PAGE TWO SAI I I S' IOH W I IKK I KS •.i i, t I ■ 1 . • ('/(.I; t y £'^ •)•>! 1 rUT ft'u'-ri! \u j. •;.«!>• a.yj: ■ - >■ me ladders •• • nfvi. ,hc,r. i ■ * ■ rules 1 ■ . '.. i>. on,sc; ■ i h ssie 4’"" j! !>OliC£B i. srri finm romri .’01:1 .hi CIMUC mT; i * ROUNa O.L I;.. LOP .".'TV \ t vnci. .* * 1 /• : iV °>BAND. . ’ s . . .J , i . ii j '.*/ i*-*iW 'tjo ! ■ ! : A m-;D\VirK AND : f i’-VJCi-: ; J OH J' Yi KHV, I(' K A '1 > V/ {1 K BKA • N I RLi nvici-. C.’AHHIK U lA’i... witiTv, :md iVIARY u. Mi<i hu. band, if >-i any, ana oi.. v im m of J:• 11ii-■ Hail or :• v ofo; r j-.o -:<m tmo ♦ n<i in the ‘-I ■« nr.d'U? d••• «') jto' i, ... •: Iw-n uuktavwn, Rt « j • .John HI red wink • v . -id-' :3. t dsv o.'k; Car ,>L*« .* 11.... r, at ;,i ii.i., al l and , ;>.!•:» !ol Jj . tf.f ■o. 1 !,• , aw* ?«!• on•!•;<*! of ; ■. • ; ! l • Jin T U tog bcbovv n. %HI o- *• • iltai d >./ trw• i*:♦ si ;; rti.ove iu» c . *,!ifine an- na<ro\i p. - . d tV'c oiH.iV'. MiHtvii it. ■. Out-;. i i<• • j)01 iU Ci !i* !•_' ii.Tc .A:- unknown,^ r.-aoae r. : nif c* didiwu oi v.<x\wg an * ■ 9i; i cs-itc. &aid * 4-at • < r • . ■ - J Hows: \,. of land, be -1 ■ • '. I Si : , <•! :L 1 point f i ■ inteis.-cdon . • 'll. ... • ,n ;i v . -v:, • ! di; - Ur. !<:(f to j eo.ner of Lot No, 18; o r. i... ord 280 fa t :' 0 111 it..' 1 ; ■: 48 tO ct •de - :>.:t i side of But . ' ■ •,. ■ •••■>. (dost'.. Drive); 1 i ili.-, .vo in r. northward di -1 • .id being Lot No. IS ■J ; . So. ;>Mil i1... piTipC! ty, arid s o s.-.ino property deeded - i .e H Si :L-ok Im), page 140, < (■: is-. ■..■ lor We;;.: County. Ate: ■ ~endt-will ,-r So Le . v:t :e e p. they are A : - epuiior Court of it-, lito fourthoua o', ss C.-olii.e, with;,o ' i the 13th day of • petition in slid action ssifis- v.'li apply to the .‘;c rob f detiianded ;ti . day of August, 1343. u. MORI -EC AI Clerk of • S- pevuif Court - t : n.'SIIOR COURT \«li it r. \r T'Ht K W11.J.l ATvIS 'll; 1 :\!j ■■ :,T Arthur Wil v -il I- tio'ii that an ac si .t o <: vi- has bec.t 1 : uperior Couit i ■■ ' tu obtain an ab le. the grounds of p nation as provided in ! North C'aroluia, . . b defendant having If, - • ,i , 'u ,‘i) .■ j{ lcr in ore tncin nt >‘ ynoceeding the in '*l 1 " lui 1 . and thcil i no. . ’ v It fut the) . take ; it !n i .a puirecl to ap d ' i 'Jerk of ■ ! o j s ... , j vVake Coun '■ oh in. th< Court -11 the 20 day of itli.ti twenty S'. i;. ~i i wc r or di - ’a fin i op iMi.t of sard ac :.lf *'.<ll apply to '' '• 1 tm s . :..! K-f d< manded Tt Hi da ••• of August 1948. SARA ALLEN Assistant ’■ oi Superioi Court E J. CARNAGE, Attorney 'A 21, 28-Sop, 4, 11. 'in 71 CAROLINA s. MCE COUNTY i p THE :• Ut ERIOR COURT All , HUDSON, i tair.l iff • v ■' ‘ 0 HUPiHON. Defendant i >r 'Fi MDANT, Sarah Httd •), r ill takt notiee that art oc n Mtl I as above ha been ■ • I in the Superior Court "• .l i. Contii. . by Nathaniel Hu ,: ,p. plauiti/f therein, to ob ''■ n an absolute divorce on thf I >nd: oi tv.o year- eparation • inovtu.'d in the Stattrtes o! "■ ..Pi Carolina, piani'ift .::>d de tenu nt f.ivi . ■ lived M-imraU- anc apart for r titan two year, nex if .lip.' to. ii i;■ ~tion of the action; ; ■:■.! that aid di-fendHiil wii P'lftii'r tab. no .that vh;■ is re o'.lUe i f'.i .ippi; .1 at the office oi 'he. I'iei'k of the '-•upe! ini' f'nufi Couiitv. North Carolina m tin ■ irth.’u:''.