PAGE FOUR PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS W 1 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH i i|' ; - ■■«■■■ i "', ?%i BY I WILLIAM T * GRIMES i - j the church choir'SMISSIOn and relationships Tar mission of the choir is ps definite, mativcly apeaking os j tha’-i the pastor. Each member of it is in an official position in. the' church either by employment or permission, in <‘"ner case.; th-i-c is an endorsement with the worship rrvicc. The mission m the chosr in evangelical churches i s twofold, its primary .mission , j-. to sing the gospel of Christ in a defunt. va> lor tne fcpec;i- Purnose that Christians may be strengthensi tor tneir basics in h *., edified and inspired to do more for Christ than those who, m : past, have accepted the Savior but have drifted away nom llmt; and I-lis church, may be led to realize* their back sl-dden da.:, j return, and pledge anew their allegiance to Hun and Hts <• \ and that those who arc lost and in sin may accept Const and ■■■ | , ;iV pd. The choir, therefore, is not for the purpose ol j enslaving fine dressc.n beautiful face:-, mowing r-ff the dignity o' the caps and gov. nr or even displaying the melodic, harmonic, rhvjt tunic, or am a the: niiui.-al power- of individuals without a j deep sense of c . rsc : v.u ■. -i ; i the srrv. o The secondary mission ol the choir to km! in the congioga* ; tioiial singing. CHOIR RELATIONSHIPS 1 There are certaijj person:- A u : .ni.rations with which the , choir has vital relationships I; the .. •..'-•.Dance of these relation- j ships can be realized, the .Mlitud • . all persons concerned will be (sympathetic and their won; u gi ;)n:r will be pleasant and mu- j tually heipful. I. ifhe Relationship cf the Choir to the Pa-dor i Every choir is under obligation t the pastor and the parlor' likewise is under obligation to the choir. If the pastor and ehoi" j fail to cooperate, it Is because they imv- fa >d to r.-r.lizy their mu- | tual relationships and obligations. The member; of the choir should J re member that the pastor is the leader of tin. v.-m !•- church pro- j pi nr.-It is the duty of choir member.; to : upper! and -rd the par.- j y • m carrvmg' on the service of the church C..on - m.orv.’oerß shouiti pray for the pastor, and he should be invited to m rehearsals j and socials li. The Relationship of the Pastor to lh<» Choir The success of the choir depend in » largo measure upon j the attitude of the pastor toward it Without, ins sympathy and i eoepf),oration to the fullest exent. the choir is greatly Handicapped j T'r.e paste,- should remember that he is pastor of tie choir in the ! sane: sense that he is pastor of the other deoar,ment-. of the church ! ]i.'e, and -hould .assume the responsibilities according!;--. H should ; attend choir rehearsals occasionally to show his interest in and j noprf'ciati n for the efforts of the choir. lie shoould t-ike an interest' in tin-spiritual life of choir members He should avoid making cri-I tic:;-ms of his choir to others, privately or publicly. Appreciation j for the chirr should be expressed privately and puublicly. The ! pastor should lend all the aid possible in the matte* of finance to j cari-v nn the choii work lie should pray regularly for it. He should r. -di/o that it is possible for las director and other members to know the chatactei and type of music needed better than he does. I 111. The Relationship of the Choir to the Church The relationship of the choir to the church carries mutual • - - 'igai: .ns and unless they are icalized and fuifi.led a lack of j ” is * resu >s ; ;;•> vim-:. s!v-..