‘WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1948 SOUTH AFRICA CUTS JIM CROW RAILROAD CARS CAPE TOWN. South Africa <ANP) —Jimerow railroad cars were introduced here success fully Augu». Iti, it was reported this week. Cape Town's Mtrhnr ban railroads have installed ears for Europeans only. This segregation, which applies Used Record Dept. 25c Bach 5 for $1 03 TAX INCLUDED NEW RECORD DEPT. BULL MOOSE TU KSON "1 Can't Go On Without Vou ’ 'Tare Thee Well. Dearon Jones'" DURHAM MUSIC CO. OF RALEIGH 307 South Wilmington St. (With W &- E Sal'-i-Salvage Co. FOR MUSIC MACHINES PHONE 8381 Be 315 FAYETTEVILLE St. WHY WORRY! ABOUT CASH 'CMIfE USE OUR EASY awl m&Wmm budget plan A Small Down Payment Allows You To Choose From Many Useful Items —And You Can Enjoy Then While Paying On Your Terms. TIRE SALES & SERVICE CO. 40! Hillsboro Si. , HUDSON BELK Rateivh j wmm SPECIALS Children s Special Cotton Print Dresses All colors and styles. Sizes 2 - 12. Regular |l. 98 $1,48 «MUCWnMWWt» , tiW3««w. i a»‘ •• rwCfSHS BOY’S KHAKI PANTS Sanforized. Perfect for school wear Sizes 8 - 16. Regular 32.08 $1.38 I awaiißHmww'www n»»w«mito.rig>wwwnaiwwn 1 -i«r»*<MWT»ww»w iwrow wn» inwai jg> f Boys’ Sanforized Copper Riveted Dungorees Sizes 2 - 16. 'Regular $1.98 $1.57 jii-uurjn-iair lj.iuUHl »cr.r'THiiHT"i~niir BOYS’ COTTON SHORTS Sanflorized Blue and brown st; iped and khaki. Sizes 4 - 12. Regular $1.48 $1.29 j Boys* Sanforized Sport Shirts j i Sizes 6 ' 18. Regular $1.79 99 e I ICO PAIRS BOYS’ LONG PANTS SAN FORIZED COTTON Only sizes 6 8 and 10 Regular $1.98, * $1.29 BASEMENT STORE « 'mmm warar > * ' i i Waiter White Heads For Paris To Attend f N (General. Session In response to an invitation from Chester S. Williams, Public I Lie son Officer or the United j State:' MNion to the United Na ! tions. Walter White Secretary of j the NAACP, will go to Paris in ! September as one of 25 or 30 : representatives of organizations I wh) will consult with U. S. i doiegates .r» .;.. veral matters in ! clud’ng F-y all-imp *rtant Human ] Rights Commies ion. Th ’ NAACP Conmittu.' on Au i ministration which functions in. : between Board meetings, voted at it.., last meeting to send Mr. jwhit, a.-: the A soohition's repre• | sentativc ! .More than 25 American organ izations including the Foreign Policy Association. General Fed eration of Women’s Club, Ameri can Jewish Committee, Federal ! Council of Churches of Christ in j America National Conference of ! Christians and Jews, YMCA. La ! her League for Human Rights, j National Council of Jewish Wom ;en and YWCA, will have repre ‘ ' sentativrr in Paris. 1 The NAACP was included in i such a group of organizations n: ; 1945 when the United Nations ■ was organized in Sun Francisco. ; Mi. White expects to leave about ! die middle of September. to first class passengers only, has hern working smoothly, it is re ported, NEED GLASSES? ! '» <■ ‘ >P'Yv-f, zUl 'Avij) gjyjZK| Ground Floor Rftfdsh N. C. p(oc»««!»r.ai Bids. naieign. ts- v *~ Vocational Teachers Hold Meet At Tuskegee i Tuskegee; Ala. (ANP) Holding j its annua] meeting at Tuskegee I institute last week, the National Vocational Teachers association ; denounced thf unequal salary i scales paid Negro and white teachers for equal work in the south. At ♦] e same time the.-e teach ers pom 1 d out t. i aithuugh ! many of the southern states of ficially have equal pay scales, : they manage to pay the whites i more tlv ueh a supplement pay ' system. A local government unit will j pay additional wages to the j teachers. The s e supplements, | however, usually do not go to Negroes. Tennessee seems to be the worst offender in the use of Road Crash Causes Buddy Johnson io | Miss Engagement : KIMBALL, W Va.