PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page 1 Mrs. E. Lewis could, and tivt.v alv e- uskt d »'«• tl> fO!lU‘ ..n*H K. A rtft.'Oi liny v. ts made a!' tb affair <i;i-.' “Aunt 1." ’id node; t? her head : a us :>ho ! hti own v. i. < atyiru:. 'Tin passing, but then alw-iiv: : to cio sotc tiling . I■" • b’.t' bunged an, rn'Jit now. nut I’ll h ■ out . tK-re soon a quin," Service »o humanity and fait,' in the I. **d has been AL.. Lewi , “walking stir.k do’.v •. many .ii those lent, dark roads' Wake Forest h<>pos that she will be able to contirn'f to ure it ter many years come. Racial Slurs t-rnor, there me oiiicis - h ■ mi- .•! Whse! WENDELL H A I V G E msi M h 54- 22 R E ' A S G T E In The East NO BLOCK A Sale Every Day YOUR BEST TWO SALE MARKETS L. R. CLARK and L. R. CLARK, Jr. Props. I BERNARD STAR WHSES. LEADING WAREHOUSES ON THE j | "sell Yinjr tobacco' mm the leaders. heading Entire State In Prices | Ist Sale . . . And All Day | Sale Every Day in New York feels abottl Ihe gi Uie opinion that he wilt be -s shuo-j in in November Arkansas I nix. j few who eat, qnolifv for admit-! lute ■ to f;r*du;He of the' . • ui'H- : v. .!•; to,III ! V ri' dir.: I, j : eellev.' ’ the euitori il said. Jne -Mi .eitt i.din t.U-ti lo tL. medic;.i oh- , j the basis of merit placed; I kiy'n among the nuitdreds v. ho toon j tie rig rous apt nude tests pro-1 i. ; y the As sot at ion f Xmri'- . iCitii .Yeolcal CnMc.evr. NO soft'Xl. PROBLEM Ay ai ■. the faculty and white C : r*ud'-’iits are concerned, "nr. grave , p ;. ,l problems arc likely to re -; a ! suit.'’ since non.- arose when i'■ NTi si'o idudent admitted to tin- Is'v school .ai F.iyeUeville J ■ j'; ‘ ■ ii. f i r'.i !<'• in ado• ~ *. ji: ‘ N. • :oil Hie -ol; i,a ,1 it. has pik-.'l ;)k yun of toe i nitil's coi,so.lit critic.- at .1 ol h<s- • ■ impatient radicals w'.o -eik to v.Uter dove die v-I.oV ia.i-Hlui >.ii •. ■ i sign, a on iU a blow. The , ■ rsl bit-n the fsccllei iace , :elation:- enjoyed hi tie; tale :<:.d tin uitri-sl in Oklahoma i mark ret i "Ol ; .lal'ioiiiii's record iff' to \ .•.,ie .. (i. S. Suj s' me canll , |. i s maim ;o admitting a Negro i I law .student, tiv crcatio.'. a ■ ~i , me ! llIC.v tli folio*>l. b | tall- ii. so doinb ha.,. !• trought on a ph* nt! of law suits and vl' eilt faculty member;:. Hirer Die I, !,u.! *,V. 1 1 an ii' r curni . :iy : . Tuapam moci: t no- • killed wm -s Md'eii N Kaufhen. lit Id t New Yt. : y-welrv rail * a.uoi, si.s ( Mi: Iji.r- thy Carlci', 24, aid i’vli- ( Doiird.y Carter. ;««. lialsumre .*•• • rot •. The bit* M si ii r first err.•••bed l. !u a chit drive', by ?.|.*.e :**.’.i----. it.* Was.'n i r. ; t n! i 1 1*111., Su '.Vv.t/ I! ,It as<-d 1 j'.'.n; *l. In: ; * t.'il t* • . ’' l ( jin*. n! ot injui •‘ v Both id the <.v ci v. me: wo. < I::lied n lilt* It: is.' 11 c aa ! : ■ 11 t (•tin s v. esc mi tri. t On u., h* pita!'.- envea! I. ; s* 1 fvi* .* Bi'On.ley. 2.' and C ••• i Bowen. 12 both IMS' , ill* ’VII Cm The ear di ;v* n by John T Tara- : fas, 30. of N't*.*, s-.o' n. Pa., plow- . cd ndi' the wreck..go Hr was 1 rented «t , h.wpit.,l aimig with a I companion. Thomas Koerha; t. 2!.i. Os Is-, tillctlieni. P. . Another if the injured was MM iiam Floyd. 