- remember that it is only ! n p» rftot the church life. Each member shoiad be interested in, and | take a part in other phases of the church life. IV. The Reialu nship of the Church 10 the Choir *ceilatn obi igation.- which the hurch has to its choir.; 1 noy are stm.-iar to the obligations of the pastor, however. There j ‘ebli-Mtions uv.t :-<r independent of *hc pastor whicr. the church j h;.: vj the choir. Toe church should support the choir in finance j ' ;h: ’' n. prepare f... it? advancement, pray for it and encour-!' it. ■ . : church -r oM express appreciation for the members and) - ■■’ v.-.-vk. mat tin- choir does. A'-range .for good leadership. *•*' l,l *' ;;i l' lc budge! finance to pay good directors and acconvf 1' p;.-ni.sts in order that they may lx* able to give their lime to further!, stud; and development of the organization. V* hen vc nave N come r- •••» ,or.j -, ur ... : and dub.-., we can hope to have better church choirs. Try ENTERPRISE Firet Everything To Furnish Your Home Complete CASH OR TERMS ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. 158 S. WASHINGTON STREET j ROCKY MOUNT —■ | PAYS TO Advertise j : I SEE WILLIAM GRIMES YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE 200 E. THOMAS ST. | %/•< ■ ' rwT W T' l h ‘ ' • ; SfflT* ROCKY MOUNT PERSONALS! Mi,. Hattie Leo Byrd was feted | v ’ ;• L-irthnay party at her home j >n Raleigh Street Tuesday night, via, - rifts war. received mid aiD j' -i v.: --veiling was spent by all. ; Among those .sharing iti the evo ; j:ii ll p o( fun were: Mr. and Mis. Wii- j iliam R. Chase, Mr. and Mr-, t .t-.-ar ; ; Parke r, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Me- ; 'Cullom, Mr. and Mrs Nathaniel j ! f'vrd. Mr and Mrs Cicero BatH. I Jr.. Herman Bullock, Arnes Lane j Oscar Faison, Mary Wilda Battle, j |Ben Battle, Thomas, Cornelius, and Robert William;-. Christine Mitch - ! ell, Lily Mclvcr and Arlura Mitch- ' ell. Cicero Batih- is recuperating at ibis heme after under-going an op- ' oration at the Park View Hospital ; Funeral service.- were i event iy i conducted for Mr: Pcaidic Sim- I infill-: fiont th< Ml Ck.rmel Baptia! | ('hurch with the pa.-tor, the Rev. , ; Willi" Battle officiating'. Interrnrr. . was in. the city cemetery, j Macgie and Gladys Baltic and ! iMr and Mrs Wilia Cotton have n-j i turned to Wa'dimglon, D. C. after |\ intiiie then umonß, relatives, ; land friends of this city j Mrs. Lula B- Hedgepeth, datigii- ; I tor Louise and gramidiuigthcr. j | Joyce, of this city have ju.-t re ! turned from Now York City after • ptmliii.-.-; several weeks with her ichildren While there Mrs Hedge-, jpctii celebrated her birthday with j hei cliildrcn and friends. Those pre- • • - cut. wei, as follow; Mr and Mrs ; !Jarvis Dancy, Mr and .Mrs. Ray jnold Pil.rim, Mr. and Mrs. Fields !,-r Bimnick, David Hedgepeth, Wil-1 jliam E. Hedgepeth Mi-s Loui-.e ■tlech'peth, little Mi-r- Sandra Bim- Id.