PAGE TWO I’.VIKO.MZE , LHKSfc AU\r:irnsf:Rs V '' .V «?* ’ ■ I ' LET’S FACE %■ Was -W FACTS i V\ N> ; 'W . a By TED | #iil 1 1 • <»•, of : i.ool: Mr tlii.-; ria.ron ‘ ■ jut.t a round the corner. ■ <- be. n aokiiig p;epuiat ons for this tie while some • Loo' ! ii.■ i ■ will be large "umber of new children i foi tin hint time and r* laiger number of ehil • . > •: .mother term. This alweys means a period of j • ?* • hr i arid the child, bu’ then are many thing-.- * • o "to help tb» a children as well as the teacher, i t' : - ..oil . 'ha:d to do a good job so she in anxious ! - < hit ui...ct slat parents, even though it is a tough I-- •' • 1 1* t • of i iiildren o*--miug trom different homes, ! . i. ai ■ r can -a 1 . a nerd job without the rieht kind of] ■ ■ : ' :1 c u -nt Ihe tw,. go hand in hand and without one it. V interested in the progress of the school and j -ii > - <d cht i-i l’u]!;, work with the teachers and help them ami on to !>«• :• iiiiioi nde 1 but it would ne won t ■ d ■ ' parents Would join them anc’ help them do a better ■ . n,l- 1 i.iik it ihev 1m ep their children home they are i '* ■ t'ot <h« .-.ooriti thi realize that they are hurting , i * tA iii U: u.< tru child a :d them plus less worn s/mulct ins»til in your child the- desire to go • i K: .ii.Agt ihem to talk about their sthool work and their : know cu are interested by visiting the school talk about the child's progress and difficulties i ab e ail tilings don’t discuss the teacher ' -ha.n ..i,. riiound unless its something nice because so 1 i . !<an be undone, as children have a tendency 1 . parents as well as see things the sane way the j and a .vord of encouragement once in a - n more tv a teacher than some other things and ' curt n tiling ;o parents don’t be stingy with them, is ■ know he. much kir.dn, ss is appreciated by i : g- od job Nothing b its a trial but a failure ■ d . -i i ttc-v cob ,-.f spreading a bit of cheer here ana j among cur children and teachers and se» bring forth and remember parents they: 01 S\ W IT IN THE CAlFoi LMAN MMMIIT GRILL - v rr-NSiFR STREET IN tR FINE FOOD. SOFT ; ■■ A REFRESHMENTS J . in»*» « Morrison, Mgr. QUICK j sERVH'E CLEANERS i • 1 \:,sh St. Dial 4523 ; • '..!i/r in Blocking H ir, ) t ft ..'iir: ( lothcs, Pressing A»1 •i• ■ :.>iion ii B. Barnes, Prop j v heeler’s Cleaners 512 E. N ASH ST, | Hi: Blocked, ( lot lies (leaned, |Pi i sett A \to-rcd .Service A i,tlr i Mmt Fry I s f klmne tgr; i{ t Wheeler, t'top, j WILSON HATCHERY ) t*. S. N. C. Polio rum Passed BhHY CHICKS K A SCO FEEDS N ! 4 S Tar boro St. ! Tc-i. ifc : 5 Wilson. N. C. J Ta»-.Tfc,-.. .«•--»■,,-^- v .-^ IfWWS , B . 'ir-infiw,ivn-Miir-| TTii **'**' HASKINS AND SONS GROCERY STORE COR. NASH AND VICK ST. VEGCTADI KS—MEATS—FRUITS—ICE CREAM cigars and cigarette BAKER’S STUDIO 524 E. NASH ST. CAIL US FOR ESTIMATES ON BANQUETS, WEDDINGS PARTIES OR PORTRAITS. WE GO ANYWHERE i- iOi.R 4725 JOHN BAKER, Prop. - -Tr»ir-TV,r.,i hm.. !