WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. SEPEMBER 1. lft 18 BITES HELD HEBE FOR MRS. BROWN RALEIGH Funeral rites, v. ere held Friday at the St. Paul AME Church foi the late M- • Evelyn Brown wife of A F. Bniwi;, leigh District Manager for tu North Carolina Mutual Lite Insur ance Company. The ceremonies wore conduct-, cl by the Rev T. P. Duhart, paster oi •SR. Paul, after which interment took place, in the Mt. Hope ccr.iei Out-of-town relatives of the de ceased who attended the service included. nic-ces: Miss Lillian Brown, supervisor of home demon stration. Florence County 77'u'- ence, S. Mi:-:.-- Sartth Bell Wars, teacher. Vaux Halt. N. 1 : Mt a Sarah Belle Ashford, beautician, 10% DOWN 36 Months To Pay 5 TANK'S. YES NOTE! ~ If you heat with oi I | Thermostats? I dktrdf wait until the j (For Automatic Operation) last minute, get in touch with your oil ! Ol lifters ° ” dealer at your earli- i ost convenience and j .. have him fill your i Oil Fill cm? tank. I ——-—ll oGod heating is as near you as your telephone— j Good heating is aas near you as your telephone—just dial 3-4686, we will be delighted to send a COLE MAN factory trained heating specialist to help solve any heating probems you may have, . Heat You. flUlOMatlCftUI 1 Coleman oa Floor Furnace it's VtfARM-RQGR Heat* J Yes—Coleman Oi! Floor Furnace sets TN the floor. Needs no basement. Auto matic! —no fire tending. Clean! —no dirty fuel, no ashes. Exclusive Coleman features save fuel, move the heat to keep the floors toa*ty-warm. Corns in—let us show you. , COMPETENT HEATING SERVICE I COMPANY 12S S. PHONE 3 46H /d^\\ (h - 'jh \ Hold on a Iff Ho longer ... j i - _ \ Zfh A- She » • ;: #j§* |. Von never knot* whit'i hspp- nms _ * jB ii’« important i<» allow about a ■• ■^t.rfxaaofMf» .'5. 4UW ‘ ; i«w jTTI" A A ■ tjjjjp* u minute, for yonr party to reach the _ 'll' || 1 telephone. If* also important to *nwer ' ? / / —••*• call# as promptly «« possible. *'Heh»g a- *■"' ’•<. p jggyg Considerate** *hr*y» pays (4 in better j > telephone nervir/- ior everyone. W *' tsSs ■ A frit«i*rpt(iN'«rNWf Be* I the AB € of 4 >ood Telephone Service •, Columbia S. C.; Miss Margaret I Counts, l.'ti.i.) -ttury technician, | , W.i.-hin. D C Mr: Rachel I i Kennedy. Columbia. S C.; and; j Mrs. Pauline Marshall, Columbus, j ; OC-:> i'll i li . i Nephew: Dr. J K. Walls, dentist. I I Vaux Hall. N. J; Theodore Ken* • ! m dv. West Columbia S. C. and j |si - ler:. Mrs Rachel Watts. Vaux j Hal], N J. and Mr:- Nance Love ’ West Columbia S. C. The 4-fI judging ronlrst sponsor- ■ rd h;. !he N--r‘it Catolina Jersey i ; Cuttle Club will I'-' held August 27 j at Bill move Farms near Asheville, j Low In Cost!—We Can Install Quickly Models available in sizes 30,000 ETU to 50,000 BTU output- heat up to 5 rooms, listed hy lklorwnt«r*' Lal»©rat®rS«* r DRAFTiNO PLANS FOB -RIGHTS OAT ON SEPTEMBER 12 ! - : NEW YORK ----- Aiming to re ; direct the attention of all Amor: 'cans to trie- unflinching battle; 1 waged bv President Truman for ' - funiiamcnt-'il civil rights in this j count'~*\ - lie newly organized | Bivokivn Citizens Committee will | observe Truman Civil Rights Day j on S .Uetr.i ,-r 12, it was disclosed . i here this week. j Tie.- Na’ir nal Citizens Com- j ! mitu-e for the Re lotion of Pres* | idem. Truman with headquarters : J at the Hu*more Hold made the ! unmejncf nr-nt. Simultaneously | they r. 1< a.;ed > the rosier e.f -,ffi- 1 ccrs for Lie Brooklyn Commit tee now iterating from headquar ter:-; a* 1660 Pulton St, Headed by Father John Cole man, recta r of the St. Phillips j Episcopal Church and member I the New York Board of Eduea | lion, othei officer; include Mr.