-J-k. Mr and Mrs Lee William... ;Mi .ii 1 Mi-- I • *oi. McN* 1. Mr.-. I Frank Harrison and duughtoi -i., ui .- and Tlielina and M !Thercrr. Williams. Mrs. Hedgepctn Jrewivcd many Ik autilul gifts. | .Ur-. Wilma Malon of 31? Gay Si re -. • leaving tor Wasbii 'iton |ft < .--.n.d where !r : laris to -pen.i a few days vaca- . j tioning. i Miss Marv T one has r-turned home from Cincinnati. Ohio. Th- Gospel Choir of St. Jr.mcs Baptist Church left Monday, Aug 110 for Columbus, Ohio, where :t |w 11 sing as euesl choir for the I,o!i iCarev Foreign Mission CAnvor.tton. j Ti-ov wore invited by Dr C. i Somerville, executive secretary. W. M VRi’IM.TON KMERTAINS : Mi and Mrs. Waiter H•) :;m •>- 1 entertained a frw of !i:cir friends ja! their nome. SO9 Guldleaf Street.: ;Wednesday nichi. celebrating their ’ j birthday. Tlicy received many cn j joytablc g-ifts. Those attending the affair were: i ; O. B. Bello my Mrs. Anna Key. j Mr. and Mrs O G. Barr. Mr and | Mr- Buster Joyner. Mr and Mrs ! Julius Batik-. Mr ar.d. Mr>. Olandtr I Whitaker, Mr and Mrs Hcrmon - j Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Roman •ones Mr and Mrs Herbert W ; • laker. Mr and Mrs. Wallci Hairing-i The Rev. and Mrs. F. T. Lew", Mrs. Fannie Campbell, Lend L Dunn Mis- Nancy Harper Mrs. Ad die Dm - ton. Alien Wu- •i !y and Mrs Nellie Corbett From Goldsboro came Mr and Mrs. John 1! lludr'f,. Mrs. Bes.-te , F"-.!■■ t Mr nod Mrs Jeff Faioou, j Clarence Roberson, Mrs Rosetta I F-..i-on Mi- Viola Smith, Jamt-tG Neweurt 1 Mrs Mmnie McDaniel Mrs Dora! Stephn Mi Rachel Barnes we-e! from Wii: “Nr« Yorker” Planning' Profile on Waller While NEW YORK - A profile of \V,d- ! tvr \Vh;*« seen tary of the NAACP.i will appeal m the New Yorker , magazine vcf 1 - the nano, O) September 4, on sale at news stands September 2. Tin nrt ; cie on i Mi White will be m n.vo in-lail ment..'. totallitig (5.000 word;- It was) written by E J Kahn. Ji and j drawing.-, for it were done h W Auerbach Levy and A. Birnbauro JAMES M. FOX JEWELER 126 Mein Street ■Rocky Mount, N, C. | GAY’S ; j HARDWARE | 124 S. MAIN ST. P. O. Box 928 -- Phone 180 i DEALER IN Paints Hardware Building Material | Farm Supplies and Equipment Artists Supplies Guns and Ammunition ! Tt f s.v rffuT ri: INTTTI^r MMT YOU II | COUNCILS MEET BY .1 It. HAIIREN ■ After rr.oru than a montl pi-st-; j ponement, whicti was cnsul by tii e j • prcvalf nee of polio »n tne region. | in few of the Ku.rern Carolina ■ ! NAACP Youth Ctjuneils met in l :T: h.i.-n A:i"'jst 3tMh with the Tar- j f--: Council of the Nation-! lal As. ..illon lor the Advancement I ! t People SCI-villf, H - host, I ' too tiie state president of j i NAACr y-udhs was not present,| j the Tarboi o voutiis proved them-' i-:Iv>? ac ! rni-:ibk> hosts and carried: | out die program in grand style uri-j der tliv le.idership of Mr James Lawrence, the energetic, pres ideii.,! i who was the only North Carolina I I youth to attend the regional con-; 1 feren'i- at Tuslc "ce last spru-.a 1 ! The cuiding geniur. i ehind the .