■'"r.'T^il^r C E. ARTIS FUNERAL HOME 571 E. NASH ST, AMBULANCE service ! Office Phone 2390 Re*. Phone 2279 I ROBERT LOCUS ~~ ” GARAGE 120) E. NASH ST. "Inspection Correction Station" If It's A Motdr And Burns Gas We Fix It. Full Live Os Modern Equipment. ROAD SERVICE FLAT TOWING Si OW And FAST BATTERY CHARGING WASHING-GREASING SIMONIZING —GENERAL REPAIRS— j WILSON SEWING CENTER" ~~ NEW LOCATION 824 E. GREEN ST. WE REGOWN YOU AS WELL AS REDECORATE DOE HOME, SLIPCOVERS, DRAPERIES, CURTAINS BEDSPREADS, UPHOLSTERY i WE SPECIALIZE : i LADIES’ And CHILDREN’S GARMENTS I I) ANI E L ROOFING SUPPLIES, INt 121 S. DOUGLAS ST. All Kinds Roofing & Supplies Paints of All Kind* DIAL 2346 Robbins jewelry Co. Jewetry, Watches, Diamond* Musical Instruments RECORDS 11? S. GOLDSBORO ST swindel^s - BEAUTY SHOP A PIONEER IN T*E FIELD OF BEAUTY SERVICE 514 E. NASH STREET John H, Mincey’s TRANSFER SERVICE 1 or Prompt Service Give U» A Call \V'e appreciate Year Patronage Telephone 3110.9 3243 1305 Carolina St. SECOND SECTION .ROADSIDE DEATH iOF MAN MS FOUL PLAY HINT HAYNE3VTLL £ Ala. iAN P) J The eau.-'e ol death of Htmy Gaid ner, Lowndes County farnn who i ! was found with j ft at-’ ued i-kuii 'on a highway neai here on Augm L 16 Still liar. lue/ii polio :,nid citizen contused. They do not know wheth 1 tr his death was" caurcd by an • | cident oi whethei it was muniej- G£.i-.iii* i' v.-iji 'Uj purled an uj - d ! !fa ter and younge-i s n-u on lie! • Spann tana cii-covi ied before ! dawn with a broken head uo d vici i ous cuts and brui-u-i: or, the left side [ | of his body In reconstructing events, me Lowixh - C-lui’. v Mu-tiff learned j j that FTardnHr left his farm Ww day ! before about two o'clock, That. > | night he wa.- seen m a juke joint ; | known as the -Race Track He j is supposed to have left the place about three o’clock Sunday ntuiii :ng, in company v.itii two women Among friends, it is said lie sat ; down on the highway and told j the women to leave him as h<- . wanted to think , Police are specula' j,. ; on the possibility that the man was run ! over by a truck, whose driver did ut. sec hiiTi slouched i.,-, ine ic.act ’tide. Another possibility if m.ti ’ someone smashed turn v. uh a wea- POu twice on his right arm and once on the skull, put him iuto a car and then tossed him out where I he was found, doing further darn- . ! age to the tody. PERSONALS j Mr. and Mr James R Washing- • -ton of New York who wore married | August 14th. at st. Andr, W-, |Church in New York have lctiirn ed to New York an t sp-.iiding two | weeks ‘in Wit on ..mmoninp : and visiting fr icridi .i is 1 a ll . i. - | Mrs. Wash.iigton is tli,; toimer ; svilscn and a votei-m c-l World war 11. having served with the Nav;- in the South West Pacific He ha? j been living in New \ otk since 1943. Mrs Washignton is the former Margaret Pilkrim daughter of Mr iand Mrs. Henry Pilki ,m of Mom . ciair, New Jersey. ! Nearly 100 million tons of ha - will be produced in the nation tii i year. j look at that \ | i • > SPORT JACKET 1 ] li/iO j&- ( rr suhb would look good yjp jf(V V WITH MY NEW BROWN P/-NTS jl * I wms :M T • ~t _ 'r &V JONES' DEPT^M STORE TODAY THEY'VE ’fctfgfrHEY oar A SWELL W HAVE ? Tyou KNOW, LUCY, CLOTHES HAVENS A LOT TO PO WITH A PERSON'S ; MENTAL SPORT 4 JACR6T, FOR INSTANCE COULD . 30' I'•■lt*' . WILSON iii pi i I 'IUJa ?% .. i BAND LEADER INTERVIEW ED The man that plays the saxophone with the golden touch, Earl Bestir who appeared at the i iiintiiunit ( ruler, August 16, is shown being interviewed over station W V 0,1 VVilsoti f..