VVliliSlv JiiSDING bATUIvJL>A\ , AUGUST ZB, !U4*i BRAZILIAN CONDUCTOR LAUDS CAROL BRICE f TT-Tlr. i n _ . , . - i Nitelife In New York f'ROFILKS”' NEW YORK (AMP) ON '"I'HV! DAWN PATROL BEAT, one ttjiuuntfc i.s Jifi m *;ia ,* ,vit.;i its will*/ I j_> i: *■ n people, right guys and gals, arid eabten'iss and king:-; to borrow a commonly ured phi a: * , . Thus it - tout \v<- talk ahiut a pt'ivonablc- *.abide, PHILIP HOL MES, who employed by to L*. v-) Transportation C-'orp., owneg by Jake and A be. two partners who have bc-on in business 20 yea is employing colored drivers during all that long period , . . They opeiat- the hv . 1. /k Park., i d-:." t taxicab that is r.uch in demand, • 've ved as we myk* our •-*,« eh 1;, tour.-. ?f ti,e Harlem gay spot? , Phil Holmes much .• ..light :»£tei by ' u topflight entertainer. who go tiom cati- e fab d!- ; finishing t.i ,-ii w kin the swank downtown cat* oner ion. -.u./h ho., ■■hir. a.-; ‘-AVANNaM CHURCHILL, LESTER YUI NCI, COLEMAN HAWKINS, WILLIE BRYANT, ELLA FITZGERALD. SID CAT LEE! wo. Id. smooth*-.u | drummer, SARAH V AIJGH AN. CANADA I.KE amt hod of others. Behind an engupnij smile that Iv-ars the bran-l «ii sincetity po liteness and i* : in. ;... careful driving, and a * t.inpi *-li*-ir-:ive knowl-r edge of evei y nook and cianny nt this e /. path tv* m South L -t ! • to oui own h'uiieni town ha- gained t■ i b >rtun - toime :•••*> warm plate in tie., hearts of pleasure seeking New Yorkers of both j •races. . KING OF THE BLUES 1- it WYiNONNIE HARRIS JOE TURNER or T BONE WALK EE v. ho quuhtn .* i tin nun-h son. .*. aftei titl- in your mind (not minei Em wondering a* 1 rk» ten this partii-iiiai polite I can ray for T-Bone Walker, lm.n Aaron Walker, he is generally rated tops. A g .tted child p. ■ it ■ - ....rnC debut was made a' an ajj. • •when most youngste. .• .u«- >.ot of high school Cab Callows;* held a 'Hi id-.- H. contest' n. Dallas and T -Rr.ne Waiker didn’t do ■ ... thing . ' ■ ■ , t • • . : - -trams. «nd ) a-- His rendition ot t..** oi>:.* .vimnie th !•• ■ "-? «nd stunts on the ether med it....0n i;..n pm-, • > tout *.! the soul > with Caiiow&.v Like Sug:<> Chile Rrmn- .o T-Bone Waiker never took a , music lessen ,n hr- |- . Hi.; a.. ■ «nd mommy. no.vever, wore musi cians but somehow they nevei got around to teaching the boy anything in tiiat field The ...u Lawson Brinks, on whom we did a featute tart May signed l B, ie to a six week's contract the wound up i..sting 52 •.**.-( Wim ti;. Brocks aggregation Walk* cud radio work over -taiion \YRR Dallas, over a •: months stretch His fame was mu c Thirteen yc-ais ago (1935} T-Boone walked down the- matri monial aisle vvitli his- vhikthcod love, Vida Lee Lash lev. Fort Worth. Tex. He had been married befor* but ’ Cried to click resulting m > a son, T-Bone Walker. Jr., of whom he A vet . fond It wasn t unto , August 20. 1946. that his second man)age wr- bussed with chil- J dre-n a sweet daughter being born to tn>; ?-tuple who is popula with colored and white admirers the country ovet , PLAYED AT 'LITTLE HARLEM The year 1936 -a-. T-Bone booked at Co.Kf-.mb’s renowned ; Littie Harlem club ;n the Angel city. He was a star of the first magnitude there ft. three years Les Hite took ewer the great j blues singer in ’3k and for two years leading up to the Heart Harbor i treachery the pair raked in money and press headlines. Movie tans remember hi* siding work in two MGM pictures •Two Sailors and a Girl, and . To Hpt? to Handle.' —L*■ f - t'y’s Tavern’s Eddie Green =*;--d 'I -P.