IWEEK ENDING SATURI)AY, AUGUST 28, 3 948 CALIFORNIANS ASK GOVERNOR NOT TO SEND NEGRO TO MISS, OAKLAND, Cal. !A N P) ; In a letter In Gov Earl War rcn. Republican vice presi dential candidate. several leading citizens asked Hie governor no! to extradite Wi ley King, local Negro business man, to Mississippi where he is wanted for an alleged crime of 21 years ago. Supporters of King noted bis excellent record as a Cali fornia citizen and business leader during the past 20 years. The letter asked: 1 Mr. King's exemplary conduct in the 21 years since that time has fully establish ed his right to freedom and should not result in having his life placed in the jeopardy | that confronts s> Negro in at tempting to secure justice in a -sculhern state openly flounlinq the bill of rights, state your refusal! o signM "We urge you to publicly state your refusal In sign the * Nail your dollars down where they won’t get a way »... in a savings ac count in our hank. First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. “Serving Eastern Carolina' 1 RALEIGH, N. C. SWEET JUICY |f J| GRAPES RED MALAGA 2 lbs. 35c &S2B® SEEDLESS 2 lbs. 29c GREENS [ustard or Turnip lbs, 25c Potatoes u s wh!’.c' w 10 39c CABBAGE ZZ ib.4c LEMONS T* e doz. 29c Juicy BUTTER FISH lb. 29c CROAKERS, Dressed lb. 49c Ocean RED PERCH FILLETS lb. 31c FANCY SHRIMP _ lb. 55c MILD & MELLOW COFFEE 8 O’Clock i 40c A A P CREAM STYLE Corn No, 2 Can 19c PHILLIPS WITH FRANKS Beans 12 oz. Can 19c I SUNNYFIELD SELF-RISING I Flour 10. b,, 77 c PACKER’S LABEL Grapefruit juice 2-"’3sc HOME STYLE—SANDWICH—REG. FAN Marvel Bread'.lßc BALL or KERR FRUIT JARS PINTS QUARTS DOZ. * lc * DOZ. 85c 201 >e. hargett" st* IT 410 hoTsbortTst extradition papers in this | case," shool'slWplk sVt.ACA If; A, Alt (ANT! 1 Negro imih threatened a Nr cro last week, and police had to I risk way Harrell Hamilton, 21, of Birmingham, because he shot :i colored eat, driver, Wil lie (.'ole, who is crippled. According to police chief VVillie Mem. Hamilton admitted mooting (ole in Talladega and also killing a whi r taxi driver, .! W. Pike, in Sylacauga on July 1. A large crowd of colored peo ple cri nrred around tiie Jail i demanding Hamilton in Talla dega. Dean said, and he had to be spirited to S> lacauga. Cole i*. in critical condition in a Tal ladega hospital. i It Pays To Advertise! I I). CARTLAUFRY CONDUCTS EXHIBIT WASHINGTON i A N l' > V , : ’- iri).*:oo' c::!v Negri, ar. g.iHci \ the B.irnetl-Aoen pal lory, is now prt - '-entitiß an excUent group of oil ; pain lings and a fc-,v sov.U emp : tures at Its .-••uinn'pr • :h)hi!ion. The eyhibi mte: 1 ; : i 1 JI j,, c (-•.: s woi k nt xc: lire I iand good craft ••non illy Although •< ■ jt .’al P eine- an- pn scii'eiT, He works ,- e ~ot cn > naal The. t: : vvo l k what m- riy white: rn ty call imitation. ,:i domonstratk-ns i .•' 'the ieehnieal . i-,-) ‘y ~f eve,ail col ored ,u '.st.s I Othet Wo. i.S pre-,.'idl'd in Hi. exhibit:' n included a luminous cam.;.-. "Flight inln Ib'ypl ;o. jp. - ev O Tanner, nine a liuicnl of Thomas Laku;-, lilt iifo Nieoi d iCikavaky. an ai.r 1 1'aeiion by I Rico Don. ira. Atomic 1 : ndscape " 'by Piet re f.