PAGE SIX PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS Slave Conditions Reported In Wisconsin Cherry Camps MILWAUKEE VVL I'ANF'.t Recent exposures in the courts nnd through the newspapers of bad <• >;■ thiions in Door county cherry camps have wrought tin :e just tlilfons under a great deal of criti cism recently. Conditions at the Miller camp were brought <.o', for- : I', in tl. i-übllc a! a homicide trial ,nvci.v thg a woman worker at the camp. A study of the Miller camp hr.; brought out the followi)■; tacts- The workers here am N»*cy,"? recruited .from the south A Negro "padrone" i repot tedly ,vi: . $lO a head for each N< c. ■■ in for the job and takes le < bucket of cherrie- tin y .clt Other cherrv picking •>•••;> -1 > not 'iimtt their help to .V g, These workers .ire n.ualiv m.-i grants, generally from the south A' few northerners who want !o e . some money during vacation also work here The presence of large mini 1 Negroes is bringing up the pr- i of racial prejudice and dit mina - 1«on. With he accompany m ! of various civil rigb' • have cerne protests of conditions by the rr. n- ■ isters’ group and the Milwaukee Journal, the state's largest news paper. Exploitation of workers i a eoni-i Won occurrence Southern newspapers have capn alizfd on discrepancies at these camps to harp on the Idea that inel north talks civil rights but rioc not take action . In Door county are fnui large camps. Millet Reynolds. Marlin and Fruit Growers Co-operative. The Miller and Co-op camps arc the only ones hiring southern Neyroe Martin hires Negro men fron' t;„. Bahamas. In general, conditions at the Co op camp are good, according to •Terry Bates, recruiter. Manage! Lou gee Stedman. said that tie was satisfied with the Negroes' work there and would recruit them next season. He estimated that they averaged $8 a day. Martin and Reynolds camps do not use southern Negroes, but they do have Mexicans, whites, Jar :a- GET YOUR NEWS IN THE CAROLINIAN ADVERTISE IN THE CAROLINIAN NEWS DEADLINE Thursday EACH WEEK IDEAL SHOE SHOP QUALITY SHOE REBUILDING MITCHELL I KHOIRY. Prop. MW BROAD ST. NEW BERN WOOD'S NEIGHBOR! Y GROCERY Groceries, Meats. Vegetables, Fruits, Ice Cream, Notions Patent Medicine. Negro News Dealer. Call 3268 Comer Queen and Bryant L. r>. WOODS, Prop. ROBINSON’S” SNACK BAR 50# KILW A KNOCK ST. SOFT DRINKS, CANDY CAKES CIGARETTES SANDWICHES JOHN ROBINSON. Prop. Stephen Roberts; GROCERY AND PRODUCT 1068 BROAD STREET ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL CLUB 102 711 BURN STREET New Bern's Finest and Mas EXCLUSIVE NIGHT CLUB ENTERTAINMENTf EVERY WEEK ENT) Blount'* Grocery »I 4 MAIN STREET GROCERIES MEATS * VEGETABLES FRUITS DIAL U? 88 NELSON’S BLUE ROOM M 3 QUEEN STREET SOFT LiuKKs CANDY, BLE& CIGARETTES SWEET MUSIC __ , ___ 1 ! " L&SALLE BEAUTY SHOP 341 KILMARNOCK STREET ' "WHERE THERE’S BEAUTY THERE’S CHARM” 'A. Jolmynn AiMr4» Ststn'ev Operator- Dial 43#4 -Proprietor c. ns and Indian-. They i the various i/ioups "bcceti'r vroup prefer ti be among ) ; ople jof their own kind " Their workers received the bette 'lt's ■ f a iccrcalional program and good I,vi ll r rjuartor Tltese three 1 camps arc not mid; much criti- ci.'fn On the otiicr hand, the Mill*? amp i: owned b\ i mm formerly : ■ »( tin ottlh who. ati id•t | r, ml in tile Milwaukee .lourna! said. ap peared to arc fit lit le rcsprnubilil.v f 1 t tlu wolf* ■ .J hi- temporary 1 Nt ..t o employ cs ' the fitii t' tmti-'f fire i? the ’padrone ’* -vaUm as practiced here Under this system, tued in •in- t tie rv and other har\ , camps, the padrone reciu ts Li l iwc.kcis and ic's as thin over>'eer od - paid tor each worker 'hi ;mht in and the work they do ..