eDDAI? DF FI F 4 1 T Q f FFMI FV JL JL/ .JL,*# ...il*# \.J JL k$ «J • JL i.i 11 j ..Ij A Ik k it k ★ k k it k kr k kt k k ★ k k W ★ k it k i WALLACE BOOED Chip' ‘ • 1 prTTr Padat tatt AM I jL Hli vAKU LI J\ 1/V i\ I I i — , —-— ————.———— SINGI F 16 Pages j NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING WEEKLY \ COPY 10c| VOU ME XXVIII RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPEMBER I. 1948 NUMBER 9 ! .11 ADDED TO SHAW FACULTY ★ ★ ★ ★ "k ★ ★ ★ k ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★*! Ira Lewis, Courier Head, Passes HEART SEIZURE IS FATAL TO PITTSBURGH NEWSPAPER HEAD PITTSBURGH 1; ,s F 1. A . !.•• y i r old piesidont of the Pitts burgh Couuoi . one cl America's. Jaigtsi, Negro nev.-spa i it'i' :.. died Sniurdsji of 3 I'tiiil atilt, k in a s i.it at .He Ho'.'l Commodoiv n Sow \ ork ( it y. Mr Lev..... who had held the t pest of preside' t ■■ -.d general e«*cr of file Pittsburgh Cou Publiahmg C 4. puny for the pa.-u "ight yours was also president <t Interstate United Newspapers Inc., aiid i. \ ice jin. .dent ot the Na tional N. fi i Pubi.-her: Av-ociu t.r.n, A native of I.- xington, N C he received ins early education in the public schools ot Charlotte and attend'd Biddle University He came to Pittsburgh 37 years ago and woiKed a.- a wa.tci while taking a bus,ness course, A few years later he became associated with Robert 1. Vann as an em ployee of the Courier. Foe a number of years he served as sport.- editor and was appointed to the no-it ion of general managei in 1917 He became aclin:< head uL . Continued on page 7. Ist Section i EX-SLAVE PASSES AT li;> YEARS OF AGE TEXARKANA. Ark. (ANP) Funeral services were held hire alst wck for Mrs. Harriet Vaughan, an ex-slave who died at ht age of IXS. Only a week before her death she foretold her passing by say ing that one of her four dead children appeared to her in her sleep and sa.d. “I'm coming back next week to lake you with me." She is survived by two j daughters, Airs- Mary McCray, 77, and Airs. Delia Edwards. 79. Busy Little Bees Are'nt They? REDS BEGAN RIGHTS FIGHT, SAYS S. C. GOV. WASHINGTON (ANP) Branding civil rights legislation as Red, inspired. Gov. J, Strom Tburmsnd of Soutn Carolina, Dixiecret nominee for President, denounced the FEPC, federal anti-poll tax. federal anti-Lynch and anti-segregation laws in a radio interview here* iasi week. Interviewed on ,» transcription by Charles Palmer, the can didate hold listeners of FEPC as follows; 'ln my opinion, the FEPC, the db-ealled fair employment practices act, is a most vicious un-American proposal to break down slate lines and turn America into a socialist, fascist or communistic state. The clamor for federal anti-segregation laws, he said, "Jldmes ffldm agitators and socially maladjusted persons who do not care or do not understand the individual circumstances of com tnuniiei where the races must work and live together, "If -such laws were passed there would be no Harlem in New York, no Chinatown in San Francisco, no souihside in Chicago nor communities of the sfcAri in other cities." * Although agreeing that lynching was "the waist form of murder," and that payment of pcllt axes j® vote was bad Gov. Thurmond said that it was the job of the states to take care of these problems at the federal government." He said, "Under the guise of anti-lynching, the Reds, pinks end sarfcvsmvfss am making use of the horror which the Ameri •| can pmpin have for lynching to change our form of government." MISSIES HIT 3RD PARTY LEADER m STATE TOUR By JOE SHEPHARD A tned. bewildered and egfi spattered former Vice- President : of. the Un'tcd States . tood on a street in a North Carolina town this week and asked "Is this Arm nc*a? The man whom he asked push ed him away and raid, ' Get your nands off me". The town was Burlington, and the former Vice-President was Hen: , Wallace, the Progressive Partyv candidate for President of the Unitea States whose cam paign trio through Nortn Caro lina nas N-en mnrked by a in ception imparralicled in Amen • ■ hict - r V The tour begun. Sunday even 1 inf* in Dirham, where an already ! gaunt and haggard Wallace was 'met at the til port by a crowd of more than 500 persons who : appeared anything other than i\psti!' i Reception Pleasant lociuded in the crowd were a j bus and more than a dozen car j loads of Wallace supporters who ; had come into Durham to at : tend the Progressive Party's con vention which was being held at I the Durham City Armory, j Following a brief session of • posing durntr which he was able, for one of the few times in North : Carolina, to summon the weli know Wallace grin, the Third Party candidate left the airport for the State Progressive Party 'Continued on page 8, Jts* Section) * ».