-a/zavi. a few minor : works ;. v H.ao Woodruff ami a •is d carving by Raino, Blanco. a Cuban | These \vork« wore all in the tone iof die purpose of the Barnet’ Vi on to provide pictures for mhicontiumption. Thi pale ry i. a nor--profit cntcrpri-c financed by I pt-ivatc subscriptions it is run by .Alonzo Aden who | watches over both operation and mainicu,.:: Many . t fr a. he city ad out-of-town visit the galleries The gailei ■ members;'<p is interracial. T located in a small house in a residential district. The current show include- purchases made dur um the past five years. The >!.-■.■ of television as a mean-, of bringing to farm and city peo ple the benefits ol agricultural and home economics research will Lk the subject of an exploratory study under the Research and Marketing . AG /JUMtiWaaiM* *■» B •nM'inatUMOMur- .»*••!*•**' i« pm *■«.. . 1,1. vuuni.aiuTw, . n«j nUY It ON \ f - - PROOf V SNSTAUS ANYWHERE! L no BoiTiNot new Wfestin&house p o emnewmaf AUTOMATIC WASHER * with Exclusive water Saver CBT PR OOF THAT IT: O Saves up to 10 Gallons of Wafer a toad, Exclusive Water Saver measures water to the size of the load -In i ?ei !he : Washes Cleaner, iu . . ge- ’ ■iff*9 washing action drains --oiVii 'or / from toe clothe- . . not: thro-i-J- ■ OEnds Woshday Work. W. , ! •.-v , damp-dries, cleans it --el!',.- ■ ' - oiT .• at ’•».* '•f'-oUy. Slanting front . . . easy loading. HFRF’S HOW YOU GST PROOF Phone us art-1 make arrangement:, tu sv a load of your clothes washed dean . . , the Laundromat way. - i Vl .« n ‘ r -*’ 5 *'''* laMMeseesase • so* - ' HAYES-JACKSON ELECTRIC COMPANY 03 E. HARGETT STREET M P* IweeVc boy, any 6.00 v >#« £ f'M -#% GeneralTlrelnoorstore.Oth - M | A sizes proportionotely • • | i We’ll Buy Your Risky Wartime Tires j| Here’s o chance Jo get top price || ’•*^ for the present tires on your car™ S j With Top-Quality Generals on old- B time easy credit terms, yot! ran have 8| real tire safety rtind satisfaction ; again and never miss the money! lg Be Smart! Be Safe' Be Thrifty 1 f , \ M Drive in Takryi generai 1! * V TIRE J I ! I SAVAGE TIRE CO. 11 ; McDowell & cabarrus st phone 2-0571 B : "FW% iWr&i ! A W i- am: - " J"' ■ ■■ CONSt ). t.VNTS tVI) 01-’ETC KItS I’JA Two of Utc six co.i sultunt., wlio partieijm, cri in the t!U« Wild-.-imp • pint xtrcil fyx the N. C. ( ■ ’•!; 1 c s ol Colored Par ents and I rarhrrs arc seen above with three <>• tin oliii-eis ol the 1 r-.i ll i/:. ion. rhy are. lei' to riylit, Mrs Oi’oi|;ia Itarliee, heal.Mi rduca ; tor, School IleaHh Coordinating VORHEES T 9 OPEN SEPTEMBER 13 DENMARK V An.-.ru ing in on an: nncenient eiimiti;} from b >! H Mi Cit nne> 11:• • 194f1-l:i4i> m b.iu'l term at Vo.- - School Lt-d Juniui College ;vs!. got undcu way amnJav, Scptcrn bet 13. The Negro tlcmentair ‘THE CAR on NT A N sera ices, S”ate Departments of l‘u -Ur Inslnictioo and Heal,it; It j. Kergusen. president nf PT.\ Coiigrcss, Fayetteville Mrs. At | Turner, treasurer, Warsaw; Mrs !). At. Jarnigan, cxeeuliv- ',ee retarv. and director ol uorksltop, Raleigh; and Miss Velma Turn age, field eonsttl.'an . V ( , t nl, erctilosis Association. Raleigh. School, which is unde r llv .suput viy tin of Voorhei s will also open on September 13 Stuck te- returning this year will find |.hot oxt m.bve ronov;.- lions ha\'o been going on durirr, the summer The neve tnen’s dor mitorv has been completed and now furniture is now being placed in the looms. Repairs to (ho dine)" ho 1! lib: i-y Wright Had are iwierway and 9%y Tlsdqhb&iA fl; lift,*.. S’ u I.son li m- \ Pos n t • m je \i V' WM-i -1 i • - x " - "( a n’t understand ‘made-work’ or ‘featherheddina.' Suppose we had to hire three men to milk r;eo m*s; i mi l! , noul.