< i to right; Had Stanley, lo cal disc jockey, led !lo<,ii!-i Ai lulu Falls Hall (H Mr vit an IVopb At ’*! n CHICAGO vANPi No less than .half of Mexict, s population ho' [Some trace of Negro blood an Or j tuber Ebony photo-feature declares, ; and judged by U S. race stand ards .vouid be classified as colored m the United States. ■'Ccrte-s brought six Negroes -• un nim when he came to the land ■ruth of the South 400 years ago. the Ebony feature states "Thou - anus more came latei as slaves until they finally outnumbered un .vhit * settlers at one time. "Since then Indian Spanish and \fi a, -an bleed mitred It * *-!y until today there are tut few pure-blood ed Nt woes m all Mexico Hut mil lions of Mexicans have a decided Negro caste tc their features ” the story says. Colored immigrants to Mexico j today the story continues, fino ireeacnj ihsitird of si & wry b6lovv ' the Rio Grande ana a colony of 300 L lit. i-tiegrofcs inn settled go wo p6i* i Tt mi €nll y ivi c ; t ij y f v€n 11 oun c c theij American uitiZ-r-nnhip and bv , come naiuraiized Mexicans, be : cause there is no color line of any 1 sort in nl r xico . TDK CAROLINIAN rks.YOM should see the* SPORT JACKETS . THEY HAVE] A SARK BROWN ONE WITH r -4 A TRICKY PATTERN THATSi fl HAVE 70 GO TONIGHT, I MAY STOP IN AT) JONES'AND W,K L A FEW THINGS. )( F/Nt fj Sam Vii-k. Karl Bostic and tin tic’s manager. Letter To I hr l.tliiui WILSON NfcEUS IM FROVKM Li N T \VarE’ up Wih.cifi mu'; get on tin j ni a short tin■(• We ha ve a 1 • to ! I do. I v looktirz nit.and t;.h (Tty j ; QUi'liij' ‘J3V .lid to n\Y t irpiV it? i I sa .-v ii\ .l j- i linnc..c il>ixi sis ' d an- \ Prov* eto c «it. Lo i e ■•* ■ajii pi e. vl i e Nt ~ i gro Coijii'iiunity nttr i;- a d*s• : I grace e*peci&lly ihe nit rooms,] : water fountains and locker rooms, i The tennis court should also be im-J proved. Looking over at Darden' High School campus n all the; •ve sneuid erect j r *r 1 ground for j space that is by the school ! different spoils one of the mau, 'tnuirs we need is a teen-age chib i so the * hiidi rii can nave some - : place to go and relax tbc-ii minds; And ■ tu'.’iatiz<- in gctYiirs. Another thing v- e need in WU - | on is some one to lead u comiritt- j 11 ; e a i id got i oge>ii e i oi* lhe r» \ hie] . .i city i beiitve tijii.t st piace ioi i nievkes the aiuerence oei *. oen o ! good citizen and a criminal. For the children cerr.up need some* i where tc go and something to do: ; that will keep them out of the streets. If they have nothing Tt* do or no where to go. nine times ■ out of it ii »hey will always b*- j think.of something unlawful rr [do So waiu up citizens cl Wilson j and jet. get together on ihrsr*! : problems. E 1.. <Buboles? MOOHE 'T WISH I WASN'T SO LOW ON /ft SPENDING MONET, truT MAY&£ i GAN 1 vjOET lUCY TO GEE l WONDER, fj j KISCONI* KWCTION EXTENSION SERVICE HEAD PRAISES 4-H’ers MAI ON' 7.