week: ending Saturday, sefemrkr 4, i»4s l PATRONIZE : ) THESE ADVERTISERS * gBITS OF NEWS By MARY SUE PF-F.AFA "Mr William Alfred Hunter visit ed his daughters, TVjt - Orange Wil lianv md Mrs William McAllister ft'? a week at their home on Staler j Av« ue Enron!e home he Uoppeu i in Richmond and Alexandria V,,..! to visit relatives, Mrs. James Smith is visiting her i sister in law on Elliott Street from I Portsmouth, Va Wadell Williams a back m the • city after vacationing a week m ! New York Mrs. Louise Bellamy is visiting! her sister, Mrs. Calvin LaHuffman . from Philadelphia. Pa. for >boul j two weeks Mrs. Martha Fieldei. mother of! Mrs Mae Murchison and grand j daughter, Verdell Bailey are visit - j inp their daughter and mother, i Mr . Mae Murchison on 605 Dur ham Street for a two we k visit from Ronoke Alabama. Mrs S. W. Thai card has return- j td from Atlantic Beach after a week’s vacation, Thomas Wilcox of Raleigh w the week end guest of his brother in-law, James A Jackson on 821 Grecns fc or o St re c t Miss Lillian Currie and hm gms y Miss Emma Beck left Monde;, (tight reroute to Staten Island where the two of them work. Mr Beck is the supervisor and Mi - Curri a nurse. They were visiting Miss Currie's parents and man y friends Mrs. Hazel Crosby left Monday enroute to New York for a two; week vacation. A number of friends ' ED. FLEISHMAN and BROTHERS j FAYETTEVILLE'S LEADING MEN’S STORE 107 HAY STREET | CAROLINA RESTAURANT WE INVITE YOU TO TRY THE CAROLINA ONE TIME 123 PERSON STREET WE SPECIALIZE IN CHICKEN, STEAKS, BAR-B-QUE SERVICE WITH A SMILE THANK YOU * FRED HARRINGTON, Prop. V POINT GROCER Y SOO MURCHISON ROAD GRADE A MARKET Frcten foods Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DI AL 2036 j <MMwwp-«iiw»?ineei-.»arjg-y— ■*iir«t’iw!rii nrrmar iw n m men wwi ‘nwiww in.swir.Mei"! I ?awtUMwiiaw ne» Jack/s Snack Shop BEST HOT DOGS FOR TEN CENTS IN TOWN WINES BEER 213 HILLSBORO STREET JACK PHILLIPS Prop. »M^«Wi>r.M»BMWiwmfiniiwawwww»awiiiirtwHiwgra^wt>g^atwfß^^ Sell Your Tobacco In Fayetteville For Tbe Highest Prices AND | BUY YOUR FURNITURE For The Lowest Price AT j MARKET FURNITURE i ! COMPANY | 401 HAY ST. | FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. { I BUY YOUR FARM MACHINERY TRUCKS AND REFRIGERATION AT M & M TRUCK AND TRACTOR CO. FAYETTEVILLE PHONE 5111 or 5H2 i isaw her of! and are wishing her a pleasant trip. i friends of !\Jr~ Evelyn Johnson \ regret to learn of the Illness of her i mother, Mr:,. Mary Williams, on j Washington Avenue and w ish hei | speedy recovery. Lt. and Mrs. Ford are spending j lovely vacation in Nev. York ; With Lt. Ford’s parents. They had ; r two w> • k • leave. ! Mrs Ilcene Bigg? is bark with | her husband at Fort Bragg a.ft.ci a ; -hol t visit in New York with par- J ents Friends of Mrs Eleanor William, !of sis North Street regret to Ic.v --!of the sudden death of her father, j Edward Bayne, who died early j Monday morning. Mr? Roberta R Walden atid j daughters are l aving Tuesday for i Deiro’t, Mich., her mother. ?F ; Hill will accompany them on then | trip home j Friends of Jerry Hollingsworth i regret to learn of the illness of r.L , wife. Mrs. Marie Hollingsworth, bind wish for her a speedy recovery Mr Theophilus Bayne, formerly ■of i city, now residing in Phil ■ id el phi a. was railed home due to ! the sudden death of hi? father. | Robbie re rani is a member of the N. c. Mutual Slugger's soft | ball team Forty -- lx different types of] ! heating plants for curing tobacco; | have been approved for sale in j North Carolina under provisions m ; ; legislation enacted by the- 1947 Gen- } ‘ oral Assembly SEC OTTO SECTION FAYETT EVILL £ Garris Funeral Home Completes 114-Year Service _ i ,j L. F. GurrL wo-? born u Mark {son. N J. his parents brought him ,j to Craven Countv when he wss ■ [quite young He