PAGE EIGHT ARMY SERVICE FOR YOUTH IS STRESSED BY COL. HAMILTON ik m " LANGSTON, Okla. (AN i '' • Tiii- - cream < f mi.- voip: . ■• i ’ b* encouraged to join the armed of the Uni ed State,-, Cot. Wt; . A. Hamilton, former --.Uroi-toc 01 the HOTC and AST Uamii:;; at Prairie View Collet- wr-to in in-: current issue of he Southwestern Journal of Lang'ten University In making his proposal, C > Hamilton stressed the importance of Negro participation in the cu - tense of our na ion. He criticized the old "Ain't goin’ to stucH war no more" attitude that Negroes hud in the pas This attitude, the odoml 1 lias lietd the Neg‘ > back in t . ser vices ever since the Civil w, r Speaking of the armed foie* at the beginnings of .he world wan. b< wrote: NO PAHTK I.’ATION “Whereas then \v " a real t.itc lens the teeuiai arru.v and na tionat guard - upon which to ex pand our multi million army an navy, the Negroes of America prac tically did not exis except t r the vat: l untrained raw levies which iliev were called upon to turn - It ■'Thus the Negro segment ot «• nation were practically drangei to the armed services and vase verm In other words over three quarters of a century had been spent > Ice ping, and Nt woe had defaulted their right as free men to a full or at least rear- liable pal t.dpation in a transcendent ally > n portan phase of our nation’s life. “The pattern had been ■et W*' were no! used to the set vice: and the services were not u ed to us Col, Ha mil on pointd - tit that Negroes had made a numhei of rains during the past wat Hr gave two reason for the shortage ot Negroes in the armed forces m tin past: RMASONS 1. The American government tie neglected to consider the claim.- ot the minority group tor a rer,son able participation. 2. The American Negroes as w>.U as their leaders and spokesmen have been aslet p on tills topic "The job a.’ll tint b< • : ksb id by wistful hinkitig, by execu tive r.rder. legislative eiiactnv-nt nt judicial pat. 1; will be accompli cd by the combined effort- .1 us all extending Plough several genera tions. "We should encourage our youth, the talented, the educated ones, y enter r.e army in reasonably cre ditable numbers We rmst devote a reasonable proportion of tire ‘cream of cur youth’ to this very neces sary program.*' Th* officer aim advised the Hressnu* of education and public health to raise the overall level -t literacy and heal h among Negro youth. "In this way he wrote "we can alleviate the tremendous d;sad vantages which we have faced thus Charlotte On The Beam With Gene By EUGENE S. POTTS Greasings io my readers wherever you may be Good luck, good health, and success, 1 wish you all throe — Many are called by few are chosen You can't wear your garment until it is wovtn. You get out of life what you put in. You can't finish you. l ) tasks until you begin. The paramount topic of today is politics It you don't play em right yt<u'H certainly get tricked, O Knowledge is power so it has been said— Commonsense is a great foundation wherever it's laid. freedom!! Freedom!! we heard them shout— But as a reality it hasn't come about. Freedom of speech has been premised, time and again But when faced with the facts you act insane— We are not excited over social equaliza'lon— But we do want social justification We want an equal chance with proper facilities Then we will surely succeed with our own abilities— O When she boards the bus why worry about her seal. She's the one that prepares the food you so graciously eat. In making your bread and salads she always uses her hand Yes, she's human, but you don't went toe understand— She nurses your babies and faithfully protects health But if you are forced to sit near her in public you pretend so be frightened to death— Why make so much fuss over segregation— It would be more profitable to seek sdui salvation. God doesn't measure men by their hair nor their skin— But by their lovely soul that's hidden v-ithin. COMPLIMENTS OF M«ck. Baptist interracial Commission REV. J. R. HOLLOWAY-Director 422 1-2 EAST 2ND. ST,. SUITE 507 mfmtnmp—UTiCNiiiMriiiOTirrTiirwniiri'r-minririn'iimi miTffnreyu-rf i mu rrv i — tt~i»< mu WELCOME TO THE CAROLINIAN "The Spot With a Hearty Welcome To All" The M And R Grill 814 SEABOARD STREET THE McILWAIN TWINS (Thomas and Lewis) Props. .... ! far, of having abou - 70 per cent of i | our army levies: classified as illi - f crate or near illiterate.'’ . I Othm Hep; advise! by 'h- ■ colon* 1 : | Included the enrollment of more t! college men in the college HOI C 1 programs. All in all. Col Hamilton * | i nccuragtts hard work for the up : lif ment of the race not merely to ■ be better qualified for a military ■ life, but to he qualified for good ottizenf-htp in all phases ot Amos - j ican lift. JONES-O'WYER FEUD IS OVER NEW YORK ' ANP> What was the price of the peace treaty hi tween Raymond Jones and ins tenner friend and patron, Mayo) . ' O'Dw.ver? Joiies, a Harlem figure since the days of the d'pre sion and early i racial, conscious movements which * wf re frowned iipcn in tne best cir • clt-ts, was; restored to the mayor a good graces after a trace kicking episode that had the town by the ’ j ears. Shorn of his mantle- as mayor * 1 ! spokesman and holder of a $7,800 ■ job as deputy housing commission . er. Jones biumced back to the : latter po»t when the smoke had cleared away. O’Dw.ver. shrewd politician Hv.i ' he is. -aw that the majority was opposed to !us program, so tie de cided not to light, but to medial- 1 with the result that his brother w,.s ciio.-en a: a congressional can• didate and his choice for the debut ' ».u suno .ate’s job got the old la-.:-', o-ho Meanwhile Jones, who had lin ed up with the insurgents, sat pat in ’ii things c-one hi.- way. The popular story is. that Jones held ou tur a nnnibe; of jobs for Negioes ; 22 Iti fact, ranging in pay from $4,000 to $12,000 per annum —for ’ bis support and that of the other • •'lured leaders: m Harlem. Wink it til*-, ed these jobs bad leeii promised, 1; s a drop in the bucket to the total value of the pt. tongue job- handed out in Jones’ GY'. !1 diftnet. WOU&N All) \\ \m bi i mmm chop NIPS —From the Atlantic Sea. board, comes new :, of a ; v s . cultural miracle, worked out ie the oit of Ninth C&rolma on land hcintofore designated as "lit may to hold the world together.'’ Th* known to ns as "Bonnie Blues.' e the miracle. This year one top ■■duci : netted $70,0u0 in tin short five week season, it is re SECOND SECTION . | ' :.y: -s ki s s-i . .. . ....■w,... . jcc-r, MARRII’P Ai -hewn Mr. and Mrs. <: P , i so In Tilaehn -ii ■ ceiltly in ( .as sit • hi', the former .'it • t > - >» a do!vn tiOiihu', i- th* .~t ..htir ■ ltishop and *trv I>i«: s.i 1 Cor don. l lic et remore is emit • esl till the lawn <-i i- . the bride’s parent'- by the . 1 1 \ tflai kw fit, i J.t ii ‘.’c n! tic ns’ill. Bishop lilltnrii gut;- i In ule away In marriage '-tin man lihtekwell. brothii oi th* : room '< - y it! e tie ’ in .in i.fltt’Oln i . \ ■' l \‘i\ Hl Is f hud U inner IH jmmuiiihm V\van! JEFFERSON CITS', Mo Ot) N. I ‘ - Jr, v/auicr O the Hobt'.i S /■ V(o;li>.-l'ia Wi.rkl War 11 veh.-r:;n. v, t. spur It (■ :-(■ fct; , v fields c; ruins as hig! Picki■]> rie ’!i- >r' tna flit s’ pick Gil is pock tips‘ or ntoi'i * I 9f A Summed \W Hr HAiH DO’S ( THEY MEET ALL DEMANDS HAVE YOU* HAU PERFECTLY , MATCHED. lelett Creatiom Emily j .V A. Attached. Human Hair—All Shadet * *" send no money, just tend tom. pie of your hair or state the color. I THE JESSIE RARE PAGE 60Y PAY r O ST MA N FULL j S lie e W i DE ‘ iT EVENS AMOUNT ON DELIVERY I THE ROUGH EDGES OF YOUR % I HAUL Price $3.00 j % I STYLE CHART SHOWING 10 W £ WMfflOMli I WAYS TO WEAR YOUR JESSIE /T t ■ ■ ■- 'u ,i j £ ..... ■ 4*^ TcT* i 'az,.,, ifeflM I CURLS CAN