--. Margaret V 7 . Brown co-chairman, j Charier K -liar, executive sevjr- i lary. and C !?u«?nec Wilson trea- ; sur« r. _ ' ; Det-.iled plan:, for the Truman • Dav prog ; m to be worked out. in ' accordant’. with National Com | mitte; 1 dim lions win (»• made [ mrhlie shortly the National Com mittee said. NEW YORK RITES TO BE HELD FOR VICTIM OF CRASH I NMW YfYT’K RITES Funeral rites for E. R. Swain, Jr , the --on of E. R. Swain, St . j of Raleigh will be held Friday at ;C the Belhosda Bap te-t Church of New Rochelle. N. Y. M- So am vho was 1!), died ’ Tsr u,(V morning its a result of | injuries received in an autoino ; 1 bile accident near New Rochelle j e.n Sundav night. ! Hnsnital arYruatir-- stated that I he received a leg fracture and i •’onruosinn which ad to his death. A native oi Wilmington, he had liv d in New lb . iwlle fe. u number of years where he was' part owner in a taxicab business. : Commissions \cm Open fn .Naval Medical dorps WASHINGTON Examina tion- for the -elec ion of camo dates for appointment 1» the rank of Lieutenant (Junior Grades in the Navy Medical Dorns will hr held at Naval Hospitals In the United State ; dm in* he period October i-K, the Navy Department has an TK'uneed. Graduates of approved medi cal schools in the Lnited State or f'anada who have romptet ed intern training in arrrrdit c'l bOSiiital- or who will oom plete sorb training within four month- of the date of the ex amination. and who are phy sically anil olh rwixe (piali f;ed. are eligible to take the examination Candidates, who mit-t he less than .22 \ ears of are at the time of appointment, will he requir- j ed to appear before boards of j medical examiners and super visory Naval examining hoards at the N teal hospUai nearest th‘ tr plaee o{ residence to dem otislra e their phy.-.ieal and pj-o fe -tonai qualifications for ap pointment. Approved candi date- will receive their appoint- s merit and order- assigning them to duty tn a Nasal medical facility for active Naval Ser vice. - ... 11 Death Takes “White” Negro Who Sought Estate By CONRAD CLARK Nt-.v V- rk .AN” T J.-ii MoKc,, t>7, Nc”. Ytirk law vet und grandson of the. I■ • 1 * o*l. John McKee, Pbikul'.-lpbi--. \v ir vctuiw. who left a dixputeu SBOO,OOO tatc. died a( a c.invai-"uent hoi-.i. in Fort Lee. N. J tut Aug. -1. Mc- Kee f or 45 wars iiv.vl a.-, a white- man McKee war; ripnr.T.crl on at Lenox Hi:! ho-pita! fu a civuni:- kidney -".-n.iilion !;_.t spring. ■ shortly aft'U he into filed his claim a the yiamT.-m of the. lat ; Co i. Mr K . <-. Tv, o do " if:.-, he died, with the will c. el- -: : di u:rs ttied McKee was cental' <1 and on Aug i7 hi : will wa- fii-- : in the New York C itri.y Hall of Records j naming be- widow, ':> forme Mrs. Aimed Bennett t. wiiont he ; was mm riecl five yea!.-; ago. a 1 - | his executrix. Bv the action < f ft Phil-adel i nhi-t Oryh if!.; court March 24, Mr ■ Kcc- was- declared the !•>-..t s:u --i vivintf grandson of th< colonel • and the court'.; recognition of him i paved lie wav for a possibl • j ovcnlua! kthcritancc of the c-ut;;t-' F.xccp* f■’ the lat t ctop 1.,:--. pot: toe.s have b< on in heavy sun 1 | ply every year since the price ' j ; support pto.p-Hti, bccatcr effective, j Wttmrn Kap Bias - U ASHINt, ION (\NI*! the Ntn* 111 111 A--fn-i.itOl I'uivcrsitv women i- ill set to appeal a rreent court tulinc hat it i-.innot drop thr in-: a! cbapl.'t from rnr oitu-i-tiip h< cause of it- racial disi i imo>a lion t o ties i( n .i- Ir u iiiil to ' last week. J lie dispute hrtwrett the lim Croups aro-i wbrii llic local Outfit refused tu accept a V'-'ifo woman nieinti.a of tic paretv body iiiio its oi ::.ir,i/ation. The national association issued a sharp reprimand to the Wash ingtonians and reminded iheni that the only qualification for membership ua- flu ‘cduca t iona! requirement When he to< al ;;r<>up pt i si'ted in refusing to adrsU! the woman, the national group moved to expel the rebels from membership, only to be thwart ed \> ht-n he latter group oh tained a court injunction halt ing -uch action The national group's board of directors also hinted it would seek a revision of by-laws to prevent am possible repetition of the internal squabble which has raged since 19-tfi. Once You Try Smith-Meiville Jrrsoy C reamline Milk ; Ynu’ll a-yrc-c - it'-; *lv bes’ buy ir town. ■iijs-1 phono 2-iLi-J 1 for I Home IV]|v- ry Smith Melville Dairies - Prole Road liaL-ie p I .pH' Whislrsyi In U--i firs-, 1 | »*“'■. v mttt Sid. jjj(2- SlruiuM Whl-Anv. «V . | train llsuTat Sjiirif*. M.