VVfeSKJK. ENDING h.VI LUUAY, SEI’ItJMDKK i, I'.MS PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS i 7?/£ 14/£'£7C //V J|[ : GOLDSBORO ms. ' iiKmniWTr-rTr Mrs. Emma Mae MeKoy and Mrs. Julia Mae Ruttledge of Foil ; Mitchell, Ala., are visiting their sister. Mr.: Josephine Wiggs ol ; Route 2, Goldsboro Miss Ethelene Watson is spending a two weeks j vacation in Washington, P) iladeiphia and New \ ok, with una fives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Walter Powell and family have ; * returned to their home in Washington, D. <' alter spending a few days with relatives and friends in the city Mis Dora '! Battle and ■ Mrs. Helen Taylor have returned home alter vi.oting relahv-s , and friends in Philadelphia, Newark, N. J. and New Vo Hi City. Mrs. j Ruth' £. Matthews and children of Washington, D. C aie visiting ; her mother, Mrs. Lucy Lane, and family on Olivia Lane. The exe ; cutive committee of the North Carolina Teachers Association held j a special meeting in Raleigh. It is the la. l l session of the boa i j during the administration of Prof. James T Taylm of Durham who wiil be succeeded in office on September by Prof. H. V Brown Goldsboro, N. C. Reports of the committee action dealing with equality o! salary I and advancement opportunity tot members of the North Carolina , Teachers Association and efforts to secure appointment of colored : citizens on policy making boards and committees in charge of edu cational affairs in the state were received Committees were corn minded for work done in each case, and were asked so continue following up their initial efforts. Financial reports showed a steady increase in tne revenues of the association annually since 1944. The bank balance for the year cf 194-4-45 showed 57,380.34 for 1945-46, $14.202.70, Mr 1946-47 balance plus investment in building $19,042.96 and a cash balance of over $18,000.00 likely at the end of the current fiscal year. Acting on this information a payment of SIO,OOO to reduce amortization ; on the home office building from 539 !05.c0 by that amount was j voted and a check made to N. C Mutual Life Insurance Company : for a special presentation. APPOINTED TO JOB Note in the ad columns of this paper by the Electric Sales and j Service Company, 205 East Walnut Street *n Goldsboi with the photo of R, B Sykes anouncing that Mr. Sykes as asociated with the company as salesman. This is the first time that a colored man in Goldsboro has been given a position *hke this by a company like this in Goldsboro. Ths shows that the people of the other race are- beginning to see and know that we have people of our race •who are just* as capable of handling their sales as members of ether races. Mr Sykes is one of thousands of our race who are just as capable. Your cooperation in supporting Mr. Sykes in his new position will be greatly appreciated b> the Electric Sales and Service Company. Give every business who supports this page as ; * much of your trade as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McDuffev of Jersey City are visiting tne»r : brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. William McDuffev. at 1704 N. John Stieet. Mis,- Glumes Darden a nr.-- nces the marriage ot . her mother, Mrs. Oppie Lee Williams, to V\ illiarn Hern on Aueu? '■ : < 19, The ceremony was conducted at the home of the bride by to-' He A B Daniels. Those present *rt Tne Rev. E. Dantet». Mr. and Mr« Odessa King, Mrs. Emma Jane M egan. Mrs Hilda j Buffalo, M;s. Glennie Lewis. Mi u nd Mrs Oscai Williams Grant I Ford and Verna Baldwin. Little Miss Cea’. Lev.as, the daughter ot j Mrs. Gertrude Lewis, 117 W. Elm Street, ciad Mono a * August 2. i The funeral was held Thursday. August 26 at St. James AML Church at 3 pin Burial followed in the