*■*•' • ; - ■ i^^Sl ' \ ■.'.■\> - : T: • ■•>*. '•'■ •' •;,■£ . : ;•. * m v ff| V;. JllillF ... .. - 's&MSfcf&'x m&sr j^«i. ?gKj|S?r : &st *:f Jitff ISfeSSsSMBS: -if Jill Jig * *" • 'll *-^;. : .f » w •jjtSi l i -'** y r '’' ; ' , '**KBBB^^St£' r •£> ■■■•■ >'^: . aß|r ,^ v , - -V. ; • :-,.■ A M *4: :'■!- 4& I i "M w ' •■•.•;(■ '".' ■• - -" , ■ • V ’’'■ il : • &xx ■ ; . % v gaßfc iLJf ... ■ .’:. ;'•■ .;. A y %W< , ' .' • :,,,-/• :4r«,' ? >!^ The Rrv, J W. Junes, pastor • cl the Fayetteville Street Bap list Church, above, was united in marri.qe to Mrs Alga Flor ence of White Plains, N. Y , at the home of Grover Jones, son of the Rev. Jcrtes, at 37 Man hattan Avenue in Greenburgh Sunday et 7:00 pun. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Louis W. Hughes, ■pastor of the Union. Baptist Dr. Charles A. Wesley To Be Among Speakers At Urban League Meeting Edgsr Lav, Managing Editor, Tampa Daily Times, and Chas. Wesley, president, College of Edu cation and Industrial Arts Wii berforce Ohio, will speak at the first public meeting of the Na tional Urban League’s Annual Conference which begins in Rich mond, September ti. Richmond's Mayor Horace H Eld wards will greet the Urban I League gathering, as will the * Honorable Oliver W. Hill, who made national news recently as' the first Negro eleetd to the Rich mond City Council. Others on : the evening’s program are Presi dent J, M. Ellison. Virginia Un | .on University, and Eugene Kin ! okle Jones, general secretary, Na lionai Urban League. Meet in South The national interracial social | work orgr-niration is meeting in , a city of the "Old South" for the | first time in a number of years "It is more than a coincidence," Lester B. Granger, Executive 1 • Secretary observed, "that during ! 1 the conference, the sound and l ; fury of an extremely bitter pc. ! liticai campaign will be resound- j j ing over the national scene, with . the- quest ton of civil rights n chief sub).:-:-’ of acrimonious debate,” "It is fust as impossible," Un | Urban League head continued, i “for the National Urban League ' jto .attack the socio-esonomi? ' I problems of thd WetSiai pbpuula-; LContlnuwi on page 6, Ist Section) ’ Church at White Plains, and the couple left immediately for Columbus. Ohio, where the Rev. Jones is a delegate to the Lett Carey and Foreign Mis sion Convention from his church. They v ill spend four days in Columbus and leave for Ra leigh where they will be at home to iriends and well-wish ers by September 4. CATHOLIC YOUTH EMBARKING UPON RIGHTS CRUSADE j Notre Dame, Ind. Upwards of 3,000,000 Catholic students in thee United States were pledged to work for great social justice for American Negroes in resolu | lions adopted at the closing ses sions yesterday (Aug. 29j of the I thirteenth national conference of the Catholic Students Mission I Crusade. Held ; * the University of Notre Dame, th * four-day conference was attended by 3,000 student del > egate rep'-ssenthuj Crusade units | in thousands of American com mun;tie.«. Several hundred Negro 1 delegates host prominent parts in ' the conference which also was l the tare st missionary meeting 'every hold ini he United State.-. J Introduced by Robert Smith | Shea, Executive Secretary of Xavwi University. New Orleans, La., rhi resolutions on the Negro held that “prejudice and unjust ' practices against Negroes arc baaed fundamentally upon ignor ance of th. hiriorv of this group ;of Amc ricans and a rack of re (Contiaaed on page 3, Ist Section) DR. DANIEL LISTS ADDITIONS TO i SCHOOL FACULTT ( 1 j RALEIGH A partial lint of! - ' addition? to The faculty of Shrew i ' University for the 1948-49 school i | term was made public recently by ■. : Pnu.ident R. P. Da rut-1. I New members will meet with the l : entiic staff at the annual faculty : cqu.'*r Tices to be held for two; i day- beginning Monday, Septembei 13 fit 11 o'clock. Other staff additions will be an-j rui.mccri prior to the conference | which each ver- precedes the fresh- j t.