- y-.ung people r Mrs. Beat live Park er Burnett", a teacher in the local. high school, who find.: it a pi- , ju e to lnstriic* rh> • youth- in | c-Ail matters and political i - in. i that they mav heroine r«al m • hgeiil VOTING c.-niron? of toinor-; ' row t A very exc-vUent panel discus-i '.'i 'n was given !;> i.hi-‘*e member:! ; • ‘>f 'he Jo-; it rollia i! whic'u pot'tia' -; ed t.h' record of Mr ion,- principle parties and th< a eandaiate:- in a, manner that would have done eir dit to persons supposedly well- j • v red m Use jiresent politicnl is- 1 sues. j Mr. High of the Zebuloi; NAAt P . 'was among those present J B. ll.n --i ren of the Eastern Regional Of fieo in Rocky Mount was aceoin-; pained by M.:-.-*-- Be if Lanc«Mcr, Dm - thy T . ■ • F ar- 'me Hill. Mar net i.c Idle and Wii uarr-s A:tc. thi Meeting in the St. Paul Bapti.-I Cliurcii, a very dc lightfi I dinner was served at the : E*.k- Home 1 ; the host Council. \ IECI ON PEWS FOR ‘BOV S* STATE' ROANOKE \ a (AND p! - for a Negio Boy.-' state wore lu . eluded m resolutions committee at the 30th anur.l convention of the American 1..< g.-.n's Department of Virginia here Monday afternoon,. August 22 Hrangely enouid! the resolution states that “the spirit of democracy ji- stdl in the American legion (no. one knew this before* and :h ; Negro legionnaires have a part; tjim crow part) in its activities.” j F.arii* r in the day, a movement ! to create a jitn (row and srparair district for Nevroe- was defeated' by unanimous vote in the rules j iof pevmaiv.nt organization com-I Maj. Gen. Robert M Le deputy ‘ j e-'-mm.ii-.ding general of the Tacti- ! '■ ca! Air command at Langley field, j wa speaker at the convention i August 23. r l -| r .. ( ... r[ run i-i im i iiiiiiinrTHirT . The Planters National BANK and TRUST COMPANY The Rank of Personal Service | ROCKY MOUN T, N. C. i ! 4S YEARS OF CONTINUOUS 1 SERVICE TO THIS COMMUNITY Member ! Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation IMltfM j j j ; ' j An outstanding 1 NTem development where you’ll find homer. of nice de sign and good construction Where you’ll find excellent neighbors who i ! have found what you've been seeking - These homes are now being sold on liberal FHA and GT Terms-. I Wimberley& Gregory j ; ’ ; - Selling Agents -■ 128 SUNSET AVENUE TELEPHONI 11 JROCKY MOt NT, N, C. i y ■■ • ' ;■! a > ■ ! v JTV ,L," Cj'l-Uv-' I. I s,.*'lt! MEDICAL PIONEER i DIES \y ILLINOIS I j EVANSTON. 111. (AND Dr.i i Isabelle Barnett Butler, dean of i Negro medic:- alone the North i I Shore here, died in i medical in | elitution she r t.ibii nrd over ' j vearv ore, ?t week at the age of, i 76. | Along with her hu-Kmcl, the late] | Dr. Arthur T>. BuLor she estab-: I lished yvhat ir n.'-.v •(; Coinmun | '(.y he. pita! on tin up per floor of ; their home. Thi: wu:- the first hos- - s o tat for Negroes in the North' Shore area. I A native of Evanston, Dr J"L ler j ! studied iiur.-e ti.iinin:.'. While a, , nurse she worked with the m-u: i Dr. Dan William:- surgeon, who m I i spired Hot to become a doctor.; She giadwal’d with honor-- from! the phy«»eian’ and Rnrneons' (,'nl lege r:ow the Ptnvii - 1 > of illin- ■ i 'o Medical :-ehool, in !9!'U. Eve: • n,, e then ‘-he h e pi at tic r-1 niedu.