- in Run n>,U ■■■ thi» i t 'i; ut-v of t.i plc'p.t’i t. 104); or within twenty day., thereaffti find answer or demur to tit# entn pinirn mt ;aid action m the plain U:.i will apply to the eoiut lot Up rclP.f tj«‘m:inded in t-aid complaini. Tli> JP-th day of August. iMSf ■ Sara allen, a»*4 CHfk, * Superior Court Wake Cout.'u HERMAN L. TAYLOR. Air vwmxm Licenses lo marry were issued to. the following couples during thej (i l l .a k ardil dliltf 1 I t coids .jl ti.iotei uinigtoii, WaKe County i I i ■ ii.stiar til deeds: •Villiain f : tei, 1103 South Pir„..dworth Street, and ivhss Mary, Patterson Raieifh August vs Giant Arlani- Willow Springs,! Hi ' .;■ 1. a■ .) vt •; i l ifoi lu Spi ring ; Holly Route i. .rugust 26. j Quentin t: Gailiard, 301 Church j ! Street, and Miss Norma A Spauiu- j u.g Raleigh. August 20. William D Brown and Miss Sal- i lit- V Bwidl both of Ahoskie, ; .August, 27. Aaron Jones and Miss Ivio/cih’ ; Banks. Raleigh. Route 3, An.: 28. - I'.XH t TOR NOTICE : i FATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Hat. m;-: qualified as Executoi of! the estate of Mrs. Nannie Dunston | ."•.and*i dt ceased, late of Wake { i Viu'.itr i-ioi'tli C arolina, this r Ply all perrons having claims; .i pi in. i li.t- aid rotate to exhiLdt tilt- . ante to the Undersigned on or b.ifoiv tin 23rd day of August,; itilp, mi ti.'ift notice will t.e plead- 1 i in bar of their recovery All per m.ip; indebted to said ' state will: pl'.i.e make immediate payment Thi- tl.e 23rd day ot August. 1943 W <; MOR DEC A J Clerk ■ t the Superior Court Aitg. 73 20 -S', pt C. 13, 20 27. IN f ill SUPERIOR COURT dt i H CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE HENRY TEk FRIES VS j • id AG< HE JEF FRIES Hit; UEFENDANT. Maggie Jof - I me ; .ti take notice that an ac ;.. .. entitled as aliV'vi.' has been • need in the Superior Couit' of \V aki' Gonuty to cbtriit'i Hii sc - Tuu diV'-rce tm the fTcund; of two years separation os provided in 'he Statutes ot North Carolina. . olaintiff and defendant having liv id separate and apart for more , than two years next preceeding the! institution of this action and tha* ■aid defendant will further taka , tic. that .-he a: required to ap pear at ti;e Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake Coun i tv. North Carolina, in the court . house in Raleigh, on the 27th day of September, 1948. or within twtn ■ fy days thereafter and answer or, . demur to the coiTiplsmt of said ac lion, oi the plaintiff will apply to, . the Court so; tire relief demand ;, i d in t-.;a complaint. ; This 20th day oi August, 1948. GAR A ALLEN. Assistant Ck-t k of Superior Court i-. J CARNAGE, Attorney , Aug. 28-Sept.. 4, 11, 18. 5 - ■ i-- IX THE SUPERIOR COURT r NORTH CAROLINA ‘.WAKE COUNTY NO?M2E ALL.It LOFTON VS. SAMUEL LOFTON THE DEFENDANT, Samuel Lof ton, will take notice that art action entitled as above has been com menced m the Superioi Court of f Wake c ounty to obtain an ab.soiute divorce on the grounds of two years Reparation as provided in the Statutes of North Carolina plain tiff and defendant having Jived separate and apart for more than two years next proceeding the in ; •-fitution of this action; and that aid defendant will further take notice that he i; icqutred lo appt-ai .it th« Office cl the Cle»k of the ■Superior Court of Wake County North Carolina, in the Courthouse in Raleigh, on the 27th day of , Leptembei 1948, or within twenty days thereafter and ant-wet or de j. tc tlie complaint of said ac , tan, or the plait.tilt will apply to tiie Court for the relief demand ; od in said complaint , This 20th day ot August 1948 SARA ALLEN, Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court F J CARNAGE. Attorney Aug 28 Kept 4. 