left there in the , vear 1919 tor Kinston Collegf it . the ag>- of twenty m the fourth :i<rd' '• begin hi? career with; it my assistance from h*s parents if is father Rave him $20.00 when left home and he had $1(?.00 of hi,-- own, which was i total of S3O 00 to bo;:in his schoolin'’ H- earned a little money by shining shoes Later he was pro moted to a barber About 1923 h" ypened a barber shop and a press ing cltii: of his own in La Grange. In 1928 he finished Kinston Col lege and from there he entered Cii-pton Jones School of Etnbiam nt Nashville. Term. He com plot -d this course in 1929. The I E G.irri: Funeral Homes began 192.) h Mt. Olive, with one Fttneral Coach and one family car. MARRIED IN 1931 Mr. Garris married Miss Ethel Roberts of Mt. Oiive, N. C.. in 1931 who was teaching at this time, after seven years teaching she stopped to assist her husband with Fayetteville Personals Mrs Edward Walker an i M jjauv- T. Simmons of • Bonnie {Doom re spending a two works jvae.di i: with ihc-ir mother. Me-. jM. McPherson, Washington. D. C j Mrs. R H Beatty ha? returned !to the city after spending a part of the summer in New York City. | Cpl, and Mrs. J. W Bullock and |Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L Burns were the dinner gui sis of Mr. and Mrs J. Albert Beatiy of 10 Scabrook Road. Washing!.-!: Square. Mrs. Bullock is the former Mus M. Galbreath and ’teaches a! Wilson. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Jefferson of New York were the guests of their • parents, Mr and Mrs. Charlie j White of The Plank Road While |he re. they spent a few day? with [Mrs. Jefferson's parents in Colum bia. s. c Mrs Marie Hollingsworth, who has been ill at her home on Moore Street suddenly took a turn tv, [the worse Sunday afternoM | Friends hope her a • needy recov ery. She is now a patient in a io< 4 {hospital and required a Iran.-fusion on two occasions. Woodrow McKoy has returned to [the ctv after attending sumrni -- i school at. North Caivlina State Col ;lepe, Durham, j Mr. and Mrs. Henry White have [returned after visiting relative? n 1 Boston, Mass. • The Floral Club of F.vans Metro j pr-litan Church met with Berkley ! Merrick Thursday night. August :sth. An interesting meeting was [held At the close, a repast was i served Mr. E C. Chavc-rs, President; Mr . A B Jones Secretai y Stewardess Board No 2 of Evan? Metropolitan Church met. with Mi Lillie .Jinkins Tuesday. August 3rd. i Miss Maude Hood. pres-lent, Mi., Maude Wright, secretary Mr. and Mrs Eynes and daugh ter. Mr? Annie Mae Wright and ! Miss Mattie Chavers were the [guests of Mr. and Mr? E. C. Chav jers, Sunday, August Ist enroute to iSt. Aucfustine, Florida i Miy Mary Lucille Young has re Burned from New York where the I was the guest, of her sister. Miss - j Margaret Young j Miss Even Mitchell is pending i her vacation in New York with her cousin, Mrs. Willoughby WVh ! mgton. ! Miss Helen Bavne ‘eft for Ne-i | York Wednesday. August 4*h The IT: her Board of Evans Met j ropolitan Church meet with Miss [ Beatrice Parker Monday night, [ August ftth. A nice meeting was [held, At the -close, sandwiches, punch, I *ce crceam and cake wore served. | A vote of thanks was given. The {next, meeting will be held on Mon day night, September 13th, at the j home of Fred Pierce, j Mr C. T. Monroe, president, Mrs. j Marian Sawyer, secretary. William Mallei.te died at the jht-me of hi? ister. Mrs. Maude j Wright. July 29th The funeral was | i eld August Ist, at Pine View 1- *•!