-ine until her health began i | • • fail two years uu l ' During her;' :< ' iremsml. 'he span) most of her jtin.e at ocr home in Idleyvild Mich. : Fu'ieral services were held at j Second Map’i.' t Church here, and ■h' .'.I i'uu’d at Sutv ft reme» ry 'Glynvicyv, ii! She is survived by a son. Arthur D Butler, J: ; a daugh |p. r-in-!av Mi" Florence Butler, land grand children, Arthur 111 and I | Florenc. a brother John, Cui- : ver. lad and a ai-Jer. Grace; and j . iothers Talkm ’ 1 >o much and thinking ;ton little has -lujilod many a career . MAKE YOUR DOLLAR GO FARTHER AT FALLS ROAD j Department Store Complete line Os ® MEN’S * WOMEN'S AND • CHILDREN’S WEAR j You Can Get The BEST VALUES HERE AT ALL TIMES I |: iTTJ ii ii I * ! ■ . ' * : * /" * i ; : * • ; I MOTHPROOF :l YOUR CLOTHFS j * Garments cleaned by us ore *! ’ ! , mothproofed when they're * ; j > cleaned .. . U-SAN-O, the * : ; * insured mothproof cleaning * 1 i * system, insures your qcr * j ; , ments for six mordhs. * ; i * AT NO SXTRA COST • I IM FBU ss ■ I Percolator Stores Fat Look In the back of your kitchen closets and storerooms j for battered or otherwise unus able percolators. According to home economics experts of the New York World-Telegram, they make vor<<L*rful storage imple ments for used fats. The World Telegram says: "A coffee percolator is an ex- ! cellent container for storing used fat. Hot fat ran he poured from skillet or pan directly into a per- ' olator, through the wire basket. It is strained and stored all in one operation.” " This is a simple method for storing fat for reuse in cooking When there is no longer cooking good in fat, then Is the time to pour it into your fa? salvage can and sell it to your meat jlealer. Another trouble with our com: try is that ton many people- who have nothing to say yo light on saying it, TheTEXALO( enter j 100 N. Church Sunset Avr. YOUR FRIENDLY STATION OILS GAS LUBRICATION All. WORK GUARANTEED Dial 9156 —J. 11, Johnson. Mgr, THOR IF MUSIC <o7 “MT SIC FOR EVERYONE” NEW AND USED RECORDS H KE BOXES OF ALL MAKES 171 ALBEMARLE AVENUE MOVES 1353 - 1728 NOKtiE HOME APPLIANCES A!AYTAG APPLIASUES Roppedgc X Lamphell ISI SUNSET AVENUE PHONE 26(5 GRIHES-MORGAN | PLUMBING AND HEATING TIMKEN OIL BURNT RS 211 Atlarl i<* Avr Rhone 73f ROCKY MOl NT RADIO HOSPITAL 127 S. WASHINGTON NT. Everything- In Radio Repairs PHONE 2637 Social Mclver KING OF THE BOOT BLACKS 128 E. THOMAS ST. Farmer-Brock & (o. 224 TARBORO STREET WHO I ESAEE SRI < LAI TIES (ANDIES, PAPER PRODUCTS PHONE 812 ATTENTION CITIZENS AND BUSINESS MEN THIS PAGE WILL PROVE TO BE AN INVALUABLE ASSET j TO YOUR I| COMMUNITY I AND BUSINESS j THIS IS YOUR PAPER THIS IS YOUR SPECIAL PAGE STIMULATE ADVERTISING PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS REMEMBER EVERY TOWN NEEDS j' A NEWSPAPER t vv EE tv S' n ?.? i ini» rs/vTuj KtJ?Vt p SEFiiTM HEJ,. g t Bread grain pi>>duHion the S'>vie! Unu>n is forecast to be larg er than in 1947. tut still well be low average. Potatoes are now off the , bon "<st in Britain. G. C. PFJD <& SON Hardware &. Paints 248 Falls Road Rocky Mount HOUSE MOVING " BUSINESS HIT NSi;i> AND BONDED *>ls Yirginas Phone 1882-R Charles 1 iniim, Omrr, operator M W AM) GORHAM drug c ompany 1.'