11, 18 ' NORTH CAROLINA ' | WAKE COUNTY f HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad „ rninistratiix of the Estate of the R> v. :V| W Williams, deceased, tatr cf Wake County North Caro lina th s is to notify all persons , having claims against the Estate of -aid deceased to exhibit them to r undersigned at 73S Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. North Carolina, on oi oelore the 13th day of August. 1949, or thi- notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per ■ens indebted to the Estate will please make immediate payment, This 13th day of August, 1948 Airs Wilhelmina Williams, Administratrix Aug 14, 21 28-Sept 4, 11, 18. —— — | —m«inT r»inrnnnii inri»»iimiini inriwnniiwinwimw—mmrainiiminiinr n hit i - , H4HOUR SERVICE | '‘ ' 1 * ’ * J «T C A. HAYWOOD, Owa«» CHAVIS HEIGHTS Mi William Brooks of It Cha -1 vt- Wav ' elfin iiiat (ii - hirttiday .Saturday In a uiplol ;itta:r vvit a i>ci . r,v Mrs !• i ink Rutfic airl , j... ,lt,» i. .) title am I all ri" i-tverl \ many uS'-Jul citt- Hometuscit 1 .ctt 1 ! cream, pttreh. mints, cake and] salted nuts wen served the trtmi | than Sr. pet sons who were pre ; ', n E Mrs J,lines Philips of Stt'.’ j Ofccr'in R id is spending her va luation visiting lies mother ii , ; La Ilford j Hi chart ( White, Jr,, ot 11 Chavt ; I Way celebrated his. third birth j dav Thmsd'iy, and lec-eived many ] gifts. ' Z N J -fits of 729 S, Blount ) t v..:'- out of the city last Monday on business Mr. amt Mrs Willie Hall of Ox ; ford wei" vvei k guests of their | dauehte! and ;ou-t'.i law. Mi and J Mrs. J. A High «* 7 Chavis Way IVIr-, Andu- Chavis oi ti f'havis ' Way is veiling, in i daughter, in : Washing!nr,, I All trie ids said good bye to i the Rev, and Mis. Jana- . Lassiter ; and family ol 10 Hyde terracy who moved to Cleveland, Ohi... Tuesday. •Edi > St ickland ot New York is spending in' vacation in the ; city visiting Mi and M, Hall ul 225 Fireman Street, and hi' , brother Jot Strickland, in Dur ham. Mrs. Addle Harris of 11.7 leiie wild Avenue i Veiling relative |in Baltimnic and H> . York. Mr. and Mrs. William Spain ot ; 302 Idlew .'d Avatui had as‘then ] i event gut it Mrs. Spain s nice* j from New York. Mrs. Melvina Fan iw 4 Chavis Way Was out ot the city week i end visiting her uncle who is ill ; in Sanford Mrs FL-ancr M. Birdsail is home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Birdsail of 605 E. Edenton Street. Miss Birdsail i recently was awarded the Master j ei Arts degree at Columbia Uni ] versitv. The W T. Foster Club will meet eveiy first Sunday alter noon at 4:00 m the ciuinvioin: at 549 E Lenorf Street. All mem bers are urged to be present and on time. W T E is lcr is pres, dent of the club. Mrs. Maltnda V anuergt iff and nu.cfc, Malinda Mitchell, have r<- turned, tre