36, of Ken :■ i Hill;* I. i I liiu{ Partv j *Jt to;'. « ;• l.Htr* Hi- Stud* I . ieu' • the GChc.iOi of r'.OCGli i*ClVst:e; I nCr..:-iSlratic:t at Uu* University F.vA crac'ioyed v(T?istra r <1 ’ : Wilbc-rforce Me. Heed has .served for the past 20 year? as a soci:d : worker sot the Un .cd Chf:rnie> oi Mrs. Reed one of the found [ ej; a;id a h-rraer presidviu ot th*. | ; , South Slide Comnvar.)ty Art Ceti | rof Chicago. She is also a mer..- ! ij'-r of Alpha Kappa Alpha Souo •• • U. h e AME Chinch and Local XX. Lnitv d Office and i a old. Wur k oi' *j i Amer -c a. (.'JO 1 A'W iinnn«flonian i> r* Nanie<l Grand t rustee ] erov jordar. Gounselor a* Lav. wi • > now resides at 58 Broad Sir.-’ Eh/adH'th, N, J. was ur.a.n irani;sly eieeled Grand Trustee ol i\w 181-OE ot W. A• >v Jorcum i'orrrerly '•*’ V *:• i iniLpTi. ha*- tnao. ;• fine record lot h arid also the . talc* tiL.o p- * FnECOND section MANY N. & ELKS A T CINCINNATI CONVENTION BV KI'OENJ S. POTTS Tile Ne : Ii !. ,u Headquarter? was located at 433 Wm 7th Sfr*.v’. 1 C ncnnCt 1 . Oli u, >.vi l l> Pro. Cirant Bell of Greenville, N. scrvie.g i as host. Hiotber Hell wc. uMly .'lesi-'.iLu ,*. Da i■. 1i: I**l*-' fa nura Baird Slat" ; : .i*:*u* :■:*.. who Mei -.e ! a csiaii • '.v i, o i rat i< n. Sena of Hit :,. :iy D.uifd’.M . - .id Bills *■' : ■ •* -!,-:*.*d all- a:, follow'?: ! Sn ith, Hu-Knrv; ! . o * Avi. l , A Sue ill. Net tli Se st;-, , Choii ‘uan. M'-w Be: ii. l. :tu y, leb- . Green villi : 'tlagg.e Jon i:. •: Roof . viount; (.< A Moon *-,!-.;• Vic R ; - Hi,:.'. M, -.•. id*. vV K I, v. *<iim ’-ni R (•' Lei V. M < 1 1 ..i*:i ! ( ri.iii l-t, li. .. J bar el. t h I *.'- <,: and St;.* *t I'Ustl’i', .1, 11 : I.* *, WushuH • . Mam I Hicks , : ft:ta Coburn. W 11 .1 m. • , -'i• Si-cn l;,i . , Pli/abel i • L( ii;. *'. V';I; * * * lilt' o,l*o Gll't.i A1 Ul .' Mil .nil Kata* S S.tmm I Wit; i.ui-Salem. Mi Margie Parham. N’erwoo.l !\ 7'. C \ , ,ted tile N. C to :ld !::; l i *ti !*:, as gIU-A of Jfltlle: Hawk • IS, Hawkin . Durham: Limy 11".n.l. Ore, in ile Pit.l Lo.!'*.*■ ( ■ ■ t: V.: . • ■ M *ii * ; :oi■ J A P-. te’ijy ifurmith i i Ch .ilonei nov. of Wales bury. Conti.; Rubt Hail, Grand !"■ pector of N C vV.'-bhigton, i/ Clara Cri". i tt Charlotte; Mamie Air. -ij'.arg. Ci.arli 1Y ret ha Ah t'.i.-iiu 1 Charlotte; ‘1 H* at. F- S Potty. Alty i P 11. ' I-, Kitv. SPO T TING & JOTTING Jv EUGENE S. POTTS Club .*■• !!; ■ *,, of P''■ fine- ni?nt spots, is si'll pack :ng T o a* • •.; and cozy utembt i*sh!p cUd* tuanaged fcv the very pnt>ulat V.i-. :*.;;a is a •riti.H’nt *tghi to behold. Bi-autn'ul n.'.lnu a", ;n ttvoly arruriffet*. with stiver tints hod *; '.. i:h v* t*. c ■-:■ ai'*:*. we I! d. i , . . sdliont; •*- L.ncu'.g along the wall • in •;> ... t i S n'.da;* It open every niglit . . erit' :: *: : . n. -Lt or !.*. >«;• ij! request C J «. -... o I, Mai log and coni in I tii'ii.M\ bring;; d. v.i, a-.;. * wish u;> u. date song hits. Uukt Winn-, t . 1 /h o■ ' t:,i ptrir.i . ,*i ! iy :»«. uttt'.g some :••*.,;%• arid keeps ' p'.h' vmo and ; - nd.-' Ligging lot some a.., n-iY, , .on, \ ''Gone" continues to please . . •*;•.* * * m.s v'-th )A'i . s ■ainct-O. Mu>;; 1 t. wy* patron,- .a o Lti ; ng their hair down Sunday r.jg'ut. x. V. Yam Coy. Pn ~ Pa; Ric k Mill, -S. C„ Gas t'-nia. N. C. . :t,i aidiier places were well recreretifeJ ~:*. i : m2 1 ) i.i , St., o il M. nd.ay, Augu-a 1 3a: : - ( ) t , aMend the L, :t Carer Convention M: s V . Li. u- h■ j ..:per repuMcr. Sit the i i> t ■ visit : friends in Now Yot k City Yb.iii.i: . :.••*.:•• ~:e Ust the eity F: i.lav night. August 2?th for Ktlsburgh’ Pa 1..-. if l.’