Elwood cemetery Mrs. Pauline Blackman DeVane the wife of Comrade Herman DeVane, died at heu home on South James Street August 21 Tin funeral was held Wednesday, August 24 2 d m at the Episcopal Church with the paste officiating. Interment followed in tin Barnes cornet-try The Rev E. F Mo: pan ot Wilson attended the (funeral of Mis. DeVane The Rev Mr. Morgan h-s just returned ] from a ten day vacation in Florida Mr- W;lle*te Stark is spending { her vacation in New York City with relatives and iriendt. Pioi *>H V. Brown, C. I, Bland and William Gavin have teturned home I al'tei visiting the Dillard boys and girls in Brood brook, Conn They j report a very pleasant trip. Mrs. Margaret Williams Childs and children. Jean. Ricky, and j| Anita oi Philadelphia, Pa. arc visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ' Lewis Williams of Newton Grove, N. C. David Childs of Philade.- phia, the brother-in-law of Mrs. Childs, h, ■ isiting tin Williamses n Newton Grove. Mr. Childs is the cousin of Mr and Mrs E A Thornton. Mrs. Willie Mae Taylor Creech Street is home after graduating from Shaw University wit'- the 6, S degree at the Summer school commencement exercises Auugst 17th. GOLDSBORO BRANCH OF THE NAACP HOLDS IMPORTANT MEETING The Goldsboro and Wavne County Branch of the NAACP held j iu- regular meeting Tuesday night. August 24, at the St. John AML Church, North Goldsboro with the president Waiuu Atkinson, presiding. After the opening of the meeting hv the- president, prayer was j offered by tne Rev. M. W. Morgan, pastor st African Baptist. A. j; report from K A. Thornton showed that the secretarial books ha 1 ; been checked and were in good condition and ail membership dues jj were up to par This report was received and adopted. The presi dent. Walter Atkinson, presented Attorney H L. Taylor ot Raleigu, j N. C. who spoke on the value of “Leadership and Cooperation Among cur People”. Lawyer Taylor was down in the interests ct the case of Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan who are about to lose their home be cause of a forged note on the home. Attorney Taylor stated that j the case had been transferred to A higher court, Altei listening to Attorney Taylor's address the group voted to support the Fiana • • gam's in their fight for their right** by making a donation from ] tine NAACP Defense Fund tor the case, at which time a committo of five were appointed by the president to meet ana state i ii e amount to be given for the' cause. The meeting closed to meet at : St. James AME Church N. John Street September 30th. Walter At kinson, president, William Aldredge, secretary. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS s At the meeting of the American L-gicn Auxiliary on Sunday, August 22. at the home of Mrs. Ida Holland, all plans were dom- j pie ted and the unit voted to send Mrs. Agg-* Mae Forbs as delegat.; ; to tile state convention in Asheville September 19-13th Other! delegates who will accompany Mrs Forbes are G. E Wilson, Zachary Holland, and E. A. Thornt n The Goldsboro delegation will leave : by car early on the morning of September 10. THORNTON'S TEEM AGE CASINO TOPICS Activities at the Casino have been very quiet toi the past 30 , days because of the polio restriction on th gathering of children j under 16 years of age During that time the management wish* to ! anounce that the Casino has been given a double coating of paint oi light blue trimmed in cUuk brown. Now as the polio situation j. seems to be improving. Activities will soon be back or. the bail 1 again as as the boys and girls are "orn-ng ’■emu and getting ready i j for school. The annual Labor Daj Frolic will be given for the seen-Agers at the Casino on Labor Day Sootember Cth from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. All