at New York . ht.. they seen? the summer v. a;. Mis i iff’s daughter, Mrs Cot neiJ Raleigh. They report having had 3n enioyable trip. Mrs. Josephine Robinson of S Fast Street has been railed to Philadelpl u, Pa., t pt with her aunt, Mrs Adarn- wn-:> is serious ly ill. Mrs -M. Barber is guest of her mother. Mrs Arilla H il nt Free man street. Mrs. Mozeile Bates ot Hargett street was a recent guest of her sister and brother in Washington, D C, Miss Roberta Jackson who lias oeen ill v- out again now, we are happy to report A Twelve Fruit 'frees. Rally was sponsored by Mrs J. H, Cobb for group one. two ..nd three oi tlie Rush Memorial AME Zion Churcii. A.ugust 26. 1948. The highlight of the progiam was : crowning the ‘Queer, of the Fruit Trees", Mi: Rosa Praker, grape queen. M's Clara Crump, Cheirv qnet. a reef ved honoi ary l mention. The ot he t queens were; Mrs. Lillie Dunn, Lemon queen; Mrn. Ida Barnes, peach queen; Mrs Eula Maddox, apple queen; Mu. Annie Thorpe, orange queen. Mrs. Lucy Foster; banana queen, Mrs Pecolta Tyson, peai queen, Miss Ronnie Evans, grapefruit queen; Mrs. Blanche Massey, plum queen and their attendants Those thjit appealed on pro grain we tv Mrs. Estelle McDon ald, Mrs Helen Mitchell, Eatl Alston, J Baldwin. Mrs. Mary Brodie and Mis Burke Mrs AC-ton of New York has been called to Raleigh du* to the illness of her husband who is at his home on Bladen St , Miss Rose Montague has re turned home from a pleasant summer in New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pa. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hinton ] and son are guest: ol their broth : I ei and sister Mr. and Mrs. John j Hint on of E. Hargett Street. Mr; Almeda Jones and chil 'idren, Odessa and Charles, are 1 j Back from their vacation in New 1 York and Philadelphia I ! Mrs Anna Yarborough, recent ‘ { guest ol Mr. and Mrs. William.: I I of S. Bloodworth Street, has re ! turned to ner home in Baltimore. James Creen is back after a : pleasant summer in New York. Mrs. Barbara Marie Batts is. j guest of Miss Jennie V. Harris THE CAUOUNIAN ] i : I .. #/' iv vLp %;■ i ; - If - -V« i > j , ■ '■ ‘ ; Sv T ' „y ; . ■" p BIRTHS Bit!!) certificates tot baoics L*,i * to tin lollowinp couple.-: havi been reghtred in ti.-t office: ot the \V Count > Health lit oaitment diu.i,. Un- pa-' ‘,w:vk li, act Will lams and Mi: l.ut >• Johnson Wblliam-, o-tr, • ..ruth Main Ltmet, i,.oni:.buig, a -on. join, ii i,- aid Augi.iit 7, at -y npiu-- it-is t ,i!ai Jessie J Baroour aiid Al bci'ta iiitf: Barooiu, ,} i Btarg Street a baby girl, Rosa Beil, August to at St, Agnes Hospital. Eug-em Washington, Jr., and Mrs Hattie l.r-ach Washington, 712 Bragg Street, a boy. Danny Ray. August 11 at £it. Agile:: Hospital. Edwar-i E Brooks and Mrs. Ruby Reddick Brooks, 1308 Oakwooa Avenue, a girl, Joyce Ann August 12 at St Agnes Hospital. Marvin Wycne and Mi: jUddied Tyson Wyche, 113 Htii Street, a son Marvin, Jr., at St. Agnes Hos pital August 12. Hubert Edwards and Mrs. Cot line Pitts Edwards. 13 Lincoln ret race. a girl, Phyllis Caline. 12. at St. Agnes Hospital. Gabriel Daniel Huston and Mi Annie Lee Huston, 513 South Mc- Dowell Street a son, Ralph, August 15 at m Agnes Hospital Theodore Jorits and Mrs Alma Crews Jones, Morrisville Route ]. n son, Howard. August Li. at Agnes Hospital. Ur a Grissom and Ivies Maine Hayes GiLscit:. Route l ~ gal. Ann F.ari August ic at Si Agnes Hospital Lfroy Rogers and Mis Lucille ; Mount Roger- 104 Map it* ‘lit . t.