tsE WORN ON THE % I TOP. SACK OR SIDE OF YOUR I HAIR. PrhosS.OO | , JESSIE TARE J cauf. if Pr ocluc / 6 j 507 Fifth fivenns, Bom SOS (ost. } A) fteft'Yfffc 17, If. Y. I STND NO MONEY! SAT'S fA C ft O N ■ CUAiANTttDi THE CAROLINIAN They are honeymooning in 4Vii tiamston, N. C.. after which they will make their home in New I itain, Conn. f!ie bride is a graduate of .Tohrisen th Sir.t’h l niver-ity and was member of the faculty of V kins High School ill Wills ton s.iSrm Site is also a member of (lie Alpha Kapa Alpha sorority, Ihe bridegroom tva; gi iduated ii-ii t ivingstone ( il> ; i and is rcyy ps-.’iOr sit the i iiiiiit A AIK / '■ r -» ( him ti ih Sr \ Blitiiil. v Mini, i iiiou I itriiit f I ■nm- I» i tili/ei ( m l*avs li k 'd iiu i (-• uli< of heavy iernl i/diiun of corn on a lecent tour o? I!: • • Gec#<- W White t.,nu. Marsh - •■.. iI * • Route 1. repurls S T. Lloyd. Frgi'o countv i t tor the Stale iff ■: i ..■(■ F - - .: ■ ion Strviee. L: thr i White has not used fi'itihzr: he, vily on iv> eon This yhowivei: he is attempting to :e how much c«'»rn ho can pro- Hi- ' ed N. C. Tike hybrid feed chick h; piircha In u Milton Harrell of the same eon.munity. Afti i broadens: ;.g t ible t .onurt . White applied 400 pounds ni 4-10-6 at planting, arid late: ho sidedress od with 200 pounds o 1 4-10-6 and 100 pounds of nitrate of soda. The rows are- 3.5 feci apart. "The corn is really looking fine.' Conn y Agent LI yd commetitod fter the tour. T think. White has I-Men After Klan To \ \ Collect Tax Due Gov’t | NEW YORK <ANP> T-Men of the U S. Treasury dcpar'men. 1 >een set. on the trail of the Ku K: ■ Clan as ;i result of .1 pltrtt rna ,y the Non-Sectarf'.in eague, backed up by Rep. Arthu! Rein of New York, he league re ealed this week. Th' ret enuers have gone aftei t!ie Kluxers, on account, of tin un aid federal tax bill for $085,305.03 wed by llie Klan. For the pasl »vo years the million .liar hen hat been collecting no*h tig but dust in an Atlanta court, ho An i-Natn league chat m*\. Grand Dragon Samuel Green toesn't know it, but two T-Mon cere standing’ within a lew feet oi dm as he conducted the mass Klan nida ion en Stone Mountain, Ga., fitly 23. the league said. TO IMPOUND FEES This revelation was made in a of Interna] Revenues Fred S. ettir Innn Acting Commissioner in to Rep. Klein, advising that "The .were.ary of the treasury re ferred to this bureau for appro priate attention your telegram on iorsing the suggestion of the An..t --| Nazi league hat treasury agents .... on hand to impond any fees col lected by the Kian incident to a public initiation on Stone Moon tain.'" 1 Two deputy collectors were us | signed to the mountain, Martin re- I p irtod, but failed to see any money change hands Pressing for more det>. rmined el f been convinced that fertilizer pay; He is certainly pleased with the results thus far.” m w BLACKWOOD’S mi* -Iff fm-xy IT S A MIRACLE! ft FRESHLY-COOKED MEAL | 15 MINUTES!! .&>> » M.r I ; - M I I**.:*: • j§ 1 'S? % t| » ' * * * * Tk f «•**:* \U teSl't / ’ 1 JH V. ptA V •* * 4 V&S, LADIES. WITH A MAKVELOUS I ' ns Sttamitue% PRESSURE COOKER p f§ % A MEAL CONSISTING OF .. . m -V i \* l V GOLDfcN KROtYN PORK CHOPS M TORN ON THK COB liICSM) CARROTS BitOt l OH Jgg; | . . . IN ONLY 15 MINUTES! Ip ' J;f ! MANY, MANY MORE APPETIZING RECIPE* IN THE iff I fc SB-PAGE tsTIi.VMUNEIt INSTRUCTION BOOK H j if' i SAVES TIME!—A lipalthful. nutritious meal cooked practically ass in the snap of your fingers. H j o.\ NAVES 11 Eld—Cocking an entire meal on one burner at the | .same lime in only 15 minutes. SAVES LABOR! —With only otic- pot to wash that cleans m Wt easily—no burning or scorching—just turn on the heat g|| and in no tune flat, behold! a nreal that will satisfy I|| j piT. every member of the family. -||| g|| SAVE* MONEY’:—Yes, indeed it does—you'll be more than ||k ; glad to have this efficient economical utensil in your |||| % home. Wa j SET YOURS TODAY! | j. Buy on the Block wood Budget System! If Blackwood's! I || STORES Serving NORTH CAROLINA Since 191 S *j. 8j |||: tns s. sms’ stkpkt 3S ! ff* Hi HJ.itVGTOS, N. .01 r»it» SIUtT joe CAST *!