!2 TARBORO STREET t*R KSCRIPTION DRt’C.OI STS PHONE 200 Agnes* Beauty Salon Mi! WEST GAY STREET FOR SCIENTIFIC CARE Os HAIR AND SCALP MISS AGNES CANE, Prop. PHONE 2321-M Hit Store That Brought Prices Down In Rocky Mount SEE!' SERVICE DRESS SHOP 309 SOI Til MAIN STREET *r\t To Whaley Furniture < ■ ; f GAYNOR’S WHIT! FRONT MARKET GROCERIES, MEATS. ICE C Rl AM, SOFT DRINKS SIR GAY STREET R A? GAYNOK. Prop WILLIAMS DRV CLEANERS 513 GAY STREET General Dry ( leaning, Hat Mocking, Pressing While-l! Wait CASH AND CARRY Alexander Williams, prop fiil»iiii»inriii»iwmMiiM«<n I * I unlit wiin' ti-a Atlantic General COM BAG TORS FREE ESTIMATES ARCHITECT! \L SERVICE Church Building and Designing Our r r Specialty F. I. LOM E, President W H LAWRENCE, Secretary RICHARD HART, Treasurer NO. 11 DOUGLAS BLDG. PHONE 1844-R mmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmm? A Rocky Mount * To Keep This Page Pa tronize These Advertisers Yellow Front Grocery FRUI IS PRODUCE WINES Os AH Kinds 202 Fails RdL 1 elephone 2502 ! !” umm tv EE & SERVICE STATION 257 Atlantic Ave. Phone 995 Sandwiches, Brer, Sodas, Ire Cream. Gas. Oil, Wash, Grease TIRE REPAIRS i H. H. WEEKS SEED STORE 219 Tarboro St. —■ Rocky Mount ] MOST C OMPLETE STOCK OF SEED AND GARDEN NEEDS IN TOWN Darren's Sales Agency | ?“■ J CONFECTIONERS j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS WANTED: AFRO K Tlit:gkam newspapers 34.3 Atlantic Ave. Phone 750 "When Automobiles Are Huili RUICK will Build Them” The Best of Scrvi (, e On Ail Makes of Cars and Trucks j ROSEBt ICKCO. Harrington Cash Store Look! Your Favorite Ice Cream, •5c A Pint, Soft Drinks of Ail Kinds, Bakery Goods GIVE US Y TRIAL j 1023 S. WASHINGTON ST IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Treat Yourself To Our j Service City Barber Shop 200 E. THOMAS ST. William Grimes, Prop, ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION IIS E. TltomAs St, phone 9183 GAS, OIL, SALKS SFRVH E Tire and Mechanical Works PLUMER ALSTON, Prop. I S=r— —— DAVIS RADIO St RECORD SHOP Specializing in Auto Radio* Latest Records Delivery 51k GAY STREET MARC l S DAVIS, Prop. ! Dannie’s Beauty Shop ,i! Specializing In All Phases Os I'j Beaut*' Culture— phone 1444-M |j Hare) Haywood, Operator j 513 W Thnmao St. Rocky ML 1 1 Mrs. Dannie MeCleatt, Prop. 11 Center i GREK FRIES A MAGAZINES Floor Sandtng A Painting j 700 renn Ave phone 3388-R ■I I. Lassiter, Prop. Save and Borrow with the ; Atlantic Credit Union Chartered hy the State of N. C. 308 F Thomas St. Phone 289 I OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS Louis Pippin, President Mrs. Nora E, Bailey, Sec.-Tress. — i, m , Tr mrr DICK IN’S FISH MARKET | SEAFOOD AND GROCERIES ! fish Dressed and Delivered Free t>2s W. THOMAS STREET PHONE 1255 WN Grocery i | FRESH FISH MEATS GROCERIES 2501 ATLANTIC AVE. PHONE 2245-M. j FRESH FISH PHONE 1251 W 304 GOLDLEAF ST, h I BENIAMIN, Prop, WILLIAMS " COMMUNITY STORE 314 GOLDLEAF STREET PLAIN St, FANCY GROCERIES FRESH MEATS DAIRY PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS RATTLE’S CASH GROCER & MEAT MARKET PI?, E. THOMAS ST. Pw Quick Sendee Call 2?“t> '

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