-r mugg eA VO V ;n crowded Harien.tovv.i me love ■' his life, outside * t his present wife l- two years and two months old BEN IT A RUTH WALKER his daughter—his imr.-hies in span- moments includ* gi .it and he rii-s. At one tun* (1.946) he own* ■■ a stallion and a r handsome Palimino "trick home” y<->, T-Bone Walkei taught the horse these tricks ar t he i- an ex.*' -Merit n cst-man in iddition. . . He has waited many ot his original tun*; among then being , EVENING. YOU DON’T LOVE ME ANY MORE. SAIL ON # BOOGIE, T BONE BOOGIE, In '46 he signed a contract! that runs out the . < ason with Black and White Recording label-- : With Freddie Slacks band under Capitol label, he recorded, I GOTTA BREAK BABY and MEAN OLD WORLD. l "V —^----*•■■—“ - \ p :■ j ■ 1 mB - Ul iifeSjS; ' TALULAH VISITS LADY DAY NEW YORK Tallulah Bankhead, America's Number One acres:*, slar of "Private » Live*", daughter of the late J Sensfar from Alabama, shown above visiting the dressing rooms et vocalist BILLIE | HOLIDAY, America's Hiimbi/r One Song Stylist, at the Broad- i way Strand Theatre. Seemingly the Holiday pets, j "Mister", a celebrated thor- j onghbred boxer, with "Lady", i » six-week-old Brindle Boxer, latent addition to the kennel menagerie, are stealing the show, j Miss Bankhead commented ; Jhcil "Billie Holiday ia one of the greatest she ever heard," | j. i "Remember Only You Can !Prevent Forest Fires is the slogan ! which post offices in 38 tmajot I cities will use ir. their stamp can I celiation dies this fall. CRITICS PRAISE CAROL BRICE FOB RECENT RECITAL Eleazar de Carvaiiio ,y.-u . Hi •>- ziiian tninduc oi student **f Dr Serge Koussi*.it.-ky and ai instrue tor at the farntn! Berkshir* School 1. rued Caio! Brice'.-: hand neto.v bi.fjOO music lovers at ’laiiglewoud last Sunday Thai hi- way of >h*>\vu.- • In* .ippi-eciution l**r Mi In ice'- ; iv.c rendi ion ot Maiunl lit Fallo’* t-.l Aia> i Lfriii*..' Tln: . real conti - : • M-conied tne work eat O i tui ( ■ • liiiii!;u. Mastei wori- - . ill. Ei it.- ite■ illll and the lait. Ijm S i - |)hor,.v Orche n-:- While kr act of kis.-inr Mr s Mi *( i ■ liand bei'nre 1 y. ..<>*> u tut. ; i - n. its* It of no major yiiite am tin- - harp kne ot contrast b> tween tin customs ■>! tin l: 3. ami iho-e ,of Sou 1 .) America and continental Korop, was Plastically t'mplia-izi d. The world of art and unisic is much mor* liberal than othe. field'- ; o! endeavor in America Y* t r..- aaidles.- ot hew gn-ii* a N'*-i'' art)-t ; become':, it is id; cus in.us that 'hr "Yardstick Negto . .ndralto. Nrgro barifoni it. o. dm- i m u f : ring to race art ;s Ml .- Brice's nuanpii a: I'anrt.-- , wood ws- a major one. She won tin plaudits ot America s majoi critics She et a sfanddi-u to,- weal i>. . • i-.it 4 utiun winch tu n,-. " tj* inid difficult to follow WINDY CITY CHATTER BV DAD ( i..D;K CHICAGO *.-,kPi The v i lit- i ) liiiipn : am nit-. i •I lioll nuailelUs ill e lit rtt a• j | circle -. 1 Lille Toni Tiaijier .fir child sen- : .