-i lontation period, scheduled j year to begin September Id New staff members include: Miss Casearea E. Dawson. A. 8., j Shaw University, A. ML Columbia : . sity. Instructor in Educa i on; William A, DeCosla, B. S., j W iberforce University, M S. Haw- j • ar University. Instructor in Chem- . istry: Miss Ann \V. Ferebee, B. S.. j : A. M . New York University, In- i 'hue:.,; i n psychology and Reli-1 riot Education; David N. Hender son. A R. Morgan State College, i A M. Columbia University, In structor in English and Personnel j Counsellor; Thomas E. Kee, A. Bj Shaw University. A M. Columbia t University, Instructor in Romance j U'oi,turned on page S. Ist Section) j HOTEL 'MISTAKE' DRAWS REBUKE : FROM DIPLOMAT [ , ; i j WASHINGTON < ANPj The | | Liberian legation and the Liberian , minister, C. D. B. King, adminis- ! to ed a stingirig rebuke to a local ; hotel which sought to decline ser- j I vice to their guests recently. 1 he Fairfax hotel, a new and rea- i ■onably swank hostelry located in ; the fashionable section of the ‘ ; Northwest, st'nt ornate invitations : ito all oj the foreign embassies and S| diplomats to patronize their dining I room which they described as one! lof the finest in the capital. The Li-j |be dan legation have three dis tin- j I i koished visitors from their home -11 land in the United States, Counsel- j ! ,or R- S. Bright, speaker of the house of representatives, B. G. Free j man and Postmaster General Nk*t-i : jbe Brownell, decided to honor ) ; them with a luncheon at the Fa ir * s ’ fax. i |'Continued on page 8, Ist Section) . AVC ASK S SPECIAL CONGRESS SESSION AFTER ELECTION ’• „ j WASHINGTON (ANPT • To, “ I show that Americans are really’ on l "j the lev-til when they scream about. £ -mother nation’s deficiencies, the | American Veterans committee has . recommended another special ses -1 '•'’•on '•* congress immediately aftei . the national elections in Novem ; her to pass an effective civil rights " program t Joseph A. floretv Jr„ acting j f : chaimnn of A VC, urged his entire . : membership to demand adolhei ! Q j specical session to pass an inflation' t j control bill,, the Taft-Ellcnder > B ; Wagner housing bill as ’.veil as a ..j civil rights program a j In reference to the recent special i . | session of congress, Clare ty said. I ,i i < Continued on page 8, Ist Section) i |f|SSr llpil- •» fc# ' Ly HBWL? jfc* *; fsHHI HR aaaHik_ 7fi»7: .. S |B|wsS3g- ' ."f w t? 4 Jt-.fc 'SI & * %->> <& Jill - JlillPf : 'Ufr.^S. m , -. ■ ■ f.'»* - • m * I . tk-l \ ♦ t Ivw V f ly• t■' v '* -# v R||i < ’ Jjaffif ~ a&L .<• , f is . Y s Ht?&* ■' , t\< -Jf ) .'<T7 MHy v ‘ ll x< *l fsyMi *i X ; ,*??* ;x I r ■■ ■ -./■ Tw - ' •"■■ . | Beatty Named To Head State Committee For “Elect Truman Drive” BY F". I BURNS FAYETTEVILLE Robert H. Beatty, former chairman of the Cumberland County Voters S ague, has been chosen by Senator Wil liam L. Dawson, chairman of the National Citizens Committee, for the Re-election of President Harry S. Truman to become c.ne of the Suite organizers In accepting the appointment, Mr. Beatty said "It is indeed a plea sure to work for the re-election of a man who 1 feci has done more and wifi do more for our race than some of the other candidates. •‘Ho It as gone to bat lot our race and it uo to us to match h - deeds with uur dollars. PRESIDENT ADMIRED “There are hunfh'eSs of us who i have admired the president’s cour ageous stand in standing by his' civil iighu bills, ami only wait ike opportunity to learn where to pi.«ce ! theh conn ; buttons" Mr Beatty immediately appoint- I ed Miss Van Leigh Statten, chair- 1 man. working with Miss Statteni are Mrs Elizabeth Arnold, E W McMullen. Parkton; Attorney Her- i man L Taylor, Mrs Gertie Wildes, j Dr. Franklin D Will.sK.n. Frattk Burns, Cedar Creek; Miss. Nat ha- UN VOTE FAVORS MIKED MARRIAGE GENEVA (ANPi A resolution condemning legal barriers to inter racial mixed marriages was pass ed last week by the United Nations; Economic and Social council. No one objected to the principle of mixed marriages expounded in the resolutions, but one section ol the ruling was aimed at Russia. This called for the condemnation of forced separation of husbands of wives of different nations. The motion, as a whole, was i aimed at .he United States where. many of the various states have passed laws against interracial mai riages. The adopted resolution reads; "The Economic and Social coun cil deplores all leigislative mea sures which forbid mixed marriages! between persons differing as to: color, race, nationality or religion and in general such other legisij- ; tions or administrative provisions I