-A record ■ breaking crowd of more than | three thousand per--ms, wh turn led out for a one-night dance eu ■ gagemenf of Buddv Johnson and ' his orchcCra at the local Armory, were given rainchecks when the bus carrying the Johnson crew met with a highway accident, .causing the vouthtul maestro to miss his first date in more than six years of touring with his ohm band. According to road manages Bernard Archer, the accident oc curred during a driving rainstorm when a mree ti uck skidded in; > the side of the Jo hr -on band's uur, badlv damaging the bus and ■■baking up several members of the ore'.-:stra, although none -u --1 tained injuries. Forced to miss the ono-nitm in Kimball the Johnson band con tinued it tour in a vehicle that . was dispatched from Charleston i while its own bus underwent ma j ior room's. SO! PIER S IIFE SENTENCE Cl T NEW YORK The De partment of the Army has informed the NAACP that the sentence of life imprison merit leZsd against former Pvt, Linwood Williams, for allegedly having attacked a German woman, has been re duced to 30 years, WilliaVs had appealed to the NAACP for assistance through his family in Oakland, Califoi me. Acting upon this appeal, the Association, through its attorneys, intervened before the Department of the Army ! end was successful! in ob taining the stated reduction cl sentence. FIBER I AN ’ PRESIDENT PLANNING MARimCE ! Monrovia, Liberia tANP) — President William V. S. Tub men of Liberia announced last week in an official com munique that he was going to be married Sept. I to Miss Antoinette Padmcre. They will be married in Monrovia. The bride-to-be 5s the granddaughter of Arthur Barclay former president of Liberia, and aho the late Gen. S. Padmore, Limer secretary of war. President Tubman became a widower when his wife died July 14, 1944. A NEW CAROLINA TRAII WAYS SERVICE —- FASTER BY HOURS ~~ f SMIXED STOPS SAME LOW FARES . Lv. Raleigh 8:00 AM Ar, Asheville 4:15 PM Ar. Chattarmga .9:50 PM Ar. Memphi* 7:10 A M Travel time includes over 2 hours, stops for meals enroatc. Also —~ Carolina Trailwey* express buses leaving daily for Washington, New York, Norfolk, Charlotte, and Pittsburgh. UNION BUS STATION 217 W Morgan St. AfßPlfeifc'T.. 5 , this system S C. Anderson of Pender I county, N. C., was praised for his i work i n rinr* hotter housing f-M Mre. - H also set up credit > units which. 'Tabled the colored • people to finance better housing. In analyzing social problems in Negro communities in the north, the teachers said thkt these prob- I lines had their roots in the south. Such things as poverty, v oor I I health, and lack ol c- tuca tinned : facilities caused the social lag of colored communities caused the [ Colored communities,!!! the north. ] they concluded. . i Guest, .speaker at the meeting i . was B T. Dilworti:, Alabama , state suv'rvisor for vocational . educatior of both Negro and f white children. He told the group that novelty is the main problem facing southern Negro families. Th-” National* V<nation Teach ers association met at Tuskegee in connection with t.;e annual con vention of the Nc w Farmers of America, on organization of about ’26,000 southern Negroes of high i school age. 1 once"senten(;ei) TO DEATH FORMER El RETS IB YEARS New York A sentence of 30 ' . .years' imprisonment against Gen ■' : era! Pris -.ner Ln Wright, a former serviceman from Cleve land, Ohio. h»s been, reduced to 18, meordmg to iniermation sent ! > flm NAACP bv the Depart ment -f the Army. This case was first called to the attention of the NAACP by the parents of Pvt. ; Wt ight m