■ Miller camp it is reported tnai i itbcrn Negur. Howard G'aepo,-. : usually called “Fats" because of hi size, is the padrone He is sat:! to 1 i i.'civi' fell) for each Ncgto biouatit in and I for each pail of chemc i they pick. ; #. , " Jp * Martha Fenner of H-B‘2 « aven prise ns-; Miss Matilda Tenner when several friends as-imbtfd at thr home of Mr and Mrs. lames Edwards of Burn Street. ,<t obrervr tier birthday, Wednesday. August 25th. She is the daughter of Mrs. Martha Fenne rof 11-82 Craven Terrace ami a graduate of West Street High School and DeSha?- zor's Beauty College. Durham. i Her hobby is swing. I CORRECTION Carl Matthews of New Bern is heard o\or Station WIHT each Sunday morning at 9:05 instead of at 8 as published last week, YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST” Vail's Barber Shop 1032 BROAD STREET Rhone 3354, Mrs. K, F. Vail. Prop. Gardner's Grocery "Your Friendly Neighborhood Store Staple. Fancy Groceries Soft Dirnks. Bert 1101 If. St. 5l. Garner, Prop. Diz’s Wood Yard Prompt Delivery Service ALL KINDS OF DRY WOOD 916 Queen St. Chrirlorher Lockey, Prop. hlllyT SANDWICH SHOP Sandwiches, Ice Cream, Roasted Peanuts, Suit Drinks, Beer Tobaeco 1012 Broad St. WILLIAM SIDBERBY, Prop. J. W. Ree*e GROCERY Groceries and Meats 1048 BROAD ST. Dial 4481 f 1 "«*—™ rl " l '■ » Variety Market Better Meats - Eggs - Produce GROCERIES 730 WEST ST. Phone 4763 FREE DELIVERY Waller A, Goodefte Prop Miss Ada Jones. Mgr. | bodie s Smoke Shop The Gayest Spot, In Town 'CIS QUEEN ST. JBleer - Cigarette* - Candy DRAFT BEER FODII HARRIS. Prop, ft FROG POND SERVICE STATION Washing Polishing, Greasing Cor. Burn <fc Queen St. Dial 2.i51 B«er - Smokes. - Candy Albert WAUneM-sunny Bryant SECOND SECTION ' fs3f V.'E •; ' m W V ES , THAT 3 ANOTHER * i fa'zendab \ k iik&f L rFUNNV BUT backwßt Ah ’ SSNOR ■N THE 5tAT£5 WE If YOU HAVE MUCH , USUAUY Trunk OF /TO LEAKN OF ! JAVA' WH -IN V/E. BRAZIL M' / i f vou KNOW, OF VE6, THAT IS QUITE j ! COURSE, SENOR T TRUE / \ TWAT BRAZIL 6UPPUCB YOUR G-RIAT -M F* f ' COUNTRY WlTfi AAORE *9* SENORiTA THAN HALF ITS COFFEE/ M_N\OREZ// J fraj®|||l§l a i { hbtt* 1 ;f rJpjpp vtr A “ jmm ft ■i M' % % M&sl. jbJM... sn \W S\ 1 IT Ti THE CVROUNIAN " USE l. P. EM COOKING rulane B COOKING Water Heating i Refrigeration Space Heating KOP EJ Clean 'jm/cAS f/tksr<Ms mm When a n*w ROPER ©as Rang* Economical takes its place in your kitchen, cook ing becomoi a carefree experience, til You'i.i enjoy this fast ... «!*> n ... Dependable 'convenient wtrvica. Try it with t M Ul U * fi'Oslti'fs Ikjuftfiid rwiioSsuw I" \ f}■ PPj \*V l! ALL RECORDS IN STOCK NOW SELLING AT A SO', DISCOUNT 1 RECORDS USY: BILLY ECKSTEIN -- JOHNNY MOORE Your Favorites And All Your Favorite Crooners j 50G Discount Fill Your Album. 'j Eastern Rulane Sales CORPORATION SELLING BETTER MERCHANDISE TO MORE PEOPLE KINSTON NEW BERN, N. C\ NEW BERN CONTMtnrAi. KtATvats „ - / WMOT A iLOKIODSYOUR*- I HOPE THIS @ C*., /» > DAV'--guor IDEAL L RI&HT,9ENORITAA MIDJET MULE. <| THR TAROT TNI AN r there yon wow FAZENDA.- WHAT DO ) WWAT A s >'O'' you think of it? Tlayout/// . fUSF^SEHORITA '3§|j J§p MOREZ/ COME #iU ;«flff|ii WT QUICKC* ,'TWERE. A L, ":\ 16 »*©■ TROUBLE// / _jy / *jwu A jj§| '''-/.•; .aL .Mi :■ lP*W| /i C e. u££*** mA* .• J i / \^Mms ( JnflßVy ,!r?':- Morth Cai dinabi 1918 cotton: Thv vnu-c corn yield in the crop i> < iiir.a'H r.i 073000 hn!r ; ; m.v.. i <>n> 1937 to 1910 wos 3! 8 48 j-'.r coii. niw'!' ih.