- 11l I- - -- ■ - - -- —--.V 1 — rr lnw . i lin iiri r . itiiii iix77i ,^7i Galv. 5 V Roofing, Extra Heavy 7’, 8\ 9’, IT, 12’ 10 Gal. Automatic Hot Water Heaters $19.95 $2.61 per sq. Saving on 210 lb, Asphalt Shingles Regular $7.50 Value, $4-89 j 45 LB. ROOFING REGULAR $2.25 at $1.45 PER ROLL 55 LB * KOLL ROOFING REGULAR $2.75 at SI.BO PER ROLL t>s LB. ROLL ROOFING REGULAR $3.25 at $2.10 PER ROLL LE. MINERAL SURFACE REGULAR $3.75 at $2.75 PER ROLL OUrSIDE WHITE PAINT REGULAR $5.25 at $4.00 PER GAL. MANUFACTURERS ROOFING COMPANY 1019 Person Street At River Bridge j FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. * 1 I I the business, then she took f a bn-.- - { lines? enure at the combination bus-- j mess school in New York City. j I:i 1939 Mr. Garris opened the! -L. E. Garris Funeral Horae m ■ FavelU ville and is now operating j ; a >aice<.-?r.fiil busine?? He operate.? 1 ; 3 burial ; ; .-;seeiation of about 10,000 ■ I member! and the cash balance for: 119-42 was $12,591.97. NEW Bi ll DING COMPLETE j Mr. Garris just built a new Fun-j j era! Horn-- in Mt. Olive and is pre- j I paring to serve the public wita : five funerai coaches, four family 'cars and two service trucks Mr. and Miy Garris extend to 'heir patron? v.ordr of thank? fori the c-iHineration which made it! ; posti'ch- feu them to round out! ' me re than fifteen veers of success. With the aid of their most efficient; in If thev above all things, want) to serve them ju ? as they would j i like to be served. They are ea e? > i to have ■ 1.,-it people know just how ; the be -:,t- , s ha? grown with their pa. i cooperation’ and they hope 1 they will manifest an interest in j iL progress for future expansion. ! dmrch He leaves two sifters, two | ? i brother- and a number of relatives; rmd friends. , j Y lib. mi \ Re.-d jr , ~f Nash ; - iii Terns , Is visiting Mrs. W L. f [ Dixon. i Mr RioJ i? Mrs. Elizabeth Cov- ; iLr.rton Reed’s husband. ,-j Mrs Hattie Williams of Washing-; . I *on, D. C. is visiting her son and ) idaughter, J A and Miss Rosa B. : . i Williams, ; Mis? pe.-.r] Jones is ••-siting her, jaunt, and unde, Mr and Mrs. A. A ! f j Dev. ns :n New York r Friend-.? ? ere glad to see Mr- ! I rent- Montanre in church Sunday.! Ezekiel Tyson ha? returned Ircm; , ’ New York where he attended sum - J nicr school at the University of; [Ni-v York >! M?. . Louise Waddell Bellamy of i { Philadelphia. Pa., is visiting her j ; Mrs Hettir LaHuffman j Mr Edith Clark i.-: now borne • j ■ikci spending a very enjoyable • 11 and successful summer at Atlantic , ! Beach. j M) B I! Waikei i? vmting iei j tier: m South C arolina and ad -- j jacf-r-t SbrtP? M: ••• Hattie Dixon is visiting her. niece, Mr- Lizzie Covington Reed and family in Nashville, Term, i Mr? Lizzie Wilkinson, Theodore W. ki i . .inn Mr? Gloria Wilker ?-'n Rogers are the guests of Mrs. - Heine G. Williams. j Mrs. Alice Anderson Kelly died : n Wilmington N. C., Tuesday, Aug. 3rd. and was buried on Wfightsville ■ Sound Sunday. August. Bth. William David Gaston died Aug Hih at hi? homo in New York City He was ibe uncle of F-fi . rberes,-a Jones Mia Ida McMillian of Wilmitig- ; ton v..-ited hft sister. Mrs Theressa . Jones and her brother of Orange,: New Jersey. The Pm and Mr? E J. Gregg are ;pending their ■ai a'ior. with he Renders -n family at Atlantic ■ Beach. Mi: Mary McNeill is very sick at her home on Washington Ave The eonditmn of Mr ”>leta Evan? Parker Radiator Repair Shop GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AT FAYETTEVILLE CITY LIMITS ON MURCHISON ROAD _ _____ ! ' • -AT, T" Hillsboro Street YjJ)| SERVICE STATION 501 Hillsboro St. V'SmY \ k SPECIALIZING IN ~ . / f \f \ CONOCO PRODUCT'S ' Fn/j &// i EXPERT WASHING \ GREASING SERVICE l x .X - Pick Up and Delivery Service /J L— Olen Gerald and Sonu, Prop*. ... ! THE CAROLINIAN SANFORD NEWS The Si-i-f-ird Di tr.tcf Youth' ! CuunrH r-f (he AME Zion Chinch; 1 mvtu- with the AME Zion • : Cuui-eh in Mf»nehe?ter '?■ i rhur.— t I day and Friday The l ?her board accompanied by: [ th.e Inymirnental Trio with Mrs ' Annie L McLeod, soloist, partiei- [ i fated on the program Thursday. The. principal iptakevs were Mr-. 