**; * daughter, Mu - Osthtiine. t 18 r*t St. Ague* Hospital. Thurston DixPr* aod .VJj ;\lui> Love Dixvn. 584 Fast * a ton u.- ; Strt.t t baby gn 1 L ; i.- i.u Augii: t i 3, at St Agne H - p 0.. Cornelius Sparks and Mi'u (j 1 Cam de n sL ee t. Miss Jo inu• V. Harris •pt nt tlie w’t a € , R*‘*ncl in Ooidi»boi'vj and Siioi,. 11 ill with relatives. Hoo se voit T M(Dul i’ i e o i 2; 1 > Balt 1 y Street, C haire :■ A, M» Keaihan of 309 BJedsue Averiiu? and Clin ten J, Copeland, J; , ot 815 E D 'Vn Street have enlistea in the Aiiny Air Force. Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO, ! 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3 3231 ;| ■ ■ j : txm \ SAFETY Mt®. MjMilX : j on yew trie jj AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES If you carry your travel foods in cash, you’re taking » big j nsk-and an unnecessary risk, too. It’s easy to safeguard j your money with American Express Travelers Cheques-* j known and spendable anywhere, and safe, A prompt refund ! will be made, in case of loss or theft, dj No Identification is necessary on these cheques except ] your signature. No time limit—the> 're good until used. On ! sale at this bank, for only 75f pec lie-., imiaiaxom, 404), * Mechanics & Farmers Bank | .. DURHAM RALEIGH Member Federal Deposit lottirioce Corp. | i 1 y>■ Sp.ii'}.l2o2 South Stri ct a daughter So Hie France: August' 19 at Et Agiii': Hospital ,!•. 1..i Henry Rome and Mis B' ."iti'.ii Fi a net: Roi; n 217 East SouLi Sneer, a son. Fredevii.i, ifiance August 19. %t St Ague: H. sp, Ut i. William Howard and Mr; Julia Easton Ho ~.i d. Route 2, Smith tr i t a -irl to erida Carol. August 20 at St Ague : Hospital Leroy E\;.n: and Mrs. Orvella Kearney Evan:. 510 Smith Street, a son, Leroy Jr.. August 20 Jessie W Singletary and Mrs. Mary Ycoup Sin.-letary. 105 1-2 Bragg Street .. :, : Brenda Ann, f August 20. Melvin Jan Jolly and Mis. Jan n:e John.-'.-ii Joliv, t>o4 Jamaica Dr is i . -i bi v Jmes vlelviti. Aitg*. 31 at 01. AyiicHospital, Goiriiah Baker and Mrs. Mary Ba.f. Baker. 412 Dakar Street, a Ton. Theodore. August 22 st Si ■ Agnes Hospital. Nathaniel Hodges and Mrs. Mar ga >et iVlcDcweli Hodges. 1113 Souti Wilmington Street a baby boy, ‘Nathaniel, Jr. August 22. Zeak Walker and Mrs. Partiiema Leathers Walker 2 McMakin St., j . .it. Rebecs, i August 19t James Hoover Debnam and Mrs Liihe Hay vi cod Debnam, 1514 East ■' it: Street, a gill. Phyllis Ann, A.ifV.-t 26. \l«* Spaiiltiino WetL Hr. Galiaril hi Rites He id it rtv Nalnrdav RALEIGH - Mis; Norma Amelia Spaulding, rr.e aoughtei of Mr ana ■is it S. Spaulding of Cape May ’ :-••• Hna-e. N J become the fi'idc. , i Quentin Gaiitard of Tus kegr-c In titute m a colorful cere inoi. - conducted Saturday at the hc-un ol tti.. bridal aunt Mrs J 11. Clanton at 715 S. East St. The ceremony wa.s conducted by i' ,pt.i ;i J H Clantoii, USAF chap ; tain. The bride s attendants were Mi Ele-amn Caldwell it Chicago : maid of hoi'ior; and Misses Doro thy West of Englewood, N J. and Velma Spaulding of Whitevilk-, N. * All J UU> M'AULDINC. NUP TIALS—Above art? shown suiue «>i tlie mt'iiibfts who were pres ii-.iit Saturday .