Teen-Age boys and girl? are invited to attend ; Joseph F Blue. Jr. has returned home after spending some time j in New York: with relatives and friends, Mr. Blue plans to enter j College a:. Shaw- University in September. ■, Mrs Lucille Lee and son. Grant Lae have returned home after ; YOU WILL FIND : newest' styles ; < urn nn‘“iirriT l, TrTtfnTi[ - 1 • -‘trri —irrr iTy miTimi'n'-Tniinmiri-innrunrmnmTTUT] lM^MiiiiiiMiiiTiTwiiwwntiriiininrwiwriwiWirwiiiniiifwiiMiwMiiTriwMiw ~*W: m - i gm - VISITING IN N O R T H CAROLINA Mis, Margreit Williams Cniids and children, jean an I Ricky ot Phi la deiphia, ?a, ara vHitixnj her visiting relatives in S,.uth Carolina Little- William Biyaiit, Jr. of . Philadelphia, Pa. is venting his aunt -o Devercaux Sti eet. Little Bryant a former u>- - <>f i -mp N.,. iu: R.-v Sn-uts oi America. GYPSY BEACH PARTY Mr amt Mrs Amo.- Cox. AL and M, T.-noth? L. Parks and Mi and Mis John m.;.tny f. Par;-:-, v. .. : ■ '.i.ur.pjnn iixhe: mc3kLet '.Ti -.unday, dec.d-i.f f go i<. B-'-iuloit vvlirit* we found the fish biting e\i-ee-dinp ... i: Afi ■ a mcoi t atch, v., started towards home Soa ■ , ru . ogget d that v-. > sttv at Hiilciest ana a:.); perm.- n u t,. . ok as. t -ai to. n- ii winch we did and .eta:nc-d ii n.-- '.a\un .-pent av- p- tip p.omabie an.l enjoy able weekend. The folio win. 4 ■■uni tie w.-.-ken 1 .u ■';■ otic B. ach S C Vi- and M:- F i. i M M . Km J Glynn. M. ..' Mildred Mihuun-. Mi and M if ti Lone, :v; lie.,- , M.ddleton and *rY :0! - i: -' "' • ' '"-“V f.ivvMiM trio. Mi - Annie ntiodes of? Jam.ii, ~ ' vi- itm- . dsucht,. Thornton, a.id family at mm Dt-ve,.-au>; S’. f INC ST WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY Rf.pairing Eastern (.aroiinfi Precision Works I m ORMOND AVENUE GOT DSBORO j Wht:n You Hiuqrove. Don't Think G? insurance But When You Think Os Insurance, HARGROVE i Insurance Co. Eire Accident-Health-Life -Hctpiial-Bonds | 426 Soulh St. Goldsboro. N, C, Electric Sales And Service Co. 205 EAST WALNUT ST. PHONE 365 i , . ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT R. B. SYKES IS NOW' ASSOCIATED WITH THEM AS SALESMAN ! CATERING TO YOU GOOD PEOPLE AND YOUR NEEDS . . . KINDLY CONTACT HIM IL TOR ANYTHING IN THE ELECTRICAL LINE t j APPLIANCES OR WIRING. WE CARRY i ! BENDIX WASHERS IRONERS OR DRYERS ' G. E. APPLIANCES ! (NIVERSAL RANGES and WATER HEATERS KRE.SK Y FLOOR FURNACES and ’<** HEATING EQUIPMENT EUREKA VACUUM Cl EANERS I MAYTAG WASHERS COMPLETE LINE OF SMALL APPLIANCES « : DOMESTIC OR COMMERCIAL WIRING an iininimiumi niFiTiinr i ' u m mill i r~;,«sssLj i THEHtB DEPARTMENT ‘STORE G O LDSBOR O, N. C. * i' man—wiwun»uiumiwi«i mrnmir riiMwrrtnnMytwifmr-n {SECOND SECiiOT. "i* jpjj parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lewi-. Wiiiiam 1 : in Newton Grave. N. C, Mrs. Childs, formerly of North Carolina is the cousin of E. A. Thrmion, 111E CAKULINIAN $1,600 SWINDLE ! SENDS “LAWYER”! TO NEW YORK JAIL NEW YORK (ANPi A man I ! v.-.'-.u described hmisi-.it a- a lawyer ' from Missia.-ippi was beinv . «ld in j ’’bail of ssii,()ou this week following I :.- arrest u\ complaint.- charging : grand larceny and forgery. He i--- Adolph bell, a former ■Chit s ;oan who arrived tieie 1 is! -I-.''ti • with "a head full of ideas ■ jo making millions.'' The Mispeci, arranged before . Manate Eugene Canudo last iWCck. v.-i- sehcdtilcd m apjicai- in i min t . : :.iii on Tuesday. Bell con fessed everythinv, police said, and |cii. mu-: -.hat in- ha,, been, •'ibm.k-l ; utg and praying about this mess j ■ vt.'i ;, day arH >' I went wrong. ' But the cop were nut sure Iliac I Bt.l has not been wrmi., befor- For one thing, they reported, a man by the same name is wanted in Robbins, 111. i Bei] explained to police tliat in ml to Chicago from Aberdeen , Miv tea vim- hi- wife, Kinder. In bind. Once lie had arrived on Hi. snuthside. he said, -clu-.'