.iv, Isint of 141“ Bli.iii St . forme*** football sta- of Living .-.turn- C;iag leu l i* Nt .*. Y>>*k City Friday, Augu-t 27th. Danny Means, Jr oi Atlanic is -ih. y his grandpasents, Mr '; r.d Mrs. David R Moans, S, ‘ fiko S M 'Dowc-11 St. M; -. So. :. 'T; yvaii,'! oi tjilit S *D *. has returned Inm <1 Samaritan and is rapidly improving George !Y,t i;> was funern listed Sunday, August 29th. Park., know' as Pi I .;*• . mg e.ri le,-, v-,.- ,* - tirne an outstanding li xer. He w. • thi "Withe ot Chaih- F* i.Hunkiet P.v, r s f"r nerly ■ ie r' r l:*ie New r. ; Ke.’li s :<>\v |■ loye: nr-nui'ei ot t>it* Greens -1 ~ Go-*-!, ji lb ii Wing.- Tin dee . > i ri-:ucd ai U2l S Alex andra St. THF, CAROLINIAN PHIS WEEK IN CHARLOTTE Earle, and John Edw. Moore, ! 1 Charlotte State Deputy Jasper Carpenlei i >nd Mrs Jasper Carpenter, Win ] Ston Salem; Geo. K Greene Gold ;, E. E. Tolbert. Geo. H. Sim \a, . Gtiihi.'* Holloman. Welles No i. J. S Bl.'Ckin* Winston-Salmi, Willi.** A. Harris, Charlotte: J. Hint a H T Ross. Winston Salem; R 1 ! Clara: CHARLOTTE PASTOR PREACHES IBPOEW MEMORIAL SERMON Chaiolu Ciiui'i-..- .should f»el, *■ -I* ;.Hied ot the Grand Chaplain in a.. ili'-’oE ot W. the Rev. j* F 1 i'lvt- On, nf tin nigitlights of the con —* l * ,n m i•.einnati was the am i'.*i! Nt i inl Sermon delivered •.*. ••*!-. v • ..cholarly and diristian :I actor, the Re*. Me Davis. >; • hi y uly and masterfully : livi-red a soul stirring message " *isubject. *'Fi aleftt.ii Idealism" The Rev Mr Dav.s. a - •isH’d by hi . tnany assi.-tant grai.J chapl:i*i.* u**m all part.-; of die co'.iitt ■■ v is* .iblv ioci lii, devatioti al M*-I*\;thmugfiou; the COI.-.CI*. tinn. Tn* Gr.ipd Cr-aplai:; ha nci nßv traveled out • i. We-t Cua-t .>:id ..el *,iu si v val lodge- and al.-., laid 'he ion tin many oth.-r: He ha:- til -'i ity a, -t i. . r deputy m Ire I' S and i*at;..*ia. haviiiL nieii :*p|•oiu'.ed •; '•• f 1 and E -:.,l 1 1 it hub .1 K .i‘ ' vV ilson. The Rev. M; Davit r lit, fir:-t Grand Lodge olficet appulnteii ■ :ri Noi*;h;* h in aurnoei ol year*.' C Da ■ . gi'iijuate *f .1 id':: roll C Smitii b ;-at v t'h.ii a it, and i an uiitstand.iig* Pr« iy • , i;.U li'lhliso : On The Beam With Gene By EUGENE POTTS • Businiais might be lagging and opporiimitlns iol so tine, But vou -I,iU get ahead if you rtnr* or lime . . , j ■ When you ar< up, *' so-called friends'* always hons* at ound, But when you fall t&ey will umti you d^wn It is nice to be talented and iim to have skill, But remember it is very advantageous to ' good • i .Polio is raging again in the land, | God is -till power and the ruler of man. . It is more expensive to be savage than it is to b*r ui' Sc why try in bi a holy te-ror when it is a’l in vain. . The ballot is the instrument that we all should use. ! Please use it con ectiv on the candidates you chyo* . When the null it . hue*.* been counted. and you have won ill*. B n, He -cio* to watch your step b-cause theie will be a reflection It you d-.Mi't want to Ret wet in the he avy i.-;n L.-v pure la* tin- ati-nu before the .harrii'uiit i ‘Che v.ute. rna\ seem fine to Billy m Jim, But don't v ntiiii it il uiu cuii't swim. All f Is ait* not di ad nor in the proper institution, Bui why try to deny them the* right.-, of then ■ oivtitut; m. il youi* eyes are filled with beams and •< ■<. e Whv try to knock y*nir fello’.vrnan t -.-■ Lttie ru-*!.'’ o.u Major League Negi. r- an* a-tting a fine pace. We have ..non aid ‘that • kill and aoilitv duo*! depend »>n th race ” ( VV.