• < i.mi;, ,is * Noiniu a |j.iu!iSni| of tape May Court Ifnnsr, S'm Jersey, became .Ist bride of ifuentm Halliard at a tiieinony conducted at the hiioit ot tin* Initio aunt Mrs I II I'laitUiti at i'i'i ;S. East Street Raleigh. Shown in the ft nop are ( hat;. Powell of i tivf. t t.e* - via. iitti man; vir and .Mi* Uaihaid, ami Miss Eleanor t a 14well of t imago maid of hiiiioi Carolinian Pi....t0 ■ Shephard jC. Charles Powell of Tuskegee In stitute served as best man. Tne • : dneny was attended by nume -1 rous friends of the couple from Ra leigh ami mo re distant points at well a* the , 50..1 otht. i relatives of the bridt and groom The bride’s e "vn v.\. made o’ . slipper satin t-mbi dished by a yoke . d lace trimmed .y .feci pear's. ' Her finger-tip v. d of illusion was | topped by .« similarly decorated trara The couple le-lt Raleigh on Tuts ! day by motor, rcllov.iug a brief ; vacation they plan to make then j nome at Tuskt-gee where Mr. Gail *ard i c employed by the Veterans Hospital. HOHI "* And whrt b meal it will be— seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real home-eosked flavor. B & H CAFE 411 S BLOUNT ST. Hunter Brothers | F-or Quick Services For FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 AND "Never Worry, We Are On Our Way” i*iiß n„ ,'ti, - r - -*i- CAMTAL CAS OCX ] m- w&m tsKfe^cf v u ** J J|p| DIAL SIS? ’•m-Msaabmm eu» mwiwtuf. ■ ymirvt**, wm i j&tsu WAKE SALVAGE CO. W« Buy Mri B»B Evwry* M*v of Value FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS 137 S. Wilmington St Phono 2 2327 1 » . .. WfBrqKTMBBHWHHMMBBT (Complete Home CSip' • Furnishers i We can furnish any room, in | your home from the living J room lo the kitchen. See us first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. ; J m &, Mwm st j WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, Sl'.l'EAllinK I, l:»l. DEATHS & FIHNFKALS Final rites for Lewns Gill who | ! died Friday of tart week were eon- I ducted Sunday from the Ohvef ! Branch Church at Wake Fo*».*st and: ! toliowed by m me VVaki 1 1 Fomt Cemetery Funeral si-rvkr (or Jimie,« tv:i - ward Marriott of 24th Street, i Philadelphia, Pu who died on j ! arda.v of tart weand followed b;v ! 1 intenm-iit in hie , J,,t.. 1i .* -metei y | Final i ii*‘: mi I i i-rtci v.lie ii.c din St. Ven: ■ Ik eud on Sat ! urda;v Aiinw 21 we re conducted I at the Rdcy Hilt Baptist Chatch I Saturday of last week, and follow-1 |ed by interment in the church cemetery. Final lit. p. t farter who j died in Si. Agnes Hospital on Sat-j j urday, August 21. were conducted! from the First Baptist Church on j Wednesday of last week and tot- j ; lowed tv interment in ’he Hill- j ! crest i'Ctnete: y. Final rites to;- Baby Grace Mane. j But no'. infant daughter of Mr and ‘ 'Mrs Raymond Baines who died .<’• St. Agnes Hospital weic- conduct- ' ■ d in tin ;•.! t Hope Cemetery where interment was made. I'u.'iCr.'-iI .services, for Mrs Evelyn K Brow ti who died in St. Agnes -Hospital on Wednesday of last week were h>*ld a* the St Paul A.Mh C Lurch on Fi via v of i&st 'week. Intel mi nt wa* in Ml Hope cemetery. Final rites for ,vn.