.es star' is : "running through r. y r. id j Tt.e complaint against Beil was - 1 ' h< a by John Robbins a Harlem i bushiers man who had io.-r the right j*° sell stock m the Manhattan Home Builders corporation fast April. A few weeks latei Eeii ai i wit a-, town oi t?n man with r. plan m t- ■ - i'.inea n; w»*|, j ■,. .. ■ roe ii,. Hiile.i; Hoine Buildeis •oi pe-i .Ulor. c.llO ~ tai e oKay tioin Attorney General Nathaniel Gold- Hem who te.id reporters mat ihe •■gnatures on Beil's phony pape; • | had been forged Bf-tor. this dis i coyer v v.iti.-uh howevei Bell Hi.id allegedly clipped Robinson :. mor< than $1,600 in caUi AEC. ADOPTS I*ol K \ AGAINST jiVl ( ROW WASHINGTON, D C -- As-ie me. tit at the Atomic finer; , rt,m iiission is inserting a non-di 1.1 im . -nation clause iri its contract: with i-m\..i,- employer.- was giv. n the NAAt p Labor Department Ho •vt-ck by Oscat Smith Acting 11. ■ rector Office of Organization and ■ . Per: oiinel of ’lit- Commi ..n.,. Itie NAACP s inquiry a..’ , :* Hon tii.d the claurt- b- ini-luL d were based or; pieviou c.'.nf*-. - ■ 'ice- with Comnnssion >.ltii iai: -.lii itig Which some donbl U., t- • !■ ■ r.i-d h> 'die AKi. rcpi.: sculatu ■ i -0 W-liflt,. : ti, .■ clause a.;- i.-quii cd f* l '' A- in natn.'ii s l.abor Scci* f-■••.■>’ C larence M. Mitchell ,• --ut in making public hi- informa tion from the Goiiimis.siun. ttiai in- I ..iu:. w.il la an important tactui i m cutting down disci inin,-.ti..n ' dgamst coioi cd pci suns m iin new field of producing atomic e-nci.yy ' . Af-s.x iatkm branches in k- v .n.,- pirln.y all i’cd K. n jjoi t n. !lu ' Natn.i.nl Ott Ct on of di:- : crimination in this field. whies. 1 they arc unable to -ettle locally. Among ihe important contiac- : *oic l.- tli*- General Electric Cum- i I : -bv the C.iipide and Carbon cor poration and tin Dupont Con.- j pa ay Biack :i,aijii is taking a heavy | i'll ot tobaCCO ill Js.ne- ( Stllilly MS® ’'*** *i' mm m J lif; mm f • r i n mM 4 ' ' v if?* : Bl :;* x -km CAROLINIAN REPRESEN TATIVE Harvey Peterson, 105 West Hillsboro Street will distribute the CAROLINIAN to the people of Ml, Olive and vicinity, Mr, Petcison is a high i sckol student at Carver High School. If you fail to gel you* CAROLINIAN see Mr. Peter son, He w*ll see that the CARO LINIAN gets to you Kis hob bies are basketball and music. MOUNT OLIVE NOTES Mr and Mrs. Harry Peterson ot Philadelphia are visiting their par ents. Mrs. Bertha Peterson and ■ Mrs Hat«< Newell on Hillsboro St. Mr* Eii-a Newkirk and sister. Mary Lee ate visiting relatives ati«i lnends in Kit mnond, Va. Mr wd ,li Henry Faison are ‘Visiting m Burlington. ;\ls~ :-.i , din Herring Baylo= retiinied front Alabama StnU ; whin- he served a.: Librarian tot the College. Thoi'Ctin Crianettie is home after * i-r i ■ jrr>> n BS. Degree at Hamp ton Institute- on August 20th Mr Ci t.-iti- ttie i- planning tu enter Me :borjv Medical School for the study cf Medicine in September. Mr. and Mrs George Washing* , ton have returned home alter ■ t;r]ifiij. tpnir vacation ur Phila delphia and New \ ork. Mi and Mrs Timothy Herring and daughter. Montriva have re turned to Ph ladflphia after -.pend ing ivvw week- v.