-a ion ivnr. tin -Carciy store 'Blu. u if,. :,..v -1..,.pel the , Cliicaco Me aft, 1 lie bill also m j eludes Sarah Vaughan. Herbie j i rid- and in; .sextet. Two i\m ! : Baker and Chicago s, tou, !o|. disc; jOCKCy Ei-iiU. Sirnor.. f.tidie Huts i bard Linn Boiton and Dave Can.- : ■ ay. lie man who plug/ed S.-.r:,i ; Vaughan in the- mid-west Ttie Eddie Hey wood H i. . jtional at the Blue Note where he is ti mured nightie Etonr witt; u Hod ■ ,i 1 reem an -M. f-urtiund ri-inbo. Jiiiit on Jai/Quet and Ins combo ..re* jumping at the C "mb Sil.booette foi : two weeks Rose Murphy in- "Chi Ctn -■ n - vation. is featured along with Eddie : South ami b.s ti n at the fin:: Dot! i .-jii the north side. Out '...ti1l :,- e Ri'./ /..liiii;! has eoiTie* up with a Hi . sij,-.w iltjll y - v. ■" d viiht i* -i, ;,tvn in.- ,1. ye Scott. Joe Will...in' Andy Tibbs Shirley Spencer and Sandra the j "shaketree-- Dave Young and hi liand featuiinc E.-., \V>. JacksiOn ■ round out lie program The Leake. Twi.s and their •C-.ts- on tit** K.- i. tire in* r.:; >• -d 58th Street at the H. aiut A lounge. Claude MoLinn and hi: four Jacks and a JiH ,ue at .ia- Q f lounge ..tid Tiny Peilon. fresh I from a midwe-Ktenr t. -ur racks ~t the El Casino. The Beige room ope-hing w:—• a killej dilier. The taous. v/a- pa*-l cd f*rr the opening -d Larry Sn-el. "Show Business" Featured rets, in cluded Babe Ma thews Aland anv Ethelym ballot dancers; Cook and Brown, comedy and d-uuv tf-;.in Toby Winters, -hake danc<. the H» Beige beauties and Lonnie Sim mons’ band And 63rd Street live! - too Sarah McLawli: and in all girl corn bo are holding down th*. jurng section a the Blue Ile/aven lounge and Gem in- Dixon at ?tie Circi*- Inn. Hot spots are not th< only place? ; Chicagoans go This city ha-, be- I come baseball cmir.cious with the recent tipfayrii-ances of Sa h*'i l-'aige land Larry Dob> witti th*' Cleve | land Indians and the East-West all star game at Comisky Park. RALEIGHS NEXT BIG DANCE j ; ■ ■#s -jfc'-feriacaafcf - mm ’ m i Y||' V ; WVsm ! ■ EARL | BOSTIC And His Orchestra ! j MON, SEPT. 20 DFDFĎF ~' - - illlE I AN t .!.? {. .H iWPlMi—Lionel Hampton. kirij; of the vibraharp whose hut clubs were recent!) 3 rtwtn need [nh l.imtel s musicianship but hC el forts hi instill awareness of (tie i cspoie ilulilii-s «1 eiti/enship m the minds ot ilit •, oungslers The maestro holds lionoraf ominissiuiis ami memberships in hundreds of youth ano .junior e It, til tin COUUti y. BILLIE HOLIDAY IS BOOKED l-'OR BALTO. By 1 LOYD SNELSON NEW YORK. • "Mias Broad ’•Vay , Ain t ie's s {-reaP-.-t stuig • stylist. ~'l‘li Kim All a:i ' L#ad v Duy”, Ms Bilim Holiday to you. w ill rmsitee the rail to make her next aj'Orai unco li. hoc home town Baltimore, directly aftc-' closing Nt ■ ii{faof'mfcTil at the Broadway Sfranfi Theatre. Urgent requests from all over . the nato-Tj lot hto ~oj vices, pout ! ing in. (Hall pcrp)~xmg indee i. i kept tl •• noted singing star in a i quandary, bat she finally elected j to accept -the Baltirnoic da to. and : will appear there for one week bußtnaitte August 31 si at the Club Astoria. Miss Holiday was born in Bal : tiniore April ?, 1919, daughter o! Clarence Holiday, noted guitar player who died .om< year.