1 i Lessie Smith and the B’v R K. ■ Johnson. j Eiieeno Melver is president ol; the- U:.her Boards. i Mr. Sum who has been an cm- ! [Ployec of the citi for a number of J year? is still improving at the u Lee County Hospital, after being; hit by ,» truck in Jonesboro Heights: several days ago, | A series of services has been mi i progress this week at Union BapU.s>, (Church on Endov Street of which; ! the Rev, A. T. Tuck is pastor. Mr. and Mrs Walton Heck spent j Sunday in Raleigh with their, daugther. Miss Susie llcc*; and Mr. j and Mr.?. Laws-.-n Melkie. The Intermediate Choir of Fair {Promise AME Zion Church will: 1 render a musical program Sunday i < vening. Septenibc-i sth ?» 7:30. The public is cordially invited to j ; attend The chairmen of the three local j BvTy Scout. Troops -ire urging ail persons to assist them m building j up the membership in each troop j by registering your boys between! ' the ages of 12 and 18 The troops are : • sponsored by the Meth.oriist. Bnp : hst and Presbyterian CbuiThos. All .three churches are located on Wall j Bfrcct. For information contact A.: : W Jones. D H. Gilmore, the Rev. ; j J E. McMahan, John D, Mclver, i W. T. Horton, Harry Barnes or! any of the Boy Scout Committees.: The Rc- v. J W Marsh, P E of. !he Sanford District of the AMEZ Church vs-ill hold the fourth con- 1 sere nee at Fair Promise Churcn Friday and Sunday, September 3-5. The Holy Communion will be ad ! ministered at the 11 o'clock wor- j !ship. Tiie Silvertone Gospel Singers, remains the same Mrs. Katit Cnstfidd i? at home itVom tiie hospital She is still in; j bed. Mrs Ada G Smith b.r? recently j taken a trip to Trenton, N. J j where sire will attend the funeral! of her nephew. Jams (', King. Dur ing her stop there, she will visit ’ ; other relatives in New York and, New Jersey. Miss Paulette Clark has recent-1 iy returned to Brooklyn, N. Y„ af :ei visiting her grand mother, Mrs, j [Estelle Clark and other relatives : Lhtlo Miss Margaret Walker ,si . visiting her aunt. Mr?. Ruth Walk- i <'r Pope m Newport c. v? Miss Edwins Evans ha;? returned; from Union University. Richmond, j tVn , where she attended summer j i school WILLIAMS Service Station ) has oil 613 RAMSEY STREET PHONE 5451 pirn ivroß grill 498 MURUHESON RO \li SPECIALIZING IN FRIED CHICKEN. SANDWICHES IN CREAM, COLD BEER WHILE RIDING BI CURB SERVICE CURB' SERVICE Take A Labor Day Trip to Atlantic Beach, Round Trip $3.00 Bus leaves Percolator Grill al 5.30 A M. Tickets on sale there J. C. White, Sponsor ,. , „ „ ■ . YOUR SCRIBE By FREDRICK L, BURNS •\ few weeks ago we had the occasion In visit the mayor’s ' , ur- and tram!, here to the- Recorder’s Court. While in tne Mayor • Coii't we saw quite a few of our people go to the cleia, and pud ; out ’ "d"’ rolls and pay for some fine and the cost of court. I only had the opportunity to hear about half of the emit. , but [it; ring that time I saw enough to last me a long time. As sit. there my mind was traveling in another wot id. i was j a a wo ; ; ,vhe ;«* our people had risen above the class that wwrks haul ad of the week on a email salary and buys one or two drinks . cut ..<nd in the drunken condition no almost rything. An t Oi course the police pick them up and they land in jail, Ar,d on, o you ore in the toils of the law it is almost impossib! ' t:> e-t out without paying dearly for it. I could be conservative and ' *■ y that over $200.00 (two, hundred dollars) was paid into the ; | hopper by our people that day. We left and went down to Hecoidfer's Court and them is wber • • wo really went to town. My point is tMis, each week our people pay into toe differ* , l j I courts :i sufficient amount of money to keep a port-hm ol tin- oil | gevernmein running. There is a sufficient amount paid to thw . . to maintain Just:cos-of-the Peace, county police, whose salarie paid by Negroes \vh • have been dragged into court, who ne judge*. , , sentenced -nd fined by non-members of our race. These person. ' .have gotten rich by our people’s carlossness Wo maintain large offices where we can’t entei. Yet every Monday morning there ; s a parade of our people to j i the local courts where we pay our hard earned mon* y into tlv | | coffer, we go back home believing that we have done .