* want jiirt an opportunity because we lave the will to do. •' And nine times out ot t<*.. we'li beat H- 'M out of yo., in ~l’det to have a chance to equally comp-tv. Our competitors we are always compelled to • ! Most Northerners try to classify tie , S .tin ~ Inoth.,*'.'.-* a: fooois. because the Northern broths:* studie.; with either*. ..,er.- and enj*.>y the same swimming pools. P.ut when he finishes he very .seldom gets a position in the ■so called Northern democratic sehoiTs jWo are very proud 1 the U S. A i And try to Le patriotic ;n evt ry way ' But is very Paid to be loyal m L*,*. n, I When yi.u aiv denied you; us.nL and pushed a. ound When asked aljou! lii r ; ,■ ciiizetibbip tiu *, . ~ >.. a f< i i • excuse Yet it is always easy to give heavy work .*id pL.nty of ibu.-*e . • A time may c. ,mc that may cause yea sorrow. So treat people right today and they mav help you tomonow The Negro belongs to a very humble and lryal race, Yet always reminded about staying in hi.-, peace, He has never been guilt; of assasination n,>; treason. • If rigid and justice would only prevail We could do away with court* and the jail . '])• ,<r l eaders, Time and again you have said you wanted rny column “On ■ the Beam with Gene”to get back in cn'*u; l .don, *<.> now I am asking you to show your appreciation by suppo ring this paper. ; Not being "Ego*’, but this column isr’t * asilv wr«tt< n a requires plenty of tinv and thought, to thyme this phil< sophj ano in the meantime try to keep it modern : We are offering a surprise gift to the person whose name shad appear weekly in Charlotte';*? sect ion ! ;;•■}:j person this issue it. Clay ton Lorthorp, 1417 Winn ii red. Please n pert at 422 ; 2 K 2nd • St. Room 109 Sat., Sept. 4th betwe.-n 13 2 am witn a CARO LINIAN and tell from whom you bougat paoer. | ; Average Price $5.6! Per Hundred : Compare Our Averages BERNARD and STAR WAREHOUSES I - ui. .ij.iioiiiumn i_.ymrirninm»iin-fninii'iVrti-ni)iirrtr>'riiiriniiUwiinrfirrmr , trin~-i«niiiiiirT'f nfwn •~mninrtrflrnnr‘i l v t w~; im-wc-rriirrTrr. rorrrTffmnrtfnmrniwMrmxntirntr rtifMn<ii-iiTriir*MiwiMrirnr> —frrrrrrrm -rrrrHirt- i r-‘—--'“ v ,_- T ..T.-r-tfr, rri TMt^r-ii^'i r y^T:in:-Tt--r-rrr^rT-i«irf«,i,' SECOND SECTION WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SOPEMBER 4, 1948 PERSONALS • Mr. and Mrs. Rufus it. McCul-! , 1 lough s-ivc a airiner party al their : home on Renner Street, honoring; i Mrs Violet McCouilough and chi 1- | dri n of Cleveland, Ohio. Andiv•.'.* Holmes of Detroit, Mich., j ivi n*i;i*d home after a 10-day . I vhi> to his parents, Mr. and Mrs I jCur' lun on Beattys Ford Road. Mrs. Marie Johnson is much im- ; ; proved after be.nq confined to hot | Lome tm r,ome time. , Mrs Thomas peeler of Phtladel- • | pliia ini' returned home after visit* | ! wirt her family here. Drum and Corps Charters Bus To Go To Elks’ Convention i P* ::*> 1 1 I.'.'df.i No Juti. IBI’OF ol VV traveled :<■ CiucinoHli lo at ; tend if i Ei- <. ••* -. •■• iam Ivy *.\ ay ! |of bit.-. i j Includ: 1 in the (tarty v.vre cap : Hair Booker T. Reid, assistant and! Exalted Ruler I*. S Roll.