-l have to sell frr $!.- T a quart! - .I'. r * lT:r •W.Tfci r . —,.. —t-., mn>r—^nMTW>u:i~i-.r l i > T Jl'rtlUM TT'll W iIHWM'H I I j I See those people down there, son? '■There are fanners and profess: »r,al men and people in all kinds of business. There are school teachers, and nurses, and bob players all kinds of people. Those I are the kind of people who own Carolina Power & Light Company ! "They are the people who ino ’• job:- area it server-.' i,’ ' ' CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ) .w-rsawcwnffi<«»,'r«»• ,«• »r■»» a • - - ■ i r-ii-nimurumrann miniiin iimiMir - —i . HU - EXAMS FOB USN MEDICAL CORPS TO BE HELD SOON KMimii'.fturns ftro eh- e i Examinations for fin .• i> ..■ ■‘ i of candidates for arm antiw n( (> arr oxpc p, I tn !)• cat ml n-.l ■ ; l imp fa the fal! • -a. | The f;v uj! \ a'Ul ! " I!' -a 1 1:' < ■ j will J air: bit' 1 1 11 :I■■ I'■ ifit' ■ ; sere ,c a ..!< mb* . 8, Ti; fit meet in a will 1)0 a (linnet ru in,!? Wednesday oven in: R<-pi< > j her 8. at .I: ’:! \ i I- ~ " ml smm 0\ ms field: . cr; breeds and .• how.' prion " -If ; ■4^^- ™ WtKmmk m - ik. sif /•: ai y )fe?A rts ntr if ~~ n*: m. nuns i* t rsi-i ol i ; fißaar 4 mwi Isl / ~ i «•*-' / ■■■-mxgfJ the rank of Limiter- tit (Junto: , 'f a ado) It! iiip Navy Modir, l • i Co: 1 . ’i| 1,.p iicj.l ai Navpi Ik -, :)'■!' i' . a. Unitt I Sintea du ll J the ,:it .Ki i Oct >bt 4-:i. 19-53 ' Ned n!"s of -approved modi <a! schools in |he United Staff. ■ • * ilKiU.i who I|.lV( rfit !.- ! linU-m tr.i ninj’ in accredited hos -1• -1 - I :.t. ot wlit) wuilv-/ [iii a ,-jii:. is i.' - * mn« within t our months of ' the dale* of tin- minal ion, ;jr>■ t , '-■■■' at o ulivsit'ally ana <>: lie. w i -• 1 , 1 1 VI I 1 :i !'•••• I oil..;in !sk - lOr I'ar.flid who in.i -f i>, U r.s than s’ \o;,- ,: ,*f )! t',.• !me O I I ()! nil I|f.l II ■/)! .vI i! of' ft' tot Ia -1 iti a r la -ft-.,. i ioar- a i<f n ,o: 1 1 (-1 :'.,o>! mere , i nci u|'--tn ■no N.o . ! o■■ • nl• i::s • iniora.- .»t !b- Nava) 1 1 os pit.,'i i :.t ,ia a l! -it | > 1.- >< • ■ by purling up ©tiU more money for new generating plants, new substation •• and new lines. Yes, Carolina Power A Light Company is owned by people—average citizens—m all walks of life—people? who have confidence in the Company and the ■>f ■ - -;t\ -to if nao atrafe their i'll V rat! ..md i-rafr Sl:-!'iai quail fr atao. i<»j appointment. Ap provofl p inebriates will receive tiu’ii aopi'inliriPn! and orders a«- .aoni ru- tJ-o-m to duty in a Naval nr i:r,i! I'jipilitv tor dptivp Naval st?rvire Additional compensation of fr-iud month is provided for each month id ,i'-tivi si i vice perform ed hr Mr die il L >rps officers of ill.' Now Hetaik-l d- me ain concern in;; 1 ■; and i>‘i ocedure of apjilK 1 Uia mo; Be obtained from Naval ofll m fYocuument offices fi'-tm t’K- Bun-,m ;,f .Medicine ami Nil!-, cv. Navy Department. Waa'itn.n 2a, ! ■ C. Simporl Your Paper ' :it - < ‘-■: i \ morion V a!l-t:mp i. aiiip io-i 'i: f ’1 wo full u'io-. -v in the hi-’, f’.lfi tvvoivi'.-ounce bot tle! l ake iiorrio ;i i-arton (hat/s iv- < avp it;!! ■ has. - Always buy X meric;: . greatest, cola value delicious I ’cfi.'i -('ola ] NO FINfR COLA AT ANY PRICB! PAGE FIVE

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