- Fame Gladys |Rob». risen who died at Rutland, Dial 5567 far; COAL ~ FUEL OIL KERGSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE 5. CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5567 307 North West ! A lifetime In. Flames I Why taka chances on burning up a lifetime'* effort ha a single terrifying hour whejx U's so simple and inexpensive to pro tect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster «i but a few pennies a day. We 11 show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. j DURHAM, N. C. ! mmmrnmrnmmimiammmmmmm 5i?.25 ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION SPECIAL 1295 TRADE - IN - SALE On Electric Irons Receive from SI.OO up on your old irons Now In Stlock • Eleciric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-10-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co, SALES it SERVICE 224 E. Martin St. Claud Taykr Mgr, Phone 2 3958 I LIGHT —~ HAULING HEAVY I , LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMT!' EFFICIENT CALL ! UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. | Dial 9478 - 9212 Erf. Utn*t**rf, Mgr. | Thanks!! | FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR S's HEARTS * To Our Patrons !| i# ;/■' ~ ana i Friends FOR THE HEARTY WELCOME GIVEN US UPON THE FORMAL ! OPENING OF I k Haywood's Soda Shop 1417 S. BSwdworih St. JULIUS HAYWOOD, Prop. Families of deceased servicemen | who desire lo file claim for refund j of lU4I-44 taxes paid by men who ! died in service were Informed to* t day by the Disabled American j Veterans that December ’.!) is the ! ticadlme ti. fi!o such , taiiua, Ap- I plications -dtoitKl be >m»d* on F<*i m I;t-Fj with ’in- (.'oltc’cv n oi lnterncd« 1 Heveuue. | Mass., on V/ednesd. <>l lan. v.ekk ■ were i tiuducied ’riund'iv Tio/n 'he : Jones t.'uapcl CTin» Wa«ii > County ft>l it.iv, i'd by interment in ■ ftie family cemetery. Final riles fur Mi : Bettic Farrcn it 1007 South Pi:i .on Stieet who | died on .Sunday of last week w ere i •.. nducted from the Fayetteville Street Baptist Church Sunday ana , Sol In wed by mter met it in Mt. Hope i Cemetery. Final riles for Mrs. Mittie Wit ! rams of Neu-e. Route 2 who died i Safiiiday, August 21, weir eori | ducted from the K.uey Hill Baptist : Church on Thursday c.-t last weel. and lofio'-ved by interment u; the , church cemetery Ftiiteral services for Miss Lillie vine Dunn of NeuSe. Route 1 w*ho | .itt'd oi. Monday of Mot weik wete ilp ;d * tin* Malby’s Cr« .-. Roads l church oil Wednesday of last week .nsd P.illow'cd by interment in th , chufch cemetery. Final riles for Robert Spivey -w'lio ili»*d nil 'rue-day ol iast wees wt-H conducted Iroin the Fletcher Chapel in Franklinton oti Friday j of last week and followed by buriai .• in the church cemetery Faulcc Ra».lio Service “For Lasting Repairs" 4i(€ ULENWOOD 4.V1 NEE Dial 3 3123 We Pick up and Deliver .’ l »£? M S. r . l r’^^^^'^ r iiWtiWintnttTv-~rr Williams Elef trical Sm ice ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS . Dial 2-3781 or Residence 3-336 U ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 1202 E. Martin St. R. E, WILLIAMS. Prop. i I 0\ MUSIC LOWANY I ARTHUR DOVE, Prop, I Automat it I # Phonographs I Rented For Sper’al Occasions I and Installed on ‘'‘ommtelon fl Basts SELECT RECORD# 1 OITR SPECIALTY I Dial 3-2744 I s BWMMMSIIBT

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