«> ottbect FAVrtTfVII.I.E, V. C UUHttfON. W. C. urn W. OORttOM STEt.KT SIS ». MAIN SVHEf.T H j KINSTON, N. C WA9«mOfON, N. ft. 1 Wf 4<M Hillsboro Street ' iaaaßßMMi »«»««» ». c. j .... r«- 1 SECOND SECTION ■ forts to cul’cct the tax money own • i • the KKK. the An i-Nazi Ita- ! wired acting Revenue Com misrioncr Martin that the Klan's; purse strings are held b.v tire Grand j • Dragon and a Klin repp named | j ' Waters.” KEAN LIABLE i Claims by the grand dragon that t the resurgent Kla nis not liable j ifor the tax debt run up by th dissolved Klan corporation an '•flimsey, - ' the league ..aid, point ! 1." ou "it is; a basic principle • inf law that a lien follows the pro- | j periy." | the iviir.v. nt Kian is not liable : with much profit" such properties ; of the Klan corporation as the ' copy i-p.h cd Klorau ritual, propa . :;..nd;t booklets, patented rober, re da)ln, and insignias, the Anti-Naz i j ’eatme charged. In tts wire to the Commissioner j «ned by Administrative Chair- : dune-; H. Sheldon and bon- 1 i suit ant Sietsnn Kennedy, the lea-j gue said it is An warding photosta- \ ■ tic copies of these properties, and, ndhtd that it undercover “observ ' <•: imode the KKK s and ready to testify that they are in current use. .If the bureau of internal reve nue will simply inform the Klux ur.-i tha they must pay off this \ three-quarter million dollar debt, the Klan will go out of business 'vernkht for all time,” Kennedy predicted. Aii is removed from citrus juice in commercial canning so that as the juice stands in the can. its vit amin C value and flavor will not be damaged by oxidation. --■—»» ■ , WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1948 , .j . . . 5 . GOOD BALL PLAYERS COME TN ALL RACES COLORS CREEDS G-- S' SO DO ALL AMERICANS/ ' HOME HINTS Holin’ Demonstration Agent To make the tluvor of canned citrus juice mere like that f fje-h ; juice many housewives have learn ed the simple dev ce of pouring the chilled juice back and foi th from one glass to another just befor •' serving. This puts back into the juice the air which was removed during vacuum canning. Labels on some cans of citrus juice now car ry this suggestion But scientists caution that ad ding air this wav should never be : Tired? Th,rsty? Get RC because- Only Rt gives toil ALL 3/ u , * . RC Cole Cola' Jiere s what you get coi a y z 1. REFRESHMENT / / / 9 t *° ~t / \~7~ L. FULL GLASSES / / 3BEFY.BY. , .taste-test Flavors j / 'SC wins 5 ©vt of A group RjshMe»H From const to coast! Voted best-testing by more than 130 Hollywood star*. ► RC grew 60 times in 6 years! '' ► The best cola buy in quantity and quality! ► Two full glasses in each bottle* * ► Gives you a delicious, perky pick-up / ► Get 6 battles or a case today! /V Gucfcmeed by 'X l tiood I (tty A 1 .^»k-sj. v . "RC w©ia my toste«tesf!" ROY WiII,TON, popular orchestra leader, took the famous caia tafite-test,---and hia winner turned out to he TIC! “’Yea air." *»yi Hoy, “RC was best by far, mid. that's why I've a loyal K C fuu ever since!” You 'll prefer R C yourself-- try it today! iwiii rjii i j niiiii 'wi Hltif " l’..’!*' iij*i*aisi|. BY tit'Hi fTRRKNT, State done in advance but always jus* before -erring and with well chill ed juice Otherwise, the added air will have time to affect the 0 in the juice, bv oxidation and this de stroys some of its important nutri live value and its fine flavor as wc-i! Because oxidation goes slow . in the cold and also because cold jute absorbs air more readily, the si.ii-nti; *-, navis; always having the juice chilled be sere pouring it back, 1 and torth

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