-i. ii 452 - , ■ ii*"ls »>•••>• acre: m 1917 the .ivor r|,io bale... harvested l.r-r vi-ar ...v v a 30 5 bushels per acre. fIDEAL RECREATION PARLOR TcSSi. Boor and Cold Drinks, Os All Kinds For Idea) Recreation end Billiard Expert See Charlie CLEAN BALLS AND GOOD STICKS 10J4 Broad Si. Open Soon - Close Late Charlie Elder, Prop. IT PAYS TO Advertise SEE CHARLES SPARROW OR JOSEPH EDWARDS REPRESENTATIVES 729 West Street SECOND SECTTON F TOLD US.eENO'RITA, fBOTH WOULD S£ f THAI HE 15 IN THE. / AMAZED TO KNOW W COFFEE BUSINESS . f THE TROTH ABOUT Jj hI AM AMAZED AT ] THE BUSINESS M IT 15 HA Ml O J UANO ! CONTROL AS-AiN, SEHORITA'\ YOUR. EMOTION? /' i !ME BEATING--- /DO YOU NOT SEE THAT .WEEK ENDING SATURDAY BITPEMBER 4, 1*148? i Smith ‘1 in .'surprised that vou v 1 rnnt v ur wife to g» errund j tellira; th nou-hbotv she made a j ! 'iii ■:.! <>f you. yY' ii doih! hear ; my | j wifi' 'ayin.s that.’ ' .Toni". "No, but *hr *ok! my wife m,.! It* had done her bo:-.!." | For l-oh Ih:*t Are Cleaned i j Ready For The Fan - See its j | Bakers Sea Food j AND i'BUUKi; j fi .l s Queen St. Dial 3658 DOT’S BEAUTY PARLOR RI D I, Box 207A Vanseboro J 'ii The Best Care of Hair and f.atest Sumnif r sti Irs Mrs Dorothy Bryant, Prop, RHF.M AND FORD GENERAL CONTRACTORS Masonry And Concrete Work—Repair Work Oi All Kind# ALSO PAINTING. HOUSE MOVING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION DIAL 2151 lODB N. BURN ST. ! -==r — IT WILL ALWAYS PAY YOU TO VISIT Sparrow’s Surprise Shop The Biggest Little Store In Town. Complete Line Os Groceries » Vegetables - Notions - Drugs - Ice Cream j 723 West Si. Papers and Magaines - Phene 3085 S PARDON ME S'# ''' t ' <A \ " M ’f/}: PLEASE BUT | an idea just f&ZLJ STRUCK ME * PH Let My Boy 10K / Sell The Carolinian ’ ‘ •? For His Vacation Money i _ 4 New Bern Citizens Who Trade With These Advertisers Make This Page Possible ■' Honey Bee Saloon to?, juries S reet phone *433 SEEK, COI.I) DRINKS, CtUABS ,i'V /? CIOARETY ES Good Music. Dancing Nightly Iht Isolated Social Spot Albert \VlWarns, Prop. SPECIAL SALES AND BARGAINS FOR SCHOOL DAY NEEDS FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 10 9 ZIPPER SPORT SHIRTS Were $7.95 Now $5.95 Jo you # Woolen and Gabardine Tunnel Beit Loop Trousers. Latest Patterns—Were $12.95 Now $9.95 to you $» Wc*:,len Trousers—Flat Pockets—Were $9.95 Now £7,95 to you. School Days! SchcnS Children! School Colors! All Wool Button Front Hi School Sweaters Blue and Gold. AH Si*es SPECIAL PRICE TO YOU All Hi School Col'.rs. Stop In— Look Around Your Fashion Shop Where Styles Begin . . . Five Point Pawn Brokers Oapt. Eddie, Prop. 1015 Queen Street PURCHASE COUPON September 2 to the iOlh This Coupon Worth 10c Discount elf every dollar spent between above dates U Save A Dollar When U Spend Ten "en it you spend a hundred -Hurry—Hurry • 1)1 ;E RIGHT CAFE 1014 BROAD STREET THAT'S THE PLACE TO EAT" .Mrs. Henrietta Simmons, Mgr. NEED MOSEY? VVE BIT OR LOAN MONEY ON HOST ANYTHING OF VALLE NEW BERN JOAN ANI> JEWELERS 215 MIDDLE ST. WE TTY OLD GOLD, DIAMONDS. SILVER, ETC. CU B "65" OF Bf: AT FORT Affiliated with Club “65" of 1716 Canal St.. New Bern. Sea Food Dinners A Specialty. Dancing Nightly. Admitted by guest and membership card. 306 Queen St., BEATTOR*, N. C. Malachi Edwards, Owner James H. Davis, Manager Downing Case 1026 BROAD STREET NOTED FOR GOOD HOME COOKED FOOD PHONE 9911 We Loan Money FIVE POINT PAWN BROKER 1015 QUEEN STREET BARGAINS IN NEW AND ISED GOODS E. K. LAND, Prop. Hamilton Grill 803 QUEEN STREET 24 HOUR SERVICE Sieaks, ( hops. Sandwiches FRESH BAR K Ql E. COUNTRY COOKED

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