-) < ANPi -- , ( "The nation'.' ;-4ii butt colored 4-H ; i club boy-: and oil 'huiilc.l Ik proud of tliter fine- record," declared M L Wi !:■;■ :ii, director ul the U. 3, |' . * u . par Uncut of A;-i leu ittn F.xten-■ siorj service. in an address here at i ( the opening session of the first ! j Southwide 4-H camp. HrVMr.v.i;! tl, achievements- of ( colored 4 Hers Wilson said that ( 10M,();)() ot (hem i'ifw garden; last,, a. .fb t.’Oo improved their homes; , ah tin clubber-: raised 1 700,000 ( chi. and < aimed 3.000,000 quarts of food. Othe: encampment speakers were | lE. ti Clark president, of South- j, • n ! M Laniphcll director of the camp; Directoi L 1. Jones of thej, Mississippi Extension service, Miss i ( Patsy Graves ul the E.amc-rs Home;, adir.inlstrati..ii and Di tl. Shinn ' ot exit ns.ion service I liOM 15 STATES hour H delegate- troll'. 15 sOUtil- !, - :t .tv .. ■■ j.;-,; in altt n.dam ■. at the i j - -.cht. day . amp ibghhght . s ents of. ■ii- ' i.. y .i. 1 LiCi c , ’ talent nigi.i!, pr . < illation of l rankle tKigar, 1 I H-jil I tiiiJOli l m Ya, Pupils Vlfc»nlnip \J. C. Public Schools j! WASHINGTON tANP> Tui-j' tu.ris r:ues to Washington sheds tor .students ot AiUngTon Coun ty Writ' d^.cOntniued try the Ai- lint tO;i County hohool Buard Kxcept for a few iirh graceis s who must Hrachuate from an ac credited high school to gc to col lege ail grades junic?. high and * high -hod students vvill have to a i !.»• :;d* he cou t.; y Hos lman Boston cin'iOinatton school for grades ihrough the 11th. The county ruled 'that this school has m ido rr. o y lm pro v•' ments. ao - cording to Act Sup; Charles Walsh. He said the school had a : full lihion hn. a renovated u oravy, a rail \ mw. teacher and a reconditioned auchtoi ium. ihe '3l -i voted to .end inimeo ;• raphe d not ices of the roange lo the parents or 33 colored students of Hoffmareßosten whose tuitions w»* rr paid f. 3 D (' schools last j - ! foNtT W£^FOWRFißg^j Bucy PONT iat jACKrn ; ■ you^E RE. - fV KRyoarq iOuf&tLf . £ THING ! r's THE | I OWN OWC V *W Wi'jLbK iSNDING ;sATI UDA Y, Sivl’le,?' I, lUi I Child" Robinson flic piano prodi- | i gy, an air demons!ration by a de tachment ul flyers from Luck- • i bourne Air Bare, and siplitreeing | I trips to New Orleans and in and] 1 around Baton Rouge j In his welcome address Bn j | Clark challenged the camp dele- j j gates, who have been selected as, i ltit top 4-H eis oi Tile nation, to continue to demonstrate their lead ership ability by becoming, farm owner- and homemakers when they grow up who wi! be examples o: good citizen-hip for (In it common hits in the various stater. r M. Campor-il. in speaking of idle value oi 4-H week aid, "It is ja vital part of tin.- agricultural ex-j | tension program in that it takes hold ! iof and shapes the lives ot prosper ! | live "farmers and homemakers dm jnsg then formative period " NEW WAV NEEDED i Directoi Jones, chairman of the*; | camp committee told the d.-lt ' | gate.-; that they most help bring ! new day to the south "What we j need in the south ' he said, “is great- ' !<i iiidu irailrauun t balance cur j | agriculture. We are shipping out : cur wealth of raw material- to! i oti:u sections that are rnanotaotm • ; | rig them and making huge profits ; i tnereby." Dressed in their official uniforms' of white and green, the 4-H dele- j gates here are setting a high stand- j ard for future encampment Off;-; rials a! the state capitol said after j tlie tour there that this was one i of the most orderly groups of young people ever to visit the 33 story structure. The boys and girls are; accompanied by