-. at I ', and her mother w„ [ the former j Sadie on, who lived in New York She has nr.; sung in Bal timore f " some years, and Cr will go there aeYn which will be one of tier great* :t pleasures. i As of August 1. crop and soil conditions m the State were favor able and great*? improved from July's nesr-dought eondi ion’s. Support Your Paper! ! 1 Hi; < Tin; I A N y ItIIEAM -- 111 US. (ilill AMt in vtoia.irs ID ALMS t WRITE ■ li'iii : ib.-,! L* a dicai,-:'- f!*-uu-»r.- ti,-; l WltiiaiH' .Hi :■) : YVt i!. folk: arc suv- . !,c it ■■■ oak; 1.1 adi *■•£*m it Brook l>f. Mild Ojvvehsml baaciiiill tt-hni' won t!i< cliiiispionships in their r> : ocetivo feagu*lt V- uuld bo U'.-tii- justice, too, becau-.' tTm two scan: would be rov.aroett - and how to,- thou Üb' '-£i) aHi• fuel:- town id plJi.'i'is of thr noii !" ; ej A too mu eh : ■ dream ftbou-- ■ itrouk!yn and etc- ianri -it iouli) 1 happen yon knov/ and if it di* iiiippcn, you Kueow wtuil wouii al-.u happen. Rob: -on and t - ' p. u*. th: or, om "ih: Doby an-. Sat*'t:*’l f-’aige on ill*' ~: i ir-• Loot ■■■on. ot like i.l:e old N'eg; k igii" : with u tea. white player; t- *:d into give fair employment a bbcck 5 - What perk would be in, enough | to hold -U'-'h an i*tt nai: t ion" Bill j Veech could retire a ii'iillioi'iaiiv c aft*: that u-ncs and Branch Rick* :/ vs ailinent- woififl evaporate un der the cloudburst of gold: And incidentuily. It Dot, Ntv. - ! Ciirnbe hurl- .mother out of those i 'limy up tlu.r- m Montreal, look toi liiit) be up v. ith ttit psren. ? team nrn.t.v promo uM-iv AMc&ti thrusts. Ul (.HAN “MALIC missis 100.000 NEW YORK Li-uah Vanehan :• Mu;.ll .;•(! u, Oi'ding. Gl "It Mi git life (if cii tin- 41)0,000 mark in • alt-.' and will lie uvt'l 'the half-mi I lion mark by Labor Day. it w;c: anm>une LATTRF c.uoßia: O'Brien IN O'MALLEY OF THE MOUNTED AND Louis Hayward Barharsi Brit tun IN THE RETURN OF MONTE GUSTO ALSO CHAPTER 14 jl -URPLE MONSTER STRIKES I LET’S LISTEN j WUh MILDRED HOUSER JOVIEN HOLLYWOOD (ANP) ABC -ifliliau* stations throughout the country arc asking the ABC network. fut anotlur rebroadcast, ot their latest documentary, '•Communism, U S. A Brand.” If ABC ! complies it will mark the thud time the show will in aired Amateur Hour Back Major Bowes’ "Original Amateur Horn with Ted Mack in the iole of• master of ceremonies will resume via ABC Sept, 29 The show will be both aiied and televised for a full houi. News Notes. A mother ot nine childt* n, Mrs. Luevane of Fort Collins, Co!, will mviv* $5,000 lor giving the permanent name or "Best Years” to Tom Brenerman magazine . . Arlene Francis will lake over mistress ot ceremony duties on Mutual Don Lee’s new Wednesday show "There's Always A Woman" . ABC television Will ait video's first documentary this fail. The subject' will be "The Marshal] Plan: A First Report.” ’THE DIAL AND DISCS. Columbia Records -'ashes in on an item from tin concert, course ot Duke Ellington-—hr Air Condi - e.oiied Jungle spotlight clarinet virtuosity of Jimmy Hamilton . ah blending? of Ellingtonian chords Fiipt vev A! Hibbler chant iug j sad low yarn "It’s Monday Every Day The Columbia lapel ie. i.ed mt,i then dust.' til*-- tor three great platters - and include them in recent releases —Gent Krupa's Alter You're Gon; ifeaturing Hoy Eldridge's super!, ta.st and rangy trumpeting) and Dark. Eyes (.showcasing precision ju/z of the famed Krupa trio, arums, piano, piano, sax); and two immortals as tar as jazzstera a**- ounce: net!. Jimmie l.unci lord's Ain’t Site Sweet and the Cab Callow a;. hand directing all attention to Chu Berry’s tenor saxing u: Ghost ut ... Chance King growl trumpeter Cootie Williams, tit iird )itti. m two Capitol sides but « solid jump vocal com bined with Lionel Hampton rifts take over on Bnng’em Down l rent and earthy blues, shouting with oi rational c oOtie itiake .