as restrict freedom to choose a j spouse, with the exception of re ! slrictions based on family relation ! ship, age. nature of functions being ' exercised or other similar reasons, as well as those provisions which deny to a woman the right to leave , her country or origin to reside with her husband in any otlnu country." RAP DEWEY PLAN TO GIVE ITALY AFRICAN LANDS : CHICAGO (ANPi - The Afro- World fellowship, a non-political i organization composed of Negro: leaders in labor, business and civjf j circles, does not see eye to eye with j GOP presidential candidate Thom as E. Dewey on the matter of mak ing Italy the administering auth- i ority over its ex-colonies of Libya i Eritrea and Somalia. In a terse letter to the New York j governor lost week, the group; charged his proposals ignored the I legitimate claims of Ethiopia, m. : regarded the will of the African peoples concerned, and held that! Italy is too disrupted politically j and poor economically to foe of any I help to the Africans, tContinued on page 8, Ist Section) ( Kc' Robert H Beatty ii-iie McGee, John Frank Duprw and Mark .1- Bullock who will act'] as Treasurer. Sunn:vi September 12. will be > known as Truman's C.vil Rigiu: i cuy ami county has been asked to : -el a-.ue If) minutes so that the : < ivj) rie.hth program may to pr< - . sen ted to the congregation. < A. & M. Presu Uncle Toms h CINCINNATI W dibit i H I Gray, President of Florida A. and M. College. Tallahassee, exhorted Negroes to ••aggressive and poti- • live apitation*’ in outer to achieve - their full right" under the Amer ican Constitution and criticised < some Negro educators rind business ' people who he charged are “con-;; trolled by the white community ’ ' Dr. Gray was addressing the Civil < Liberties meeting of the 49'.h an- s tiual convention ot the Improved i Benevolent Protective Order of ' Don't Wait For Blending . . . NEGRO RACE NOT DUE ! TO DIE SAYS SAVANT BOSTON 'ANP) The American Negro will ml disappear and be swallowed op by whiles. William M. Kepbari. sociolegist at the University of Pennsylvania, said in a report published in ihe American Sociological Review this week. Kephari, opposes the theories of certain scienii-N who say "that in due course there will be no Negro probkm because there will be no Negroes." The contend, he reports, that Negroes "will gradually be come lighter and lighter by virtue of the infusion <A while blocc. | an d by preferential mating among Negroes themselves, and fin ally will have disappeared as a minority group.' This theory is untrue, according to Kepnart. bet. us; a neg ligible amount of white blood is being infused to the Negro now. I He considers that a thing of the past end also said that light i skinned mating among Negroes is hoi necessarily sac. He said: "Miscegenation between Negro and white is net numerically significant. The amount of while blood being infused into the 1 Negro today is probably negligible insofar as the Negro becotn ! »ng any lighter is concerned." He added, "The pattern ks the white plantation owner and his Negro concubine was culturally accepted. From then on, mis -1 cegen&lion between Negro and white became less and less." The color pattern in mating among Negroes is merely ecoaom Seal, he reported. The light skinned Negroes he Said are usuad.y "privileged economically and follow the familiar white pattern of having a U.*wrwr birth rate than do the lower income darker ; members of the race. V> AI lAt !•: t;. I7S \!• PORTER -- Shu it liiv.l Par' . ! ■ i'.,i .* lv shewn U'. . at the E.tl. ah. .;* >:* \ h\ Mis , A:a\ > P. ■ iv e Tarty candidate tin- ■-\ . i amt f{i< iini'j.id r t ear old Tu,..n sii ‘ bt r who joined an-.', u.. :. :K .1 every meeting of th ).■. grfS'ivf i’:ift« in < ids, !:, : -i , Ilia it is ti i mils "ji . > a: o stand, for the th nits av,!. t ulcred people -iioui , :,. e-t,tl. 7TU Tcor.? Lilli iLDisI A’ s»Lnw isL i-v.... ■ CINCINNATI Fi 1 <■ re-', ksdi'ori of ,'i 7y .7 isti : uoy a piop'i. ai to 1 1 . - ■-- • R. .ilTi tO C'.spi i. I, -A '■ The Grand l.odut* v u-e ue.o i and pulled awe- .from giganGt dent Hits * i Speech Apnr; 'from calling' "urdeit.ei cd leadership" that could be p; o aided by the pre/.et sr-ional grow among Negroes. Dr. Gray mwitfc that all legal technique., for taiK.ii cipation be utiii/ d. and that No groes themselvct show a greaD read.ness to uvaii thur.-elves c iContinued on pap. Sivtios.

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