April, 1945. Wright had been given a sentence of death so; allegedly having attacked two Ge "man women. A- a result of ; the NA AC P's action in the mat ; tei. the rleath sentence was set aside, was suhseaucntly reduced , to 30 vi*aiand has again hero j rduced to 18 years imprisonment. Asks Lifting Os Australian Ban ( U.kIiUKA, Australia t.AN'PI Bishop (■• H- Uranswick of the Anglican church this week ask ed that Australia lift its racial bans on immigration and admit quotas of colored peoples. The "n hite \ustralia" policy, he ah|, creates antagonism and should be changed or restated, 2h bop fi'answirli is chairman of the Vustra.': us board of missions, Fxi <pi for tf'e 1944 'crop, Irisn pot; ti-i h;iv-o been lu heavy sup - : ’ ply every year since the pi ice •.upptMf pii.ic.ram tenm? effective. 9 Tty Tk.iqJ-dwu Br Bni Paixson gfJt||fe Te. - Is l reckon (atkin* up Free Enter prise is jus! like talkin'up Religion. Everybody thinks that everybody else should knave that it’s good fer them 1" THE CAROLINIAN RULES ON ENTRIES ; TO VET HOSPITALS | ARE LISTED BY V, A, ; Thrs* simple rules govern ad ! mission of patients to Veteran.-; Administration hofpitah, VA j pointed oat this week. Emergency' cases, regardless of ! the'cause 5f iniury, got top prior • lity adtnßsioii to av& hospital, j Next on the prorjty list are vet- ' erans with service (connected ail- i men!. VA said, That’s where the j ■ injury of disease to be treated was caused by war service or made worse by it, j The third rule concerns veter ans with non -se-rv ice-counect .• :1 j : disabilities. These veterans mav ! be hospitalized if beds arc avail - j able and they affirm they can- j not afford to pay for treatment j elsewhere, VA explained. ri'iiuc vihr Mrs, L. A. It; naparte typing, Stencil Catting, Copy work, Mimeographing. Shor. hand and Dictation Taken V MCA. 600 S. Blood worth Street »AY PHONES NIGH I’ 9336 —-- 2-0241 ! “Olid at 40750,60?” Man, You’re Crazy Forget your hn lj> Thousand* arc- poppy «t. 70. Try j ' • rundown fooling due anieiv to body’s lto-k Iron : which many men and women call "old ' fry Otrrex Tonic Tablets for new pop, viirot*. >omv-‘r j tpeUng, ih;s very il#«ul*r $1 00 f «»* *niv <*«• ! For' sale at all drugs stores every j where—in Raleigh at Walgreen' : nnd Kckerd's Cut Hate. More Cream Better Easting Smith-Melville Jersey Creamline Milk Order Some Today By Phoning 2-0351 Smith-Mel vs lie Dairies Pc ole Road Raleigh I—l,l i i fmii-rr crmrwirnr—rirr-rr- ! KowtJi tUL '««' <i ffiPjogjipF 'tgUf>V- ' S^ 5 = »/" Jh.-~ Cih?r AMfffCAN GIRL styles s:?f $6?? •V 95 TODAY MORE THAN EVER AMERICA’S STANDARD OF VALUE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED IN "SEVENTEEN" ini, Ambassador - Theater Building: ... '' ' I /7 v > mm\ i > l - - —— • ?■% ■ - i V / We don’t whimper our secret tve shout i! in hold letters —it s ‘ rETFR PAN’S FAMOI'S MF.RRY GO-RO! ND BRA with exclusive f f . • i j miracle-working Circular Bias! And wail till you see what it does *'/%r'N®! ' for your curves! The same magic circle accentuates the small.bust—- minimizes the full bust! The secret’s in the cirrie! *s* CIrI Exquisite -hades in lovely ravon satin, fine broadcloth — A cup- sires 32 to 36 2,Q0 S/\ IIN ■HpSj| , f r cup sizes 32 to3B <2.50 FINE, BROADCL.OTH C cup - sizes 32 to 40 3.00 HEAVYWEIGHT '-3 I JEAN’S (jF RALEIGH t'.«e handy mail Order coupon , "j * Phase send me the following Petei Part Bros: » 1 HAWS _ S | QUANTITY COLOR SU? CUP PRiCt ___ $ AODRWS _ jf I’j ’ 1 ! zzi: izuz izz zzi zzzz. «« —• I i ... 3 IL 1 I i I , OCAvr* i'CS-IrWO 0C.0.0 IONS —. | PAGE THREE

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