 201 W. WALNUT ST. j Stuart Warner * l'hllcu Hadim ' A V lO LOANS! Wavne I‘inanee Co. J j DRiVI IN IO BORROW lainev i v- ii si i he." 10‘M i i id Hr YOUR F AiviiLi ON ( It L h I I KAIHS' in LAST WALNUT Goldsboro TAINT COMPANY 264 N. < i N »ER - I Wheieiale A Re.ad ln-diibution Paints, Mums. Vui'iiTilier Bruvhd | PHONE TOO Jim’s Lara ire i ON WILSON HIGHWAY NO. 11l GREEN LEAF sKt HON I We service All Makes Oi ( ur- j | ALL. WORK GUARANTEED JA MES PHILLMOKi Pi op n Southerland Lrill | COED DRINKS AND BEER | 221 WEST PINE STREET ADOIE COLE. T-rup For Prompt tourteous service FOYE’S BARBER SHOP 405 SOI TH JAMES ST ODEEI.I lOVE Tnip. | POWELL’S ic To 55.01! STORE (too S. SLOCt MB ST. ‘•YOUR FIOENDLA N EDt H BOR HOOD STOKE ' V\t Appreciate Your Patronage j i The Green Parrott 327 SOUTH JAMES ST HOME COOKED FOOD BEER --- WINE SODA j Mrs. >l. N. PenriiiifctKn, Mfcf. Moore’s Grocery Wf Bl V AND SIT.I. I Rtsil COUNTRY PRODUCTS 505 CREECH STREET FRf.DEKDK MOORE Prup j JAMES 5 S HEET NEWSSTAND 318 SOUTH JAMES ST. i.A‘l r.ST MAGA/.iNrS A.st- PAPERS THE S . T i.IGHTNF.K MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION 403 SOUTH GEORGE ST. PHONES Cl 7 AND *5»-W 1. T I.IGHTNF.K, Pi-up WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF LIFE INSURANCE PLANS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ONE SEE A REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE DISTRICT OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 301 S. JAMES ST, GOLDSBORO C C. SPAULDING, President R, WILLiAMS-District Manager J, B, TAFT-Awistint Manager SERVICE DRY CLEANERS Cor, S, Jama? and Elm St*. Branch Office N, John St. ONE DAY SERVICE We Speciat.se In Woman's Silk Dresses and Whilst Sweater* PHONE 1579-R ~v?~-^=r~^:i:~rxESZ iiijlimWb *■ MM—I mi— ' ' : YOU WILL’ GET * . ® * # : BEST VALUES # PAGE SEVEN Loldshmo Merehttiits And Business Persons Vliifh I his Page Pos* * si hie. (#i ve I hem Vmir Trade* tiai arras. Tile realtors asked tor suidi un iwnemimetil ‘’avert raetat ten?<jof!s. ,r mi; ffdusE oi joy L.IGHP GROCERV t OLD DRINKS AND BEER 700 DEV ERA UX STRF.EI KEN NON LkOETTE, Mfr. THOMPSON’S SUPER WASH AND SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY H 0& N. JOHN ST. 0 LBS, Tie PER MACHINE Mi-.. Pearl Smith MjJTS. .4u.« lifuK. t 'i«)»iTi«>nrifr gaaawt ia^raiiy..' namifc -jHjuaißa—wrr Hub Hardware COMPANY $ ANYTHING ELECTRICAL » FANS * HEATERS # APPLIANCES . , fOK THE HOME & KITCHENWARE # RANGES » KELVINATORS • WATER HEATERS 12tl I » t Walnut St. LANCASTER'S »i.t ORATORS —WALL PAPER STYLISTS WTSCO WATER PAINTS PitONfe alia 122 F V) At NUT STREET NATION A1.1.Y ADVERTISED ii VS EERY iS ( lit Dll AT CASH PRKiS Try-( jrm h Jt welera 122 S i ENTER ST PHONE 549 Min DELICIOUS DINNERS STOP AT Wkv > Soda Shoppe - JAMES ST. | i Ps Cl vi IY!Vi Kt DAY Siiutherlaml Grocery AND MARKET Gi-necries Meats, Country i liuiiui-ts ire Cream, Cold Drinks J oi chestnut aud Slocumb Sis. ! WE DEI.IVER - PHONE 0109 THORNTON S IF UN AGE CASINO AND Shaving Parlor SANDWICHES, NO I DRi.vKS in; cream 507 Alvin st E A T'hnrnton. Prop Dr V ANE At TO REPAIR SHOP Wr service All Makes ot Car* 313 S. JAMES ST. PHONE •-)«:; J Herman DeYane. Prop. Move’s Grocery Fancy and staple Groceries t HiUs and Vesttables Hn EDI TH JAMES ST PHONE 9134 DOCK'S PLACE GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS Os ALL KINDS Complete News Department Magazines, Etc. JAMES MOVE, Prop. t*U’ W. Pine St. Phone 9ii»S Chib E! Morocco Out Mih- Out Mount Olive Highway 117 Home Cooked Food aud Brtr Open Sundays 4 p, m.-2 a. ar« Week Days 7 p m.-2 a. m Silver Moon Bar ALI. KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS BEER 229 W PINE STREET ALEX SWIFT, Mgr,

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