their slate leaders.; Dr. Ross C. Owen of Tu-kegee is directing the recreational activities ; at the camp Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations CLOTHES MADE IO MEASURE >53 E. Nash Sf. phone 23u5 Mrs. v. B. Barnes. Prop. BROOKS | SEA FOOD MARKET OPEN 1M A M. TO 8:00 P M. ME DRESS AND DELIVER AT NO EXTRA COST #O6 EAST NASH STREET | ==■■ ■■ ' . LIBBY'S CAFE j FOR HOME COOKED FOOD BAR-B-QUE PHONE 4166 53ft E NASH STREET IdeauTeaners I CASH AND CARRY COe Premp. Pickup and Delivery Service Dial 2426 i enter Pender A Academy Sts. ] ' I 0. K. COCKRELL’S ! GROCERY | Vv'nere Your Dollar Buys More 513 STAN TO SSBC KG ST. J --- • j Mr*. Eula Locus SERVICE STATION AND GROCERY STORE 1265 EAST N ASH STREET BEER SOFT DRINKS ICE CREAM I RICE’S MEN’S SHOP | LEE HATS CURTIS SHOES 1 THE FINEST IN TAILORING 118 S. GOLDSBORO ST, “FOR REASONABLE PRICES SHOP AT RICE S" R EFRIGERATION AND ~ APPLIANCE INC. 113 S. DOUGLAS STREET H. J. DAUGHTRIDGE. MG ft. YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" PHONE 2293 j WILSON CAFE * AND HARLEM POOL ROOM BEEP LUNCHES SANDWICHES 423 E. NASH ST. PHONE 4041 GEORGE LAMPRGS, Pr»p. ★ STAR CAFF. * 122 E. BARNES ST. GRADE A— EXCLUSIVE COLORED CAFE The Best In The State" Gas Gleirmis. Mgr. Barker’s Department Store 20 i - 203 S. GOLDSBORO ST. “Outfitter# For The Entire Family** "B@ Sure To Visit Our Bargain Bssemant" — Shoes tor Men and Boys iV ' STYLE And QUALITY §» S*W3t- m s - tarboho #r. QniyMMMHi ' DIAL SC44 f ilson . To keep This Pase, Patroai/p. Those Who Ylakp It Possible i FIRST I.IBKKIAM ! mum IA MIS AT 1 FRKKTOWN FIELD i I FhF.KTOWN, Sierra Leone tANP) A 21 - eater .Dakota plane, malt ! dig the inau 'uaral and dedicatory | llighi .J the Liberian International : airways hern Monrovia, Liberia to j Dakar, French West Africa and | back, called at Fungi airport neat ! here August 12 for about a hail j hour. Waiting at the airport to ,oi ficially greet the plane and its oc cupants were acting' Governor h O. Ratnage, of Siena Leone, the ueting Liberian consul, high gov eminent and military official.-, and representatives of the ideal press Aboard the plane were Gabriel i. Dennis Liberian .secretary oi state, and Lacan■-c mmisters to the re j pubiii j iht Agrieuliuial Act of C44<; 'provides that prices of chickens : and nv will be supported at 90 i per cent of parity through 1949. . FOUR NEW MEEK’S GRILL 1 119 PETE GHEE ST. I 1 GOOD FOOD COLD BEER SOFT DRINKS | , ~— • 1 Cockrell's Groeery | Meats, Fruits and Vegetaoks 4F4 E, Green S Phone 2970 TREE DELIVERY Louise’s Beauty Shop BEAUTY TREATMENT THAT KEEPS YOU LOVELY i Trained Personnel to Serve ¥o» H>o3 WOODARD AVENUE PENDER STREET GROCERY 404 PENDER STREET i FRUITS VEGETABLES FRESH AND COUNTRi MEATS I’IIONE 3225 FREE DELIVERY i L. Vfl f i FRIENDS AT | WOODARD’S INN EAST NASH STREET HOT BAR P. QUE DAILY i W : r ' ° * I Wilson Dodger* BASEBALL CLUB DICK SIMMS, Mgr, ! Dick’s Blue Room CLUB 30! ! WHERE FRIENDS MEET A EAT REOPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT' Bi7 GAY STREET Harvey D. Williams, Prop ■ MASTER SHOE SHINE PARLOR 522 E NASH St. Photi* 513* All Ladies &. Gentlemen's ©ys And Shine Work | C. Bynum, prop., P, Bynum, Mgr

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