-.omething • | big, believing that we have won the case Let :■ stop and think for a few minuses and listen to one phrase “No one ever wins in court. In it. it is heads I win and tails you V>se. You haven’t ;. ghost of a chance in any court. Stay away I from them.” Web, thanks for listening. Will see you next week DEATHS & FUNERALS Tossed Out of Office. ./A"'* 1 i"™ X »“ UIU Yerean Savs in Suit Mc.l.ean of Elliott Street, were “ jheid Sunday' afternoon at 3 o’clock from St Luke AME Church with; NEW YORK <ANF» T■■*• Ma: ’he Kcv l R Pierce officiating, jYergan-Paul Robeson faction. *. • She i- survived by her husband, , VPnt another roun< j here lad ... k And:cw McLean, a son by a form- when Y evgan. ousted , xccut. , j.. :;.i. i ia.. e, Yader Pei kin*. 1 ■’ o .rector and secretary of the co , ; .dnug-Lw, Mrs. Annie Rulh Lach.: filed sn; , in ITl , ;nkipa i c . ~; *nd Mi-.- F. -uirenia McLean. regain quarters he occupied at Site had been employed by the coutscil headquarters Yergar* . -a ! .Quartermaster laundry at Ft. Bragg cl{lin , that he was lo , Aed ~ c.,- a nun*oti . f yvai-- |the council office by a loft- w e i faction. which included sin..* ; i under the (.wren of 'V. T. Horton! Paul Robeson. j rendered a very pleasing program! •of Go ; ->e! Songs and Spirituals at The domestic demand for poultry i Wall Street Baptist Church last and eggs is likely to continue v.. S Friday evening strong. I NOTICE MR. E. A. ARMSTRONG IS IN NO WAY CONNECT ED WITH THIS PAPER. He was Editor-Manager of the Fayetteville Carolinian which was discontinued December 1947. Your l ocal Representative is Mr. ,1, S. Singleton -yurmnrr*- n---in— —nin-nr-r-n ovnni-rinrtiTrrrinw-rrrrTriii-mniiiMaiii Him m mrr»m-inri)iniiiWMMnai iwxwmmiii iiawieiaiiMu— n i m Cape F ear Cleaners And Dyers Located On Dunn Highway Just Across Cape Fear River ALTERATIONS SPECIAL ONE DAY SERVICE DIAL 4883 D. K. TAYLOR WHO! ESALE WP DEALER fA.S A f J PRODUCTS DUAL 6109 FLEISHMAN'S BIG STORE 108 HAY ST. "‘One Os Fayetteville’* Fmest Stores’” j* FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE CAI 4 HILLSBORO TAXI i DIAL, 2488 OLEN GERALD. SR„ Manager ~~ - SPARKS CLEANERS FOR BETTER CLEANING Offering: W'hile-U-Wait Service . . . One Day Service Expert Alterations 830 Murchison Road DIAL 4668 HURRY BACK ARTHUR’S SEAFOOD GRILL i j SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOODS. BAR-B-O, STEAKS We Serve Regular Meal* FAYETTEVILLE’S ONLY GRADE A COLORED CAFE 657 PERSON STREET Phono 4590 I SECOND SECTION PAGE THREE ihisincs:? 'th tj V r r? * I Oil iH? * ;» I afi’om’/e :u SD’Vth * ' . '• : . Si ; J . . .... ' ' 1 ; Jj j I ij i, *. owtnmtiß.. ... . r a•. - |j i.n-0 j, jj 1 t « .... j: .■*. • I i MEAT j " ' : ’ ■ | Hu : I A-1. r-.-, ! H ■ i r~ r i• £ S v. ; 3 2 t ■I: • ! NS k V L ' - II * ' ' i " ' i ... i I ,! MC’IES Y..v, F i J IV' f , ■' ', v I ' i on - %l r \ c ■ jjl h ■_> « \\ t i-j. i\/ \: \ ; 4,1./ —L'i •■. .• < , v '-Jy* : | ! ( ’ 1 M & C l '' I A *• *■ ' v -- i n: or m ,v i. j ; ' ' j i j -v l.?*t : . ii-■ ■ ■ f - j p „ ) . .. . Y- . •>» ~ • . / 14. 1 « ’ ' * j|. f | V p-1 f y jRfi v C( Mutm ■: ■ ? ■ , \ j ja i : l .. .... % , PHOTO ( • : j 481 Hry S-\ I I • PI; ON IK :” < 48 HO! r. ”• PI JO T< ) l \Si; ?tV \N C C DMn, ETE l , l KL Cf CcUTT: OaS FhoiO *.‘JYi!L’ .'si Le * i I OR TIT! Amateur j OR THE ! Professional I ! c ay. y, A ***■•

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