-.. Sgt. | .lame Twitty. lire . John Edv*. M'-.ui e. Joe Henry, Johnnie Mocks, ' Bill Sn UR. Ben McElmor» A. »' | Pel ii; Fred 1). C.n other - Oren ' '■Vj dim. Gordon Latimer. .1 Edw.! i Earle M tv McCain imci Willis | : Harris j Tin I:.die: Marching Club ot Wd-j ininct', .ve :u.i. m Cincinnati to; lepte—'ot the Tar Heel Elai-* Brii'..!!'' General Joi Coufriully, j and Adjutant Pete Hav.lins of! Hoes v Mount v*. . a, charge of ll:e; North roi na L nits kn Klh\ Man Paratles Tin Oil" Ii i allailega, Ala.j • f'Ul AItH.A Ala (ANP) . \ .;li()sU\ paiatlc of white rot : <1 Ku Klnx Kl.itismen tiantpi d he streets of Tallade t. ! last week and proceeded to hum a orossp outside the city near Mumford. Besides those marcinnjr on foot, about 40 au tumebiles of hooded characters toiled through the streets Police took no ai tion what soever to interfere with the parade which also went through a Negro ■ i lion of the city il is believed that this was a ceremonial parade for the its Ruction of new members. Automobiles earrii d half hid den Alabama license plates and open!) exhibited plates from Georgia Sinc-e 1940 the number of milk j cows in the country lias increased i pet* cent At the same time slu. : pc.pulalitm has im-reroed nbi.nit !<• I |.ii i' cent (COMPLIMENTS OF Meek. Baptist Interracial Commission LREV. J. R. HOLLOWAY -Director ( 422 1-2 EAST 2ND. ST., SUITE 107 WELCOME TO THE CAFOLINIAN ' The Spot With a Hearty Welcome To All" The M And P Gni! i 814 SEABOARD STREET THE McILWAIN TWINS (Thomas and Lewis) Props. ~~ BISHOP PORTER ' VISITS RALEIGH The Rev. H p. Porter of Jack I son. Term, presidio? bishop of the Third Episcopal District of Die jCME Church, was in Raleigh Fri i day and Saturday of last week on ; buslnc-i-s in connection with the Yount Chapel CMK Church. A meet in?; was held at 110 South* i State Street for the benelit of the j church which is now conducting a | campaign. Those attending were reprt 'fntative: of Young Chapel S Church; the Rev W. P. Williams, pastor of the church; the Rev, W * | Ft. Eoushee presiding elder of the I Durham district, the Rev. W. P Rogers, of B’uquay Springs and J \i Leverett of Durham ELKS MEET HEARS WALLACE DERIDE DEWEY, TRUMAN Defying Jim Crow traditions ' Henry Wallace swung through the ! Dee; South this week on a presi dential campaign tour through t>»x state-' Forced to -deep in a private resi dence last week when a Louisville * ! Hotel refused to rent room:- for M IL,..chard, former Ch eago Delmdei '! editor traveling with Wallace rs a i press rep’* - : -e Wallacec was i preparing to hvp m lus train or at i private h ~ whin ,« -ary. b Wt.ll.iOt i: insi-'etu on speaking j only to nun-segregated audiences. The- week': hair farted Sunday, 1 j when he left Washington, D. C for I North Carolina. and was scheduled |to end Sunday. Si; r. bur 5, after lan address in Knoxviiie Tenn. CHARGES WHITEWASH" Wahaei-'s uuu followed a trip to i Cincinnati witcre he addressed the i national convention of the Improved Benevolent Order of Elks and charged that Governor Dewey 'has carefully and brazenly whitewash ed lynehiie. and attacks on the cit izen of . . fate " hi uack upon both Dewey t irai Pi. ri' fruman for refusing . actively v. ork tor civil rights t\.r Negroes. Wallace said: M Truman has been called ;o take action in the South i„ . • ■’ the reactivated Rian. •end the Department of Justipc to apprehend the hooded advocates of force and violence but he ha- done nothing. "Mr. Dewey admits that he has the name.- of 1.000 members of the Klan in New York State, but ht . refuses to put the Sight of pub licity upon them.”

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