-H'-attori with le lu iive :u.d ti uds .n the city. Douglas Sampson of Baltimore. Md.. is vi-.'ting relatives in the city Miss Mayme L Fowler of Pine Blulr Ark and Clifton McDonald of Norfolk. Va., and John Best o? VV -shin,gton D. C have returned ; o thesr home alter being the guc-s.. n! Mi Ernt-tiiie Herrine Bay tut tcliuing t!u v.erk Petu 1 h Herring,: bed August 23. at Ute State Sana i toi itin, aftei a long, period of ill- ; ■ ■ , Hi leaves to mourn his death 1 two Mins pearl F Herring. Jr j i l„utiily Herring oi Philadelphia.. Pa., ] pnid two daughters. Mr- Ernestine- I jll Bavlor. and. Mis Na-imi Wash-] Img ton. Funeral was held Friday j *ugin't 27 3:00 p. rr. at Payne- j Temple AME Zion Church with I j the Rev. Mi Newby officiating j | Burial fr. I lowed in the Mt Olive-] ;cemetery Out of town friends at ; tending the* 1 urit-ral ■were-: Roland: Allison :-l Clinton: Miss May me F i Fowler, of Pine Bluff, Ark.: Mr ] | -md Mrs. E. A. Thornton, and Miss] : Mattie B Best of Goldsboro, ana j j John Best of Washington, D C ™~ i Je»trtis»an*.i Grocery for (irwtric# Meats « MEVF-REAUX STREET ! RKfc I*LI a VERY ANYWHERE KOKIN HOOD M OUK" ItlONl 1589-3 ir COVIMINITY SERVICE station GAS AND OIL 1311 N. C.REENLEAI ST. COLD DRINKS AND BEER PHONE 947-J 11. L. JACOBS, Prop, | Parrott's Shoe Store ! i NATIONALLY KNOWN ] BRANDS FOR THE ENTIRE family loti VV WALNUT ST. Your Credit I« Good At : : \ U FURNITURE 115-117 Estsf Walnut St. j GOLDSBORO Rbwrr-ft' amau -.-e.-Hiiit/wgigitwnr.: jfrWfftiiYY* A ft* >7. >’V:' SECOND SECTION ID. Democrats Rights ami FEPE Plank * CHICAGO (ANPi minor- Democratic leaders i.’aiin- up with ; a constructive shite- plattunn hetc Thursday, in their all-out tight to i oust tin GOP and Gov. Gioen ud i mlnisintdon from office in the i November election?. Under Chairman Richard ,1 Du | ley, former state senatoi, 1 1 Deo i ocrats pledged le> enact a fair em pluyment practice-.': e-omm.-s-i,.. act and approved die- c.vil : irnt plan adopted uv the Philadelphia eon ! venticn Other pledyo, inehui-'f io t bate* of -ales tax funds to cities and <;l\moi< shoe SMART WEARING APPAREL Fl>R WOMEN 10] SOl'Til C ENTER ST. ; BLACKWOOD ASSOCIATE STORE GOLDSBORO, N C SEIBERI.LNG TIRES ;oi W. WALNt ( Si •ituart Uai iii > A pliiteu Radios A 1 r 0 LOA MS Wayne Finance Co. DRIVE IN IO BORROW | lames l tii\‘+to6 PAGE SEVEN Lohlsboro Merchants And Business Persons Made This Page Pos sible. Live them Your Trade. Prospects it u the Hinder ton County burn crop (tits year are ex cellent '■ municipalities. diverting other ; .-tales revtnwf to local govern ments. increased old ate assistance ] and rigid < < forccment of minUig 1 j saft-tv laws she policy mapping I was done in the sweltf-ring panoiS j of the Morrison hotel. | SUTTON - LEWI'S | Furniture Company 124 i:. Mulberry St. Keasfinable Prices lit A FURNITURE OF QUALITY .A.. ' lIIOMPSON’S Sl-PER WASH AND SELF-SERVICR LAUNORT 90S N. JOHN ST. » LBS. 35c PER MACHINE Mrs Peart Smith, iVlgrs. I Huh Hardware COMPANY 9 ANYTHING ELECTRICAL • IANS 9 HEATERS m APPLIANCES i ... t OR THE HOME * KITCHENWARE # RANGES • KELVINATORS * WATER HEATERS 126 East. Walnut St. LANCASTER^ )I UOR.-v it)US—W ui. PAPER STYLISTS WE SCO WATER PAINTS PHONE 1115 l‘« f WALNUT STREET NATIONALLY ADVERTISED j JEWELRY JN CREDIT .Vi CASH FRIt to j Tru-Gem* Jeweler* 132 CENTER ST PHONE 549 <«: - irsnrsanaaßßi TOE; l>li.li iOUS DINNERS 'STOP A I s Soda Shoppe 33:; S. JAMES ST. “A ft F« IAEIY EVERY DAY’ j I BORN TON N TEEN AGE CASINO AND Shaving Parlor ! SANDWICHES, SOFT DRLsEs ID t REAM 567 Alvin Si. T V, ihernton, Prop ! . DeVANE ALTO REPAIR SHOP I We Service AH Makes or Cats 313 S. JAMES ST PHONE f»63-J Herman Sit-Vane, prop. i Moye’s Grocery I aiu y and staple Groceries ] Fruits and Vegetables 40i SOUTH JAMES ST. PHONE 9134 DOCK’S PLACE j GROCERIES FRESH MEAT’S OT ALL KINDS C'oiuplete News Department, Magazines, Etc. JAMES MO YE. Prop. 052 W’ Pine St. Phone 9199 Club Ei Morocco One Mile Out Mount Olive Highway in Home Cooked loud and Brer Open Sundays 4 p, at Z a. m. Week Days 7 p m.-2 a. ut. ! .....UN mm.m,■**•**.—•,*. i,, . M „ ~ T-HTS-n.-- --r-„ Silver Moon Bar ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS BEER 229 VV. PINE STREET AS I V SWIFT. Mgr.