- Stingy Blues worthwhile. That boogie man, pianist Eteddy Slack garners attention with a single ideas* of the oldie brought up to date Kitten on the Keys .nd a fresh new item. Steal Away * r as> Baby Topping this is Slack's sccnd Boggie Woogie album by Capitol including specialties like Chopstick Boogie The Brown Danube* Is I Gotta Practice and ! her own clever novelties, to relax in the realm of simple blue? with Don’t Be So Mean T Baby and Just a Shade on the Blue Bide with hubby Dave Bat bean lending musical accents . Piann perfectionist, Teddy Wilson. Keeps a pace you’ll Irk- in his Musa ciaft of Whispering- A: Tune Goes. 1L .. An additional hunk of first rate piano is offered by a quaiL-t .•! varied keyboard styl ists in a Jewel record album. Package* gives you supet modern piano p.i.kmg Hal Sbaefer (Man I Love-—Love For Sale); Bob Laine (South of thi Border Blues —Moontide): Harold Best wick (How Deep is the Ocean — All tne Things' You are). Jot Bm-hkin (Bwk Home in Indiana • Boogie Woogie Platter. National piattety assembles jazzsters undt r wing oi dann *tist Hank D'Arnica for Hank's Pranks —-Juk ■ Box Judy • National shows otf Bitly Ecksune in an old Eatl Hines; stomper, Jitney Man and RUngtons Sophisticated Lady for contrast The swinging and singing Treniei Twins make merry on Met . cury with I'm .Happy When I'm With You and Convertible Cad jjlac .. . Blues shoutm Bullmoose Jackron and his own band, an MGM record feature with Memphis Gal-Moose on the Loose . MGM takeoff of Nellie Lutcher is Vioia Watkins with her release of i Wonder Why—Now I Know. SA\ KiNU MAA\ \S MRU S OKI i\I:VIEK NEW YOR K-ANPi Alter Lm iiii- l I.*- er Y'.nng Me ti nor axv*[:i.oue star many often won d* : .snd marvel at hi- ticb ana civ.itiw ideas niarvfb'd? beat And ■ d taslt Tht- amart'iiicijt r soo»t i .I;: ..pt-ilcd when they b urn .hat be was: born in New i.'irl- aits th* hninv of jar/ and us a young si*-, play f d m bis ia tier's carnival band Fteecgiii;'.* ci it- i.ne : t :;i* iiat*--' exponent- ■- In- ln-.li . * At Door $2.00 \ \ WHITE SPECTATORS INVITED , —I• -n-, —I ——twowy.ft PAGE SEVEN bound r.iu-i ■ :vs h# gives out whir iiii uidu idi ei style that frsi won attention and acclaim with Count Basie's ~rk in '35 He lias played with some ot trie t,es maestros in the business that included Benny -iottn and fieich es Headers n, but it was in the period oetwt en ’35 and ’4O that he von a niche toi himselt in trie orchestral world w. i, t iiint s band. Leavinp the Basie crew he formed in own band and since then has been touring the country with tois i-ax piect combination. Since tie opened here las, wees ttu Young horn has. drawn a capa ci v crowd to this Harlem bistro, further attesting to the tenor ace *s a crowd pleaser and box office at traction.