{ pn.*l t | AustinoNichols j “"•t •“*« mm mm* mm* a«n» ami .inarirTnmiiryiriianiiiiinraim. i iwm wuaur ~'■miimro>iiiii i%inij'i.j'»e>iua.Ji. i aae l »*.J»mia.iaimcriirnr.-mHnTt.—-in —■-rT-T-.'-r—rjyr —rrtwTY-rm-tmr~rr-r“rnTr‘~ri- ■ —..... . f2\ . <%> M • £ a« ««&. 122 W. MaRTIN ST. YL (It SHm/mWiuiMS Runts ~.m rim™ m MftPr * TKTS (i fi ii . ~ iiMiiiiiwMinmm —rmr DWMomai i -a »■' iwiiin ip -irraror-rriißffiiiTtrr ,i «Yi— ‘ THE CAKOUNTAN ii SBOO,OOO. McKee, who had Hvtr t . mar RA T-NIP Ciuarnnteetl lo Kill Rats and Mice 35c "‘See How They Kan” RED- R A T Embalms Them. No Odor 25c. 50c, ' 7 . r »<- SHUR DEATH Foi Rats and Mice Tsr and 25c ROACH MASTER Fm Roaches, Ants, Water Bugs Flea Powder DDT Spray and Sprayers S. M. YOUNG 130 E. MARTIN ST. DIAL 7121 j _ Hu. Now; r.r ..... NOISELESS 119.67 DELUXE „ 84.27 1’ ‘mil, - ' Pi In eithe; care only I0 r ' down, i; ' ,•! ]. jo it!..-., Sartinj; October 16th. Seles nu! be com pi . t 1 , / pt. P'i F- hryl lav, requires ! 3 ~ne> then. Imm-.-diat. ie’ Als-o A deling Machines an d Cash Drawers WRITE or PHONE 3-2860 Capital Typewriter Co. 5. F. Daly, ?vop. 1010 F. Hargett St., Raleigh pit mmr ttwyvvdcttv Mm w y iii v &m$M i i 83rd YEAR OF SERVICE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA The Attempt Is Made At SHAW UNIVERSITY To Provide Each Student With Rich Opportunities For Study, Recreation, And , Wholesome College Life. ' Courses L cad inn To The A 8., i 11 B. S, And (3. D. Degrees. SHAW UNIVERSITY CHAPEL Kalcigh citizens with uvaikiblc lodging; space for students please call the university New Students, Sept, 16 Old Students, Sept. 20 ROBERT SC DANIEL President riod white women and ior 45 years lived as a whih mail, was orignally christened John The• ophilus Sypliax but in 1904 le gally eh; need his name to John T. M Kee His win war made on March ]3 after he nad made his deci sion to .‘:ir. his '-k ial heritag ■ H,- left "rdi my real and person- | al” to his second wife, Aimer) i rued dim a white man The will was fil 'd by hi: law t assoHate Att.v. living F Ilf ger According to a statement filed with tin will. Mi'Kce owned no' real prone rlv. and ins per.-: irisi -property amounted to !es: than I SSOO Also on file* is a statement ; listing th’s-e ire - a.imants to I the SBOO,OOO L rtnc ' divorce! B.EGoodr^r \ 1 TihH j§ . y Made to give you the greatest } fP* ’ 1 *r value ever built into a tire at \ ® i this low price. ' fINU * fa * XL s/ Gives dependable, safe mileage. t V* » sR Jjr A real economy tire for the \ n * W ' thriftv buyer, t rOl *■ ' r j Jfc/ Wide, full depth, husky, non \ 1 OWBK\ skid treed. Improved high-ten. ' silc cord gives greater bruise gi?- :mi»».-w-,-v»»v»,»' --na —rrr—tinr tt-m-umti n -iiri»mi-iiniinmiii W inn-iui-biitctiiMhui.tihs ii rrmr Cfiyy ! G') ways to ifffk Tj //«»we it Igg? 1 BACK OF COURT”HOUSE 322 S. SALISBURY ST. • B.F Goodrich PAGE FIVE Since the court, up to the time of McKf - death, did not rule that he entitled to the fortine for which he turned from white to colored unde- the terms of the -will it sc-etna that neither his di ve:' 1 vise, widow or the two hiidn will get a penny of the 5b40,000. Instead it will be di vi '• d between the 12 charitable in,dilutions whioh have requested the- fortune.

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